The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 03, 1930, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Ratee. .
One copy, one year... . 5J
One copy, six months .. ..... H-M
One copy, three months........ r
Athena, Oregon, January 3, 1930
' (The Manufacturer)
" The stock market crash brought
forcibly to public attention the fact
that we all depend for our bread and
butter on operating industries and
steady payrolls.
It is a noticeable fact that when
the stability of the nation was threat
ened no call was sent out for
orators or political spellbinders who
pose as saviors of the people. In
stead the cry went up, "We must keep
industries operating." The President
issued an appeal to industrial leaders
to immediately formulate programs
for improvements and extensions
which would require investments and
the employment of labor.
The first men called together were
those unassuming individuate rail
road presidents. They halo
and they make few speeches. They
transport the food, manufactured pro
ducts and people of the nation. As a
bread and butter proposition, this is
more important than political pyro
technics. They quietly assured the
President that railroad operation
would go on as usual and promised
the expenditure of over one billion
dollars in extensions and improve
ments in 1930.
Who next was called? Just ordin
ary, hard working public utility ex
ecutives. It was essential that there
be no let-up1 in electrical development.
Without argument or hesitation they
pledged hundreds of millions of dol
lars for the 1930 construction pro
gram. Thus was hysteria relieved by the
calm assurance of industrial leaders
that ttreat basic industries would con
tinue on uninterrupted development
programs. The wage earner had a
graphic illustration of the import
ance of industries to which we all
must look for our supply of bread
and butter.
What a contrast to months of
speech-making and political bickering
if such a matter had been put up to
Coneress for "quick" action. Con
troversies would have immediately
arisen as to "where" the money was
to be spent. As it is-, private Indus
try will spend it where it is needed to
render necessary public service .ram
than where it will best settle
political debts.
It is action, not hot air, that counts
in a crisis. -
mind is of , a recent occurrence
Down at Medford two men and a wo
man are accused of torturing an old
man by holding a blowtorch to the
soles of his feet in an attempt to ex
tort money from him. And it may
be the whipping post wouldn't be
severe enough for the three heartless
Oregon teachers at . their . annual
convention in Portland went on rec
ord as favoring the creation of a
state board of education and the
adoption of the county unit system.
Not so long ago Umatilla county
threw a long, sharp harpoon into a
plan to county unitize the schools,
and we are of the opinion that senti
ment would be found the same now
as then on this important subject.
; o
Three labor racketeers in Chicago
were perforated with lead when they
were ambushed in a garage, by offi
cers. While in the act of demanding
$10,000 at the points of two pistols
and a shotgun, the officers stepped
forth.' the bandits opened fire, and
fell riddled with bullets. It natural
ly follows that this garage will be a
likely spot for the planting of a crop
of "pineapples." .
, o
Pop Warner and California sum
mer temperature twisted the tail of
the army mule for a 34-13 score in
the intersectional football game at
Palo Alto, Saturday, to the joy and
gratification of 70,000 western fans
Scientists estimate that a human
skull found by research geologists
in China to be more than a million
years old. , Some ivory, we'll say.
The vote on the new court house
proposal indicates that little interest
was taken for even in Pendleton a
lichfc vote was registered. Outside of
Pendleton, where the measure carried
773 to 328, the outlying precincts
gave a majority against the proposal
the total vote from the precincts be
ing 1338 for, and 2002 against the
measure. The suggestion that a hall
of records and a new jail apart from
the court house would serve require
ments at this time for a great deal
less money, prevailed here, where the
three Athena nreclncts totaled 108
aaainst, to only 19 for. Weston reg'
istered 107 against the proposal and
81 for it Gibbon precinct carried
the banner' of loyalty to the idea of
a new court house by giving 12 votes
in its favor to one against, while
Willow Springs and Nolin precincts
registered 100 per cent in opposition.
with 11 votes each.
We had 'supposed that the falls at
Oregon City was the greatest generat
inar enersrv for electrical power in
the Northwest. Now comes a Port
land expert who likens this great
cataract to a luxury insofar as be
ing important in valuation to the
Portland Electric Power company as
a basis for charging what he terms to
be excessive rates. This expert, who
is in the employ of the city of Port
land, further asserts that it were
better for all concerned if the Ore
gon City plant could be turned over
to private use. As a matter of fact.
the revelations growing out of the
findings of this expert show that one
of the stations capable of producing
20,000 horse power is limited to only
12,000 through use of present equip
ment. and that the historic water-
wavs could develop 40,000 horse
power, under proper development
"Bob" Sawyer, Bend newspaper
man is content to remain state high
way commissioner, and lets it be
known in no uncertain words that he
tetotally eschew gubernatorial can
didacy at this time. Sawyer sayi
that he does not believe in utilising
one state job as a step for another
state iob further up or words to
that effect. Spoken like a true sport,
old top; and we believe that you
would make a good governor, at that
o '
There are instances where the ol
fashioned public whipping post would
have a salutary effect, and one In
((f), 162. Western Newspaper Union,)
To add to the resources of life
think bow much that means! To "
add to those things that make ui
more at home In the world: that
help guard ua against ennui and
stagnation: that Invest the coun
try with new Interest and entice
ment: that make every walk In the
fields or woods an excursion Into
a land of unexhausted treasures:
that make the returning seasons
fill us with expectation and de
light: that make every rod of
ground like the page of a book,
In which new and strange things
may be read; in short: those
things that help keep us fresh
and sane and young and make us
Immune to the strife and fever of
the world, John Burroughs.
A pennut brittle that is different Is
the Chinese wny of making it .
Chinese Peanut
Brittle. Take one
cupful each of
brown sugar, corn
sirup, and cook
until it makes a
hard ball In cold
water. Then add
one-half cupful of
puffed rice and one
cupful of peanuts. Pour out In a but
tered pun and cool.
Sunday Night 8andwlch. Spread
vrye or graham bread with any soft
cueese ana sprinkle with cbODDea
black walnut meats. Cottage cheese
with cream or any grated rich cheese
softened with cream makes a good
spread. Cut into rounds with a bak
ing powder can they make most at
tractive open sandwiches. Sliced
stuffed olives make fine garnishment
for open sandwiches.
Ginger, Nut Sandwich. Tate one.
half cupful of chopped preserved
glncer, one-fourth cupful of thick
sweet cream and one cupful of
chopped English walnuts. Spread the
mixture on rounds of buttered
bread, using whole wheat or . white
bread. ,
Mnpla sugar, grated, mixed with a
little cream and chopped almonds or
walnuts, mnkes a delicious filling for
a dainty sandwich to serve at tea.
Fried Egg Sandwich. This Is one
which will appeal to the hikers after
a cold, brisk walk, or good, to serve
a skating or skiing party. Cook a
thinly sliced onion In bacon fat or but
ter until a light brown, odd an egg,
and cook until done to taste, season
with salt and popper and place be
tween buttered bread, the bread heat
ed hot Serve at once.
(By E. E. Coad,NSupt.)
There are two schools of thought
is psychology, the behavioristic school
and the school of heredity. The lat
ter professes to believe that what we
are is predetermined from what we
inherit from our ancestors; the form
er, that heredity is merely responsible
for the amount of intelligence wa
possess, and that our environment
and our associations account for the
use we make of our talents.
The controversy seems to wax more
bitter with the years. One university
assumes the truth of one belief, while
another holds to the opposite. Like
all things controversial things which
cannot be proved or which have not
been proved true, things that are
merely predicated upon opinion and
preconceived notion either side may
have the better of the argument. But
the truth usually is somewhere in
the no-man's-land between the two
schools of thought.
But the question is intriguing at
that. The flxationist group, those
who believe that heredity alone is re
sponsible for what we are and what
we become, has as bleak an outlook
upon life as the old-time predestina'
tinntRt btoud. One would thus be
but a puppet in the arms of a pre
determined fate. Nothing one might
do could go back of the stream of
heredity from which he came. Hen
sDeaks the rationalism and material
ism of Schopenhauer and of Nietz
. There is little hope of the
future here.
On the other hand, the behavioristic
btoud holds that what we are, aside
from inherited intelligence, and what
we become depends upon the lntlu
ences. conditions and surroundings
which home, school, church and so
ciety in general create about us. Jhus
the units of society must assume
their full responsibility for what each
individual of society does with his in
herited auota of intelligence.
But the heredity group stands aioor
answering the query of Cain, "Am I
my brother's keeper 7" with a loud,
Teutonic "Nein."
Surely sanity and progress and
truth lie somewhere between the two
extremes, with tht actual facts yet
to be conclusively proved. This is
a problem for psychology to deter
mine. If psychology is to become a
science it must deal with truth and
facts and quit this mere speculation
in the realm of philosophy.
For Sale Two Oliver three bottom
plows, good shape, used two seasons,
Two tail board weeders, good shape,
ready for use. Call 761. Bryce Baker,
Bladder Irritation
If functional Bladder Irritation
disturbs your sleep, or causes Bun
w nr Iti-hlnir Sensation. Back
ache. Leg Pains, or muscular aches,
mabinir van feel tired. deDreSSed,
and discouraged, why not try the
Cvatex 48 Hour Testt Don't give
nn. Get Cvstex today Put it to
tiB teat. Sea for vourself how quick'
ly it works and what it does. Money
back if it doesn't bring quick m
provement, and satisfy you complete
ly. Try Cystex today. Only ?0c Mc
Fftdden Pharmacy,
23 Years Ago
Elvina "M.. Schubert, daughter of
rimrlfls end Phoebe Schubert, was
born at Uniontown, Kansas, June 25,
1865. and died in Portland, Oregon,
December 20, 1929, aged 64 years,
five months and 20 days.
At five years of age she came wun
her parents from Kansas to Folk
county, Oregon, and aiter wo yeaio
came to this county, where the family
settled on the farm northeast ol Atn-
ena. in January ioa e w "
ed in marriage to Charles Norris,
who survives her, together with one
brother, Amiel Schubert of Athena,
one sister, Mrs. L. H. Howen oi Ros
alia, Wash, i one nephew, Clayton S.
Howell, Rosalia, Wash.; eleven neices,
Mrs. Hazel Hall, 1 Steptoe, wasn.;
Mrs. Mary Duynslager, Spokane;
Mrs. Mea Chesire, Bakersfield, Calif.;
Mrs. Violet Rhodes, Bakersfield; Mrs.
Mnn Cnrrv. Hoauiam. Wash.; Mrs.
Ti. HeAter. Pasco. Wash.; Miss
Lcla Schubert, Freewater; Miss uoris
Schubert, Pendleton; and Misses Itol
Lorena and velma Schubert oi aui-
Funeral services were held in rort-
land, Monday, December 23, Rev.
Hfti-r a of the MetnoatSl episcopal
rhureh. beinir in charge. Interment
took place at Portland in the presence
nf frionrU and members of Neighbors
of Woodcraft Circle, of which order
the deceased had been a member since
This Sunday January 6th will be
Annual Meetinir. when all members
aIIv are desired and expected
bk . . . .
to be present; others are invited and
woWm. It will be an an nay a meev
iru, After the usual Bible school
- -
mnrnintr worshin hours, a DasKet-om'
ner will be had in the basement. In
thw P. M. a business session will be
huM. when renorts from all depart
ments of the local cnurcn worn win
be made. Then full election of officers
will be attended to. We trust tnat
both a responsibility and a gladness,
will prompt all members far and near
to be in attendance, mis anouia oe
an index to the effectiveness of the
work of the comrreeation for the com
ing year. In the evening there win
he the reeular Young Peoples' meet
ing and the evening service.: Mr.
Sias will speak at forenoon and eve
ning services. '
Friday,! January 4, 1907
Herbert Manasse was a Pendleton
visitor Wednesday. . , , ,.
Miss Lula Duncan, of Weston, was
a guest oi Mrs. Aiex jnciniyre,
Wednesday. , ..
Chas. Barrow, salesman for the
Athena Mercantile Co., went over to
Milton yesterday morning.
Mrs. Conmck, who resides on Hunt
Avenue, is recovering from a very
severe attack of illness.
Frank Coolidge, the jeweler, spent
a couple of days in Weston this week,
doing business in his line.
Little Jimmie Howe, who has been
attending the school for the blind at
Salem, is home for the holidays.
Otha Reeder left Wednesday eve
ning for his home in Tacoma, after
spending the holidays with friends in
Miss Genevieve Dickson, of Walla
Walla, is spending the holidays with
her grandmother, Mrs. Jackson Nel
son. : -'i : .
There is still a large quantity of
wheat Btored in the warehouses at
Helix and Myrick on account of the
car shortage.
Orville Booher has returned home
from Lexington, Morrow county,
where he spent several weeks visiting
with relatives.
Mrs. L. L. Montague has arrived
from Arlington, being called here be
cause of the serious condition of her
father, S. C. Stanton.
R. E. Stewart is very sick at his
home west of town, and his attending
physician is of the opinion that he is
threatened with pneumonia.
The First National Bank of Athena
reports a surplus fund of $20,009 and
announces that hereafter 4 per-cent
interest will be paid on time deposits.
The sudden . chinook and ttyaw
Wednesday night spoiled the jolly
coasting parties who have been en
joying themselves on the slope of
west Main street.
"Jop" Osborne, the old Yellow
Kid pitcher, has signed with the Spo
kane league team for 1907. ' He fin
ished last season with the Park City,
Utah, league team.
Earl Dudley returned to uorvams
yesterday, where he will resume his
studies in the O. A. C. Edward Fos
ter and Richard Wright will return to
Corvallis today,
Among the names on tne jury lor
the January term of the circuit court
are the following from Athena: Frank
Berlin, John Bell, W. R. Taylor, E. J.
Zerba, Wm. Kilgore.
Miss Minnie Naylor is a guest oi
Miss Leota Cannon, and will return to
Walla Walla Monday to resume her
studies in Whitman college, after a
two weeks' vacation.
Will M. Peterson, was in Pendleton
yesterday. Mr. Peterson is acting at
torney for William Winship, wno win
be appointed administrator for the
estate of his stepson, Chester Post,
A letter to friends in this city an-
nounes that the health of T. J. Kirk,
who is spending the winter at his
home in Prospect Park, California, is
very much improved since going to
that salubrious climate.
. (Equity No. 4807)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Ore eon for Umatilla County.
Frank L. Silvers, Plaintiff, vs. Edith
T. Silvers. Dependent.
To Edith T. Silvers, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and , answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause within four week
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date is set
forth below, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, lor want thereof,
Dlaintiff will amlv to said court for
the relief prayed for in said complaint,
to-wit: For a dissolution ol the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for four consecu
tive weeks in the Athena Press by
order of Honorable James Alger Fee,
Judge of the above named court and
which said order was made and dated
the 23rd day of December, 1929, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons is the 27th day of Decem
ber. 1929.
I. M. Schannep, Attorney for plain-.
tiff, Postoffice address: r enmexon
Oregon. -.- D27J24
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of The First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it. will be held in its office in
Athena, Oregon on Tuesday, January
14, 1930, at the hour of two o'clock
p.- m. Dated, December 10, 1929, -D13
J10 F. S. LeGROW, Cashier.
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
A. Keller, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That Florence N. Keller, executrix
of the last will and testament of John
A. Keller, deceased, has filed her final
account and report in the admimstra
tion of the estate: that the County
Judge, by order duly made and enter
ed, has appointed Monday tne lcith
day of January. 1930, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton,
Oregon, as the place where all ob
jections and exceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this 13th day of December,
1929. - - -
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Executrix. . D13J10
Bring in Your Bent
and Sprung Axles
Acetylene Welding and Black
v smithing
C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop -
Every motor vehicle should be pro
tected by Public Liability and Pro
perty Damage insurance. Cost very
little and is worth many times the
cost. Every owner, should carry
Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia
bility insurance, only (7.50 and may
save your home. This is an age of
ambulance chasers and damage suits.
You owe it to yourself and to society.
Neglect may wreck your fortune; it
is wasting at the bung hole and sav
ing at the spigot. Liability protects
you, life insurance protects your fam
ily. We write it and service our
policies throughout the policy year.
Insurance plus service.
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 30
Athena, Oregon, January 3, 1930
No. 1
1929 was a great year.
So why shouldn't 1930
be better. The price of
Fords dropped and
Henry is raising the
wages of his men at the
same time. " Herbie
Hoover and Will Rogers
are going to be a big
help toward running the
country.- ..Nothing can
stop the U. S. we saw
that on a bill board so it
must be true.
Did you know that a
cow will give more milk
if she is kept warm? We
don't mean that you
should go out with a
hot water bottle for
Bossy, but it would be a
good idea to fix up the
barn for really cold
Just a review of 1929
The following review
is printed in this paper
exclusively. . Only im
portant events are men
tioned, the Zeppelin
flight and election of
Hoover are not worth
Jan. 13. The last New
Year's Resolution . went
broke. ;
March S3. Was really
the second of April.
April. Fishing season
July 4. 4th of July.
Nov. 3. The Editor's
Xmas cigarette lighter
Dec. 14. Congress
passed a bill. Congratu
lations sent by Presi
dent ... T-A-L ;
(Not so good but it
took up a little space.)
And a chicken earns
jit's board by just lay-
ftng around. Pretty soft.
Sears & Roebuck are
using the thirteen month
h'ear m their business,
land it is freely predict-
ied that every one will
Jbe using the idea soon.
fThat will mean more
pay days, a year, Short
er months but more of
them. It also means
the rent will come due
more often, and it won't
be so long between the
monthly bills: So in the
ong run it won't matter
; For 1930 ,
We want bigger and
better all day suckers.
More sunshine.
. All the antique houses
the Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Gives
to Home Patrons
, Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Main St. II. H. HILL Athena
Twin City Cleaners
The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Jj Ht
Special Prices on
for School Children
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Bell i Cray
'" ' Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
i Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr,
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683. ;
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....lOc per EWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month..:.3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month..........10c per KWH
Next 200............................ ..............:.:....7c per KWH
Next 300............ .............. ..........-...6c per KWH
Next 400.. ..... ....................5c per KWH
Next 1000 .....4c per KWH
Excess over 2000............................... 3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item. ' . . . v , :.-,
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian, fifty 'bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients. r
X-Kav and bacteriological labortories, washed air
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480.