The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 02, 1930, Image 4

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;In pastel shades is a delicious food confection.
They are the delicacy par excellence for luncheons 8
or parties. Ten generous servings - ,..;; v
The Quality Grocery
Alice Eae-er. Pron. 'C.
Press Paragraphs
odyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
Plus Owners Service
enables you to do Better at a Red & White Store
Beets Serv-Us, Tiny, Whole 2s
2 for 55c
Beets, Serv-Us, Sliced 2s
3 for 55
Coffee, Red & White, 1-lb. bags
Grape Fruit, Red & White, 2s
3 for 73c
Grape Fruit, Blue & White
3 for 63
2 for 25c
Toilet Paper, Red & White
3 for 23c
Matches, Blue & White, Carton
Pineapple, Serv-Us, 2y?s
3 for 89c
Pineapple, Red & White, 2y2s
3 for 79c
B. & M. Beans
2 for 43c
Cake Spicy Nut
Salmon, Red & White Sockeye, Is tall
3 for 98c
Citrus, Large
2 for 47c
Milk; Carnation or Bordens, talis
3 for 25c
C. T. Smith is eneaeed in harrow
ing his Bummerf allow.
Martin Carder has cone out to a
Pine creek ranch to work.
Dorothv Burke has lust recovered
from a severe case of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke visited
relatives in Pendleton Friday after
Mr. and Mr. W. JL Kirk and Misa
Beulah Smith, visited relatives near
Echo Sunday.
Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton, who last
week was threatened with pneumonia,
is recovering.
Fred Hess of Pendleton visited
friends and relatives in Weston and
Athena Sunday.
Mr. Shelby Whiteman of Walla
Walla, visited his aunt Mrs. B. B.
Richards, Sunday.
Werh ParVer and Art Jensen at
tended the wrestling match between
Vance and Cantonwine.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell motored
to Fraire City via Baker Sunday, re
turning to Athena Monday.
York and Henry veil were m tne
Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and Creston,
B. C. districts this week.
Rome Kemn has sold his lease on
the Beale place, northeast of Athena
and moved over to Couse creek.
Mrs. E. J. Burchill of Pendleton
has spent the week with her daugh
ter Mrs. C. M. Eager and family.
Mrs. Omar Stephens ana motner,
Mrs. Kimball of Pendleton were Sun
day visitors at the , B. B. Richards
Weston hifirh school presented its
frininr rlass nlav. "Lflff That Off."
Wednesday evning to an appreciative
audience; ."
Helix high school will present its
annual nlav. "Annie Sauce." tomor
row night at the school auditorium in
that city.
, Frit Huffman has returned from
California where he spent the winter
and is at the home of his father, J
5?. Huffman.
A goodly number of Athena folks
attended the .well rendered nign
school pley, "Come Seven" in Adams
Friday evening. ' .
Elmer Merritt, census enumerator
for Athena rural districts filed his
final report with A. C. Mclntyre, dis
trict supervisor, Tuesday afternoon.
With the close of school Miss Betty
Facer will aceomnanv her grand
mother, Mrs. Burchill of Pendleton to
her Seaside cottage to remain in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracey of El
crin and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rich
ards of La Grande, were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Garner.
Mrs. Clvde Willaby arrived in Ath
ena Friday evening after an absence
nf several weeks in Seattle, where
she was called by the death of her
father, Mr. Owens.
, Misa Maude Sherman accompanied
tim mntVier Mrs.' Sherman, from Esta-
cade last week. She returned to her
school but Mrs. Sherman remained at
her home on the west side.
Mnndnv. Mav Eth. is the last day
for paying the first half of 1929
tavea. After that date taxes become
delinquent. Tax payments may be
made at the First National Ban.
Mr and Mrs. Georcre Bannister are
in Portland, visiting at the home of
Mrs. McArthur. Mrs. MCArtnur, wno
was a house guest of her snter, Mrs.
Bannister accompanied them to ron
While Will Wheatlev was backing
a track from its narking place on
Main street, during the rain Btorm
Saturday evening, it was strucic oy a
passing car, which was slightly dam-
Mrs., L. Sherman, wno spent me
winter I with her daughter, Miss
Maude Sherman, teacher in the Esta
cada schools has returned to Athena
and is residing in her home on the
Woo Side.
Jack Calderhead is making 40 seed
hoppers for twenty new bean plant
ers, nnrchased bv the Eickhoff Farm
Products company from Rogers &
Goodman for their Dayton, wasn.,
bean crop unit. . .
.Tnhn Tomnkins has been ostracised
from his home in town this week on
account of never having the measles
iiio dano-liter Marv has been a
measles patient this week, and John
has been at the rancn.
Mr onJ Mrs. ftawl Morrison have
left Adams and moved to Baker,
where Rawl has a position witn ine
standard Oil comnany. Rawl's de
parture leaves the Athena team in
the county league without the ser
vices of a corking good pitcher.
Visitors at the Chas. Williams
home Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beckner and children or wasn
tnrna. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunning
ham and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Tubbs and children of Pen
dleton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil
liams and dauchter.
Dr. II. C. Curry the Seattle eye
sight specialist formerly 01 waiia
Walla who has made professional
visits to Athena for twenty years and
is known for good optical work at
reasonable prices will again be at
the Athena Hotel. Tuesday. May 6,
for one day. Eyes examined, glasses
ground and fitted.
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Clar
ence Tubbs was hostess to me n.
T IT at her home south of Athena.
The local W. C. T. U. will take part
in an institute which is to be held in
Athena May 19, when Dr. Hutchens,
a national W. C. T. U. leader will be
present. The program was in charge
of Mrs. C. A. Sias. The next meet
ing will take dace at the home of
Mrs. W. 0. Read, with Mrs. Bert
Kirby of Adams, as program leader.
George Brace was in Athena Mon
day from Thorn Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins visit
ed in The Dalles last week. .
Ralph and Edwin McEwen were
Walla Walla visitors Sunday. : ;
Hermiston high school vs. Athena,
this afternoon on the home grounds.
Mrs. Arthur Coppock visited in
Walla Walla the fore part of the
week. "
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson were
up from Pendleton Sunday, visiting
Frank DeFreece visited at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Harder, at Mil
ton Sunday.
Ralph Moore and Ralph Carstens
left Athena the fore parti of the week
for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk and Miss
Beulah Smith spent Sunday wish
relatives in Echo.
Mrs. Lew McNair and Miss Blanche
Johnson were recent guests of Mrs.
H. R. Anderson, at Walla Walla.
TuHds are blooming m gorgeous pro
fusion in Athena flower gardens and
at a number of homes blend in riotous
olors. '.-'
Cleve Myers says with a smile of
delight,. "Tell Tone that .there are
nothing to it anymore but the Big
Train." 's
The marriage of Miss Georgia Copp
of Pendleton, and Mr. Glenn Marquis
of Adams, was solemnized at Hood
River, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckner ana
children were down from Washtucna
Sunday and spent the day at the
Charles Williams home.
The annual business meeting of the
Baptist church was held last evening.
Supper was served- in the church din
ing room at 6:30, prior to tne meet
ing. , ; : , '
Mrs. Dickenson and daughters, Mrs.
Henry Knight and Miss Phyllis Dick
enson, spent Sunday at tha inos.
DeFreece home near Walla Walla,
Sunday. V ,
PreDarations are being made to
sow lawn grass and set out shrubs
at the Athena hiehway maintenance
station on Main street, at coiner of
Rov Johnston was thrown from ft
nlow when it struck a rock and ne
fell on the pulverisor, striking on his
back. Fortunately he was not ser
iously injured.
Services in the Church of Christ the
coming Sunday will be regular in
every way, except that the high
school baccalaureate service will oc
cur on the evening hour.
Mrs. Percv Wilson and little sons
Sammv and Bobby are here from
Central Ferry, Wash., visiting at the
Sam Pambrun home. Mr. wuson re
turned to Central Ferry Sunday.
Three tables were m Play at the
home of Mrs. , Revella Lieuallen
Thursday, when she entertained the
members of the 3 o' 4 bridge club
Mrs. A. W. Loesdon won high score
Frank Rainville came down from
Colfax, Wash., Wednesday and on his
return home vesterdav. he was ac
companied by Mrs. S. C. Stanton and
son Cleve, who will remain lor we
summer at Colfax.
Mrs. Nellie Taylor visited friet.ds
in Athena, this week. Mrs. Taylor
spent the winter at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Delbert Clore, in Mal
heur county and is returning to he.r
home at Walla Walla.
F.. C. Rogers left bv motor for
Creston. B. C. where he went to see
how his son Dudley, was getting
aloner with his new farm project. At
last reports "Dud" was well along
with his spring work and nearly
ready to seed his wheat land.
The Athenaian, Athena high school
annual, is off the cress and is being
delivered to subscribers. The annual
is well made up text, illustrations
and advertisements being well bal
anced in this year's volume. , The
press work is especially good.
The Ohayata Camp Fire Girls en
tnved a Mav Dav nartv last evening.
Each Camp Fire girl, accompanied by
a boy friend hung May baskets ana
then gathered at the home of Gene
vieve Rnrrett. where refreshments
were served. The girls postponed
their hike Saturday on account oi
bad weather.
Friday afternoon Mrs. Clifford
Walker was hostess to the O. D. 0.
club, at which time twelve club mem
bers and one guest, Miss Jennie Mae
Walker were present.' Refreshments
were served by the hostess and Mrs.
Roy Cannon. .Next Tuesday the club
will lunch at Stephens' Luncheon
nette in Pendleton.
The annual convention and inspira
tional program of the East Oregon
Churches of Christ will occur at La
Grande next week, May 6-8, when
many representatives from churches
east of Hood River will be in attend
ance. Mr. Sias of the local church
is on the program for a prominent
address Wednesday morning. Sever 4
from this city will attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry - Knight are
here from Portland, motoring up from
there Saturday night. They are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Knight's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dicken
son. They were accompanied from
Arlington by Miss Hilda Dickenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight will
leave for Colorado the fore part of
the week and may decide to locate
Word has been received in Athena
to the effect that Mrs. Edward Benn
(Sylvia Beathe) formerly of Athena
and Weston, is critically ill with can
ser at her home in Seattle. There is
said to be no hone whatever for her
recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Benn will be
remembered as members or the sales
force in the .Mosgroye Mercantile
company store when it operated in
Athena, and both have many friends
here who will regret to learn of Mrs.
B&aa'i illness, ....-
They Come in Plain Red and Blue Colors
- Each 1.25 ;
Girls and Misses
Assortment of Colors. Sizes 6 to 10
Per Pair 25c and 50c
- Phone 152
Athena Department Store
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton spent a few
hours at her home Saturday, return
ing to the Walla Walla Sanitarium
where she is taking treatments.
On the occasion of their 30th wed
ding day anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Remillard entertained a large
party of relatives and friends at
their home Sunday, when a splendid
dinner was served in honor of the
event. Guests ' from Walla Walla
were Grandma Burrows, Mr. Levi
Allard, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bergevin,
Neta, Damase and Leslie Bergevin,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bergevin, Arte
mesia, Jeane, Russell and Denise Ber
gevin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berge
vin, Wade and Keith Bergevin, Mr.
and . Mrs. Elmer Markham, Reta and
Harold Markham, Neil Lonnecker,
Mrs. Mayme Lynch, Laura, Alice and
Edward Lynch, Cyrus Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Nelson, Esther and lone
Nelson, Miss Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Foster and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Harter, Gerald, Reta and
Miss Harter Albert Remillard and
Agnes O'Rorke. From Gibbon, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bergevin. From Wes
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pay ant, Mr.
and Mrs. Staggs. From Athena, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Montague, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Remillard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remil
lard, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Remil
lard and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Remil
lard. Music was furnished by Joe
Pay ant and Mrs. Staggs.
Athena. High School Notes
........ . .
Editor Emery Rogers
Asst. Editor ......... Arthur Crowley
Alumni .... ; .".:..Walter Huffman
Student Body ........... Georgia Green
Boys' Athletics...........Roland Wilson
Classes . ... Elizabeth Walters
Entertainment Myrtle Campbell
Personals .: Jack Moore
Faculty v. .Herbert Reeder
l-8th Grades .. Stafford Hansell
Girls' Athletics and Subj'ect Classes
Mary Tompkins
Advisor . ....Miss Beulah Smith
Editorial - ;
(By Arthur Crowley)
School is about out. What are you
going to do now? Probably , many
seniors would like an answer to this
question. The question covers a lot
of territory, but many suitable an
swers could be found. We think the
first answer would be to go to school
for higher learning. Perhaps your
finances are low; then get yourself
a job until you have made the amount
required. If you do not wish to go
on further in school you can stay at
the job and strive to work up to a
higher position. We hope there are
very few who are totally lacking in
ambition. If there are any unam
bitious people we - hope . that they
don't make themselves known to the
ones who are on the road to success.
Prehaps you wonder why we wish
these unambitious people to avoid the
ambitious. It is easily answered. If
one is trying to be a success it is a
constant struggle to resist the en
ticing invitation of a shiftless loafer,
for he seems to be enjoying life. Per
haps his suggestions come when dis
couraged and the longing to escape is
strong. It is then that the unam
bitious is dangerous, "There is no
royal road to .learning" .. for such
characters as these. success
ful and have success all your life you
must have determination, perserver
ence, strong desire, and the power to
say no. . ,
., Personals .
John Kirk and his mother, Mrs.
Lilla Kirk, attended the state oratori
cal contest held at Portland during
the week-end. John and his mother
motored to Portland Thursday and re
turned Sunday. ; i
Arthur Crowley attended the coun
ty track and field meet held at Pen
dleton Saturday;
Loie and Monta Montgomery and
Esma Hiteman motored to Pasco Sun
day. .
. Jack Moore was in Pendleton Sun
day evening. .. ''.
Jim Wilson and Raymond Freeze
attended a show in Walla Walla Sat
urday night.-, 7 .):; ,;-" '"...-V
Lacey Does Not Recognize
In Man an Old School Mate
Athletics '
A baseball team from Whitman
college defeated the Athena high
school team last Friday by a score of
10-2. " .
Whitman played good ball through
out the game and when the ninth
came up with a 10 to 0 score for
Whitman, it looked' bad for Athena.
In the ninth inning, howe7er, Athe
na manged to make two scores
through an error. .
. The starting line-up for - Athana
was Crowley, c; M. Wilson, p; Huff
man, lb; J. Wilson, 2b; Jenkins, ss;
Moore, 8b; Murphy, rf ; Rogore, cf ;
Banister If. '
Athena .used three pitcher, M.
Wilson, J. Wilson,-and Huffman. ;
Faculty -Miss
Beulah Smith accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk to Echo
Sunday where they visited with rela
tives. Mr. E. E. Coad spent the week-end
at Monmouth where he attended a
meeting .el the board, of education.
Oregon State College
Beat U. of O. in Meet
Winning six of the eight events,
Oregon State College defeated the
University of Oregon in the annual
dual relay meet between the two in
stitutions. The University of Oregon won last
year's contest.
The Orangemen from Corvallis, got
off to an early lead, defeating the
Webfeet in the first three events, the
440 yard relay, the two mile relay
and the 880 yard relay. The Uni
versity of Oregon team returned to
capture the fourth event, the sprint
medley, and the Staters boosted their
points to four by winning the shuttle
relay. The distance medley was the
only other event in which th Web
feet were victorius. Oregon State
captured the four mile and mile re
lays. - -: r' :-v':-: v-;''
i Indians Win Again
The Mission Indians defeated Uma
tilla 8 to 3 in a Umatilla county
baseball league game at Umatilla
this week. Joe Beetles allowed the
opposition six hits and struck out
nine while his mates were "garnering
nine hits off the deliveries of Hansen
and B. Woodward. Hansen struck
out six and Woodward two. -
, ,;; R II E
Mission i..:......8 9 5
Umatilla 3 6 7
Settles and Hoskins; Hansen, B.
Woodward and R. Woodward.
Wate( Running Low
The water running in the river at
Hermiston is reported as going down
rapidly and while the district is still
diverting a small head into ; the res
ervoir, it is expected that this will
soon be discontinued. Water is in
some seasons diverted into the feed
canal and reservoir as late as June,
but this year very little snow is re
ported in the mountains.
Vandals Ransack Cabins
Reports come from the Middle
Meadows district in the Blue Moun
tains, east of Milton, that vandals re
cently entered the cabins of Dave
Yates, the Whitney and Pickard
mountain homes, where they over
turned furniture and left the house
holds in disorder but so far as is
known took nothing with thenv
Walla Walla. Whether the man
who claims to be Charles Blewitt, is
really the man he believes he is, is
puzzeling some of the men who knew
Blewitt in his youth, but one at least
believes he is not. This is Henry
Lacey, who was on the volunteer ex
pedition to northern Idaho in 1877
against the Nez Perce Indians. Near
Cottonwood, Blewitt, a Walla Walla
volunteer, was supposed to have been
killed, and his body was buried in
Walla .Walla.
Lacey was in Walla Walla yester
day and ran across Blewitt on the
street. Blewitt says "Hello, Henry"
but Lacey failed to recognize him and
expressed the opinion that the man
now here is mistaken. -,
Lacey, Blewitt and William S Clark
were in the party which went to near
Whitebird in 1877. Afte? the trouble
was over Lacey and Clark came back,
and Blewitt remained with the other
forces, soon after it being reported
that he was killed. j
Lacey states that the man now here
lacks knowledge of, Blewitt'a rela
tives. ?
; Honor Indian Chief tian
As a memorial to Chief Lawyer,
leader of the Nez Perce Indians, who
75 years ago it is recorded, saved the
lives of Isaac I. Stevens, territorial
governor, and his party, the graduat
ing class of Whitman college will
dedicate a huge granite boulder, bear
ing a bronze tablet with the profile of
the famous chief, on the Whitman
campus Tuesday June 3. The monu
ment; is to be placed on the exact
site where the friendly Nez Perces
made Hieir camp.- . ; i
Marsh&eld Gets Meet
Delegates to the eighth annual
State Conclave held at Pendleton,
Friday and Saturday, selected Marsh
field as the place for holding the con
clave next year. Pendleton enter
tained the visitors in royal manner,
the s. Round-Up spirit prevailing
throughout in the city's hospitality.
Rancher Fined for Still
Jerry Eaten, well-known rancher of
southwest Umatilla county, was fined
$500 and sentenced to 60 days in jail
when he appeared in court, charged
with possession of a still and whisky.
Officers who raided the ranch said
they found a 100-gaUon still and some
whisky. . :
'' Reunion Dates Changed
Dates for the annual reunion of
Umatilla county pioneers at Weston
have been changed from May 30 to SI
to Friday and Saturday, June 13 and
14. The change was made in order
to secure a merry-go-round, a rerris
wheel and concessions for the event.
A general rainstorm prevailed over
Eastern Oregon over the week-end
and the Athena district received its
share. Crops, gardens ' and range
lands were copiously drenched with
much needed moisture. . " - -'a