A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND In the week but that yon do" not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. - - Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, 6s Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 43 ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 14, 1930 NUMBER 11 : LEGGE INSISTS ON fiit.ni nuiiLnuLuui Reduction of Ten Per Cent Wanted to Hold Surplus ' Down To Normal, r 3 1 Washington. Chairman . Legge of J the federal farm "board warned that : unless wheat farmers ... reduce , their acreage by 10 per cent and prevent :'; another wheat surplus, the board will be unable to help them get 'a fair . price next year. ... . , In a virtual ultimatum , to , wheat growers, made in a letter to Governor ; George F. Shaf er of North" Dakota, Legge explained the board will ,have :'i 100,000,000 bushels of wheat on hand" 5 at the end of this year, and that there is no hope of f dumping very, I much on the export market. .. ' . The farm board chairman also de , clared there is no hope for relief of v congestion at terminal - markets with in 60 days. He said "the . tendency seems to be for the congestion to be " come worse rather than better." This, , he added, is due to rapid liquidation ; in other wheat-exporting countries - Australia, Argentina and Canada , " which he said would go on, in his opinion, at something below the level of prices in this country; "no matter to what basis our price , level went." ; . The present operations of the ata bilizatiori corporation will undoubted ' ly result in its having upwards of : 100,000,000 bushels of wheat on hand ''at the close of the present-season, '. Legge said. .L":'- '; j-:-.. ,'""' "If the .farmers are going ahead trying to produce an additional sur plus on the basis that some way. will be able to take care of it on a fair . price level another year, they are go ing to be mistaken. i .' "If they will cooperate, the stabiliz ation corporation will be justified in paying storage charges and carrying this wheat for time in hope that a crop shortage somewhere in the world will give them an opportunity to nn , load it. If, on the other hand, the . farmers' attitude is to let George do 1 jt all, the , natural procedure would eeem to be to dispose of this wheat " the best- they could and write off the loss,, but doing this would probably , adversely affect the price of the 1930 crp-" - ' Legge wrote in response to a letter from Shafer as to the basis of buying i Wheat after . congestion at" terminal markets is relieved; The chairman pointed out that he cannot say, as there is no relief for the congestion : fit this time. ..... '.-K-S i "There is no possible solution of this problem unless we get the co- ' operation of the growers themselves. "e "No other industry in the world ' blindly produces without any at tention to potential market possibili ties. In endeavoring to obtain qual- ity for agriculture, it is perhaps es sential that ' agriculture adopt some of the basic principles of other lndus 'tries.'-: ., :--v. "Wheat seems to be in the worst situation of any of our major ercrs, ' as far as the export market is con cerned, but fortunately there is only a small amount of it exported onran average. , "Your growers will ask how they are going to get along with a less :' production, but if they can get more money, and we believe they can, by raising four bushels where they are now raising five, why should they destroy the market by raising the ex . tra bushel? ' f "A 20 per cent reduction would make the tariff fully effective, .but ' the 10 per cent we are now suggest ' ing would in our judgment put the trade on a fairly healthy basis." ' " " ' Student Set'"' Record ' Having to cook and keep house for a husband failed to handicap Mrs. Golda C. Wiekham, student at the " University of Oregon, for last term i she not only rated highest scholas ! tically among the 3200 students, but ; set a new1 record as well. She : amassed 95 points, the most ever made by a student, and ? the most that it is possible for a student to ; make. She carried 19 hours and re ceived a grade of 1 in every study. The average, student load is 15 or 16 hours and the average number of points made is about 45. Milton Farmers Organize The Milton local of the National " Grain Growers, Inc., has been organ ized with William Steen, president, A. It. Shumway, vice-president and Roy Howard, secretary. H. M. Cock 1 burn and Sam Ingle are on the board : ct directors. Members, of the new 4 local have signed pp 200,000 bushels ' of wheat. - Regatta Dates Changed ; Dates for the annual American ' Legion motorboat Tegatta on McKay lake' at Pendleton, have been chang ed from. June 14-15 to June 21-22. New features will be added to the astatic ptttraa fcii yett. My rick Named Forward On All-Star Basketball Team By Game Referees Eldon Myrick, clever forward on the Athena high school '. basketball team qualified as one of the forwards on the all-star quintet, selected at the district tournament Saturday night by tournament officials, Ref eree Croxdalo of Whitman and Um pire Kranz of Walla Walla. Says the sports writer of the East Oregon- lan: "Every man named has a dead eye for the basket while his floor gam stood out through the two" days of the tournament and the checking, of the men named was superb. 5 ; ; "Myrick of Athena, Karstens of He lix and Hansen of Umatilla were given the forward ratings. Myrick was the bright star , in ..the.., Athena team while Karstens was a threat anv time he' took a pass from a He lix teammate.1 Hansen played whirl wind basketball all 1 the time and checked close besides ringing his share of the counters. "In selecting .a center the officials went out of the center bracket and named a forward to handle the pi vot job. , Miller of ;McLoughlin gets the selection , although, lacking tne height of the average center. He is a wiry athlete, fast on the floor and a good checker and combination play er and a threat in tha basket one. His speed and ability to handle the ball made him an easy choice for the honor. : : "dinger of McLoughlin, Schannep and Temple of Peridleton were nam ed for the guard jobs.: There is lit tle to choose between them. All are fast, check hard and close and play the floor well besides having accurate eyes. They led their respective teams in scoring in the final game Saturday night." Joseph N. Scott Demo crat, Will Run Again : Josenh N. Scott, old time Athena- Pendleton democrat, has tossed ,his sombrero into the- legislative ring, and announces that he will be a can didate for representative from Uma tilla and? Morrow counties, suDjeci to will and action taken in the demo cratic primaries, v ; - ; "I have decided to file as a can didate for reelection as representa tive in the legislature for Umatuia and Morrow counties," says Mr. Scott. "If the voters of this district approve of my record in office I will consider it i honor to represent them in the state legislature again. With 1 the experience gained in two sessions of the legislature I feeliove I can do some good work for my district and the state of Oregon.' f hav not attemoted to make a lwnrd in the wav of introduction of bills but in consideration of the hun- dreds of measures presented at eacn session I have done my best, to pro mote good legislation and to help de feat that which seemed to me to be iniurious to the interests of the people of the state. . "I was one of the sponsors or. tne individual income tax bill which will be on the ballot at the coming No vemhpr election and I worked on the committee which put in its ; final form the constitutional amendment which will give the people of Oregon the opportunity, at the next general election, to adopt tne canines torm of government. - "If I am atraih honored by election to the legislature I will as before do what I can in working for the t best interests of this district and the state of Oregon." Gopher Control Demonstration -To control gopher devastation in the alfalfa fields of the Stanfield Harmixtnn distriet. a demonstration is to be made next week by assistant county , agent George Jenkins ana Roy Fugate of the U.- S. Biological Survey. There are places in the district where the gophers do exten sive damage to growing crops and the banks of irrigation ditches, t Dies At Age of 92 MifJi-at.h. a venerable and highly esteemed resident, of He lix, passed away at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton, Tuesday night of last week, at tne age ox wa years stio la survived bv her husband. James McGrath, an inmate of the Elks home at Laramie, Wyoming; a daughter and one son. Mill on Mi Is Secretary Irl S. McSherrey, former Milton man and gradual of Mac-Hi, Ltaifield College and post-graduate of U, of 0. and Columbia University in journal ism, is to be private secretary to Governor Norblad, succeeding . Miss Beatrice Walton, resigned.. Mc Sherry has been connected with, dif ferent Oregon newspapers. Night Plowing Taking advantage of the brilliant 'moonlight, Je'fferson county farmers are working tractors during nigm hours in preparing wheat fields for spring planting. In the vicinity of Culver 20 tractors are being used night aSil .day. Design for the Wright Memorial at Kitty Hawk f Jt FT r1 After cure u ly considering 35. designs, submitted anonymously, a Jury of award has selected this plan for the Wright memorial, which has been authorised by act of congress and which will be erected at Kitty Hawk N O to commemorate the first successful human attempt in nil history at power driven airplane 'flight as achieved December J7. U01. by Ohille Wright The judges praised the -exti-eme simplicity- of the wlSlgt ign, Such is the creation of ltobert P. llodgors and Alfred E,:Poor. New'Tork architects. , a." Oregon State College To Send Demonstration Train A special demonstration train, one of the most popular and spectacular methods of emphasizing any agri cultural pro jest, is H announced for Oregon by the S, P, and S. Railroad and Oregon State college as another, means of asslgting the present Ore gon dairy industry through produce tion, more efficient marketing and in creased consumption. - Plans for the train have been ap proved by W. F. Turner, president of the, railroadand-. W. 3, Jterr,,, presU dent of 0,S. C as another means of carrying Qut the present nationwide program designed to lift the dairy in dustry out of its present depression. The extension service of the college has been given a free hand in the arrangement of exhibits and program for the special, and P. M. Brandt and N. C. Jamison of the dairy ' depart ment are planning to present in grppnjq iorm ne program or me state dairy convention and producers' association of this state, Final Tribute Paid Fliers By Alaskans Amid a swirling snow storm Fair. banks paid final tribute Wednesday to the memory of Carl Ben Eielson and Earl Borland, American aviators killed November 9 when their plane crashed near North Cape, " Siberia, while they were attempting a flight to the icebound fur trader Nanuk from Teller, Alaska. The bodies were taken to. Fair banks by plane from North Cape and lay under full military guard at the. American Legion hall until eaily yesterday when they were ' placed aboard a train for Seward, from where they will be taken by steamer to Seattle. Borland will be entomb ed in a mausoleum at Seattle, while Eielson will be taken to the family home at Hatton, N.. D., for burial. ' Shell To Build Station. The Shell Oil company will put a distributing station in Athena. A plot of ground in the north part of town, adjacent to Fifth street has been purchased by the company for that purpose, and construction of the plant will take place this spring. :! It ; is understood that objections are be ing made by residence property own ers over construction of the plant in the location selected- With the ent rance of the Shell company, four, dis tributing stations will be loeated in Athena. Already the Standard, the Conoco and the Union have plants in operation here. " " Clay Laid In Slabs v Road paving in slabs eight by 20 feet may be made from common clay deposits in a process developed ' by Prof. Joseph B. Shaw, head of the ceramics department at. Pennsylvania state college.' His method complete ly reverses the usual clay products manufacturing processes. Instead of forming the object first and then fir ing it, Professor Shaw fires the clay and then presses or . rolls it into shape. - 11 i - Athena Vs. Pendleton Athena town basketball team and Pendleton town team will play their last game of the season at Adams tomorrow night in Uie Adams high school gym. Athena has won two games from the Pendleton quintet and the county seat tossers are prim ta U take KaSM&ft sight's rttatett. Senator Steiwer Gets Weed Killer Put On the List, Free of, Tariff Oregon , State College. Sodium chlorate, the most promising chemical known for use in controlling suuh weeds as Canada thistle and wild mornm? glory, has been placed on the tariff free list In the senate fol lowing a fight made for this conces sion by Senator Fred Steiwerj of Ore gon., -i'v!. v '"' - News of the victory was sent here by George R. Hyslop, head of the farm crops department at , Oregon State-Collet e, who was in' Washington at the time' completing work for the department oi agriculture as head of a special gram grading investigation committee. , " v ; Hyslop pointed out that Oregon will use about 50 carloads of this chemical thia year which now carries a duty of 1 cents a pound. If the house agrees to the senate chahge Oregon farmers will save some $30,000 on - sodium chlorate this year, . He advises get ting in touch with Oregon's house delegation to urge favorable action. Gus Vollmer Passes Away Friday at Waitsburg Home . Gustav Vollmer, 75, retired Ath ena farmer, who for many years, made his home at Waitsburg, died at his home there last Friday. Funeral services were held in the home Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins old time friends, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Singer, went from Athena to attend the funeral. Gus Vollmer was held in high esteem and enjoyed the confidence of a host of admiring friends. Since leaving his Athena farm, which Is now farmed by his son-in-law, Mr. Vollmer had resided on a fine farm, just east of Waitsburg. In the state of Washington,, as in Umatilla coun ty, Mr. Vollmer's worth as an up right citizen " was recognized. He served Walla Walla county ' two terms as representative in the Wash ington legislature. Mr. Vollmer came from Germany when a young man and spent the bet ter years of his life tilling the soil of his Athena farm. He endured the. harships that go with the early strug. gles of pioneer farming. In those days it took Gus three days to make the round trip with a load of wheat to a steamboat landing on the Co lumbia, where he sold his grain for as low as twenty-three cents per bushel. ' Mr. Vollmer is survived by his widow, three sons and four daughters. Test Well Is Success Supplemental irrigation for ; the Willamette valley from desp wells came a step nearer this week when the first experimental well on the Senator Sam Brown place ' ne:ir Gervais was "brought in" with a sat isfactory flow. This well ii the first of a series to be sunk under the direction of the "Oregon experiment station and was made possible through a fund raised privately through business interests of the state, ,; ;; ,:.!: ; Officers Destroy Booze About 150 gallons of varied liq uors were poured into the city sew age system by members of the coun ty sheriff's department at. Walla Wal la. There was approximately 85 gal lons of moonshine whiskey, 43 .gal lons of wine and 87 bottles of beer so" dlspoYed of, - Norblad Would Shift , Game and Fish Control That the turmoil which periodically attaches, to the state fish and game administration and ' which inevitably becomes acute during each guberna torial campaign is most annoying to him was indicated Thursday by Gov ernor Norblad. 'Vs :i ; The executive declared himself tired of seeing fish and game the football of politics, disgusted with the discord that prevails between the fish and game devotees and between the com mercial and sportsmen's interests. Inconsequence, ha announced his preference to have the governor re lieved of the appointment of the fish and game commissions, '. suggesting that better results might come from smaller commissions appointed by the board of control. , ' , Governor Norblad said that he was not committed a "house cleaning" of the game commission and had not received any affidavits against the administration of State Game Warden Clifford. A Rare Roman Coin Mr. Sias, pastor of the Athena Christian church, possesses a rare coin which has been in his family for many years. It is a Roman Den arius, or penny. The piece is mint ed from copper and silver alloy and bears the head of one of the Caesars and a coat of arms. On the reverse side is stamped the figure of a wo man. The coin is highly .prized by Mr. Sias, who has carried it for many years as a keepsake from his father, who was presented with it some fifty years ago by Robert Morris, a noted Mason, lecturer' and traveler, as a souvenir of friendship and regard. Three Million Bushels , Of Wheat In the State Stocks of grains on farms March I in important producing states were announced by the department of agri culture as follows: '"' ' "" .Wheat: Ohio, 7,092,000 bushels; In diana, 4,436,000, Illinois, 4,384,000 Missouri 2,595,000, Nebraska 11, 311,000, Kansas 17,948,000, Okla homa 4,003,000,- Texas 2,268,000, Washington 3,593,000, Oregon 3,005,. 000, Minnesota 3,783,000, North Da kota 20,547,000, South Dakota 5,747, 000, and Montana 8,020,000. ; : Intangible Tax, $900,000 Intangibles tax collections in Ore gon under the first year's operation of the new law will reach $900,000 it was stated by members of tn state tax commission. This is an amount equal to income taxes Col lected ; from indivduals in 1923. Actual receipts under the intangi bles tax act to date exceed $500,000 with another $280,000 reported on the last half of the tax but not yet paid..., ; '''' : :;'V': tr"-J Peitt6ftiK At Work Again v "Bess," a bird dog owned by M. I. Miller, and a great pet of the family, Is the latest victim of poison, haying succumed the fore part of the week. The dog was inoffensive and general ly remained at home, giving trouble to no one' and her loss is keenly felt by Mr, Miller and the boys. ,, Oregon State eollege women de baters defeated Washington State college coeds in the 28th annual meeting between the two schools at Pullman. The question was: "Re solved, that the modern diversion of woman from the home into, miainess and Industrial occupations is a dctri- Mrs. Mary Desper Dies At Her Athena Home At Advanced Age, 80 Years After a period of ill health cover ing many years. Mrs. 7 Mary L. Desper1 died at her home in this city, ,Tuesday, at the age of ; 80- years j seven months' and 11 days. Funeral : services were held in the Methodist j Episcopal - church yesterday after j noon at 2 o'clock. She had been an invalid for many years and her pass ing was due . primarily to j infirmities of old age. , 1 , , . r She is survived by her husband, II. Desper, of this city one step daughter; one step-son, step-grandsons, grand daughters, . nelces and nephews. : .v . r-'t y : ' Mrs. Desper was born in Sullivan county, Missouri, July 31, 1849. In 1879, she was united in marriage to J. W. Roberts, who died in 1894. She came to Oregon in 1911, and that year married IL N. Desper. . She leaves no children Mrs. Desper .was a lovable, gentle Christian woman, who in early life united A with the Methodist Episcopal church, and liv ed through all the years of her life consistently in the faith. Banquet For Basketball Team Inasmuch ' as Athena high school basketball team has successfully up held the athletic traditions of-. the school this year by winning 11 games out of 16 games played in the dis trict schedule, it has been proposed to show appreciation of the team's efforts by giving the members a ban quet dinner. Other teams in ' the district have been given such honors and supporters of the local : team will no doubt see to it that the play ers are given a big feed. "The soon er, the better," says one of the fans, "for the lads look hungry." Seed Pea Prospects For Weston Upland District Operations have been practically finished for the season at the clean ing plant of the Washington-Idaho Seed company; says the Leader, and no longer may bevies of girl opera tives be seen trudging to work in the early morning hours. According to Frank Blair, the company's . local representative, the plant may be started up again before long to clean seed shipped into Weston, but all the ueas- frrown here last season have now been taken care of. 'From all nresent indications, work f the lncfll nlant will bo resumed the coming fall. Quite a few mountain farmers, it is said, have signined their intention to try out seed pa growing this year on part of their acreage. Apart from the direct value of the seed crop lor wnicn tne company offers' two and one-half centsi a, pound . this year the soil is renewed and the culls and straw make excellent cow and ', hog feed. Some of the farmers who grew seed peas last, year are fully convinced of the value of this crop to the moun tains, and will increase their acreage. It is said to be the company's de sire, to secure two thousand acres, in cluding the leased ground in the Wild Horse uplands which it will itself handle. - The community of Weston is hopeful that the seed concern's program will be realized, in view of tVio iaoi Hint this will mean more ex tensive operation of the seed-clean ing plant and its probable growtn m- tn a 1nron nnri nerm Silent industry. During the season just past the ef fects of the payroll were seen m local business circles. ' ' Operetta At Weston TW mimic deoartment of the Wes ton ' high school will present the operetta, "The Belie ' or Bagaaa," this1 evening ' at Weston high school auditorium. Mrs Guy Brace haa directed the cast in rehearsals and the costumes have been secured from a Seattle costumer. Athena people am rnrdiallv invited to attend the presentation of the operetta this evening. " ' - - Improvement To Grounds Extensive improvement is con templated on the grounds of state highway maintenance station at the corner of Main and Second streets. Grade stakes have been set to bring the surface of the lots up to level. It is understood that landscaping the grounds will be undertaken in the near future, when a lawn and shrubs will be principal features of improve ment. , . - Walla. Walla County Farm ers Offer Support to Co lumbia Transportation. Walla Walla. Full support, of. the farmers cf Walla Walla county was ; promised Tuesday to the Columbia Valley association by Charles Baker secretary of the Walla Walla county farm bureau, at a conference ! with Dr. Clark Black and R. H. Kiflp of Portland. The association is seeking to further use of the Columbia river for transporting freight., . Assurances that boats, would be placed on the river this season were given" by Kipp, who addressed the chamber of commerce at a luncheon. He asserted such service is necessary if the government is ever interested in real development of the river. . A letter from Dr. John W. Summers representative in congress for ; the Fourth district, was read in which he stated the national . legislators will look with more favor on any program for river development if some use is made. Kipp was plied with scores of questions from the business men as to plans for the canalization. He as serted that a Government survev is being made which will give an insight into what can be done. :., Baker asserted farmers would save 4 to 6 cents a bushel if the canaliza tion and barge development program was brought to a successful conclu sion. His claims, challenged by S. J. Miller, local representative of the Northern Pacific, Baker declared the local bureau believes most of the wheat raised on Eureka Flat could be warehoused on;t the Snake river. He asserted the canalization plan with the use of barges will work in line with the cooperative marketing scheme which the government is sponsoring and which Baker is lead ing in this section. Kipp and Black promised to return as soon as re seeding is completed in order to or ganize this territory in larger meas ure. Wednesday night they met with a group at Hermiston William Haun Passes . William Haun, of Freewater, was buiieH Sunday. Several weeks ago his wife died. He had been a resi dent of Umatilla county since 1880. He is survived, by four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Dona Ulrich, Fair-view: Mrs. Adeline Temple, Pen dleton; Mrs. E. F, Pritchett, Free- water; Mrs. E. C. Ransome, Milton, and J. T. and Albert T., Freewater. '' ' Samuel Installs Dies ' Samuel Ingalls, a highly respected citizen of Adams, died Sunday morn ing, after a long illness as a result nf tnmnr. Ha is survived bv his vUuvf, tx Wrf Siul tuft mgtiten. AGENT PLUSES E PLAN Mrs. Frank Rainville Died At Colfax Sunday Mary Stanton Rainville, 48, daugh ter of Mrs. S. C. Stanton of Athena passed away at her home near Col fax, Washington, Sunday, after an illness covering a period of many years. Athena relatives went to Col fax to attend the funeral. Mrs. Rainville was born in Athena, attended school and grew to woman hood here. After her 1 marriage to Frank Rainville she -removed from Athena to Anatone, Washington, and from there to Whitman county, Washington, eleven years ago. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. J. T. rDanaher and Mrs. Lloyd,. Day Colfax, her mother, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, Athena,! and four brothers, Cleve and John Stan ton, Athena, D. C. Stanton, Prine ville, Or., and Gene Stanton, Miles City, Mont. Funeral services were held ; from St. Patrick's Catholic church, Colfax, Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. ,.-''.,.-. '..St.. Chases "Peeping Tom" Tlr'tuminff home from Milton at a late hour last night, Ben Hunt.s 1124 East Alder, was going ' around his house from the garage to the front door when he saw a man peeping into nf the windows of the house re ports the Walla Walla Union. He gave chase and ran the man up will Creek to above Roosevelt street the nlleced "Peeping 1 Tom" jumped into the creek. He seemed practically spent from the long cnase and was unable to firet out of the oroelc until he had floated down the creek about 100 feet. Climbing ouc on the opposite bank, the man head ed for the city pump and vanished. Rebuilding Culvert Tti V) .W. It. & N. comDanv has had a force of men at work this week enlarging the culvert at the station mi tnurav Main nt.rept. The enlarge ment is constructed of concrete as is the replacement of the sidewalk, and Btation platform, over the cul vert Hieh water had gradually undermined the sidewalk and a por tion of the station piatrorm, ana re centlv the structure had settled and cracked considerably. Have "Sixty" Caterpillars UoTirv Koenke and ZeDh Lockwood have received their sixty caterpillars from the Page Machinery company, and thl week the tractors were at the Athena Garage where tops were installed on the machines. Zeph deviated somewhat from the accept ed style of top and made one accord in tn hi wnv nf thinkinc. When completed, he had a regular cab, which is constructed so as to keep 6ul tMs tfold. ' . 4