rOoe copy, oe ypr , .. .$20 ,eftt cpv, fiut.ji(tj.; . -. . if r x jjTF;Pii ..JDy JOHN G. UOW&DALE 4iUi vf tie frinitiiit. Vii.a tie (jtifcUtOit WltltttB jiiiiwAb of :ue VuHute pr if fcolv lkiutfa ltc be taUri to . t . f ......... ., gi , U$ V lDtt i.n 0M.i bv. .iooiJecioi jk!smB,f liuaawl. -It of rvwlvj6 cJs in jij&ut ,&Uid ,a.J4iuai iitC, tU,& l'0 U.U,',fl of Aietueo fcWl , ijfvosf ull oouiUjt , il;e . JUa of juaa-, it LiH lU-- vliu" iJJ Jya)'vl -fvr .!,rvi!W .iuur rke-: jfcVle w-4J, jKi.viAK M-taliWf.'JjUtWi aj4 tnwe a,itw jjU.tivlwwSi (,ia of bJ.r dJ'.4 lrtvtl; it twWiJ tJ tU; fvJ utiil vf..thfi Btiwi; ii in,ti it ri'At1 UI tvv; vt5v;t of Ifco 3mnaa ,ja.';ij, tiiTullou 0 W.ijuuit;oiJ, Ja iiuje of lwi-e or lu Hum of war. ' .Iu.U tiwI)!jcii ttiul IjnJsLiij; jvorkl, tM ud' i' tljoijh wljjxii clearly itiid .Uiiyi AitUtrmine -.ih a .Jiuve.we Lcguu tu i,4H.e Uieull yalue .tlww Ju jbiwh a y.'a .w .to .tlluilwl t!;u gucij)-o Ut w(0 .eUorftcWktU: rof ir.t'.ii0l; l y ujo, ' Ibjliia' e tl,i tfiatos hiid ;(.Ji bm.,.ht' ju'U pall Vo a tvttoiif li of us. , . qORIGLSAL : ESTIMATE jJ&P CQOUiiTlNC SHEET 7 ION i &m ; SOipQJL . ;Jp.r7 ...jjuwiU'ivr -tie tiur- stI . .Jft . pxdJ ihe.wr,i'fcBt, r, ,tJUe (iai!,sexfflditwrt!S. ir:.tle1jt...(Hie ,EXPENWTqES on, i fr jct .Kliwl --r f ccdiae -'tie Imt -ntbool ywr KxtituLor and .hjtwvatux I buMUM Xr 1 , iii ik,in ,j-i.4: JU ixyJill, -,ir imtiltS j 'itiiy liJ ufcrixiitttdt;et . Ciif Otr Savins : - BoppUou '.i.. !.;:::;.......... .... ...fiiecUttiwi' .&ad. jwblkily' Total -rCc&cm! fu&twl - IKSTJKUCTipN: Tc&cLfcrs ' - tUtUc .-Coath .:.....;..':;:......'.....::;... yuppUfes ;........................... Tctnl Cxpe&se of -Teaching ,,OJE:JiATI0K.-prrJ'UT:' ';Jiiriloi'. ytid '.vtW 6iopIors 0tJer .r5ceR .i- jjoltow jsuppUfcs ..;........,... ',Fuft ....:..:.....:.....:....... 'Lirbt ,iod powfcr ' vvter .... : : -.TtskOtw.. tlfcjjjr&ph ......I.'......- TotiiJ-i-PpetJitlon AINtEfJAKCfi yVNp AEPAIES: Repair ,&ij3,rfcplatwftfcut wriat.ei ture wd '.fcquiiiruwit -- -' .-JEtair tid xusuuwioue f jpuild.- . gs Jnd ttiuudu Tolfcl Maluteuioce &ckJ iiepairg JU Jl.iH : .................... ToUl lAujtiliary twifes pEUT KlCKViO;- I'liofipl OA .warrauts j.Jjuletut . Oil .,w.iut&uis Toil DW ."Jtrvice Jticjpcy Totitl-.uwwjcy ...... -GRAKp "TpXAL ....... 44S0JEK) '.SS50.60 25,60 '55.&0 i2".60 " ; 60.G0 0,60 25.00 &0.&0 2S.60 "W0J6O -100j60 . " ..WJJ0 iidUO -J25i0 ;?l5 ' 1U5 'iJ5UiO r60i0 ;:fc5J0 ;,5iK :1&4.53 224.25 .70 s7J0 . :2240 "40 "';2,4S3.28 Sm .,4,&40.60 f4,74().&0 -,5,e717 14.14 i4U0 5,1,14 6,?Wr7 ",115,37 4,657jU fe15.60 c?50,60 :5&8.$5 70.33 -40.00 40.28 i0j.6O -580.60 M1M 12U9 "' 160.00 . 152.82 '-60.60 ,67.60 f67iW ; 21.20 :0.00 223.42 il,m.7Z "jl,7.29.l8 "1X62&,7;0 x 1,805,23 05.23 .125,60 feUte. CLASSIFIED f or .fcwit A tWBrftbk , P Atom. .Pimm iV WW Irif is jcur Mi THIS 6H0P ilS WWM5p V!if AN AXLE (JACWS :ro .Ki:KAitt?usN alw t ;Jiin .St. IILU JIILL Atbeu f or aie A well ld JUocoin for wie. .-PbB. .ttte. Attwtf p!we ilttf 13. .Jj'ar Sale Good rft ktphiaWr 1-for iwJe, .r trade $yt ,WPod. A. .. tiarwtr. For feaie-KouMbold .iamitute. CttU "iPplw-fB.-. .Ball, Weston, ,R hp. . tos tamacack nd ,red ifi P01 Iur bale .at eaoaple prke. Wood-rl.i;ht Jellow ,'m wood ,at r,.fin iiar cord. :!esible .ior truck "hulim?. W. M. JHarvy, Pibtwn,: Orop. tCourtwu 'Ttwitwenk Clwa da Joucists Ifiatlj )ft?eteom8 Special tUsnti(o ;t woe iPatM (Corner ttiaio and IZhiri Atbena, iO f5li S my If&aae3i3 Tito im!o 1 r ,47.30 ,4,680.00 ;5J4i2.38 ,492.38 ,4J2,38 :7A5 0.00 'm$ .1, .1 .... .40.00 ii7 "Mm -pflsijft fi&& yO.&O i4,i4o.&o iwic fliwim wti ixwfis 1 W r AWrtSA do hereby rtify tJUat tb,e Above M ejepanditwa or .fee jrar ld30-ld.n -was ,kde .l .Wt W M"$t&ik. (JtSuy id .Mmly, yi ola ; ,Iv4B'nd;ie,' jtf't'bldottt jo AUla tUo '.orld' ; jsfuitiest ' fiiijtncljl ftBHooiatto. .JTUe . 4ldiu i,)u.fce .lluycstlgftyojWl fTf '(W iu'a A 'lbut'o Ay AUf pU'U ft , jwjopattoa jfi moii ajiKcti ,UmA it j fJj? 'iff ,cw fM AU wox " ii.e fiy. I i!(ittW(i ffMii if fcud jol dli.a'.cuuM' j JL9 jL!4' Mllilr totttsuiUy ylng Jti" ; jy tud' vyiiU!Wy of ,tkoSr jbkiU jua.d jfjiylttuce jy Ai4.Uj WsadftUvf iuf tiiUyc4 juJQWifilw pa aUopbJ jiruj(3u.iidii (M ifuftf litgafiitiiitifif, )jiy.yjyy au dii,ut.4 hi H?9 Wffif '4 Tly '.yygwiJoM'i fa- yiiWj!a.Uo;)S( tu'vy rvaulit j tt jiu vVJCvl Jvsidan, yuyJwa lf jVmmW." yajjicta a(id jpva;4- jjiiipii uy a iud ;mo jtf- jPiifeal ;,iUpf 'aiyucnijrv. M ia iit 'p iff- ki)!uht4 wlm frflSHafvif AwvylcMtt'bluia Pwl- Jptf,' .wWri?'9 (WW)" yu tfck ycj 'up wH'u a,rp j?o w avoillw- fl-pi-tUif p( ibl i-i-tujiyjjiiy jly ii4vwj Jjjf ppMp4t 3eiJ. " ' ft lit-a' aa)4 fbut tb Ara'ica Uau)ri 4tiio.cjiJou, jtjlu- ivd W ffjf Jf,JraJ Pvwvo fJyiik'W. ,4 Lw iht) mvn-h'd ninth ftaliow- NPTKJE OF SCHOOL MESTINJ i vATirp ik hch f'uy 'iiVEN to tL iuial voter wf Union HmjK Kotioe is bwoby ivn -to -the kgal iSwool District Jso. v, of uaiaUiiaAaaur, w-ei vwi w ' Y, r I" i T" 1 i" i- . 7 7 A.,:-.yVZ Trvs. Z 9. i e"lta:o. urw !.Wi,-tatcl l.tng oji the wop'obitiofl lfcvyb-a spwiul dtrt lax. .., ,Tle total auiourit' .ul'jiiUxy Jitodod ly to aid &clool .dwtrwt Jurunf Uie w Mmlua'm Urn 17' cbtLdiat-vd Iti tle,ifony)wiijf!btiy,it E.STIMATKP yplTUJlES NOTICE XF iJOHppL MEKTINp SuiiwiiiUndwit ....................... ?yvv AO0.W) ),O0 00,00 74H Clbi,'i( fJuppijwf EWttions ftnd Publicity j;Kl Jvurviw, AIu;Vjs bond, Vc - ' ToUl .KXuowe ,o Kaial jConUpl INSTRUCTION , ,f. XuvW 1,000,00 AU.ioUc A .yo Supplies : Awy ' Total Kxpuwe aJ JmiS ...........:...,....;.:...-..:-.:----::-:-4 fMffl jfaiiltoy .fs.i.itnf'u Knriiil J.5.00 Jio.vO vo.oo JKK).O0 126,00 .4HI.V0 .liO.OV J......;..... 30.09 M'TPfifJ'lH.'f' P.r!f 4 ) !? U (M()"l ! I f jHiij t yi-prt-b'i)jilvtB fwliiUS )')' i'.ifitiiiilHfitf a ,( j-cilH)lip! fjlbcr jjituili' o'iiM (i'tlllivi! j Hiilj) I'l'KsbJffitf Pjllccr pj f!i (Miif.-i)- pf j.,iHi,'ii'. ;f bjt'lf )) M fjj (ii'llalfiit jlll) )cllj!r pj (V,; fMf)i.j (litxi Mi' I'f Mi (WHTliur. HI Ml'i (if flig Ulj-il. U l j jjiif )a,'.i-t (' -ly -( Ih f- Hiiliil'ii iciii..' ofiJv'll ( 'l.' H'ltiltf fi"T (H IfltMflH N iH,J.':l' ll.cio j.Rj bn't'lHUJ fttid( juliia- h wii'i himi) i iiti4 m m iv'll rJH: M UMflum H HUv'bl wi s w. i. - ' ,? VVi - TmIj-iH'1 aud 'jTpkiM'apb ' - - J'oUl Kxiauusf fj( f)m:WD WANTjAwj: JiMWM-" Fuijtituj;.p and J&nipuiwit r-,-- iJuWu'K aii fifv.fX '"'JVsU Kxix-itf! ol1 Mabulwmt Etijpay 'Llbyarv Uuoka , -f iiUjcrtt op .Wayi'aolf . ..........,,...? TuMd fiwvke jlum:ij.j:Ht'y . TuliJ Kuit-1'u-eiu-.v .'. .'..'.' ' TplaJ i-htwv4 aippwii id faymy f.vr all ' jpuyowf '"ivriw t tJ, M frwid at Sfbt y tyid jfW lUaJawfi 19 lie ralsvd JUy jisAili't Tax Tola) Ht'4w-aB Wfiiwii MMUfc-wjcaiu-eB t Jie-Op W.V0 2.v9 2001 mov WW .09 09.00 will be leid ki aid dwtriut mK tie cbool bouse on tlie 10th 4ay f O-'Vo-ber. V. sX 2 ,0'clocJc in be aftec- oon to onaklw aiid iw:u6 the nual rbudgot lor tie 4ut,rwt ,od d- vue aod ,opocil with tie .tevymg: boafd ae to tie budget and be pocial diaUit tax :tp be &vjod .H aaid .4ia tfict. She apocial diatrkt tax alkd for in 4ie bwd)?t as prepatt-d ty the bpdy,t tcommiu )e iithin .. ijur iMtil lUnitaCion. piatop m 4 -day ipf .September lVoO- ARNOLW WOOP, (Clwinoai, Jkioard f Uirwjtoie.. Attest: V. .CARWELP, i btrkt (Clerk. Piaop-4rap, -piaoo partly jpaid iw. Will ell for balance if takw ,at pnee. Easy payaientB M you wish- f 6' ton JJUiSiC .iiouse. jPiaao in atotage. iLooke and ia 4ike aew. Will aacrifice for balance, $163.00. -.Ternw $2.00 weekly w Hiontiily ,pr crop pay mentis. Will -dia- onnt ;for aah. .Write aunmu Piano Stote, -W m. iiaw w. .wuwp Oregon- ' Jvyaj-s At "Your Scrvict CMar I Ctry iptfUBBSON AEW18 AtUKoavB at :Law Slangier building, -Pendleton, (Oregon ,Pa.tice jin sail State nd federal fVPurta. Attwoaya-At-iLav ;)faw 6Vwt. Atbeua, OreJ $tte cd federal Court Krctic Physician and burgeon JUr. ;Sharp' (Oflioe Office iHoure ,t Atbena I So f i- m Pbone 62. OtTce JtioutB t Weaton . M ft? .oon. Pbone $8. (Gall made day flight. Continental Oil Company jUwijs fit Tour Bemss Athena Service Station 2S, fills, Sreesii AtttwaoliHe AcceBsoria-Tins BEYCE BAKER, Prop-. - Afliosa, . - Shone 7S2 iCKiROPJRACJX) Stangior building, Jone PndkiVHX. Ortgoa. 5f J PWE f 9 ;REPiTOPvS 3Lp 41ie County jourt if the State -of (Pj-ogon oir (CawtiUa (County. Jn -tlie Mattar ,v tlie jtate ft JSVa Kptke ,ia W'by given ito b Pr":j sons whom )ay conewn: H Jhat .ine Taiditf and Journa l tfjww) JfliUe ,htiv been Appointed I rjtipe!tiyeiy jexs:utor ,nd ec.uVix ! ;tlie jlat -wiW od (tataneot Kw E. Uag deatiod. AU jraon 1 iiavmg riaMi agawwt aid awt we yuiiutd (to JM:ont ittn vjXh prop PR. 8, f, CJBARF JgySJiaAN ANI J5W Athena, Oregon WL BLATCHJED " Pot jKuildinfc, Athena, f hone $82 $ WW ... f 0;WjW i'vJ.i4 aivoii b-vy ja4'M-t4 None Toll nooM a)j j(JMc4tttis .... JJatcd thin iii day of HeUmtUt, I'm. ut.-n, A V. joggl. Hcwry j)c. A. tylW 4 WWH Ww, 1 mi) i data modern hmm wmm for fre WflHft.WRlU Qcnerol Hospital ' . A nioden turn MrN fjvj,1?!' w,tl iill Mt) i) ita nf niitienis. 4 ilay Only graduate mirsea m empwyM vnflf eer Yiuii aiti (ncunied ati ine renter rftts wnwn aro $3,50 to' $6.00 Snecial nnrsea extra. Vpr interest ami patronage W Miiiitii lIMI'ihriBl llll ffltfiffti'i i i m b- i p' jb""- ieiii Fo Kidney Cure pwaevf unf wwtr nm Bruno Weber Blacks mi tiling Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS i JENSEN Ye Have the Agency Fat the Macy Tailoring System of America Twin City Cleaners Phone 492 T. EL Smith, Propu Freewzlcr, Oregtsi Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed Phone S82 LEE WILSON. Wzr. a Turn-A-hum Tickler PwMMM M ittteaenU f the pp U f A(li 4 vidaity by . . ..-... warm tin ritM k a am yo)f W Atiaa, Oregon, pt-r 19, IS 30 No. 39 Editorial ft tl df goo4 ph to kci'P biUijjg th bull' ey with' ttut uliwoting- tba Iwll. Tbtr bi hcn a good iwm ber pi: huntey front Athn lo go Into th jnownmn aftar AVer, An pnpect4 shower l roiher unbalancing pr Hdi' Mn will bo flad to t-bttk up on any up:t4 hak in your roof ami II them, Or better biill, new Foof riirhli ovr tba pI4 on, Equal" rigbU will only ha hoped, for dream until II hukbatn) m g4 alimony by imiling at hi'lgu, Out wb do btiliev that tha woman th hou houl4 hy uor thn qual right bbmit tht honAB, With ntaf cuming on at th rati of 7 day ik, it won't h hmi until hHt will h an nnortan( item, Tun-A-l4iinp (Vl give wr hut per 4UT 4 with Ivblti than y o1 wo know Hhout, ll will pay t Invoitl gata the B, T, V, value If you like to eay money. Clunk, Cluckl-Onca upon' a tima an anterprlsing poultry Plan proesed hU hens with par roU, to v time. He used to upend much tinis hunting tho eggs, hut now the hn walk up to him and ay, JUnk, I juat laid an egg, Co get it." And further more, a freshly painted kitchen is a big help in coding good maU when the days ar dark and cold. It may ha tha fault of tho kitchen and not tha rook that om men suf fer from Indigestion, Kitcb-imrlta Du-Kwik Varnish Kalsomlno To reflnish your kitchen, . What w would )ik to e in Athenai Wheat tell for $5.00 a bushel. Prunes bring $75.00 a ton, , Apples net at $3.00 a box, Cleva Myer stop talking poll- ties, A A, M. Johnson. Editor. . mm 'if. 3s 9 Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, CREECH, Announces that it ha3 com-pieted the organ ization of a - Trust Department and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate. Ask us for Information 3 a ii'U'AAaHiilMltltBsiasistai..iius..UisMiMlBBallAO. 3 Reduction In Electrit Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates will 'be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month10c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....Sc per KWH Tha abov raUi apply when bills ara paid in full withia 10 daya from data of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Commercial T?afa First 100 KWH used per months ni...l AAA next sw.,. Next 300 Next 400 ..... Next 1000.. Excess over 2000 . V,'.te,pply hen bi" Paid k t11 0tnerwl. the rate will 1 h item. Preston-Shaffer Alining Company ,10c per KWH ,7c per kwh 6c per KWH 5cperKWH 4cperJiWH rr TCWH h A iluwa - 1 t a ... r a from daU of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increaaed by 10 per -1 -:fR?l.WS 'iititH&t1pm