The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 16, 1930, Image 4

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Kerr's Oats, with premium 33c
Kellogg's All Bran 23c
T ot Mfipnvnnns rmoVflCP : 25c
3 Economy Dill Pickles .......21c
Corn Starch, ' -3 for 29c
g Crystal White Soap, : n ior 4c
The Quality Grocery
Alice Eager, Prop.
r . ... . , . . ,
Press Paragraphs
Reduced fareiall parts of eafc liberal atop-'
overt. Fine train modem equipment
plendid eervicet iconic route. Short side
trips enable you to viait
Information and Booklet on request
y Ki..D-.Ki
sr. iouis 2-!
DETROIT.. ... !JJ.
Athena, Oregon
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Accessorids-
BRYCE BAKEIt, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
fjfiL tX-tj- fcaJVl.
Again the Red & White Stores bring to the buy
ing public this money seving eventan event
where quality is paramount. Stock your pantries
with quality and at a saving.
2 for 53c
3 for 82c
S Peets Washing Machine Soap with sample pkg free
Wesson Oil, Quart
Oysters, Blue and White, 5 oz.
2 for 35c
Tuna Fish, Red and White
2 for 43c
Canada Dry
3 Bottles for 73c
12 Bottles for 2.S5
Red & White Tomatoes, 22s
3 for 65c
Jell Dessert
3 for 23c
Tea, Semis, Orange Pekoe (Black) i2 pound
: -.. . 47c : ' '.
Tea, Servus, Japan (Green) y2 Pun(i
37c '
Schlitz Malt Syrup, Hop Flavored
. - 75c ' .
"T Linit Starch
2 for 19c
Sweet Potatoes, Ked & White, 2
Mrs.! Joe Sheard left Monday night
for Hot Lake.
Several Athena people spent Sunday
at Bingham Springs.
Mr. ana Mrs. M. JU watts spent
Sunday in Pendleton.
For Sale Mm. Earl Martin has a
good refrigerator, for sale.
Mrs. Will Steen of Milton was an
Athena visitor Wednesday.
Eldon Myrick and Arthur Crowley
were Pendleton visitors Monday.
Laurence Pinkerton was a business
visitor in Walla Walla Monday.
John Rothrock was an Athena
visitor Monday from Pendleton.
Elmer Merritt was in Pendleton on
business Wednesday afternoon.
Charles Schatz of Adams, was a
business visitor here, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell motored to
Spokane Monday and returned Tues
day evening.
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton is home again
after several weeks at the Walla Wal
la sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson and son
of Pendleton spent Sunday with rela
tives in Athena.
Joe Anderson returned from Spo
kane Wednesday morning after a
weeks absence.
Roy DeFreece and
were Sunday visitors
water and Milton.
Mrs. A. L. Jenkins will leave Sun
day for Portland to attend the Be
bekah convention.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pinkerton and
daughter Jewel spent Sunday at the
D. A. Pinkerton home.
Minn Arleen Mvrick is visiting at
Frcewater at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Tom Mosgrove.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were
guests at the Dr. Blatchford home
Wednesday evening.
Mm. Dean Gerking of near u ma
rtini, is seriously ill and relatives were
enlled tn tier bed side.
Mrs. John Stanton visited her
daughter Miss Mildred Stanton in
Pendleton Wednesday.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Crawford is quite ill and is under the
care of Dr. McKinney.
Mrs. St Dennis of Weston, sister of
Mrs. Fred Pittman, spent the week
at the Pittman home here
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Davis and Mrs.
Shelton of Walla Walla were Athena
visitors Sunday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Rice of Pen
dleton were Saturday evening guests
of Dr. and Mrs. R. Blatchford.
Superintendent E. E. Coad has re
turned to his home in Cove, Oregon,
sftnr hi term of school here.
The Baptist church convention will
be held in Portland May 22nd. Rev
erend and Mrs. Dow will attend.
Mrs. C. M. Eager and Oral Mich
ener were business visitors in Stan
flnM .nil Hermiston Wednesday.
Mrs Sarah Jane Bowles of Walla
Walla spent last week at the home of
her daughter Mrs. s. t.eurow
John Tompkins and family have
mnveri back to the farm after the
winter months spent in Athena.
Mr Jerkins- mother of G. R. Ger
king and Mrs. Saylor of Milton spent
Sunday at the G. R. Gerking home.
The Kiokhoff bean crew began
nlanting in this district Tuesday
under nnnervision of Marion Hansell
Mr. and Mrs. Kalph singer ana sons,
VmA and Walter snent Sunday at
vin o-neata of Mrs. Singer's parents
Mr. rielhert Clore was ud from
Vale. Orea-on. to attend the funeral
of Muriel Yenney, Wednesday after
Mrs. A. A. Shick, Mrs. Loraine
Shick and Mrs. Edna Harder of Walla
Walla visited Mrs. Jane Harden Wed
nesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis arrived in
Athena from Portland Saturday. They
are visiting friends in Athena and
Milton. : '
Miss Dorohy Lee returned to her
home near Athena, Monday, after a
successful school year at Palouse,
Washington. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Tan L,ittie movea
to Athena from Hermiston Thursday
and will occupy the Fred Gross house
on Fifth street.
Mrs. Lyle Gray and Children are
visitors this week with Mrs. Grays
parents Mr. and Mrs. George Bay at
Harvard, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of
Pendleton and Bernica Wilson of
Athena left Sunday for Spokane to
spend a few days. ,
John Huffman has been Engaged
this week in hauling cattle from the
vicinity of Walla Walla to we igs
Aan feed vards here. i
Mia Reulah Smith left Athena
Satnrdav evening for her home in
Island City. She spent the mgnt wun
relatives in Pendleton
Mrs. R, D. Blatchford is leaving
Sunday for a three week stay with
her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Heinick at
rV anncen Wafthinptftn.
v-t " . . . .
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. rroebstei i
Snnlran wer recent visitors of Mrs
PmoKttel at the Lilla Kirk
ranch residence near here. Mr. Proeb-
Cotfee, Red & White, 1-lb bag
Cake, Date Nut Layer
Charles A. Sias Minister
Sunday Services
8:50 Church Bible School. ,
11:00 Morning worship and ser
v t p. m. Young people a meeting.
fi-oo n. m. Son service and ser-
Choir rehearsal each Thursday
Women's Missionary society meets
tha Atsit VadnHv of the month.
Monthly "Church NiKht the third
WtdBeiday night each month..
stel is manager of the Montgomery
Ward store at Spokane. The guests
and their hostess were entertained at
dinner last week at Walla Walla by I
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kichmona.
Mrs. Ret Potts and daughter Myr
tle arrived in Athena Saturday eve
ning from Portland to spend a time
with friends and relatives.
Miss Margaret Hereford left for
her home at Steptoe, Washington,
Thursdav evening after her school
year at district number 2.
Commencement exercises were new
in Adams Wednesday night. Professor
J. B. Horner, of Oregon State College
delivered the class address.
Mis Rhoda Nelson left for her
home near Freewater, Monday morn
ing after finishing the Athena nign
school with the 1930. class.
The Ohyato camp fire girls will
hnU ceremonial meeting Wednes
day, at the home of Jewell Pinkerton,
at which time a picnic will be decided
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon and
daughter Donna Jean were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Logsdon's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield in Pendle-
ton. "' ;; .
Mra. Maurice Frazier and little
daughter Celest were visitors Thurs
day at the hdme of Mrs. Frazler's
narenta Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinker
ton. -.
Mr. Everett Eager of Dayton,
Wash., spent Sunday with his son, C.
M. Karer and family. Mrs. Eager re
turned home after several days speni
A marriaee license was issued at
the rmintv auditor's office. Walla wal
la this week to John Jti. annicer oi
Freewater and Blanche Cockburn oi
Mr Zeltha'Mdntvre left the lat
ter part of this week with her son
HarnW Mclntvre of Helix ior ron-
land and their farm in Sherman
county. '
Henry Keen was over irom fctaie
Line Tuesday on business. Mr. Keen
will motor to Portland the last ot
this week to visit his sister, Mrs.
Mr and Mrs. James Bell left Sat
urday for Arlington where they vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Bell's sister Mrs.
Warren of that city, returning Sm
Aar iirht. "
J .. ... ... ,
Mrs. Stella Keen and Annaoei
Pavna were in Milton Saturday. They
attended a recital presented oy mrs,
Glenn Steen of her piano ana expres-
B1UU Jul". . ' .
Mr. 0. H. McPherrm returned irom
Portland Saturday night. Mrs. Mc
Pherrin and son remained in Portland
where they will spend several weeks
with relatives. -
Mr and Mrs. R. A. Duffield and son
Curtis returned to Athena last week
after enendinir several months in
Portland. They are staying at the
Pnnth antn cimn. "
Robert Kenworthy, small son oi
Mr and Mrs. Earold Kenwonny
nee Lillian Gerking) died at home
- Cnnlrmo W oH TIP H1 ft V. 4 ft. 111. OI
nf tonsilitis.
m. and Mra. M. I,. Watts " attend'
a-a - -
the 50th wedding anniversary oi
and Mr.' R. Alexander in renaie-
tnn. Tuesday afternoon, also the 80th
birthday of Mr. Alexander. -.
Tha Athena irrades went on weir
annual picnic to Bingham Sprirgs
Thev all report having a
good time. Some of the parents and
high school pupils accompanied tnem.
M!a Ttlnnrh Thorson leit aaturaay
morning for her home in Hermiston
Miss Delia Bryant joined her Mon
day. They will sojourn to California
and visit the Grand Canyon during th
summer. r'
Th rmintv began construction work
on the Gibbon and Bingham Springs
road Monday which will continue
.Kut nnr weeks when the road will
be widened and rocked in places deem
ed necessary. .
McKeniie chapter, astern sir
were guests weanesaay euK
the Milton chapter. Several car loads
of local members attended ana en
joyed the Milton lodge's hospitality
to the fullest extern.
Mr nd Mra. Clarence Gilbert of
Portland visited for a short time Mon
day with C. M. Eager and lamuy.
Mrs. Gilbert is Mr. tigers siaw.
They are enroute to Dayton to visit
Mrs. Gilbert's parents, j-
Mrs. R. B. McEwen left liesaay
in eomnanv with Miss Doro
thy Brodie for Portland. The ladies
will spend a few days there ana wen
Miss Brodie will continue onw w
Angeles to he home. ' '
xi. rrdnn Watkins. the new drug-
1st of Athena left Saturday evening
for St John, Wash., returning Mon
day with his wife and daughter. They
will take up their residence at the
C. L. McFadden property.
Mr. M. I. Miller has been engaged
this week, in giving the state ex
aminations to his pupus oi
seventh and eighth grades. Mr.
Miller contemplates going to Cheney
and the to Spokane, soon. .
Mr. and Mrs. C O. Whiteman and
daughter Betty of Walla Walla and
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and son
Roland were euests of their parents
and grand parents, respecuuuy, r.
and Mra. H. H. Hill. Sunday.
m w I virl was called to Port-
land Friday morning by the illness of
her sister, Mrs. J. Bowman and fam
ii that itv. Mrs. Bowman re
cently submitted to a major operation
and her two little aaugnwtre
measle patients.
Mrs. A. W. Douglas entertained a
number of young people on evening
last week in honor of her son, Aaron.
Three tables of regressive MCOOtie
were in play throughout the evening
and a very pleasant tune was enjoyea
by the young guests,
Mr F. R Rovd is In Portland this
week. He left Friday afternoon in
company with Charlie Hudson, far
Mens and Boys'
Two Piece
Athletic Underwear
Shirts 49c each
Shorts, a Large Variety of Colors for 75c
Straw Mats
For Men, Women and Children
Price 25c to 3.50
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
mount Picture salesman, staying in
The Dalles Friday night and continu
ing to Portland Saturday. Mr. Boyd
writes that Mrs. Boyd is .not feeling
so well.
Mr. and Mrs. Amiel Schubert went
to Walla Walla Monday and brought
their daughter, Miss Lela home from
a Walla Walla hospital where she has
been a patient a short time. Miss
Schubert will remain home and sub
mit to medical treatment hoping to
avoid an operation.
A very attractive luncheon Was at
tended by forty ladies last Thursday
when Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. F. S.
LeGrow entertained at the spacious
Watts home at a one o'clock bridge
Innehenn. Mra. H. I. Watts held high
score for the afternoon and Mrs. Mich
ener the consolation.
The Weston grades and Athena
grades played baseball Monday after
noon. The game wa"s thrilling
throughout the nine innings and the
result was that Athena walked away
with a 15-16 victory. The batteries
were: Athena, Geissel and Rogers;
Weston, Kirk and St. Dennis.
The annual Mothers Day reunion ot
the E. A. Dudley family was held at
the Dayton, Wash., park. Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Dudley and daughter Jessiedeane and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley and son
of Athena; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dud
ley and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kirk
and family all met and enjoyed the
day together.
The local Camp Fire girls are
sponsoring a dancing recital at the
high school, Friday May 23rd. A
class of twenty Athena and Weston
girls, pupils of Miss Evelyn Mene
fee, of Weston, are participating.
The proceeds will be equally divided
among the two local campfire groups
and the Blue Bird organization. Your
presence will be greatly appreciated.
A rmintv W. C. T. U. institute will
be held here on May 19 in the Baptist
church. An afternoon session begin-
niino at 1:30 and an evening session
beginning at 7:30 will be held. A pot
luck lunch will be served at o:suin
the church dining room. At this in
stitute will be present, Dr. Len
Hutchins, a . speaker of national
prominence, and Mrs. Ada Jolley,
state president oi the w. .1 i. u.
nf Orecon. both of whom will oc
cupy considerable time on the pro
grams for the two sessions oi tne
institute. The public is cordially in
vited to attend these meetings.
Cattle To Reserve
More than 600 head of cattle be
loncring to members of the Weston
KtnMcmen'a association are tow tcraz
ing on the Umatilla reserve, having
been driven to the mountains the first
few Hav in May. renorta the Leader
J. P. Lieuallen, president of the as
sociation, says that he never saw
forage better on the breaks, where
bunchgrass is a foot in height and
seeding out There is no snow in ine
mountains, however, and difficulty is
xnected in keening cattle from go
ing back into the timber, which is not
their usual custom until around wuiy
1st .
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bar
rett. Chance Rogers, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Pinkerton. Mrs. Sheldon Taylor
and several high school students.
Mr. Merryfield of Walla Walla
spent Saturday and -Sunday fishing
near the Springs. ;
M. A. Rigby, manager of Bingham
Springs has a crew of men renova.
ing and getting ready for the opening
Sunday, May 18. : .. , . , ,
The Jolly Batchelors club of Pen
dleton held their picnic Sunday at
Bingham Springs.
Bingham Springs Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Duff and little
Rillv and) Mr. and Mrs. Revella Lieu
allen were Bingham Springs visitors
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McAtee and Mr
and Mrs. Bailey of Pendleton were
Snndav visitors here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers and son
Junior and Mr. Bowers' mother spent
Sunday at the Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. O, A. Simpson and
Guy Simpson were Sunday visitors
Athena grade school spent Saturday
picrucing at the springs. The follow
ing Athena people accompanied the
school: Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. M. I. Miller. Mr. and Mrs.
Otho Seeder, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street -
Phone 352
Round Trip
to St. Pml-Mlnnwpolii
Vicetlon-Tlme Rate (May 22-StpL 30)
f -I
Album of pictures and Infor
mation free on request to
F. B. Wood, Act
Athena, Oregon
For Triveleri Back Eatt
North Coast Limiteds
Ntwest of Transcontinental Trains :