The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 07, 1930, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Y Mrs. Gerald Kilgore, who was ill
last week, has recovered.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk were busi
ness visitors in Walla Walla Tues
. day. . -' ';!"
Delores, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Taylor, has been ill
this week. Y '
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richmond were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Walker.
French Criglar came over from
Freewater Tuesday, and spent the
day in Athena.
Mrs. A. M. Johnson was in Walla
Walla Tuesday, where she visited her
daughter Lois.
John Ross, well known fruitraiser
and poultryman, was in Athena Wed
nesday from Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parris had
as week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Hanlon, of Pendleton.
f- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Dennis of
Walla Walla, were Sunday guests at
the L. A. Cornell home.
' Pilot Rock vs. Athena, doublehead
er basketball game, boys and girls,
local court tonight at 7:30. t
Mrs. Kohler Betts who has recover
ed from illness, was operated on this
week for removal of tonsils.
The Etude club will meet next
Tuesday, February 11th at the coun
try home of Mrs. E. B. Foster.
. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
and daughter Jewel spent Saturday
night in Milton, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton.
Miss Delia Bryant, Miss Blanche
Thorson and Miss Margaret Lee were
dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Theresa Berlin, Thursday evening of
last week.
J. L. Rogers returned to his home
at Genessee, Idaho, Saturday, after
spending several days in Athena.
Wauna Campfire Girls will give a
cooked food sale at the Quality
Grocery Store, tomorrow afternoon.
' Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Douglas have
been in Athena at the Arthur Doug
las home. They reside at Henniston.
Robert . Beckham was here this
week from Spokane, where he is em
ployed in the Sperry Flouring mills.
Miss Elizabeth Holwager is in Ath
ena from Walla Walla, a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Rich
ards. .. : ,
Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre returned the
fore part of the week, from a busi
ness trip to her Sherman county
Mr. and Mrs. Homer I Watts, made
a motor trip into Central Oregon last
week-end, going as far as Klamath
Athena plays Umapine at Umapine,
Saturday night in a doubleheader.
Athena expects to use the second
Miss Emily Menefee, instructor of
a dancing class in Athena, cancelled
her engagement last week on account
of illness.
Miss Edna ! DeFreece and Miss
Phyllis Dickenson were week-end
guests of Miss Hilda Dickenson, at
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pittman are
expected to arrive in Athena from
Dorris, California, to visit relatives
in Athena.
Ray Jones is carrying the mail on
a Weston rural route for Ray Gordon,
who is confined to his home with an
attack of influenza. " , Y
Madrona Tomatoes
Two Cans
25 Cents
The Quality Grocery
" Alice Eager, Prop.
Phone 561
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
Weed Chains
Willard Batteries
Spark Plugs
Goodrich Tubes
; , Goodrich Tubes
. Veedol Oils
Phone 471, - - Athena
7 Eo
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Riley daugh
ter Barbara, and Mr. C. F. Caris of
Walla Walla were guests at the Al
Johnson home Sunday.
Mrs. A. H. Cornell, who has been
ill for the past two weeks, has been
receiving medical treatment in Wal
la Walla, since Monday. Y
The Christian Endeavor were enter
tained in the church basement Satur
day evening. With Rev. and Mrs.
Sias as host and hostess.
Arnold Wood was at the Athena
Garage this week, grooming his "cat"
preparatory ' to : beginning spring
work at his ranch west of town
Miss Dorothy Lee came down from
Palouse, where she is teaching school,
and spent last week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. E. 0. Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilks and lit
tle daughter drove over from Thorn
Hollow Monday, and spent the day at
the C. T. Smith home in Athena. -
Weston Leader: Mrs. Edith B.
Lumsden has moved to her farm on
the lower reaches of Dry creek, which
she has decided to operate in person
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon visit
ed Mrs. Gordon's brother, James
Beamer Thursday. Mr. Beamer is
recovering from a recent operation.
Just to show the boys that he yet
remains in the land of living and is
able to kick about, Phillip Murtha
drove in from the ranch Tuesday.
Yep, he's all okah.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell at
tended a pinochle club party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Remil
lard, near Thorn Hollow, Wednesday
evening of last week.
J. R. Stott, accompanied by his
mother, Mrs. L. G. Stott, have re
turned to their home at Dayton,
Washington, after visiting at the E.
0. Lee home, west of Athena.'
L. R. McEwen came home this
week to get the farm home fixed up
to receive his wife and three sons,
who were for aome time confined in
a Walla Walla hospital with scarlet
Jesse Myrick was in town Satur
day from his farm home at Myrick
Station. Jesse located his two stray
mules, advertised in the the Press, at
the G. M. Morrison place, near
Athena friends received neatly
printed announcements of the gradu
ation of Miss Mildred Stanton from
the nurses training course of St.
Anthony's hospital, which took place
last evening. . Y
Mrs. Will Piper was called to
Brownsville last week on announce
ment of the critical illness of her
mother, Mrs. C. J. Kendig, who pass
ed away shortly after the arrival of
her daughter,
Mrs. A. R. Blalock, little son and
daughter, are in the city from Spo
kane. They are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gray and Mr.
l and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, brother
and sister of Mrs. Blalock.
E. 0. Lee accompanied by his
brotherinlaw, Robert Stott, left Tues
day for Corvallis with a truckload
of furniture for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
N. Scott, who are residing in the col
lege town Jthis winter.
Mrs. C. L. McFadden was in Port
land the latter part of last week
where she went to inspect residence
property, which Mr. McFadden has
decided to purchase for their home,
when they leave Athena to reside in
the metropolis.
Miss Mildred Stanton entertained
senior nurse's class of St. Anthony's
hospital at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton, in Athe
na Tuesday evening at dinner. The
young ladies spent an enjoyable eve
ning at the Stanton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of
Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. M. I.
Miller were dinner guests Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wil
son. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate came
over from Helix and spent Sunday
evening at the Wilson home.
Miss Hazel McFarland, who after
recovering from a light attack of
diphtheria, was at the home of her
parents in Athena for several days,
has returned to St. Anthony's hos
pital in Pendleton, to resume her
course in professional nursing.
Frank Bolin, former Athena black
smith, was over from Milton, Satur
day. Frank is becoming anxious as
to the whereabouts of Fred Flint, his
nephew, who left Athena four years
ago, for California, since when his
relative has had no word from him.
Eggs For Hatching Eggs for
hatching, from the famous Joe Han
son strain of non-setting Rhode
Island Reds, from $1 to $10 per set
ting of 16; from $5 to $10 per 100 for
incubators. Cockeils, $3 to $5 each.
John Ross, Rl Milton, Oregon. Phone
24F5. - Apr. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crawford,
Marvin Crawford, Efne Crawford,
Jack Crawford and Carl Calvert,
were entertained at dinner Sunday
by Mr. and Mrs. George Gerkins, the
occasion being in honor of the third
birthday anniversary of Effa Anna
The Athena Bridge club met at
the home of Mrs. H. A. Barrett Fri
day where three tables were in play
during the afternoon. Mrs. James
Cresswcll was a guest of the club.
Mrs. J. F. Kershaw won high score
and the consolation went to Mrs. F.
S. LeGrow.
Monta Montgomery entertained a
few friends at her home Saturday
evening. Guests included, Fred Sing
er, Solista Pickett, Helen Barrett,
Mary Jane Miller, Velma Ross, Bon
nie Alkire and the hostess. Games
were played and followed by light re
freshments. A pleasant event was enjoyed at
the Christian church Saturday eve
ning when the losing side in a Chris
tian Endeavor contest, captained by
Lester Town, entertained tho winners,
caDtained bv Arleen Myrick. Eighteen
young people ; were present and en
joyed playing games, alter wnicn re
freshments furnished bv the mothers
of the losers, were served by Mrs. L.
M. Keen, Mrs. C. A. bias ana Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton. Y
TeHHie and Fncene Miller firave
Raymond and Billy McFadden a fare
well party Thursday evening after
school. An enjoyable time was had
hv all. A beautiful album was sriven
to the two boys, Bill and Raymond,
containing pictures of their mends,
Light refreshments were served.
Wednesday the Baptist Missionary
Society met at the home of Mrs. A.
H. Kibby, ten members were present,
no subiect was taken for study as all
the time was used in the discussion
of business. Mrs. Zerba and Mrs.
Betts served dainty refreshments,
which closed a pleasant afternoon.
The B. B. Bridge club was enter
tained at the F. N. John's home Tues
day eveninir with the usual 6:30 no
host dinner. Fifteen members and
one visitor were present. Mrs. t . L.
Zerba was a guest of the club and
was honored with high score. The
next meeting will be in two weeks
at the M. I. Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller, accom
panied by Mrs. Charles Wilson of
Pendleton, were In Walla Walla Sat
urday for the purpose of visiting
Mrs. Stanfield, 95-year-old grand
mother of Mr. Miller and Mrs. Wil
son. Mrs. Stanfield, who is in poor
health resides at the home of a
daughter in Walla Walla.
J. V. Reynolds,district representa
tive of the Iron Fireman Manufac
turing comrany. accompanied by
George Strand of the Smythe-Barthel
company of Pendleton, was a business
visitor in Athena Wednesday, Mr.
Reynolds' company manufactures the
automatic stokers now used in the
furnace room at the Athena high
school building.
Members of the 3 o' 4 Bridge club
were entertained at the Third street
home of Mrs. A. W. Logsdon Thurs
dav of last week, when four tables
were in play. Mrs. Forrest Zerba
and Mrs. David Stone were ciud
guests. High score went to Mrs. A.
A. Mr-Tntvre. On February 13 the
club will be entertained at the home
of Mrs. Bryce Baker.
Mrs. F. L. Zerba was hostess to
the members of the O. D. 0. club
Friday afternoon. At the close of the
afternoon, the hostess served re
freshments, assisted by Mrs. Flint
Johns., Mrs. Bert Logsdon and Miss
Lois Smith were guests of the club.
Mrs. Virgil Zerba, assisted by Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton, will be club hostess
at her country home, February 14.
The members of the J. T. club
spent a very pleasant afternoon yes
terday at the home of Mrs. A. A. Mc
lntyre. The members presented Mrs.
C. L. McFadden of the club, who is
taking her departure for Portland,
with a farewell token. Mrs. Forrest
Zerba was a guest of the club. Re
freshments were served by the host
ess, assisted by Mrs. Clifford Walk
er. Mrs. L. -A. Cornell and Mrs. W.
0. Hailston entertained the Lowden
Study club at the home of Mrs. Hails
ton in Lowden, Thursday of last
week. Mrs. Glen Miller read an in
teresting paper taking for her topic,
"Will the Insects Starve Us?" Enter
tainment was furnished by Mrs. E.
Steller and Mrs. J. H. Compeau, af
ter which dainty refreshments were
served. ;
Mrs. Sterling Parris experienced a
thrill Friday evening when, she was
called to the telephone to xalk over
long distance. Her phone was con
nected and at once she heard the voice
of her cousin at Murrayville, Illinois,
who is night operator in the central
office there. A conversation was car
ried on without difficulty, each con
versing in ordinary tones and hear
ing distinctly.
Miss Roberta Morrison, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison of
Adams, was united in marriage to
Lester King, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank King, of Pendleton, at Walla
Walla. Saturday afternoon of last
week. The couple have recently been
attending University of Oregon. They
will ioin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kine.
who are sojourning for the winter in
Long Beach, California.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bush were
nleasantlv surnrised Thursday eve
ning of last week when friends and
neighbors gathered at their home
unannounced, with well-filled baskets.
For diversion of the evening "oOO"
was played. Later a sumptuous
lunch was served by the intruders.
The pvpninc was so nleasantly spent
that those present promised to have
more surprise parties in tne near
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parris en
tertained a group of friends at "500"
Saturday evening, three tables being
in nlav. Mr. Ralph Richmond re
ceived honors for high score for the
men, and Mrs. Ross Catron ana Mrs
Jesse Gordon won for the ladies,
while Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hanlon
were awarded the guest prize. Those
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. rams
were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Catron, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Richmond, of Bonners Ferry,
Anhn: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hanlon.
of Pendleton. Refreshments were
Miss Areta Kirk was given sur
prise nartv Saturday evening at the
Charles Kirk home, when about
twenty of the younger set gathered
in. Games, music and dancing was
the diversion of the evening. The
Misses Virgie Moo?e, Marjorie Wil
son and Dorothy Burke acted as host
esses, assisted bv Mrs. Kirk, mother
of tho honoree. Salad, wafers, cake
and coffee were served. Those pres
ent were the Misses Marjorie Wilson,
Our First Shipment
of Spring Goods Has Arrived
A New Assortment of House Dresses made of fast
color prints in Snappy Styles
Scout prints, per yard .:
English prints, per 3 yards ..
Soicette prints, per yard........
Peter Pan prints, per yard......
Victoria prints, per yard...:.....:
Token prints, per yard
Waffle Cloth prints, per yard
... .. .25
...... -3
:' .50
..... .50
5 per cent discount for Cash and 30 day Accounts
. : Phone 155T v 'l,;
At h e n a De pa rt m e hiSt ore
Virgie Moore, Dorothy Burke, Caro
lyn Kidder, Helen Foster, Emma
Ringle, Thelma Schrimpf, Areta Kirk,
Francis Cannon, Messrs. Harold
Kirk, John Kirk, Oral Michener, Wal
ter Huffman, Eldon Myrick, Ralph
and Jack Moore.
A very pleasant meeting of the O.
D. 0. Club was held at the home of
Mrs. Forrest Zerba, Friday after
noon with fifteen members present.
Mrs. A. W. Logsdon was a guest of
the club. The afternoon was spent
with neddlework and chat at the close
of. which dainty refreshments were
served by Mrs. Flint Johns, assisted by
the hostess. The next meeting of
the club will be held at the home of
Mrs. Virgil Zerba, February 14th.
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye and Mrs. J. C.
Harwood entertained twenty ladies at
bridge at the Prestbye home Tuesday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden who is moving to Portland.
Mrs. McFadden was presented with
a lovely gift High bridge score was
won by Mrs. Henry1 Dell, consolation
by Mrs. R. Blatchford. Guests includ
ed, Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs. F. S. Le
Grow, Mrs. Armond DeMerritt, Mrs.
W. P. Little john, Mrs. A. W. Doug
las, Mrs. Bryce Baker, Mrs. I. L.
Michener, Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. H.
I. Watts, ..Mrs. , W. S. Ferguson, Mr3.
A. W., Logsdon, Mrs. F. L. Zerba,
Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre, Mrs. R. Blatch
ford, Mrs. L. A. Pinkerton, Mrs. Dean
Dudley, Mrs. Paul Lieuallen, Mrs.
Vera Smith, Mrs. Revella Lieuallen
and the honoree. A dainty and de
lightful two course , luncheon , was
served by the hostesses. ,
Athena High School Notes
Editor Emery Rogers
Asst. Editor ......Arthur Crowley
Alumni Walter Huffman
Student Body Georgia Green
Boys' Athletics....... Roland Wilson
Classes Elizabeth Walters
Entertainment ........ Myrtle Campbell
Personals Jack Moore
Faculty Herbert Reeder
l-8th Grades Stafford Hansel)
Girls' Athletics and Subject Classes
... Mary Tompkins
Advisor Miss Beulah Smith
; (Emery Rogers)
Are athletics all right? Do they
hinder or help the school? Are they
harmful or beneficial to the partici
pants? When the school runs the
sports, they are all right. . When the
sports run the school, they are all
wrong. Studies should always come
before athletics. If, in order to have
sports, a school must sacrifice part
of its output of knowledge to the
students, " athletics should be elimin
ated. Athletics teach the school boy
and girl good sportsmanship and
give them a source of recreation.
There is no doubt that sports de
velop a person both mentally and
physically. They teach one to think
clearly and act quickly, and urge the
student to put forth better efforts in
different studies to keep, or become,
eligible. Of course there is always
the chance of athletics tearing a per
son down more than they build him
up; perhaps the player isn't healthy
enough to stand the vigorous exer
cise and exciting moments pffered in
sports. A person who is not in ex
cellent physical condition should not
participate in sports of any kind.
There is also the danger of getting
injured, especially in football. Slight
painful injuries occur frequently but
it is very seldom that a person . is
seriously injured in sports. When
athletics do not hinder school work
they are a good thing for a perfect
ly healthy person.- Sports develop
him physically and mentally; teach
him good sportsmanship; and give
him a source of recreation arid en
joyment. ): .'
Classes - '
The community will be interested
tn lttinw that the iuniors have made
$25.05 from their candy sales at the
last three ball games. Ihis manes
a total of $57.05 in the treasury of
the junior class at present.
The Stanfield team lost to Athena
Friday night by a score of 30-25.
The Stanfield team piled up 5 points
before the Athena boys could get
started but the Athenians made 11
points before the opponents could
make another ecore.
From then until the third quarter
the Athena boys held the lead by a
wide margin. In the third, however,
the opponents made the Athena boys
work to hold the lead but they were
unable to take the lead.
Myrick was high point man mak
ing 15 of the 30 points.
The line-up was as folldws: Huff,
man, center; Myrick and Jenkins,
forwards; Rogers and Hansell,
The substitutions were Crowley for
Hansell and Hansell for Huffman.
Athena plays Pilot Rock here Fri
day night.
Girls Basketball
The Stanfield girls journeyed to
Athena last Friday night and met an
overwhelming defeat of 37 to 3. The
Stanfield girls, due to the illness of
two of their best players, did not play
as good a game as expected. .Our
girls played a good game and fought
through the entire game with a good
sporting attitude.
Those who playea m tne Atnena
Uftivujtr wm...-.. '
forwards; Miller and Douglas, cen
ters; Loie and Monta Montgomery,
Substitutions made were: Barrett
for Douglas, Tompkins for Miller and
Hiteman for Monta Montgomery.
Classes '
The freshman class held a meeting
last week to nominate a president for
the following semester. Their presi
dent for last semester was Maxine
Moore. Due to illness she will not be
nMe tn resume her school work for
the following semester. Fred Sing
er was nominated and elected Dy tne
class to take Maxine's place as president.
their opinion as to the value of
literature. ''
The economics class will take up
as a diversion, the study of the local
wheat pooling, organization. They
will study how the wheat fluctuates
is price and as to what the existing
factors are that effect such fluctua
tion in price.
Mr. M. I. Miller spent Saturday in
Walla Walla visiting his ninety-five
year old grandmother who is not ex
pected to live. He visited his mother
who also lives in Walla Walla.
Mr, and Mrs. "Pike" Miller and
family were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Wilson of Athena, Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Brodie and Miss
Beulah Smith spent . the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shinn of
Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. Shinn was
a sorority sister of Miss Brodie and
Miss Smith during their college days
at the University of Oregon. Mr.
and Mrs. Shinn were married in No
vember and are making their home
in Walla Walla.
Miss Dorothy Lee, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Lee, spent the week
end with her parents. She is an
instructor in the grade school at Pa
louse, Washington.
; Ralph McEwen, Jr, spent the week
end in Athena.
Subject Classes
Literature and life is creating an
interest in the freshman class
through their study Of "The Lady of
the Lake" by Scott. The class has
entered into some spirited discussion
that has helped the members express
" Y' Grades ,; . ..
Leon Mayberry has returned to
school after a six weeks leave.
Geraldine Garret was not in school
three days of last week.
Clarence Montague is not in school
as he has a bad attack of influenza.
Maxine Martin has resumed her
studies again after an absence of two
weeks. .
An interesting spelling contest in
the form of baseball was played be
tween the 5-6 and 7-8 grade rooms.
The "base hits" were evidently scat
tered for the contest ended in a tie.
,- Personals
Y Jim Wilson was in i Pendleton
Saturday evening.
Dorothy , Burke and Virgie Moore
shopped in Pendleton Saturday after
noon. " John Kirk had his graduation pic
tures taken in Walla Walla, Saturday.
Traveler i
;yi I
George Verne Blue, professor of his
tory at the University of Oregon, who
has just returned from an extensive
tour of the Orient, where he studied
economic and political conditions. He
was the recipient of a Murray Warner
traveling fellowship.
Old Oregon, the alumni magazine of
ihe University of Oregon, is ranked
among the best ' alumni magazines iu.
the country. Thi3 magazine ha3 an
average circulation of 5033 copies. ...