The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 30, 1930, Image 2

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V.' B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
"English distiller taken in New
York." Headline. Maybe it should
have read: ."English distiller taking
in New York;" some of them do no
Subscription Rate.
0 ne copy, one year j-9
One copy, six months
One copy, three months
Athena, Oregon, May 30, ...
Clark Wood Says t
"The difference between us J
t and an Italian editor is that we j
J can safely advise Mussolini that ,
his vocal organs need relaxation. J
The National Crime Commission
has suggested that local crime com
mifmions be formed in every com
munity, for the purpose of enforcing
laws with reference to local conai
tions. One of our metropolitan ex
chanees believes that this is a sound
miirirestion. The law cannot change
the public attitude or remodel public
habits. Those reformers who advo
cate such "cures" as, for instance, i
Federal revolver law which would
Reek to impose exactly the same re
strictions on communities thousands
of miles apart, with entirely different
problems to cope with, have too mucn
zeal and too little logic. The best
thing State and Federal government
could do toward preventing crime
would be not to pass more, laws but
to weed out the unenforceable, un
necessary and burdensome laws that
now infest the land. Apparently their
sola result, aside from "creating
criminals, has been to so burden the
process of law with technicalities
that intelligent and swift dispensa
tion of justice to criminals is irnpes
Bible. :
: Single American cities have more
major crime than many of tho great
European countries. Part of this is
due to political-criminal - alliances,
nart to the activities of misguided
sob sisters. Dart to incompetent police
systems. But it is probable that a
leading cause has been our mania
for passing impractical or unenfovco
able laws.
Back in 1913 Fred Eberhardt of
Grants Pass disappeared while on a
hunting trip. For weeks friends
searched for the missing man but
failed to find him. With the passing
years his disappearance was coupled
with conditions that makes hunting
in the wilderness a risky adventure
for anyone who is not versed in
mountain and trail life. Last week
a skeleton was found at the head of
Lost creek in Josephine county and
the remains were identified as those
of Eberhardt when his watch was
found nearby. Whether the hunter
became lost and bewildered or was
wounded, will never be known, but
the finding of his remains removes a
burden from his relatives.
" Press reports indicate that the
California Railroad Commission is
against any new crossings over rail
road tracks not absolutely necessary
for public convenience. The Commis
slon is earnestly undertaking to
eliminate the cause of grade cross
ing accidents and realizes that the
first essential is to stop creating new
grade crossings. Then with educa
tion of the public in safe driving,
changing the more densely traveled
crossings and requiring installation
of approved warning devices, the pri
mary causes of accidents will be
brought under control.
Congressman Haugen of Iowa, co
labor with Senator McNary of Ore
gon in farm legislation and chair
man of house committee on agricul
ture, commends the Summers bill new
before congress to provide heavy
fines as well as a revocation of
license for commission men who ave
found guilty of fraudulent practices
Mr. Haugen asserts that million) of
dollars can be saved to American
farmers by a proper regulation of
commission dealers in perishable pro
Tho American gold star mothers
who are visiting French cemeteries
are being well entertained by the
French people. A party of ex-Gorman
soldiers who were visiting one
of the burial grounds clicked their
heels together at respectful attention
when they met a party of gold
mothers. This is a small old world
after all when measured in senti
ment and human feelings.
There are seven feet of snow on
the rim' of Crater Lake at the present
time making it possible for the kid
dies to snowball there on July 4th.
A dollar tariff on lumber instead of
a dollar and a half would not look so
bad if the peg had not been set at a
dollar and a half. -
Washineton state convention had
much to do with the world court and
prohibition in constructing the re
publican platform.
Oretrnn'a cheirv cron is slumnii.e
Just so the spud crop comes through
all right, we should worry.
The Graf Zeppelin has made her
bow to South Americans, and they
received her with eclat. i
Chinese rebel army defeated, is
the war news we are again reading
on the front pages.
No matter how they try back in
Indiana, they just cannot get along
without Pinchot.
The seasonal employment commis
sion of Portland, cooperating with
the U. S. Employment Service, re
ports a large surplus of unemployed
both in all trades and common labor.
Indications are that there will be a
surplus of labor throughout the en
tire season.
The census enumeration discloses
that precinct No. 20, outside Athena
has a populution of 51, and 17 farms.
Precinct 19 contains 121 population
and 30 forms. Precinct 18 has 59
population and 15 farms enumerated.
((c), 1930. WnUrn Ntwapapcr Union.)
"How vast and profound Is the
Influence of the subtile powders of
heaven and earth. We seek to per
celve them, and we do not see them,
we seek to hear them and we do
not hear them: Identified with the
ub stance of things, they cannot be
separated from them."
One way of serving codfish, which
is usually very popular, Is with baked
potatoes.' The codfish Is
parboiled, broken into
small pieces and added
to a drawn butter sauce,
or a rich white sauce, or
simply pleflty of butter
added and served hot
with the potatoes.
As fish balls, there la
, nothing better for break
fast or a luncheon dish, '
Parboil in a large piece, drain and
lay ra melted butter and baste It while
heating either on the range or In the
oven. Serve when the butter has
been well soaked In,
Codfish 8ouffle. Take two cupful S
of mashed potatoes, one cupful of
shredded codfish, two beaten eggs
(separate the whites and yolks), add
one-half of a green pepper diced, one
half of an onion chopped fine, and two
tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Mix
all of the ingredients, adding salt and
pepper and fold in the stiffly beaten
egg whites at the lost Bake in a
buttered baking dish In a moderate
oven. The onion and pepper may be
cooked in the butter, then added to
the fish and egg yolks. Serve with
string beans, green peas or onions.
Codfish Pis. Put a layer of nicely
seasoned mashed potato in a well
buttered baking dish, cover with a
layer of codfish which has been par
boiled and cover with plenty of but
ter. Cover with another layer of po
tato, brush with egg and milk and
bake in a hot oven until the potato Is
well browned on top. Serve from the
dish with cabbage cole slaw, using
vinegar enough to make the dish
snappy in flavor.
Fruit and Flower Pudding. Take
two cupfuls of graham flour, one
fourth tenspoonful of soda, two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder, one tea
spoonful of salt, one egg, three-fourths
of a cupful of raisins, one cupful of
sour milk, one-fourth cupful of fat,
one-half cupful honey and one egg.
Mix and steam two and one-half hours
in a buttered mold.
(Industrial News)
In several of the Western states
a bittle battle is now being fought
over the question of mine taxation.
- One group holds that the mines are
nayine their due share of state ex
penses. The other group advocates
higher mining taxes as a measure to
"relieve" other businesses, mainly
agriculture. 1V.
Such a problem should be consider
ed not alone from the standpoint of
the mining industry or the farming
industry but from the standpoint of
the general welfare of the whole
state. In Utah, for example, mining
is the greatest industry. It is the
nrincipal employer and carries the
largest payroll. Directly and indi
rectly it purchases the products of
every other industry within the state
However, in Utah, several import
ant minim; companies are working
extremely low grade ore. I he per
centasre of net profit, in relation to
operating expense and the risk ol
mining activities, is small. It is saw
on good authority that if taxes m
crease it will be practically impos
sible to work much of the low grade
ore without incurring a loss. This
is doubly true since the recent dmp
in copper prices to the lowest point
since 1927.
Capital, when oppressed, goes else
where. And poverty-stricken mines
would benefit no one. The citizens of
the West should consider mining leg
islation from the standpoint of labor,
investment and employment. No in
telligent, unbiased person can escape
the conclusion that mining progress
and Western progress go hand in
hand. ,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Minnie
f v. Booner, ueceaeea.
rp. 11 nnwHAna wlinm If. mflV PfiVl
XV till iciowo j -
cern: You are hereby notified and
ill 1.-1 I Vi nn A M TrvVl fl.
W1U lane iiuuto
son, executor of the last will and
testament of Minnie D. Booher, de
ceased, has filed his final account and
report in me anunii.rnuuii ui u
estate. The County Judge, by order
duly made and entered, has appoint
ed Monday the 23rd day of June,
1930, at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton,
Oregon, as the place, where all ob
jections and exceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
- ..ill rf 4-V.a. aofafn mnnn.
Dated this 23rd day of May, 1930.
A. M. JOHNSON. Executor.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Executor. M23J20
"The most pessimistic report yet
heard on reorganization of the busi
ness machinery of the United States
Government comes from ft source
which lends it high authority Rep
resentative Williamson, of South Da
kota, who has served two years as
chairman of the House Committee of
Expenditures in the Executive De
partment," says the Baltimore Sun
editorially: ,
"From time immemorial the ma
chinery of Government operation has
been said to be antiquated, wasteful
and inefficient, and bureaucracy has
been attacked as standing obstinately
in the way of betterment, but no
criticism of the system has been more
severe than that of Representative
Williamson after fresh study of the
subject. His address a few days ago
at Louisville is filled with reflections
upon the Government's , business or
ganization. 'It has become loaded
with multiplied layers of barnacles
that show a surprising capacity for
hanging on.' Presidents who have
started bravely to reform it "have
given up in despair.' With approxi
mately 590,000 employes on the pay
roll, 'a staggering total in peace
time, 'overlapping of functions by
various departments and bureaus is
the rule rather than the exception.'
In no case where the Williamson
committee's work would "result in
diminishing in the least degree the
prestige of the bureau or its head'
did it receive the slightest coopera
tion, says Mr. Williamson- .
"Nor does Mr. Williamson hold out
much hope of correcting conditions.
President Harding evolved 'a plan
which looked beautiful on paper.' It
was riddled by 'bombs, . shells and
shrapnel' from "snipers in the de
partments. "The canny Calvin Cool-
idge readily detected the sticks of
political dynamite' concealed in the
scheme and steered clear of it. Mr.
Hoover is pledged to reorganization
by his platform, but Mr. Williamson
sees difficulties in giving him the
necessary authority. It is left to the
tender mercies' of Congress, which
shows little or no Interest in the busi
ness. The arrogance of officialism has
wrecked many - governments by op
pression and high taxation. If it is
not checked, there is no reason why
history can not repeat itself in this
23 Years Ago
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
Charles A. Sias Minister
Sunday Services
9:50 Church Bible School.
11:00 Morning worship and ser
1 p. m. Young people's meeting.
8:00 p. m. Song service and ser-
Choir- rehearsal each Thursday
Women's Missionary society meets
the first Wednesday of the month.
Month y "Church Night" the third
Wednesday night each month.
Service Station
in its new location,
Main at 5th Street
Shell Gas
Shell Lubricating Oil Shell Dry
Cieaner Shell Auto Polish
! Shell Spring Oil
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
help you
Foot Correctionlst
22 W. Main St. 'Walla Walla
Palmer's Garage
(Successor to L. A. Cornell)
Automobile Accessories
Union Gasoline
High Grade Oils
Mechanical Department
Expert Mechanic in Charge
Main Street - - . ATHENA - - Phone 471
Friday, May 31, 1907
Joseph N. Scott was in Pendleton
Wednesday. ' , ,
Miss Alt Sharp visited friends in
Pendleton Wednesday.
Mrs. Robert Tharp and son Law
rance and Herbert Parker, drove over
to Weston last evening to attend the
exercises of the 8th grade in the Nor
mal training department, oi whicn
Miss Lula Tharp is a member.
B. B. Richards and M. L. Wat's
had business in Weston Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz. win
return from Portland to Athena, to
reside permanently. Mr. Koontz ha3
accepted the position of book keeper
at the f irst National Bamc .-
Harrv McBride will run several
hacks to Weston during the picnic,
Friday and saturaay. .
Fred Flint, sheep shearer, is in
tvnm for a few Hava before entering
upon the last stanza of his profes
sional "trick" lor the season.
S. A. Barnes, David Lavender and
R . n: Hall, were amone? the Weston
Masons who attended the .banquet
given by Dolph Lodge, A., F. &A. M,
Yesterday there was a bis? trip
hammer shipped from rortiana, con-
imd to Tharn Bros.. OI this City
The machine is canable of striking
200 ninety-pound blows per minute.
From this it will be seen tnai ine
hammer will greatly facilitate the
niitnnt. from Athena's leadine black
smith shop. The trip nammer win
rest on a concrete base and electric
nnww will he used.
Beginning Friday morning the an
nual reunion of the rinee'a laKes
place at Weston, extending to Satur
day night Weston is generous in her
entertainment of guest? and her resi
dents have given notice that they will
thrnw nnen their lawns for the con
venience of visitors. ' The - program
for general entertainment is more
nmnlpfa this vear than usual.- Hun-
AreAn nt Athena Deoole will attend
the picnic, and besides the trains a
number of hacks will make regular
trips to. facilitate transportation.
A Mr. : Thomas or wausDurg win
succeed Fred Kershaw as local agent
of the W. & C. R. at this point. The
new agent will arrive tomorrow.
"Link" Swaggart came up from
Pendleton the other evening, and had
in his possession a new dog. The ca
nine is of royal purple lineage, is
Rhode Island Red in color, all the
rest being just plain dog.
Rev. George T. Ellis came down
from Baker City Saturday. ;Rev.
Ellis occupied his pulpit in the Bap
tist church Sunday morning and eve
ning, and yesterday returned to Baker
where he is taking medical treatment.
He is very much improved, and re
ports that Mb son, who recently un
derwent ft surgical operation is do
ing nicely.
G. M. Morrison was up from Adams
Friday evening.
Miss Nellie Foss visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hanscom
near Pendleton.
Bring in Your Bent
and Sprung Axles;
Acetylene Welding and Black
. smithing ,-. .? . ... . ,:' ',
C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop
Fricks' Metal Weather Stripping.
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. SO
Athens, Oregon,May 30, 1930
No. 21
We can't understand why the
Soviet Government has to per
secute the peasants to stop
them from , attending church,
when the same objective could
be reached by teaching them to
play golf.
It's ft good idea to consult the
Tum-A-Lum about building.
Though you are not the man.
your mother thinks you are,
don't worry. Your wife can
identify you.
Today's Fairy Story
Once upon a time there was
a movie actress who never en
dorsed any soap, shampoo,
powder, toothpaste, cigarettes,
hats or baking powder. She was
a trained seaL
Hints to Housewifes
Although we know more about
lumber than about cooking we
think this is a good idea, When
pouring paraffin on jelly to pour
a small amount on, lay ft short
string across, then pour on
more paraffin. The cord en
ables you to pull off the para
ffin more easily. Besides this
we have a lot of good ideas
about the remodeling of the
home. Do a room or two every
year, until the house is com
pletely rejuvenated.
"Crops is goin' to be good
this year," sez Road "especial
ly the crop of brides."
Window boxes and trellis ef
fects will add to the beauty of
any home and they are very in
expensive when made of Tum-A-Lum
Down by the mill
He tried to kiss Miss Wright
But she wouldn't do it
Not by a dam site. "
"We like to help folks build."
Our idea of nothing is ft hot
ftir ballon with tK cover removed.
The Athena Hotelr
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons ;' :. ,.
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
I Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Bell & Gray "
Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
x Hauling
We Have Everything for
Baby's Happiness
Let us help protect the baby's precious health dur-,
ing. the coming Summer months. Baby powder,
soap and cream, Puretest Zinc, Stearate and Kant
leek nipples are just a few of the needs for baby's
comfort that we carry in stock.
Successor To McFadden's Pharmacy .
ain Street Athena, Oregon
r M mm
We Have the Agency
.' ' . . ' For the v
Macy Tailoring System
of America
Twin City Cleaners
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Exclusively Sold Here
Milton Bread
r and
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed -
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 492
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item. , ,
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month .10c per KWH
Next 200 1 ..7cperKWH
Next 300..... 6c per KWH
Next 400. per KWH
Next 1000 ..4cperKWH
Excess over 2000 ...3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bilL Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company