THE PRESS, "ATHENA; OREGON; JANUARY 241930 I T (mm 1 The Largest chain store organization of its kind in the United States. Our Motto: Quality always higher than the price. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Campbell's Spaghetti 2 cans 29c Peets Granulated Soap , 2pkgs. 79c Red and White Ripi Olives, No. 1 size; " 2 cans43C Serv-Us Spinach, No.-2 tin ' 2 cans 43c Serv-Us Sweet Potatoes, No. 2y2 tin . . v . 2 cans 47c- . " Serv-Us Strawberries and Raspberries , No. 2 tin Serv-Us Tomatoes, No. 2X2 tin ; 4 cans 89c Blue and White Matches, 6 box cartons 2 for 38c . . Mothers Oats, , with premium, large pkg: ,.- '; 39c ;. ..... . , ' P rr r: 5!L ' . 3rava Swansdown Cake Flour -. 34c Crisco, 3 lb. tin-79c E D 11 0 FJ TAG U E PHONE 171 YOUTH-AND THE HEW LEADERSHIP -By CRAIG B. HAZLEWOOD President American Banker Assoc!' -i tion . LEADERSHIP ia a picturesque word. With1 f . . nn -nlntnrna TTnnnlhftl fighting Til way through the passes ot the " Alps I I Craig B. Haxltwood J? Continental Oil Company Always at Your Service Athena Service Station Gas, Oils, Greasing -Automobile Assessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761 Drop El J your winter driving worries Here - - - - By Zerba Dangerous days are ahead for slippery, smoothworn, easily punctured tires. Drive in and see us about new Goodyear'. We will demonstrate and prove to you the tread and tarcas superiority in Goodyears superiority made possible at no extra cost to you, by reason of Goodyear' factory production being nearly TWICE that of any other company. Here too more people ride on Tires than on any other kind L All Sizes All Types All Prices High Quality at Low Cost in the Famous t Napoleon In hi cam palgn s or Washington hold ing together hit half-frozen army by the sheer mag netism of his character at Val ley Forge. But 1 visualize -something that holds a more astound ing spectacle - in many r e s p e c ts than any of these.: It Is the onrush of our business life. Our economic progress plunges ahead at a rate unheard of In the history of the nations of the world and every Industrial and financial leader is dally brought, face to face with new. and perplexing problems requiring the highest courage and Intelligence for their solution. . Ninety billions a year, they tell us, this country is now producing in new wealth. The rate of increase is even more 'staggering than the amount. It Is difficult to say where It may lead us in even ten or fifteen year. We are moving exceptionally fast. Our economic and industrial structure is placing before us problems ot greater and greater magnitude.- Few men can see far ahead. Few are in complete control, for this is chang ing world, as even the most inexperi enced business man will readily tes tify. Our methods of adjusting our selves rapidly to economic change and of cooperating are far from per feet. 1 Wha't an opportunity the leadership ot five, ten or fifteen years from now presents! What an adventure it will be! What responsibilities it will lay upon the broadest shoulders that may be found! This is the challenge to leadership as I see it. In the hands of the young men must rest the respon sibility for this leadership. ' 1 Boys Who Reached the Pinnacle Business Is full of the romance of 1 vouneaters whose chief characteristic) Lwas working hard and keeping at it There was a green farmer boy wno ue clded he would rather stand behind a counter than follow a plow. H seemed so obviously lacking in sale ability that for a. time no merchant would hire him. He failed In Tils first position, and In his second hi salary waa reduced. ' He even agreed that he wag a misfit but be stuck. Out ot his first five stores, I believe, "three failed. But he persisted and worked hard. And that boy, Frank W. Wool worth, hecame the greatest retail merchant in the world With a Store in every city ot eight thousand or more population In this country. . There was another lad who clerked in a erocery store sixteen hours a day and studied mathematics in his odd moments. He became Interested in the doings of the Bteel plant whose era- ninveea traded at this store. He be gan to study steel and sought a posl tion in the plant. He carried a sur vnvnr'a chain and drove stakes. At nieht he studied mathematics and en gineering. . He did not despair. He could not be diverted. He kept the nressure on for seven years. And that iw Charles- Schwab, mastered the iron Industry and became one ot the country's great industrial leaders. There was a lad who sold papers on train. When he grew up, several million men and a score of billions of dollar of capital were given profitable employment through his inventions. Even in middle life, Thomas Edison continued to work twenty hours a day, it necessary to achieve his purpose. Leadership is not play. Leadership offers countless positions of varying opportunity, ot which the highest pin nacle will mean almost unbearable responsibility in the new era. There will be men with the fire and iron to qualify even for these places. Such men must have had the yery finest preparation and the most grueling test. Their reward will be the attain ment of these highest pinnacles ot achievement, and the rendering of an Immeasurable service to their times, ' Surveys To Be Made Of Oregon's Counties and of Her 922 Cities New and complete facts and data surveys of Oregon's 36 counties an! 922 cities and towns will be complet ed during 1930 by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, according to an announcement made by R. S. Hamilton. President of the organiz ation. Completion of the surveys is a part of the state-wide program of "Build : Oreeon!'? being , conducted by the State Chamber this year. The data compiled will serve as a basis for the publication of literature and national advertising on the state. Industrial facts and data surveys of the larger cities of the state will also be made in cooperation with the local chambers. "Everv thase of the State Cham ber's activities in attracting settlers, tourists' and investors to Oregon is based on facts and accurate informa tion and by bringing all the data about Oregon up to date we hope to strengthen and increase our results and activities," Hamilton said. ; Forms for the surveys are now Koine cnmnleted. A corns of work ers are to be employed to collect and correlate the information.-r' Brodie Is Agreeable . To Finnish Republic A n flnminc torch. Rose Eceers. 8, of Tacoma, raced from her moth er's home to a neighbor's house and fell unconscious at' the feet of her mother, Mrs. Flora Eggers. She died a few hours later in a nospiiai. Tho mother had stenned from her home a few minutes before to run to a nearby house. - The little girl was busy working nhmit the kitchen and in attempting to put a stick of wood in the stove her dress became ignited , Panic-stricken, she raced into tne nnpn air and the flames were fanned about her body. She burst into the room where her mother, a widow, was talking and crumpled to tne floor.' ' . Fire Turns Girl Into ! Torch; She Dies Later Waslii'nB-ton. Senator McNary was advised by the state department that the republic of Finland has sent word that appointment of E. E. Brodie of n.imn aa . minister to that country will be agreeable to the . Finnish government. - . , The department has completed its ..wir and it is exrjected that Presi dent Hoover will send the nomination to the senate, soon. - . Rrndia was recommended by the Oregon senators and his .selection brings recognition ! to their state in the diplomatic cdrps for the first time since Brodie resigned. as minister to Siam. . Drowns in Rogue CnM Rear-h. T. E. Meriwether, 56, was drowned Monday in Rogue river at Two-mile riffle above Agness. Witn his wife he was going to a mining claim at lllahe in a small power boat Arriving at two-mile riffle, he landed his wife to walk around a stretch of treacherous water. In attempting to ascend the riffle the boat swamped. He attempted to swim ashore, but the swift current carried him under. His body has not been recovered. Pilot Rock Worker Hurt Falling 25 feet through a skylight on a grain warehouse at Pilot Rock, Walter Smith suffered serious in juries Monday.. While clearing snow from the roof he backed through a skylight and fell to a concrete floor. His pelvis, five ribs on the leit side, left arm broken and Jeft ankle were fractured. Tractor lows ifVf ,;; : 1 : Oliver 3 and 4-Bottom, 1 6 inch-the New No. :416-High Lift, giving plenty of : Clearance . IP; ,0.3 and 4-Bottom, 16 inch, with High Lift and plenty of Clearance. ' Either Plow can be operated by tractor : driver from tractor seat Made to give Satisfaction. Rogers H Goodman V. (A Mercantile Trust) School District Number 2 Community Nrwa : Virgil Zerba was in Milton Tues day. : Mr. and Mrs. Koy Cannon and Marguerite Ueriord were in Pendle ton Saturday. Mrs. Jesse Smith1 is with her mother Mrs. Patterson who is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Can non. Last week the neighbors went to gether and helped : Louis Stewart finish his house so he could bring his family home from the hospital, ' Jewell Pinkerton spent ' Tuesday night at the home of Rachel Smith, Pathfinder Save on all sizes. Free Mounting ATHENA GARAGE Athena, Oregon Warm Birdie Feet A housewife at Greenleaf, Lane county, did more for feathered vis itors in her back yard than merely feed, them, according to word irom there. She wrapped a heated stove lid in paper and placed it oni the snow for the birds to stand on that they might be comfortable while they ate grain she had spread for them. The birds, she said, seemed to enjoy the luxury of warm feet. Red Cross To the Rescue The American Red Cross has mov ed to rescue 500 families flood-bound in southeastern Missouri and north eastern Arkansas. The situation in the temporary camps and marooned homes was aggravated by rain, snow and cold which was general over the flooded sections. Mrs. Bryan Dead Mr. Mary Baird Erym, widow of William Jenning Bryan, tti late commoner, died Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Grace Bryan Hargreaves, wife of a Beverley Hills, t;alilornia, Dank CLASSIFIED . Alfalfa Hay Frank Jackson has alfalfa hay for sale at his ranch. M -in ': Wi: 1 A k-- - - tt'' if' '9" ''k 3 y ft , 'f fix 3$ WW Working for YOU IT IS the earnest desire of this company to serve you quickly and obligingly, saving your time and giv ing you satisfaction in every contact we are privi leged to have with you. When you call our "business office" to order service or service changes, or to get counsel on a tele phone problem, an experi enced employee sits di rectly before a file that '. contains the history of our service to you. Your telephone prob- Itm then becomes his or her personal interest. . It will be properly recorded and then; carefully f ol-,! lowed up. Telephone service is a personaservice. We want you to feel that we are working for you. Tin? Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company . Dr. W. Boyd Whyte , CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, V Phone '70S Pendleton. Oregon 9S7 J DR. BLAT CHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 WATTS A PRESTBTB Attorney-A t-Law Mrtn Street. Athena, Oregon ' State and Federal Court Prartke . DR. R. M. RICE Physician and Surgeon Offices, Hill Building ; Athena, Oregon DR. . P. SHARP F'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon Why suffer with-, tired, aching feet? ; Regardless of their condition, I can help you L M. MOREMEN Foot Correctionist 22 W. Main St Walla Walla PETERSON & LEWIS Attorney at Law Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon. ' Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work Prices Reasonable Athena, Oregon v n ins PARK and MICE STAIN ' C. T. Booth ' ' Successor to "Pink" Third Street ... - Athena Foley's Kidney Cure kidneys mnd blidthr rl?Ui Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK0F ATHENA, OREGON, 1 Announces that it has com-pieted the organ ization of a Trust Department and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate.' Ask us for Information A. JL A. j.