The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 10, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
In the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern type;,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon,' as Second-Class Mail Matter
Six Cylinder Diesel Engine
Will Speed 80 to 85
Miles Per Hour.
Dispatches this week announce a
new departure in automotive power,
when a car powered with a diesel four
cylinder engine made the'trip of 188
miles, Columbus to Indianapolis on
five gallons of oil. The trip was
made in five hours driving time. '
The experiment marks the first time
an engine of this make has been plac
ed in an automobile chassis and of
ficials of Cummins Engineering com
pany of Columbus, Indiana sponsor?
of the project, expressed themselves
as well satisfied with the results.
The engine is operated by fuel '.il
which costs eight cents a gallon. It
is capable of moving the regular auto
mobile chassis at the rate of 55 and
60 miles an hour.
, ; Plans for a six cylinder automobile
burning cheap oil were revealed by
C. L. Cummins,- Columbus, Ind., fol
lowing a 792 mile trip in a Diesel
powered car at a fuel cost of $1.38. V
The engine will be constructed for
use in the Indianapolis memorial day
race for a demonstration of the re
liability and economy of oil burning
'cars. "! :', :f ; . :
"We do hot expect to win the race,"
Cummins said, "but by carrying a
fuel supply that will last for the en
tire grind we hope to eliminatepit
stops and to maintain a speed of 80
to 85 miles an hour." .
after the successful trip from Indian
apolis to the national automobile
show, a trip viewed by the Inventor
aS "a laboratory experiment to see If
the engine could stand a cross coun
try trip."
i The engine mounted in the auto
mobile is a standard marine type
Diesel, a four cylinder model with n6
refinements for passenger car uses
except perfection of a throttling de
vice which allowed the driver to con
trol the engine like aik ordinary gaso-
lin motor.
Cummins' engine, the result of 12
years of work in the field differs from
ordinary Diesel engines in that the
fuel is gasified before being injected
into the cylinders. . j
Tt.A nil from - which caaohne has
' W" w." ' u
been extracted by distillation, is used.
The injector of the Cummins is a
miniture still which "cracks" the oil
under pressure and extracts what:
gasoline remains. , ,
Each charge to the cylinders is
one-third the size of a grain of rice.
Injected into the cylinders, the gaso- j
line is ignited and furnishes enough
oil that does not "crack."
snark ttlues in the
motor. The ignition is taken care of
by red hot air. The cylinders draw in
pure air and subjected to 500 pounds
pressure which creates a temperature
of 1000 degrees. The fuel is then in
jected.. In one-three hundredths of a second
the tiny bit of fuel is measured out,
delivered to the "still," boiled, gasifi
ed and burned. The fuel costs as low
as five cents a gallon.
"The trip laid the foundation,
Cummins said, "for developments in
any direction we desire. Engines
may be built for trucks and tractors,
passenger automobiles, or dirigibles.
Automobile engines would meet any
traffic condition as well as, being
more economical "There Is no "warm
ing up.' After the engine has made
one turn, the full load can be thrown
upon it. The air for ignition becomes
red hot under the pressure -ahethpr
it is mid-summer or 40 degrees be
low zero."
. Automotive experts viewed the ex
periment a additional proof of
America's leadership in the develop
ment of the Diesel engine.
... Section Men Off
Foreman Ramsay is the only pebble
to be counted In the man power em
ployed at the present time on the
Northern Pacific branch, entering Ath
ent. Heretofore he has been allowed
two men on half time during the win
ter months. Fred Wilson and Willard
Crabill are the section men to be laid
off temporarily. As an Irishman
would say, W En Pay must be a dlm
mycrat, else begorrah, they'd be doln'
what Hoover Iz telling everybody to
do; keep spendin' money for Improve
ments." - . .
. Masons Install Officers
The following officers of Dolph
Lodge, No. 80, A. F. & A. M. have
been installed to serve for the ensu
ing year: Worshipful Master, Charles
Smith; Senior Warden, Charles Kirk;
Junior Warden, Kohler Betts;
Treasurer, II. G. Hoffman; Secretary,
Fay Pambrun; Senior Deacon, Louis
Berlin; Junior Deacon, Tom Kirk;
Senior Steward, A. M. Johnson; Junior
Steward, C. O. Henry; Chaplain,
Sam Pambrun; Tyler Eeed Hill;
B. D. (Bob) Tharpe
: Passes Away At Walla
Walla Home, Thursday
1 B. D. (Bob) Tharpe, former pioneer
resident of Athena, where for many
years, with his brother, the late
Frank Tharpe, he conducted a black
smith shop, died at his home in Wal
la Walla, Thursday of last week,
aged 75 years, 11 months and 3 days.
Mr. Tharpe has been a sufferer from
diabetes for several years and at
times was confined to his bed. How
ever, the end was unexpected so it
is understood, until a few hours be
fore his death. He is survived by
his widow;-one daughter, Mrs. Virgil
Willaby of State Line, and one son,
Laurence Tharpe of Walla Walla.
Funeral services were held from the
McMartin & Chamberlain funeral par
lors at Walla Walla, Monday forenoon
at 10 o'clock, Pythian Lodge No. 29,
of Athena having charge, the funeral
sermon was delivered by Pastor Mc
Quary of the Milton Christian church,
a male quartet , from Athena, Geo.
R. Gerking, Mr. Sias, C M. Eager
and Laurence Pinkerton, .singing by
request. Interment took place in
Mountain View Cemetery
Beverly Daniels Tharpe was born in
Kentucky and with his parents re
moved to Missouri when a child. In
1864 the Tharpe family crossed the
plains to Linn county Oregon, and
in 1880 came to Eastern Oregon. In
1890 Mr. Tharpe was united in mar
riage to Eura M. Madole, and until
six years ago they resided continuous
ly in Athena, having a residence on
Current street, between Second and
Third. During his residence in Wal
la Walla, Mr. Tharpe had been as
sociated in business with his son
Air View of Basel, Home of International Bank
Milton Town Team Is
Victorious Over Athena
The Athena town basketball team
again met defeat at the hands of the
fast Milton town team by a score of
19 to 10, at Athena, Tuesday night.
'; The game was fast and rough,
three players going out of the game
on personal fouls. Milton was some
what handicapped by the low ceiling
of the Athena gym ' although they
managed to cage enough baskets. , to
come out in the lead. The first half
the Athena boys checked closely and
held the lads from over the hill down
to 8 points, while gathering in 7 for
themselves. ; ' s
In the second half, Athena started
in the lead after tossing a basket and
a free throw. Milton soon overcame
this lead and led to the finish, the
locals being able to convert one free
throw. - : '
There were a number of substitu
tions for both sides. Athena start
ed with Harden at center, D. Pink
erton and A. Taylor, forwards, and
Michener and G. Pambrun at guards.
The substitutes were: L. Remilard, F.
Remilard and D. Taylor. i .
"Pike" Miller, high school coach,
refereed the game, and was fair to
both teams. The refereeing was as
good as has been on the floor this
year. ' :- . ' ) '. . '
Thursday, January 16, the Weston
town team will play the locals on
the Athena floor.
Court Declared Right
In Ruth Garrison Case
Yakima, Wash-The Walla Walla
superior court has jurisdiction to
hear habeas corpus proceedings of
Ruth Garrison, Seattle girl, who
poisoned Mrs. Douglas StorrSj wife of
her paramour, about ten years ago,
Judge Hawkins, who sat at the hear
ing in Walla Walla last week, ruled
here yesterday.
At the hearing in Walla Walla last
week in which Miss Garrison at
tempted to gain her freedom from the
state penitentiary on a habeas corpus
writ the jurisdiction of the Walla
Walla court was attacked by Deputy
Prosecutor Burgunder of King county
and John A. Homer, assistant attorney-general,
representing the peni
tentiary officials. '
Judge Hawkins' ruling that the
Walla Walla court was eligible to
hear the case left the decision as to
whether the girl deserved freedom to
be decided.
The O. D. O. Club
The O. D. O. Club met at the home
of Mrs. Flint Johns, Friday afternoon
with a good attendance. The after
noon was spent with needle work and
conversation at the close of whieh
dainty refreshments were served by
Mrs. Forrest Zerba assisted by the
hostess. The next meeting of the
club will be at the home of, Mrs.
Ethel Montague, January 17th.
- Marriages Exceed Divorces
Marriages in 1929 exceeded divorces
by more than 57 in Umatilla county.
One hundred forty-six marriage
licenses were issued during the year,
while but 89 divorce suits were filed.
A good percentage of the divorce suits
filed never reached the courts.
Portland Ex-Mayor Dead
Allen Rushlight, ex-mayor of Port
land, died Monday afternoon at 1:15
O'cTWk at thu FcTtlajSJ na&mtuta ,
M tt V
J 1 U f.
jcr-c? 4yif yt'.-tvr - )
This is die ciiv of Vi'.r.i', S.v!t:ccrh!nil, ns seen front nn nlrplnne. Bnsel has been selected as the site of the Bank
for Intciiii'.titiiiisl HeiiU'ments wfilcii Is being established under the Young reparations plan.
Co-ed Star
f f-
Phyllis Van Kimmell, Salem, popu
lar co ed at the University of Oregon,
successfully combines study with act
ing. Her performance 83 the unso
phisticated freshman is one of th
hii:h rointa of the campus awl,
"Hd's' Co-ed," v,hich v.-ill soon be
shewn over tho str.ta. "
More Relief Is Sent
To Snowbound
Grants Pass. Armed with light
supplies, a second relief . expedition
was pushing its way toward the Ore
gon caves, where a group of Grants
Pass business men, headed by Samuel
Baker, president of the chamber of
commerce, is marooned. '
Previous attempts to penetrate the
six-foot snow banks ended early
Wednesday in failure. The first relief
party got within nine miles of the
caves, v '
While slight concern is felt for the
condition of the men on account of
supplies slid to have been' left in the
caves inn, some fear was being felt
regarding tne aDinty oi tne inn roois
to withstand the weight 'of the wet
snow banks. : '
Snow, which started to fall fast
during the mid-afternoon, was prob
ably piling up at the caves at the rate
of a foot an hour, according to C. A.
Winetrout, Grants Pass merchant,
who was heading the second relief
A member of the first relief party
who started up the canyon on snow-
shoes Tuesday had not been heard
' Grants Pass Digs Out
Grants Pass was slowly digging
itself out of the heaviest snowfall for
twenty years Monday. One person
was injured as "the result of the storm
and several others reported marooned
Buildings at the Josephine county fair
grounds were the first to snap under
the weight of tons of the moisture
ladened snow. Prisoners in the coun
ty jail were rushed to the scene and
relieved roofs that had not fallen.
Joins Medical Staff
. Dr. R. M. Rice, who has been prac
ticing in Athena for several months,
will leave the city January 15th to
become a member of 'the r.'eJieal
staff at the State hospital in Pendle
ton. Dr. and Mrs. Rice have made
many friends in Athena who will be
sorry to learn of their contemplated
Snow Covers the Ground
Unfrozen Means Moisture
Umatilla county's spell of springlike
weather terminated Sunday morning,
when rain suddenly turned into a snow
storm and left the unfrozen wheat
fields covered with about three inches
of wet snow. ; The ; soil not being
frozen is an assurance that the melt
ing of the snow will soak away in
crop-growing moisture.
Umatilla county stockmen have
been winter feeding for several weeks,
but reports- from the stock districts
are to the effect that while hay is
bringing higher prices as a rule than
prevailed last winter, there is a suf
ficient quantity to bring stock through
in good condition. ;
Snow and colder weather was wel
comed by Walla Walla fruit raisers
because in some parts of the valley
trees were beginning to develop buds,
an evidence of sap flowing, which
with further development might prove
disastrous to the season s fruit crop.
The snowfall was general over East
ern Oregon and Eastern Washington,
and from Seattle to the California line
the ground was whitened. In some
localities rain followed and the snow
melted in the valleys of Southern Ore
gon, but the hills and higher moun
tains remained snowcovered.
In Athena the mercury went down
to 18 above zero Sunday night, 10
Jimmie McCool's Tribute
To the Late Mike Toner
A fine tribute to the late Mike
Toner is paid by James H. (Jimmy)
McCool, formerly of Walla Walla,
now writer of Wild Life Lines in the
Oregonian. McCool says:
"There are smiles that will live,
maybe forever, but if not that long
then as long as memory holds the
picture of a dear friend. Today 1
am sadly recalling the smile of one I
knew in boyhood. I associate it with
the pleasant smell of a stubble field
in the valley of many waters when a
warm winter chinook has just melted
the snow and the balmy zephyr liftd
up the hearts of those who may have
been dispirited by a long continued
spell of sub-zero weather. Or with
the sweet scent of wildwood smoke
rising from a farmhouse chimney
underneath a hill by an old 3pnng.
"Such a smile had Mike Toner, a
pioneer of Walla Walla, who last
Thursday joined the rear guard of
that pack train which Jong ago start
ed on the Great Trail on which no
one has ever backtrailed." r
; "The Mighty"
Georee Bancroft, who appeared
some time aeo on the Standard screen
in "The Wolf of Wall Street," will be
here tomorrow and Sunday nights In
The Miehtv.' another great Para
mount silent nicture. He is support
ed in this thrilling melodrama by
Raymond Hatton, Esther Ralston,
Dorothy Revier and other Paramount
stars. Those who have seen "The
Mighty" in its dialogue adaptation,
nronounce it to be a production of
high class entertainment. News reel,
comedy and a cartoon for the kid
dies. '":-,v '"' ' '"
, Snow Covers Portland
The flrpconian savs that after get
ting off to several false starts, snow
finally succeeded in getting a foot
hold in Portland Wednesday, and the
nreHnminanre of ' firreen which is
characteristic of the eity gave way
temporarily to a predominance oi
Fell On 81ick Walk
W. R. Harden slipped and fell on a
walk made slick with ice, yesterday
morning and cut a gash in his chin.
Blood flowed freely and Dr. Rice used
V iftiche la loTftinj tiro Wim'd. ,
Helix and Athena Teams
Meet Tonight, Local Gym
The boys and girls' ' basketball
teams of Griswold high school, Helix,
meet the boys and girls' teams of
Athena highschool on the local court,
this evening in the first game of the
present season. '..'
Helix is known to have strong
teams contending for honors this year
and tonight's games should be fast
enough to thrill the fans who witness
it. Athena held the championship
Mac-Hi team to a 33-21 score in the
Mac-Hi gym last Friday night, which
shows that "Pike" Miller's quintet is
beginning to find its stride and should
provide enough stuff tonight ttf kdep
Griswold busy. : ,
Athena girls' team are showing up
well and should play a stunning good
game tonight. The team-will appear
on the floor tonight in hew suits.
. The Athena-Mac-Hi contest last
Friday night was voted by all who
witnessed it, as a good,- clean fast
game. The large floor in the Mac
Hi gym fooled the local players
greatly at times, particularly in bas
ket shooting. .The first half ended
with the score 15 to 10 in Mac-Hi's
favor ,:
The audience will witness a differ
ent school spirit in the Athena yell
section in tonight's game. It is said
there is to be no student presence in
the body of the audience unless said
students surrender season athletic
tickets and pay regular admission
prices. It is recognized that student
support of athletics is best given
where a united school spirit is aroused
and this can not be realized with stu
dents scattered here and there
through the audience.
McEwan Is To Stick
Until He Is Paid Off
Eugene.- Captain John J. McEwan
upon his arrival here from New York
announced that he is and will con
tinue to be head football coach of the
University of Oregon until every
penny due on the balance of his con
tract is paid. Captain McEwan's con
tract calls for an annual salary of
$8,500 and does not expire until the
end of the 1930 football season.
University authorities, following
their recent decision to terminate Mc
Ewan's contract immediately, declar
ed they would endeavor to reach a
salary settlement with the coach.
In the meantime rumors have been
circulated to the effect that the
search for eoach has narrowed
down to four possibilities. They are
said to be Dr. C. W. Spear, Minne
sota; Dr. J. W. Wilce, formerly of
Ohio State; Andy Kerr, Colgate, and
William J. Reinhart, assistant Ore
gon coach,
January Wheat Sowing
It is not often that newspapers have
the opportunity to chronicle seeding
of wheat in Umatilla county in the
month of January, but herewith Phil
lip Murtha breaks in on first page
mention due to the fact that he had
his drills at work Saturday, and would
have finished seeding his entire crop
Tuesday evening, had not the weather
man decreed otherwise, sending a
blustering snow storm to interfere
with winter seeding operations. Mr.
Murtha did not seed his land last fall
owing to the drought. Last week he
found the soil to be in prime condi
tion for seeding and he hopped to it.
Asks Partition of Property
Eva Schrimpf Zerba, et vir, has
filed suit in the circuit court against
Eugene C. Schrimpf and others ask
ing for partition of certain property
owned by plaintiffs and defendants,
according to the respective rights of
the parties involved in the suit.
Peterson and Lewis are attorneys for
the plaintiffs'.
Tex Rankin Sets Mark
For Outside Loops, Doing
13 Over Portland Field
Portland. Flying an airplane
through more outside loops than any
one in the world has ever done be
fore is "not really unpleasant" if you
take the word of Tex Rankin, Port
land aviator, who did it yesterday.
Although the spark plugs in one of
the four cylinders of his plane foul
ed and that cylinder . quit when he
was half through the performance,
Rankin made 84 tries, out of which
Lthe contest committee allowed ' him
19 complete loops.' The previous
record, made at the ' Cleveland air
races last year, was 13 attempts.
An outside loop is a loop with the
pilot on the rim of the circle and
the landing gear of the plane toward
the center. It must be started with
a dive and ended with a climb just
the reverse of the common loop.
Rankin started stunting at 5000
feet and dove 2000 or 2500 feet be
fore starting back up.
"At the bottom of the dive," Tex
admitted, after he had climbed out of
te plane on his own landing field,
"the centrifugal pressure was pretty
sWong and I felt it all right, but it
wasn't really unpleasant. I intended
to make about 50 loops, but the en
gine got to balking so I couldn't get
my altitude back. I don't see why
outside loops have been held out as
such a great stunt. It's pretty hard
on the ship, of course, but it wasn't
really dangerous."
"Wouldn't it" have been just too
bad," he was asked, "if your safety
belt had let go?"
"Oh no," he answered quickly. "I
wore a parachute. I wouldn't do a
stunt like that without a 'chute'' -as
if wearing a 'chute were the very
epitome of caution.
Tex made his record performance
in a little Great Lakes plane with an
air-cooled 85-horsepower motor. The
loops were made over the . Swan
island airport.
Frances Mariorie Wiley
Dies At Tillamook Home
Frances Marjorie Wiley, daughter
of a former superintendent of Ath
ena schools, died at her home in Til
lamook, Oregon, December 21, at the
age of 17 years, seven months and
11 days.
From the Tillamook Headlight, we
learn that the young lady was great
ly beloved by all who knew her. She
was an active member of the Presby
terian church, the order of the Rain
bow for girls, the Juveniles of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft, the Mc
Dowell Music club, and a member of
the senior class of Tillamook high
school. She was a promising
musician and the leader of musical
activities in the Presbyterian Sun
day school.
Miss Wiley was born In Athena,
April 1. 1912. at which time her
father, now deceased, was superin
tendent of schools here.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
mother and step father, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Steinbach, two "sisters Lucia and
Muriel Wiley, a brother, Wayne
Wiley, two half brothers, John and
Howard Steinbach; a grandfather, C.
N. Drew, an uncle Howard Drew.
Bank's Financial Statement
The First National Bank of Athena
answered the last call of the comp
troller of the currency for the year
1929, at the close of business, De
cember 31st, with a splendid finan
cial statement. The statement which
appears in today's Press, shows de
posits totaling $642,678.55 loans $574,-
930.42, cash and exchange, $160,
810.51. The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First National
will be held in the bank offices next
Tuesday, January 14, at which time
officers and directors will be elected
to serve for the ensuing year.
Miss Crawford Honored
Eastern Oregon Normal School, La
Grande. Permanent organization of
the Associated Students of the East
ern Oreeon Normal School has been
completed and the honor of being
Junior Class representative on tne
Student Council was bestowed on
Juanita Crawford of Athena. Miss
Crawford, who holds one of the im
portant positions among the eight of
ficers elected, has assumed her duties
with the opening of the winter quart
Auto Stage Schedule
Since the . retirement of the Co
lumbia Gorge stage system from the
Pendleton-Spokane run, the Union
Pacific stage schedule for Athena is
as follows: To Pendleton, 8:35 and
11:05 a. m., and 4:05 and 9:15 p. m.
To Walla Walla, 8:10 and 11:10 a. m.,
and 1:55 and 6:50 p. m. All stages
stop at the Athena Hotel, where
tickets are on sale. i ,.
Herman Shoots Bear
Word i wafted up this way from
the breaks of the John Day, over in
Grant county, to the effect that a
hunting party which included Herman
Geissel, were successful in a recent
hunt for bear. One bear, a big one,
b tfce trdpH Vt m Hunt.
Annual Meeting of Grain
Growers To Discuss Plan
for" Co-op Marketing.
Th futnfe of the new cooperative
pmn of -wheat marketing will be the
chief, topic for discussion at. the
annual meeting in Pendleton January
13-15" of the Eastern Oregon Wheut
league. Senator Roy Ritner, president
of the league, estimates that intense
interest in this subject will bring a
record attendance of between 500 and
1000 wheat farmers.
: The wheat league, organized s an
outgrowth of the big Moro wheat con
ference held by the state college ex
tension service, has become a power
ful state organization in recent years.
Last year the convention at Arlington
attracted, wide attention through its
action In favor of open river transpor
tation on the Columbia.
The complete program for this
year's meeting will soon be announced
by E. R. Jackman, extension specialist
in farm crops at 0. S. C, who is as
sisting officers of the league in ar
ranging the meet.
Among those prominent in agricul
ture in the Pacific Northwest, who
will be on the program, are Dr. A. M.
Schoenfeld, northwest representative
of the Federal Farm Board; Geo. A.
Gatlin, co-operative marketing special
ist of the Oregon State College; 13.
W. Whitlock of the Federal Grain
Grading Bureau of the Department of
Agriculture; Dr. Clark Black, presi
dent of the Columbia Valley associa
tion; Geo. C. Baer, secretary of the
Umatilla Rapids Association, and H.
E. Goldsworthy, secretary of the
North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc. Be
sides these several professors from
the Oregon State College and D. E.
Stephens, superintendent of the ex
periment Station at Moro, will be pre.
ent. s . '
The Federal marketing act ana tne
plan for the wheat growers' cooper
ative organizations will be discussed
very thoroughly; also the matters of
freight rates and river transportation.
A banquet will be held on Tuesday
evening in the dining room of the
Elks Building.
Financial Report of
Athena Branch Library
Following? is the annual report of
Mrs. W. P. Littleiohn. librarian and
secretary of the Athena Branch Li
brary, as to its financial condition at
the end Df the fiscal year. December
31, 1929:
Cash on hand in all funds
January 1, 1929...... $ 108.51
From Citv tax mill 260 00
Fines on over due books 7.47
Rental collections 60.13
J. W. Pinkerton ' 18.00
Sale of store 10.00
Total Receipts $ 470.11
Librarian salary : 20.00
54 new books .... (..... 85.62
Binding books 32.o4
19 Magazine subs 51.50
Rent 162.00
Janitor l-
Incidentals 14.35
Total Expenditures $ 367.00
Balance on hand December
81, 1929 ..... $ 102.45
The renort itatei that the lights for
the library rooms are donated by the
PrpBtnn-ShftfTer Millina- company.
The city council voted $260 for library
maintenance and also pay the
librarian a salary of $240 per year.
Members of the library board are
Mrs. Henry Dell, president; Mrs. F.
S. LeGrow, vice-president; Mrs. W.
P. Littlejohn, secretary; Mm. M. L.
Watts and Mrs. H. I. Watts.
Circulation of books for adults for
ih vpir totaled 2491 classical. 4966
fiction; Children's books, classical
10K1! fitnriei 1084 total adult books.
8457; children's books, 2135 grand
total of circulation, 10,592.
Oregon Poster Stamps
The first series of Oregon poster
stamps has been so enthusiastically
received that it is necessary to is
sue additional stamps immediately,
so the Oregon Chamber of Commerce
informs the state press. The stamps
are printed in colors and there are
thirty stamps to the page, which
sells at one dollar. The proceeds
from sale of stamps creates the cash
budget for the State Chamber to
carry out its program of "Build Ore
Storie Elected President
Elmer Storie, well known In Ath
ena, was recently elected president of
the board of . directors of Happy
Canyon, the Pendleton Round-Up
great night show. Previously, Storie
had been director of grounds on thu
HafW Canyon Doartl.