The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 21, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your Roods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Becond-Clasa Mail Matter
Mass Meeting of Dry Forces
Held and' Committees t
' - Walla Walla. Formation of the
Walla Walla Law Observance and En
, f orcement, league was instituted last
I night at a mass meeting of prohibi
tion and law enforcement supporter!
held in the Central Christian church
"at 7:20 o'clock. Approximately 150
. people were in ' attendance at the
gathering which was called under the
auspices of the Anti-Saloon league of
Washington. : - ' -. ' '
'; The purpose of this organization as
stated by B. N.'. Hicks, state superin
; tendent of the league,' is to arouse
i public sentiment for law enforcement
i and order, which includes scrupulous
attention to the kind of public of
ficials that are elected to office. Mr.
Hicks was introduced to the assembly
: by D. P. French, assistant superin
tendent of the league in this state,
i who presided at the meeting. The
i gathering was called to order by Mr.
I French after which the Rev. J. B.
Hunley of , the Central Christian
church, gave the convocation.
Mr. Hicks briefly outlined the ma
chinery of this local organization as
follows: There will be a central
; executive committee of five to con
trol the affairs of the organization.
Members of this committee have al
ready been secured by personal con
tact by the Anti-Saloon league rep
resentatives and were approved , and
endorsed by the assembly last night.
The five men comprising the commit
tee are, J. W. Cookerly, A. L. Robin
son, John F. Stack, Dr. R. C. Mayo
and Harry Reynolds. ,
: The plan of the organization al
so provides for five sub-committees,
each having three members to work
under the head group. .....
Mr. Hicks in summarizing the situ
ation as it now stands, declared that
the people of the state of Washington
"would have a fight on their hands to
retain the state dry laws. He em
phasized the fact that there are three
wet organizations working for the re
peal of these statures and are con
tinually sending out wet propaganda
throughout the state. He closed by
making an appeal for the supporters
of the state and national prohibition
to take active interest in the fight for
retention of dry laws. -1
W. G. Coleman, county prosecutor,
spoke briefly .on the local add nation
al aspects of law enforcement. He de
clared that the people of Walla Walla
should be encouraged in the forma
tion of such an organization as was
started. Monday night. Mr. Coleman
went on to state it was his belief that
' the dry workers should take the fight
to the enemy line. Most of the pro
paganda being issued at the present
time is put out by organizations
working for the repeal of the state,
and national dry laws which ereates
the wrong effect especially for poli
ticians who continually "have their
ears to the ground,"
Umatilla County Baseball
League To Have 4 Teams
High School Boys Play
The Umatilla County Baseball
T.pacrun vim nrpfltiized at a meetint
held at Pendleton, Monday night, j
Four teams will play a schedule of
eight games each, Beginning on sun
day, April 13. ,
Teams representing Athena, Helix
Pendleton and the Mission Indians
have enrolled in the league, which
will play amateurs only on the re
spective teams. The meeting was at
tended by Bryce Baker and M. I.
Miller, representing Athena. M. I.
Miller was elected president of the
league, and Jack Allen 01 rencieton,
was elected secretary-treasurer.
The schedule of games will bo
formulated at a meeting of the league
officials. and team managers soon.'
Athena has sufficient funds in the
club treasury left over from last
season to start the team without so
liciting financial aid, states Bryce
Baker, who was a member of the
team last year. '
Coach Miller has organized his high
sphnnl material into a team, and
members of this team will play posi
tions on the Athena league team.
Other material is available for the
league team, in the persons of Baker,
Miller and Ueorge uross piayeis n
last years team, besides others.
To mnka local baseball matters all
the more interesting, announconvnt
comes that a county high scaool base
ball league, comprising the high
schools of Hermiston, Stanfield, Helix
and Athena is well along the way of
actual formation, and other schools
m the county may decide to enter
It ia nronosed that emh school
team must play a six-game schedule
to figure in the leaeua standinir3. the
winning team to receive a silver cup
trophy. ;
Sure Sign of Spring in the Capital City
Liquefied Natural Gas
Used In Special Range
- There is a new special range for
burning ', liquified natural gas for
cooking purposes on display at the
Rogers & Goodman hardware store
the Wcdgewood gas range.
; The gas is stored in tanks on the
premises and recharged as needed.
Standard Oil Co., of California has
launched a campaign to market gas
from its prolific Kettleman Hills
wells in every community along the
Pacific ocast not already supplied.
The service will be given through sub-
aMferipg. .
The Natural Gas corporation of
Washington will distribute in that
state, and the Natural Gas Corpor
ation of Oregon and California han
dles it in those states.
The new principle of liquefaction
of gas will be the basis of the new
ntertrise. The exnense of ; con
struction of long pipe lines will be
avoided by liquefying the gas, snip
ping it in containers, carbureting it
Into tanks and thus into mains serv
ing the communities. After carbure
tion it'willact just as ordinary
natural gas already being used In
California cities. ; , '
, ; Ha wJey Files Candidacy
ti Willis C. Hawley, for over 20 years
representative in . congress for the
first Oregon district has filed with
the secretary of state his declaration
as a candidate for another terra. The
slogan that for many years has been
nsed by Mr. Hawley, "No interests
to serve but the public interests," will
again appear after his name on' the
ballot. .
Regional Potato Plan
Organization of a regional potato
committee to ' coordinate marketing
and other activities of the industry
in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah,
Washington and other adjacent
states, was approved at a meeting of
the . Northwest Potato Growers and
Dealers at Walla Walla. ' J " '
E. L. Hiteman Graduates f:
Will Teach at Cloverdale
Among the graduates at Oregon
Normal school, Tuesday, was E. L.
Hiteman of Athena. Mr. Hiteman re
turned to Monmouth after many years
and finished the course which he
started in that institution, after leav.
ing high school. He completed all
requirements pertaining to teaching,
and already has contracted to take
over the principalship of the school
at Cloverdale, Oregon.
The Lamron, Oregon Normal school
paper, says of Mr. Hiteman securing
his Cloverdale position:
"In the opinion of the Bureau, the
psychological moment has great pos
sibilities This conclusion has been
reached partly as a result of the cir
cumstances surrounding the election
of Mr. E. L. Hiteman to the principal
ship of the Cloverdale Public school.
Deciding to apply in person for an
other position in Tillamook County of
which he had heard, Mr. Hiteman
drove over one Monday afternoon,
and stopped to interview the board at
Cloverdale. He stopped, not because
he had heard of a vacancy there but
because he liked the appearance of
the community and its splendid new
school. Not a great deal of hope
was allowed him; hence he was some
what surprised to learn of his elec
tion about a week later. Evidently
he arrived at the psychological mo
ment," .. .
Expectant Mother Paroled
; In order that her child might es.
cape the stigma of birth within pris
on walls, Mrs. Anna Randall of Eu
gene was released from the state
penitentiary on a conditional bardon
by Governor Norblad. The pardon
was based on recommendation Dy
James Lewis, warden of the prison.
Mrs. Randall, with her husband, Wil
lard E., and son Willard M., were re
ceived at the prison January 31 last,
to serve three years each for larceny
from a dwelling.
Farmer! Meeting Tomorrow
Another farmers meeting will be
held at K.P.-Odd Fellow hall, this
afternoon at 1:30. at which time mat
ters pertaining to completion of the
organization of the Athena local co.
operative will be attended to. At a
former meeting the officers and di
rectors of the Athena local were
named, and 121.000 bushels of grain
was sierned ud. It is expected that
more grain will be signed up at the
meeting this anernoon.
' Deputy SheriX Vayne Gurdane and
Deputy Anderson of Milton, were in
Athena Wednesday on official busi
ness. - ' - -i-- -
Carload of Trucks
- A carload of International trucks
were unloaded for Rogers & Good
man in the Union Pacific yards, Wed
nesday. There were five trucks in
the shipment and they were snugly
and safely packed in a big automo
bile freight car. Wayne Pinkerton,
Don Johnson and Herman Hoffman
unJtfa3?d thB trttW."- '
"Sr f5l J- o m ifvh&H iv&p-
When these pretty secretaries to members of congress were scon eating their luncheon out of doors In the shadow
of the great dome of the Capitol It was certain that spring had arrived In Washington. They ore, left to right:
Olivia Stevens, secretary to Representative Bankhead; Miimle Hale, secretary to Representative Jed Johnson;
Ann Evens, secretary to Kepresentative Kemp; Evelyn Lang, secretary to Representative Buckbee. b4 Nancy
Dean, secretary to Representative Simmons. J
Colonel John Leader
Writes Glowing Tribute
From England comes a reflection of
the gubernatorial campaign in Ore
gon, for Colonel John Leader has
written a letter replying to the ref
erence to Henry L. Corbett as High-
Hat-Harry," Colonel Leader was a
British army officer who was sent to
Oregon during the latter part of the
war and was in charge of the officers
training camp at Eugene. He was
known as a two-fisted fighting man
and became immensely popular dur
ing his sojourn in this state.
Colonel Leader writes from 3
Whitehall Place, London, S. W. to a
Portland friend and is quoted by the
Oregonlan as follows:
"The winds of chance recently
wafted to me the good fortune of an
Oregon paper, which, however, con
tained an otherwise clever article re
ferring contemptuously to H. L. Cor
bett as 'High-Hat-Harry'. r
"I have not heard from Mr. Corbett
for years, and probably I have faded
from his memory, but he served
under me in the Oregon officers' train
ing camp the last year of the war.
I think that if the most capable writ
er of the article referred to had seen
him he would have altered the tone of
his article. When the black death
the terrible influenza epidemic-
struck us, we had over 100 men
stricken together; no nurses, and lit
tle accommodation. Corbett sat up
every, night nursing the sick, and it
is my absolute belief that he saved at
least a score of lives. By day he did
his ten hours hard soldiering, and
was always the first to volunteer for
the most unpopular 'fatigues'.
"I doubt if there were many great
er instances of devotion to duty by
any soldier in any country in the war.
"My name will convey nothing to
Oregonjans now, except, perhaps a
few 'old-timers,' but these will know
that I do not make wild statements.
My life has been spent on the out
posts, at the uttermost ends of the
earth, where one does not often meet
soft men, but I have had no experi
ence of a more unpretentious man,
nor truer man, nor a bigger man than
H. L. Corbett of Portland, Or."
From the Oregonian of March 16,
1930. r ' v
Roads Get $104,459.73 .
Five Umatilla county road districts
will get $104,459.73 for highway Con
struction and improvements this year,
and work has already begun on the
Myrick-Cold Springs sector. The five
districts raised $52,229.73 by special
tax and the . county matches this
amount The amount raised by dis
tricts is as follows: Number 53,
Athena; $8,109.13, five miles to be
laid out. Number 65, Weston:
$6,048.55, three miles. Number 56,
Cold Springs-Myrick, $12,902.50, ten
miles, work already under way.
Number 57, Despain Gulch, $5,833..
60, ten miles voted, but only five to
be built at this time. Number 58,
Juniper and North Cold Springs, $19,
345.95, ten miles. These amounts arc
being matched by the county court.
New Long view Bridge
Is Connecting Link In
Greatest Ocean Route
Senator L. L. Mann Has
Filed For Reelection
Longview. A long arc, rising 195
feet above the surface of the Co
lumbia river, connected the Washing
ton and Oregon shores just eight
months to the day from the time the
first steel construction crews started
work June 13, 1929.
The link between Longview and
Rainier, Ore., riveted in place Feb
ruary 13, as workmen swung high
over the murky water, was the sig
nal for the starting of preparations
for laying a light-weight concrete
deck which will be under thT flodrtsf
the 8,192 foot bridge.
The span connects ... the western
Oregon beaches with the Puget
Sound country, eliminating the nec
essity of ferrying across the Colum
bia near Astoria or traveling to
Portland to cross the river. It will
enable motorists to choose one of
two routes, either of which will take
them along the shores of the mighty
Completion of 12 miles of highway
between Apiary and Vernonia, Ore.,
will connect the Westside Pacific
highway with the new bridge and ma
terially shorten the important arterial
route. ' - '
The day the new bridge goes into
service, Astoria, near the mouth of
the river, will be brought 100 miles
closer to Washington by an all land
On Saturday, March 29, the con
struction engineers say the span
will be completed, ready for Presi
dent Hoover to press the golden
telegraph key in his office in Wash
ington, D. C, that will officially mark
the opening of the bridge.
Athena Takes Last
Game From Pendleton
100 Acres Seed Peaa
The Waahburne-Wilson Seed com
pany of Moscow, Idaho, has decided
to try out the value of Weston land
for the raising of seed peas, it was
learned this week, says the Leader.
Frank Greer, well known farmer
south of Weston whose land (s well
adapted to the purpose, will raise
100 acres of seed peas for the com
pany this year under contract, and
seed shipped to him for the purpose
Athena town basketball team took
another game from the Pendleton
Athletic Association on the Adams
floor Saturday night by the score of
33 to 19. ' '
The game was a great deal more
interesting than the two previous
games played between the two teams
on the Pendleton and-Athena floors.
The first half ended with the locals
two points in the lead, 13 to 11.
Pendleton was all pepped up in the
second half and looped two baskets
before Athena could stop their attack.
After the sudden leap to the lead,
Athena settled down and soon over
hauled the Pendleton lads to win.
After the game a dance was given
in the Adams city hall by the two
teams. Fletcher's orchestra furnish
ed the music. After , all expenses
were paid the proceeds were divided
between the two teams and Adams
school, each realizing $7.70.
Thankful for Patronage
The noodle feed given by the high
school student body at Masonic din
ing room, Saturday evening, netted
the fund for the School Annual the
tidy sum of $35. For the liberal pat
ronage received the committee in
charge requests The Press to express
the appreciation of the school, and to
all who assisted in making the affair
a success, many, many thanks.
" Forest Fires Early
The first forest fire of the 1930
season in Oregon forests were re
ported at Eugene Tuesday by forest
rangers in the McKenzie' section of
the Cascade mountains where it was
said five fires were burning briskly
bVe ttfvWfcl atfrt tff ?Ing tlmVCr.
Pendleton. State Senator L.- L.
Mann has announced his candidacy
for reelection and his name will ap
pear on the primary election ballot
in May for the republican nomina
tion. Thus far there is no indication
that he will have opposition.
In filing his candidacy Senatw
Mann made the following statement.
"If I am nominated and elected I
will, during my term of office, ' fa
vor such legislation as will reduce
the existing tax burden; support such
laws as will reduce the expenses of
government; and aid, as far as reas
onably possible, the repeal of exist
ing statutes rather than the enact
ment of new statutes.
"I wish printed after my name
on the nominating ballot the follow
ing words, "Economy in Government;
Conservation of the State's Resources."
Senator Mann is now concluding
his first term as state senator but he
had previously served five terms ia
the house of representatives. He was
first elected to the house in 1909 and
was reelected for the 1911 and 1913
sessions. He was then out of poli
tics for some years but was elected
to the house for the 1923 and 1925
Business Section Of
Elk City, Idaho Wiped
By Fire Loss $200,000
Elk, Idaho. Charred bits of walls
find ash piles were about all that re
inod Tuesday night of this isolat
nsountain village which nearly 70
rs ago was one of the west's most
turesque mining boom cities, filled
Ith 5,000. frenzied gold seekers.
Late Tuesday afternoon fire start
ing from an undertermined origin
and carried by a strong wind swept
over nine business houses, a residence
two hotels, a pool hall, a bowlihg
alley, and a drug store. Telephone
and, telegraph wires were destroyed
-nd news of the plight of the 200 odd
nsidents did not reach the "outside"
until Wednesday. ... , . -
Only one person 'was reported to
be seriously hurt. He was S. B.
Morgan, a hotel owner, who was
struck by falling timbers as he at
tempted to save furnishings of his
hotel. Acceptable estimates of the
loss were unavailable, but those bas
ed on the value of the village reach
ed $200,000.
One? started the conflagration rag
ed while citizens scurried for safety
after dragging out of the buildings
what few beolngings they could.
There is r. fire department here.
Elk City came into fame in 1861
along with Warrens and Florence,
also in thi region, shortly after
Capt. E. D. Pierce found the first
traces of gold in Orofino creek. Un
successful . prospectors in the Clear
water river region worked over the
mountains to the southeast and un
covered some of the richest placer
"diggings" this state has ever known.
As word reached miners at Oro
fino, a stampede headed through the
wilderness and deep canyons of the
Salmon rivers, and gold deposits of
immense value were uncovered. The
boom lasted only a short time, and
miners went to richer camps. In re
cent years the few hundred residents
struggled to keep their town from
joining the desolate "ghost cities" of
the west.
This year some development work
was attempted and for a time citizens
believed that the glory of the old
boom days would be revived.
Lovelace Denied Return to
Roseburg Soldiers' Home
Salem. Charles A. Lovelace, dis
charged from the Soldier's Home at
Roseburg last September for drunk
enness and insubordination, lost his
appeal for reinstatement before the
state board of control Wednesday.
Lovelace admitted that he had been
drinking and was probably abusive as
charged at the time of his discharge,
but claimed that he had been dis
criminated against in that other
members of the home had been guilty
of the same offenses yet permitted to
remain in the home.
. This claim was denied by Com
mandant Sam Starmer, who declared
that he had discharged Lovelace only
as a last resort after he had refused
to accept a 60-day parole. Lovelace
is a veteran of the Spanish-American
war, the Phillippine insurrection, the
Boxer rebellion and the World war
with a record of 18 months in France.
Size of Crop Fixes Price
The potato demand Is very in
elastic and the price reacts a great
deal according to the size of the crop,
PorfE. F. Dummeier, of W, S. C,
stated this week. When the crop is
large the price must drop to get all
of the product into consumption.
Present indications are that this is
going to be a poor year to go ex
tensively into the potato raising buei
ness, he predicted. The potato mar
ket is a national one, not a world
market, he assarted.
; Golden Anniversary .
The golden anniversary of the
Order of the Eastern Star in the
state of Oregon was observed in Ash
land Thursday night with appropri
ate ccremonUs when Alpha chapter,
No. 1, the first chapter to be institut
ed in the state of Oregon, observed
the 50th anniversary of its founding
with appropriate ceremonies.
, Scarcity of Pheasants
Scarcity of pheasants is noted in
the Athena district this, spripg.. and
some believe that there will be no
shooting during October, unless ex
tensive planting of birds by the state
faitfe- farm's KW unfile Bf.
In Memory Of Chief
Lawyer, Noted Nez Perce
The dedication of a monument to
commemorate the virtues of Chief
Lawyer (Hol-lol-sote-tote) noted
Nez Perce,, will take place on Whit
man college campus, June 3.
On June 3, 1855, the great Nez
Perce, Chief Lawyer, Hol-lol-sote-
tote, saved the lives of Governor
Isaacs I. Stevens and his white com
panions by a daring act of heroism.
While the Great Council, in which
five thousand Indians met Governor
Stevens to consider permanent trea
ties, was in progress, a secret plot
of hostile Indians to kill the white
men was discovered by Chief Law
yer He quietly notified Governor
Stevens and before dawn on June 3
moved his own lodge and family from
the Nez Perce camp and placed them
along side the Governor's tent. He
thus extended the powerful protec
tion of the Nez Perce tribe over the
white men, foiled the conspiracy, and
made the later success of the Council
On June 3, 1930, just sevanty-nvc
years afterwards, a bronze msmorlal
tablet in honor of Chief Lawyer will
be presented by the graduating class
of Whitman College to the State or
Washington. The monument, a huge
granite boulder, is on the site of the
Nez Perce camp, now a part of the
campus of Whitman College. A great
granddaughter of Chief Lawyer will
unveil the tablet.
The ceremony, at 4:00 p. m., will
be opeii to the public.
To Help Agriculture
Directors of the Portland Chamber
of Commerce have voted to create an
agricultural department to take an
active and aggressive interest in
agricultural development of the state
and to enlist forces in a constructive
program to retrieve $100,000,000 in
farm revenue said to be lost annual
ly through Oregon's backwardness.
The action of the directors was taken
following receipt of a report from a
special committee which has been
studying the state's agricultural
status for several months. "
Thieves Steal Torch ;
The new acetylene welding machine
Installed last week bv Jens Jensen
has been crinnled by thieves who
broke into the blacksmith shop, Sat
urday night or hunday night anu
stole the torch equipment and gages
from one of the tanks. Betides de
laying welding work at the shop, Mr.
Jensen's financial loss is over tiuu.
Mr. Jensen did not miss the torch
until Monday morning, when the shop
was opened for the day's worlc.
Goes To LaGrande
Newt Hodgens, who has been in the
rmnlov of the Standard Oil company
at the Athena distributing station for
several months, has been transferred
to the LaGrande station. His bro
ther, "Tuck" Hodgens has come from
AaaJ 19 taCT tW8 AtUTOa jmsiuOB.
Studying Conditions Before
Declaring Self For Of
fice Again.
" Ralph Watson says in yesterday's
Oregon Journal: Walter M. Pierce,
between now and Sunday maybe be
fore he leaves for : Union county,
will make up his mind whether he in
tends to bid the white faced calves
good bye, throw his ten gallon hat
into the political ring once again and
go out after a second four years as
governor. . x
He confided, from his room at the
Steward hotel where he had been con
ferring with his Democratic friends
throughout Wednesday, that he is in
clined to yield to the yearning and
once more get out in the arena, moo
jip the Democratic nomination if he
can and take on whoever the Repub
lican primaries give him as an op- '
ponent in November.
Wednesday was a busy day for the
Democrats in Portland. Early in the
morning George R. Wilbur, former
state senator, ex-service man and
lawyer of Hood River, arrived in town
to give the political situation the
check and double check before mak
ing up his mind whether he would
yield to the urging of his friends and
come out as a candidate for the gu
bernatorial nomination, on the Dem
ocratic ticket.
At about the same time Pierce gal
loped into town and started right out
to give the situation the once or
on his own account. Before tho fore
noon wore through Pierce and Wil
bur went into a huddle to talk over
the proposition as it concerned them
mutually. At noon a bunch of
Pierce s friends and retainers ten
dered him a select and private little
luncheon at the feeward, where they
went into the prospects as they saw
Before the pleasant pang3 of diges
tion had fully subsided Democratic
National Committeeman Oswald West
steamed into the snug harbor of the
Seward and hove to alongside hh par
tisan colleagues where they both
swung at anchor for half an hour in
seeming peace and amity. During
that period, so it is understood, West
told the former governor that, under
existing conditions, the Democrats
had a good chance in "clean up" in
the November campaign and that he
would "go to bat" for the Demo
cratic nominee, whoever he might be.
After West had weighed anchor
and sailed away, Wilbur came into
the anchorage for a second time, and
for an hour or so the two Eastern
Oregon leaders once more discussed
their mutual interests in the coming
Wilbur left for Hood River in the
evening, but said before he started
for his train that he was g.ving the
probability of his candidacy careful
thought, having been urged by friends
to seek the nomination, and having
been assured of support from many
sections of the state. He was par
ticularly interested in the situation
as it concerned his candidacy in Mult
nomah county. He had no dennita
state of mind, he said, and wanted
to check up carefully before com
mitting himself.
The general impression among
Pierce's close friends is that he will
decide to run, and that he will be
out openly in the race before the end
of the week.
It also is the alternative opinion
that if Pierce should not finally de
cide to run that Wilbur will do so,
while either way the one who runs
will have the aid and support of the
Harvey G. Starkweather is another
potential governor to loom on the
Democratic horizon. Word comes that
he has been urged by partisan col
leagues seeking a Portland candidate
to go out and give battle.
Dancing Party
Mrs. W. J. Kirk and Mrs. Bryce
Baker were patronesses for a danc
ing party last evening, given in honor
of the boys and girls' basketball
teams of Athena high school. The af
fair which was a most pleasant one
took place in the Miller furniture
store building, and was attended by
the high school student body, teach
ers, faculty and Athena citizens.
Fletcher's orchestra furninhtd music
for the occasion, and at the conclu
sion of dancing, sandwiches and cof
fee was served.
School Plan Defeated
The long-sough t-f or Watertown
school will not be built at least for
some time, according to action of the
Walla Walla school board which has
found there are no more children
now than in 1920 and that there is
no more need for a building now than
then. The board will consider at its
next meeting the matter of repairs to
Baker school, which was erected 50
yeart H?0.