The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 16, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead -easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost. . .
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Charges Must Be Filed In
Ten Days, State Board
i Plans Quiz.
A time extension of ten days in
which to file their charges of negli
gence and mismanagement against
Harold H. Clifford, state game war
'. den, and E. H. Clark, assistant state
game warden, was granted the Mult
namah Anglers' and Hunters' club by
the state game commission, this week,
says the Oregonian.
The extension was made following
the receipt of a letter signed by rep
resentatives of the Multnomah An
glers' and Hunters' club the United
Sportsmen's council and ' the Izaac
Walton league of Portland.
The letter stated that the scope of
the investigations now being conduct
ed by the organizations had widened
considerably and that more time
would be needed before a detailed re
port of the charges could be filed
with the commission. .
Formal recognition of the charges
will be made June 9, when the com
mission is scheduled to hold the reg
ular meeting. At this time, it was
stated, a date would be set for the
hearing. ";
"We might as well get this thing
cleaned up now," said Commissioner
Corrigan, who made the motion, "be
cause we can't have it dragged out
for the remainder of the year.
"After these charges are filed we
shall consider them. If they are
deemed worthy of a formal hearing,
a date will be set for that hearing."
The three organizations were not
represented at the meeting and the
letter was delivered while the com
mission was adjourned for lunch.
The proposel constitutional amend
ment providing for the closing of the
Rogue river to commercial fishing on
and after January 1, 1931, received a
vote of unanimous approval from
members of the commission. . .......
Fresentatidtt of the proposed
amendment was made by T. E. Dan
iels, Medford, who represented the
Jackson County Game Protective as
sociation and the Izaac . Walton
league of Grants Pass, promoters of
the move. . '
- Value of commercial fishing in the
Rogue is virtually negligible, commis
sion officials pointed out., while the
value of the stream as an attraction
to sportsmen is incalcuable.
Circulation of petitions for the clos
ing will start May 17, Mr. Daniels
told the commission.
Four Baker county lakes will open
June 15 instead of July 1, it was or
dered. The lakes are Crawfish, An
thony, Mud lake and Grande Ronde.
A patrol boat will be placed on
Wallowa lake to effect a more
thorough supervision of the territory.
Mr. Clifford announced. The boat was
purchased at the request of the game
wardens assigned to the territory.
No eagles will be killed in the an
nual spring shoot of the Pilot Rock
Rod and Gun club, a letter received
Monday indicated. Mr.' Clifford noti
fied the club, whose prize list for
trophies included a reward for ragles,
that the shooting of the birds was
illegal. ....... ..; . "
Having outlived its usefulness, the
game commission's "fish Pullman'
will be traded in on a new one, the
members ordered. The present truck
has traveled well over the 100,000
mile mark and a new truck is needed
to handle the growing traffic through
out the state.
A request that the commission ap
prove a transfer of title ownership
between privately owned cut-over
timber lands and an area of swamp
land with the forest service in Coos
county was not approved by the com-
mission. .....,..,'.
"The swamp land," said Mr. Clif
ford, "has been stocked by us with
fish and at present is open to the
public for hunting and fishing. It is
owned by the forest service. Were it
privately owned it would probably be
exploited privately.'
Predatory Animals Destroyed
During April, thirty-one hunters
worked all or part time and took 647
coyotes, 27 bobcats and two predatory
bears, a total of 676 predatory ani
mals of which skin or scalp was sav
ed. In addition, 53 unborn coyotes,
two unborn bobcats were destroyed
and 87 porcupines, 13 badgers and 6
skunks were taken in the course of
the work. Not including unborn
young, an average of 22 predatory
animals per man per thirty days was
Population Record Set
The population at the state peni
tentiary, at Salem, reached a new
high mark Tuesday with 900 prison
ers on the register. Five women, all
federal prisoners, were received at
the prison Tuesday.
McLoughlin High to Op
pose Medford on Question
i of Cabinent Government
' ......
? University of Oregon. Champion
high school debaters of eastern and
western Oregon will fight it out for
the state cup tomorrow at the Uni
versity of Oregon when Medford
high school meets McLoughlin Union
high. With Medford upholding the
negative and McLoughlin the af
firmative, the question for debate is
"Resolved, that Oregon should adopt
the cabinet form of government pro
posed in senate joint resolution No.
16, passed by the 35th legislative as
sembly of Oregon.
Ths McLoughlin team, which has
defeated high schools all over eastern
Oregon during the past three months
is composed of Marie Van Slyke and
F. Clare Vause. William Dougherty
Jr. and George Winne compose the
Medford team, which is the winner
over the western district of the state.
At the conclusion of the debate on
Saturday the Barker cups will be pre
sented to each of these teams in
recognition of their victories in the
two sections of the state. The cups
are given each year by Burt Brown
Barker, vice-president : of the Uni
versity of Oregon.
The "Oregon" cup, given by Eliza
beth Fox and E. E. De Cou of the
University of Oregon, will be award
ed to the winner of this debate as a
symbol of "the state championship.
Judges of the contest will 1 be Dr.
Ralph C. Hoeber and Professor
Wayne L. Morse, both of the univer
sity faculty, and Robert Prescott,
formerly of the faculty and now a
resident of - Eugene. During the eve
ning music will be furnished by a
trio composed of Miriam Stafford,
Beulah Wynd and Ruth Wynd. ,
Hermiston high school was state
champion last year, defeating Scap
poose high in a debate on May 27 at
the University of Oregon.
Schedule Is Made For O. '
S. A. C. Dairy Train
"Economy and Quality for Profit" is
the slogan adopted for the big dairy
demonstration train which is to run
through leading dairy sections of the
state from June 3 to 12. The schedule
for the train has now been completed
and approved by the Oregon State
college extension service, the Spokane,
Portland and Seattle railroad, and
local community , organizations the
agencies cooperating in the project.
Fourteen stops in Oregon and one in
Washington have been included in the
itinerary just released. The stop in
Washington is to be at White Salmon
where the people of Hood River valley
can join with those across the river in
the meeting. , ' :
The nine-car special will start at
Eugene the afternoon of June 3. Two
meetings a day are then scheduled as
follows: Albany and Salem, June 4;
Donald and Wilsonville, June 5; Hills
boro and Forest Grove, June 6; Ver
nopia and Scappoose, June 7; Seaside
and Astoria, June 9; Clatskanie and
Rainier, June 10; White Salmon, June
11; and Redmond, June 12. The last
stop will be made during the session
of the Oregon State grange.
Neat Counterfeit Layout
' , Credited To DeLong
Eugene. Federal secret service
agents said the confiscation here Sat
urday of a complete counterfeiting
outfit cleared up a case which they
said was one of the "cleverest jobs''
ever nipped in the northwest.
Deputy Sheriff Lee Brown and an
agent found the outfit in a rooming
house. It, consisted of press, paper,
a number of unfinished bills, etching
plates, inks, dyes and acids. They ar
rested Wilfred K. McFaul, who lied
here under the name of F. A. De
Long, a logger.
Federal agents said DeLong had
passed bills at Salem, Corvallis, Al
bany and in Washington.
DeLong was arrested at Arlington
recently by Sheriff Bauman of Mor
row county and returned to Pendleton
for questioning following his passing
counterfeit currency at a Pendleton
book store and a hotel in Heppner.
He left Pendleton last week in the
custody of Deputy ' United States
Marshal Vogelsang.
O. D. O. Club
Tuesday, May 6, was the tenth an
niversary of the O. D. O. club. The
anniversary was observed by the
members when they gathered at
Stephen's Luncheonette in Pendleton
for a one o'clock luifcheon. Covers
were laid for fifteen and the daintily
appointed tables were centered with
masses of yellow tulips. Mrs. Beth
Cunningham was a luncheon guest,
following which the ladies gathered
at the home of Mrs. Cunningham and
there spent a pleasant social after
noon. ,
Mrs. W. W. Sparks left for her
home in Vancouver, Washington, af
ter several weeks spent here visiting
her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Johns, Mrs. F.
N. Johns and two little daughters ac
companied Mrs. Sparks home for an
extended visit with relatives.
Many Nationalities Live iii Harmony at'U. of O.
WlHWM 11111
i fJ
v.. It.r
? Wmtir:
- i
if K"r
Students from II countries are living and studying at the International House at the University of Oregon,
and are thus getting a better understanding of world problems. Those above are: Back row Eugenio Padilla,
Filipino; Frank Shimizn, Japanese; Francis Jones, American; Fred Wade, Portland, American; Addison Smith,
St. Helens, American; Tunnie Lee, Chinese. Front row Henry Kaahea, Hawaiian; Arthur Markowitz, Portland,
Amercian; Charles Yoshii, Japanese; Sam Whong, Korean; Leonard Jee, Chinese, and Alson Bristol, Eugene,
American. ' '.;. .
Monthly Report For April ;
I Given by Helen J. Sainson
Helen J. Samson, County health
nurse of Umatilla county gives the
following report for the . month of
April: - , . . .
Miss Henritta Morris, health educa
tion director with the Oregon Tuber
culosis Association,, spent one entire
week in Umatilla county during the
past month. Twenty-five schools were
visited during that time in order that
Miss Morris might speak . with - the
teachers on methods of teaching
health and materials which are avail
able for health teaching. Many
teachers expressed surprise that such
material was at their disposal and
several put in orders on the spot for
posters, booklets, etc.
Some time has been spent in organ
izing the early diagnosis tuberculosis
campaign. Through Dr. Joseph P.
Brennan, of Pendleton, arrangements
have been made for a tuberculosis
clinic which will be conducted by Dr.
Marr Bisaillon of Portland whose ser
vices are made available through the
cooperation of the National Tubercu
losis association and the Oregon Tu
berculosis assciation. Tuberculosis
contacts or suspects will be brought
in for examination and diagnosis. The
motion picture film "Delays are Dan
gerous" has been secured from the
Oregon Tuberculosis association and
will be shown around the county.
Posters "Protect them from Tubercu
losis" have been put , up in all the
cities of the county and several hun
dred stickers have been distributed to
business firms Ho be affixed to the
monthly bills.
One tonsillectory was performed at
the expense of the Umatilla county
health association through the cooper
ation of the local physician at Hermis
ton. More than the usual amount of time
has been spent on office work as the
nurses' car was in the repair shop for
several days undergoing a thorough
Because of the hundreds of cases of
measles and whooping cough in the
county, it has not seemed wise to at
tempt to hold any infant or pre-school
clinic, but we hope we may safely do
so later.
Commencement Held
Friday, May 9, at the
High School Auditorium
Friday evening, May 9th marked
the event of Commencement for the
class of 1930 of the Athena ; high
school. . v
Ten students were presented with
diplomas following a program in
eluding music and a splendid address
by Prof. Mark Harris of Whitman
College, Walla Walla. His subject
was "The Triangle of Education."
The aditorium was beautifully deco
rated by the members of the Junior
class, of which Stafford Hansell act
ed -aa-.chairman..'-...:
The class colors were blue and sil
ver, class flower, sweet pea,' and class
motto "No Victories Without Labor."
The program follows:
March, Tannhauser '....I...! Wagner
, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
Invocation Rev. H. E. Dow
Chorus: ;
Afloat at Dusk ........:........L. Barnes
Happy Song Teresa Del Diego
The Athena Etude Club (Directed by
Rowena Ludwigs Lester)
Class Address Subject: The - Tri
angle of Education, by Mark Har-
L ris, Whitman College, Walla Wal
la, Wash. , ,
Chorus: ,'', ;! !
The Skaters ...........1. Waldentfel
Swing Along............ Will Marion Cook
The Athena Etude Club
Presentation of Class..Mr. E. E. Coad
Presentation of Diplomas .
..Mr. Arnold Wood
Members of the outgoing class were
Carl Calvert, John Kirk, Cecil Pam
brun, Eldon Myrick, Frances Cannon,
Helen Foster, Virgie Moore, Beatrice
Hiteman, Loie, Montgomery" and
Rhoda Nelson. , , ,
Supervisor at Molalla Says
Fire Danger Has Increased
Molalla, Or. John Ferguson, super
visor of forest fire patrol with head
quarters on the north fork of the Mo
lalla river, recently returned from a
tour of inspection and reports pos
sible fire conditions the most serious
in his memory. Disastrous forest fires
are bound to occur, he. warns, unless
there is complete co-operation with
the people in exercising care.
The snow was gone from Sweet
springs and Lookout mountain. This
condition should not prevail until late
in June. At Butte Creek basin the
old snow is all gone. Streams have
the same volume they usually have
late in June. This is at an elevation
of 4000 feet.
Accident On Main Street
Herman Judd of Milton, met with
a painful accident Wednesday noon
at the intersection on Main and Third
streets, when being towed by Rever
end Green also of Milton behind his
car. In making the turn, Mr. Judd,
who was on a motorcycle, was over
balanced and swung head long on the
paved street stunning him. He was
cut and bruised quite badly. After
receiving a doctor's attention lie con
tinued on the Milton.
Boy Lost In Woods
Found In 16 Hours
Days of Real Sport
To StaH May 30th
Waitsburg's 23rd Annual Days of
Real Sport, Friday and Saturday, May
30th and 31st. . '
There will be six flat races the first
afternoon and seven races on Satur
day afternoon, besides a number of
saddle races, mule races, fast mail re
lay race, and novelty races. The
purses total over $1500.00.
I A new grandstand with a seating
capacity of 1000 is now under con
struction and is being completed as
rapidly as possible. ,.
Among the amusement features will
be a well-known cowboy clown.
A fast mail relay race of at least
three strings is also assured.
There will be more fast horses than
ever this year, .it is reported. The
stables are already moving in and the
barns at the track are filling rapidly.
Muriel Venney Dies
Muriel Elaine Yenney, six year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Yenney of Walla Walla, passed away
at 6 a. m. Sunday in a Walla Walla
hospital following a case of menin
gitis, i Mrs. Yenney will be remember
ed here- as Lucile Taylor, daughter of
Mrs. W. R. Taylor, former Athena
resident. Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from McMartin & Chamberlain par
lors in Walla Walla. .
... :, i . Saturday Food Sale
r Next Saturday p. m., at the Qual
ity Grocery store there will be given
a food sale, the proceeds to be ap
plied for a housecleaning fund, at
the Christian church. This sale is
sponsored by the Women's Mission
ary Society. ' Donations from mem
bers and friends for this sale will
be appreciated. .
Grants Pass. Lost in the woods
for 16 hours and the object of a
search which started at dark, Satur
day, Laddie Moulton, 3, was found at
10:30 Sunday morning two miles
from his home and 12 miles from this
city by legion searchers working
under the direction of Sheriff Lister
of Josephine county. .. -.
The child was discovered by Milton
Akerill . of Grants Pass on a little
knoll not far from a brush road,
when he heard the boy's sobbing from
a distance of 100 yards. Akerill,' who
had had been mining on the historic
Althouse creek all winter and was
well acquainted with woods lore, was
a member of a legion party, composed
of Dick Singleton, Jessie Johnston
and Earle Voorhies, which had been
called late and had only been search
ing the section ten minutes.
The boy was warmly dressed and
apparently had remained awake most
of the cold night, to go to sleep when
warmed by the rising sun. Passage
of automobiles along the rough side
road had awakened him, crying, and
brought about his discovery.
Mrs. Moulton, the boy's mother,
who is living on the isolated farm
with three of her four sons, said two
of the boys had gone to Grants Pass
in the car and. apparently had been
followed by the smaller boy on foot.
She bad noticed Laddie's absence at
once, but had believed he had ac
companied his brothers, and did not
learn that he was lost until their
return some time later. The search
was started then. After neighbors
with the sheriff's assistance had been
unable to find the lad during the
night, legionnaires and Boy Scouts
were summoned. Between 50 and 75
men and boys had joined the hunt
before the boy was found.
Milk Co-op Manager Is
Made Market Specialist
More technical assistance for Ore
gon farmers in organizing and con
ducting cooperative marketing as
sociations will be available beginning
June 1 as the appointment of a second
extension specialist in marketing ts
announced by Oregon State college.
John H. Tull, manager of a large co
operative milk marketing .association
of Memphis, Tenn., has been named to
fill one of the two new positions
authorized by the state board of high
er education under terms of a recent
emergency appropriation.
. Mr. Tull is personally known to the
present extension specialist, George
O. Gatlin, who says he Is probably the
best qualified man as to training and
business experience In the entire
country tor the work contemplated
here in Oregon.
! Tucker-Schubert
The marriage of a local girl, Miss
Lorena Schubert, daughter of Mr.
end Mrs. Amiel Schubert and Irvin
J. Tucker, son of Ralph Tucker of
Weston, last Saturday evening, 8 p.
m.' at the Methodist parsonage in
Walla Walla, with Rev. Carl McCon-
nell officiating, came as a complete
surprise to Athena inenas. I neir
only attendants were Miss Doris
Schubert, sister of the bride and Earl
Tucker brother of the groom. Mrs.
Tucker is the fourth daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Schubert, raised in Athena,
and was graduated with the class of
28, Athena high school. She attend
ed the Walla Walla business college
the following year and since that
rime has been emoloyed in Freewater.
They will be at home to their friends
in Westpp whera they will reside.
Henry W. Collins Re
turns to Portland After
a Trip To the East
Portland. Henry W. Collins, new
ly appointed regional representative
of . the Farmers' National Grain cor
poration, returned to his Portland of
fice after a visit in the east during
which he conferred with national of
ficers of, the grain corporation. Mr.
Collins' appointment became effective
yesterday, May 15, and he declared
that most of his instructions are yet
to be received. , , . . t
Mr. Collins was accompanied from
Seattle by Archie Ryer of Seattle,
whom he has appointed Portland rep
resentative. , Mr. Ryer is a well
known grain operator of Seattle.
As to policies, Mr. Collins had only
one statement to make so far as
possible, the business of selling grain
abroad and shipping it will be han
dled through existing agencies. He
amplified the statement to the effect
that the co-operative concern will
operate through the companies that
are in the business of grain export
ing. :-'. :s - ! -
Little, if lany of the present crop
of wheat is likely to be exported by
the grs'i corporation, Mr. Collins
said. Contracts1 now are being
made with farmers for the new crop
by the North Pacific Gram Growers,
Inc., which will turn the wheat over
to the Farmers' National Grain cor
poration,; This latter corporation will
sell it . .
Mr. Collins declared that no ar
rangements had been made by the
grain corporation for terminal facili
ties, though proposals had been re
ceived from a number of terminals.
When asked how much of the new
crop would be handled through Port
land, he replied: "Some of it has to
come through. Portland, of " course.
Some of it doesn't. It's too early to
say any more than that.",
law OS
White Hot Meteor Falls
In the Conway District
Pendleton. t A flaming meteor,
white hot at the head and about as
"long as an airplane" fell just south
of Conway on Meacham creek at 8:15
Sunday evening. At least T. F. Mills
thinks it fell but a short distance
away. : i . ;
"The meteor came low over a ridge
and seemed to travel at about the
speed of a plane," says Mr. Mills.
"The white part in front seemed
about the size of an auto tire and
the whole thing was about 50 feet
long. The first impression was that
it was a burning plane but it was
easy to make out that it was not a
plane.' The meteor seemed to be
about spent and I think it fell on the
side of a canyon not far away. I
couid see the tops of trees above the
meteor so it could not have gone
far." . ,
V'ith Mr. Mills at the time were
his two sons, Robert and Harold.
They had been fishing during the day
on Meacham creek .and were waiting
for' the train. As it was then dark
and the train nearly due, they made
no effort to locate the meteor. Mr.
Mills is with the Union Pacific freight
department here.
Gram Men Have Grading
School In Pendleton
Pendleton. The Department of
Agriculture, bureau of economics
will conduct a grain grading school
at the Pendleton high school today
and tomorrow, May 16 and 17 with
expert grain graders acting as in
structors. This service Is being ren
dered upon a number of . requests
from county operators and ware
housemen in cooperation with the
grain inspection department of the
Oregon state extension service,
i The school is limited to operators
and .warehouse mangers and not more
than twenty will be enrolled; there is
no charge for the work. Schools
have already been held in The Dalles,
Moro and Arlington where it is re
ported that much interest was taken.
Following the course here, schools
will be held in LaGrande and Ontario.
Among features of the school pro-
gram will be: Exhibition of grain
grading film, demonstration of use of
grain grading apparatus, grading
samples and figuring discounts and
market values, discussing leading and
weighing problems effecting termin
al inspection.
Tells Committee Channel
35 Feet Deep and 500 Feet
Wide Essential.
Washington, D. C The task of
piloting safely, through legislative
shoals the $110,000,000 omnibus river
and harbour bill, which ' cannot be "
passed at this session of congress un
less compromise are reached upon one
or two important controversial items,
has fallen largely to Senator McNary
of Oregon, who was chiefly responsi
ble for the inclusion in the measure
of the 35-foot channel authorization
from Portland to the sea.
: In the dual role of assistant repub
lican leader of the senate and chief
aide of Senator Hiram Johnson of
California on the senate commerce ,
committee, which is considering the
omnibus bill, McNary is now negoti
ating with senators at odds over the
Erie canal and Illinois river proposals
in an effort to prevent a threatened
filibuster and assure the measure of
speedy passage.
Probably the action of the house
rivers and harbors committee in re
ducing the authorized width of the
proposed Columbia river channel from
500 to 400 feet, after the army en
gineers had recommended that form
er figure, is the least of the Oregon
senator's worries. His first move
when the bill came to the Benate was
to lay down the condition to members
of the house committee that the 500-
foot width should be approved in the
final conference report on the meas-'
ure. This was promptly agreed to,
and the 500-foot figure will be restor.
ed by the senate.
The Erie canal provision is the
weight now holding the bill back.
Great lakes senators, long hopeful
that the St. Lawerence waterway
would eventually be built, see in the
proposal that government take over
of the water route across New York
a fivol tViA Iwif avnsf trwinl iia
wm f (wi wi'v iiivvi iiwviviibi ivura
which might further delay action on
the latter. The same group are in
sisting that some definite limit bo
placed upon diversion from Lako
Michigan in connection with the Illi
nois waterway proposal, which con
templates completion of a navigable
route between the Great Lakes and
the Mississippi river.
The prospect that compromises
might be entered into in both items
was brighter Tuesday than it has
been for a week. Both Johnson and
McNary, as chairmen and ranking
members of the commerce committee,
have served notice on the interested
parties that unless they agree, the
prospect for action on the bill is very
poor. . . . .
Athena Loses Another
Game, Mission Indians
With George' and Lee Banister
again in suit for Athena, the Athena
baseball team turned in one of the
best played games of the season. Al
though out hitting and out playing
the Indians they lost, 6 to 3.
After spotting the Indians four
runs in the first inning the home
boys settled down to hold them un
til the first of the ninth when they
tallied two more runs on as many
hits. Athena came to life at the bat
in the eighth inning and found Joe
Beetles for four hits, two being three
base smashes, and three runs. It'
looked as If Athena would tie the
score in the ninth when G. Banister,
Miller and Bowers got on bases with
two down, but Miller was caught at
second for the three out.
Banister worked very nicely after
the first inning and retired nine men
while Beetles was putting four away.
This Sunday the two teams will
clash on the, Round-Up grounds and
Athena is determined to turn tables
for a victory.
The batteries were: Athena, Banis
ter. Baker and Parr: Mission, Beetles
and Hoskins.
Freewater Grows
Freewater and Arlington made
gains in their 1930 enumeration ac
cording to figures released late Sat
urday by A. C. , Mclntyre, district
census supervisor at Pendleton. The
1930 population of Freewater is 708
as compared to 664 for 1920 while
Arlington has 602 in 1930 compared
to 529 for 1920, a gain of 73. Her
miston showed a slight decrease with
608 for 1930 compared with 665 for
Several members of Mignonette
Rebekah lodge No. 86 accepted an
invitation to Helix Thursday evening,
attending Helix Rebekah lodge. The
degree was given to several candi
dates and a profitable and good tune
i was had by all who attended. .
Plans For Air School
Electing the only woman stockhold
er in the company, Mrs. Dora D.
Skinner, president, members of tho
Triangle Airways, Inc., of Yakima
launched plans for operating schools
in Yakima, Walla Walla and Pendle
ton. The company also intends to
provide passenger service in the towns
where schools are operated and later
to begin passenger service between
Yakima and Spokane and Yakima and
Members of the Etude concert
chorus were entertained at a one
o'clock luncheon at the Chase Garfield
home Tuesday afternoon when four
members of the chorus, Mrs. C. Gar
field, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. L. A.
Pinkerton and Mrs. Lloyd Michener.
gave a dainty luncheon for sixteen,
including Mrs. Clyde Lester of Walla
Walla who directed the chorus tho
past season. ;