THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JULY 4, 1930 Press Paragraphs I Mrs. Lloyd Michener and s r. Oral were in Walla Walla Monday, Miss Myrtle Boylen of Helix spent , a week at the A. L. Jenkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker will spend the Fourth of July at Ukiah. ; Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton is confined to ; her bed again at her home on Third street. Athena stores will remain closed all day in observance of Independence Day. , , Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens of Pendleton called at the B. B. Richards home ' Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton and daughter Jewel shopped and visited relatives in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Metzgar and son, Leo, Cook, of Portland, are visitin.r at the W. J. Gholson home. "..' Poles R. A. Ball. Weton, R So. 2 has tamarack and red f r polcj iot sale at reasonable Jticjs. Mrs. Maurice Frazier and little daughter of Milton spent Wednesday at the J. W. Pinkerton home Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague is ill at her home and is under medical treat ments from Dr. Whitney of Walla Walla. Miss Elizabeth Holwager and Miss Mary Holwager of Walla Walla were Sunday callers at the B. B. Richards home. Miss Edna Zerba, who recently re turned from California Is making her home in Athena with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd. Mrs. Ora Burke and daughter Miss Dorothy Burke and Marjorie Mon tague were Walla ' Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Ethel Montague, Mrs. Wil lard Crabill, Mrs. Laura- Froome and Mr.'Alf Johnson were in Pendleton Tuesday. Continental Oil Company - Always at Your Service AtKena Service Station Gas, Oils, Greasing . Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762 What a Chance for Pictures The Fourth of July Picnic. Everybody has a good time. What a chance for pictures that everybody will enjoy! Kodaks are handy to carry and easy to use. Get one and keep it withyou this summer. We have a large assortment of EASTMAN KODAKS for you to choose from, including the MODERN KODAKS they get good pictures even when the sun doesn't shine. See our line today, Load Up With Kodak Film WATKINS' PHARMACY Main Street Athena Phhne 332 i Y 4aiwws SIS Y km The outstanding features of Red & White Stores arc high quality merchandise and de pendably low prices. To buy here is to SAVE every day the whole year through. You will enjoy trading here and you will enjoy the foods you buy. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Potato Chips, Bert's 10c Mayonnaise, Red & White pints 39c Salad Dressing, Green & White pts. 25c , ' Kraft Cheese i2 lbs. 2 for 45c B. & M. Beans and Brown Bread, Both for $ aye Snowdrift, 3 lbs. 79c 4 i Shrimp, Red & White 2 for 45c Shrimp, Blue & White 2 for 35c Genuine Deviled Ham, Underwoods, 14s 2 for 33c Olives, 6 oz. Stuffed, 10 oz. Queen, Both for 53c Ripe Olives, Blue and White pts. ; 2 for 43c 1 Porto 2 for 55c Salmon, Red & White, Is 2 for 65c Salmon, Pink Alaska 3 for 50c Cake Date Nut Layer 49c ED MONTAGUE PHONE 171 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boon of Port land .are here this week in the in terest of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Jenkins re turned from Bingham Springs Sun day, evening, where they spent sever al days in recreating. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate and little daughter came over from Helix and spent Tuesday evening at the Lee Wilson home in Athena. Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton was hostess to the Christian Missionary society, Wednesday. Mrs. Sias was in charge of the program for the afternoon. The ' following families enjoyed a picnic at Thorn Hollow Sunday, F. N. Johns, A. A. Mclntyre, F. L. Zerba, Floyd Pinkerton and Louis Keen. Vic Harris who has been in Port land for several months receiving medical treatment, is expected to re turn to his home here in a short time. The Methodist Ladies Foci'ely en joyed a pleasant pl.-nic nt the paik in Walla Walla, Sunday. Abcat twenty five were present at a splendid baKt dinner. Leonard Geissel, who has been troubled with fallen arches is again able to be at his place in the Wat kins' Pharmacy, returning to work Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and Wil- ford Miller are spending the Fourth at Ukiah, where the cowboy's con vention is putting on the celebration program. . ' II. A. Frick. Pendleton builder and contractor was in the city Wednes day, transacting business. Mr. Frick remodeled the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Kershaw. Lester O'Harra, Weston farmer and ex-storekeeper was in town Tuesday, transacting business. Lester seems to withstand the tide of time very well, judging from appearances. Miss Mary Tompkins, who was re cently operated on at Walla Walla for relief from a serious attack of ap pendicitis, has been removed to her home in Athena ana is now convales cent. ' Charles McFarland has purchased the Mrs. Patterson house m Athena, It is at present occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Myrick, who will move to one of the Mrs. Estes cottages on Current street. An error was made by the Press last week in stating that Mrs. Mol lie Worthington had returned to her home here from the hospital at Wal la Walla, Mrs. Worthington will be in the hospital for some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. E. C, PrcHthyo, xir. and Mrs. Justin Harwood of AtM a, and Dr. and Mrs. Rice of Pendleton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hirsch at Waitsburg. Ue gentlemen enjoyed a strenuous game of golf, while the ladies prepared a bounteous picnic dinner. Miss Ferderica Kershaw is home for the summer. Miss Kershaw, who is instructor in music at Gooding, Idaho, joined a party of friends, who spent several weeks at Seattle and other points on Puget Sound. Miss Ker shaw also visited relatives at Port land before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton are home from Montana where they spent several weeks. They stopped at Col fax and visited at the Frank Rain- ville home, where Mrs. S. C. Stanton and son Cleve, are spending the sum mer. Mrs. Stanton is enjoying un usually good health at this time. Miss 'Mildred Bateman visited friends in Athena, coming over from the home of her parents, at Milton. Miss Bateman, who was considering coming to Athena next year to j m the Athena high school faculty, has decided to remain in Portland where she has been engaged in oi.ul wel fare work. A party of thirty friends and neigh bors will spend the week-end at Bingham, in the party are the fol lowing families; L. R. Pinker';on, L. Michener, W. C. Garfield, A. A. Mc lntyre, F. N. Johns, A. W. Douglas, M. I. Miller, also Arleen Myrick, Ar leen Foster, Kenneth Rogers and Wayne Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton and daughter Jewel, Rachel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Michener, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Douirlas and daughter Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Johns, composed a party, spending Saturday evening in Walla Wal'.a. Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn was hostess to the Athena Bridge club Tuesday afternoon with four tables of bridge at play. The following guests wore present: Mrs. Gordon Watkins, Miss Watkins, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, Mrs Armond DeMerritt, and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford. High club score was held by Mrs. H. I. Watts and high guest score, Miss Watkins. The hostess served punch during the af ternoon. F. J. Kershaw and F. B. Boyd were at Ontario over last week-end and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Castlcman. Mr. Castlcman will be remembered as a pharmistist who was employed in "Doc" Osborn's old Pioneer drug store here. While at Ontario, the editor mule a trip out to W. S. Ferguson's farm near that city and saw what irrijation does there to boost crops along. Al falfa, corn, wheat and bar'.ey i3 te ing cropped on the Ferguson ldnce this season. CHURCH OF CHRIST The pulpit themes Sunday will be, morning, "The Lordship of Christ," evening, "Faith, Hope and Love." Special loyalty to the services on the part of the membership is re niipstoi tVirnno-h the summer season when you can make it possible to at tend, at both Bible school ana cnurcn services. An Invitation and a glad wtk'oni if extends! W til othctt, . Postmaster Barrett is engigod in harvesting his hay crop this week. Fred Pigg, deputy internal revenue collector for this district, was in Ath ena yesterday. Mrs. A. W. Logsdon has been con fined to her home this week on ac count of serious illness. Miss Dorothy Burke will spend a fortnight at the home pf her father R. E. Burke, in Portland, leaving Ath ena today. Mrs. C. M. Eager and (laughters Betty and Virginia returned to their Athena home from Seaside yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Blalock and children of Pendleton were dinner guests, Tuesday evening at the L. R. Pinkerton home. k Miss Carolyn Kidder will lmve next week for Butte, Montana, v-here she will visit at the hume oi" her mother, Mrs. Jack West. Miss Marjorie Wilson, who was slightly injured in an automobile Ac cident several days ago, is confined to her home but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen of Spo kane, were guests Wednesday at the J. W. Pinkerton home, en route to spend the 4th at Bingham Springs. Mrs. Fred Pinkerton was hostess for a bridge party at her home Thurs day of last week, in honor of Miss Mildred Bateman, her house guest. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn, who has been seriously ill in a Walla Wall hos pital, is feported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Bannister are in Portland, where they accompanied Mrs. McArthur on her return home after visiting in Athena for ; some time. Miss Margaret Lee is veiling at the home of her sister, Vr. Edgar Spencer at Fabifv befmv yoing to University of Mont-ma next week in attend summer chool. Mrs. Amiel Schubert and daughter Lela, returned home from Portland Tuesday. At Portland both ladies were under surgeons for major oper ations and are now on the road to re covery. Mr. and .Vu-t. Henry Knight ais here from Co'oivio, wheio they went some weeks ago. After remaining here for the summer, Mr. and Mr? Knight will ret.irn to Colorado to re side permanently. : Joseph N. Scott is ' at the ranch west of town preparing to harvest his crop. Mr. Scott s family Is in Cor vallis temporarily, to take advantage of school facilities for the children, and are not establishing permanent residence in the college town. Mrs. McKinney has armed irom Blalock, to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Little. Mvs, McKinney is an interesting p.oneer lady, a sister of the late Dr. Blalock, old-time physician of Wal'.a Walla, and at one time lived in that nly. A guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman, is "Mr. I. N. Smith of Kingston, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Smith, with her husband 'ived on Reed and Hawley mountain 26 years ago, where they were neighbors of Mrs. Pittman's parent. Tuesday Mrs. Pittman and her guest visited friends in Weston. Marion Hansell and Stafford Han- sell,' fishing in the northfork of the Umatilla, and Velton Read, Herb Parker and Fred Radtke in the lit tle Salmon, brought home full creels of genuine mountain trout. The lat ter three had a tough experience climbing out of the Little Salmon to the skyline road on top of the mountain. Mrs. M. W. Hansell was hostess at a very delightful and prettily ap pointed luncheon last Friday at the Grand hotel, Walla Walla. Thirty six ladies were served at small tables, centered with baskets of sweet peas, baby breath and clejnatis. A three course luncheon was served at 1 o'clock p. m. The following ladies en joyed Mrs. Hansell's hospitality: M.'s. Sarah Bowles, Mrs. H. H. Eichkoff, Walla Walla; Mrs. Lillian Fredericks, Miss Margaret Proebstel, Weston; Mrs. Paul Lieuallen, Mrs. Revella Lieuallen, Adams; Mrs. A. A. Kim ball, Pendleton; Miss Mildred Bateman, Milton; Mrs. B. B. Richards, Mrs. W. PRICES for SATURDAY and MONDAY ::;r-HiUs;;Coftee ; Is 48c, 2s 95c, 4s $1.86 Our Special Coffee 39c per lb. MM -4IHHiaHIBHfllliaiMHHHMHSSilnMS Wesson Oil P , G Laundry Soap Per Quart .1. .. 49c 10 Bars 39c Standard Corn 1 Lot f House Dresses No. 2 Cans, 3 for .39c ; $1.95 Value" While They Last ....$1.49 Phone 152 Athena Department Store P. Littlejohn, Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. J. C. Har wood, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton, Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre, Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre, Mrs. Dean Dud ley, Mrs. Sheldon Taylor, Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Gordon Watkins, Miss Watkins, Mrs. Armond DeMerritt, Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. A. W. Doug las, Mrs. M. I. Miller, Mrs. Lew Mc Nair, Mrs. T. Berlin, Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Mrs. R. B. McEwen and Mrs. W. C. Garfield, Athena. Mrs. M. L. Watts received high score for the afternoon. Keep dirt out of the house with Frick's Weather- Stripping. Confouraiion TREATMENTS PERFECT THE CONTOUR -A- .. . FULL STOCK OF CONTOURE PREPARATIONS t. JUST RECEIVED Athena Beauty Shop , Sadie Pambrun, Operator . Phone 82 I Round Trip Vacation -Time Rate Typewriter Repairing Have Your Typewriter Cleaned and Overhauled During Vacation Terms Reasonable Telephone 372 Coad's Typewriter Shop 109 W Main St. Walla Walla Bank Statement Charter No. 4516 Reserve District No. 12 Report of Condition of the First National Bank of Athena in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on June 30th, 1930 , ; RESOURCES ' ' - i-v 1. Loans and discounts 686,312.86 2. Overdrafts 12.20 3. United States Government securities owned ., 47,500.00 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned . . .. . 35,150.00 6. Banking house, $6,062.00, Furniture and fixtures, $338.00.... 6,400.00 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank , 30,495.72 9. Cash and due from banks .: ....... .74,511.72 11. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . ; 625.00 Total . . $ T81.007.50 LIABILITIES 15. Capital stock paid in ... . .. ...$ 50,000.00 16. Surplus . ... . 60,000.00 17. Undivided profits net .. .... 27,205.76 20. Circulating notes outstanding . v j . ,12,500.00 21. Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks out standing ...... .......,..... . . 2,634.13 22. 4 Demand deposits .. .......... .. ; 285,071.03 23. Time deposits . .... . . 343,596.58 Total . . 781,007.50 State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss. j I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . F. S. LeGROW, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me -this 3rd day of July, 1930. Correct Attest: E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public M. L. WATTS Commission expires July 1st, 1932. M. W. HANSELL, ., HENRY DELL Directors 2ooo Miles Scenic DCAUry Ask for information. Album of pictures and facts free on request) , P. B. Wood, A st. Athena, Oregon For Travelers Back East orth Coast Limiteds Newest of Transcontinental Trains Watch this Space Next Week! i ..." . . . We have something good to offer Costs you nothing! The Quality Grocery Frank Little Prop. - C