The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 21, 1930, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
i Frank DeFreece spent Sunday in
; Walla Walla.
, .Mrs. M. L. Watts attended a lunch-
eon in Walla Walla Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , McEwen
motored to Prescott, Wash., Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. W CV Cowan were in
Athena Sunday, from Walla Walla,
; Oral Michener made a business trip
to Pendleton Wednesday afternoon.
: Mrs. F. N. Johns and Mrs. C. M.
Eager were Walla Walla visitors
A real March wind developed into
a dust storm, the first of the month,
r Miss Glea Sias came home from
Hermiston to spend the week-end
with her parents.
r Mrs. Barton of Hood River, has
been a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gross.
i Mrs. Ora Burke and Mrs. Elmer
Stockstill visited friends in Walla
.Walla Wednesday afternoon.
Several local Rebekah'a enjoyed
dancing as guests of the Freewater
Rebekah's at Freewater Tuesday eve
ning. The Methodist Ladies' Society will
meet at the home of Mrs. Willard
Crabill next Wednesday afternoon,
March 26.
' A number of the little folks in
Athena and vicinity are afflicted with
measles. Whooping cough is still
prevalent, also.
Wilma Mclntyre oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre has
been ill this week with a case of
red measles.
The ladies of the 0. D. 0. club will
hold a cooked food sale .at Rogers &
Goodman's . hardware store tomor
row afternoon. . .' s ;
Miss Sadie Pambrun and Mrs. Alva
Blalock attended a permanent wav
ing demonstration at Whites Beauty
Shop in Walla Walla Wednesday.
The Weston Leader reports that
Mrs. Otto V. Purcell who has been
receiving treatment at St. Mary's
hospital in Walla Walla, had so far
recovered this week as to be able
to return home. , , .
Campbells Soup
10c per can
10 c
Milk, ber can
Jello, 3 packages ............. -23c
Pillsbury's Pancake Flour 43c
Bulk Green Tea, per lb. .......60c
Tomato Juice, 20 oz. bottle 30c
The Quality Grocery
Alice Eager, Prop.
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile AssessoriesTires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
- 11111 i
Coffee, Red & White, 1-lb -bag
Spiced Nut Layer Cake
Alaska Sockeye Salmon, Red & White Is tall
3 Cans for 98c
Pink Salmon, Is tall
3 Cans for 55c
Shrimp, Fancy Large, Red and White
3 Cans for 70c
Shrimp, Medium, Blue & White
3 Cans for 50c
Beechnut Spagetti
2 Cans for 29c
Crisco, 3-lb Can
Mazola Oil, quarts
Cream of Wheat
Orange Marmalade, 1-lb glass
2 for 49c
Strawberry Preserves, 3-lb. jars
Cling Peaches, Servus, 212 tin
3 Cans for 84c
Peaches, Blue & White, 2Va tin
4 Cans for 98c
Local White Beans, Good Quality
7 lbs. for 50c
Clothing Department
Ladies Silk Hose, Full fashioned silk to top....$1.00
Misses Rayon Bloomers, ages 12 to 16 79
Men's Chambray work shirts 59c to $1.00
Men's Horsehide Gloves $1.49 and $1.95
Squaw Gloves ......L........... ,$1.50
Men's Part Wool Work Shirts $1.50
H. O. WorthingNm was in Athena
Wednesday from Pendleton.
Jack Dow is wearing a new wrist
watch, and he's some proud of it.
Mrs. Henry Koepke was a luncheon
guest of Walla Walla friends Mon
Clyde Willaby was over from his
service station near Freewater, yes
terday. .
Justin Harwood gave the telephone
office a fresh coat of calsomine, Wednesday.
"Tot" Rogers was down from home
at Genessee, Idaho, the fore part of
the week.
Marion Hansell accompanied H. H.
Eickhoff on a trip to the Potlatch
country this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dudley were
dinner guests at the Dudley home
near Athena, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were
guests Monday evening of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Gordon, of Weston.
A number of local Elks went to
Pendleton last night to attend a
meeting of the lodge in the county
seat town.
Lee Crawford is plowing the Kirk
field for George Gerking, who re
cently 'purchased the lease from
Charles Kirk. -
Stephens' Luncheonette at Pendle
ton, will serve Sunday turkey din
ner from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. at 75
cents per plate.
Bennett the painter, gave the post
office lobby a retouch in varnish Tues
day of this week, and as a result the
fixtures are shining.
Mrs. John Phillips is slowly im
proving since being brought from
the hospital to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. H. Kibbey.
Norman Mclntyre is home mm
Oregon State college to participate
in spring farm work on the Mcln
tyre wheat ranch, north of Athena.
The Wauna Camp Fire Girls will
have a collection of Indian relics on
display in the show window of the
Mosgrove building on Main street.
George Banister is having dirt ex
cavated last fall from his basement
removed from the parking strip in
front of his residence on Fifth street.
Bryce Baker's big Conoco truck is
home from a Pendleton paint shop all
sparkling and glittering in a coat of
the reddest red paint you ever saw.
Mrs. Burchill of Pendleton, who
has returned from a trip to Califor
nia, was the guest yesterday in Ath
ena, of her daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Charles Williams and daughter
Miss Ruth Williams, were callel to
Tacoma by the death of Mrs. Eliza
beth Gardner, mother of the late Mrs.
Charles Williams.
Donald McFadyen has some of his
incubators filled with eggs. Mr." Mc
Fadyen does custom hatching, and is
prepared to receive eggs for hatch
ing at all times.
Billy Pinkerton has more garden
seeded than anyone else in town that
we know of, and some of his veget
able plants are beginning to peep
through the ground.
J. P. McCarroll, the painter from
Walla Walla, is in Athena this week
and is painting at the Joe Cannon
ranch west of Athena. Mr. McCarroll
uses the spray paint gun.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harwood en
tertained at dinner Saturday evening,
Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Rice of -Pendleton,
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchf ord and
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye.
Mrs. Marcus and children have ar
rived in Athena from the Willamette
valley where they have spent the
winter, and are visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson.
Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton and Mrs.
Louis Keen will give a social eve
ning for their respective Sunday
school classes in the Christian church
reception rooms tomorrow afternoon.
Small bands of sheep in the Ath
ena community are being sheared
this week by John Stanton. Forty
five head at the Henry Barrett place
north of town, were sheared Wednes
day. A family dinner was given at the
Sims Dickenson home Sunday in
honor of the birthday anniversary of
the master of the house. Miss Hilda
Dickenson came up from Arlington
for the event.
About 45 were present at the
meeting of Pythian Lodge No. 29,
K. of P. Thursday night, including
members from Pendleton and Adams.
The rank of Esquire was conferred
on Ed Montague.
' The small band of ewes owned by
Chase Garfield, who farms Mrs. Tem
pleton's place, west of Athena, has
produced a 199 per cent lamb crop
this spring. Every ewe except one
Is raising twin lambs.
A number of Athena people at
tended the presentation of the oper
etta, "The Belle of Bagdad," at Wes
ton high school auditorium, Friday
evening, and say the operetta was a
splendid amateur performance.
The W. C. T. U. will meet next
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs.
Charles Betts at her home south of
Athena, Mrs. 0. H. Reeder will have
charge of the program and Mrs.
Clarence Zerba will assist the host
ess. Reeve Betts, who is attending Har
vard, is expected home for the sum
mer vacation, arriving here some
time in June. He may be accom
panied home by a couple of cousins,
who will spend the summer in the
West. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were
host and hostess to the B. B. club,
Tuesday evening. A bounteous no
host dinner was served at 7 p.,m.,
followed by four tables of
bridge at play. Mrs. Chase Garfield
received high ladies score. F. N.
Johns received high gents score. Mrs.
F. N. Johns, ladies consolation and
C. M. Ebst gxtoti cXmsrolatftfa.
Pastor Sias of the Christian church
reports that a fine bunch gathered at
the church for ; "Church Night,"
Thursday evening and participated in
the potluck supper. A well appreciat
ed program of music, speeches and
readings was rendered. ;
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, and Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. McEwen motored to Pen
dleton for the Kilkare club dinner
dance. Irish green, Paddy's pigs and
perky feather trimmed hats as favors
accented the St. Patrick's day idea.
In a letter from Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Harris of Seattle, it is learned
that they have recently closed a suc
cessful vangelical meeting at Aber
deen, where Mrs. F. E. Russell is
pastor, and will begin next Sunday
a series of meetings in the Christian
Church at Medford, Oregon.
Hundreds of baby chicks will hop
out of incubators at the chicken farm
of Mrs. David Stone, west of Athena
in a few days. Heretofore Mrs. Stone
has purchased day-old chicks to re
plenish annually her commercial egg
producing stock, but this year is en
gaged in hatching her own chicks.
H. A. Frick of Pendleton nas ine
contract for putting in .the concrete
foundation, basement and fireplace
in the residence on High street, re
cently purchased by J. F. Kershaw
from Mrs. Dolly Thompson, of Eu
gene. Work on the foundation is well
under way at the present time.
Stafford Hansen expenncea a
painful, though temporary injury to
one of his eyes the fore part of the
week, when particles of sawdust be
came lodged between the eyelid and
eyeball. Relief came with the re
moval of the particles, but Stafford
was out of school for a couple of
Complimenting the boys of the class
taught by Laurence Pinkerton, the
girls of the olass taught by Mrs. J.
W. Pinkerton entertained Saturday
evening in the Christian church re
ception rooms. Some new and divert
ing games were furnished by the
young hostesses and a hearty lunch
was served. Patronesses were Mrs.
Pinkerton, Mrs. Sias and Mrs. Laur
ence Pinkerton.
Miss Beulah Smith and Miss Doro
thy Brodie were hostesses at a bridge
party Wednesday evening when they
entertained a group of friends. A St.
Patrick's day motif was used, Sham
rocks and the green of old Erin be
ing much in evidence as a decorative
note. This idea was further carried
out in the dainty cakes and ices
served after the play. Miss Blanche
Johnson held high score and . Miss
Blanche Thorson received the con
solation. The guests making up the
three tables included,1 Mrs. Areta
Gurney, Mrs. DeMerritt, Missis Delia
Bryant, Blanche Thorson, Edna De
Freece, Margaret Lee, Blanche John
son, Mrs. Blatchford, Mrs. Bryce
Baker and Mrs. Ralph McEwen.
The Weston Thimble club met at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Jones in
Athena Wednesday afternoon. Two
quilts were almost completed. A pot-
luck dinner was served at noon. Hhe
rfollowing ladies were present: Mes
i dames R. Culley, J. W. Hyatt, C. W.
Avery, T. L. iMcBride, A. Johnson,
Wm. Brown, Ralph Tucker, Anna
Haworth, Vernon O'Harra, Ella O.
Harra, L. I. O'Harra, Herman Staggs,
Jim King, Dr. McKinney, Miss Emma
Ringel of Weston; A. M. Johnson,
Stella Keen, Calla Sanders, Star
Charlton, Chas. McFarland, C. O.
Henry, Ethel Montague, Geo. Ger
king, C. Hand, Lydia Sheard, Fred
Pinkerton, Barney Foster, Willard
Crabill, of Athena; Miss Geiss of
Milton. ' '
Mrs. "Fred Pinkerton, Mrs. A. H.
Mclntyre and Mrs. Richard Thomp
son entertained a group of friends at
luncheon at the Grand Hotel in Wal
la Walla, yesterday afternoon. Yel
low daffodils centered the table, gay
baskets and tapers in the same shade
being used. An Easter motif was ac
cented throughout. Those enjoying
the affair were Mesdames R. B. Mc
Ewen, F. S. LeGrow, M. L. Watts,
H. I. Watts, W. P. Littlejohn, Henry
Dell, H. A. Barrett, C. M. Eager,
Glen Dudley, M. W. Hansell, E. C.
Prestbye, Chase Garfield, Dean Dud
ley, B. B. Richards, Fred Kershaw,
Lew McNair, Revella Lieuallen, Otis
Whiteman, Frances Lieuallen, A. L.
McEwen, James Cresswell, Laurance
Pinkerton, E. B. Foster, C. C. Curl,
Clarence Tubbs, Zeph Lockwood,
Frank Sanders, Henry Koepke, Jr.,
A. A. Mclntyre, M. I. Miller, W. S.
Ferguson, Verne Dudley, Armand
DeMerritt, Lloyd Michener, Justin
Harwood, Roy Duff, Theresa Berlin,
A. W. Logsdon, James Lieuallen, Jr.,
Miss Blanche Johnson.
Friday afternoon the O. D. " O.
club met at the home of Mrs. Floyd
Pinkerton, west of Athena, and spent
the afternoon at needlework. Guests
of the club were Mrs. Arthur Jenkins,
Miss Margaret Lee, Miss Lois Smith
and Miss Jennie Walker. The hostess
was assisted in serving salad, wafers
and coffee by Mrs. Virgil Zerba. St.
Patrick's Day was the decorative
motif carried out. Mrs. L. M. Keen,
At Sunday morning's services, Mr.
McQuarry, minister at Milton will
deliver the message. A good hearing
will no doubt bo accorded him. A sub
stantial increase in attendance is
noted in both Bible school and morn
ing worship.
We desire to express our thanks
and gratuitudo for all assistance and
sympathy that. came from friends
and neighbors during our bereave
ment MR. H. N. DESPER,
anj FAMILY.-
For Saturday and Monday
Pure Cane, per 100-lb. sack. . . . .5.79 I No. 1 Small White, 5 lbs. .... . . . .49c
20 oz. Package :VVV-. ...... '.,".2 for 15c 0 1 lb. Dixie Queen ..............69c
Pt. Bottles, ... . . . . ...... .2 for 19c I Bordens l ib. can with shaker . . 43c
Amaizo, 1-lb package, . . ... 3 for 24c 6 box Carton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 19c
" Phone 152 '.'V-;:'.'VV
Athena Department Store
assisted by Mrs. Roy Johnston, will
entertain the club, Friday of next
week. "'
Games were the features of enter
tainment at a surprise party given
by Mrs. W. E. Campbell Saturday
evening for her son Robert, when ten
members of hi3 freshman class were
invited in. Delicious refreshments
were served. Classmates who were
present: Velma Ross, Monta Mont
gomery, Bonnie Alkire, Helen Bar
rett, Marjorie Montague, Howard
Reeder, Lowell Jenkins, Robert Lee,
Wayne Banister and. Fred Singer.
Tuesday, March 18th , the Etude
elub met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd
Michener. Fourteen members were
present. After a splendid . chorus
practice with Mrs. Clyde Lester of
Walla Walla, directing, dainty re
freshments were served by Mrs. M.
I. Miller and Mrs. Bryce Baker. The
next meeting Twill be April 1st at the
home of Mrs. Ross Payne. All the
members are urged to be present.
Four tables were in play Thursday
afternoon, when Mrs. E. C. Prestbyo
entertained the 3 o' 4 club. Club
guests were Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre,
Mrs. Lew McNair, Mrs. Wellmar.
Ball and Mrs. Forrest Zerba. Friday,
Mrs. Prestbye was hostess to the
Athena Bridge club. Four tables
were in play. Mrs. J. C. Harwood
was a guest of the club. Mrs. W.
S. Ferguson won bridge honors, Mrs.
F. S. LeGrow the consolation, and
Mrs. Harwood the guest prize.
Athena High School Notes
Editor Emery Rogers
Asst. Editor Arthur Crowley
Alumni .... Walter Huffman
Student Body Georgia Green
Boys' Athletics......: Roland Wilson
Classes ........ Elizabeth Walters
Entertainment ........ Myrtle Campbell
Personals Jack Moore
Faculty Herbert Reeder
l-8th Grades Stafford Hansel)
Girls' Athletics and Subject Classes
.....:....Mary Tompkins
Advisor..... . Miss Eeulah Smith
Carolyn Kidder and Harold Kirk
visited friends in Pendleton Sunday
evening. ' . ;
(Arthur Crowley)
It is through the actions of a few
disorderly students of the Athena
high school that the school spirit i3
somewhat lowered. The school spirit
has been very low in the past years
but it is gradually getting better. In
the last few years the students of the
school have not taken a great deal of
interest in any of the athletic games
but now everything is being done to
increase the 3chool spirit and we hope
in the near future that it will be
brought about that we will have one
hundred per cent school interest. In
the sub-district tournament held at
Helix enthusiasm of the finest type
was shown by nearly all of the stu
dents attending. There are certain
students of the Athena high school
who should never be allowed to wit
ness any of the school affairs because
of their disorderly conduct. At some
of the basket-ball games held here
these individuals would sit up in the
balcony. and shoot water guns and
throw chalk. It seems as though
these students would realize that this
is "small town stuff" and that they
would be ashamed of themselves. If
these few individuals must shoot
water guns and throw chalk we sug
gest that they stay home and enjoy
themselves instead of coming to the
school to do it It is through these
individuals that the school spirit is
lowered and if these childish pranks
were abolished the student body at
titude would be much improved in
Although we have had a few
touches of winter, lately, spring
seems to be a pretty well established
fact and "Pike" is attempting to form
a baseball team.
Baseball practice is to start in
earnest this week and there are sev
eral boys turning out to offer their
services to the team. "Pike" is try
ing to get a practice game to take
place a week from today.
Eldon Myrkk and Carl Calvert had
their pictures taken in Walla Walla
Saturday morning.
Rhoda Nelson visited her sister in
Milton Sunday afternoon.
Esther Berlin was a Walla Walla
visitor Saturday.
Walter Huffman and Thelma
Schrimpf were in Walla Walla Sun
day. Garth Pinkerton was in Walla Wal
la Saturday.
Classes .
The Junior Class held a meeting
last week to appoint a committee to
make reservations for the Junior
Senior banquet. The following com
mittee was appointed: Elizabeth
Walter, Arthur Crowley, Emery
Rogers, and Stafford Hansell. The
date has been set for April nineteenth.
Miss Dorothy Brodie spent Satur
day in Walla Walla.
Miss Beulah Smith spent Friday
afternoon in Pendleton with Miss
Dorothy Strangham, a sorority sister.
Subject Classes
A change has occurred in the
original cast of the play "Salt Water
Taffy" with Marjorie Montague tak
ing the part of Betty Eager. Betty
was unable to take the part because
of her recent illness.
Girls League
The Girls League met last Tuesday
and the party which was to be given
on Friday, March 14 was postponed
until tonight due to the Operetta at
Weston. All the girls of the Ath
ena high school are invited to attend.
Student Body
The noodle feed which the high
school sponsored last Saturday was a
great success. The amount of money
realized was $35 which will be used to
help defray expenses on a high school
Newspaper Work
Helps Student On
University of Oregon, Eugene. The
former editor and owner of an enter
prising weekly news
paper, the McCleary
Stimulator, has en
tered the school of
journalism here In
the person of Roy
Craft, aged 21, from
McCleary, Washing
ton. A freshman,
Craft plans to com
plete his education
from the money he
earned as a publisher.
Following his graduation from high
school in 1925, Craft went to work
on the Stimulator, then owned by D.
Gerald Cloud, and soon became asso
ciate editor. Two and one-half yean
ago the young newspaperman, with
the backing of the local bank, took
over the paper. He successfully op
erated It for a year and a halt made
some money as ho went along, paid
all the notes and then sold It In order
to continue his education.
Roy Craft
Foley's Honey and Tar
vires colds, prevents pneumoalm.
, Iff .
on ics
Thin Your Blood
. We Have
Sassfrass Bark
s. s. s.
Beef Wine
and Iron
, 8
All Good