I THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JANUARY 31, 1930 N INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher ? ' Subscription Rate One copy, one year $2-00 One copy i six months . . $ 1.00 One copy, three months............ .75 Athena, Oregon, January 31, 1930 Clark Wood Says " .; ' "Not a few convicted criminals who whine because the law does t J not give them a 'break' would J J be kicking anyhow if they got J one in the region of the neck." t t . Seymour Jones, state market agent says "an optimistic disposition is a souroe of happiness to its posses sors, and of passing pleasure to those who come in contact with them." Then we read in the Blue Mountain Eagle of Canyon City: "Of course, it's dry, and it will be until it rains, and that may be next Bum mer. We have seen seasons like this, only a whole lot dryer, and then in January it commenced to snow anJ it kept it up until the summer rains sot in and it was so wet that the farmers could not put up their big hay crops. Nature knows her stuff and she knows when to sprinkle the rain and when to wet up the ground. Our prediction is that in the sum mer of 1930 and also 1931 there will be bumper and record hay crops. Things are just right now for a wet spring." Edward Price Bell, writing from London for the Chicago Daily News, says: "There is at the five-power naval conference a vast, invisible presence. It is as unobtrusive as it is t vast. It is as mute as it is in visible. As the pesence itself does not speak, so it is not spoken about or at least not much, and never openly. Yet, is is here. It is in the thoughts of the delegates in some definitely, in others vaguely. Its in tangible approach is from two di rectionsacross Europe from the east and across the Pacific from the west. I refer to the great political fact of soviet Russia." Farmers are warned by the De partment of Agriculture to curtail crops and guard close economy in ex penditures during 1930. Suggestion that economy be practiced may be ap plicable to the Eastern Oregon wheat country, but crop curtailment , is definitely out of the question, if wheat growers are to live and stay in business. . Under the . : summer fallow process of wheat raising as practiced here, one-half the farming acreage is now idle, and to further curtail acreage production would mean complete ruination of farm ers operating in a strictly one-crop district. Big Bill Thompson, mayor of the second city of America, blames "re formers" for placing Chicago, with all of its $9,000,000,000 yearly trade in the hole, financially. And after bankers refused to honor city war rants any further, he had to stand the gaff when a self-constituted clti sen's committee which came forward with a $20,000,000 check to help the city out, but with a "we'll do the liquidating ourselves" string tied to the offer. In other words the com mittee is loyal to the city, but it cannot trust its municipal adminis tration to handle its funds. The rigors of the Arctic have claimed two more victims. It has been discovered the Carl Ben Eielson and Earl Borland crashed in their plane in a lagoon near the coast of Siberia, and their bodies probably lie in an icy shroud . beneath the plane. Recent dispatches from Mos cow had stated that reliable reports had been received that a plane had crashed near a reindeer camp and the report was verified in the find ing of the wreck by American pilots, Crosson and Gillam. Over on the Pacific coast where Tillamook and Lincoln , counties border on each other, they have found that the ocean breeee, some thing or other, puts more of the pea in peas than at any other spot on earth. Which prompts us to remark that hereafter they will raise some thing else over in that vicinity be sides cheese; by the way, a better cheese than any other cheese. E. W. Wright, well known news paper man died at his home in Port land this week. In addition to be ing a writer, Mr. Wright had been of itreat help to Oregon in his capacity of marine historian, and for many years he was active jn management of the affairs of the Portland Mer chant's exchange. It is possible the residents of Bend and Redmond may enjoy the sport of jackrabbit drives within the corpor ate limU of their respective towns. The high desert habitat of the long eared Utuiny' is at ptetfeut cWrtred by two feet of snow, and the fleet-footed jumpers are invading towns and countryside in search of food. J : Portland has seen Russian methods emplqyed in breaking the ice-bound Willamette river to release shipping in that port. Specially equipped ves sels" were " utilized in ploughing through ice sufficiently thick enough to hold up the weight of an automo bile, which crossed in safety near the interstate bridge. The habit formed in childhood of sliding down the banisters, and per sisted in after marriage, was grounds for divorce brought by a Chicago husband. The judge is to" be com mended, however, in crossing the hus band by awarding a decree to the wife doubtless himself being a ban ister slider. , Just what he lived on and how, is not mentioned in the announce ment of the recent death of Mr. Johann Georgii, Rumanian peasant who passed away at the ripe and mellow age of 150 years, leaving 100 direct living descendants. . o -'.' Tapping whales on the snoot with skiis is a pasttime enjoyed by the Byrd party in Antartica. The big gest fish that can be played with by the average angler, is the steelhead trout and snell hooks instead of skiis are used for tackle. To the average reader it would ap pear that Japan's attitude toward progress ma.de at the disarmament parley, is one of "there may be a silver lining in your war cloud, but none in ours." , ,.', . Governor Norblad, himself a law yer, says that crime problems in Ore gon "can be settled more effectively by making punishment "certain and swift" than by increasing severity of punishment. , , New York may soon experience financial troubles like Chicago's. Headline. Maybe so, but we doubt it. Gotham, you know, makes money j others spend it. ii O "' "' ' ''' . '"' Compared , with his grouchy de meaner of last week,' old man Boreas has warmed up the cockles of his Icicles to some extent. Aside from the fact that copper was the first metal known to cave men, it is "still" used. rdcHEAj4lli!j (, 1920, Western Newspaper Union.) To preserve a friend, three . things are necessary: To honor htm present, praise him absent and assist him In his necessities. Ital ian Sayings. . . SEASONABLE FOODS . This Is the time of the year when pumpkin pies flourish In the land. Here Is ono lit to serve the most honored guest: Pumpkin Pit Supreme. Take two cupfuls of well cooked and browned p u m p kin. If Hie cunned variety Is used, cook It down until it is a rich brown. Beat Ave egss, add one cupful of sugar, one-half tenspoonful of salt, the grated rind of a lemon, six tnblespoonfuls of lemon Juice and two cupfuls of rich milk. Mix oil together and fill the crusts for two pies. Duke In a hot oven at first to set the pastry then lower the heat; bake about forty-five minutes. Tuna and Spaghetti Salad. Take a cupful of tuna fish flaked Into bits, odd two cupfuls of cooked spaghetti cut into half-Inch pieces, o half cup ful of grated carrot, a bit of finely minced celery half a cupful or more a few nuts, mix well with salad dress ing and heap on lettuce. Garnish with Stuffed olives. This amount will serve eight plentifully. Cut the celery Into inch strips the size of the spaghetti, making the dish most attractive with the pretty color of the carrot : A pretty and tasty garnish for a game dish Is prepared as follows; Take large stewed prunes with stones removed, or soak In cold water Is bottei... Dry and roll in bacon that has boon sprinkled with a bit of cayenne nnd salt. Fasten with a toothpick and fry In deep fut until the buccn Is crisp. Fruited Punch. Muko a sirup by boiling two nnd one-half cupfuls of sugar with two cupfuls of water for five nilmites. Add tea, one pint which has boon freshly made and chilled; three fourths of a cupful of lemon Juice, six cupfuls of orange Juice.' two cupfuls of crushed pineapple, elyht cupfuls of ice water, plain or charged one cupful of maraschino cherries, stx oranges sliced. The cherries ond oranges form the garnish. Cut orange slices Into quarters. This recipe serves fifty glasses, . SCHOOL TOPICS (By E. E. Coad, Supt.) Tendencies may be inherited but habits are1 formed. Conduct result ing in satisfaction becomes auto matic or habitual. A child learns automatically to obey or to disregard authority. Dr. DeBusk related an in cident, I recall, that we all have seen duplicated many times in one way or another. The doctor said he was taking a street car on an errand one day when a woman, boarded the car with a small boy about three years of age. The mother found a seat near the rear of the car, but, just as she sat down, the child pulled away and ran to the front of the car. The mother went after him and carried him back, scolding all the time. The boy was yelling until he did not hear a word his mother said. . But he watched his chance and ran to the front of the car again. The mother again went after her son and carried him back by main force. The child watched his chance, again eluded her clutching fingers, and dashed to the front of the car. The mother threw herself back in the seat, as much as to say, "Oh, what's the use!" and left the child to his own devices. As Dr. DeBusk expressed it, "There is a child the state will have to step in and take care of before many years unless the school' can overcome those criminal habits of disobedience formed under the active tutelage of his mother.", The public school is not a melting pot for the alien child alone. It has its work cut out for it if it develops those traits of character and person ality that a good citizen should pos sess whether the child be from a home recently transported from some other land, of from a native home where ideals of good citizenship are not inculcated. Under the direction of a wise and capable teacher who knows ' her problems and how best to solve them, many of these anti-social habits can be corrected by the intrusion of bet ter habits to take their place. .Such work on the part of the teacher is certainly as vital a service in the life of the individual as that performed by the physician or by any other pro fessional person. But these intangi bles of life are not valued by every one alike Parents and teachers alike have a very meager knowledge of child psychology and how to develop in the child habits which will be useful to him rather than handicap him. Schools offer all sorts of courses but none in child training. The training schools for teachers have turned a deaf ear to all the psychological laboratory has to offer them. In Ore gon the university and. the state col lege have been rquested by the state board, at the evident instigation of some influence, to not use their time or talent in dealing with elementary school problems. There are certain basic habits of attention order, obedience, respect, accuracy, reliability, carefulness, kindness, and many more habits of a personal nature that the child is grounded in either positively or nega tively before the teacher receives him in school. .. ' "Furniture Fakers" The workmen of France and Italy are exceedingly clever In the business of imitating ancient furniture and similar pieces of old art craft, and In their imitating they ore thorough and systematic to the extent that the copy Is often as handsome a piece of work as the original. Persons who engage In this questionable art are artisans of the first water. They make nse of old wood and when it la desired to give a piece the appearance of years of actual service, they put the piece into actual use where It J will get real wear and tear. In add!- ! tlon to this they make use of fabrics which are really old, taken from pieces which they have gathered at various times In their search for old wool. Bladder Irritation If . functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Back ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today Put it to the test. See for yourself how quick ly it works ond what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick im provement, and satisfy you complete ly. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Mc Faddens Pharmacy. Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" The following communication from an old croney, Frank Wormington, a former well known resident of Milton Freewater, appeared in a recent issue of the Freewater Times: Long Beach, Calif., Jan. 14, 1930. Col. R. E. Bean, Freewater Times, Freewater, Oregon. i , Deat Colonel. After payings my in come tax, community chest and Christmas assessments, etc, I find that I have a cash balance amounting to a grand total of two hundred cents. I am afraid that if I try to keep so much money here, that either the Na tive Sons or the Bank of Italy will get it away from me, so after much thougBt, I have concluded to send it to you, to finance your great Family Journal for another year "largest circulation of any weekly newspaper, in Eastern Oregon" disputed, of course by Col. Wood the accomplish ed before and after dinner speaker of the Weston Leader, and also by Col. Boyd of the Athena Press, to say nothing of the Milton Eagle; I have not been able to keep up with the quick change maneuvers of the Eagle in recent years, so I do not know who is the Chief Broadcaster at the pres ent time and I will use the soft pedal oq him for he might be one of those firey fighting, old time editors like Bruce Shangle and "Chicken" Van Slyke. ".; . ;':'.. - You know, I had some newspaper experience in my ; younger days, I used to watch for type lice when Carl Brown was "makingup" on the Eagle, and I got so I could tell a "shooting stick" from a galley and I could teli the paper cutter from the job press clear across the room. And then an other time I heard Col. Clark Wood play a trombone solo and deliver an oration, all the same day, and that night he got the prize for destroying the most eatables at a Knights of Pythias' banquet, and got sore at Col. Boyd because Fred claimed to write sach heavy editorials that he had to pay extra postage. Clark said that Fred's pipe was strong enough to carry the papers to the postoffice, and then we all went home. . Yes sir, those were great old days, and I thank you one and all, and hope to see you again by the time the new court house is finished. Yours truly, F. A. WORMINGTON, 344 E. 21st St., Long Beach, Calif. . ' INSURANCE PLUS Every motor vehicle should be pro tected by Public Liability and Pro perty Damage insurance. Cost very little and is worth many times the cost. Every owner should carry Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia bility insurance, only $7.50 and may save your home. This is an age of ambulance chasers and damage suits. You owe it to yourself and to society. Neglect may wreck your fortune; it is wasting at the bung hole and sav ing at the spigot. Liability, protects you, life insurance protects your fam ily. We write it and service our policies throughout the policy year. Insurance plus service. B. B. RICHARDS. 23 Years Ago Friday, February 1, 1907 ; Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain and two young sons returned last evening from a visit to relatives at Waits burg.; A , Charley Gerking arrived home yes terday from a month's visit in the Sound cities and in the Willamette valley. ; -. . , ' A dance took place last night at the home of Jerry St. Dennis on the reservation. A large number of peo ple were present and a good time is reported. . : Representative Barrett returned to Salem Saturday evening. He was ac companied by his son, Henry, who will spend a couple of weeks in the valley. ." " .-'"" Lawrence Lieuallen drove up from Adams today in company with a sled load of ladies. Sleighing down Adams way is excellent and all who can are enjoying sleighrides. ; The Athena Truck company yester day unloaded the last of a consign ment of 80 tons of ice from the'North Powder ponds. Mr. Winship' says the ice reecived this season is of superior quality. . A big dance at which everybody had a good time, took place Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rainville, south of town. From all the. country around including Walla Walla, friends of the family came and spent an enjoyable evening. At present there is but one case of scarlet fever in the city. It is in a mild form and the patient a little girl of Mr. G. W. Zerba is getting along nicely. In view of the fact that there is at this time no evidences of an epidemic, school will continue and public gatherings have not been pro hibited by the health authorities. . The following officers of Mignonette Lodge No. 86, Rebekahs, were install ed Tuesday evening by Miss Mac Gross, district deputy: Mary Sharp, Noble Grand; Lola Payne, "Vice Grand; Mattie Hill, Secretary; Carrie Sharp, Treasurer; Jennie Gross, Financial Secretary. After installa tion ceremonies, refreshments were served. Born, in Athena to Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Campbell, January 26, 1907, a son. R. E. Stewart is recovering from pneumonia and will soon be able to be up. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ely took ad vantage of the fine sleighing Wednes day, and drove over to Weston. George Gerking has been afflicted with blood poisoning in his hand. He is improving and is able to be out During the flood yesterday Schubert and Will Pinkerton each had an artesian well on their places north of town. - . The Misses Forrest came in town yesterday to take the train for Walla Walla, but owing to the flood, re turned home. Miss Minnie Keen is home on a va cation from St. Paul's school, Walla Walla. The young lady has such a good standing in her studies that she did not have to take the examination this term. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LU M LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol. 30 Athena, Oregon, January 31, 1930 No. 8 Editorial Early to bed and early to rise, cut the weeds and swat the flies, mind your own business and tell no lies; don't get gay and deceive your wives, pay your debts and use enterprise and buy from home merchants if you want to be wise. A. M. Johnson, Editor Reward offered for the apprehension of the person or persons that ptole the mercury from bur themometer. The fact that part of it has been returned doesn't help much. KING COAL is on their trail too. ' Household Hints We are always Johnny - on - the spot with suggestions that fit the season. When the water pipes are frozen we suggest that' you move the furniture out into the front yard and build a fire on the floor of the living room. After Nature had taken her usual course, the pipes will be well thaw ed. Collect the insur ance and dash madly to the' Tura-A-Lum olllce for plans, and specifi cations for a new home that knows better than to let its water system freeze. P. S. Don't tell Leon Miller. - , Pome "You may stay out late and get lit up t. few." Said the hen to .the farmer, "But I'm laying for . you." A Tum-A-Lum straw loft chicken house will keep hens laying- ' all winter. With eggs at the present prica it wouldn't take long , io Ipay for such a house, finis and many other fine plans are for your use at our office. Stop for a while by 'our hot fire and look over the plan r books of farm buildings we have. Chicken houses cost about $1.25 per hen, or the price of 2 dozen eggs. The man who vents is committing .financial suicide on the install ment plan and we'll lay ioo to 1 that "Home Sweet Home" was not written' by a renter. The year Paul Bunyen Dogged off Oregon it went to 400 degrees be low zero and despite the (efforts of his cookhouse Bremen, the coffee froze while it was boiling. It is not too cold to klo interior remo leling and painting. St. Valentine's Day February 14 We have a fine, varied stock of Valentines for you to select from. Call and See them. KILGORE'S CAFE Bring in Your Bent and Sprung Axles THIS SHOP IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AXLE - GAGUE .... TO STRAIGHTEN AXLES Acetylene Welding and Black smithing C M. Jones Blacksmith Shop The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA" FROOME, Prop. Court eons Treatment, Clean Beds ; Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome ': Special Attention Given to Home. Patrons Corner Main and Third . ..' Athena, Oregon .-- RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. H. HILL Athena - Bell & Gray ! ,: t " - Phone 593 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country Maul mg Twin City Cleaners The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the Eowest Prices Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on Monday," Thursday and Saturday. We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon I 1 Farmers Grain EleVator :r:: ;: Company Grian and Feed A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. S3 . It Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and me. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 683. Reduction In Electric Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates -y-First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH ; Excess over 30 KWH used, per month..3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. s ' v Commercial Rates First 100 KWH used per month..........10c per KWH Next 200...:.... ......7c per KWH Next 300.......:................................ ..6c per KWH Next 400...... .....................................5c per KWH Next 1Q00 ;.4C per KWH Excess over 2000..:........ ....3c per KWH - The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. - . .,, Preston-Shaffer Milling Company : UMTg it Ell i s Walla Walla General Hospital A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care of patients. X-Rav and bacteriological labortories, washed air ventilation. v' Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser vices are included at the regular rates which are $3.50 to $6.00 Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage is solicited. Phone 480. -;