The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 03, 1930, Image 3

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plus Ownership Service ,
When you consider that our Buying Power is grouped with each
of the Red & White stores in thi Community, Pius that of all
the other Red & White stores throughout the Nation then you
an see why we are able to offer Genuine Values and Unusual
Services. Trade here regularly for -a few weeks and judge for
yourself! . "
You Can Do Better at a Red & White Store
Serv-Us Hominy, 2jS ' . '
' 2 for 29c v ,
Brillo Large
2 for 43c
Dina Mite, Large Package
Red & White Peas No. 4 Sv.
6 for 98c
. Red & White Golden Corn No. 2 cans
5 for 98
Red & White Chili Con Carne, No. 1 tin
' 3 for 47c
Serv-Us Orange Marmalade, 16 oz. jars
2 for 49c i
Red & White Chicken Soup
':. 2 for 35c o-. -,.,,:,,! :
Prunes, 40-50 count '
2 lbs. for 29c
Serv-Us Coffee 1-lb. bags
Pineapple Layer Cake
Lux Toilet Soap
5 for 39c
Fresh Rendered farm Lard, gallon pail
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing ;
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, ... . Phone 761
Lowest Prices
if the Century! ;
Because Millions :
more people buy
Goodyear Tires
because Goodyear
builds nearly one
third of the world's,
tire output " a n d
hus enjoys . lowest
' osts we can offer
you history's low
est prices on the
finest Goodyears
ever produced.
Furthermore be
fore you ; buy we
can demonstrate
and prove the
Goodyear superior
ity of tread , and
carcass which pro
tects you from skid
ding, punctures and blowouts and assures you
more miles of troublef ree service.
Come in and see this demonstration.
All tires expertly mounted free and you also get
:our year round service.'..'--'";'' t: r ;r
Athena, Oregon
V i
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Jul Km4
Tew Year
Katherine Edelman
EW YEAIt'S eve and all the
little town of'Asliton nstir
nnd oilglit ! Sounds of laugh
ter and good cheer floated
out upon the night and everywhere
there was evldenco of the hearty good
will and fellowship that prevails at
this season.
A full moon was lending Its charm
to the heauty of the night, throwing
a soft and silvery radiance on the
snow-covered earth. It was one of
those nights when Nature seems to al
most outdo herself In the lavlshness
of the beauty that she dispenses.
Ashtonf haj ' particular cause for
happiness this evening. For, In addi
tion to the Joy of the New Year holi
day, a big celebration was taking place
In the town hall to welcome home the
town's most distinguished man, War
ren Denham. i
One home In particular held a very
excited person. Marian York found It
hard to keep up a semblance of calm.
She was fearful lest the loud oeating
of her heart would betray her feel
ings to those around her. Over and
over again she told herself that she
was foolish, that she meant nothing
to Warren Denham, that probably the
silly vows they had exchanged In
childhood were forgotten by him long
She felt that the wisest plan would
be for her to stay away from the cele
brations; not to risk the pain of the
old longings and desires that the sight
of him would be sure to arouse. .
But the urge to see him again was
too strong, and now she was standing
before the mirror, giving a hist criti
cal glance at herself before departing
for the hall. She had let the rest of
the family go on ahead, as she felt
that she wanted to go alone,
i It was over ten years since Blie had
last seen Warren Denham. During
that time he had gone out Into the
world and made his name famous,
while she remained at home, living the
quiet, uneventful life of the little
town. He was now a famous engineer,
wh had brought to n supcesef ul com
pletion one of the most dlfilculf en
gineering feats that had ever been ac
complished In western Africa. , She
had remained a nobody. It was un
likely that he would feel the slightest
Interest In her. . -j
Once Marian had hopes that things
would be different; she had felt that
Warren Denham loved her. But he
had gone away from the little town
without saying a word, had given up
their happy comradeship without an
apparent regret And there was little
to give her hope In the silence of the
ten years that had elapsed since he
had gone to Africa. He had written
to her occasionally before that time,
friendly, Interesting letters that might
or might not mean anything.
Nine o'clock found the ball packed
with a happy, expectant crowd. It was
going to be late when the train reached
Ashton, and they wanted Warren Den
ham to see all of the big program thnt
had been planned for him. They felt
that the town should be particularly
proud of the honor be was paying
them In coming so soon after his land
ing, and were leaving nothing undone
to show their gratitude.
A great cheer went up from the
crowd when the big moment came and
L Warren Denham stood before them.
The slender, dark-haired mr.n smiled
repeatedly as cries of welcome came
from every corner of the bull. Then
he spoke, quietly and easily, as one
of their own might speak to them :
"Friends," he fcsld, " I am very hap
py to be with yojionlghj. This li r
moment that I have lonUod forward
to for n long time. --During all my
wanderings the thought of the day I
would come home has been with me.
But you have made It even happier
than I had anticipated.'' Ills voice
almost broke tor a moment, then he
went on:
"It was the thought of your faith
and trust In me that often lent me
strength that made me want to do
my level best. I owe you far more
than you owe me. And I am proud
and happy to be back"; '
It was nearlng midnight when the
program was over; then thev crowd
surged up to shake Warren Dehiinm's
hand. But Marian York stole quietly
away. She felt It was, better to do
this... More than ever now . ahe seemed
to realize the great gulf that lay be
tween her and Warren Denham. She
must not allow herself to .see him; It
would entail too much nfter-sufferlng
to see the Indifference In his eyes.
With quick steps she walked up the
deserted street. "Oh,, why had he come
back, to revive all those memories she
had tried so hard to stifle? Life was
going to be harder and lonelier for
her than ever now 1,1 only he had
stayed away l" . r ,,. i
Suddenly she woke to the conscious
ness that she was being followed;
footsteps weig, gaining on her at ev
ery moment. Her heart began to
pound. There was something about
the footsteps that seemed to be famil
iar. Again she told herself that she
was foolish ; that It , was probably
some one who was In a hurry to get
borne. 1
Now, the hurrying one had caught
up with her and a voice spoke a dear
and weir-remembered voice out of the
"Why Why Are You Rushing Away,
past : "Why why are, you rushing
away, Marian? I thought you would be
one of the first to welcome me."
Confused and stammering, Martnn
stood before Warren penham. ."I
I thought there were so many others,"
she said. "I I did not think that you
would miss me. Things are different
tow, Warren."
"Not miss you, Marian 1" Warren
Denhnm's voice held tenderness and
emotion. "Why, Marian, nil thethlngs
I said In the hall tonight were meant
for you. I do love this little town,
but but you are really Ashton to me.
I I found out as soon ns I got to
Africa how much you meant to me.
But my word was pledged then, and
I could not come hark. I felt that I
must finish the job, and couldn't ask
you to come there. But all the time I
kept hoping that you would wait for
me. " '
"Marian, tell me now If the old
promise of our childhood still stands
good. Will you marry me?"
As Marian gave him her answer the
Joyous bells rang out the happy mes
sage that another New Year wat
born. While the strains of rejoicing
were wafted over the snow-covered
ways, two hearts sang with Joy for
the happiness that the New Year had
brought them.
(& U:i, VNtM Nowfp.pcr Cnlon.) and Shorte.l Day
There has been some tifsenssion as
to which Is really the shortest day of
the year. It Is agreed, however, that
the longest day f ms folks is the
second day in the life of a New Year
CesoIu,Uon. , ..a
Our Old Year goe, and let him go!
A New Year come. We hardly
The change, to peaceful and to ilow,
And uniought, too; but be It tot -
The Old Year heart the rusty leaf,
. The Old Year carriet all the grief,
The New Year brings ut all relief,
And bean the blossom and the sheaf.
Our New Year come si And let him give
Us purer thought by which to live,
'And greater courage In our strife,
. And higher purposes In life. ' .
Farm and Fireslie.
lyrgi history girls to hide those
' awful surface tears which
would show just when one tried to
smile and say, "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year I Soon these yourta
things would learn, too, that the new
ness of a year was bunk. Nothing
was new but Illusion, Life was old
and weary and humdrum.
, "Brownie's got a grouch 1" signaled
June Wells who Bat In the front row
, The girls opened their bonks uneas
ily. Miss Brown' faced them.
Tve decided to give yon a test."
The girls wriggled In hopelesa des
peration. Brownie did. have a
grouch 1 Just when they had to have
school on New Year's day, tool
Writing the questions Miss Brown
felt old. Maybe she hadn't a gray
hair, maybe she wasn't thirty yet but
again she saw that tetter:
"Fve thought It over, Helen, J
and I feel like a cad saying It, but
I'm convinced that our engage
1 ment waa a sad mistake. . . ."
. Her. tall, boyish
Jim I ... , .. "Our
engagement was a
mistake 1" Her life
.broken like that I
He . who afwnys
said she was to
beautiful, too good
for hlinl Probably
he'd found some
body younger one
of these college
girls or
; "What caused the
between France
and Englnnd?" her
chalk w r o te vi
ciously. Those steady
gray eyes of Jim's
He wns her's I "Our engagement a
sad mistake 1"
The girls were glaring. A test on.
a day which should have been vaca
tion I Miss Brown went to answer a
knock. ". . , a mistake, our en
gagement. . . ." .
' "Helen 1"
Miss Brown stared at the tall figure
before her. Quickly she stepped Into
the hall and closed the door.
"Helen, you darling 1" Jim was
brenthlng. "If you only knew I That
letter I I thought I'd lost every cent.
Couldn't ask you to take me like
that. Lord I What It cost me to write
Itl But, I haven't and "
When Miss Brown returned to the
room she smiled.
"Let's put away our work, girls,"
she beamed, "and have n little New
Year's program. For the New Year
is the time to be happy. Everything,
then, Is fresh and new and Joyous 1"
- B. Hit, Western Newspaper Cnlun.)
! The Thief of Hearts, I
but He Wa Arrested
C BATED In the comfortable Itnston
living room, with Lois Itaston be
wltchlngly beautiful, and the elder
Hastens seeing the Old Year out at
the village church, William Field de
termined to make his great plungo.
' "Lois," he breathed, his lips carex
Ing her name, "I have come to beg a
New Year's gift. Will you make It?"
"AH depends," returned the prac
tical young woman. "AH depends
what you're asking."
"I'm asking your heart, Lois," he
blurted, amazed at bis temerity. "Ask
ing your benrt, all for myself."
In the firelight her smile seemed
kind, but sad. "I'm sorry, Bill," she
murmured, "but I can't give you my
heart You see well it Isn't thine
to give. It was stolen weeks ago."
So his misgivings were confirmed.
He took the blow, be hoped, manfully.
"I'm sorry, Lois," he said, rising.
"We will always be friends." One mo
ment their bands met
He bad reached the gate before he
was arrested by ber voice crying,
"Stop thief " Itobert Stead. ,
(i Hit, Wcnttra Nsvspspsr Caioa.)
mm me
xj iiv-n ii
washer with a
washing speed for
every type of fabric I
And as if that weren't
revolutionary enough wash
ins speeds are changed without
tit use of a clutch or shift of a gear!
A genuinely new scientific principle
as startling; as the automobile differ
ential. Every woman has known for
years the need for a washer with a
chiffon speed for chiffons . . . a linen
speed for linens . . . and faster water
. action for heavily soiled pieces.
. Now it is a fact! With no gears to
shift ... no pedals to press . . . no v
clutches to throw.
$10,000.00 in Gold will be paid
for the best letters expressing
ppinions on the why and wherefore
of this modern washer. The contest
is open to everybody. . -
The main thing is to try Contest
closet October 31, 1929.
Come in and get complete contest '
information free. We'll be glad to
answer all your questions about new, '
revolutionary SELECT-A-SPEED. , ;
. Absolutely no obligation to buy or '
ell anything. Open to everybody.
Don't delay. Give yourself plenty of
time to write the winning answer.
All Week on the Air!
Hudttus hmJauti htpy pngnmt ivery night
m matminlly pnrnhunt ttttant. Turn M liter
Ry Miller's Cellist In Orcbtstrs mut ethtt
' Unmix srii'sti.
Free of charge, you may have demonstrated in your home or at addrest
below the ONE Washer with ten genuinely exclusive features. PHONS J
Rogers M Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Dr. W. Boyd Why te
Stangier Building, Phone 70S
Pendleton. Oregon. 057 J
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Physician and Surgeon
Offices, Hill Building
Athena, Oregon
' Athena.- Oree-on J
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon.
Practice in all State and Federal
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Why suffer with
tired; aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
' help you
Foot Correctionlst ,
, 22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
C. T. Booth
Successor to "Pink"
Third Street - - - Athena
Foley's Kidney Curo
nake kidneys and bUdJcr rlsrhi
Announces that it has com-pleted, the organ
5 ' ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. ' :..
. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information