THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MAY 2, 1930 Mm tm Z AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F, B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher , ' . Subscription Ratee . 4 One copy, one year 2.00 One copy, six months $1-00 One copy, three months 73 Athena, Oregon, May 2 1930 Clark Wood Says "It's a good thing there's cen sus once in awhile, so that cei tain people can help swell the returns who in every other re spect are a total public loss. ' ; payer to obtain a maximum of Iegiti mate governmental service for every tax dollar, and that it should be the aim of every public official to deliver this service. , TESTING CATTLE LEGAL ' The right of the legislature to re quire owners of breeding cattle to submit animals to tubercuiin test and adopt reasonable measures for carry ing out such requirements recently was upheld by the supreme court of Nebraska. The man who resisted the operations of the jaw contended that it was unconstitutional because it discriminated between breeding cat tle, which are covered by the law, and feeding cattle which are exempt ' from inspection, and that both breed ing and feeding cattle are susceptible to tuberculosis. The point is made in the decision that feeding cattle are raised for market and must neces sarily pass through many stages of inspection before the product finally reaches the public for consumption; that the existence of tuberculosis in breeding and dairy cattle is a menace to the public health both of infants and adults and is matter of common knowledge, The decision held that the legislature was within its power in adopting the classification, and closed with this declaration:' 'Statutes to promote and protect the public health by suppressing .tuberculosis among domestic animals are for a public purpose and are liberally con strued to accomplish the intended pur "Memory Images on Brain Report ed to Be Left by Electricity," reads headline. Oh yes, and .. images are left there by other things once in a while besides electricity. Being hit on the pate by a golf ball, for in stance. Those who looked through smoked glass Monday and observed the eclipse are ahead of those who didn t see it, 49 years. The next time the sun is obscured by the moon will be in 1979. If we are to judge from Al Ca- pone's Florida real estate noiamgs, it would not be out of the way to sruess that the criminal class is one of the best paid in the United States. o We suggest that Portland import some of those Seattle beetles to rid her gardens of earwigs. No offense intended. If the Sound city has the remedy, apply it. o All criticism relative to extension of time in census taking loses weight in light of the fact that to do a thing well, is to do it right. -.. o It is estimated that 14,600,000 elec tric flatirons are smoothing out the wrinkles in American homes. Well, in the end everybody will find out who that Portland baby is, any way. , o Lindy has marked out a new air mail route for others to follow. SAD BUT TRUE Some one suggests ' that the only way to drive is with the idea con stantly in mind that the other fellow may be an idiot, says the Los Angeles Times. This is sad but true. Reck lessness seems to be part of the motoring code with millions of American drivers. And the inevit able result is that, every year, 25 or 30 thousand persons are killed and hundreds of thousands injured in pre ventable automobile accident:!: The tragic part of it is that enormou3 an nual waste of life and property is almost entirely unnecessary. The un preventable accident is rare as the dodo bird. Someone is incompetent or reckless in the case of practically every collision, great or small, be tween motor cars. The blame may be laid in two places. First is the ap parent indifference of many motorists to the fundamentals of safety, Sec ond is the lack of strict licensing laws in most states to keep the in competent and reckless off the road, and an accompanying lack of en forcement of modernized, common Bense traffic codes, DAIRYING VALUABLE INDUSTRY The state marketing bureau of Florida, in its monthly Bulletin, de votes Borne space to the encourage ment of the dairy industry, and ad vocacy of the greater consumption of dairy products. Its arguments and conclusions are entirely applicable in the widespread dairying . areas of Oregon. It says: "No one can deny that countries that have shown the most progress and recorded the g"eat est achievements since Abrahan 1-ert herds have been consumers of dairv products and that the largest, strong est, most vigoorus and heaUhieJt peo .ples, attaining the greatest ages and suffering the lowest rate of infant mortality, have been literal con Burners of those products. The peo pie who have led the world in com merce. finances, industry and lilera ture. music, science and evtry other activity of human intellect, as well as religion have been consumers of an ample supply from the dairy,'' An Oklahoma editor who by hook or crook srot in on a paying oil gush er, gurgles about it enthusiastically: "Petroleum is twentieth-century gold, It operates great factories, furnishes motive power for millions ,01 auto mobiles, propels ships, heats a multi tude of homes. It has paid off the print shop mortgage, paid for a new Linotype and hung a clean towel on the peg, gives the missus a chance to drive a limousine, the kid to play golf and the old man is now drinking moonshine instead of bensme. A Detroit doctor several years ago Informed a very sick patient that when she was 90 years old he would come to screnado her with a brass band. The other day the medic made good his word, and after the band had played "Alexander's Ragtime Band," he promised to come again on her 100th anniversary. o . An observing editor Is of the opin ion that it is the desire of every tax- 23 Year s Ago ELECTRIC INCUBATION (Utility Information Bureau) "It is not uncommon," says George S. Workman, formerly field man for the State Chamber of Commerce; now secretary Lincoln county Chamber of Commerce, "to see a full postal car load of baby chicks leave Corvallis from the hatchery of Oregon btate College and from individually owned hatcheires.'This occurs almost daiy. Distribution is throughout the con tinent. Now there is in operation an "electric hen" that hatches out 10, 000 chicks at a time. This is the latest device to increase production and cut down costs in the brooder industry. The new incubator has been widely adopted by poultrymen. In Hayward, California, F. C. Steiner installed a 10,000 cluck electric incubator, operating it side by side with oil burning equipment of the same capacity. The compari sons are worth noting. Fuel oil for the 21 day hatching period cost V). Exoense of heating the electric in cubator for the same term was $10. Amonsr other points made ir the comparison, the records show 5 per cent srreater hatch in the ele.trie in cubator owing to proper ventilation and the even temperature, controlled hv the thermostat, with absence of oil fumes. The electric applianca re quires only one-tenth the floor space necessary for an oil burning mouDa- tor of the same capacity. In the case of the oil burner the eggs had to be turned by hind, a task that kept a trained man busy for three hours every day; turning the esres in an electric incubator is an automatic operation that takes less than five minutes daily. Friday, May 3, 1907 Misa Velmit Wilkinson left Wednes day for a fortnight's visit with school friends at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone and their sons, Dave and Clifford, and Virgil wuiaDy, went over to waiia waua Wednesday. Will Dobson is preparing to build an addition to his cottage on upper Main street. A kitchen, bathroom and pantry will be built MiRP Mn. Hrnon and Eva Rider. cnardians of th local telephone ex change, are in Pendleton this after- business at the 'phone office. Miss Alcy Foss has again accepted the Glasgow, Montana, school and will teach there next winter. Her present term of school will close the 24th inst. and Miss Foss will soon after arrive home. Mrs., Charles Barrett, Mrs. G. D. Foster, Mrs. Charles Betts, Mrs. . . r w n 111 J . trayne ana cart. n. a. Alien arove v Helix Tuesday afternoon. In the eve-nine- thev attended church services. Rev. Conrad Owen who has been preaching here spoke to the Helix congregation. Th lft.montha old babv boy of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shick has recently linrierpone a most unpleasant exper ience. In his play, the little leuow had in some manner gotten bold oi a bug, about an inch long.which he swallowed. The first indication tne mother had of his exploit, was vio lent vomiting and purging. The bug mused off and was discovered, else the cause of his sickness would not have been known. The entire lining nt flia fnmrh and canal was hiehly inflamed and the little one was unable to eat for several days. He is now out of danger, having been under a physician's care for the past week. Miss Ethel Garfield of Walla Walla is the guest of Mrs. Jackson Nelson near town. Sheldon Taylor and Herbert Man rfrnvA down Cold Serines yester- Aav whprc W. R. Tavlor is collecting his cattle for a drive to the moantian Athena nhvsiciana renort the follow ing births: To Mr. and Mrs. Or.ando Hodgens, May 3, 1907, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hales, or Adams Mav 5. 1907. a son: to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kidder, May 5, 1907, a son. While riding a pony in company with two other little girls Saturday fternnnn. little Ruth Rocthrock fell from the horse's back and sustained a fracture of the riirht arm. both bones being broken near the wrist. The lit tle girl is recovering nicely and prom ises to not Tide "three double" here G. B. Kidder has three painters em- nlnvMl all t.hfl m-esent time. He has orders for painting fourteen dwellings in Athena and vicinity. Geo. D. Foster, M. L. Watts and TV .T TV Plamnndnn are delegates to the I. O. O. F grand lodge, which will convene at La Grande, May Zl. Rollo T. Brown, one of the best ban nlnvpr who ever donned a "Yellow Kid" uniform left his home in Hart- land, Minn., last week to become a member of the Lynn, Mass, New En gland league team. Step by step this player has advanced in the game un til he is now just one notch below the American and National leagues. Next year he will be there. Mrs. Katherine Matt, who died on the reservation last Tuesday, was born December 4, 1844 and was a daughter of Mathew Dauphin, an American Fur Co. trader, who came to the coast in 1834 in company with fiMnnd Bonneville. She left two daughters, Mrs. Groves and Mrs. Car- den, children py her first husband, A. P. Woodward, whom she married at Walla Walla, in 1860. Making Good... CmmrA.V, NORBLAD Keep him on the job! NORBLAD ft GOVERNOR COMMITTEE KENNETH D. MAUSER, Cn'l Ckmrmm SAMUEL POWELL. Smntmt Wtmm'i Dintum Mr. G. J. Frenkel. Ckrfrawa Mn. M. H. Lmont, Stmtmrf tru.nimii 201-1 1 Mnltaomia Howl AT want 9471 I PORTLAND.OIUIGON 8 Verkirk 0 8 Visors fi "Shade the Eyes 8 8 of the World" g 8 The Last Word 8 P in Visors 9 I 60c Y McFADDEN'S PHARMACY V Rupture Shield Expert Coming to PENDLETON on Monday, May 5 at the Dorion Hotel from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. Evenings by telephone appointment only . - ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlich, the successful ex pert says: The "Perfect Retention Shields" hold the rupture perfectly, no matter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you life. They give instant relief, contract the open ing in a remarkably short time and Rtrenpthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they fre quently recover Jtheir previous natural retaining power, needing no further mifairiii mmnnrt. Stomach trouble. backache and constipation often caus ed by Rupture promptly disappear. Truly remarkable and prompt re sults have been obtained not only with recent and not fully developed ruptures but also with old, long neglected ones. . Ingenious, recently perfected de vices are not holding ruptures firmly which heretofore never had been re tained. No elastic belts nor filthy legstraps are used. v I guarantee the durability tit my absolutely sweat and moisture proof, sanitary appliances. 75 ner cent of nurture! children re cover completely through expert mechanical treatment according to statistics. Do not waste your money on wideiy advertised mail order contraptions. You cannot lit yourself. C. P. REDLICH. Runture Appliance Expert, Home office, 535 Boston Block Minneapolis, Minnesota. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla uounty. In the Matter of the Estate of Anna Red Hawk, otherwise known as Latikamas, an Indian ' woman, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled court administra tor of the above entitled estate, and that he has qualified as the law di rects. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the of fice of my attorney, A. C. Mclntyre, in Despain Block, Court Street, Pen dleton, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof with proper vouchers. " '- Dated April 11, 1930. GEORGE RED HAWK, A11M9 " Administrator SUMMONS ; (Equity No. 4869) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. David M. Rogers, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie H. Rogers, Defendant: To NELLIE H. ROGERS, Defendant; In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause within four , (4) weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons; and you will take notice that if you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, within said time, the nlaintiff. for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in his said complaint against you, namely: for a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable James Alger Fee, Judge of the above en titled Court, which said order was made and entered in the matter here in on the 8th day of April, 1930, and the first publication of this summons is made on the 11th day of April, 1930, pursuant to said order. Watts & Prestbye, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Post Othce Address: Athena, Oregon. Pub. A11M9, DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 DR. 8. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Athena, Or?ron Why suffer with tired, aching feet? Regardless of their condition, I can help you E.M.MOREMEN Foot Correctionist 22 W. Main St. Walla Walla Bring in Your Bent and Sprung Axles THIS SHOP IS . EQUIPPED WITH AN AXLE GAGUE TO STRAIGHTEN AXLES " Acetylene Welding and Black smithing C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop DR. I. U, TEMPLE Republican Candidate for Representative Umatilla County A competent business man, a pionee'r resident, a substantial taxpayer and informed on the economic conditions of the state and county. Our represen tation should be distributed over the county. Paid Adv. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the intesesta of the peop le of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LU M LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol.. 30 Athena, Oregon, May 2, 1930 . . . ...No 18 Editorial What the government ought to do is appropriate enough money so we all could stop work. A. M. Johnson Editor. , Look in the Saturday Evening Post for May 3 if you want to see how beautiful shingles can improve a home. They insulate, beautify, and are reasonably priced. IDDOVE EVEWUII1C CETODIr ETOTE Our idea of a man truly going down in defeat is a floorwalker with fallen arches. CREO-DIPT It may be Bearing summer but it is the time to put on a leak proof roof. Pioneer in all of the colors at mail order prices plus per sonal service and the privilege of returning unused portions. In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love while others of us have to rake the lawn, spade the garden, and help clean up the ' house. So while we are doing that it would be a good time to see that the fly screens are O. K. Fix up the spare rooms in the attic, so that any guests this sum mer won't have to hang on a nail, ask us about details. Wrestling is . merely necking with the heart interest removed and no holds barred. See you later. Yours till can nibals turn vegetarian. WE RECOMMEND CeloteX amustvo caks ouu Exclusively Sold Here Milton Bread and Pastries KILQORE'S CAFE The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME. Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Bed Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St. EE HILL Athena lice Bell fi Cray . . Phone 593 ? . Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country i Hauling ! We Have the Agency For the Macy Tailoring System of America Twin City Cleaners Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. It Pays to Look Well! To look well yon should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything hi the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and me. , Perm Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleanera. : Phone 683. Reduction In Electric Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month..U0c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Commercial Rates First 100 KWH used per month.........lOc per KWH Next 200......................... ;; : .......7c per KWH Next 300 .... .... ...... 6c per KWH Next 400 .... . ...........5c per KWH Next 1000 .... ..... ....4c per KWH Excess over 2000 ...... . .....3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid In fall within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per Preston-Shaffer Milling Company 5- "' ' , -. . .TT.,-,,,1,' "." 0 o ifAm i AST EFFECTIVE MAT t TO tZFT. $ RZTUAN tDtXt OCT. SI, lf) Radaced faresall put of Mst; liberal top ovars. Fin trains; modern equipment; splendid servicei scenic routa. Short side trips enable yon to visit ZIOH NATIONAL PARK GRAND CANTON NATIONAL PAJUt BftTCX CANTON NATIONAL PARK TEIXOWSTONX NATIONAL PARK GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK ROCKT MOUNTAIN NATL PARK Inlatrati ad Rklets reejwatt ROUND TRIP TO PFfWF.R.. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS CHICAGO PS T HO IT. TO.Se ?f.e ... .o ...JM.87 .lecia CINCINNATI... NEW ORLEANS. TORONTO lit.SS ATLANTA. ..ll.e PITTSBURGH l!8-8t WASHINGTON. rHILAOELTlUA Ml.? NEW YOBK I4.4 BOSTON. HIM C M. EAGER, Agent Athena, Oregon