The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 30, 1930, Image 4

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    THE PRESS, ATHENA, OKEGON, MAY 30, 1930 v " :;:n St;;
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
AtKena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352
A Telephone Gall is the
nicest sort of
be remembered . . . '
friends convalescing ...
children away at school
and feeling homesick ...
birthdays coming. ...
Whatever the occasion,
ah out of town telephone i
call is the nicest sort of
It carries your voice
a touch of intimacy no
other means of commu
nication can give. And it
is inexpensive.
The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company
Sis si I j
I'M -L
"' " '' 1 " ;:; l; -
' --in i-fT'TiTi-iiiMiiiiTiM-MMiiiwiffntimiMr rnr
downed and controlled. Earn is entirely indenen- H
jfj dent of any outside interest We are united only in $
Bb 1 1 . Jl i . ITATT ZA
:I:our Duying in oraer mai we may save iuu money a
4 I 1 A J . A t V
poy purcnasmg in iremenaous quantities at special 7
5 price concessions.
B. & M. Beans and Bread, one of each for
3 for 79c
Grape Fruit, Red & White, 2s
3 for 73c
j Press Paragraphs
Grape Fruit, Blue and White
3 for 63c
Kraft Cheese, y2 lb.
2 for 45c
Tomato Soup, Red and White
3 for 25c
Hominy, Red and White, 2VaS
2 for 29c
Stuffed Olives, Servus 6 oz
2 for 53c
Salmon, Red and White, Is
2 for 65c
Salmon, Blue and White Is tall
2 for 37c
Colfee, Red and White, Mb. bag
Chocolate Layer Cake
. 49c
Gem Broom with Mop Stick Free
Criseo, 3 lbs.
The grocery stores of Athena will
be closed today, Decoration Day.
Mrs. Elmer Stockstill was ill last
week wtih a severe case of quinzy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton were
in College Place and Milton, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell have spent
the past week at Bonners Ferry,
Idaho. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller aid pons
returned home Saturday from Cilfax
and vicinity.
Miss Marjorie Booher of Wallt
Walla visited friends in Athena over
the week-end.
T. P. ' DeFreece of Walla Walla
spent last "week with his daughter,
Mrs. feims Dickenson.
C. E. Montague and family spent
Sunday at the Walla Walla park with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. W. C. Garfield, Mrs. C. M
Eager and daughter spent last Thurs
day in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Nellie Taylor of Walla Walla
spent , the week-end visiting friends
and relatives in Athena.
Arthur Bell, Ora Burke, Bernice
Wilson and Dorothy Burke spent Sun
day at Bingham Springs.
Mrs. Ora Burke and daughter, Doro
thy Burke and Bernice Wilson spent
Saturday in Walla Walla.
Miss Hilda Dickenson of Arlington
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. bims Dickenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson spent
Sunday on the river, Bill trying to
lure a few of the finny tn:e.
Mrs. H. E. Dow left last Wednes
day for an extended visit with re
latives in Edmonton, Alberta. ;
Herbert Parker, Fred Radtke, Fred
Boyd and Fred Radtke, Jr., are fish
ing in the Deschutes river this week,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk and son
Harold and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were
visitors in Freewater Tuesday eve
nine. -
Mr.,and Mrs. M. L. Watts left Fri
day evening for Portland returning
home Sunday driving a new Packard
Mrs. L. V. Ball and little daughter
of Boise, Idaho, are visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Clifford
Walker. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders re
turned on Friday from an automobile
trip to Medford where they visited
Mrs. Lillian Dobson, formerly of
Athena, called on friends here Friday
afternoon on her way to Portland and
valley points.
Rev. Sias drove to Hermiston Fri
day, bringing his daughter Miss Glea
Sias home after a successful school
year in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and fam
ily spent Sunday in Dayton, Wash
ington, visiting Mr. Eager's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager.
Mrs. W. J. Kirk returned home
Saturday evening after a two weeks
stay in Portland visiting her sister
Mrs. 0. E. Bowman and family.
Miss Clara Flock has returned to
her1 home in Portland, after several
months spent here visiting her sister
Mrs. Clarence Zerba and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke, Sr.,
arrived Monday evening from Glen
dale, California, to spend the summer
months with their son and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grosa had as
dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Keen, Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Dickenson and Mrs. Haynes and baby.
The Misses Marie and Mary Mc-
Keown, Joy Yeck and Mr. Thoinaa
Campbell of Pendleton, spent a few
hours with friends in Athena, Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Haynes and wee daugh
ter Harriet Anne of Enumclaw,
Wash., are here for a months visit
with Mrs. Haynes' sister, Mrs. Louis
Mrs. C. M. Eager and daughters,
Hetty ana Virginia expect to leave
Sunday for Seaside where they will
spend several weeks in the family
Mrs. E. H. Guild of Portland, niece
of Mrs. M. L. Watts is visiting here
this week. Mrs. Guild will bo re
membered as (Elizabeth Anderson) to
Athena friends.
Mrs. Chas. Wilson! and son of Pen
dleton spent Sunday at the Wilson
home while Mr. Wilson and on
Charles fished on the Umatilla river,
making a nice catch.
Mrs. L. A, Pinkerton and daughter
Jewel, Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and
daughter Joyce left Sunday for
Genesee and Lewlston, Idaho to spend
a fortnight with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Gerklng and
Mrs. Sias left Friday morning for
Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Gerking will
attend the B. Y. U. convention , and
Mrs. Sias will visit her sons In that
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
son Roland returned Friday from the
Willamette valley and the coast. Ihey
visited friends at Corvallis and Eu
gene, and motored out to Newport
and Toledo.
Miss Ellen Henry returned home
Sunday morning from LaGranda
where she had been visiting friends
since the close of her school at Board-
man, Miss Henry will teach at Esta-
cada next year.
Mrs. W. C. Garfield entertained
Mrs. Lucy Ransom and daughter Miss
Lucy Ransom of Walla Walla, at din
ner Friday evening. The ladies
staying over for the dancing recital
the high school auditorium.
Miss Maude Sherman returned the
first of the week from Estacada where
she has taught in the primary depart
ment of the public schools for the
past seven years. Miss Sherman has
accepted a position as primary in
structor at Corbet! for the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon Mr. and
Mrs. James Beamer and family Mr.
and Mrs. Emery Staggs and daugiter
Lucille and Mr. and Mrs. Driscal of
Dayton, Washington, enjoyed a fam
ily dinner at the Beamer ': home in
Weston Sunday. j
There will be a church service pro
gram national hook-up over the Co
lumbia Broadcasting system Sunday,
June 1st, at 1:00 p. m. Pacific coast
time. Spokane, KFPY, Portland,
KOIN, Christian church, eastern
speaker and soloist Tune in early
for Cathedral Choir numbers.
A goodly number of local K. of P.
members attended on open house
meeting at Freewater Tuesday eve
ning and pronounced it a huge suc
cess and a good time was had by all
Those attending from here were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Montague, John Benson,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Garner, Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton. ,
Mrs. M. W. Hansel! entertained the
Athena Bridge club last Friday after
noon. Three tables of bridge, were at
play. Mrs. Fred Pinkerton was a
guest Mrs. W. C. Garfield carried
away high score and Mrs. Lloyd Mich
ener low score. A dainty luncn was
served by the hostess assisted by Mrs.
Fred Pinkerton and Miss Mildred
Hansell. f . , . ,
A picnic party spending the day
at Walla Walla , park were Mr. and
Mrs. A. M.j Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Henry, Miss Ellen Henry, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Catron, Mrs. Ethel Mon
tague, Mr. Alvin Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. D. II. Johnson of Seattle, nnd
Mr. and Mrs. James Riley and daugh
ter Barbara of Walla Walla.
Baseball will be a leading sports
feature, as usual, at the pioneers re
union in Weston June 13 and 14, re
ports the Leader. As Weston has no
team this year, the sports committee
has turned over the handling of the
games to the manager of the Miiton
Freewater team, who will look after
all arrangements and put the grounds
in shape. It is likely that' the Twin
City boys will be opposed by the Mis
sion Indians and in the other by Ath
The regular meetings of the Chris.
tian Missionary society will occur
Wednesday p. . m. June 4th, at the
Gerking home west of town. One
feature of the program will be play
ette, in which the following ladies
will assist: Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, as
Miranda Hopkins; Mrs. Eva Charlton,
Sarah Benson; Mrs. Julia Smith,
Susan Crane; Mrs. Jenkins ' Minerva
Hodges; Ruth Hodges, Minerva's
daughter. All members and friends
are invited.
Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs. Roy
W. Lieuallen were here last week-end
from Morrow county, visiting at the
J. P. Lieuallen farmstead. Roy re
ports promising crop conditions in his
section. He has s thousand acres in
turkey jed and hybrid which is knee
high and coming along fine. He took
home 300 5 young roosters bought
from the Mrs. Dave Stone chicken
farm near Athena, and expects in
due course to have plenty of nice- frys
for the Lieuallen ranch table.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris announce
the opening of their new ' barber
shop and beauty parlor for Saturday,
June 7. The beauty parlor will be
conducted by Miss Gladys Becm, of
Portland, until Mrs. Hairis finish!
her course. There will be a special a:
the parlor the opening day when a
free manicure and free mrcelle or
finger wave will be givrn. The beau
ty shop will be located in the back
part of the barber shop, whi;h is lo
cated in the Froome building.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home
of Mrs. Louis Keen, .Tuesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Eleven mem
bers were present and the guests
were Mrs. J. Haynes and the Misses
Dorothy and Margaret 1 Lee. After
the interesting devotional and busi
ness session, an entertaining 'pro
gram was given by seveial of the
members. Mrs. Barney FoBter and
Mrs. George Banister 3ervd dainty
refreshments. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Stella
Keen on the last Tuesday in June.
J. E. Jones, rural mail carrier, is
taking his annual vacation, his place
being filled in his absence by hi? son,
Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon CHara have gone by auto to
Ashland where they will, spend . a
part of Mr. Jones vacation.
Mrs. John Stanton was hostess to
the Methodist Ladies club Wednesday,
There were twenty-one ladies present
Mrs. W. O. Read being absent. Mrs.
Ralph Singer officiated and Mrs. H.
H. Hill supervised the program of
May Day, Play Day. Those partici
pating in the program were Mrs.
Clarence Hand Mrs. Willard Crabill,
Mrs. Ralph Singer, Mrs. Barney Fos
ter, Mrs. John Tompkins, Mrs.
Arthur Coppock, Mrs. Sam Panibrun,
Mrs. J. S. Huffman, Mrs. J. A. Alkire,
Mrs. John Burke, Mrs. James Hug
gins, and Miss Mildred Stanton. De
licious refreshments were served .by
the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ed Mon
tague, Mrs. Jim Huggins, Mrs.
Charles McFarland and Miss Miidred
Stanton. The invited guests vere
Mrs. Mierva Montague, Mrs. Ed Mon
tague, Mrs. Barney Foster, Mrs. J.
S. Huffman, Mrs. J. A. Alkire, Mrs.
Sam Pambrun.- The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Sim Dicken
son. The picnic will be June 29 at
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Tompkins. v i ; ?
Bingham Springs Notes
Mrs. Sarah Rasmussen of Pendle
ton and party held a family reunion,
Saturday, May 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and
son Dean of Athena were Sunday
visitors. .. - .. ... '.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Green of the
Springs fish hatcherv were Pendleton
visitors Friday. . ; .
James Cress well of the Athena
Standard Oil company . delivered a
load of gasoline near here SaturHav
for the county road crew which is do
ing some good work on the roads be
tween the Springs and Gibbon.
Marion Hansell was a luckv fisher
man from Athena Thursday when he
fished in the Umatilla . river. He
caught a steelhead 28 inches long and
some fine trout. .
The Batchelor Boys of Pendleton
and their lady friends were visitors
Dr. F. L. Ingram and family of
Pendleton spent the week-end at their
summer home here.
H. H. Eickhoff, Mr. Schummel,
Glen Dudley and Marion Hansell were
visitors Wednesday and Thursday.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Charles
Norris, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed Ex
ecutrix of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Charles Norris, deceased by
an Order of the above entitled Court.
AH persons having claims against
the Estate of said deceased are here
by notified to present the same to me
at The First National Bank of Athe
na, Athena, Oregon, or to my attor
neys, Watts & Prestbye, at their of
fice in Athena, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this Notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 30th
day of May, 1930.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of Charles Norris, Deceas
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. M30J27
H. A. Frick
Carpenter and Contractor
Pendleton Phone 231 J
Specializes In
Weather Stripping
We Solicit a Share of your Patronage,
based on quality Merchandise at a fair
price to you, would also appreciate your
Phone Orders.
Mb. Can 48 c
The Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop.
(Succmor to Mn. C. M. Eagr)
; ; , ,
it wears a
stays soft and
scuff -proof
VOU'VE probably read the
. advertisements about these
famous Wolverine Work Shoes in
your favorite farm magazine. Now
we've secured a stock of Wolverines
in .all styles, ankle lengths to knee
highs. And we invite every work
hoe wearer to come in and tee
the perfect work shoe.
We've investigated and tested
ibis line and every word they
ay about Wolverines is true. They
do dry soft alter soaking and stay
oft despite all weather conditions.
The uppers are almost Impossible
to rip and tear, for the 4-pIy
thread is sewed deep into the sur
face. The uppers are alio scuff
proof and stand up longer against
acids than any work shoe we
know. Last and equally important,
Wolverines are made of Shell
Cordovan Horsehide a leather
that outwears any other work shoe
You'll be under no obligation
if you wish to drop in and ex
amine a pair. And once you try
Wolverines, yon'll never switch to
any other grade of work shoe.
Athena Department Store
Continental Oil Company
' Always at Your Service .
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing ' ;
Automobile Accessories -Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop; . . Athena, . . Phone 762
r )b
Round Trip
Vacation Tltiit Rate
Ask for information. 'Album of
pictures and facts free on request
F. B. Wood, Agt
"Athena, Orsjon
For Travcftrs Back East
North Coast Limiteds
Ntwcst of Transcontinental Trains