The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 31, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thin;; that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Committee on Organization
of a Local Cooperative
f Body Appointed.
At a meeting of farmers held at
the Standard Theatre Monday after
noon, there were between forty and
fifty farmers in attendance. ..Wf O;
Read presided at the meeting, and
after explaining its purpose . was to
organize a local cooperative branch
of the. North Pacific Grain Growers,
a subsidiary of the National Grain
Growers to cooperate with the Na
tional Grain Corporation in the mar
keting of grain under regulations of
the federal farm board, he introduc
ed A. R. Shumway, who addressed
the meeting.
Mr. Shumway is one of four di
rectors of the North Pacific Grain
Growers, the other three being Roy
Ritner of Pendleton, John Withy
combe of Arlington, and C. A. Harth
. of The Dalles. ;::;rv;J . ';yvi'
Shumway explained the history of
the farm movement over the past
eight years, and was emphatic, in
stating that on the farmers of each
locality? themselves, depended the
success or failure of plans to cooper
ate in the marketing of grain under
provisions laid down by ; the federal
farm board, saying that "each lo
cality had to organize."
After going into details covering
the relative connection of local organ
izations with the North Pacific, the
National and the federal farm board,
Mr.' Shumway entered into explana
tion of the principal features of the
contract, which are as, follows: ', . ,.
; "The farmer signs a perpetual con
tract, but after delivering one crop
to the association and is dissatisfied
with the results, he may by notice,
, with-hold his grain and market it
himself withdut any additional ex
pense." -V j-: ;
"All grain ia marketed for its mem
bers by the National ' Association,
but each member has three way? to
sell his grain. He may pool his
grain and get the average price paid
throughout the year, sell on the day
he delivers, or on any day after de
livery that he elects. In the two lat
ter cases he receives all his money on
the day of sale.
"The National Association advances
money to the grower through hia
local up to 90 per cent of the market
price, subject to market conditions
throughout the world. . , , .
"The warehousing to remain as it
is now, until changes are asked for
by the locals. If a local at any time
desires to build a warehouse or ele
vator, government money will be
available up to 80 per cent of its
value on 20 years time at 4 per cent
"Each farmer subscribes for stock
in the local, regional and national, at
$30 a share, one share for each thou
sand bushels he raises. He pay3 10
per cent of the par value the first
year and five equal payments for the
balance. s
"This stock is returned to him when
he severs his association with the
At the close of this explanation a
number of farmers signified their in
tention of trying to form a local. One
hundred thousand bushels were repre
sented by the signatures, a committee
was appointed and another meeting
to elect officers will be called at a
later date. i
W. O. Read, president of the meet
ing, appointed the following farmers
on a committee to secure member
ship for the Athena local: Alex Mc-
Intyre, A. R. Coppock, L. R. Pinker.
ton, T, L. McBride and E. B. Foster.
The committee desires farmers
who want to sign up with the local
organization to come forward nl do
so as soon as possible, with the 'view
to getting the local m operation.
American Bankers Show
A Phenomenal . Gain In
Trust Service Branches
Curing Cross Eyes by Machinery
President American Bankers
' Association v
CO phenomenal has been the Increase
of trust business that statisticians
are unable to keep a true record ofl
Its advancement.
There are now
something like
8,500 active trust
departments 1 n
banks In America,
while In 1S00 only
1G5 active trust
departments had
been Established.
In becoming the
custodians or the
guardians of the
property of oth
ers,, bankers as- j0hn G. Lonsdale
sume what , has :-
been fittingly described as one of the
"most exalted human relationships ever
created by law." They become at once
a big brother, a big sister, an advisor,
or a confessor, sworn so to conduct
themselves that clients will be won to
them by their ability and integrity.
Thousands of little children have re
ceived an education and have been
started off right In life through the
trust department's safe keeping and
guidance of the family estate, number
less widows have been protected from
merciless stock swindlers, many thou
sands of business. men hav been re
lieved of troublesome details in the
conduct of their business through the
creation of a living trust and still
others have safeguarded their busi
ness enterprises through life insur
ance trusts.
The favorable reaction of the publie
toward trust department eervice is not
accidental. It may be traced jointly
to the growing intelligence of the
American people in financial affaire
and . to advertising to the world at
large the merits of trust services. Ad
vertising used in a sensible, Judicious
way is necessary, a power that has ac
complished much good for humanity.
Among the detailed services ren
dered by a trust department the one
that seems to be winning favor the
fastest is the life insurance trust. Life
Insurance 1s the quickest known way
of creating an estate. In reality It af
fords the possessor the opportunity of
setting up a positive monetary safe
guard for his family and then paying
for It on the installment plan, . ,
A married man is not fair to bis
family if he fails to carry life insur
ance. I would say to the young man,
"Buy insurance befora you buy tho
ring," and to tha youns woman I
would say, "Merry no man ro thoiLt
less as to scoff at lira insurance."
j i .
i r
I Li')
L. B. Reeder Pead
L. B. Reeder, uncle of Otha Reeder,
died at Portland Sunday night. Lee,
Reeder, as he was known here, grew!
to manhood on a farm near Athena J
and at one time practiced law in thhi
city, having offices upstairs in thi
building now occupied by the Corn' f
garage. leaving Ainena, ur. ivseu
er went to Pendleton, where lie be
came the law partner of J. H. Ealey.
He represented Umatilla county in
the legislature, while a resident here.
He is survived by his widow, one
daughter, Mrs. Bowman of Portland;
one sister, Mrs. Chas. Ely of Tacema;
one brother, Walter Ely of. Port
Hill, Idaho, and Otho Reeder, nephew
of Athena. ,
Ivan Cox Will Set Up
Combines In Russia
Ivan (Coxie) Cox, who for a long
time made his home with Mr. and
Mrs. Venard Bell, when they resided
on the farm south of Athena, has
gone tq Russia, where he will be in
charge of several mechanics going
from the United States to set up and
start in operation combine harvest
ers, sold to the soviet government by
the Caterpillar Tractor company of
Stockton, California, and Peoria,
Ivan writes Venard Bell that he
stood highest in examination at the
Peoria branch of the company. He
receives $300 per month and ex
penses; $100 in ' Russian money,
which he will use to take care of
himself in Russia, and $200 Ameri
can money, which the company has
been instructed by him to tuck away
in the First National Bank of Ath
ena for his future needs.
He writes Mr. Bell that the com
pany is shipping 750 harvesters to
Russia, . and there are seven as
sembling mechanics in his party,
which left New York on the Acqult
ania, January 16.
"I figure," says Ivan in his letter,
"that I have got the biggest thing
in the world and I am going to make
the very best of it The company
iust told us in the office here today,
t we would be what we would
'"vYa ourselves. If we made good we
stay just as long as we want
at our own price."
I. i
-mrx' 1; .-'!
;fev iiiiiiiiii iMmmimmmmmmmm
" inc'rti'S im
The only one In Wiisliinglon nnd one of the few In the couutry for eiirinij
cross eyes is lliis unusunl nmclilne owned by Dr. W. D. Reddin!, who Is shown
with one of Ills young patlPiits. . :
Athena Takes Game f
From Weston Hi, 24-11
Weston high school sent over a
likely-looking quintet to oppose Ath
ena on the local court, Friday eve
ning, but the lads from over the hill
didn't click in the first half. They
went into the dressing room for the
rest period with only one point to
their credit, while "Pike" Miller's
hopefuls went into their siesta with
14. , -.
: Weston pepped up in the third
period and gave the local tossers a
real workout, but in the final quarter
she again had trouble in locating the
hoop, the game ending with some
speed and a sprinkling of roughness.
Score, Athena 24, Weston 11.
Leland Jenkins was high point win
ner for Athena with 12 to his credit.'
Here's a lad that has all the makings
of a real basketball player, and
don't you forget it. Myrlck was sec
ond with 8 markers. For Weston-
Thomas and McConnel led with four
each, The lineup:
Athena Weston
Myrlck 8..;.......,...F.;,.. ........... FoKa
Jenkins 13.,.........-F Kirk
Huffman .. ....C......J J. Fuller
Rogers 2........... G... 4 Thomas
Crowley 2. ........G .3 L. Fuller
Hansell..- 4 McConnel
Pickett -Ross
Reeder, Banister. r , t v
Graders In Preliminary
Athena and Weston graders enter.
tained the large audience in a pre
liminary exhibition to the high school
game, Athena graders taking the
contest, 18 to 2.
Practice games during the week
included a tilt between Athena Hi
and the town team Tuesday evening,
won by Hi, 17 to 12. Practice was
held for the girls when the whites,
captained by Frances Cannon, led
the Orange until the last few. minutes
of play, when the game ended in a
tie, 19 all.
Secretary Hyde Warns
On Over Production
Store Not Sold
Persistent reports that Mrs. Alice
Eager had sold her Quality Grocery
store are wholly without foundation,
says the proprietor. Mrs. Eager
says that she will continue to serve
her customers with Quality groceries
at prevailing low prices.
Origin ef Fire Unknown
b cause has yet been found for
nre which badly damaged the
ck of Young and Lester's Florist
dp, at Walla Walla, Wednesday
night at 7:40 o'clock. The fire start
ed in the work room behind the store
and apparently started underneath
a zinc covered work table. Damage
done to the rear of the building in
which the store is located, will neces
sitate the remodeling of that part
of the structure.
$3 License fee Sought
H, H. Stallard of Portland has filed
with the secretary of state a pre
liminary petition for an initiative
measure establishing a $3 license fee
for motor vehicles and increasing
the gasoline tax from 4 o 5 cents a
gallon. Stallard attempted to initiate
a similar measure in 1928, but the
petiticns were not CbarjltteH.
The W. C. T, U.
The W. C. T. U. held its monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. A.
Kibbey Tuesday, p. m., at 2 o'clock.
There were thirteen members pres
ent During the business session,
Mrs, C, L, McFadden resigned as
secretary on account of her leaving
soon for Portland to reside, and
Beryl Pilkey was elected to take her
place. An entertaining program pre
pared by Mrs, Roy Cannon was given
by a few of the members, after which
dainty refreshments were served by
Mrs. Stella Keen assisted by others.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Lee Hiteman on the
last Tuesday in February.
Diesel Engine Purchased
Umatilla county has purchased a
new 120-horse power Diesel engine
which will be placed in commission as
soon as weather will permit to furn
ish power for rock crushers. Jhe new
Diesel , will replace an older engine
which was operated at eost of $10
per day. The new engine operates
at a cost of about $2 per day for
fuel consumption, leaving a saving
of $8 per day to the county.
Feet Frostbitten
While working on a ranch near
Helix Wednesday of last week,
George Karsari had his feet frost
bitten. After several hours atten
tion, Mr. Karsari was given relief.
He says he was unaware that his
feet were extremely cold. ,
Putting Up Ice
Huge cakes of ice are being cut
at Meacham Lake in the Blue
Mountains and being stored away
for summer use by the Oregon Trail
Trading company, at its store in
Washington. Secretary Hyde tells
the farmers of the nation that "blind
production" is the bane of agricul
ture.' '' V . :' ':
Hyde said he wanted to emphasize
that in order to obtain a higher level
of prices that prevails now it ap
peared necessary to reduce ' rather
than to increase 1930 production and
that the problem must be met on the
farm. ' - '..'' '
"If we are to make agriculture
profitable we must not only produce
at lowest possible cost but must al
so keep our production reasonably
close to prospective . domestic de
mand," he said. "Blind production
for an unknown demand is now the
bane of agriculture Competitive sell
ing by six million individual farmers
usually gives the purchaser a great
advantage. The challenge of the new
decade is to act collectively to over
come this situation. 1
"Agriculture's leadership has
formulated and secured . the enact
ment of the agricultural marketing
act which established the federal
farm board backed by a half a bil
lion dollars of public money and
clothed with far reaching powers in
applying collective thinking to that
great problem of the new decade
the problem of modern cooperative
merchandising of crops and live
stock, - "
"But all this will-break down unless
each farmer intelligently plans his
production," the secretary continued.
"The individual farmer oea a duty
to himself to make his efforts profit
able and a duty to his fellow farmer
to help make agriculture profitable.
We cannot do this if farmers work
against each other. , We can do it if
we work with each other."
The secretary said that detailed
information on the agricultural out
look will be brought, to every com
munity within the next month at
thousands of farm meetings conduct
ed by the extension service of the department.
Umatilla at Agua Caliente
The East Oregonian publishes the
names of people well known in this
county who were recent visitors at
Agua Caliente, California: Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Drumheller, of Walla
Walla; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Thomp.
son, of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs.
Gler.n Dudley, of Athena;. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Irwin, of Cheyenne; Mr,
and Mrs. Thad Sweek, of Seattle;
Mrs. Blanche Miller," of Seattle; Mr.
and Mrs. Plowdon Stott of Portland;
Harry Kuck of Portland and Carl
Perringer of Pendleton.'
The Dairy Situation -
Has a Bright Side
i v , In Centralization
Elimination of unprofitable cows,
increased consumption of dairy pro
ducts, and centralizing the industry
are some of the beneficial develop
ments likely to accrue from the pres
ent disastrous slump in dairy mar
kets, believes P, M, Brandt, for many
years head of the dairy department
at Oregon State college. ,
Professor Brandt has made an
analysis of the situation, foreseen in
part and warned against a year ago,
and has outlined what he beiieves is
I the most profitable procedure-i or the
uairymari in Dusiness on.. a- major
scale. The sideline dairyman who
with high prices was able to keep a
few extra rcvs, not too well man-
aged, to edd s bit to his other in
come will be the one to feel most
the effect of the market crash, he be
lieves, while the real dairyman oper
ating on a business basis can
weather the slump and profit by the
elimination of the marginal pro
ducers. :
"There is no reason to believe that
the dairy cattle market will be af
f ected to the extent that it will be un
wise to raise good calves." said Pro
fessor Brandt. "It 1b reasonable to
expect that the price for grade cat
tie will decrease during' tha next
several months, but this will give
opportunity for reorganization of
the larger , herds operated on a busi
ness basis. ..,-! ,
"The present situation emphasizes
the need of following the dairy pro
gram outlined for this , stato . while
prices were high. This1 calh for herd
improvement associations, irrigated
pastures where necessary to decrease
production costs, pure bred, sirss and
larger herds, continuance of improve
ment in butter quality that has doub
led the high score butter in the last
year, and more education about and
advertising of the food value of
dairy products. j V ; '
"Incidently farmers might set a
good example in increasing their own
use of dairy products in every, form
possible," he concluded.
Weather Drives Deer
Down, Cougar Follow
and Hunters Get Them
PortIand.--To William Clark, - of
Oak Ridge goes the cougar killing
laurels for the month of December.
He had already made .rlaims for nine
bounties of $25 each to the state
game commission, and there are rpv
eral dayr yet to go in the month,
Harold umord, state game warden
estimates that Clark's activities with
dogs and gun during December alone
have saved more than 400 deer to the
state. Bud Kinsley of Fall Creek
aiso nung up a good record as a
cougar , exterminator he
ked five. A. F. Pepiot scored a kill
rpi four and Charles Durgin of Rid
dle Bagged three. -So far a total of
28 cougar have been killed durinc tha
montn. !.,' 'I.'.-..',.. z r. . .-.-
Stephen Horecney of Clatson eoun
ty, with a partner and without the
aid of dogs bagged four cou?nr last
weeK and in so doing learned some
thing new about the bier cats. With
his partner he was following the
tracks of the animals. After a time
they found themselves traveling over
me aeep snow in a circle. Horecney
dropped over to one side and let his
partner go on the trail. Presently he
saw a cougar following his compan
ion's tracks. He had no difficulty in
killing the animal. This nerformnncn
was three times repeated. The fourth
cougar was wounded and ook flight.
The hunters followed him through
tne snow and finally broucrht him
down, i ' .
The cold weather, with it
nas Drought the deer down to lower
levels. Cousrar have fnllnwpd thom
and thus afforded hunters a better
opportunity for kills.
Woodmen Still Opposing
Old Line Insurance policy
Denver. The Woodmen of the
World here have filed a brief in the
state supreme court opposing a re
quest for a writ of supersedeas ask
ed by officers of the organization.
The members are opposing the
effort of the officers of the benefit put into effect an old line
insurance policy.
The members contend ' that the
fifteenth 'annual head camp held at
Oakland, Cal., in July, 1928, did not
adopt an amendment authorizing a
new insurance by the necessary two
thirds of all authorized votes.
The brief states the organization
had more than $10,000,000 for in
surance benefits in its treasury at
the time of the last head camp and
there was no need for new insurance
'. Stanfield Here Tonight
The Stanfield high school boys and
girls' basketball teams are coming to
Athena tonight to play Athena high
a doubleheader on the local court.
Stanfield broke into last year's
schedule by taking the brace of
games from Athena, but right now
the home quintets are doped to give
a good account of themselves against
the teams ffom the west end of the
county. Good attendance at games
In the Athena gym has been the rule
this winter, and to insure getting a
seat everybody, should be on hand
early tonight The first game will
start at 7:30.
Rural Mail Carrying
During the cold weather, J. E.
Jones, Athena rural route mail car
rier, managed to get the mail through
every day during the cold weather
and heavy going, with little delay,
Where he was fortunate in making
his dally deliveries, other routes in
the county were not so well served
by carriers on account of impassable
condition of the roads.
Change Stopping Place
Union Pacific stages now make
(heir stopping place to take on pas
sengers at McFadden's Pharmacy,
where tickets are sold. The stages
formerly stopped at the Athena Ho
tel, where the company had its ticket
office. - .
43 Degrees Lowest
When the thermometer registered
43 degrees below zero ' at Meacham
last week, old timers there said it
was the coldest since 1919. The cold
period, too, was the longest since
that yVar.
Sunshine Melts Snow .
Smiling sunshine, no chinook about
it, melted the 12-inch blanket of
snow covering the Athena district in
to a mushy mess, Wednesday. For
the first time in several weeks, Mr.
Average Citizen came down town
without his overcoat and squads of
sparrows chirruped in tho treetops.
The general opinion expressed is
that the soil is in proper shape to
absorb the snow as it melts at this
time, but Wednesday night tempera
ture went to 18 above and Ice wai on
the weather menu again. '
Stage Skids Into Ditch
The west bound Union Tacific
stage skidded into the ditch between
Athena and Weston, Wednesday
morning and arrived here nearly
two 'hours off schedule. The high
way was slick with ice, necessitating
careful driving,, and this the stage
driver was doing when the big ve
hicle skidded off the highway, and
took sometime to get It back on the
hardsurface again. No damage re
sulted to the stage, and the passen
gers were not even shaken op.
Longest Married Couple
Walla Walla. Mrs. Marw Ann
Shotwell Kinman. 83. of CnlWo
Place, who would iave celebrated
with her husband,, , Thomas Louis
lunman, her 74th wedding anniver
sary had she lived until Fehmarv 20
died at 10:30 in her home Wednes
day evening. About a - year ago,
nation-wide publicity was given Mr.
and Mrs. Kinman when Mr, and Mrs.
W. D. Aurand, Kansas City, after a
nation wide search deslcnati'd thom
the longest married couple in Amer-
Higher Dog Licenses'
County Clerk Brown, whose busi
ness it is to collect dog licenses
says they are a dollar higher this
year than last Tho legislature made
the increase in price at its last ses
sion. The county dog license is now
$2 for males and $3 for females.
Local Druggist Purchases
a Pharmacy In Portland
C. L. McFadden has purchased the
Grant High Pharmacy at 83rd Street,
Portland, and will take possession of
his new store February 10. The store
purchased by Mr. McFadden is one of
the largest located in East Portland.
It is located in the vicinity of Grant
high school, and does a large year
ly business.
Mr. McFadden will move his family
to Portland at once, and is offering
his Athena residence property for
sale. He has been in business in
Athena for nearly eleven years and
built up a satisfactory business at
McFadden's Pharmacy during that
time. His reason for making a
change at this time, Mr. McFadden
says, is due to the splendid opportu
nity offered in securing the Port
land store.
The hale of McFadden's Pharmacy
is now being negotiated with Leo
Cox, pharmacist of Colfax, Washing
ton. The deal has not been com
pleted, but Mr. Cox was hero recent
ly and inspected the Athena store.
Whether Mr. McFadden sells his
Athena store or not, be will go to
Portland, leaving .Leonard Geissel as
manager, and employing a resistei
ed pharmacist here in event the snle
to Mr. Cox is not made.
Eurned By Add
Glenn Staggs, Milton druggist,
was seriously burned on the face by
nitric acid, one day this week. Mr.
Staggs pulled the stopper from a
bottle which contained the acid, when
it splashed in hia face, burning him
bad!? abtfut tire eye.
Wheat Prices Hit Bottom
Wheat prices at Chicago were sub
merged beneath the farm board's ap
proved loan value Wednesday and
nearly reached a ground level price
for the year. Sluggish foreign - de
mand for North American wheat re
ports that Russia was an exporter
and a general weakness at all the
principal markets were the unsettl
ing factors. Prices on the Chicago
board of trade slumped as much as
three cents, a bushel but recovered to
close at 2 to 2 cents loss for the
Telephone Equipment
A large consignment of telephone
equipment for construction work hat
been received at Athena and is being
put in storage at this time. As to
the nature and amount of construc
tion work to be done by the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company in
this district has not been revealed.
The Worthington building on Main
street is being used as a eLoraga
place for part of the material.
Mrs. Louis Stewart ia convalpwinv
at he cai9 tiOrtb tt fdwn. .
Amount Paid for Machine
Classed as Capital Expenditure.
Portland. Nine imnortant HpHup-
.tions are allowed motorists in filing
leuerui income rax reiurns lor l)6v,
according, to the Automobile clnh nf.
Washington, which has secured from
the United States bureau of internal '
revenue a brief outline of al1owhl
deductions, as well aa important
items of expense which cannot be de
ducted.. '
For the first time, motorinta am
permitted to deduct cnsolina taxa
on gasoline used in nrivata nlfnnrn
cars, this , deduction having been
i . 1 i a. . . .
granted recently alter the Automo
bile club filed a brief with the '
government explaining the tax in
this state was a consumer's tax. The
tax is figured at 2 cents prior to July
1. 1929. and at 3 cents after that
date. Following are deductions al
lowed: ,
1. All sums paid during the calen
dar year as registration fees, drivers'
licenses, state personal property
taxes and municipal taxes.
2. The total sum paid as a gaso
line tax. '
3. Interest on money borrowed for
the purchase of an automobile used
for either business or pleasure.
4. All operating and maintenance
expenses, including depreciation, on
automobiles used wholly for business;
or a pro rata share of such expenses,
representing business use whera a .
passenger car is used ehiefly (more -
than 50 per cent) for business. De- -
preciation usually is figured at 20 per
cent per annum.
5. Automobile insurance on auto
mobiles used for business purposes.
6. Uncompensated losses, sustained '
by reason of damage to any auto
mobile used for either pleasure or
business. ' " O
7. Damage paid for injuries to per
sons or for destruction of property,
provided the automobile at tho time
of the accident was being used for
8. The amount of financing charges
on automobiles purchased, which cov
ers the interest and risk on the loan,
but not the amount covering the pre
mium on insurance to protect the fi
nance company's interest.
9. Loss sustained where an auto
mobile used for business purposes is
traded in for a new car. v
The following two important items
are not deductible, according to the
Automobile club:
1. The amount paid for an auto-
mobile, used for either business or "
pleasure, this being a capital ex
penditure and subject to claim for de
preciation where the automobile is
used for business purposes.
2. Losses sustained where an auto
mobile used for pleasure is traded in
for a new car.
In making deductions, motorists ,
must ' differentiate between business
and pleasure vehicles and between ;
tax payments and capital expendi
tures, , the motor association points
-Civil War Veteran
Calif M. Drew, 85, civil war veter
an, father of Howard Drew a former
teacher in Athena schools, died at
the home of his son in Pendleton,
Monday. Mr. Drew was an Oregon
pioneer. Born in Maine, at the ago
of 15 he enlisted in Company K. 6th
Maine Infantry and served through
the civil war, and was wounded while
serving in the Army of the Potomac.
After the war he went to California
by way of the Isthmus of Panama,
coming to Oregon in 1885, settling in
Tillamook county.
Games Postponed
On account of the cold weather,
the Athena-Echo doubleheader bas
ketball games, scheduled for last
Saturday evening, were postponed to
a later date. The cold endured by
the Athena players, when the trip to
Pilot Rock was made, considerably
dampened their ardor for a visit to
Echo under like conditions.
Two 8-Hour Shifts
With the beginning of road im
provement work this spring, the
county will inaugurate the system of
employing two 8-Hour shifts on con-.
struction work. The new policy ia
xpected to rush road work through
to completion this year. Special
road district No. 66 will have the
first work done when spring opens.
Regatta Dates Selected
Pendleton Post American Legion
has selected June 14 and 15 as the
dates for holding the annual regatta
at McKay Lake. Committees to make
arrangements for holding the regat
ta will be named at the noxt meet
in b'f tho tfdst.
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