The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 07, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter
Agricultural Analysis Gives
Forecast for Oregon Poul
try and Dairymen.
; Oregon State College. Reflecting
the national outlook report that pro
duction of staple Tarm commodities
JJor 1930 will equal or exceed demand
with no further increase, but point
ing out particular conditions in this
state, the annual report has just been
released here by the extension ser
The' report was prepared by L. R.
Breithaupt, extension economist,: in
consultation with other college sped
alists, immediately following Breit
haupt's return from Washington
where he assisted in preparing the
national outlook . released last Mon
day. Incidently, check-up shows that
past national reports have been right
in nine cases out of 10 in their pre
I "Total spendable income from Ore
eon farm products of 1930 is not
likely to be greater and may be less
than for 1929," says a general open
ing statement of the report. "On the
other hand, farm expenses may be
slightly less so that the average sum
available for farm family living may
not be much different."
. The labor situation, is likely to be
easier early in 1930 for farmers,
with wages likely to rise in the last
half of the year, the report predicts.
Farm machinery prices are expected
to remain about the same and farm
. taxes in Oregon may show slight re
ductions as indirect taxes take effect.
1 Turning first' to the dairy situation,
the report points out that the total
number of milk cows in the United
States increased ; 700,000 head ; or
three per cent in 1929, a rate at
least there times too fast under
noTmal demand conditions.
Figures on dairy heifers on hand
now indicate an excess of a half mil
lion yearlings, and that the number
of heifer calves under a year old is
proportionately large. Selling off of
old and poor producing cows to re-
flUVC WHO OIVWW" J .fc i.-.t-- u
slow until milk cow prices decline
more nearly in line with their value
for beef. , Dairymen are unlikely to
have a more favorable time than now
to sell cull cows, says the report.
"Although . there are relatively
more dairy heifers in western states
than east of the Rockies, the number
here is not much in excess of re
quirements for producing dairy suf
ficient for demand jn these states,"
the outlook reads. "The important
factors in dairy market outlook are
domestic supply and domestic mar
kets. . . . Pairymen with good cows
in areas where goad feed can be pro
duced economically and In localities
specializing in high quality products,
will have the advantage."
The present situation in poultry is
comparable to that of four years ago
at the beginning of the period of de
clining prices, according to the poul-.
try section of the report mere is
evidence that Oregon egg producers
will have more eggs to sell during
1930-31-32 than in 1929 when carlot
shipments from Oregon dropped 12
per cent. ,
. "While Oregon poultrymen may
find it relatively more profitable to
continue to operate on a stabilized
ubasis or even to expand production
during periods of declining egg priees
rather than turn to other commod
ities, it seems certain that an ad
vantage would be gained by consider
ing the market outlook whew cotl
eidering changes in production," the
' report concludes. .,-"
"If Oregon poultrymen should have
the most efrg to sell when - prices
are hitrh rather than the least quanti
ty at that time ... they would make
. more money in the long run. Large
flocks of high producing hens and
production of high quality eggs, are
also important factors in successful
jpoultry keeping."
Reports on farm crops, horticulture
and livestock outlooks will be issued
next week. The entire report and
separates on the various commodities
re being printed and will be avail
able at once free of charge direct
from the college or from any county
agent , ',...-. Tr " ' .
, am i j jn .
' r In Near Accident
The "Walla - Walla Union reports
that Dr. W. G. Hughes thought for a
time Wednesday he was going to
have to walk into Pendleton. He took
the stage over, and near Weston it
slid into the ditch, the pavement be
ing icy. After waiting an hour and
a half for the stage driver to get
going, he hailed a passing motorist
and got a ride into Pendleton. Many
cars were in the ditch, he said.
Pendleton Takes Two
The Pendleton Buckaroo basketball
tsam added two more games to their
season's victories by defeating La
Grande and Baker.
Business Institutes Use
Plan of Getting People.
On a Thinking System
There is one general principle at
the basis of all good teachinsr and !t
is mat aper3on learns more readily
by assimilating the experiences which
he himself encounters than in anv
other way, says Harold Stonier, Na
tional Educational Director of the
American Institute of Banking. Thla
Institute ia the educational section ot
the American Bankers Association
through which 35,000 bank men and
women are receiving scientific Instruc
tion in their chosen business.
"The 1 most , advanced ' people la
teaching today are emphasizing the
importance of activity on the part of
the student," he says. "In the school
room of former days we often beard
such phrases as, 'Be still,' 'Learn by
heart.' 'Don't do that,' "What does the
book sayr The newer education
asks, 'What do you think?,' 'What was
your reaction to that experiment?,
'What did you discover?,' .'What rea
sons have you for your answer?'
The New School Calls for Action
"The 'expressing' school Is taking
the place of the repressing and lis
tening school. The classroom is be
coming an open forum, a studio of self
expression, a place of mental growth.
The modern concepts ot education are
personal experimentation, individual
investigation, critical discussion and
creative self-expression. 1 The pupil
really learns only as he is able to
assimilate the new meanings ot facts
and principles with bis previous ex
perlences. Activities therefore con
stitute the pivotal force around which
are grouped the new factors in educa
tion. The primary responsibility of
the teacher is to furnish a constant
stream of activities which will afford
the stimulating urge to mental growth.
"Education is a process ot experi
encing, and the program of the insti
tute is so arranged as to give the
greatest opportunity to gain by such
experience. Through this we develop
the art of thinking. Thinking has
been described as the ability to han
dle experience and to bring it to bear
on a problem. ' Effective thinking
arises when we are presented with
the choice of conduct Our previous
experiences become helpful as we
marshal them and bring them to bear
upon the matter of our choice."
The students In the American Insti
tute of Banking by reason of the fact
that they continue to go on about their
employment in ban!:a while taking the
banking association's study courses
have an opportunity to combine learn
ing with practical thinking and action
Commission May Favor
Opening Season On fclk
Farmers . of Washington whose
lands border Umatilla county are
registering complaints against the
destructiveness of elk that are the
property of Oregon, and, according to
Harold Clifford, State game warden,
unless something is done (he irate
land owners may take the law into
their own hands.
"I am convinced that within a short
time it will be necessary to make a
short open season on the elk in this
particular section of the state," says
Mr. Clifford. "There is no question
but what the complaints of the
Washington farmers are entirely
justified. Elk wander into their lands
and, because they are quite tame, are
difficult to drive away. They are al
most like domestic animals end show
no fear of man and once in the field
of a farmer their appetites do great
damage. An open season which would
regulate the number of licenses is
sued and limit the number of elk to
be slain would perhaps remedy the
- Son Assaults Father
D. C. Baker swore out a warrant
for the arrest pf his son, Claude
Baker, charging him with asault and
battery. With his face bruised from
the blows struck by his son, Baker
appeared in Judge Richards' court
Saturday when Claude Baker was
given the alternative of going to jail
or leaving Athena, never to return or
further molest his father, and he
chose fo give Athena a wide berth
hereafter, "
Improvements to Line
A Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company construction crew is in Ath
ena, making improvements to tele
phone lines. New poles are feeing
set, old crossarms replaced and some
new cables installed. A considerable
amount of material has been stored
in the Worthington building and at
the warehouse in the rear of the Red
& White store.
. Waters Overflow Land
In the Three Mile district near Wal
lula, melting snow raised the waters
of the Walla Walla river so that ad
jacent farm lands were overflowed.
One field sown to grain was complete
ly under water,
"McKenzie Pass Blocked
McKenzie pass summit is covered
by four feet of snow, according to in
formation from George Moody, Mc-
Kenzie Bridge trapper and guide, at
Bend. . w,. v.;,
Us 44;?' I
. - fJ"''j':"-'- ,-Al)"'irlr
';w-:p:v;:f Vvtf rt ';'! ?.-.'
The photograph, according to the
Standard Oil Bulletin, illustrates "a
motorist viewing California Mountain
Scenery." The Standard Oil Company
of California is now conducting four
prize contests with a view to finding
a solution of the problem of the de
facement of the scenery of the Pacific
Coast by objectionable advertising
signs. Cash prizes of (1,000, (500 and
$250 are being offered for the three
best 1500-word or less answers as to
how the evil can be corrected; of
$500, $250 and $125 for the best 600
word or less statements on why it
should be corrected; of $250, $125 and
$75 for the three eight-word or less
slogans which will most effectively
arouse public sentiment on the ques
tion, and additional prizes of $200,
$100, $75, $50 and $25 for the five best
amateur photographs of actual sign's
which best portray defacement.
The judges of the contest are:
Hon. Horace M. Albright, Director,
National Park Service.
Kathleen Norris.
- Ex-Senator James D. Phelan of Cali
fornia. ,
W. I Valentine, Former President,
Automobile Club of Southern Califor
nia. .
H. B. Van Duzer, Chairman, Oregon
State Highway Commission. ;
Mrs. H. F. Alexander, Seattle Gar
den Club. .
David Whltcomb, Chairman, Execu
tive Committee, Pacific Empire Asso
ciation. ; : ..
Full text of conditions may be ob
tained from any Standard Oil office
or by writing to the Company at 225
Bush Street, San Francisco. - ;
Income Tax Return Must
Be Made By March 15th
Failure tox receive a form does not
relieve a taxpayer of his obligation to
file an income tax return and pay his
income tax within the period pre
scribed on or before March 15, 1930,
if return is filed on the calendar-year
basis, as is true with most 1 indi
viduals.. Forms may. be obtained upon
request, written or personal, from
the offices of collectors and deputy
collectors of internal revenue. The
tax may be paid in full or in quar
terly installments, due on or before
March 15, June 15. September IS, and
December 15.
The filing period . ends at mid
night March 15, 1930. The returns
should be filed with the collector of
internal revenue for the district in
which the taxpayer lives or has his
principal place of business. V
The pergonal exemption under the
revenue act is $1,500 for a single
person or $3,500 for married persons
living together. Also a taxpayer
may claim $400 for each person de
pendent upon him for chief support
if such person is under 18 year? of
ago or incapable of self-support be-
cause mentally or physically defej.
tive. Such dependent need not be a
relative of the taxpayer, nor a mem
ber of his household. The term
"mentally or physically defective" in
cludes not only cripples and those
mentally defective but persons in ill
health and the aged. -;.-y:-
Chinook Wind Leaves
Town and Fields Bare
Cowboy Convention July 4
'Dates announced for the cowboy's
convention at Ukiah this year will be
July 4 and 5. At a recent meeting
of the committee on general arrange
ments, at Ukiah, Albert Peterson was
re-elected president, and business
managers selected are Arthur Mc-
Roberts and G. K. Caldwell. A num
ber of Athena people attend the
Ukiah show annually, and invariably
bring home with them the unanimous
report of good time.
Plane Makes Forced Landing
On account of the fog banks in the
Grande Ronde and , Columbia river
valleys last Saturday, pilot Kenneth
Neese was forced to land his varney
air mail plane on the emergency field
at Meacham. On landing in the mud
and snow, the plane turned turtle,
slightly injuring Neese and damag
ing the ship. The mail was taken to
Meacham and forwarded from there
by train.
A Reception Held
A reception was held at the Baptist
church Wednesday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. C L. McFadden, who
are leaving Athena to reside in Port
land. The church was filled with
friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
McFadden and the occasion was a
most happy one. A program was en
joyed and later, , refreshments were
served in the basement dining room.
A warm, gentle chinook wind com
ing out of the Blue Mountains
Saturday relieved 'Athena and the
wheat fields hereabouts of ; snow. By
no means did the soil absorb all the
water from the fast melting snow,
and Main street was given a flood
stage bath of murky water, mud and
silt. However, basements of - Main
street business houses were not ii'
vaded by the flood, which was mostly
confined to follow along the north
curb lines of the street.
Keeping the sump cavities at street
intersections by removal of the grat
ings, clear of debris during the high
est stage of the flood, had much to
do in preventing overflow into basements.-,-v.
Farmers report their fields of
growing grain came out from under
the snow in good condition. Fields are
green, with the plants in a vigorous
growing stage. Only severe freezing
weather later on can injure growing
crops which at this tim-3 are con
sidered to be at their normal stage
of development.
Death of Wade Holdman
Announcement of the death of
Wade Holdman, pioneer resident of
Umatilla county, which occurred Sun
day at Portersville, California, after
a long illness, has been received. He
died at the home of his sister, Mrs.
D. J. McFaul, widow of 'the late Dr,
McFaul, at Portersville. The body
was brought to Pendleton for burial.
He is survived by two sisters, Mrs.
McFaul and Mrs. Ella ; Bowling, of
Adams and two brothers Wm. Hold
man of Adams and Frank Holdman
of Pendleton. Twelve nieces and
nephews also survive.
Dogs Die From Poison
Three dogs have died in Athena
this week as the result of being
poisoned. "Rex" the fine pointer dog
of Arthur Douglas was the first to
die from the effects of poison. Then
eld "Judge," who made his home,
since Bob , Proudfit left town, at
Arthur Taylor's was found dead in
an alley. The third reported to be
poisoned was a dog owned by the
Wilson boys. .
Athena High School Won
Double Header Basketball
Games From Stanfield Hi
Athena boys and girls won their
basketball games in easy fashion
from Stanfield high school on the
local court Friday evening, before a
capacity , audience. . ,
With the onesided score of 37 to 3
Athena girls were never extended in
effort during the game. They led at
the half '22 to 2. Arleen Myrick,
Athena " forward was highpoint win
ner with 27 to her credit. It is under
stood here that Stanfield girls' team
was handicapped by illness of a cou
ple of players. Athena lineup:
Myrtle Campbell, Arleen, 'Myrick.
forwards; ; Goldie Miller,, ilarjorie
Douglascenters; Loie and Monta
Montgomery guards. . Helen Bar
rett; Mary Tor. p'.bs, Esma Hiteman,
substitutes. " .-i"
, After Athena got started, the boys
had no trouble in hopping into the
lead and keeping it against Stan
field, which presented one of the best
teams seen on the home floor this
Athena spotted the westenders to
five points right off the reel, and then
made everybody sit up and take
notice by dropping in five baskets and
clicking off a free throw before Stan
field scored another point The half
ended with Athena 20, Stanfield 9.
Athena appeared to rest on their
lead margin in the third quarter, and
Stanfield, with a short passing - of
fensive, began to crawl up, but the
local lads put a crimp in their team
work and kept the lead to win, 30-25,
Myrick was the highest scorer on the
floor, with 15. "Pike" Miller lined
them up as follows: n
Huffman, center; Myrick, Jenkins,
forwards; Rogers, Hansell, guards.
Substitutions were Crowley for Han
sen and Hansell for Huffman.
' Pilot Rock plays Athena here to
night, doubleheader, beginning at
Joe Baddley Strikes
California Oil Gusher
In Signal Hill District
New Owner Takes Over
McFadden's Pharmacy
Mr. Leo Cox arrived in the city
yesterday morning to take charge of
McFadden's Pharmacy which he has
purchased from C. L. McFadden, and
the inventory of the stock and fix
tures is now being made. Mr. Mc
Fadden and family contemplate leav
ing for Portland tomorrow, where
Mr. McFadden will take possession of
the Grant High Pharmacy at 33rd
street, East.
. Mr. Cox comes to Athena from Col
fax. Formerly he owned a drug store
at Koskia, Idaho, where he was : in
business for seven years. He is a
graduate of W. S. C. class '17 and is
registered as a pharmacist in the
states of Washington and Idaho.
Mrs. Cox will join her huRband in
Athena the latter part of next week.
Death of Mrs. Nelson
Mrs. Mary O. Nelson, widow of the
late H. B. Nelson, Weston brick
manufacturer, died Monday after
noon at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Victor Chastain, in Freewater.
Mrs. Nelson is survived by her
daughter, Mrs. Chastain, and son
Clark Nelson of Portland. Other
surviving relatives include two
brothers, James D. Clark of Spokane
and John Clark of Los Angeles, and
two sisters, Mrs. Addie Cox of Ocean
Park, California and Mrs.' Emma Jen
nings of Oakland, California. Mrs.
Nelson had lived in Umatilla county
for 61 years, most of the time at
Weston, where burial took place
Wednesday afternoon.
The marriage of Miss Anna Piper
to Mr. Edward Lutton, both of Mil
ton, took place at Walla Walla, Tues
day of last week. The bride is a
daughter of J. H. Piper, president 'of
the First National Bank of Milton.
The young couple went to Callforr-ia
honeymoon trip,
on a
Dr. Sharp In Hospital
Dr. Sharp, whose present illness h,ad calied upon the court to urg.c his
has been very severe, has been re
turned to Walla Walla for treat
ment in a hospital there. The veter
an physician was removed from home
to the hospital, Sunday. He is re;
ported to be in a critical condition as
the result of a series pf hemorrhages,
Tom Kay Out of It
Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer.
will not be a candidate for the re
publican nomination of governor. This
authoritative declaration is contained
in a statement issued by Mr. Kay.
Dave Nelson 111 - '
Dave Nehion, prominent Pendleton
citizen and wheat grower, is ill with I James King,-city marshal of Wes-
pnetanOua at his home" ia that cit.ltVn, 'as an Athena visitdr Tuesday,
Helix Lodge Entertains
Helix I. O. O. F. and Rebekah
lodges will entertain the membei's of
the Pendleton lodges tomorrow eve
ning, when a banquet dinner will be
served and a program of entertain
ment given,
Floods Delay Tralm
Floods, as the result of the chinook
thaw Saturday, delayed trains and
mail on the Washington division of
tho 0.-W. R. & N. The Spokane-Pendleton
passenger and mail train was
annuled on account of high water and
damaged track in the vicinity of
Starbuck. Slides tied up railway traf
fic on the line between Lewiston and
Riparia. At Asotin creek, a portion
of the concrete dam of the Washing
ton Water Power company went out
Cranston For Treasurer
C. K. Cranston, of Pendleton, has
announced his candidacy for the re
publican nomination for county
treasurer, When Miss Grace Gilliam
former county treasurer, resigned her
office Mr. Cranston was appointed by
the county court to fill the vacancy.
The action was taken after a dele
gation of prominent - business men
Drops Pead In Car
Miss Edna Stone, 40, dropped dead
at the wheel of her car at Walla
Walla, Tuesday evening. She was
taking a trained nurse to attend her
mother who was HI, when death came
to her, after she had stopped her
car at a street crossing. Heart fail
ure was the cause of her death, v
Spinal Meningitis Deaths
Another death from spinal menin
gitis occurred at Yakima Tuesday
after two in Sunnyside Sunday had
brought the total to fou,r for Yakima
cbunty this year.
Dr. J. C. Baddley, who left Athena
several years ago and went to Los
Angeles to recuperate his health, and
later successfully operated in real
estate, is basking opulently beneath
the warm smiles of good fortune he
is half -owner in an oil gusher that
"came m" last week in the famous
Signal HiU district, that has settled
to a 1500 barrels per day flow. Of
Dr.' Baddley'8 good fortune and his
well, the - Los Angeles Examiner
saysr , ;...: ; - .
"Black gold in a huge stream
flows from the well of Dr. J. C. Bad
dley and Frank E. Lewis, local resi
dents, located on Signal Hill. The
well came in last week, and has now
settled down to a constant flow of
about 1500 barrels per day.
"Dr. Baddley and Mr. Lewis held
a supreme faith in their investment
venture. In fact, they held all in
terest in the well intact, the reward
of which came when tht gigantic
now oi oil blew in last week.
"Dr. Baddley is president of the
Los Angeles American Building and
Loan Company at Avenue 51 and
York boulnvard. Mr. Lewis lives at
1415 Mt. Pleasant"
The Baddley family have the best
of wishes from their Athena friends
Mrs. Baddley is registered at 'Occi
dental College, where she is taking a
special course in speech education
and play production, in addition to
teaching privately a class in dra
matics. Jolene, only daughter of Dr,
and Mrs. Baddley, has just entered
junior high school, at the age of 10,
Annual Tournament At
Pendleton, March 7 and 8
Arrangement have been made for
holding the annual basketball tourna
ment, which will take place at Pen
dleton, Friday and Saturday, March
7 and . .
A committee composed of B. W.
Wheatley, Pendleton ; high school
principal, Harold Bronson, McLough
lin and William Poulson of Heppner,
met at Pendleton Saturday and re
vamped the district comprising Uma-
tuia, Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam
counties into four sub-districts, with
Helix, McLoughlm, Pendleton and
Heppner as the districts designated.
Under this new division, Athena.
Weston, Umapine, Adams, Helix,
Pilot Rock, Ukiah. Echo and Stan
field are grouped. The Heppner dis
trict embraces Heppner, Lexington,
lone, Boardman, Umatilla, Hermis
ton, Arlington, Fossil and Condon.
Pendleton and McLoughlin are
awarded separate districts and, at the
tournament, the Helix, and Heppner
districts will enter three teams, while
Pendleton and McLoughlin are al
lowed to enter but one team each,
Court Holds It Crime To
Make Girl Walk Home
The girl who walked home had her
day in a Wisconsin court Monday
and in the state's highest court too.
The supreme court in effect, found
that making a young lady escort her
self home from an automobile ride
is a crime.
It sustained Judge Otto Brelden-
bach's district court decision against
writ of habeas corpus to release
James Ambrose, West Allis, from a
year sentence. He was convicted on
complaint of a 19 year old girl. His
attorney, asking the writ, said the of
fense did not constitute a felony.
Judge Breidenbach refused the writ
and the high court sustained that
ruling. ,
Early Start For Vegetables
Spinach and green onions will begin
moving two or three weeks earlier
this year than they did last year if
present weather conditions continue,
according to Walla Walla produce
dealers. Last year these vegetables
did not commence to move until the
first part of March but should start
very soon now with the snow gone.
A little spinach is reported to have
come in.
Wardens Save Deer
In a deep canyon near Grants Pass,
game wardens found sixteen mother
deer and their young fawns snow
locked and starving. The fawns
were too weak to battle the drifts,
and apparently the mothers would
have starved to death rather . than
desert their young. Wardens pro
vided feed -for the deer.
Torch Explodes Gasoline
Whilo thawing a frozen water pipe
with a blow torch at Hermixton, Earl
Carson, plumber, held the blaze too
close to the gasoline pipes of a fill
ing station. There was an explosion
which hurled debris 30 feet in the
air, and Carson emerged from the
catastrophe minus eyebrows and por
tion of his hair.
Factory Resumes Operations
The Milton Box factory, cbsed
down for two weeks on account of
cold weather resumed operations Mon
day, with the full force of workmen
t employed. , 1
Twelve Planes Used In Mail
Service Pasco Center
of Operations.
- The drtme of those white Varney
air maili, places is a familiar sound
to the ears of Athena people, and on
clear days the planes may be seen
drifting speedily along on their
flights to and from Pasco, the center
of mail plane operations in the
Flying day and night, Varney mail
planes carrying transcontinental
mail out of and into the Northwest
fly a total of 3454 miles every 24
hours. Post Office schedules call for
two services each way per day from
Pasco to Salt Lake City. Mail is
flown to Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland from Pasco and back
each day.
To fly this mail the Varney com
pany uses four small, 200 horsepower
Stearman biplanes, three large Stear-
man Speed Mail planes with 525
horsepower motors, and five Boeing
mail planes with 525 horsepower
each. This is a total of 12 ships
carrying air mail exclusively all in
Northwest territory. The eastern
terminus of the lines being Salt Lake
Eighteen mail pilots are employed
by the Varney Air Lines to give the
Northwest the start and end of its
transcontinental mail service. West
bound mail is picked up at Salt Lake
City and flown to the population cen
ters of the Northwest. Eastbound
mail is picked up from the same
centers and flown east as far as Sale
Lake. From there on it is taken by
other lines.
Small groups of pilots are assign
ed to regular runs from 150 to 300
air miles each. One pilot flies his
run and back again each day, thus
enabling him to establish a perman
ent home- at one point and become a
part of his local community with
home and interests. Most of the
Varney pilots are married and have
families. This method also allows a
pilot to become so familiar with the
territory he flies over that it results
in a more consistent mail service.
Points of contact of the Varney
mail network are Seattle, Portland,
Pasco, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake
City and Tacoma.
A telegraph teletype system is the
nerve center for the Northwest air
mail network. At each principal
field of the Varney mail system a dis
patcher keeps close track of all move
ments of mail planes. Each timo a
plane takes off or lands, in fact, each
time any information is received re
garding the proximity of the pilots,
messages are ticked off to all points
in the system with as much ease as
writing it on a typewriter. Tho key
board is identical with a stands nl
typewriter and the touch lighter.
Each time a plane takes off, tho fol
lowing information is dispatched to
the next field: Name of pilot, pounds
of mail cargo, time of departure,
number of plane, and any other in
cidentals concerning that particular
flight '
Athena Town Team
Defeats Pendleton Again
The Athena town basketball team
took another game from the Pendle
ton team at Pendleton Monday night,
by a score of 39 to 19.
At the end of the first quarter the
score stood 8 to 8. The Athena boys
came back strong and at the end
of the first half had boosted the
score to 14 to 9. Pendleton started
the second half by making a field
goal and a free throw but the locals
dropped the Pendleton lads behind to
win a rough, hard fought battle.
The local team has begun to func
tion better during the last two games,
and expect to take a majority of
their remaining tilts.
Gas In Yakima Well
Company officials stated that gas
in quantities sufficient for commer
cial use was tapped Saturday night
by the Miocene Petroleum company in
a well near Union Gap, three miles
south of Yakima, at a depth of 900
feet Pressure from the casing is re
ported to shoot a flame 20 feet into
the air when Ignited.
Piano Recital
Miss Hanna, assisted by Miss Lois
Johnson, will hold a recital of the
pupils of the Mahlen Burnett School
of Music (Athena branch) at high
school auditorium, Wednesday eve
ning of next week, February 12.
Rides With Broken Leg
A Gurdane stockman, Vern Cates,
rode several miles with his leg brok
en, caused when his horse fell. Cates
remounted his horse and rode to his
home. Afterward he was taken to
the ttttpital in Fendkto'n.