The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 29, 1930, Image 4

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len Burnett School
of Music
Y Edna Hanna, Director Athena Branch i
Fall Term Begins Wednesday, September 10th
i Thorough Training Artistic Results
Moderate Tuition-
r Ma
f "
Press Paragraphs
Dirt and Dandruff can not remain in the same
scalp with Fitch D. R. Shampoo. Give yourself
a treat and try one. Also retail size bottle.
Phone 492
Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Just a lew more of
our every day prices
50-lii. Size Stock or half Ground Salt .......62c
Cream Wheat 29c
Sperry's Pancake Flour, package ...27c
Our Mothers Cocoa, 2-lb., package..... 31c
Burbank Hominy 2y& 2 for 25c
Snow Drift, 3-lb. size ..-79c
P. S. Red Sockeye Salmon, No. 2s, 3 for.. $1.00
California Sardines, 2 large cans ...25c
5-lb. K. C. Baking Powder 79c
f2 lb. Calumet Baking Powder. ..ttc
Frank Little, Prop.
The Most Important Factor
Back of Red White Stores
Quality is the foundation of Red & White popu
larity. And always at prices that fit carefully
planned budgets.
Servus Black Tea, i2 lb.
47c .
: Corn Starch, Red & White, 1-lb.
2 for 17c ,
Mayonnaise, Red and White, pints
Corn Beef, Red and White, 1-lb -29c
June Peas, Red and White, No. 2
2 for 43c
Grape Fruit, Red and White, No. 2
2 for 49c
Brooms, Red & White, 2s
- 1.13
Brooms, Blue and White
White King Mission Bell & Water Set Combination
2 for 17c
Crisco 3 lbs.
Macaroni, Spaghetti and Egg Noodles,
Red & White brand, 8 oz.
3 for 23c
Cake, Prune Layer Cake
.. 49c - i '-
George Pittman has returned after
a pleasant visit at the home of his
sister in Tacoma.
Betty Eager, Esther Berlin and
Mary Tompkins were Milton visitors
Sunday afternoon. .'
Sam Haworth has been in Athena
this week from Salem, on a visit to
his father and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson had
as Sunday dinner guests Dr. and Mrs.
W. G. Cowan of Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Mclnroe of
Walla Walla called on Mr. and Mrs.
Chase Garfield in Athena Sunday.
Misa Mildred Bateman and a girl
friend of Portland, are week-end
guests at the Fred Pinkerton home.
Grandma McKinney, mother of
Mrs. Frank Little is spending the
week with relatives in Walla Walla.
Miss Marie Foster visited friends
and relatives in Athena Sunday. Miss
Foster is employed in Coeur d'Alene,
The, Athena Etude club will begin
Fall work, Tuesday, September 2nd
at 2 .p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton en
tertained at dinner Friday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. McQuarry and daugh
ter of Milton.
Miss Mary Holwager and Miss
Elizabeth Holwager of Walla Walla,
spent Friday evening at the B. B.
Richards home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon and
daughter left Sunday morning for
Wallowa lake where they will spend
a week or ten days. ;
Harold Kirk and Isaac Trapp left
Sunday morning for Portland where
they will spend a week visiting
friends and relatives.
Forrest Zerba and family and F.
N. Johns and family spent last week
end encamped at Langdon Lake, re
turning home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson had as
dinner guests recently, Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Tate of Helix, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wilson of Pendleton.
Mrs. Lowell Harder and daughter,
Mary Jane of La Grande have spent
the past week at the home of Mrs.
Harder's father, F. J. DeFreece.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon and Joe
Cannon spent last week-end at Col
fax, where a physician was consult
ed in regard to Roy Cannon's health.
; Marybelle Tate of Helix spent last
week at the home of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson in
Athena. Joan Banister is at the Wil
son home this week.
L. R. Pinkerton and family, W. ,C.
Garfield and family, A. A. Mclntyre
and family, M. I. Miller and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener
spent Sunday at Cold Springs.
Miss Margaret Cowan of Spo
kane was a dinner guest at the Leon
Miller home in Athena, Sunday. Miss
Cowan has spent several weeks with
her uncle, Dr. W. G. Cowan, in Wal
la Walla.
The last load of bulk grain to be
received by the Farmers Grain Ele
vator company in Athena this sea
son. was delivered by George Lieu.
alien. The Lieuallen wheat crop this
year was a big one.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rogers and
little daughter Helen drove to Pasco
Sunday, where they were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Dowd. Mr. Dowd has
been in ill health, but is improving.
Mrs. Henry Dell and Esma Hite
man went to Portland yesterday
where they will visit for a few days
with Mrs- Alma Koontz, before go
ing to Cloverdale where Esma will
join her family and attend school.
Mrs. E. J. Pinkerton arrived in
Athena Monday evening from Spo
kane, en route home to Portland af
ter a time spent with her son who
resides in Spokane. Mrs. Ely visited
Fred Pinkerton and family while in
A typographical error in the Athe
na Department Store ad last week
made one of the items read "Koyal
club coffee, 3 cans 79c" when the
item should have read, Royal Club
Peaches, large yellow cling 2V4s, 3
cans 79c
Herman Geissel and Glen Arbo-
east came up from Ritter, Grant
county and spent Tuesday in Athena.
They returned Wednesday morning,
and were accompanied by Mrs.
Sanohes, Mr. Geissel's mother, who
will visit her son on his stock ranch
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ortis D. Harris and
children, Darlene, Errol and Lucille,
arrived Sunday evening from Fort
land for a week's visit with Mrs.
Minnie DePeatt, Mr. Harris, is pas
tor of Laurelhurst Christian church
in Portland, having moved there from
Seattle in May.
Mrs. Laura McDonald of Pullman,
Wash., and Mrs. E. E. Same of Wal
la Walla were guests Thursday of
last week of their brother, Chance
Rogers and family, and Mrs. Carrie
Rogers at the home of Miss Nola
Hill. Mrs. Sauze recently returned
from a visit to her son in Texas,
motoring with Mr. Sauze.
Announcement is made ox the ap
proaching marriage of Wayne Swag
port, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Swaggart of Portland, to Miss Emily
Viola Johnson, of that city. The
data of the wedding has been set for
Saturday, September 6, at 8:30 p. m.
The wedding will take place in Hope
Presbyterian church. Portland. Athe
na friends of the groom extend con
gratulations. Mr. Swaggart is a
graduate of Benson Tech of Portland,
majoring in mechanical engineering
and since graduating he spent a part
of his time in assisting his father to
develop acreage property In the Mon-
uvwa oitricu ,
Mrs. J. C. Burke is ill at her home
this week." " !; . ,v 'v; ' -t ' '
Dr.-Blatchford's dental office will
be closed tomorrow. , .
For Rent A comfortable home in
Athena. Enquire at the Press office.
Penn Harris will spend Sunday and
Monday in Portland, visiting Mrs.
Dave Stone visited his mother, Mrs.
Josephone Stone, at Walla Walla
Tuesday.- ; '' V '
Ed Montague, accompanied by his
son Clarence returned home Sunday
from Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Watts spent
last week at Wallowa Lake, return
ing home Sunday.
' Alvin Shane, cousia of Ed Mon
tague, visited at the Montague home
in Athena Sunday.
Mrs. Maurice Frazier and daughter
of Milton spent Wednesday at the J.
W. Pinkerton home.
Next Friday afternoon, the Athena
Study club will meet at the home of
Mrs. E. C. Rogers. ." '
Mrs. Jesse Myrick visited relatives
in Athena Tuesday, from her ranch
home at Myrick Station.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Stephens and
son Dale of Pendleton were Athena
callers Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black of Dallas,
Oregon, are . guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little.
Born Monday, August 25th, at St
Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, to Mr.
and Mrs. James Ross, a daughter.
Roy DeFreece and Jessiedeane Dud
ley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Dixon at LaCrosse, Wash., Sunday.
Don Weber is assisting his father,
Bruno Weber, in the blacksmith shop
recently purchased from Jens .Jensen.
Mr. and Mrs. r loyd Finkerton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keen
and son spent Sunday at Walla Walla
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Reeder and
family will leave Monday for Taco
ma where they will spend a week with
relatives. : , ! .
Roy DeFreece of Freewater spent
a short time in Athena Wednesday
en route to Pendleton to consult an
eye specialist. "
Mrs. Fred Oswald and children of
Helix spent Wednesday in Athena
visiting Mrs. Oswald's brother, Orel
McPherrin and family.
Charles McCollough has returned
to Athena from Gateway, Montana.
He reports many idle men in that dis
trict, with no employment in pros
Jens Jensen has returned from a
trip to Eastport; Washington. He
crossed the line into Canada, and on
his return reported that "all's well"
Miss Dorothy Bell of Salem is a
guest this week of Miss Lois John
son and will attend the Round-Up
while here. The young ladies" are
sorority sisters'.
Robert Stanfield was receiving a
shipment of lambs for the Eastern
market at Freewater, Sunday. This
week he is at the Harris sheep camp
east of Tollgate.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Simpson of
Lewiston, Idaho, ' visited the Misses
Lois and Blanche Johnson over last
week-end. Mrs. Garland is a sorority
sister of the Johnson sisters.
Miss Frederica Kershaw has a&
cepted the position of supervisor of
music in the Roseburg hlgn ana
grammar schools and will leave early
in September to assume her duti8'
On a trip to Tollgate Sunday
Ralph McEwen and Henry Barrett
saw one of the 'large gravel trucks
used in road construction, turned over
in the ditch. The driver escaped in
jury- . . . . ...
Herbert Parker and Fred Kadtke,
Jr., will leave tomorrow for Bend on
a fishing trip. They will spend several
days fishing on the Deschutes river,
and perhaps will try for a few big
ones in the lakes. .
Miss Glca Sias arrived home from
Eugene where she attended summer
school and is visiting her parents,
Rev. and Mrs. Sias. She will leave
Sunday for Hermiston where she is
a teacher in a public school near that
ty- . ' - . ..
Miss Bernice Craig and mother len
Wednesday for Walla Walla, where
they will reside for the winter, after
several weeks spent with Mrs. Craig's
niece, Mrs. James Cresswell and
family. Miss Craig, is a teacher in
the Walla Walla schools.
The Christian Bible school will hold
a 6:30 dinner at the church next Wed
nesday evening in honor of the senior
class which represented the Cadillac
car in a contest recently held in the
Bible school, this dass being winners
in attendance and offerings. A short
program is also planned. The honor
guests with be served a full dinner
at 6:30 and the , remainder ; of the
school ice cream and cake at 7:30
P m- ....
Jewell Pinkerton entertained a
group of friends at the Pinkerton
farm Tuesday evening at a lawn
party. The lawn was tastefully
lighted with jack o lanterns ana a
picnic lunch in baskets was served by
Mrs. Pinkerton assisted by Mrs. E.
B. Foster. Outdoor games were en
joyed until a late hour then taDies
of rnotin were at TtlaV. The follow
ing guests were present: Arleen Fos
ter, Virginia Eager, iwns jenmns,
Genevieve Barrett, Rachel Smith, Ro
wt rnnnnn Jovre Pinkerton. Ny-
lcne Taylor, Max Johnson, Tillman
Taylor, Kenneth Rogers, Aaron Uoug
las, Walter Singer and Gale Zerba.
T TtrH'a Praver" will be the
pulpit theme at Sunday mornings
alovon nVlnrlr sorvioe. There will be
no evening service but as previously
planned we will an go to amwra w
hoav th last aermnn of Mr. McQuSJV
the retiring minister. Please be at the
Milk, All Brands . WESSON OIL
Large'3 for....25c Small 6 for...25c I Per quart Can........". ..........49c
Libbys Veal Loaf I SHRIMP
Per; Can....: .19c Little Chief Brand, 2 Cans. ...37c
Norwegiaa Sardines
Fancy, Smoked in olive oil, 3 cans 29c
Our own brand, highest grade, lb. 38c
Royal Club Peaches
Large Yellow Cling 2y2s, 3 Cans 79c
Arm and Hammer, 3 packages ,25c
Phone 152 n .
The Coolest Place in Town to Trade'
Athena Department Store
Miss Frederica Kershaw made a
short business visit to Portland last
Mrs. J. A. Alkire arrived home
Monday after a week's visit in Port
land. , The Revs. McArthur and Tempton
and their wives, of Passadena, Cali
fornia, were guests Sunday at the
home of Mrs. H. E. Dow. The minis
ters filled the Baptist church pulpit
Sunday, Rev. McArthur delivering
the morning sermon and Rev. Temp
ton conducted services in the eve
ning. The ministers and their wives
left by motor Monday for Vancouver,
B. C.
Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. Armond
DeMerritt entertained eight of the,
younger set at a one o'clock luncheon
Friday afternoon in honor of Miss
Esma Hiteman, who is leaving, soon
for her new home in Cloverdale, Ore
gon. The following, young s ladies
were present: Marjorie Douglas, Ar
leen Myrick, Mildred Hansell, Betty
Eager, Esther Berlin, Mary Berlin,
Goldie Miller and , the honoree. After
a three course luncheon was served
from prettily appointed , tables with
dainty vases of flowers, nut cups and
place cards in pastel colors, bridge
was enjoyed for an . hour, then the
young ladies were conveyed in the
Dell and Eager cars to Milton where
they enjoyed a game of golf on the
Milton Midget golf course.
Mrs. John Tompkins, assisted by
Mrs. Ralph Singer and Betty Eager,
entertained fourteen girls in honor
of Miss Mary . Tompkins eighteenth
birthday. A delicious two course
luncheon was served consisting of
salad and wafers, ice cream and cake
and punch. The affair came as a
complete - surprise to Miss Tomp
kins. Gifts were presented her in a
novel and artistic way "Stepping
Stones in Life." Each article neatly
wrapped in grey paper was number
ed and hidden away for the honoree
to find as numbers indicated. This
was followed by cards and other
games. The following enjoyed the
hospitality at the Tompkins country
home: the Misses , Mildred ; Hansen
Betty Eager. Esther Berlin, Mary
Berlin, Esma Hiteman, ; Marjorie
Douglas, Arleen Myrick, Myrtle
Campbell, Helen Foster, Francis
Cannon. Ruth Williams, uoldie Mill
er, Mrs. Velton Read and the honoree.
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Copper Carbonate
50 per cent Metallic Copper
Insures an Even
Coatingj on Grain
Main Street Athena t,i ;.Pifiono 332
i Fermanent v
"The Choice of Women who Care!"
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32 . -,
"Oregon State"
A National and State College
' maintained, ' as described by Senator
Morrill; founder of the Land-Grant .
Colleges, "to offer opportunity . . for
a liberal and practical education . .
for the world's business, for the in
dustrial pursuits and professions of
Oregon's Land-Grant College, now
in its 63rd year, affords training in
10, degree-granting schools ; and departments.
Agricultural Economics, Agri
' cultural Education, Animal r
v: Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry,
Farm Crops, Farm Manage
ment, Horticulture (Pomol
. ogy, Vegetable Gardening,)
Poultry - Husbandry, Soils; ,
Agricultural "" Engineering, "
Horticultural Products, Land- r
i-, scape Architecture, Sciences
I Basic to Agriculture (6 ma--;
jors.r - "
(B.S., M.S. degrees)
COMMERCE (B.S. degree; M.
S. in Agricultural Econom- '
; les, Rural Sociology) . . ;
, Accounting and Management, ,
Advertising and Selling,
Banking and Finance, General !
Business, Real Estate, Secre- ;
! tarial Training, Marketing,
grees) . Civil (Structural, Highway
. Sanitary, Hydraulic, Railroad,
Construction;) Electrical
( Power, Railways, Lighting,
High Voltage, Telephony;)
, Mechanical (Machine Design, -
- Heat Power,; Ventilation,
Heating, Gas, Refrigeration,
Aeronautical;)Indnstrial Shop
grees) , '. Logging Engineering, Lum-
ber Manufacture, Technical
Forestry. " ' :.-":x "' ;:
: . S. degrees) ; t ; .
Clothing,. Textiles, and Relat
ii. e4 Aftst Foods and Nutrition; ,
Household . Administration; '
Institutional Management.
; TACTICS (B.S. degree) t.
Field Artillery, Engineers, In-
MINES (B.S, M.S. degrees)
j . Geology, Mining Engineering,
Metallurgy, i i -r j
Pharmacology, Pharaaceuti- -cal
Analysis, Pharmacognosy.
(B.S., M.S. degrees)
Administration, Supervision,
and Teaching of Agriculture,
Commerce, Home' Economics,
; Industrial Arts. ; v -
The School of Basic Arts and Sciences, the School of Health
and Physical Education, Industrial Journalism, Library Practice, and
Music service "departments not leading to degrees together with a
privately supported department of Religion, afford additional train- -ing
supplementary to the major curricula - " ,. A
. Freshman Week begins September 22 "
For Catalogue and Other Information Address " .
'(Authorized by the State Board of Higher Education)
" i 1 i " U i"i I mmmmmmmmmmmm