A BIG JOB. BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a biff job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. Ik NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 43 ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 24, 1930 NUMBER 4 BOREAS RIDES GOLD WAVE Athena Has Five Inches of Snowfall Sunday, Brings Total to 12 Inches, - r1 Y Old man Boreas continues to ride on his cold wave over the North t western states1,' 1H tesft2te Ihoot. : ing zero, weather in alternate, gobs, : crossing up his program with snow storms. -'';';-'. - ' -"" ' After dishing up below-zero tern- perature last weeK, ne rusnea in a y snowstorm Sunday. Approximately j five inches of new snow fell in Ath- ena, leaving a total of 12 inches on the ground Monday morning. Then the thermometer turned and zoomed down to 14 degrees below zero. At 11:30 p. m. Sunday night the mercury registered 5 above,, the downward plunge taking place in the early morning hours of Monday. Furnaces and heating stoves are kept blazing Jiot day and night to keep Athena homes comfortable. It ; is taking lots of fuel for warmth, but as there is no apparent shortage at this time no complaints are heard. A iew . homeowners have reported bursted water pipes, but as a rule m-a fa Vioir.tr ovarpiaprt in this resnect. ( " 1 W v.---- 1 Sidewalks have been reasonably well kept free from snow. The through Btreets were given the once over ( Monday morning by Charley Payne, Vho hitched his mules to a snow rplow that did satisfactory service. A, Auto stage service on the Oregon Washington highway was not in terrupted seriously. The Athena high way crew kept the rpad open by the Vmely use of snowplows and the ,ges were enabled to keep close to .icir time schedules, . y"! The Walla Walla valley has near i ly a foot of snow, which is fine and ". dry and should a stiff wind prevail, yaffle is liable to be retarded by Vifts. - Four inches of new snow greeted s- residents of Portland Sunday," and city put on 450 men and 120 i cks to remove it through the ar t Jsva of traffic. East of Portland the storm assum- blizzard proportions and for a ,iie the -Columbia highway was tked. lie John Day highway, the Arling . ii-Heppner road, the road to Molalla ' and the Canyon road out of Portland were closed. Motorists traveling from Portland to Beaverton or Forest Grove were advised to go by way of TerwiUiger boulevard. The Ever green highway east from Vancouver, Wash., was open only to Washougal. The most serious trouble was be tween Astoria and Seaside and be tween Yamhill and Tillamook. The mid-Columbia region was cov ered with a 22-inch blanket of snow following one of the most severe storms in recent years. ; State hlgh i way crews were making desperate ef fort to keep major traffic arteries open, but -were being handicapped by slides on the Columbia river road. Oregon Farm Outlook v Oregon State College. The 1930 agricultural outlook report for Ore gon and the nation at large will be issued through the college extension service early In February. The na tibnal report, now being prepared, will be adapted to local conditions as jsoon as published and these state findings will be distributed through the press, by radio and through the mail. The extension service will pub lish 5000 copies of the full state re port and from 40,000 to 50,000 separ ates dealing with single enterprises ., each as poultry, dairying, livestock, farm crops and horticulture. ; Colonel Raley Honored Colonel J. H. Raley, Pendleton pio neer and well known attorney, has been greatly honored with congratu lations from people of his county anJ the state at large, on his attaining his 75th birthday anniversary. Colonel Raley has been a resident of Umatilla county for 69 years and in the past has been state senator and has held numerous positions of trust. Bailey To Run Edward F. Bailey, senator from Lane county, announced he would formally announce his candidacy for the democratic gubernatorial nomi nation.. Senator Bailey resides at Junction City. Oldtimer Here -.' E. Bender was here this week from Kennewick, Washington. A long time ago Mr. Bender was em ployed on the Frank Berlin ranch, and is well known to oldtimers here. 10 Below At Walla Walla With th mercury hitting 10 below, the lowest this season, and with the barometer reading the highest ever recorded. Walla Walla Tuesday shiv ered under bright tiau Kitchen Range Explodes In the Baptist Parsonage Fortunately No Injuries Due to a frozen water back in the kitchen range at the Baptist parson age, occupied by Rev. Dow and fam ily, it exploded with a terrific force Wednesday morning . The exnlosion literally demolished the range and scattered broken frag ments of iron, live coals, ashes and cinders over the kitchen. Fortunately the family were in the dining room, and the members thus escaped injury. Had they been at the breaklast table in the lritphfm. where thev would have congregated &4sw minutes later, un doubtedly serious consequences would have resulted. , Rev. Dow tried the faucets before kindling the morning fire and they were found to be running freely, Alter while he ioined other members of the family in the dining room. He had no sooner entered than the ex ninsinn occurred. The swinging door between the kitchen and dining room was forced open and a portion oi tne ranee and cinders were r hurled through it into the room, a range door narrowly missing JacK uow, where he stood. . - . -f The concussion which forced the dining room door ajar found its vent there, nnd thus saved the windows in the kitchen from destruction. Ice formed in the water back, within a few inches from a partition which was warmed by an . oil stove :n tne bath room. , . After the disaster. Mr. Dow and family breakfasted at the home of Mr and Mrs. B. B. Richarda. Insur ance is carried on the parsonage residence, but none on the contents. The 0fc Sorinp-s Fish Hatchery Resists Cold DArinnl WTiil a a linwHncr wind holds the mercury at a scant 18 de grees below zero at the Oak Springs hatchery near Maupin, Or.; the water temperature within the hatchery re mains at an even temperature of 55 degrees. Matt Ryckman; superin tendent of state hatcheries, announc ed. Fed by an underground spring, the temperature of the hatchery ' water never varies a degree in me cuuik of a year, Mr. Ryckman said, and the present outside temperatures have failed to lower the total. Fifty-five degrees, according to the . ..ir,iint la the ideal hatching temperature for trout eggs, and the resultant fish attain a prodigious jrrowth in a few Bhort months, while the fish of other state plants, naicneu at the same time, are much smaller. "The Oak Springs hatchery." Mr. Ryckman said, "is considered our rtiant Were we nroduce the finest fish in the state and this en ables us to plant streams witn ma ture trout instead of fingerlings. The common belief that fish hatched in water as warm as 55 degrees are in ferior in physical resistance is a fal lacy. We have proven our Oak . . a 1 ' J . l. n Springs fry equal in quanvy w muw of any other hatchery in the state." Dog Team Used In Rush A Anrtar. a amide and a veteran jnty-toam driver vesterday began a picturesque and perilous race from Grangeville, ldano, to save tne mo a miner, critically ill and cut off from o;.oi oirt h the frozen wastes of central Idaho. Between Roy Burke victim of blood poisoning at tne cop per. King mine in the Green moun tain country of Idaho county, and civilization are 42 miles of deep snow, rough terrain and temperatures ranging from 30 to 38 degrees belov zero. Arrest Saves Sleeper " riarpnz-n McCord of Waitsburg warmed up in jail after a chilly nap in nn automobile six miles from Wal la Walla.. Deputy SherLT George Kanz at 11 o'clock Wednesday mgnt encountered the auto stalled in the road. Inside McCord .was sleeping, and half a gallon of moonshine was found in the car, He is charged with nn.wpjslnn of liauor. Had he not been rescued McCord might have frozen to death, as the mercury went to near ly 16 below zero. Has Appendicitis James Beamer of Weston, was operated on for relief from appendi ritia t. a Walla Walla hosnital last week. Mrs. Jesse Gordon, sister of Mr. Beamer, visited him at the hos pital, and found the patient to be do ing nicely. HI With Pneumonia Mrs. Patterson, mother of Mrs. Jesse Smith and Mrs. Joe Cannon is ill with pneumonia at the home of Mrs. Cannon. The best of care is being given the patient and relatives and friends hope for her early re covery. : . '. '." Walla Walla Sued for $71,500 Walla Walla is made defendant in four aetions aggregating $74,590 growing out of the construction of the sewage disposal . plant. The claims were refused by the commia Bftftr&i bs3 court BttRfa IS tbtJ rtul "Highest" Court in United States 5. 1 7 M .' - "u '"if v e 4 mk SilillllllB 4liliiiiilliilii h. J,-i,Yr1)f1, . Tilot," suld Judge Albert Stephens, !'in the absence of. our bailiff, leave the controls for a moment and come back here and call this court to order.? And so w3 opened the first aerial court in the history of the country in fact the highest court in the world. For when it was opened it was cruising toward Snn Francisco 7,000 feet above Los Angeles county in a Western Air Express plane. As soon "as Judge Stephens became accustomed to the hum of the three motors, ho boynn taking testimony In the condemnation suit brought by the county against the . San. Gabriel -Canyon Development company, to force the, latter to give up gold claims near the site of the., great San Gabriel d:im. ' WEDDED 78 YEARS Li fcsss ; vf , - f - ! If &mTw:Yi tfm X" ' "'I1' " ' 1 win ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. Blackmar of Columbus, Ga., who celeDrated their (eventy-elghtb . wedding anniversary in Columbus, recently. They ore ninety-nine and ninety-eight years old re spectively, . Pythian Lodge Visited By Neighboring Members Pythian Lodge, No. 29, K. of P. held an especially interesting meeting Thursday evening of last week, when Harold Kirk was given the rank of Knight. A number, of visitors from Milton, Weston, Adams and Pendle ton lodges were present to partici pate in felicitations of the evening, and assist in conferring the rank. An appetizing and succulent feed was provided by a particular bunch of good scouts who are familiar with the how, when they served liberal portions of steamed clams and crabs with trimmings galore. Despite the inclement weather, thirty-five Pythian Knights were on hand to enjoy the occasion. An Electric Thawer Athena city council has ordered an electric thawer, a new device that will thaw frozen pipes, by , simply at taching the appliance in contact with an electric light plug. Several water pipes in Athena homes are frozen and the thawer will be put to work im mliatelv on its arrival here. The apparatus is said to make short work oi the ice m tne pipes. Takes Pendleton Position Miss Lois Mclntyre has accepted a position, in the office of the Pendleton Auto company. Miss Mclntyre en tered upon her duties with the Pen dleton firm Monday. , Pilot of Wrecked Plane Known At Walla Walla Walla Walla. Basil Russell, pilot of the tri-motored plane which crash ed near San Clemente, Calif., Sunday evening, killing 16, was well known in . Walla Walla where he formerly lived. He came here from his home at Hermiston and spent 18 months in Walla Walla, rooming with Laurence Tharpe. He left in 1924, He was about 28. . . "He developed into a . wonderful aviator," stated Tharpe, ''but the storm combination in California was too much for him." Russell was in Walla Walla the. last time at the first air derby here, flying for a Portland outfit and tak ing meet of . the prizsr "iilt -4iaclot of stunting. f When he was doing flying here he had an old machine, and made two flights for the Walla Walla Union. He started once for Colfax to pick up a newspaper engraving which had been sent from Spokane as far as Colfax by stage, intending to deliver it to the Union. His machine fell near Pixie and was badly damaged, but he and Murry Ifft, who was rid ing with him, escaped unhurt. Again he started for Waitsburg to . drop some papers from the air, and his machine went down. Walter (Billy) Cushman, then a " reporter for the Union, who. was riding with him, re ceived some injuries. Didn't Fall In Chase Herman Geissel refutes the state ment made in the Press to the effect that he fell down twice while being chased by an infuriated bull. A gra phic diagram of the situation of both man and bull on the tundra of the Grant county stock ranch enclosed in Herman's letter, would Indicate that he didn't fall in his getaway, but to the contrary went a plenty, though having considerable difficulty in keep ing his wooden shoes on hi3 feet, which just wouldn't stay rn the ground long enough to afford suf ficient traction to' boost him out of the way of the bull. Is that it, Her man? '; - - . At Pendleton and Weston Athena town basketball team is scheduled to nlay the Pendleton team in that city Monday, February 3. It is possible that a game will also be arranged with the Weston team at Weston, next week. Skiing and Coasting Athena young people have been en joying skiing and coasting parties at Homer I. Watts' ranch, north of Athena. The spot selected is ideal for the sport which is enjoyed by all who participate. - Cooked Food Sale The ladies of the Baptist Mission ary society will hold a cooked food sale in the Rogers & Goodman hard- Drive On Rabits Farmers in the west end of the county are preparing for a campaign of poisoning jack rabbits in mat sec tion. Tt i renortcd that sufficient snow now covers the ground to make war on the long eared, denizens oi the sage brush effective. Poisoned rrain and alfalfa hav is placed in the runways of the destructive bun nies, and it is expected tnat tnous- ands will be killed by this process. Pioneer Business Man Charles S. Jerard, a pioneer of TTmatnia ponnt.v. an1 for many years a dealer in agricultural implements at Pendleton, died in that city laBt week at the age of 69 years. He was born in Cass county, Missouri, and came to Eastern Oregon in 1879. He is survived by his widow, one son, Bert Jerard, and one daugnter, Mrs. James Bowler, all of Pendleton. Schannep Leads Association I. M. Schannep, Umatilla .county judge, was elected president of the atate organization of county judges and commissioners, at the annual meeting held by the association at Portland, last week. Judge Schannep succeeds Victor P. Moses, judge of Benton county. - Suffers Light Stroke. Mrs. William Booher, who has been ill at her home in Athena for several weeks, was afflicted Monday evening with a lisrht stroke of paralysis. Her throat is affected, but Mrs. Booher is rVpVried better. Athena Farmers Meet To Form Local Cooperative Monday, January 27th Farmers of Athena and vicinity will hold a meeting at the Standard The atre, Monday, January 27, at 10 o'clock a. m.- for the purpose of dis cussing the formation of a local co operative marketing organization; The principal speaker will be A. R. Shumway, who will address the meet ing on general plans of local cooper ative organizations and their relative status with the federal farm board in marketing grain, " ? Since the Eastern Oregon wheat growers conference, at Pendleton last week, farmers throughout the,, county have taken much interest in the pro posal of , cooperative marketing, n4 a number ry'cal organizations are about to bs iu.ucJ. - ; ' V-'M Arrangements for the meeting at the Standard Theatre were made by W. 0. Read and the time set, 10:00 a. m., is considered the most con venient to facilitate attendance. , Athena Loses to Weston and Defeats Pendleton Tho local town team was nosed out by the Weston team in the last two minutes of play in the game Thurs day of last week. The score was 24 to 20, at the end. Monday night of this week Athena redeemed herself by swamping the Pendleton team, 29 to 16- - - ' Athena took the offensive in the first quarter of the Weston game, running up a score of 9 to 1. At the half they began to tire and Weston crawled up within three points, the score at half time being 13 to 10. The local lads held the lead until the final two minutes of play and then Weston forged ahead. . The contest Monday evening was fast from start to finish. Athena was on the offensive most of the time, and was never behind in scoring. . Al though Pendleton ' used two teams, the Athena boys managed to keep in pace and showed no signs of tiring. Team work on the part of the Ath ena basket tossers was an outstand ing; feature and due to winning the game. All of the subs were given a chance to play against Pendleton. Eddie McMurdo, Whitman college player refereed both of the games in fine form, with fairness to both sides. Mildred Crimmins Died At Pendleton Friday Athena friends of the family, were shocked to hear of the death of Mildred,, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crimmins, former Athena residents, at Pendle ton, last Friday. The little girl was taken ill in class at the Washington grade school in Pendleton, only - last Wednesday. She was immediately taken to St. Anthony's hospital, grew rapidly worse until the end. At first it was reported that death was caused by in fantile paralysis, but an autopsy per formed after death disclosed that the cause was diabetes, complicated with tubercular menengitis. Funeral services were held at Wal la Walla Monday afternoon at 2:30, the remains being taken to that city for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Crimmins and three children were well known in Athena, where Mr. Crimmins for two or three years was employed in the Preston Shaffer mill here and the childjn at tended the grade school. Jensen To Plead Everett A ("Bud") Jensen, son of a Walla Walla merchant, driver of the automobile which collided with a .bob sled at Seattle, January 12, as a re sult of which four coasters lost their lives, was charged with manslaughter on four separate counts, in informa tion filed in superior court at Seat tle. Bail was set at $2,500, the same as before. , Jensen's counsel, has In dicated his client will plead not guilty on the ground that the accident was due to neglect of tho city In falling to provide proper barricades for a re stricted coasting sone. Ban On Parrots To guard the Puget Sound area tcrainat narrot fever, the tropical dis ease that has caused deaths in many parts of the country, Dr. Lunsford D. Fricks, United States public health surgeon- stationed at Seattle, placed a ban on the importation of thesa birds. - Back In Store F. B. Radtke is back in his Athena Department Store, after ' a ' week's illness with the influenza. During his convalescent period,. Fred found time to tinker up a few reels and rewrap a onunle at fish rods. ?ettine them in xhape for next season's fishing trips. Old Landmark Gone The Weston Leader reports that the old church on Weston mountain, known as "the lower ehurch" was de stroyed by fire Sunday evening from some unknown cause. It was a land mark for half a century and had been untfecujfted for yvant. Sportsmen Cooperating With Game Commission In Protection of Birds Game birds In Umatilla county are no doubt hard pressed for food on ac count of snow covered ground and cold weather. However, as in the past, feed will be placed ' for the birds wherever possible. Last winter local sportsmen and others provided food for pheasants and partridges, and will do so in the present emergency. The state wide bird feeding pro gram launched by State Game Warr den Harold Clifford will be a com plete, success, he announces. .Spkndid co-operation has been re ceived from various state sportsmen's organizations, the Izaak Walton league, the Oregon Humane society and individuals, he reported and ample feed is being provided for the starving birds. v , Game birds, whose normal habits during storms of the present nature is to hunt a warmer climate, are suf fering the most, Mr. Clifford said, and every effort to relieve them is being made by the game commission. More than five tons of cracked wheat and mill screenings, admirably suited for bird feed, was purchased by the commission from the Crown mills at Portland, and reports of do nated portions of grain have been le ceived from various portions of the state. "We were notified that the sports men of Lane county have collected more than $400 to provide feed for the song birds of that area," Mr. Clifford said, "and that the sports men would take care of all the birds n that section. Wherever this is be- ;n" done, the game commission will Vnd assistance when it is needed, but we Intend to serve those quarters of the state where- such aid is not being ; rendered in places where there; are no towns or groups of sportsmen." Athena Boys Win Game, Girls Lose at Pilot Rock With the temperature way, way down, below zero, Athena high boys and girls' basketball teams motored to Pilot Rock Friday evening to keep an appointment. -The- boys -were- re warded with victory, coming out ahead of the Rock with a score of 22 to 13. Athena led all the way through. The girls' team lost out by one point, 22 to 23. Athena led most of of time, and only in the last minute of play did the Rock girls collect the point that won them the contest. Considerably complaint is heard over the referee s decisions. Athena boys play Westori high on the local court tonight, and it is expected that the game, which is the first of the present season between these teams will be hotly contested. Tomorrow night Athena boys and girls go to Echo for one of the two annua! games with Echo high school. Feed the Game Birds County Game Warden Albee issues warning through the press of the county, that unless game birds are fed, many will perish as a result of deep snow and cold1 weather. Mr. Al bee says: "it is now time lor peo ple to feed the birds. Pheasants and ducks are suffering and I wish that people would put out grain for tha birds. Donations of feed will be most welcome. The place for the feed is along the rivers and streams. It is best not to scatter too much feed in one spot for if snow comesj the grain is covered up and wasted." Toning In On London Athena radio sets have been tuning in on the naval conference at London, and listeners have been hearing the speeches made by the delegates rep resenting the five nations participat ing in the proposed disarmament pro ceedings. The international hookup comes in exceedingly well at times, the voices of the speakers being strong and enunciation almost perfect. Graduate Nurse On February 6th, Miss Mildred Stanton of this city will be a mem ber of the class of nurses graduating from St. Anthony's hospital at Pen dleton. At that time Miss i'tanton will have completed her full three years course in professional nurse training at St. Anthony. Has Whooping Cough Beth, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zerba, is reported to be very ill at her home in Waitsburg with whooping cough, from which she has been suffering for several days. Charity Worker Arrested On complaint of a Salvation Army officer, Dr. E. J. Potts of Milton, was arrested last week on a charge of failure to account for funds entrust ed to his care. 28 Below At Pendleton The coldest weather since 1919 was recorded at Pendleton Monday night when the thermometer registered 26 trehrw after day ttf XV bw. LEGIS LATURE COS TS ARE AT VAIRANCE Washington State Session Is Tound To Be Lower Than Oregon. ' That it costs the state of Oregon more to legislate, than it does 1 the state of Washington is disclosed in a recent dispatch from Salem. Figures compiled by Secretary of State Hoss show that the cost of the 1929 season of the legislature, in ad dition to the per diem and mileage of members, was $121,494.41. It was a 50-day session. The Washington legislature con tinued 60 days and cost $107,312.80. Over $14,000 less than the Oregon as sembly, although Washington has 138 members to Oregon's 90. Al though the Washington senate has 42 members to Oregon's 30 the former employed only 18 stenographers to the Oregon senate's 28, the total salaries being $5400 at Olympia against $8665 at Salem. In Washington stenographers ser ved as committee clerks also, while in Oregon the senate had 33 commit tee clerks and 15 desk clerks, costing the state in salaries and wages $10, 851.60 and $5,280 respectively. The report says the cost of the senate committee clerks at Olympia was less than half that of Oregon's Bcnate. In the Oregon house of repre sentatives 55 stenographers were em ployed by the 60 members, their total cost being $13,680, some re ceiving as much as $10 a day. In the Washington house the 96 members used only 17 stenographers. The Oregon house also employed 61 clerks who received $17,123 and 16 . desk clerks who received $6,090. The cost of printing and other in cidental expenses in the Oregon legis lature totaled $59,796.91. Printing and supplies for the Washington ses sion COBt fl4,l ( Wlin fll.iioi buuvu for printingthe session laws. - Inci. dental printing costs and indexing cost $1596 and $800 respectively. It cost the state $2200 to broadcast Governor Hartley's inaugural speech, and this was charged to legislative expense. Bv the day the cost oi the ure- gon session was $2,724.94 and the Washington session $2,578.25. Counting the per diem and Mileage of members the Oregon session cost $130,246.96 Bnd the Washington ses sion $154,690. The Oregon cost was a reduction as compared with the 1927 session which cost $160,540.18. University Gains 12 Students TIniversitv of Oregon. Enroll- in Ant. of full-time students at the Uni versity of Oregon has reached 3184, it is reported by ban M. raiiew, registrar. This is 12 more than were nitrned n at this time last year. With students who completed their . ' . ' il studies at Christmas and otners who have dropped out until later the nptuiil rnmnug census now stands at 2900, a gain of 62 over this time last year. The university eliminated at students for failure in studies at the end of the fall term, while many others completed work for their de crees. These latter will receive their dltilomas at the regular graduation exercises next June. New Thermometer A new thermometer has been in stalled at the Preston-Shaffer mill in the Northwest part of town. The new instrument is supposed to record temperature accurately and will take the place of one that formerly regis tered the mill site as being the coldest spot In Athena. It at once procf-eded to "show up" the old thermometer by registering 18 below zero Monday night, when others in town went down as low as 26, and Tuesday night it said 17 below. Few Autos On Streets It is easy to find a parking placi in the business district these days. Very few private autos are to be seen downtown, and they usually are not left very long at a time on the street, because of the rapidity with which are doing a big business. Cold Closes School The cold weather forced the clos ing of school taught by Miss Glca Sias, near Hermiston, for the remain der of the week. Miss Sias is at the home of her parents in Athena, until such time as the weather mod erates sufficiently to permit opening of her school again. Corporation Buys Wheat For the second time the Farmers' National Grain Corporation has en tered the market. The Farmer's Union at Duluth was authorized to purchase No. 1 dark northern at $1.25 and two other grades at $1.22; No. 1 Durum at $1.12 and No. Z Durum at I1.W.