The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 21, 1930, Image 2

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Site Sttaa iss v
F. B. BOTH. 0rt aai PvtOiabtr
tiai tlx
Eat why
SutcritUon Retted
Om y, jw... .
, QotcopT.satracicrt&s.. -
Oat corT.t&ret awatas .
. .TS
Ataa, rcg, JIarck tL-
fovtnjaest Lsr stores
park is raise to be cat.
xt tbt price?
A California haad baat
jsst rtgkt tbe ether aifit E pake!
tbe bisp artist ia tht eye ita Lis
timtk crabbed tie tast "a graa aad
tiilW him with it. More cf th aaae
veeli salt trxntEzf afjtr dars.
zssaca safer.
Clark Woed Says . , .
J Tiii.;SK' betweva stabS-
J ifcOk-a and SforaittMa oVpefeds
a psvl A jJ mVtixr bt
J fitsr are Kccit Vy tbe fara J
J K-rJ r swSd Vy the Star. ,
Th CW$v State Xarie Apetst
ebsers tbat iw?e.trs cf tbe -partt
ef srrirtrrtre ef tbe state
ef lwa jwKtr wait a sxmry to.
aicertala tbe extent to wti&
wsrrarix aad ir ssbfcistcs art
taVfeg tbe Cnj tf h&sr amwf c.-a-$s-r.
ad tbe rcjret eciares tbat
a 4f 1 s3rs ef Hist t.sssfcie tf tip
si: 54 pre erst tf A pev?ue use
ht'.ttr aai -44 je et ase e&ea. C
sikiir.r tbe far-r$ sTratxy tbty
f aj abrct Si saw ratHv. A xx"vs
paper a few ys. asr re
citef tbe esis cf a wotmji fcwa a
fara wSirr a pfir f hr Verar
to a srry k-c a2 fcsyir tv$
Kct vli nartiralar tm sw si
Ontv. T ycAjj w iary ;
ewiw t aar f wssjyrJty. rnsssT
St w ff'3wr2 as ti stat.
li Anrint 3Vt? tcni Vj.Vh
ti jscnctuy tal xy 3ds si rri."!
miciiasg da news
V5 f;s 3l 5tt?S i."rx
an! t4.t pbiiAf- V Irans.' 5--j.-trnf
'r"5r si caSgr
fCCtt.- tkcrpm.
.tfrfti il a 5f at f i srri
i ii W 6 wtiiat)iJS if a
it nr f iKor sn so. rci-
Firivjjtir mtTS V frwHa a: a
tKB..jwrje.jr nf ST rr?ws ir na.
ckiij- ti: (E-icrij-ayt aw
vSZ a.vr ia tat fjra.
i3t aa vtyca5iii W tru
' wrtaB it. si 5;r acrre tib a
tmi!T5 Sa. jirf .- rito2jzm t atm as
Ctxtn; StmiracE wacnum, tost
wf si 9?te5 ws3trm 3 Sw
ula3 ! iiciir m j- ij5j.
nit aaj caaiikatst c-mjj-'n mat in Ao
f s i5 5tf tuxse as tii tntit.
Before pcrtijai, iista art
fiyiair. lawre attettka ta w
xaiex t& focst cf a car. As a $!t
S aats5s3 a r bssiat arf r crocks f
cars at Azsenca.
(Orrjroa Joorea!)
Xnr cocan a tinde of alsese f tb
Caited States acaat oa aeeosat of
the acthritks f seaatt iarrestiyatiRx
atiitt&. A cs&tuBrary Las
a t say tf thtmz
Scsat'xBTestictktts rarely coo
trete aaytiKf t rood kfrklatka
v roJ az&hsistratke, bet they b
siract raKk ttssatess aa3 caase stea
tt aKSty aarl tetejrity to aLcm pcb
Se cSkc Tby art anally iastifatd
aikl ccsa&actad Vy satri iri art
akti a BscrtiJ sosxacka that
r foots.
S3sait BTKticatktts kart
Ti lE-.TitmtT C-c5iT j Was tie saate iTtitatit eeo
rt asi r?ort a vny s:-',, tt t tie
jfrtT iw f fi ir. .rtrdtiea & vn&ta fcsa aai
.-rriat aJJi 54 tarWi 1 a tari5 kyist cct
i n.5twe wriise a tbt tarf ptKk
d ass9Mut sjwa as set
- i
J Tf
Remodeling the House
(Taa-A-Laai Service)
HoderalzatioB wrvrl dos oa a rc&
iown borne ia a Westera city reoeat
ly increased t&e K-Sc vaioe ef the
inmse more thaa S1O0.W ercr vLat
it cost to hart it rezodJd.
Akkocca tie bentse, cf fraiae coe
stractka, vas raore thaa 49 years di
it vaa ocrad that tie lamber ia it
was still aocsd. and that aXL it aee3
d was a fcseral reapiac aai ti
iasiaHatica f isodera cocreziSeaces
it cake it aa attraftrce cp-ts-date
iKe. AtLesa Las
tbe same reueral titare, vtkit cocii
be Moderzdaeii far man easily thaa
vas t&is oi Lome. Tbe iscmber and
extesst ef cLasfes nade, ktew, in
dicate tbe possibilities ef BO&ereis-
TLe Less vas (rrea ccv wood ex
Vr St- was: thr Sat nit
S tit s.-Rr if tin J.
fart ssarsuy: fnr irs; a Ja5
snw a scrJt as aLTiaL
scrant- -Mr jnr s -eihxnrts
jiSwriinr- siia&. Tim stMku(t I
V aac iut ic criiw khV fj"is!
rty 4 mvtit asgwst a jccsrTSs a I
f:sctorri?u ?.tj tJUTKSSH. Sue 2
ar rf 5J iotminr tiiC 3fet3-
iuat V aa.-rcianr the ir-sC:s
TtSias w5jc it tii- tuanE -Tsci
. 1
auofifta ,&. St an
igirit a .. suuis ssc ai
awrjs i?aTt iu f Imr
tenar saievaEs. asi westers i
ti sesate wasauttee wiiA Las sJaadea were p rLt ea
reef., rao&c
t0B fcf tie cii
Kit-Mv nunc k e iroMaf(B(i Jjgj a aASacmal
jEiwto asi fr a ciazj aai Uyer ef fcts&oaa, tiiereiry krweriaj
,.,- v.. .xi, j ,v,;2)e pact jseeB g seated w a
- iac fituJC srsaa r .,, xta ts es.L-ars
r & . . i v . t
st is. ti WT3i3crjtl.trs wa that
l5rr tit It caa I &oe.
a ,
fas. Txxy Lac aiii tydnaes to
sir rjrty c?wa tisere.
A T3iesse Jace Las orJ iLat
carrya Svac ia tie tossy is lecal
cceaffictaiiBe teams aisrc Skewise
esswss clarres, a "rsiOc aasaace? Uyj. ft coJer hi sataer. Tlis
KayV. Let if sw, irm m wem mSjTecfm aJ saTJ tie opesa ef re
Ee axL3s: fsarrirjr tie t&& sL?!es aad reaatr-
"nsa there arms a sesame waeah-i g tteT. ft a rrarfi wiki
tee wxs.- mstsfaSl swaae 3 iasliw, jawed esSrelT- r-rartaral aaiiteijcadr ani carxtrarrac- Assa
traissartkas a few years ara. As a'vj jieay pts ia favor. - fw3 be ssrry ta Vse i4-:s esactUf ;
resxjx ks acevsy tse peccue cs i TV f?s n n rv.m.-iW ictut.
23 Years Ago
FrkUy, MartL 12," IS ;
Hiss Xt Gioss is visiting frjesos
ia Walia Wtl, this week. i
Geo. Eiier asd faai2y Lc awvea
sato tie E:tesr,aa resifasre Sixth,
street rwesUy T vatei by 2r- Hick-
er. ;
The StsH Erewisir JlaS Ccirpary, ,
Af TTr Walla- wi3 ar'r to tbe'
csrsaca cm Wedaesday, A?rl 21 f j V
a licesse to se2 bqaca a tie r
jer sJmb bsiiixr. !
Kr. ad Mrs. lYaxk Berta tank
last ririf traia for Ux Li
where Krs. BeriX aSeted
witk tie liieiimatiiaB, wO rerj.a s- ,
t3 a peraaaest csre is eJerted. j
David Leaca aad faasirr passed j
- .
rew cpsssty, Orefitas, to Aiass cfxr-1
ty, WasL, rtis wi. Thir vei
rer Ssaaay at tie baste tl Jir. and j
Mrs. TOSasa Essst3 ia this city. j
Mayor FiasKaica La p.-wtrix-d
kaiisf ra days ia Atbena ta Wed-1
aeaday aai Tl-crsdz Ajaii 1 ard IL
It tbssftt tiat ry pa.; liie
deaascg ays ef 1323 tb cairs,
tie weaker wi3 h senJed ss thai v
rsbbisi aad oelr' aay be rated 3?
Bring in Your Bent
and Sprung Axles
Acetylene Welding and Black
EButiunc C M. Jones Blacksmitli Shop
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
The Athena Hotel
Court cods Treatsseat, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Mads Welcome
Special Attention Gifea
to Hoave Patroas
Corner Mara and Third
ataesa. Oreroa
Bell :&; Gray
Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
aad fcsmed.
Xi ad Krs. Ea EarrKi aad Ute
sea wS leave ia a tot fcae ftr Ta-.
ecaaa, wbere tbey w-22 tsxk: tbdr .
ioBae. Mr. Earrsa wi2 exa? isea tbe
bsCTess ti Lis rrciesiifO. taJ of'
" are iw a bv CeiSes f tbe iewerrwtacs wis
ffe-ii ef Larea tf aSjas1 I pe4 to prTi3 s5di far ar-
lf & isais wxids Lad passed from ; n m r,r r-, Wtmm
"SjrtStr wa tiji saasucai vttko
S4-Ai$ vAJk iyfT ftHbrm tuaa xbt
Sa wa cs Mt
tssr cwrcra trrsf rraai. fej-'.j vA-v w fa w$ tie
bar h. txv was a psbSc BEssaaeeJ"!; j& -ptrs&M was re-
Asr&er seaase cEe eK 1 bveJ aai te te2t fas. A befrssaa
e Jtataesr f tbe aiaiS-..itt f.raariy was cark was cwrrert-
tuat ts Vt aisea prfjeny csst.affiss's? aito a larre we3-5ri3 Evrx'ibe Sije f3sws a icrcgn
As a resell tbe aSea prestyiinss. A new La2wxy was teSt fraa thane. Yiaj eijiai rbti tetg aV .
C3SSKaa ws to Ibe pezescary is-f ijidjea to a r tdra, a as-Ly sayic? tbai iisy were earn-
steal tf b3- paid a Wire salary ss' j rKia iaT ban 3 a i3e- Tbe eiiesi
Lv. . . . ibrr ras&fi a iirrr wit5 ibe trre
a - X 7 i a IKW'JTH '"rik i -
Ajg-Cfs are $ wannna fnml ta
3 a&ir&(c& s w-b;urva as a n&
soil sa pnroir "
w fiai aew ways f
anrrij tbeoa mrec w&V
Pstt AjtjpSta Tss9
sail ewe iurj wvticj
aevdes. ens tic Ab:bs.
Xiie a scrq? waa m
Eexry aad E-rit. arei 7 aai 5 re- -
sieciiTeV aas cf Jtr- juts.
Frr-tT Sxrx- cf tiis city, bafaas .
jast yesssrdsy aad cksssJ
axxaKy aa wu:zi tzzH sews read-'
ef trwx, last xirl tbtS tat y were at .
&e Eiiiey place. I sr3e wess cf
;t-a Ef Kri?xi tpek 6rwa after :
Twin City Cleaners
m that does yoar work as yon want it done, at I
Lowest Prices
Cossssteat with expert workmanship. We call for aad deli rer on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Perm Harris
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Aa&bt? cmmxSe izrossated tbe
oegsamwat tf jstaSxe- As a reasJi
lr. Itofberty was ream! fnar f
& Vy tbe presiseEt f e Unsai
Aaxber wx4 arto tbe atsa'scr f
tie a&KkasSraa tf tbe vessrxxs'
termx aaSiT Jtt. Trtws. Xr. Fcb
; ... Jst3K aad a faiifii! 5ag sotxsin-
j Aa arassx ssasway xsrw isacs rkv jE ibiir ?lgrbrft .
4 tbe xppairs rros, axtd tbe tud fijers v j.jjBis g. Basis, wbe bss Lera aa
are ewref w2b sfrrr.irng sew wood jmSfi fir seral yrsrs at tbe hnssa
&n. New wwtrwnrL. new wa2s aad ' f is s5sar, Itrs. Kifissrai Ci al .
., paafcjeJ 2r aid to tbe ebam tf . tbe iwnse cf La brrebet, E. P. E&sis ,
e ssaerkr. Tbe til VttW., wiici':: rytaE, "Srarax, aefaesday;:
ifiraner!y was carL aai rab aad..ra- , . .
Kardt, 1. 1JPI. a ctcriser.
Eerbet Xaxasse as Sbtisha Tay- "
wsa to tbe pe3a22Sary aasSeal tf egsaKsti, canwd into ass at-!
erwzasEBg to beSrsy ass lira trass. :- t-arri, wwiaawy fir a bnssrwife.
Kaybe tbw eiaciEees. taws, were .aWri tbe txterkx aai tbe sb-
CHpA tf wx?ec i ti '"""lra' w- , ssrjsr srw te 2Jt skw csmssriKonx.
fftniSy mcS tbqr a? iT&x w3J bary afree wj tbnaej tiaxss wre scaae a ibe fnsaaia-
X&i rva taliies5iiflififi ? - ,anx, &wr tr saaewal aai rf ea
aw j.i .,. u., , jcrasaaa taser sue t'stroiayai:
stfeees wbki seas s sntxy Lqtb tf- i
iaais eaber sxca prhase fe tsr t j ajj. i, cax be 3Bas
dt ptnfstoiaary aad wlki st2 s"; eftcsrey aa vas tba
iay BaSasss ttfexiars to a pejgue ,.-nr-' fencsc
rf Sfee TJifteti Saes were at tbaSiJ
tic errs crwx FimijiiPa ti-s ;
I. B. gn, tbe &r,x bKisaii
bas Jsafeii tbe Sjrur sbnr aad w3
fitrxj as bssx?ss aa Abaia.
liriie Jaiasscse Y.Zaz &. xgOsst ,
ja iu scie WecassSsy, wi ibe re-'
; at tbe Sifi sfiae tf bsr fas xs
svwrtiiy bzmes.
I 3ra. Lessee CTEarra ceh mv?
sfra Vestns yessercay ai Srnuri:
tm a.-Ai Jf'.-J Xortb CeacraS C&awns t- yrz CIC
stone sus?s fruai wxxitae cotb- jCartb. Cbet1 iarx atbwJ tf CT tkrrsis Les&ar feeis
its xes cc UiJS cay are cmrrwa. as . aa wjta tx Lirnzrr ts wasxemr-.
Stfar o,ca.
tf Janser al Jitisi ewJCJXip. Xr
nut rxseu: tf rids treaiE. sir x ia
tavC jvtcr tea a f"aaa &&, enc ma
mas m 3 HQ axi aer warm.
Ani P81t. wx a baa-1
ta? pofiir w33t tf I
ssn$e in ttue-bbS mkij i
wki till Swea jt?Z xt sail
-ffiei Ijffiir Ss SKitef Ck
(tj-i u i -aj.a -vj j; --.
aasr ...... t j.- - . -
tf 5J sgijfie r?s 3a t Xte jbBansxar ata- iCS, TWaa ctof. 5- wffi
rrwtoicM D5mCTRI3 SaS fU f cays yx
tf scrrf-r i-ew?- er Ita w-Kk 1 r., -m. v. -T . bj wars: bnres, aad -a.--. vri
s " - ,r er was sue crane ie me
jrT tf ?3 arx 19 -i iy I-bSe LaifSy axul S--By a-xr-aoi yWTcr
w5a Birr et rji c-iu? bmc ri,-, wvrr rxs w ? . v. .
ttr tnc scriiiie w s ao.f i2ls aaT& wtr a.axy tes riil U F !? 5
; iacf-f tie Itass -f sb wi for Xi-
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed
Phone 3S2 LEE WILSON, ITgr.
ixm sase Lorx saiJ baseball o. G. 2amiiEiia5a Stft Tuswiir fx
ctrm0rd Fissar, !S to I. aisi Va3-
--c-. pwi. iery rwuer satfsiS carry a,feaijs s tar tie KfiS to
Antoa ' O wCat rirfles tf Iaaurs, CVners sal Teasaxas Lit- - , tTrTuraais.
4UmU ti mUj a I'll? J if - c Tm VXXL iUH ;
faxiily wIS p ta Twix ialis,
acabiv. wbere be bas a traK jc "itai. :
It Pays to Look Well!
teti we3 yeg ticisid keep yoor hair properly est poor tts
sbaTed aad ca&safed Ia fact everything ia the Barber Use.
Caae ia aad see Herb Parker and ice.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Arsary fa Troy Lacadry aad Twin CStj Sanitary Qeaaera.
Phone 6S3.
1 " iiiau. . . a,T Jll K0. A. ilUT ? .1 II 11 . v. i"
clwft re2nialqiaeeiiahnw teasers, axid totare sa3v
is-i tteX. 0e? wai rft tf eirff Tns it to prarsef ami to ssoesy. I
rga. Txt 5t bat rm aiJ aarrt gS4ptie& snty wreci ynnr fartaae;
at&xn bflt. I m w-itfCajf as tbe ko kfu aai t-
Cttekm Cuaur. CUr? i&ssl f ant a4 tbe sgqrA. tiaiilliry jrtcsrts i
tk&o 2r St a k wis sca- 'ywa. 5fe xwcraxw prreass ynnr faaa-l
ie beaasa es. aat ejw srrar 1 5y. wriae axil strwae tor x-L 3t
Tiim-A-Lum Tickler
rhei xa At sz&esies&s of tbe peeepe rf Aeaa sad Tkinfcy V
X. i:
mallit m& zt briiC &mgk tbHar
tua st!iiL syfTiif i wti ehrgijipi j
sewntfi baa smi emcr -vi-i acaflr :
Sw incE 5nn'. 3ie te ;
aay ecSor mini nay be e. C-tar
xutytVe suft, ptaaaE Jars ire an j
3r lUr4 ta ni-Jt cj-inj j
DnrTOidee ito aiCf ffw J
wt laik A -y snail- rnruui)e wiia J
w4ea srxni't snt ssaaumft wtx gij&t
eoaai a 2ire lOTim 3uu aii juaio "
f aamuiLt. smt: a 3aas s&sc '
Real Estate
S032" FCtS SALS .
L. L y.mfcrxne, Arlofisa
Local ijsnnsx are
smacxebe; Sbat 5s
; aad for wild. jm
2iyr eT?iatTrai x wr-rit-f
txressoiia w bsxv
.uicai ta tbe fases tf
i A. 3L Jdbiiitfav Enimr
j "Tbe IJaerary Is5i
juu jt j Ttiiiiiltlj
am nr veil
.baas tbrx tbe rmrat
x&kkjt fnnE Xfw Trci
aaii Cbeaipa. xaS wxut
strtr-7 WT X.Tw i-wk
I'M Z,
be caiTie eszfiaes be
wirui wbex i as ssui
list t sujrsaw fur a tan.
Sy a Euros.
Wxaie ya are 5r S2jj
naSst tf Sarssf GfiEE
it w4y ante. tTu nit cf
sairf etSa ara-
ynnr xid bnna? A hi if:
Kaauty was a ra iry
f nr Srwm, Si Ixv
rkik cTtsaasf 5at
Exuarti Isk jait gsrt'i
aa a tCiy Sa iiar vir '
rrsi ami atrxl
arpj IL. Coriiett
'1 v"'
Sr It
a amd Tfrn- ymfT
itpr ir xta, tJHr',s
I !ff 3K3CTSiat M-1 sjt aamsirst, ':
1 limes ami cSaajr-s xrl TZJ
I Itea are alftttf saaj . , "TSter rarx ttk be w
Issiases Wjar xaej axf71'10" . hma w3 as- a. any b.
bI baa are ttaSf b ri-
t tae xuc tf swi tsat 2 rnai a saaiiy. xnsarxs-
,, tba i mtt bas bes
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
Tze i o&wisg reduction in Electric light rates will
be xa efect cn and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates .
r srst S3 KWH hours used, per month10c per KWH
cx o-j jr. xi usecu per montn3c per kwh
4jf ?P hen bills are paid in fall withia 10 days
ei. (JtAerwife. th rt k. w in m
faas t fcaa. ' "
Commercial Rate
m KWH used per month 10c per KWH
5AJ 7c per KWH
f5 6c per KWH
4w imm
4c ner KWH
over 23Q iruru
fraTfcS"5 rfcbms P5d ia f wl 10 days
0sJ. tt rate will be nrreased by 10 per
Preston-Shaffer 3iilling Company
5y sxa. bxu a xume tf
l-t 5-xnrfiirv daca,
s tads tbe xiiare tf a vwt ' . .
m "ttt i ass I'll.
jd- tnc'ie a99ak
iirs scar. Jama a
'3is xe3r tat wicx-
i 'ntr jussiuL. ;
jxuetuss to xarojre abntt
imzr jas xf rsnuar
Tbe hod Sli& ifn? f-mm-Vg
Su is s onr iass.'
bry afi bmne totwbi
Exclusively Sold Here
Milton Bread
: - - f s- r- .... i ' t . ' , s
Walla Walla General Hospital
ri'rlt? ftnaa fifty led hospital, with
P Sli C3dra hoepitaa facilities for the care
-nolcrlcal labortories, wssh3d air
ea the regular rates which are
. $3.50 to $6.00
ilT. Merest and patronage