The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 03, 1930, Image 4

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    " V. , 7; w
1 i m
Speed the
of Coughs
and Colds!
Press Paragr aphs
Rexall White Pine,
Tar and Wild Cherry
25c and 50c
This pleasant tasting ef
fective cough syrup soothes'
I and heals' the inflamed parts I
h end aids in raising the
'phlegm, thus giving the'
quickest and greatest relief.
Sold only at Rexall Stores, j
I Main Street Athena I
Phone 332
Shoe Repairing
As it Should
Be Done
-Workmanship Guaranteed
Prices Right
A. J. Garner
Found Ladies' galosh. Owner pay
lor tms notice.
II. J. Cunningham was in Athena
from Pendleton, Tuesday.
" Found Gentleman's kid glove,
i Owner pay for this notice. .
1 t tjj i i
j. u. ivicr aauen maue a business
trip to Portland over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roecker and son
Buddy spent Sunday at the Martin
home. .
Will Kirk was seriously ill at his
home in Athena this week, with in
Mr .and Mrs. Feron Smith, who
have been residing at Milton, have re
turned to Athena.
Little Marion, young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Stewart, has been
seriously ill this week.
Charles (Buddy) Rogers and Nancy
Carroll in "Illusion" at the Standard
Theatre, tomorrow night. ''.,-
Margaret Roecker of Walla Walla
spent the week-end with her cousins
Maxine and Marjorie Martin.
Miss Edna DeFreece spent the
week-end at Arlington visiting Miss
Hilda Dickenson and friends.
Newt Hodgen employe of the Stan
dard Oil company is seriously ill at
his home in Adams with influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dowd came
over from Pasco and spent the week-'
end with friends at Weston and Athena.
Mrs. Orel McPherrin went to Hepp-
ner Wednesday, where she will be em
ployed in her old position in the Mor
row county assessor's office for a
period of about 30 days, preparing
the assessment roll.
Gas and Oils
Dry Cleaner, Auto
Polish, Spring Oil
J. D. Hugging Phone 81
Shaw's Coffee
per lb
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
Cornell's Garage
General Repairing
Richfield Gasoline and Richfield Oil, Prestone
and Alcohol for Radiators, Willard Batteries, Good
rich Tubes and Tires, Veedol Oil, Radiator Covers
for Fords, Flashlight Batteries. Curtains Repaired.
Storage by Day or Month
L. A. Cornell
Athena, Oregon - - - - 1 Phone 471
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin and family
were guests for a New Years din
ner of Mr. and Mrs. James McCall in
Pendleton. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Roseberry had
as guests over Christmas, Mr. and
Mrs. Win! Boyer and two daughters
of Portland. ..,..-.'... ....... ,.,..-
Miss Pearl Green came over from
LaGrande and spent several days at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Green.
Lake and Till Beckner went down
to Morrow county and spent Christ
mas at the home of their brother,
Lee Beckner.'
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye is recovering
from a painful burn when boiling
syrup was spilled over her right hand
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher and
Harve Booher came here from Condon
to attend the funeral of their father1,
William Booher.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schultz are
here from Rosebud, Alberta, visiting
at the home of Mrs. Schultz's parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell. - v
Mrs. Dudley Rogers returned to
Washtucna with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Gross, who visited at the
Rogers home over Christmas.
J Betty Eager injured her arm in
the basketball game, Friday night,
and the injury may keep her from
playing the remainder of the season.
Betty Eager is carrying her left
arm in a sling as the result of an in
jury received in the Prescott basket
ball game, when her wrist was severe
ly sprained.
Leon Kretzer, who spent Christmas
at the home of his parents in The
Dalles, has returned to the Homer
Watts ranch, north of Athena, where
he is employed.
Mrs. Gillette and Miss Mildred
Mills of Fqrest Grove, Mr. R. Blatch-
ford of Portland, spent several days
here visiting at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Blatchford.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Hirsch at Waitsburg. E. C. took on
a couple of games of golf on the
Waitsburg links.
Dr. Sharp suffered another serious
illness Friday and was taken to a
hospital at Walla Walla, by John
Stanton. At this writing the veteran
physician is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnston are the
proud parents of an 8V4 pound baby
girl born Friday, December 26. at
Walla Walla. The little Miss ., has
been named Ardella Muriel. '
Mrs. C. M. Eager substituted for
Miss Brodie in high school, Monday
and Tuesday of this week. Miss
Brodie spent the holidays with rela
tives in Oakland, California.
A number of girl friends enjoyed
the hospitality of Marjorie Douglas
at a slumber party, New Year's eve.
The arrival of the New Year was
greeted with much merriment.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennett of
Portland; Mrs. Charles Bond, Miss
Mary Bond and Bobbie Bond and Mrs.
Burchill of Pendleton, at dinner Fri
day last.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield and
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns entertained
a few friends at bridge New Year's
eve at the former's home. Prizes were
awarded to Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinker
ton. Miss Mildred Bateman has been in
Athena this week visiting friends.
Miss Bateman is continuing her
course with the University of Oregon
and will receive her Master degree
in June. She is specializing in social
welfare work.
Mrs. Charles Cole .formerly of Pen
dleton, and known to a number of
Athena people, was recently severely
injured by an automoble which struck
her while she was crossing a street,
in Los Angeles. Mrs. Cole sustained
a broken arm and a fractured leg.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller entertain
ed at a bridge dinner, Thursday last,
the following guests being present:
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mr. and
Mrs. Chase Garfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Douglas, Mr. and Mr?. Laur
ence Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Logsdon and Mrs. Bryce Baker.
Funeral services for William Booh
er were held Friday afternoon at two
o'clock from the Christian church.
Pastor Sias delivered the funeral
sermon and the Masons had charge of
the services at the grave. The
funeral was attended by a large
'number of friends and the .floral of
ferings were beautiful.
Miss Mildred Hansell entertained
at a holiday party Saturday evening
when twenty-four of Miss Mildred's
friends gathered at the hospitable
Hansell home. The holiday Bchenie
was carried out with a huge Christ
mas tree and Christmas decorations.
After appropriate games for kiddies,
it being announced as a kiddie party,
six tables of cards were then in play.
Refreshments were served.
An interesting meeting of the Ath
ena Study club was held Saturday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. B.
Boyd, with a small number of the
members being present. A papet on
Klnilworth Castle was read by Mrs.
J. W. Pinkerton, ' and one on Strat-ford-on-Avon
by Mrs. Boyd. The
meeting on January 10 will be at the
home of Mrs. M. I. Miller, when
study will deal with the city of Lon
don. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener en
tertained friends New Year's night
when four tables of bridge were at
play. Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Douglas,
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Logsdon, Miss Mildred
Bateman, John Pinkerton, Dr. and
Mrs. Blatchford the host and hostess.
Light refreshments were served at
a late hour.
High School Notes
Editor ..............Stafford Hansell
Assistant Editor........Myrtle Campbell
Student Body.....
Boys' Athletics......
Classes...: ...........
...Jack Moore
Arthur Crowley
......Roland Wilson
Emery Rogers
.Elizabeth Walter
Personals ;....Georgie Green
Faculty ... ....Walter Huffman
1st to 4th Grades........Curtiss Duffield
5th to 8th Grades Mary Tompkins
Subject Classes...... Herbert Reeder
Advisor................Miss Beulah Smith
(Stafford Hansell) '
Is the cheering section an import
ant feature of a game? It is a very
important feature for it cheers the
players to further efforts and shows
them that the school is still behind
them and gives the public the general
school attitude. It is not difficult to
determine the attitude of the non-
participating pupils. The indifferent,
obstinate, bashful, and other char
acteristics are brought to light in the
cheering section. The yell leader,
while he may be largely at fault,, is
not the person to lay all the blame on
for if the members of the Student
Body refuse to yell or behave them
selves he can hot force them to. How
are the students admitted to games?
They are admitted because they have
bought student body tickets. These
tickets entitle them to admittance to
all athletic contests at a much reduc
ed rate. It is understood that in using
these tickets they will sit in the
yelling section as set off by the yell
leader. If they do not sit in this sec
tion and are admitted under student
body tickets they should be forced to
sit there or give up their student
body tickets. Second, behave like
gentlemen and ladies at all times in
this section. People come from many
places to these games. They get
their only glimpse of our town from
these games. They undoubtedly judge
us by our behavior while there
Lone "cat-calls," "boos," and other
forms of nonsense should not be tol
erated in the yelling section. Third,
the Student Body members should as
sist in the yelling. ' Their yelling
should be consistent and consolidated
and not individual or of the razzing
type. Any student or students who
do not wish to live up to these condi
tions, which are neither tyrannical
nor overbearing, should be asked to
give up his student body ticket and
buy his ticket to the games as any
other individual. This is the only
way that Athena Hi school will ever
have a successful yelling section that
will be a pridei to the school instead
of a question mark.
The Prescott team came to Athena
Friday and played the high school
team. The Prescott team proved too
much for the boys and carried away
a victory of 22-13.
The game was nip and tuck all
through the first half and both .teams
showed wonderful basketball. In the
last half the boys could not keep up
with the Prescott team and dropped
gradually behind. V
The following boys started for Ath
ena: Huff man; center; Myrick and
Jenkins, forwards; Crowley and Rog
ers guards.
The substitutions were: Jack Moore
for Jenkins, and Ralph Moore for
- i
Girls'. Basketball
The girls' basketball team met the
Prescott team on the local floor last
Friday. The Athena girls started
out well, they had made two baskets
before Prescott hardly realized what
was happening. But then the luck
began to change and Prescott Btarted
rolling in baskets one after the other,
and by the time the game ended,
Prescott had a score of 28 to Athena's
18. At the biginning of the third
quarter the game became rough. The
results are, the Athena team has one
girl with a sprained wrist and one
with a black and blue nose.
An enjoyable assembly was held
Friday afternoon in the school audi
torium. Christmas carols were sung
to create tf "eal Christmas spirit
Each student was presented with a
bag of candy which was a gift from
the student body.
Classes .
The vodvil, given by the Junior and
Senior classes, proved successful both
in pleasing the crowd and financially.
Eighty-seven and one . half dollars
were received from the sale of tickets,
this1 money will be used for class ex
penses and for the Junior and Senior
"Pike" Miller, high school coach,
spent Saturday in Walla Walla.
Miss Beulah Smith spent the
Christmas vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I A. Smith, at Island
Superintendent E. E. Coad, spent
Christmas vacation at Cove, Oregon,
with his wife and their three sons,
who are attending the University of
Oregon, and were home for the holi
Miss Dorothy Brodie spent Christ
mas with relatives in California, re
turning Thursday, after New Years.
Wayne Pinkerton spent Christmas
day with relatives in Athena.
There are a number of students
from Athena attending the University
of Oregon, The students who are all
home for Christmas vacation are: Al
berta Charlton, Jessiedeane Dudley,
Kathleen Radtke, Lenore McNair,
George Gross and Fred Radtke.
John Pinkerton and Norman Mc
Intyre are spending Christmas vaca
tion in Athena. They are students
at Oregon State College. "
Ralph and Edwin McEwen, fresh
men at Whitman college are spending
Christmas vacation at Newberg, Ore
gon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. McEwen and their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goff.
Helen Hansell who is a Sophomore
at Washington State College at Pull
man, Washington, is spending Christ
mas vacation with relatives and
friends here. "
Lower Grades
Bobby Stott, Geraldine Garrett,
Leone Mayberry and Alvin Kibby are
out of school on account of illness.
A Christmas tree was enjoyed by
the members of the 3rd and 4th
grades last Friday afternoon. Each
pupil drew a name and bought a
present which was put on the tree.
Santa Claus came and distributed the
presents to the pupils.
7th and 8th Grades '
A Christmas program and tree was
given by the seventh and eighth
grades last Friday afternoon." Their
parents and lower grades were the in
vited guests.
"Subject Classes .
,, One semester of school is about
over, and these few remaining days
will be put into constant preparation
for semester exams, which will begin
next week.
; Installation of officers for the com
ing year for McKcnzie Chapter, 112,
Order of Eastern Star, was held
Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Anna
Littlejohn installing officer. The of
fices were filled as follows: Worthy
Matron, Mrs. Katherine Hiteman;
Worthy Patron, Arthur Coppock; As
sociate Matron, Mrs. Theresa Berlin;
Associate Patron, Kohler Betts; sec
retary, Mrs. Persephone . Watts;
treasure, Mrs. Eva Richards; conduct
ress, Mrs. Maud Garfield; associate
conductress, Mrs. Cresswell; chaplain,
Mrs. Virginia 'Watts; marshal, Mrs.
Alta Kirk; Ada, Mrs. Areta Gurney;
Ruth, Mrs. Roseberry; Esther, Mrs.
Myrtle Hansell; Martha, Mrs. Min
nie Ferguson; Electa, Mrs. LaVonne
Kirk; warden, Mrs. Ida Dell.
It's a Wolverine I
Bends like Rubber
Outwears Any Other Shoe !
A FLEXIBLE sole that's kind to
your feet .... that yields
quickly and cradles your foot
comfortably when you sloop or
kneel that's what this Wolverine
Horsehide Work Shoe does to
make your day's work easier.
If you've never worn a Wol
verine Horsehide Work Shoe you
have a treat in store for you.
You'd hardly believe work shoes
could stay so soft, wear so long.
Wolverine uppers do stay soft.
They are scuff-proof. Acid con
ditions that quickly eat the uppers
of ordinary work shoes don't fas
a Wolverine upper. And they .
wear longer because they're made
oi the recognized longest wearing
leather Shell Horsehide.
We suggest that you come tn
today and try on a pair of Wol
' vermes without obligation to buy.
Your favorite style is here, too
ankle lengths to knee highs. And
all these extra features cost no
more than you'd pay for any
good work shoe.
Phone 152
Charles "Buddy" Rogers
Nancy Carroll
Smashing through society's glitter to the real thing
love! Two thrilling lovers in a dancing, throbbing
backstage love-story V1--v-v'
A Paramount Picture
News and Three Reels of Comedy
Admission, 10-25-35 cents
George Bancroft
iifie roil.