THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MAY 9, 1930 to Miu Wm AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher ' Subscription Rate. One copy, one year I' ..... . $2.00 One copy, ix months $1.00 One copy, three months .75 Athena, Oregon, May 9, 1930 Clark Wood Says "The deceptive thing about ' t stocks is that they "go boom" t , first and "i aw down" after- , J -ward.",:, , "' V. ;' i LAST NATURAL FORESTS ; While the United States and House of Representatives are locking horns over a tariff scale on lumber and soft woods, Richard Lieber, director of the department of conservation for the state of Indiana draws attention to the fact that last stands of merchant able natural forests are those in the Pacific Northwest, and that within . the next three or four decades this great store of nature will have al most entirely disappeared. "The lumbering wave," says Lieber, "swept down from the New England States to New York and Pennsyl vania, then northwest through the Lake States, and onward through the Central States and into the great cypress and pine forests of the South. Today the great virgin forests are making their last stand in the Pa cific Northwest. One cannot con demn the use of the forest products for they have gone into homes, trans portation, industry, warmth and even art and beauty. We do stand, how ever, guilty before present and un born generations for the destruction of the recurring possibilities of for estry and agriculture upon the lands we have laid waste. Why are there millions of acres of potential forest land in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michi gan and Pennsylvania standing as idle as barren - deserts? This land once supported heavy stands of tim ber stocked with all sorts of game and wild life. The answer is human carelessness. Where once grew magnificent trees we find forest fires have robbed the next generation of that wood supply which means so much to us. There fires have taken away time after time the soil cover and fertility needed to sustain new growth. Over vast areas ft will be two centuries before this humus can -be rebuilt by successive types of smaller vegetation to the point where the land will again sustain a forest stand. Why are the small woodlots which are so precious to every farm through the agricultural states like Illinois, Indiana and Ohio neglected and ignored both by the landowner and the agricultural leader as a po tential crop and therefore a part of farm management? "The answe." is lack of vision which permits grazing animals to eat up the young trees on the forest floor so necessary to per petuate species and link one crop of timber with the next one. While busily engaged in building up the quality through careful selcct'cn.and breeding and by eliminating the "boarder" individual, we have been permitting the lumber man to haul away only the best timber, leaving the cull and overmature tre to oc cupy the site and perpetuate their own inferior kind." The dad who electrifies the motive power in his shop is a poor scout who refuses an electric washing machine for mom. ' ; Not since the exit of pingpong has anything come along to giva the populace a faddist itch like yo-yo. o Whv is a nineteen-gun salute? For the reason that it's a 19-gun salute. A warehouseman's obligation of ordinary care cannot be signed away by contract no matter what com modity may be stored on his prem ises is the important conclusion of a recent supreme court decision in New Jersey. The question arose over the loss of 16,000 baskets of peaches in a warehouse in which the temperature had not been sufficiently reduced on account of some mechan ical difficulty. The warehouseman's contract had attempted to avoid such responsibility by providing that he "shall not be responsible for failure to maintain any given temperature unless same is caused by its negli gence," but the court held that "the defendant was charged with ordliwy care for the protection of the fruit, and by ordinary care In this con nection is meant the care that a reasonably careful owner would ex ercise in regard to similar property of his own. The law Imposed that obligation, and it could not be im paired by any stipulation of the con tract in pursuance of which the peaches were stored. Police Commissioner Whalen of New York City has documents in his possession showing that the cam munist soviet at Moscow is responsl ble for fomenting Btrikcs and riots in this country. Whalen's investiga tion has become so warm that Pua elan officials whom he accuses have come forth with declarations that evidence the New York officer holds against them are forgeries. Whalen discloses that Seattle was temporary headquarters for one "Comrade O Graf pen," who was assigned by the soviet executive committee to "call in a reunion of all our general rcpre' eentatlves which must receive mstruc tions, literature for organization of the first May outbreaks from you, and sums of money from .Comrade Sversky, who continues to be in charge of the financial department." Once in a while luck is on the side of human freight when piano crashes, as was evidenced when eight army men survived a wreck in California the other day. Six "caterpiilared" to earth in parachutes when one pro peller broke, injured another and crumpled a wing. The pilot and his mechanic stayed with the ship and brought the craft down to an upright landing.. As. a rule the story reads the other way everybody dead ana ship burned up. Bov criminals have increased in numbers to a point where police and other law enforcement depart ments are brought face to lace with a croblem that is extremely difficult to cope with. During the past week no less than five boys all under 17 vears of aee have been implicated in crimes of major degree, in Oregon and Washington. Two have confessed murder, and three figure in sensation al automobile thefts. Interest in the primary elecf.on campaign has been centered in the gubernatorial aspirants, of which there are enough to "go 'round." Next Friday we shall know who s who 23 Years Ago The storm king has again raided the middle west. He visited nine states and left in his wake twenty- three deaths and property damage amounting to thousands of dollars. H. N. Blakeslee of the national safety council, figures that accident nrevention is srood business and justi fies in a return of dollars and cents. Henrv Ford says: "The farmers are right; their advisers are wrong. There is only one real 'farm board,' and that is the 8,000,000 farmers on the land." Friday, May 10, 1907 Agent Richards of the Puget Sound Warehouse company reports that but one-half of last season's crop has been shipped from warehouses under his charge. The "Colts" will play Ed Forrest's reservation team on the Athena dia mond Sunday afternoon. The players are evenly matched and a close game is expected. W. P. Leach, the well known farm er, is delivering twenty tons of baled timothy hay to the Preston-Parton Milling company of this city. Timo thy is now selling for a good price, ranchers being paid $21 per ton. John Walden and other ranchers of Wes ton mountain were in the city and disposed of their hay at the above price. Mrs. Will Harden and Miss Edna Harden are visiting friends in Helix this week. -Mrs. Claud Reeder is up from Ta coma, visiting relatives and friend's in' Athena. " ' , ' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mr. Akers on Birch creek, Wednesday. Miss Delia Danner, who has been attending school at Pendleton, has re turned to her home in this city. Wm. Willaby, sr., left Athena yes terday for a month's visit with rela tives at Spokane and Newport, Wash. Owing to the illness of Mr. Chas. McLean, D. C. Mclntyre has . been named chairman of the committee on grounds for the Caledonian Picnic. The members of the committee in clude, D. C. Mclntyre, chairman; H. P. Millen and H. A, Barrett. S. S. Parris has been elected dele gate to represent this district at the Free Methodist national conference in Illinois. . Mike McCarty, the rounder who is supposed to have robbed John P. Mc Manus at Pendeton, before tha Pilot Rock editor killed Bob Estes, has been arrested at North Yakima and will be tried at Pendleton on the charge of robbery. B. D. Clemons grinds an excellent quality of corn meal at his mill, and now has a quantity on hand lor sale. In addition to being fresh and sweet, it is the product of a home institu tion and should be given preference by local dealers. . A canary bird flew Into the home of V. E. Hoven yesterday and was captured. Owner mBy have the bird by calling. Hugh Bell has finished plowing west of town and yesterday moved his out fit to the reservation, where he and SCI - VOTE X 36 BETTYE F. DEHART Present County Treasurer - Candidate for REPUBLICAN NOMINATION Treasurer of Umatilla County Primaries May 16 Present incumbent; seven years experience in handling County Records; One Term as County Treasurer, Official records open to inspection. Paid Adv. Re-Elcct Malpli IE. Williams -V' I . Itciuiblicaii National Committeeman For the first time in the history of the West a Western nutn Ralph E. Williams of Oregon is Vice Chairman of the Republican National Committee. During the past six months he hns served ns acting Chairman of the National Committee, lie lias given 22 years of unselfish service to Oregon, its citizens and its worthy enterprises. His service has been without salary or financial remuneration of any kind. To re-elect him' means that Oregon keeps its im portant place in affairs of the Republican National Com mittee and that citizens of the state will continue to have the benefit of Mr. Williams' influence in Washington, D. C. Vote 13X Williams, Ralph E. rld Adv. Citlen Committor, Mary A. risrrjr, Secretary l'oiter iildg-, Portland, Or. James Bell will plow the Umapine place, containing 500 acres. Five 2-bottom gang plows are expected to do the work in twenty days' time. . It is reported that Wm. Anderson of Milton, who has been seriously ill and who was thought to be out of danger, has taken a relapse. Grandma Gerking, who has been ill for, several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Taylor, is very much better and able to be around once more. W. R. Taylor started his band of over 300 head of cattle to the moun tain range, Sunday. rv 4 A CtfT TRAVEL! COSTS Our modern motor coaches take you com fortably on convenient schedules at very low fares. Phone our local agent for fares to any point East or west Gordon M. Watkins, Agent. Phone 332 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Anna yRed Hawk, otherwise known as Latikamas, an Indian . woman, ae- - Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled court administra tor of the above entitled estate, ana that he has qualified as the law di rects. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the of fice of my attorney, A. C. Mclntyre, in Despain Block, Court Street, Pen dleton, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof with proper vouchers. Dated April 11, 1930. GEORGE RED HAWK, A11M9 Administrator SUMMONS (Equity No. 4869) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. David M. Rogers, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie H. Rogers, Defendant: To NELLIE H. ROGERS, Defendant; In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause within four (4) weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons; and you will take notice that if you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in his said complaint against you, namely: for a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the iionoraDie James Alger Fee, Judge of the above en titled Court which said order was made and entered in the matter here in on the 8th day of April, 1930, and the first publication of this summons is made on the '11th day of April, 1930, pursuant to said order. Watts & Prestbye, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Athena, Oregon. Pub. A11M9. DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 DR. 8. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon Why suffer with tired, aching feet? s Regardless of their condition, I can help you E. M. MOREMEN Foot Correctionist 22 W. Main St. Walla Walla Bring in Your Bent and Sprung Axles THIS SHOP IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AXLE GAGUE,. TO STRAIGHTEN AXLES Acetylene Welding and Black smithing . C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop ; The Athena Hotel :1 MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beda Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon RELIABLE I WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. H. HILL Athena liC , Bell & Cray , $ Phone 593 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service ; City and Country r r Hauling . DR. I. U. TEMPLE .-"'.'f . - J Republican Candidate for Representative Umatilla County A competent business man, a pioneer .resident, a substantial taxpayer and informed on the economic conditions of the state and county. Our represen tation should be distributed over the county. - ' " " Paid Adv. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the intesests of the peop le of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LU M LUMBER CO, Phone 91 Vol. 30 Athena, Oregon, May 9, 1930 No. 18 Editorial Consider the hammer. It is the only knocker in the world that doesn't fly off the handle. It keeps pounding away and after looking at the other side, clinches the matter. .BED00F R0V rue EE U One thing we have never seen is an ox cart trying to beat a train to a crossing. , A lattice fence will hide a lot of things and it adds to your gar den's beauty. '-. If you care to call we are glad to show you styles that can be built at prices ranging from 10 to 75 cents a foot. 365 Golden Rule Days each year is our motto. Rain or shine, it doesn't matter to us. CREODIPT $IameJhmjlcs Say Bill. "How did you like Venice? Not so well. "Only stayed three days. The place was flooded. We see that our cotemporaries are running us competition in the newspaper game. But we can see right thru that Dower knot hole. Our lumber doesn't have the knots fall out Jim Huggins and the Shell Oil company are on the spot with gas and oil. Did you know that you can floor the living room .of your house with oak for only 99 cents per ten foot square? How about the Summer wood? Then there was the Scotchman that went into Woolworths and asked for the furniture depart ment . WE RECOMMEND CeloteX owhatoio cars tout Exclusively Sold Here Milton Bread and Pastries (CILGORE'S CAFE We extend you a CORDIAL INVITATION To Visit our Store and get acquainted WATKINS' PHARMACY Successor To McFadden's Pharmacy Main Street - Athena, Oregon itiMt We Have the Agency , . For the i - i Macy Tailoring System of America Twin City Cleaners Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. 4 K Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and me. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.' Phone 683. Reduction In Electric Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates wifl be m effect on and after March 15, 1929: t?- ioatttt, Resifential Rates irst 30 KWH hours used, per month..10c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH from dtt nrvSteSPJly ?hen Wla full, within 10 days cenon each iteL 0therwise' the iU increased by 10 per V . Nn . Ti i - - . vAJuimeraai Kates First 100 TTWW . 7T trcxrvt t , OAA rcr niunui iuc per x 8SJ S!h- -..-7cerKWH xNext 4uu... r trrtrn per jv w ......5cperKWH j.l -mum Next innh" - - - w hiXPPSS ni'CK OAAA r ,.TT t. C oc per jvvYn from i ofebmteSnply when .biUs " PW W cent on each item. 0therwise' &e rate will be increased by 10 per roston-Shaffer Milling Company