The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 14, 1930, Image 4

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k T-r j i. . . , . ' at . .
v--- jn a roMurucB mi vex - a wr w-m as sue yevrausBRg eunvi
hvsue sA WiZm WaZa, atr rya&-irA aa4 mbxje) wm tk wu& mAe
iX a isik as J& i.sw Jit La Mantaqrwr S4 WTcie
JCrs. F. ft. ICrw. :!rTy a&tee. as canuer Masai asai
j Jut Jv&ta vins ia a Qen;tl4L
Press Paragraph
QrJw VXSaaa its as "!8Dk4faaB
' irki a w.-jt-esiJ g"rt if itw tvjtix.
mS& bbfJk to fSue vut tastJh.
ii ra?e, sx4 ra agaca
Mr. gad Xr. JC E. fiiBrte f Ar-
!i Sooton. -were as Si estr Ssatfisr ar id
tfiwt art te Skmd f Mr. fasna 3 A-iaw T. u ni iwrirt
, irfir, 0. sKwti . lew. inn htrjug & terfwi at-
A4awa iifi dbE u ztitesnik
jts aanmd ti ygagr, "Cone
Mar& 3m V Kr. vJL Krt, lsmlu a. fcjrrtt Jfcr. 3y fra&w U jmt cwBeSy, wiaei 3 be
forat ,f ft. n-'.rHw.fnal skat Vkst( WmSusBftlmsAtd n t3be Afiaas dkwl ae5r
Kr, aaai Ma IT. O. aiarf Mn. G. Gates iafe'isas, 3a AynL
V'jrtAzA, sUUxf. Tx7 srtrtj3Br Mn, J. B. Karl.! Kr. zxA Xrt. V. A. Faabertaa sni
Jfr. wa-3 Jfrt- Zf Oj&Aoss, of I5Eei.
awH Mr. f5rr CxfksM war "ttiirim TSmt, ikt tk w md
r la A.tSuw Tsvi7,
Mih KJida !,.i.i,?3 Sc tzyvA4
ric-.ivJ at Hi fct8 4f kiW frsst.
Gfjfe JLurrk, MZSxm fhufrpmam,
vll start SauBtfet ratjiciSfa ti
vjJ Ctfbn4a rsx sfjtk tf Atia.
K'Diay f Mr, Earric
tr&'iAs4 ia A3utxa W3-
Mn, A E3a2dc vaa a t&b fwit
md her ZtiZt taa&jer t cnpU
f 3rw mej atari rlawe Ea3r.
Mrs. YxketUm. vaa i s T-
jTO; f&saQezts ty Mrs. taorntee
'tebtkik W-zt of AtJscsa,
C3iZ as4 T3itl te Ee&fckaa kir.
a2 tka toMv Mia Marsrk Wilaon
3i& Mi Virfie Mv?e wr mxiUtUd:
Xjtk ES2ud MtmU&se, Mrs. W. E.
Cast$-id3. Miw Vtrlisa Stbubert, Mrs.
Tteesa , Miw Mary Berlin,
Mas Skc Faadrzs, Mica Eata W0
Saaoc, Mrs. 12a Eit, Mrs. Arthur
Jtskas, Mia Lose &t&a, Mrs.
Mma-BC Mrs. Cta liiLta tod
Mrs. Fr FkitrKw.
EMBwiaaff Mrs. W. C. Covan of
1T2 Wa2a, (Pearl Sanuiy) Miw
Lum Mxlattrre aa Ixsetccs at br
iwtse ss A4Jb9ia, a-t a bridal abover.
Xa'Cnu ntxsvtsi a master ef
Ittacstsfial (ifu. Vsaxr waa served,
i0iinca; lad bcis; prearat:
ras Fa!9ii, Mrs. Jka Hales,
Mrs. arU Maaey, Mrs. Cfearks
itih, Mrs. Lter Kizig 1M Mrs.
Campbells Soup
10c per can
10c S
s Mflk, per can
Jello, 3 packages -23c 5
Pillsburs Pancate Flour . 1. 43c J
5 Balk Green Tea, per lb. GQc
S Tomatj Juice, 20 oz. ottle - J30c J
The Quality Grocery
Alice Eager, Prop. J
Coniinenlal Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, EfMSiBj:
Automobile Assessorics Tires
URYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
. n, - - i -ii
1 All For 99c-Reular $1.60
3 P. & G. White Naphtha Soap
1 package Chipso, Iarge size ,
1 Cake Ivory Soap
1 package Ivory 1 lakes
1 Tinted; Enamel Kettle.
Tomato Soup, lied and White
3 for 25c
Chicken Soup. lied and White
2 for 35c
P(jeta Granulated Soap (Trial package free)
Blue and White Matches, 6 box carton
Serv-Us ueen Olives lOoz.
Italian Prunes, 40-50
Small White Jieans
4 11w.for49c
lied Mexican Beans
4 lb, for 39c
Chocolate Cake
Bacon X to 10 lbs.
Catsup Calif Home Brand 18 oz.
2 for 49c
Jell Dessert Mini, Bright Green Color
Mr. ami Mrt. 3. Z. Eta4 -3Sfw Bora: from Walla Walla.
oeearyr -jhe reeadtsBtc f Mrs. VaSiKie, jb Laarkr; Mrs. Bawl Mor-
3ia Tkurf tret Mr. Sta jfa rjwsali Jteg, Mi
ar i sA3uy ix tht TnAvn-li isZxom, Maa Knstk Jofcason,
Siaf- M3I Case??. a faa aa4 Mks Lc&s Mtktyre.
Mr. aa.3 H7 J4 Tbe Mai aeWi stade-si !wJy-n-
rT iicodit to Use mMie ia tie
j-fatiay rcsta at Maoek Ha3 Uroor-
rv erwia; frvm SiSfl to AO, or as
ker as ii s!ka last, at 25 cents
per -!aie. Of ewrse, the Iwys may
ti Xi&zk esxtry Iwc&e twetk of
At2za, aiftr -fcarirjf rrEt s9ft f
ti rartr at WaEa Wala.
Yk&u ar Vkrmistii m the J. W,
YwluBfim &vwer ixr&m at Ms kwme
m Fflsrtis strts. E3Jy aiw afmes
tie Fris s&aa l&at jrardm ja tae'ltk
u yria f-jr nee at tkk tiade.
Bry Eir fcas dJjji ta as
lai (KUEetiTxa; to do at ti haJ;
carry wxxi aid vator aad fcca th
razz t se;, bat Tris erer ,
bearJ cf a boy mlnr-g nacte1 The ;
tataa yst. 0e t his jraa" m(e4 to jut ia dtfrayic; the
task tnaefcs u batzasy abwrt bswraSj;, prizstiia; tbe Atbesa tih
ta a tikdugr t-rw cast f red paasl.l, .jaiaaL So mbodj ia town
Miw ASita CksiKm, wi k al jjsytrj bat noodka toawrriw
twrkst at U. cf O. rprt ti wc'!er3S.
Ala. Wcy tSJS ?SE
liaka is a Ttraa rural ataU (ankr, ' , , , ., , , ,
li?z,lTtr ZZn Ail "ae the birt&day take, and Mrs.
t Ml .T3 Bod Crabfll and Mrs. aHarra asirt-
Tl f ti Ailsa Baptist Kr" ,M";
Maary aiy tbi, wek at jVlvvnS; ,
Mrs. Bod CnbL'l, Mrs. Ida Obsea and
Mr. Mark WTl:y of PendktoB; Mr.
aad Mrs. WH1 BrcrfcH, Mrs. E. M.
Ecylaa, Harvey Erowa, Arthur
Brows, Sidney CraHH of Helix; Mn
and Mrs. J. E. Haaach and son Ljrle
r: :;;; XI aad Mr. aad Mrs. Wmard CrabilL
parcxl p't't, tvj box vt rapj-lves to
ta Vii.1 Cro vvotij in Vaaga,
S'trti Africa. Tie postal aaMQBt
d to 122.
Tfcere will be a sodal asoetasj of
the Order of t&c Eaatera Star next
all Eotn:trs will attecd, and the
hvnterA wbo are Bot Bsecebers, are
eordiaSy mvit&i.
Mrs. Lee Hitemaa entertained a
of frieEds Wednesday after
noon at ber borne on Waifcington
Adams residents are enjoyi tie !
lJ,!!!w. sTpatrk's da8;
crorides ntusk for Uie skaters and
some very pleasant times are beinr
had by ocr neighbors.
Eev. C. A. Sias was ra PendVton
idea was c&arrainzly earned out in
flowers and faTors, white caraations
being daintily ecsnbined with green
ery in decoration. Mrs. H. L Watts
. itt of rTinutr. who r-et TjZ
. r,, Jcossolatton aft. The guests were
SJSnnrA JTuU W " J J
held fn LaGrande hi the near fntare. JM V Fi,
Mrs. Fred Gross was borte. to Earrett, Mrs. W. S. Feroson, Mrs.
the J. T. Club at ber boe wert iJ iLvr f
Atfcena. Friday afternoon. Mrs. S.l Jfjf
C. Charlton was a mert of the lb. ' fV
Mrs. WiD Piper and Mrs. Lcnrell C. M. ier MrsK B McEwem
Kh serred rVfreshm:ts. The club . "3" US "
will meet at Use home f Mrs. A. W. hostess Fry aftornoon at her
Douglas in Atfcena, next Friday TL' w !
;he entertained the Stady duo. The
ainoon. t . t u. . Irotjeet Cathedrals of the Sooth of
The Etude dab motored to Wal.a vu ,b!y handled by Miss
alia Tuesday, where they were en- BrwJie arvl M. Theresa
terUmed at the home of Mrs. Lester, Ku, Brodie , fplHlid
and passed the aftornoon fa prrxtKe 4eieripiion nA hktory of the Cathe
for the : ectortainmect to be ven by K-j ,t Cantertery. and Mrs. Berlin
For Saturday and Monday
Hills, M. i. Ii., Shillings per lb. . .47c
2 lb. Can -
Van Camps, 3 Tall Cans . . .... . .39c
Otter Brand, 3 cans 59c
Arm & Hammer, 3 packages 25c
Hersheys, 2V2 lb. cans ...37c
Del Maiz, 2 cans ......
0 Cedar Auto Polish
Introduction price $1.00, Bottle 49c
M .
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rogers were in
Walla Walla Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley arrived
home Saturday afternoon, after a
three months sojourn at Long Beach
California, beinj welcomed home by
a host of friends. En route, Mr. and
Mrs. Dudley encountered a heavy
rain all through the southern state,
amounting to a flood in the Sacra
mento valley, where the highway was
under water for many miles. Auto
mobiles were guided through the
flooded district by traffic officers, who
kept them in the roads.
Athena High School Notes
Asst. Editor
Student Body
Boys' Athletk
1-Stb Grades .
Emery Sogers
Arthur Crowley
Walter Huffman
Georgia Green
.Eoland Wilson
Elizabeth Walters
. Myrtle Campbell
Jack Moore
..Herbert Beeder
.Stafford Hansel'
cause of the way in which he has
upheld his end of sports throughout
his four years in high school.
The lineup: Rogers, center; My
rick and Jenkins, forwards; Crowley
and Huffman, guards. Hansen was
substituted for Jenkins.
If the good, weather keeps up,
"Pike" expects to start in with spring
baseball next week.
Girls' Athletics and Subject Classes
Mary Tompkins
-Miss Beulab Smith
3 for 23c
Tamaies Stidds
3 for 69c
$ PHONE 171
the club in April or May. The ladies
were enthusiastic in praise of Mrs.
Letter's hospitality in ber beautiful
home in the Garden city.
Judge Henry Mrax of Col ton,
Wash- was an Athena visitor Friday.
The judge owns the residence proper
ty on Adams street, west of the
Christian church parsonage, and later
he plans to improve the property. He
went to Cloverdale, Oregon, whers be
will spend some time before return
ing to his home at Coiton
The B. B. club met for dinner Mon
day evening at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. , Alva Blalock were
guests of the club. Following din
ner the usual four tables were in play
high score being made by Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Michener. Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Eager received the consolation.
Sponsoring an essay contest in the
Athena schools, the Athena W. C T.
U. offers prizes in the six divUlons
as follow: Senior-junior, $1-50;
sophomore-freshman, $1-50; grades
7 and 8, 1100; grades 5 and 6, $L00;
grades 3 and 4, $1.00. The prize
winning essays arc entered in a state
contest where prizes range from $3
to 110.
; Ralph Tucker and Jim Li en alien.
well known Weston stockmen, trans
acted business in Athena Monday.
Mr. Tucker ia anticipating better
range conditions for this season than
have been generally forecast. He
ia a member of the Weston Stock
men's Association, and ranges bis
cattle on the headwaters of the Uma
tilla river. ,.--
Sims Dickenson and C. T. Smith
are having a Job with their summer-
fallow plowjng this spring, iney
turned their teams out in the pasture,
literally speaking, and turned cater
pillars Into their fields. Arnold Wood
and Marlon Hansen's outfit finished
plowing the Dickenson field to four
days, while Sheldon Tay lor's outfit is
turning over tha Smith field.
An enpectally interesting meeting
of the Etude club waa held at the
home of Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton. Mrs
Clyde Lester of Walla Walla, was
pYest and directed cherai yradkt.
a paper on Winchester. A paper on
Salisbury and Stonehenge, by Mrs.
M. W. Hansel!, was postponed to
the next meeting, Mrs. Hansell being
inavoidably detained at home. Mrs.
Blatchford waa assisted in serving a
delicious dessert with coffee, by Mrs.
Fred Kershaw. The meeting for
March 21 will be at the home of
Mrs. Berlin, tha subject being
"Devonshire,'' and roll call will
be answered with Irish jokes.
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton waa hostess
to the Christian Missionary society
Wednesday afternoon, at ber pleasant
country borne northwest of town. Af
ter the regular program : in which
Tibet was the subject for study, a
short missionary playlet, "Why
Tibet V was given by a group of
four ladies: Sirs. L. M. Keen Mrs.
C. A. Sais, Mrs. Lew McNair and
Mrs. Garner, in a very effective man
ner. Later, a special honor waa given
Mrs. Lee Crawford, and a dainty
salad was served by the hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. G. R- Gerking, Mrs.
Louis Keen, Mrs. Lloyd Michener and
Miss Mary Berlin. Guests other than
members were: Mrs. Arthur Jenkins,
Mrs. Jesse Smith, Mrs. Roy Johnston,
Mrs. Michener, Mrs. W. W. McPher-
son, Mrs. S. C. Charlton, Mrs. Clif
ford Walker, Mrs. Garner, Mrs. For
rest Zerba, Mrs. A. M. Johnson and
Misses Pearl Walker, and Mary Ber
lin. About twenty-five ladies were
(Emery Rogers) -A
new gymnasium is needed for the
high school. There is absolutely no
doubt about it. AO the neighboring
schools hare good, full size gym
nasiums. The Athena gymnasium not only is
under size but is a menace to the
safety of the participants who play
in games upon that floor. The walU
are the out-of-bound, and it is not
an unusual sight to see a player
thrown against the walls. Some day
a player will be hurt very seriously
as a result of this. The low ceiling
and email size of the gym handicap
the home team players when playing
on a full size floor, as well as prov
ing very cumbersome to outside play
ers playing here.
Of course the students could get
along with the present gymnasium
for a few more years but sooner or
later they will rave to have an up-to-date
gym. Why not build one
soon? Then the students can be en
joying it as soon as possible.! There
is lots of school ground to build upon
and the old gym could be put to good
use by the grade students.
Miss Dorothy Brodie and Miss
Beulab. Smith spent Saturday
Walla Walla shopping.
Subject Gasses
"Salt Water Taffy" a three act play
has been chosen as the school play
for this year. Practice has started
in with much earnest enthusiam
by the cast. Those who are to take
part in the play are:
Thelma SchrimpfCharlotte Bancroft
Helen Foster Irma Hastings
Walter Huffman. Charles Dudley
John Kirk Edwin Rowley
Arleen Myrick m Anita Thorndike
Betty Eager Jane Oxford
Eldon Myrick Jack Bglmet
Stafford Hansell Ripley Brooks
Khoda Nelson Billy Flood
la the morning service Sunday Mr.
Sias will speak on the topic of "Why
we Should Love God." Wednesday
the l?th, has been set for the regular
"Church night," when members and
friends of the congregation will
gather at 6:30 p. m. for a pot-luck
supper in the basement. A program
committee has been busy, and a good
program of music, speaking, etc., will
be rendered, after which there will
be games for those who desire. All
are invited to our services; and a
special urge for followers of Christ
who are unaffiliated to participate ia
and enjoy the Worship and feQcrwihip.
" Girls League
The social committee of the Girls
League are sponsoring a St Patrick
Day party to be given today. The
refreshments and games have been
planned to carry out the St Patrick's
Day motif. The girls expect to have
a "snappy good" time.
The Athena boys entered the dis
trict tournament at Pendleton Fri
day and played their first game with
Mae Hi and were defeated 29-20. This
eliminated Athena.
The boys went on the floor against
Mae Hi with the intent to rive all
they bad whether they won or lost
The game was fast but both teams
seemed unable to get organized and
also found it hard to make their
shots count , , ,
The boys, showed up more on the
defense than on the offense but
nevertheless played a good, , close,
game. Mac Hi was leading by the
score of 12-11 at the end of
the first half. The lait half was
about the same as the first half but
the boys probably checked a trifle
closer. -.
Eldon Myrick played a wonderful
game and besides being high point
man for Athena made the all-star
team which was chosen by the ref
eree. This was Myrkk's last bas
ketball game which he will play for '
the Athena high school but he will not
be forgotten by the student body be-)
The Grades
Last Friday the second-fifth grades
entertained the third-fourth grades.
The reason for the party was the
result or tne recent spelling contest
in which the second-fifth lost The
menu consisted of milk, cake, sand
wiches and pickles. An excellent
time was had by all regardless of
grade. "To the victor belongs the
spoils" was not carried out and re-
iresnments went to all.
Colds are having their tolls this
week and are keeping Adeline Shigley
Geraldine Garrett, Orville Peterson,
Mary Lou Hansell, and Billy Hansell
at home.
Max Johnson has enrolled in the
seventh grade from Milton.
Arthur Crowley and Eldon Myrick
visited friends in Helix Sunday after
noon. Betty Eager has returned to school
after being absent for several weeks.
Frances Cannon, Virgie Moore,
Rhoda Kelson and Helen Fnetar i.j
their senior pictures taken in Walla
waua mday.
Ralph Moore was in Walla Walla
Marjorie Douglas and Mary Tomp
kins were in Pendleton Sunday eve.
Married Students at U. 0.
Leaders In Scholarship
University of Oregon, Eugene.
Married students at the University of
Oregon number 122, or about five per
cent of the student body of 3,000. It is
announced by Earl M. Pallett regis
trar. Figures made public by the
nniversity statistician show that every
class has a number of both men and
women who are now "keeping house"
The university has no regulations
concerning married students, as do
some schools. U has ben found here
that married students do exceptional
work in scholarship, and often men
earn a living for themselves and their
famflle, while attending the nnlver
sityand making an excellent record
Married studenta take their studies
much more seriously, it 9 declared
and spend less time In social activities'
and other diversions that take time
away from achool work.
U. 0. Museum Director
Lauded in Far East
University of Oregon. Eugene
Warm praise for the contribution made
by Mrs. Murray Warner, director of
The Oregon Museum of Fine Arts, to
the Institute of Pacific Relations con
ference held recently fa Kyoto, Japan,
was sounded by returning dele rates
at a special meeting of representa
tives of the" American group held in
San Francisco, ft fa reported by Dr.
Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the
University of Oregon. Dr. Hall has
just retained from Saa Francisco,
where he attended the session. He is
a member of the executive committee
and the board of directors of the Amer
ican section, and fa also a member
of the education committee of this im
portant international organisation.
Mrs. Warner is regarded as an out
standing authority oa Oriental Art.
and is nationally known for her work
In founding and directing the Oregon
Museum of Fine Arts, with its Murray
Warner collection of oriental art.
Returning delegates were enthus
lastic over the work that waa done by
the Institute at the Kyoto conference
The Japanese, Chinese, English, Cana
dian and American groups were es
pecially able, it ia decl&retf) Promin
ent Japanese informed delegates that
the session advanced the cause of
liberalism In Japan by at least 10
years, and greatly helped to clear up
the international situation in that sec
tion of tha world. This statement
was made at the session ta San Fran
Cisco by Chester Rovell, nationally
known publicist, who took a promin
ent part In the work la Kyoto.
The next session of the Institute
Till be held in China, In a city to be
designated later. Dr. Hall said. It Is
felt that the frank and fearless search
ing for facts which Li the object of the
group can best be pursued in the re
gion where the most problems arise.
While in California Dr. Hall also
conferred with educators at Stanford
and the University of California be
fore returning to tha campus here.
Social Science Research
Aim Explained by Experts
University of Oregon, Eugene
(Special) The wide extent of the
work now undertaken by tha Social
Science Research Council of America,
an organization that is striving to en
hance public appreciation in thla field,
was explained to faculty members of
the University of Oregon by Dr. Walter
F. Sharp at a banquet held recently
on tha campus here. Dr. Sharp, a
member of the council, la now making
a tour for the purpose not only of out
lining the work of the organization,
but to confer with those interested in
social science who wish to undertake
Projects that can for financial aid
through fellowships or grants in-aid.
The council, which waa organized
Ave year? ago by a group of leading
ocial scientists of the country, now
haa teres major objectives on its pro
tram, Dr. Sharp pointed out These
are improvement of research organ
ization, better trained personnel, im
provement and preservation of mater
ials, development and stimulation of
new methods, publications and re
lated problems, development of public
ppreclatlon of work In social science.