THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MARCH 14, 1930 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rate. One copy, one year 12.00 One copy, six months . $1.00 .One copy. three months... - 'Athena, Oregon,' March 14, ........1930 Clark Wood Says ; Jt'i "We understand France to J favor the reduction of arma- ments with the exception of J righting craft above, upon and 'under the sea." A SANE COURSE "It is refreshing to see Portland's mayor approach the conditions creat ed by unemployment on a different plane from that . used by other mayors," comments the Portland Journal. Continuing the Journal says: . . "It has been the habit in numerous Instances for mayors to describe the unemployed as "Reds," to talk of defending their cities against the menace of "Communism," and to order police to disperse crowds who were seeking employment. They have in effect, charged nearly every man who is out of a job with being a Bol shevik and a menace to America, though the most the men have done is to ask for work in order that they mieht live honestly. In several in stances police brutality has been in yoked against the unemployed. "Mayor Baker, instead "of declar ing war on the "Reds," has met with Portland employers and business men in an effort to find means of provid ing more work. He is seeking to get jobs for the jobless. He is trying to relieve a serious situation by pro viding work instead of calling out nolice reserves. "The mayor's plans may or may not provide the necessary jobs, but he is at least meeting the situation by attempting to remove its cause rather than by rattling the saort and shoutine "Reds!" from the house- tops at men who ask for nothing but a chance to earn a living." does not' always lead through beds of roses nor is their bread always sop ped in gravy. .Well, after one has inspected John's illustrations in the Old Gold cigarette ads, it is easy to conclude that he knows whereof he speaks. " " Just listen to this " edict, coming (mm fha "VihTi Eater's League of Oregon," a new organization, ap parently boosting for the commercial fishinflr interests: "If in the event any of the coast streams are closed to commercial fishing, the league will advocate use of state-owned traps in all streams that are closed. These traps will stop all of the fish and 30 per cent will be released for hatchery and sporting purposes, the remaining 70 per cent will be sold to the highest bidder. But this course would de prive thousands of men from their present legitimate employment, and stop a large annual payroll, and is of fered by the league only as a remedy of last resort." Perhaps the most unusual provision ever contained "in the last will and testament of a human being has come to light in Boston. It is nothing more or less than a command by the testator that after death a portion of his skin should be removed from his . body and used to vblnd the cover of ft book he had written. Whether or not there was sufficient epidermis to . 11 . . n Dina more man one cuyy ui author's works is not stated, but the fact that but a single copy is known to be in existence, would indicate that the book is a whale of a big one or the bindery ran out of binding material. Charles Hall, republican candidate for governor, ia making the person nel and activities of the public ser vice commission an issue in his cam paign. Up to the minute, it appears that Mr. Hall, vibrant and spon taneous as he is, is experiencing no difficulty in acquiring campaign Is sues just so it is an issue, seems to be ok with Mr. Hall. Being a promoter of parts, it stands Mr. Hall in hand to be able to promote issues at thia time. Uh-huh! Corvallis Chamber of Com merce is going to stage a cowboy breakfast, giving a bid to neighbors to come to the auto park and join in. There may be a cowboy or two down in the college town who can flap a flipjack in academic form, but if the Chamber knows its pork-and, it will slip Hank Collins and Bill Switzler an S. O. S. With these two Round up hombres on the job, things would slide along yip-yip. Will Rogers believes Hoover should tmoke Coolidge out and see whether he has designs on the presidency in the next campaign by offering Cal a job on the supreme court bench. The mayor of Beverley Hills sizes it up this way: If Coolidge accepts he is off the presidential idea; if he refuses he is on again. o ... John Held, Jr., is out with a some what humorous announcement to the ttffoct that the path of the rart'otmlst With few railroads in - South America, accidents are rare. But when one does occur it is a real one. The latest is reported from Rio de Janeiro. , The brakes let loose on a passenger train coming down a mountain grade. The train bolted the track on a curve and plunged 500 feet into a canyon. Thirty dead and fifteen fatally injured were taken from the wreck. o Speaking in the full knowledge of parenthood, President Hoover told the nation over the radio that the boy with his sister is the most precious possession of the American home, and counseled that his leisure time he employed to direct his in terests to constructive joy instead of destructive glee. 0 ' ' ' . King George is in the stamp busi ness. He recently gave $2000 for an Australian collection of rare Commonwealth stamps to put away in his scrap-book. Now that we know the king's hobby, we can feel . as though we've sorter got his num ber. o - Recently completing a study of the psychology of clothing, Helen E. Robson, assistant professor of tex tiles and clothing at Washington State college, declares "man is naturally an unclothed animal." Dog gone it. we've always thought so, too. '" Remodeling the House Twenty-five years ago the Japanese war craft under command of Admiral Togo, smashed the Russian Baltic fleet in battle in the Sea of Japan And the land of cherry blossoms remembers it and is going to hold a national celebration on May 27. o It may be only a bluff, but anyway France is holding up the disarma ment parley program to the disap pointment, the discouragement, the dismay, the distrust, the distraction, the disgust, and a few other dises of everybody. ; ; o- "Doc" Cook is out again. With no more poles to discover, he's headed back to Texas; the place from whence he came to Leavenworth prison. . 130, WMttrn Nawapaptr Union.) "It li Indeed a divine capacity to be able to take today and tomor row for granted and let the day after tomorrow be the day that looks after Itself." EARLY SPRINQ DAINTIES The fresh pink rhubarb is now at Its best, tender, and delicious. Wash and cut into half inch slices with out peeling. Put Into a baking dish, add sugar to taste, a bit of cinnamon, lemon peel or nutmeg and bit of but ter, cover and bake until the sauce la a deep red color. Asparagus is another early spring vegetable which Is so well liked. Cooked, served with butter or creoin well seasoned, on toast, there is no more appetizing dish. With a golden sauce, adding the beaten yolks of eggs to a lightly thickened white sauce, it may be served with the stalks uncut and a spoonful of the rich sauce over three or four for each serving. The liquor in which the asparagus is cooked should be used In the sauce, as much of the valuable mineral con tent Is dissolved in it from the vege-. table while cooking. Another more elaborate way of serv ing the cooked stalks : cover with but ter and sprinkle with grated cheese, Pot under the gas flame to melt the cheese and serve hot Spinach Is so good, so wholesome and essential for growing children, that if It Is served, well seasoned, there will be no reason for their not liking It, or refusing to eat It We have all hod spinach, served as a vegetable, Improp ely drained and with absolutely no seasoning except perhaps a bit of salt that it Is small wonder that we cannot train the youngsters to enjoy It Chard, cowslip greens, dandelion, and many of the weeds that come In our gardens, like rag weed and. mua ard, which If cooked with salt pork or simply cooked until tender and sea soned with plenty of butter or but tered crumbs and pepper and salt make appetizing food, Salmon ts at its best In May. Whore It Is obtained fresh from the water It la very popular. Broil or boll It and serve with mayonnaise and horserad ish. To two tablespoon fuls of the horseradish stir In one cupful of mayonnaise dressing. 7W (By Tum-A-Lum Service) Old homes have for many persons a charm wholly lacking in a new dwelling. It is the quality found only in the dwelling through which the breath of life has passed, one which has sheltered ft generation or more of people and been an intimate part of their joys -and sorrows. For this reason many persons are reluctant to give up the old home for a new one. Modern home designers, though, appreciative of this inde finable appeal that clings to old homes, have devised ways of trans forming old homes into beautiful modern . dwellings and yet retaining in them that which is an essential part of their treasured charm. These old homes can be given a new roof, new siding, additional rooms, an attractive porch and other features which improve their appear ance and value without detracting from the qualities which may endear them to the owners. Extensive im provements can be made inside and out without loss of the lived-in feel ing of the old home. This is true especially if the old home is of wood. Because of the flexibility of this kind of construction any desired change in various parts of the house may be made without disturbing other parts. And the new may be joined to the old so smoothly that when the whole is painted there will be no indication of where the change was made. The exterior appearance of the man's home conveys as much of his pride, personality and prosperity as do the hats, clothing and shoes he wears and the car he drives. Many persons who give close at tention to their clothes, and would not consider for a minute dressing after the mode of 20 years ago, live in homes built even more than a score of years ago. This is not by preference, doubtless, but rather be cause they feel unable to go to the expense of building a new home and do not realize that for a comparative ly Bmall expenditure they can have their homes completely modernized and beautified. Most of the lumber in old houses is as sound as the day it was install ed. Much of it, in fact, will be found to be a better construction material than when it was first used. This is because of its years of seasoning. Many architects and builders prefer this old lumber to new unseasoned material and use it for the most ex acting purposes in apartments and other buildings. Owners of old homes, therefore, have an assured value in their homes which it will pay them to make the most of. Homes of this type demand only the assistance of competent de signers and mechanics to alter them and transform them into monern, livable homes, and this can be ac complished at a cost that will more than repay the investment made. SDace now occupied by large open porches, which are little used in this day, could well be torn away or trans formed into sun parlors, dens, libra ries, nooks or other rooms. Interior partitions can be arranged to permit of greater conveniences, ceilings lowered, windows changed, and the unfinished attic transformed into rooms. Many large old fashion ed kitchens have ample room for a breakfast nook or dining alcove. There are numerous minor changes that skilled architects and builders can suggest in both exterior and in terior that will add to the attractive ness and convenience of the home. Home owners are fortunate in that modernizing can become so advan tageously here. Most of the old homes are of wood construction, which responds to the , carpenter's tools and the painter's brush so read ily that practically any desired change can be made. Furthermore, they have close at hand a wealth of fine building woods. No better woods for home building purposes can be found anywhere than the four princi pal commercial woods of the North westDouglas fir, West Coast hem lock Western red cedar and Sitka spruce, which are used extensively in all parts of the country for homes of all classes; INSURANCE PLUS Every motor vehicle should be pro tected by Public Liability and Pro perty Damage insurance. Cost very little and ia worth many times the cost. Every owner should carry Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia bility insurance, only $7.50 and may save your home. This is an age of ambulance chasers and damage suits. You owe it to yourself and to society. Neglect may wreck your fortune; it is wasting at the bung hole and eav ing at the spigot Liability protects you, life insurance protects your fam ily. We write it and service our policies throughout the policy year. Insurance plus service. B. B. RICHARDS SCHOOL TOPICS Foley's Honey tad Tar uirts colds, prevents pnmmoal (By Supt. E. E. Coad) .' The valuation of tangible property is often a difficult problem. The valuation of an intangible is a matter for experts only. Yet the average person seems to feel himself compet ent to pass judgment upon matters that would cause the most expert to pause and take the matter under ad visement until he could have studied the details involved. In fact the more involved such matters of judgment may be the more emphatic is the,, de cision of the incompetent critic. Sup pose we apply the matter to some thing definite. Just what do you ex pect of a good school! A few days ago I asked a school man how things were educationally in his home town. "Fine," he replied. "We had a winning football team; and we have won the most of the basketball games we were expected to win. We have had a fine year!" . Knowing his home town as I do and how the athletic tail wags the whole dog there, I was not overly sur prised. Of course this sounds much cruder than it was intended, for my school friend was just being- a bit sarcastic at the expense of the "sport ing element" in his town that tries to run the school through the medium of athletic interest. He knows good school work as well as I do. But some people are inclined to . value athletics merely from the winning side. The intangible values of gocd sportsmanship, of physical fitness de rived from coordinated exercise, cf emotional control in the midst of mob excitement, of games played because of interest in the games themselves with winning a mere incident of the game itself these are the things the average person fails to see or under stand. Yet they are the vital ele ments one must stress when arriving at an estimate of the value of school sports to the particular school. Ask the average school patron what he thinks of the school and his mind reverts to the marks his own children have received on their report card?, to the accounts the children have brought home as to what they think of this teacher or that one, to the gossip he has heard here and there. He may not know one of the teachers by sight. He may never have talk ed with the school head and never have visited a class room session. But he feels that he is thoroughly com petent and qualified to pass judg ment upon the school and the propel rating of the teachers upon the basis of such data. Where one, who has spent a1 lifetime dealing with educa tional matters and with the human qualities of efficient teaching, often feels incompetent to pass judgment, the school critic passes out abstract judgment without batting , an eye. It is not much wonder that so many of the red-blooded merely made teaching a stepping-stone to something else and than advised their sons to shun teaching as they would the plague. No mattes what it is that one pass es opinion about, he needs to have all the facts in his possession before he is competent to pass worthwhile 23 Years Ago Friday, March 15, 1907 John McQuary came down from his home near Delight, Washington, and spent several days last week at Mil ton. - T - ' "'' Mrs! D. A. Richards writes friends in this city that she is now residing in Pasadena, California, and is en joying fairly good health. Glen Saling has purchased a team and is getting ready to raise a large crop of potatoes. . He has leased mountain land on which to plant the crop. . ' ' "Jack" Parker took time to steal away Tuesday and went down to Pendleton where he "spent the day. The friends of Kyle McDaniel will be sorry to learn that in addition to his recent misfortunes, his only re maining child is seriously ill with ty phoid fever, at Pendleton. , Ernest Zerba arrived home from a two weeks' stay at Myrtle, Idaho, where he visited his brother and uncles. . He has again resumed his studies in the Normal at Weston. Mrs. Jackson Nelson returned home Saturday from a week's visit with her daughter at Dixie, Wash. She reports her daughter and also her grand daughter as ill, and may return there tomorrow. y Sheldon Taylor and Arnold Wood went down to the county seat Sat urday on the hurricane deck of their respective cayuses. Sheldon brought home a fine bay horse, the present of his father, Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Last evening Miss Ada Ely enter tained her friends in honor of . St. Patrick's day in the evening. Ap propriately, 17 was the number in vited. Favors were dispensed, in the shape of bright green shamrock leaves. Games were played and cake and coffee served. The fire laddjes had splendid suc cess with their annual ball, which was given Friday night under the auspices of the Athena Fire Depart ment. Kershaw's orchestra rendered delightful music, the attendance was all that could be wishel for and the net proceeds amounted to $ 43.50. Many friends in the city of Mr. Ora Rhodes and Miss Lucy Jenkins now of Hood River, have received cards announcing their wedding, which is to take place in Valley Christian Chapel near their home in Hood River valley on Wednesday, March twenty-seventh. The young couple will reside at that place. Ely and Scott have exchanged their grocery stock with Thomas Taggart of Vale, Oregon, for an 80 acre tract of land, located near that place. The consideration involved, amounts to $3,600. Mr. Taggart is now in pos session of the store. Mr. Scott will devote his entire attention to farm ing and Mr. Ely has not yet given out just what he will do. "Judge" Richards was at his office bright and early this morning. He is now Justice of the Peace of Athena district, and last night qualified as city recorder. Mr. Richards has pur chased the insurance business of O. G. Chamberlain, and from now will fill that gentleman's shoes in the ca pacity of general utility man for Ath ena. . . judgment. Straws may indicate the direction of the wind without con veying any idea of value of the crop the stubble bore. . Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol. 30 Athena, Oregon, March 14, 1930 No. 11 ' Editorials Never hesitate to ask for advice everybody likes to give it. . There is no good in knowing a thing unless some one knows you know it Style experts say skirts are to be .worn longer. Styles in lum ber don't change much but if you want short wearing lumber don't buy any of ours. . Sport News The baseball game be tween the boys of the Calf Ribs and , Musket Ridge neighborhoods came to a sudden end yesterday, in the Cow lot when Sile Kildew slid in to what he thought was second base. Fix up the fence. Puzzle Section How many times can 11 be, subtracted from 99? r. A blind man saw it, a legless man ran after it, a man with no arms shot it, a deaf man eulogized it What is it? See an- ser at bottom of last column. I Roses are red Pears are not plums When you think, of building See the Tum-A-Lum. . ... All winter we talked about insulating against the cold, now that sum mer is approaching we we will start talking about insulating against heat. It works all year round for your comfort. 'Sfunny the more in sulation we sell the less coal you will buy. Why do we try to sell it? ; A house to house salesman says he owes his success to the first four words he says when a woman answers the door. Which arer "Is your mother in?" r , Say boy, I've got a girl that has only been kissed by two parties. Yeah, I know them kind, by the Republican and Democrats. -' ' Answer to puzzle. It ain't anything we just made it up. ' 11 can be subtracted as many times as you want . Exclusively Sold Here Milton Bread and Pasteries KILGORE'S CAFE Bring in Your Bent and Sprang Axles THIS SHOP IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AXLE GAGUE TO STRAIGHTEN AXLES Acetylene Welding and Black "" smithing - C M. Jones Blacksmith Shop The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third v Athena, Oregon RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. H. HILL Athena Bell JTGray : s ... Phone 593 " i t, Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Ydur Service City and Country Mauling Twin City Cleaners The firm that does your work as yon want it done, at the Lowest Prices Consistent with expert workmanship. ' We call for and deliver on : Monday, Thursday and Saturday. We are represented in Athena by Perm Harris Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon It Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and me. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. : Phone 683. i ' !. " TV" ,r'J ' .a it ?: I -I V i " ij ' " . 1 I Walla Walla General Hospital A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care of patients. X-Rav and bacteriological labortories, washed air ventilation. Only graduate nurses , are employed and their ser vices are included at the regular rates which are $3.50 to $6.00 Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage is solicited. Phone 480l Farmers Grain Elevator Company Griari and Feed SPECIAL A Fulf Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON. M'er. I Reduction In Electric Light Rates rm. j ii i i Tii a i ftt K ine ionowing reduction in Jiaectric iignt rates win be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Commercial Rates . First 100 KWH used per month........10c per KWH Next 200.....;......................... ..;....7c per KWH Next 300............................ ...............6c per KWH Next 400............... .............................5c per KWH Next 1000.. ..................................c per KWH Excess over 2000....:..:........ .................. ..3c per KWH ; The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise,. the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Preston-Shaffer Milling Company