The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 11, 1930, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Frick's Metal Weather Stripping.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lieuallen of
Adams, were Sunday guestu of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Hopper. ' : .
Ray Gordon, Weston rural route
mail Carrier, will attend the mail car
riers convention at Bend.
P. W. Johnson of was in
Athena Tuesday. Rogers & Goodman
loaded up his truck with binding
twine. .
Both telephone construction crews
working out of Athena, took a vaca
tion over the Fourth, only the Held
clerk remaining on duty.
F. B. Radtke and Bert Logslcn
spent the Fourth and the week-end at
Mecca on the Deschutes river fishing
for rainbow trout. They report fair
luck. .-.' ' ,
In a letter to Athena friends, H.
B. Downer expresses hope to return
to Athena for harvest. He is a truck
Hour or Day Work Experienced
woman wants work by hour or day.
Call at Georee Corder home next
door to Press office.'
Mrs. Gordon Watkins and lUtlo
daughter, Norma June, and Miss
Mildred Watkins are in Spokane this
week visiting relatives.
: Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rogers came
down from Washtucna, ' Wash., and
visited at the home of Mr. Rogers
parents over the week-end.
Miss Ruth Williams ieit Ainena
Sunday for Washtucna, where she will
mfnH several weeks at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Fred Beckner.
Mr. and Mrs. Feron Smith, Mrs.
Andrew Rothrock and Bud Price were
recent dinner guests at the farm home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, near
Adams. ,' ' ' ,
Continental Oil Company
v : .' Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing ' ' ;;
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Write that Letter Today
There's somebody to whom you owe a letter. , Don't
fail to write to your friends while you are vacation
ing. .
We carry a variety of high grade
Stationery at Popular Prices
Main Street Athena Phhri8 332
Note: The increase in business has requir
ed additional help in the Red & White store and
recognizing the business qualifications of Mr.
L. A. Cornell, an experienced merchant, I have
sold a half interest in the store to him.
Ed Montague.
Mazola Salad Oil and French Dressing,
Mixing Bottles, pt.
49c .
Tea, Red & White, Orange Pekoe y2 lbs.
Tea, Fancy Green Japan y2 lb.
Spinach, Red & White 2y2s
2 for 45c
Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, Red & White $
3 for 23c $
Pineapple, Servusy2s if:
3 for 85c tt:
Matches, Blue & White, 6 box to carton
2 for 35c
Coffee, Red & White, 1 lb. bags
Swansdown Cake Flour and Cake Plate
2 for 75c
Cake, Angel Food
Grape Fruit, Red & White No. 2
3 for 73c
Grape Fruit, Blue and White 2s
3 for 63c
Shinola, 15c size
2 for 25c
Mrs. George Green and daughter
Georgie spent Saturday in Pendleton.
Miss Dorothy Berlin was a guest of
friends in Seattle over the week-end.
The C. M. Eager family visited
relatives in Pendleton Saturday eve-
Miss Esther Berlin was 8 guest of
friends in Hood River, over the
T. P. DeFreece was in town Mon
day for the first time in several
months. ,
Miss Lois Johnson has returned
home from a visit to friends in the
Willamette valley. .
James Duncan and son Ernest,
transacted business in - Freewater,
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. H. I. Watts is entertaining the
Athena Bridge club today at her
home on Third Street.
Virginia Eager, entertained Natell
Miller and Doris Jenkins at a slum
ber party Monday night.
Miss Hilda Dickenson came up from
Arlington and spent the Fourth at
the Sims Dickenson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Olie Peterson of
Sheridan, Ore., spent the Fourth at
the C. E. 0. Montague home.
Mrs. Penn Harris left Sunday for
Portland where she will resume her
studies as a beauty operator.
University boy, Assistant cook or
flunky available now. Address, Box
877 or phone 69, Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Graham and two
daughters of Hermiston, spent Sun
day at the Gordon Watkins home.
Raymond Banister, Weston farmer
was in Athena Wednesday, an inter
ested observer of the gas situation.
Miss Dorothy Burke left Sunday
morning for Portland to spend a fort
night withier father; R. E. Burke.
Mrs. James Cresswell and little son
Jimmie are home from an extended
visit with relatives at Forest Grove.
Mrs. W. J. Kirk and sister Mrs. O.
E. Bowman and children spent Wed
nesday visiting relatives in Walla
Miss Thelma Schrimpf has return
ed to her home in Athena from Port
land, where she was employed for
Miss Iris Little of the Walla Walla
Bulletin staff spent the week-end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Little in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gilbert of Port
land called at the C. M. Eager home
Monday and Wednesday. Mrs. Gilbert
is Mr. Eager s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker, Miss
Sadie Pambrun, Jack Moore, Lee
Foster and Harold Kirk were Ukiah
visitors over the Fourth.
Little Glenn the small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Dudley had his ton
sils removed Monday at Walla Wal
la and is convalescing nicely.
Fishing was reported good in Uma
tilla county streams over the week
end, with fair catches being made in
the Umatilla, Camas and Cable
creeks. .
Eldon Myrick, Wayne Pinkerton
a-nA fm MitVhpner snent the evening
of the third and fourth at the Pink-
erton-Michener camp, at Bingham
John Shiek and family are here
from Portland, visiting-at the Henry
Booher home. Mr. Stuck is employ
ed in the Montgomery Ward store in
Mrs. I. M. Smith, who has been
viititiff at the Fred Pittman home
for a few days returned to California
Tuesday, Mrs. Pittman motoring as
far as Pendleton with her.
Mm. O. E. Bowman and daughter,
Tiioimn .Tonn and Virginia of Port
land, arrived in Athena Saturday eve
ning to spend the summer witn
Mrs. Bowman's sister Mrs. W. J.
Kirk and family.
Mr. Bnd Mrs. F. N. Gilts of Ken
newick, and daughter Loraine, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Foster, July 4th. Miss Loraine
remained at the Foster home as u
guest of Arleen Foster.
Mrs. M. I. Watts entertained at
lunch in Walla Walla, Wednesday,
Mrs. Lillian Fredericks of Weston
an A sister Miss Margaret Proebstel
who is a visitor in Weston from Hono
lulu for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Pinkerton, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and family,
Carl Calvert, Bonnie Johnson, Max
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keen
and Rev. and Mrs. Sias made up a
party at Thorn Hollow the Fourth.
The East Oregonian reports that
James R. Thompson, who suffered in
jury to his eye Friday night, con
tinues to improve and tfcat the sight
will not be impaired, JVir. i nompson s
Athena friends ww De giaa w ieum.
Mrs. I. M. Smith and Mrs. Fred
Pittman attended the funeral of Mrs.
Kilgore in Weston, Monday . after
m. ViltrofA was the widow of
the late Louis Kilgore and was a
pioneer resident of the Weston neign-
MpTnfvrs. voungest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre met
with a painful accident Sunday aiter-
noon at Bingham springs, wneu
k.u ifrVfn4 rmckor in her mouth
and as a result was burned, but with
no serious result
nrinn Mprcpr is manager lor tne
Shell Oil company and with his wife
will move from rendieton, into me
Sheldon Taylor property, recently A-a-,
Rnhort Cutler. The CnUers
are now living in the C. T. Smith
house on the West side.
Peaches, Servus Mammoth Halves 2Vs
3 for 83c
Schlitz Malt
Miss Helen Hansell entertained over
the week-end, Miss Esther Weinstein
of Spokane.
The Herbert Hale and O. E. Venable
families spent the Fourth and week
end at Ukiah. . 1
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier were
visitors at the J. W. Pinkerton home
over the Fourth.
Dale Whiteman of Walla Walla
spent the Fourth with his aunt, Mrs.
B. B. Richards and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Gurney, who
recently ; moved near La Grande
spent the week-end at the W. P. Lit
tle john home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen of Spokane
called at the J. W. Pinkerton and D.
A Pinkerton homes after a few days
spent in this vicinity and Bingham
Springs, v ; .
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Newbill and
daughter Doris, and Miss Addie
Martin, air of Dallas, were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Sias.
Miss Esma Hiteman and Miss
Monta Montgomery were hostesses to
a party of friends, Saturday. Mrs.
E. L. Hiteman served refreshments
to the guests. fk '
Mrs. A. W. Logsdon returned home
from Pendleton, Monday where she
spent a week at the home of her sis
ter Mrs. Nat Kimball. Mrs. Logsdon
is slowly recovering from her recent
illness. ; ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parr is have
had as recent guests at their farm
home north of Athena, Mr. and Mrs,
Dolph White, Miss Velma Myers and
Miss Velma Riggs1 of Caldwell, Idaho:
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thomas and little
daughter of Portland.
Returning from Walla Walla, Mrs,
C. E. 0. Montague is recovering from
her illness, without having to under
go a surgical operation. Mrs. Mon
tague was accompanied to Walla Wal
la by Mrs. Ellsworth McCollough,
who remained with her for several
days. v
Mr. and f Mrs. 5 Garner spent the
Fourth of July and the last week-end
at their rattch in Eagle valley, return
ing to Athena Monday. Mr. Garner
reports that the peach and apricot
crops will be very light in Eagle val
ley this season, while other crops are
promising ito be fairly good.
Mr. andi Mrs. "Charles Morrisette,
son and daughter, came over from
Seattle and are visiting at the home
of Mrs. C." H. Allen, southwest of
Athena. Mr. Morrisette was for many
years a farmer in the district soutn
of Athena, and owned the farm where
the A. R. Coppock family now lives. .
A. L. Swaggart, accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Elliott Peterson, have
been at the Swaggart farm north of
Athena, a part of the week. They re
turned to their homes near Portland,
Wednesday. Mr. Swaggart will re
turn here in a couple of weeks to
supervise harvesting his wheat crop.
This week Mrs. R; A. Duffield can
ned Lambert and Royal Ann cherries
and lots of peas' which came from the
family home at McCoy, Oregon. They
were brought to her by a party of
relatives, including her mother, Mrs.
F. A. Rhode, A. H. Rhode and wife
and Mrs. C. A. Kohler a sister, of
Opheim, Montana.
Union Sunday evening meetings
have been arranged between the Bap
tist and Christian churches of our
city. ' It is desired that people of all
communions, and non-church people
will attend these services. The ser
vices will alternate between the
churches. The pastors also will al
ternate in speaking. Mr. Sias will
speak next Sunday night at the Bap
tist church. , . i
Miss Ethel Geissel came up from
Portland July 4th and ayem the
week-end at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Dora Sanchez. She was ac
companied to Athena by her brother
Leo, who had been in Portland lor
several weeks, visiting relatives, the
return of Leo has considerably bright
ened the days of , his pal, Kenneth
Rogers. Miss Geissel returned to
Portland Sunday, where she is Lino
type operator in the office of the St.
Johns Review. , .
All members of the E. C. Rogers
family met at the parental home in
Athena on July 4th. Mr, and Mrs.
Dudley Rogers came down from
Washtucna, where they arc temporar
ily residing, and Miss Genevieve
Rogers came over from Seattle.
Genevieve was accompanied from
Seattle by her cousin, Miss Fiances
Rogers and Mr. McLean. Miss
Frances Rogers visited he mother,
Mrs. Frank Rogers, who is at the
home of her sister, Miss Nola Hill, in
the north part of town. ,
A '
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32 ' '
Have Your Typewriter
Cleaned and Overhauled
During Vacation
Terms Reasonable "" ;
Telephone 372
Coad's Typewriter Shop
109 W Main St. Walla Walla
Thr will ha the regular Sunday
-thm school at 9:50, morn-
and sermon following. In
the evening we will join in the union
services at the Baptist cnurcn, wnen
Mr. Sias will deliver the message,
topic will be "The Lost Accord." It
is hoped there will be a hearty re
sponse and happy fellowship in these
nueUnct. -
Yicsanttitg (Mlftiiff fedkwlite
THIS store is always "first
with the latest." Here's
the latest perfection in work
shoes made of Wolrerine
Shell Horsehide, acknowl
edged as the world's most
. durable leather. Wolver
ines often outwear two
or three pairs of ordi
nary ahoea ... always
stay soft . never
iscuff ... doubled
resistance against
acid burns. All
atylest ankle
length to knee
highs, at '
m I g n t T
Sturdy blucher.
Cap toe. Full
vamp. Goodyear
welt sewed. Full
leather heel. Soft
as buckskin.
Heavy 1000-mile
sole. The ideal
hoe for wear
in all kind of
prices. Come
in ana ex
amine a
out obli
gation .
to buy.
Department Store
Phone 152
Free to Our Customers1
Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., A. A. Brand
: v ; Reinforced Silverplate
' Guaranteed Without Time Limit by
We have a complete stock of this Ware in the
Lady Anne Pattern
We Will Give
Profit Sharing Certificates
Purchases af' Our Store
Which will secure for you a complete Table Service
: - Free of Charge U
Frank Little, Prop. !
Round Trip
Vacation Jime Raft
Ask for information. Album of
pictures and facts free on request
F. B. Wood, Aflfc
Athens, Oregon ) .
For Travelers Back East
orth Coast Limiteds
Newest of Transcontinental Trains
17 Ui'L
across the miles
Constant improve
ments are being
made in inter-city
telephone service.
5 .You can get your
connection . quickly.
97 of such calls are
handled while the
calling person re
mains at the tele
phone. Transmission
is clearer. Storm-re-sisting
cables are
being installed.
You can' get more
business into the
business day, with
inter-city telephone
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company