The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 31, 1930, Image 3

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Your Neighbor
. The Red & White Store Owner - -IN
The personal owner service accorded you at the Red & White
Store is an advantage not offered by corporation owned chains.
Here you find, not only lower prices, but courtesy and quality
which combine to make a grocery service that is modern and
complete. ' i-. v., - ...;.,,,,.,, .. . T V'"
Serv-Us Coffee, 1-lb bags
Church Grape Juice, . Qt. and 1 bottle Certo
Crystal White Soap
10 for 39c
Serv-Us Red Kidney Beans, No. 2 tin
2 for 27c
. Serv-Us Chili Con Carne
3 for 47c
Serv-Us Salmon 1-lb flat
2 for 73c
Peacock Buckwheat and 1 Qt. jug Serv-Us
. C. & M. Syrup
Fancy Golden Bantam Corn, No. 2 tin
4 for 83c
Standard Western Corn No. 2 tin
6 for 69c
'' -v, -.- 49c
Kerr's 3-lb pkg Oats
25c .
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
. . Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. .Athena, .'..'-Phone 761
Drop "
your winter
driving worries
here - - -
By Zerba
Dangerous days are ahead for slippery, smoothworn, easily
punctured tires. Drive in and see us about new Goodyear's.
We will demonstrate and prove to you the tread and carcass
superiority in Goodyears superiority made possible at no extra
cost to you, by reason of Goodyear's factory production being
nearly TWICE that of any other company.
Here too more people ride on
Tires than on any other kind
All Sizes All Types All Prices
High Quality at Low Cost in the Famous
- n it
JVr Save on all sizes.
Free Mounting
Athena, Oregon
Passing of Toll Gate Road
To the State Highway
(From the Elgin Recorder,
The Elgin-Weston road will, with
in the next few wppVr. he Hesi printed
by the highway commission of the
state of Oregon, as the Elgin-Weston
state hisrhwav. is the belief of the
group of Union County representa-
. , i i . it. !
lives wno anenaea me meeting 01 me
state highway commission and United
States forestry officials in Portland
last Thursday. A written petition
signed by tne county judges 01 union,
Wallowa and Umatilla counties was
filed with the rnmrtiisRion. gettiner
forth the reasons why the road should
be made a state highway ana improv
ed. Anions those in attendance at
the meeting were H. H. Weather-
spoon and Arthur Hallgarth of Elgin
and from La Grande, U. G. Couch, j
countv iudce: W. W. Stevens and W.
R. Ledbetter, county commissioners.
A deed from the company wnicn
held the franchise on the Tollgate
road, and drawn in favor of the State
Highway Department was presented
at the meeting, and constituted the
imnortant sten in assurinz the desie-
nation of the forty mile cut-off be
tween the town of Elgin and Weston
a state highway. .
Mr. Weatherspoon and Mr. Hall
garth, returned to their homes last
week-end with a feeling of entire sat
isfaction over the manner - in which
their suggestions were received, and
with the prospect of securing state
expenditure on the section of road
lying this side of the old tollgate. A
survey of the road was practically
promised for the coming summer, and
Mr. Weatherspoon expressed the opin
ion on returning that the slashing will
also be done during the summer.
Grading and surfacing will then fol
low as soon as the state highway of
ficials and the Bureau of Public
Roads order it.
In presenting the arguments at the
Portland meeting, the necessity for
the road was first shown to be self
evident, proven by the fact that about
fifty years ago a franchise was given
the Woodard Wagon Road, company
to build a road practically along we
same route the road is proposed to be
hnilt which has been maintained up
to a short time ago as a toll road, but
due to improved methods ol, trans
nnrtatinn renuirinsr roads of a higher
type,- the wagon road has become
obsolete, unsafe and inadequate .10
meet present day demands. -
The road will give a direct route
between all Wallowa county and
northern Union county points, and
will shorten the distance to Weston,
Milton, Freewater., Walla Walla and
all points north, sixty miles. The in
terchange of farm commodities be
tween Union and Wallowa counties,
and the Walla Walla valley on the
west side of the mountains, is ap
proximately $250,000 annually, all of
which is carried largely by truck on
the present established public high-
way, an excess uis-in.c i dij
at oreat additional expense to the
carriers, and the unnecessary expense
in road upkeep to the state nignway
J.r.rtmisilt tnO-pther With ' the Un-
UCJMVUvw, " O .
.oAuisnr nnrestion of the mam
highway artery by the many thou
sand truck loads going over it annual
ly. The petitioners asicea tne esmu-
.: . . . . . t-! nrAniAM v;vU
iahmanr nr rne rjiifiii- ncawu
way from a business standpoint, for
the quick dispatch of traffic at a sav
ing to producers, carriers, consumers
and the state.
rt tha on mm it of the mountain,
which is approximately 4500 feet eler
vation, and nearly tne same mc
Meacham summit, lies a beautiful
including a lake of
fresh water fed by springs, surround
ed by a natural forest growth for
miles, which makes it one of the most
beautiful recreation park regions in
the northwest. While a few people
now enjoy the recreation facilitiei of
fered at Langdon lake, tne iuii Dene
fit ..Knot he utilized or annreciated
until the completion of the entire dis
tance between the two towns.
Of the total distance ol lorty mnes
WeRtnn to Elorin. 20 miles, start
ing from Weston and coming this
way, is practically a finished highway.
The Forestry department of the
federal government last summer
finished the grading of that section
and will as early in the spring as pos
sible hard surface all except about
six and one half miles. , ;
Native Son Will Run For
the Office of Governor
of Oregon.
Harry L. Corbett, who has an
nounced his candidacy for the Re
publican nomination for Governor in
the coming primaries,1 was born in
Portland 48 years ago, July 29, 1881.
He was educated at the old Portland
Academy and Harvard University. In
1908 he married Miss Gretchen Hoyt,
of New York, and they have five
children three boys and two girls. '
Mr. Corbett's interest in politics
comes quite naturally. His grand
father, Henry W. Corbett, one of the
early residents of Portland, repre
sented Oregon in the United States
Senate . from - 1867 to 1873, and
throughout the years of his active
life in this, state was a leader in both
civic and political affairs.
It was in i923 that Mr. Corbett
first became a candidate, for political
office. By a big vote he was elected
State Senator from Multnomah Coun
ty to fill, the unexpired term of the
late Wilson T. Hume., He was re
elected in 1924 and 1928 and held the
office until he resigned two weeks ago
to enable the citizens of Multnomah
County to have a full representation
in the Senate in case he is success
ful in his campaign for the governor
ship. He was President of the Senate
in 1927, and twice was acting gover
nor during the absence from the
state of Governor Patterson.
For years Mr. Corbett has managed
the Corbett Investment Co., which in
cludes real property, livestock, agri
culture and banking.' He is past
president of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce. During the war he was
chairman of the National Council of
Defense, chairman of two state-wide
Red Cross drives, and was in train
ing preparing to follow his two broth
ers into service when the armistice
was signed.
For years he has had a. deep in
terest in the Pacific International
Exposition and was recently elected
president of the organization which
annually produces its great show in
Portland. Members of the urDett
family for many .years have been
affiliated with the First Presbyterian
Church of Portland. .
Ranch Hand Is Victim
of 44-Below Zero Cold
and Others Frostbitten
Ttend As an aftermath of the ter
ribly cold weather in the Burns dis
trict in the isolated Clover Swale com
munity, John Green, ex-employe of
the "P" ranch, 75 , miles south ' of
Burns, was listed as Harney's coun
ty's first victim of the cold weather
which sent the temperature in Burns
down to minus 44 degrees. Meager
information received in Burns from
the remote community indicated that
Green's body was found m a held.
On the hierh Dlateau between Bend
and Burns the bitter cold took a
heavy toll in frozen feet and fingers,
one woman, Mrs. C. W. Frazier, wife
of the sheriff of Harney county, and
four men being in the Burns hospital
from the effects of the arctic weather
Mrs. Frazier and the four men were
occupants of five automobiles '. that
were stalled in drifts on the central
Oregon highway between Bend and
Burns. The five partly frozen people
a number of others were forced
to walk nine miles through deep snow
to the state highway road camp at
the Run ranch. After the first mem
bers of the party reached the ranch,
Walter Swearengen, John Fleming
and Sherman Weisgerber, highway
employes, went back on the road and
assisted others in.
One exhausted truck driver, whose
nariie was not learned, was carried
half a mile. ,
The most seriously frozen members
of the party were Mrs. Frazier, both
feet to instep; Gordon Burns, all toes
on both feet; Joe Wright, all fingers,
R. E. Gustaf son, toes; ( W. ; B. Pat
rick, feet to instep.
Thaws Pipes, Starts Fire
Wootnn Tender: Ravmond Banister
started a fire Saturday afternoon be
tween the walls of his house wnue as.
a thaw out bathroom water
pipes at the Banister place we3t of
town. He used on-soaked sacus in
fru1 noticed smoke com-
ing up between the walls. Unable to
reach or extinguish the tire unaiuea.
Raymond telephoned to town for help
and men went out in cars to his as
sistance. Holes were cut and the fire
soon extinguished, as it had made but
slow progress.
Weather Halted Wheat Pool
The cold weather halted officers of
Walla Walla wheat growers cooper
ative in getting signatures to the
grain agreement. About 500,000
bushels have been signed up ft far.
Compiles Indian Dictionary
The Nez Perce language, used by
the Nez Perces of Idaho and the
Cayuse tribe of the Umatilla Indian
reservation, is a cultural tongue and
in its power of expression surpasses
both Greek and Latin, according o
Rer. J. M. Cornelison, missionary
among the Indians for 31 years on
the reservation. He said that he had
compiled a dictionary of 20,000 words
of the Nez Perce language and could
increase that number to 20,000 more.
Gang Flows
liver 3 and 4-Bottom, 16 inch-the New No.
416-High Lift, giving plenty of Clearance.
P. & 0. 3 and 4-Bottom, 16 inch, with High
Lift and plenty of Clearance.
Either Plow
can be operated by tractor driver from tractor seat
Made to give Satisfaction.
Rogers H Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
.' Game Commission Busy
At this time the employes of the
game commission's office are "up to
their eyes in work." The annual re
ports of license sales from county
clerks and sub-agents are coming in
by the thousand and they must be
checked for the records of the com
mission. It is believed that the cale
of licenses will show a large Increase
of non-resident anglers. At the same
time it will probably be found that
there has been a big decrease in the
sale of hunting licenses. The latter
due to the fact that the postponement
of deer hunting season because of
the forest fire menace disrupted the
plans of many who intended to hunt
in Oregon.
Doctor Uses Plane
Dr. Ernest L. Boylen, Portland
physician, was whisked in a plane
piloted by Tex Rankin, to ice bound
Puget Island, where he gave medical
attention to a nine year old girl, ill
with pneumonia. The Island has been
isolated for several days on account
of cold weather, which prevented
boats from bringing in supplies. Dr.
Boylen, who is a son of Thomas Boy
len of Pendleton, says his patient will
Seed Test of Weston Spuds
Seed potatoes from Weston moun
tain are scoring right along in the
seed tests conducted by the Wash
ington State Department of Agri
culture and the Horticultural Depart
ment of Yakima County in the Yaki
ma valley reports the Leader. The
seed comprises samples grown in the
states of Washington, Idaho, Minne
sota, Oregon, Montana and from the
province of British Columbia. -
Slightly Out of Date
Oregon is still bounded on the cast
by the territory of Idaho and oyster
are the leading industries of the
state, according to Bufton's Univer
sal Encyclopedia, edited and publish
ed in 1929, says D. D. Halt of Port
land in a letter to Virginia C. Bacon,
state librarian. Mr. Hall who has ex
amlned the work, says he unJer
standa it Is being advertised and told
to Oregon teachers as an authentic
reference book.
Mrs. Parker Dead
Mrs. Martha J. Parker, widow of
the late Colonel Frank J. Parker, pio
neer Walla Walla newspaper man,
died rectntry in Ltrs Anjeies. ,
Looking Toward Championship
With the recent defeat of Helix by
the score of 40 to 23, it appears that
Mac-Hi has set the stage to cop the
basketball championship of this scho
lastic district. But few games yet
remain to finish Mac-Hi's schedule,
and the pace she is setting seems
fast enough to take her into the state
tournament again.
Lodges Fraternize
The members of Evangeline Re
bakah Lodge of Helix were invited
guests at a social meeting and ban
quet dinner of the Freewater Re
bekah Lodge, at Freewater, Tuesday
evening. ' One of the most enjoyable
lodge events of th winter was
thoroughly enjoyed by those present.
Alfalfa Hay Frank Jackson has
alfalfa hay for tale at bis ramn.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. . 957 J
Post Building, Athena. Phone 682
. Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon.
' Practice in all State and Federal
C Attorneys-At-Law
: Main Street. Athena, Oregon
' State and Federal Court Practice
Physician and Surgeon
Offices, Hill Building
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition. I can
; help you
Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
C. T. Booth
Successor to "Pink"
Third Street - - - . Athena
Foley's Kidney Cure
take kidneys and bladder rlsrht
Announces that it has com-pieted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, cr in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask for Information