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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1930)
A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big Job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your Roods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell' several hundred at once at nominal cost . 1$ i ... f 2A, , . . NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND In the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 43 ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 NORBLAD'S PLAN l IS TURNED DOW! Flaws ' In Governor's Pro posed Method Noted By the Commission. Salem. With business and indus trial depression staring the country rin the face, and the state groaning under its burden of taxes, Governor Norblad's plan of a $20,000,000 road bond, issue to aid in relief of present unemployment, was turned down, by the state highway commission at conference Tuesday afternoon which had bee called by the governor. Not that the commission was out of sympathy with the governor's con cern over the unemployment situa tion, but, as explained, by Chairman Van Duzer, the proposal was practical from several angles. To begin with, Van Duzer pointed out, it would require so much time to get any sizable program under way, dispose of the bonds,-advertise the contracts and let the bids, that the winter, season would be well on its way before any work could be started In the second place, under modern methods of. ..highway , construction, even the most ambitious road pro gram conceivable would not give em ployment to a sufficient number of men to make any 'appreciable differ ence in the general employment situ ation. . The commission, however, gave the governor its assurance that it would do everything within its power to give employment to as many men through out the winter as practical. This will be done by ferreting put small road jobs, grading jobs in par ticular, which can be carried out through the winter , months and in which man power figures more largely than machine power and by carrying on such work as can be prosecuted at this time of the year without too great ah economic waste of funds. "The commission has anticipated this unemployment situation to some extent," Van Duzer said. "With this situation in view we have speeded up our road program to more than dou ble that of last year. "If we should even consider the let ting of as much as $20,000,000 in new highway contracts at this time the number of men to which we could give employment this winter would be very small. "There is, however, a certain type of work which could be done this winter, such as minor grading jobs and road changes which would give employ ment to. some men and the commis sion will see that this work is gotten under way wherever it is possible." It was shown by members of the highway commission that in 1928 up to August 11, highway contracts awarded aggregated only $1,125,998. In 1929 for the same period these contracts amounted to $2,819,627, and this year to date the commission has let contracts for a total of $5,110,615 double that of last year and more than four times that of two years ago. In order to do this it was shown that the commission has obligated its next year's funds to a great extent. , The objection of the highway com mission to the issuance of new bonds at this time did not extend to its pro gram, already announced, covering the issuance of $1,500,000 in new bonds each year for the next, three years to meet additional federal aid money. :i . .' ' With a view to providing additional winter work on public highways, an effort will be made to have the fed eral government switch its aid on the Bend-Burns highway to the ' Burns Ontario section on which work cart be carried out this winter. Deer Season Will Open To Hunters September 15 The deer hunting season will open on schedule, September 15, State Forester Lynn P. Cronemiller said Wednesday. Governor Norblad was not in Salem, but Cronemiller said he was able to speak authoritatively. The state forester said that the fire hazard is. now entirely eliminated with no large fires burning and with the atmosphere so clear that lookouts can see long distances. The rain, Cronemiller said, is general through out the state. ' Missionary Meeting The September meeting of the Christian Missionary society was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. B. Boyd with Mrs. Minnie De Peatt assistant hostess. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Louis Keen presided at the meeting and Mrs. C. A. Sias led the devotionals. Mrs. G. R. Gerking had charge of the pro gram which dealt with the Christian izing of the Jews in America.' A gift of five dollars was sent to the Wei sen berg mk&lcm to New Yolk. Railroads Ask Commis sion To Reconsider: West ern Carriers File Petition Apparently there is more back of the railroad s claim that more time was needed to arrange rate schedules to conform with the reduction ordered by the interstate commerce commis sion, for it now transpires that the commission has been asked to recon sider its order. , . A Washington dispatch says that a petition asking the commission to re consider its recent decision granting a general reduction in freight rates on grain and grain products in the west and for export was filed .Wednesday by railroads. The petition, filed by all western carriers, asserted that the decision re quired rates which would substantial ly reduce revenue "in the face of general rate level which at present is and for years past has been insuf ficient to provide a fair return." It added the decision was handed down so long after the record in the case was completed that testimony re ceived by the commission no longer applied. The case was argued before the commission early last summer and the decision came last July 1. The application aiso cnarged the reduced rates would deprive the rail roads of their property without due process of law in violation of the fifth amendment to the constitution, The rates are to become effective January 1. . ' ( The investigation into gram rates was undertaken by the commission under the provision of the Hoch Smith resolution requiring the lowest possible rates on agricultural pro ducts consistent with service rendered by the carriers. In its decision, how ever, the commission said it had found the reduced rates were needed entire ly aside from the Hoch-Smith reso ration. . "; . "' '." ., " ' , Indians Ask That Celilo Fishing Rights be Observed Salem. Protection of Indians, whose tribes for centuries have fished in the Columbia river near Celilo and Three-mile rapids east of The Dalles, against encroachment of white fish ermen was urged in a letter received at the "executive r department here from Andrew Barnhart of The Dalles "It has been the practice of the state of Oregon to issue commercial licenses for this same territory, vir tually usurping the grounds that have for centuries been used by our peo ple," read Barnhart's letter. "It is mpossible for us to secure rights, when our neighbors, the white citi zens, are able to procure all the rights to adjacent lands where nets can be set In view of our treaty rights with the United States govern ment, is this not a violation of such treaty to permit the white people to garner all of these desirable places? Is it not discriminatory against us?" "Even though the Indian procures a license he is forced to retire before the white man who constantly en croaches further upon what little re mains to the Indians under the treaty riehts. There seems to be no person sufficiently interested to give us jus tice'' ' .. "The question in my mind is wheth er the state of Oregon has authority to issue a license to the white man when the issuing of such licenses in terferes .with the existing Indian treaty governing tribal fishing rights and grounds." t vi Bank Thugs Flee When Cashier Opens Gun Fire Medford. A fusillade of pistol shots and a wild pursuit after bank bandits through the center of town featured an attempt to rob the bank at Central Point, five miles north of here, late Tuseday. One of the bandits remained at the wheel of a motor car while his com panion ordered v bank employes to stick 'em up ' and proceeded to stuff money into his shirt. The arrival of customers, however, frightened the robber and he fled into the car. L. A. Tollefson, cashier, fired sev eral shots at the fleeing bandits, but it is believed none of the bullets took effect. Sheriffs officers were combing the countryside for the men. Assist Red Cross Work Now that the cooler weather has ar rived the demand for warmer gar ments has increased and the Umatil la County Chapter has been request ed to assist in making these garments. Any one who will assist with this work may have the materials and in structions by writing to Mrs. James Laing, chairman of the production or by sending to the Red Cross head quarters, Pendleton, Oregon. . " 'r "Portland Rose" Christened Yesterday was a gala day for the Union Pacific, first of the transcon tinental to reach the Pacific coast and long associated with the upbuild ing of the west, and a gala day as well for Portland. For the new train, "Portland Rose," upon which more than $1,000,009 has been spent by the Union Pacific, is the first train ever to be dedicated to a dry; NUMBER 37 Gate-way for 100,000 to State Fair .'II llll IMI.IIINIll.Ml.lly.lLI.. V ' I ft f 1 I i & I II - ,n..'. ' t , ' -2 f , "v, f 0$ V,! f.,-;Vi5';!-4.-,.s S , - : . :: x J. l - , ;: ... -1. .Jrfllf rJJJf U l!,e 0re?n 9tatl fair' throK' which more than 100,000 people are expected to pass during the 69lh annua! exposition at Salem. Sept. 22 ta 23. Ire-f ! FlliS wZ, S0oVthVwest.falr b0ard' WhSe CrfrtS haVe Placed thc Oren 'in Se dass'Z fK' Blast Sends Rock Hurt ling Over Building Roofs A blast at the countv rock nimrrv in the southwest Dart of fnwn ed warehouse roofs in the Union Pa cific yards with stones shortly before noon, Saturday. Several large stones crashed throueh the roof of a sheH in the Tum-a-Lum Lumber yard and al so in the warehouse where work men are ensraeed in makine- altar. ations to accommodate the Washing- TJ-U- O.-J i.uii-j.uuuv oeea company s pea sort ing plant At the latter nlace. Jack CnMer was lucky to escape injury when a stone grazed him. onlv missinc him but tearing his clothing. The freak blast was caused when workmen set off an unextiloded mine f dhnd byv ihem in the progress of tneir worK in getting out material at the quarry for use in constructing shoulders on the highway east of town. The mine had been set by some one but not riiRchartreri. nnH when it went off it proved to be a heavy loaded one with only a few feet of soil and loose rock on the north side of the mine. When it was set off the full force went out on the shallow side, causing a shower of rocks of all sizes to be thrown with terrific force and some landed several hundred yards from the' scene of the blast Several boys who happened to be in the lumber yard at the time were badly scared, but all fortunately got by safe. 'ootball Opens With Game With Mac-Hi Sept. 20th Opening the football season on the home grounds with Mac-Hi for their opponents, "Pike" Miller's eleven will go into the fray Saturday afternoon, September 20, with but little prelimin ary practice, but with a full grown determination to win. Eddie Buck is directing the Mac- Hi athletes through this season's cam paign, having taken the place of Coach Green, who looked over the destinies of the fruitpickers for two very successful seasons. The Athena team is reported to be exceptionally strong in the line this year, with much to be developed in the backfield positions. However, the scrimmage with Mac-Hi will give an angle on what Athena may expect of her team this year. Well, they're rarin' to go! . The B. B. Club Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were host and hostess to the B. B. club Wednesday evening. A no host din ner was served at 7 p. m., followed by four tables of bridge. High honors went to Mr. and Mip. W. C. Garfield and low to Flint Johns. Guests were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gar field, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Eager and the host and hostess. Price Cut In Two Cattle prices have been whacked right through the middle as compar ed with last years market, according to a statement made by John Thomp son, well known stockman, who was in Athena Monday. Mr. Thompson had just disposed of some beef cattle to a buyer, who last year paid him just double what he paid this week for the same number at approximately the same weight. Adopt School Budget At a meeting of the school board Wednesday evening the matter of adopting the budget for the coming yeaf waK ttBttu&eti anil ttfncluitaL - Activities To Secure the Umatilla Rapids Project Outlined At a Conference Portland. 1. Umatilla Rapids pro ject to be launched in vigorous ag gressive way at next session of con gress. . . ' 2. Sentiment in its behalf united on part of Oregon delegation to con gress and likewise of people of Ore gon and Pacific Northwest. ' 3. Senator McNary to lead in fight for project at Washington, D. C, with pledged support of Senator Steiwer and Congressmen Butler and Korell. 4. Hearings on Umatilla Rapids plan to be jointly conducted by sen ate and house committee with "ade quate time" immediately after the holidays in Washington,. D. C. . , 6. Support of President Hoover for Umatilla Rapids anticipated by Sen ator McNary, with confidence that Secretary Wilbur of interior depart ment will extend formal approval and that forthcoming report by United States engineers containing general survey of Columbia and its needs will constitute technical confirmation. 6. Commitments by Pacific North west communities as possible con sumers of Umatilla Rapids power to be added to those already given by Portland, Pendleton, La Grande and other cities. These were outstanding as conclu sions reached by conference at the Benson hotel between Senators Mc Nary and Steiwer and Congressmen Butler and Korell, representing the Oregon congressional delegation and the executive committee of the Uma tilla Rapids project. Following the conference, which was executive, Secretary Baer issued a statement declaring that the Uma tilla Rapids project has been given outstanding position among the great projects of the United States with every assurance of its ultimate suc cess. . . Senator McNary issued a statement which covered the essential facts of the project, his belief that the feder al Government should undertake the development and that it should be a source of revenue to Oregon ana Washington. He said: "The bill contains a provision of ex treme importance to the taxpayers of the state of Oregon and Washington In the matter of creation of a new source of revenue by specifying that 37 percent, of any money coiieciea by the secretary of the interior above the amounts due the eovernment will come to the states of Oregon and Washington in lieu or taxes by vir tue of their natural resources being taken for public service." The bill provides, said Senator Mc Nary, that title to Umatilla Rapids Ham the reservoir t)lant and inci dental works shall forever remain in the United States. Th vret.arv of the interior need nt. undertake construction until con tracts are made for Bale of power. Foot Badly Cut While eneatred in road work on the highway in the vicinity . of Ritter, Grant county, Floyd Arbogast cu his left foot verv badly with an ax. He was brought out for surgical atten tion and arrived at renmeton several hours after the accident A deep ffash was cut across the foot and six stitches were taken to close the wound. Floyd withstood the ordeal without anaesthetic aid. He was in Athena the first of the week, hopping about on crutches. Thirty-Six Men Employed On Extra Work In Athena It is reported that N. B. Foster was slightly injured when the horse he was riding on the highway near Hil gard, was struck by an automobile and kilWL'--.-..,(... .:,. A total of thirty-six men are em ployed at this time on extra work in Athena, a Press reporter found in his rounds, Wednesday. A force of thirteen carpenters are at work on alterations being made in the interior of the warehouse situated in the Union Pacific railroad yards to accommodate the site for the Wash ington-Idaho Seed company's pea cleaning and sorting plant, which is later to give employment to some forty women and girls. At the plant of the Eickhoff Farm Products corporation a part of , the bean grading machinery was started up Wednesday, where the first carload shipment of the season was being loaded, six men were employed. 'When the plant gets to running at full ca pacity ten men will be employed there. An attachment for stationary motive power transmission from a caterpillar tractor , has been utilized for power purposes and is operating satisfactorily. ,. Fifteen men are employed on the new work which the maintenance de partment of the state highway com mission is carrying on at this time on this division of the Oregon-Washington highway. A steam shovel is oper ating in the quarry in the lower end of town, and trucks are hauling the material for the new shoulders which will add materially to the width of the highway. ' Class Officers Elected At A. H. S. For the Year The senior class met with Mr. Bloom, class advisor, and elected their officers. The following were elected: Jack Moore, president; Roland Wil son, : vice-president; and Myrtle Campbell, secretary-treasurer. Class rings and announcements were dis cussed. The junior class met with their class advisor, Mrs. Bloom, to elect their officers and discuss plans for making money. When the smoke had cleared away Mildred Hansell was found to be president; Arleen Myrick, vice-president; Marjorie Douglas, secretary-treasurer. The sophmore class met with their class advisor, Miss Cameron. They elected officers and proceeded to get initiation underway. The following were elected: Howard Reeder, presi dent; Garth Pinkerton, vice-president; Helen Barrett, secretary-treasurer. The Freshman class met with their class advisor, Mrs. Blatchford. The following were elected: Maxine Moore, president; Walter Singer, vice-president; Kenneth Rogers, sec retary-treasurer. Plans for the weincr roast were discussed. Fast Horses and Fine Exhibits Will Be At the ' State Fair Next Week Salem. Horses from the finest stables in the west are expected to ar rive here next week for last-minute training efore the opening of the uregon btate fair program on Mon day, September 22. Nearly 80 entrants are on the list for the stake and class harness races while more than 100 running horses probably will register here for the special events in which prizes will ag gregate $17,500, according . to Mrs. Ella S. Wilson, secretary of the state fair board. Horse, barns have been put into first-class shape, with everythinsr in readiness for the largest influx of championship animals ever entered in an Oregon exposition, she declared today. Every division of the fair is assured a marked gain in quantity and quality of exhibits, according to members of the state fair board, with insufficient display space now the only problem confronting final plans for the 69th annual event , ' Concession and exhibit space al ready is leased to capacity, while late applicants probably will have diffi culty in obtaining proper quarters for their displays. Even "Pee-wee golf," condemned by scores and played by thousands, has invaded the realm of amusements, and at least one course and an addi tional tricK-snot device will have a place on the entertainment program. Fifteen counties have contracted for individual displays, with booths al ready being arranged in the rapidly filling agricultural building. EMINENT OREGON JURIST IS DEAD Gridiron Grind Begins At U. of O. On Next Monday University of Oregon. Seventeen lettermen, including six veterans with two years of service in the Pacific Coast conference, will report to Or, C. W. Spears next Monday as he starts his first football campaign at Oregon. Considering the number of players at practice last spring, the Webfoots will probably have about forty candidates seeking positions on the varsity. The eyes of the coast sports world next week will be particularly direct ed toward Eugene and Seattle, where two newcomers to the West, Spears from Minnesota, and Jimmy Phelan from Purdue, will begin conditioning grid teams for their initial assaults upon conference rivals. Doc Spears, playing Pacific University here five days after the first day of preliminary work, will quickly bring his eleven under observance. After another few days of practice the Webfoots will meet Willamette on Hayward field in a night game, September 26, and then entrain for Chicago to meet Drake in the country's first intersectional bat tle for the season, October 3. The six veterans who will play their last, season for Oregon are Austin Colbert and Jerry Lillie, guards; George Christinson and Marion Hall, tackles; Johnny Kitzmiller, captain and halfback and John Donahue, quarterback. With the exception of Hall, all of these men were regulars on last year's team. ' Colbert, who teamed with Christinson at tackle for two years, will be the only man among those veterans moved out of an old position by the new coach. Raff erty Declines Come back on Hoss Statements Autos Corns Together " Two cars brushed up together at the Intersection of Main and Third streets Monday afternoon, but with only a hub cap knocked off in the way of damage. A Missouri car was com ing up Third and was unable to make the turn into Main for the reason that a car was parked too close to the corner. It struck a coupe which veered out almost safely but not quite in time to escape being hit The heaviest traffic on this division oz the Oregon-Washington t highway centers in Athena at the point where the ac cident occurred, For Slaying Bride A comnlaint charsrinor Laveme Car ter with first-degree murder in con nection with the killing of his 24-year-old bride of two months was filed at Klamath Falls by Assistant Dis trict Attorney Boivin. A conviction nnW this chars-e will mean caDital jrunishm&t of life imjfris'tfnment. Salem. Except to quote from the statement itself of his services as chief of the state traffic force for the past 10 years, T. A. Rafferty, depos ed, refused to comment on the ex planations given by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, for his removal from office. "On three or four occasions, the last in the Sunday press of September 7, the secretary of state has been quoted as saying, "I want to go on record as saying that Chief Rafferty deserves a lot of credit for his past years' work in the state traffic divis ion. He has given nearly 10 years of loyal rnd efficient service to the state of Oregon." "With this one honest admission by the secretary of state I leave my case with the motoring public and those who know me as a neighbor and citizen." Burns In Auto Wreck Giles Cheatham of Portland was burned to death in his automobile when it caught fire and burned on the Columbia River highway about 7:30 Monday evening about 17 miles west of Arlington, near the Wild Cat ser vice station. Mrs. Cheatham, who was in the car escaped injury and was taken into Arlington. An ambulance was called from The Dalles and the body was taken back to that city. Art Display Mrs. Cornell's art display is now on exhibition in the Mosgrove build ing, Main street Numbers of ladies are visiting the exhibition and the articles on display are attracting a greaJ iteal M attcnfloU . Justice Thomas McBride of Supreme Bench Passes : at Salem Home. Chief JustfeA MpPvIIa v t t" VSW Wl IrllQ vi e gonpreme court, died at his home wmem x uesaay nignt at the age 83. The justice was well known Athena Whara ha ha1 a n.,U. . personal friends, among whom are Attorney Watts and Mrs. Watts, at whose home th pminonf. -trivia kM been entertained. The A uuvviHWiVI tress carried th fnllnwin of his death: Justice Thomas Allen MeRnMo tn 21 years a member of the state su preme court and fivo tinu ! ,: justice, died at his home, 1065 South niuercy street, at 11:45 o'clock last night He would have been 83 years old next November 1R. tA h1 k , hrcci, longer in the legal profession than any other man in Oregon. Justice McBride ahwa tt avis cerebral thrombosis, blood clot on tbe Drain, aoout two weeks ago, soon af ter returning to Salem from Foley Springs on the McKenzie river where he spent part of his summer vacation. His left side was paralyzed after the stroke. Before leaving Salem for the mountain resort he spent the earlier ' part of his vacation at work, and Monday his last - - - ' v down by the supreme court. It was a lengthy document, written in the aged judge's characteristic WiM anA entertaining style. With Justice McBrid fit fha AnI were Mrs. McBride, his son George A. ivicurwe oi rortiand; his daughter, Mrs. Mae Newton of Deer Tl his sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Baxter of Berkeley. Attending him were Drs. W. B. Morse and Kenneth Power, the former a nephew of Justice McBride. Justice Thomas A. McBrida vrhn served more than two decades as a member of the Oregon supreme court, was himself a pioneer of frontier days. He came of a family that was one of the earliest that pioneered the state. The McBride family bearers established in Oreiron mora, than three-quarters of a century ago. Its memoers nave done conspicuous ser vice to the state. JuRtfoA McRrila had the distinction of being the old est lawyer in the state in point of years of continuous service- Justice McBride was horn tn Yam hill county, November 15, 1847. His parents were James, and Mahala (Miller) McBride. the former a na tive of Tennessee and the latter of Missouri. On his father's side, Jus tice McBride's ancestors came from north of Ireland to America about 1760. James McBride great-grandfather of the Justice, served in the i revolutionary war as lieutenant in the Virginia regulars. His wife was an aunt of President Andrew Jackson. Their son. a native of Tennessee, wan a minister and assisted Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone in or ganization of the Christian or Camp bellite chufch. ' Biological Survey Reports rreditory Animals Killed During August, thirty hunters worked all or part time and took 404 coyotes, 24 bobcats, 14 predatory bears, a total of 442 predatory ani mals. In addition, 44 badgers, 273 porcupines and 22 skunks were taken in the course of the work. August weather proved ideal for trapping and for the most part we were pleased to see the excellent re sults of the work. During Septem ber, each hunter should keep in mind plans for late fall and winter work. advises the Biological Survey. Ar range with stockmen for poison sta tion material, locations for stations, and cooperation with stockmen in get ting out trap and poison lines. from now on, save all furs. Care should be taken to have them well stretched and dried before sending to headquarters. If you have smelly and buggy scalps on hand, prepare some warm salt brine, soak them all night in it, and dry them before sending in. Buys City Lots W. R. Harden has purchased six lots fronting on Second street and north of Jefferson street, Kirk's addi tion, Athena, from Howard demons of Pendleton. A small building was moved from the lots to Mr. Harden's residence property on the west side, where it will be converted into a garage. The six lots will serve as a cow pasture. First Carload Received The first carload of the Davton. Washington, beans for cleaning at the fclckhoff Products corporation plant was received in Athena Monday, over the Union Pacific. The shipment was mad frdta Turner Station.