The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 21, 1930, Image 3

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. For
, Weed Chains, ... ,
Willard Batteries
, . . Goodrich . Tubes
Goodrich Tubes
Veedol Oils
L. A. CORNELL, - - Phone 471,
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Saimon, all Kinds of 'Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company
a "one-tele
WHEN a young man . tele
phones, he is apt to be shy
about it . . ; A home with young
people in it should have, an exten
sion telephone. Its cost is small.
Please ask our business office.
4- '
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and . Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street - - Phone 352
Privilege of Casting Vote
By Mail New Limit On
Ballots Provided.
-Salem. Numerous changes in the
election laws, important among which
was the extension of the definition of
an absent voter, .were approved , by
the 1929 legislature and will be in
Oregon elections this year. 1
The privilege of voting by mail no
longer is restricted to a person who
anticipates being away from - his
home county on business, but is im
plied to one who is absent for any
reason. In case of ill persons, the
amendment provides that the applica
tion for an absent voter's ballot must
be accompanied by a certificate of a
duly ' licensed physician stating that
the voter will be unable to attend the
election in person. An application for
a ballot may be made after the 30th
day preceding the election and must
be returned to the clerk so that it
be received at least six days before
the election.
Carrying out the principle of en
abling ill persons to vote, the regis
tration law was amended so as to
provide that a person incapacitated
by illness, presumably toward the
close of the registration period, may
make application to any official reg
istrar to be permitted to register at
his place of abode. He must remit
25 cents with his application, also an
amount equal to 10 cents a mile for
the distance which the registrar shall
travel in registering the elector. "
A section of the election law which
required that electors "who resida in
a county seat must register in per
son with the county clerk was re
pealed. Another section was amend
ed so as to provide that an elector
may register before any official regis
trar in the county, as well a3 with
the county clerk. : !" .
Other amendments provide that
there need be furnished for each elec
tion precinct only as many official and
sample ballots as there are register
ed voters in such precincts. The of
ficial and sample ballots for any pre
cinct shall conform to the number
of names on the poll books.
Officials said the state and coun
ties would save considerable money
as a result of reducing the number of
ballots. , '
Amendments to sections 40 12 and
4014 more nearly equalize, the duties
to -be performed by the different
members of the election boards and
correct a sort of disorganized condi
tion which resulted from tba repeal
of the "blank A" provision, permit
ting electors to be sworn in or. elec
tion days.
The first clerk will now deliver the.
ballot to the elector, and the second
and third clerks will note the number
of the ballot opposite the voter's
name on the poll books. The stubs
are taken and strung by the judge.
Another amendment removes the
necessity of furnishing a ballot box
marked "general" and another mark
ed "state and district" for each pre
cinct Only one registration ballot
box is now required to be furnished
to each precinct, except that an ad
ditional box must be provided in those
precincts in which two boards have
been appointed. The amendment also
provides that the ballot boxes or
pouches may be ol leatner, canvas
metal or wood.
Jeffrey Files Candidacy
For Governor s Oihce
Rnlpm Free school books, preser
vation of water cower for public de
velopment and exclusion of all Mexi
can and Filipino immigration are
thtt nlnnVa In the nlatform of
John A Jeffrey of Portland, who has
filed with the secretary ol state nis
declaration as a candidate for re
publican nomination for Governor.
Jeffrey is the first of the guberna
torial candidates to file.
Other planks in his platform are:
Abolition of all "useless commis
sions," reduction of state expense at
least one-third, development of high
ways and waterways, "to place the
enforcement of our laws in the hands
of clean honest men who believe in
law, order and decency," and to "up
hold the hands ol the president oi tne
United states at an times.
After bin name on the ballot will
be a slogan stating that he is 8
regular republican.
Movement Toward Greater
Economy In Army Is
Under Way.
Washington. Moving toward
greater economy in the operation of
the coast artillery and increased ef
ficiency in the anti-aircraft and coast
gun training of the national guard
and other reserves,' the war depart
ment announced its first step in a
widespread reorganization of the en
tire coast artillery corps. v
' With all but five of the coastal
forts of the continental United States
placed on a caretaker basis, forma
tion of the first of four new anti
aircraft units has been started at he
Aberdeen proving grounds, Mary
land. '
Eventually this regiment is to be
stationed at Fort Crockett, Texas,
and the other three are to be at Fort
Totten, N. Y.,' Fort McArthur, Calif.,
and Fort Sheridan, 111., all selected
because of their accessibility for
training the many coast artillery
units of the national guard scattered
through the interior.
The five seacoast defense posts
which are to be operated at full
strength are forts on Long Island
Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Pensacola,
Fla., San Francisco and Puget Sound,
Wash. These also were selected be
cause of their accessibility for train
ing of reserves. At the same time the
war department has required that all
coast artillery units become proficient
in the use of anti-aircraft batteries,
explaining that anti-craft artillery
has lagged far behind the expansion
of the . air corps under the five year
program. ?
Reorganization of the coast ar
tillery was brought about largely, it
was said, because of the high cost of
transporting guard units for training
and because of lack of funds to con
tinue full training and practice work
at all the coast forts maintained.
Equipment at all the forts not gar
risoned is to be kept in such condition
that battery units could march in and
begin operation immediately. Rail
way and tractor-drawn artillery units
will be stationed half at Fort Monroe,
Va., and half at Fort Hancock, on
Sandy Hook.
Only one third of the coast ar
tillery strength is stationed in Con
tinental United States, the remainder
being divided between Hawaii and
Philippines and the Canal zone.
Steamer Is On Sand At
Mouth of the Columbia
The steamer Admiral Benson went
on the sand at the end of the north
jetty at the entrance to the Columbia
river, during a. dense fog Saturday
evening, and is apparently doomed to
the same fate as that of many other
vessels that have in the past piled up
on the shallow sands of the north
A crew of 65 and 40 passengers
were on the coastwise vessel when
she struck. Twenty-five passengers
were removed by life saving crews
early Sunday morning at low tide,
and the crew and 15 passengers re
mained on the vessel until the follow
ing ebb came on.
The Admiral Benson might be
ready to sail her Bkipper is on the
bridge, there are waving passengers
on deck and steam is up. But, not
more than 200 yards off her bow, is
an embarrassing stretch of sandy
beach. And, crashing into her stern,
are breakers that mean business.
That is the picture from the air
a ship all dressed up and not going
anywhere. It is a picture of a very
live sea voyager in a graveyard with
no way out
She lays there, within about 400
yards of the Columbia rier's en
trance jetty, queerly tilted to port
(left). Smoke curls from her stack
and is whipped about by the wind
until, at first glance, the ship seems
to be on fire.
.Great swellsthe same swells that
wash over the two masts of all that
remain of the steamer Laurel, about
2000 feet distant sweep toward the
ship to crash on her stern and shower
her with spray. Back they wash,
leaving part of her rudder and a pro
peller blade out of water. Then on
they come again to repeat their
damaging work.
Inter-State League
The name of the Walla ' Walla
County Baseball League has been
changed to the Inter-State League.
At a recent meeting it was proposed
that Wallula, Touchet, Prescott,
Fruitvale and two Walla Walla teams
would be in the league, which begins
the season's schedule on March 2 and
will close on July 6.
Eggs For Hatching Eggs for
hatching, from the famous Joe Han
son strain of non-setting Rhode
Island Reds, from $1 to $10 per set
ting of 16; from $5 to $10 per 100 for
incubators. Cockerls, 3 to $5 each.
John Ross, Rl Milton, Oregon. Phone
24F5. Apr. 4.
G&ag IPlows
Oliver 3 and 4-Bottom, 16 inch-the New No.
416-High Lift, giving plenty of Clearance.
3 and 4-Bottom, 16 inch, with High
Lift and plenty of Clearance.
" " ' ...
can be operated by tractor driver from tractor seat
Made to give Satisfaction.
Rogers . Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust) v
Corbett Takes Up Slack ,
On State Loaning Funds
Portland. Senator H. L. Corbett,
chairman of the interim legislative
committee, continued the debate on
the authorization of loans from the
state industrial accident funds for
building the new state office buildings
before the northwest branch of the
associated general contractors .; of
Corbett characterized the loans as
the "most unmoral thing the senate
ever did."
The state is open U strong criti
cism for misapplication of industrial
accident commission funds, he said,
because ?being a trustee of the funds
it has no right to invest them in its
construction program."
. Declares Candidacy
The second person, says the East
Oregoman, to officially enter the race
for county treasurer, is C.K. Crans
ton, who filed his declaration of can
didacy with the county clerk. Mr,
Cranston, a pioneer of this county,
and a staunch republican, was be
fore elected to the office of treasurer
and acks that the words "Former
Treasurer," be printed after his name
on the ballot. The first candidate to
enter the race for treasurer was
Bettye DeHart, present treasurer,
who is also on the ticket for the re
publican nomination at the primary
election in May.
, Kiddle Will Again Run
Fred E. Kiddle, of La Grande, joint
senator from Union, Umatilla and
Morrow counties, has announced that
he will be a candidate to succeed him
self and will seek nomination by the
Republican party at the May pri
We Can
Cast Yoinr
The installation of an
Electricaster Stereotyp
ing Machine) makes it
possible for us to accom
modate our merchant
advertisers and others
in the matter of making
printing plates from
matrices. It means a val
uable addition to oar
of serving our patrons
Smallpox at Penitentiary
Eight cases of smallpox developed
last week in the .Washington state
penitentiary at Walla Walla. The
patients were isolated and visitors
banned from the institution.
Athens, Oregon
Post Building,-Athena, Phone' 582
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon
Practice in all State and Federal
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
Stats and Federal Court Practice
Foley's Kidney Cure
-taken kidneys and bladder rlsrhl
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 703
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
help you
' Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Wajla Walla
dc 0M$et 5
Announces that it has com-pleted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. ,
Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information