The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 27, 1929, Image 4

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Shoe Repairing
As it Should .
, .Be Done '. - '
Workmanship Guaranteed r
Prices Right
A. J. Garner .
Gas and Oils
Dry Cleaner, Auto
Polish, Spring Oil
J. D. Huggins - - - Phone 81
1 Special!
Shaw s Coffee
per lb.
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
Cornell's Garage
General Repairing
Richfield . Gasoline and Richfield Oil, Prestone
and Alcohol for Radiators, Willard Batteries, Good
rich Tubes and Tires, Veedol Oil, Radiator Covers
for Fords, Flashlight Batteries. Curtains Repaired.
Storage by Day or Month
L. A. Cornell
Athena, Oregon - - - - Phone 471
4m O
We carry the best '
,e ai
That Money Buys
Kippered Sahnon. all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Press Paragraphs
"The Woman Trap"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Roy DeFreece of Freewater was an
Athena visitor Christmas eve. .
L. L. Rogers was in town Monday
from Pendleton. '.
Mrs. H. H. Hill is improving since
coming home from the hospital some
days ago. - ';'- -.V.'," - , 'r';"
Dr. and Mrs. Rice spent the week
end in Portland, returning to Athena,
Monday. '
C. M. Eager and family spent
Christmas day in Pendleton with
relatives. , -
Mose Banister is here for the holi
days, a guest of his sister, Mrs. Ida
Fred and Kathleen Radtke are at
home for the holidays, from Univer
sity of Oregon.
R. A. Ball has delivered a large
number of Christmas trees to Athena
homes this week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller enter
tained a, party of friends Thursday
evening at cards. t,
Mrs. Matilda Gray is here from
Pendleton, visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton and
family spent the week-end with their
son Laurence and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Harder and
daughter of Milton spent Christmas
eve with relatives in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford went to
Okanogan, Washington, Monday, to
spend Christmas with relatives.
Alfred Myers came here this week
to spend a few days with his brother,
Cleve Myers. He lives in Pasco.
Miss Sadie Pambrun has been ill
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Pambrun, this week.
Lee Hiteman arrived home last
week from Monmonth to spend his
vacation with his family in this city.
The Weston community held a
dance Saturday night last, which was
attended by a number of Athena peo
ple, jr.-
Kenneth Miller who has been visit
ing his brother M. I. Miller and fam
ily left for his home at Endicott,
James Hodgen left Monday eve
ning for Duncan, Oregon, where he
will visit his sister, Mrs. Ethel Mc
Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams spent
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Beckner at Washtucna,
Miss Hilda Dickenson same up from
Arlington and spent Christmas day
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sims
Leon Kretzer left Monday for The
Dalles where he will spend the holi
days visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Lew Kretzer.
The C. L. McFadden home was open
for Christmas festivities, a number
of the immediate relatives enjoying a
sumptuous dinner.
Miss Alberta Charlton, Miss Le
nore Jones and Miss Jessiedeane Dud
ley are home for the holidays from
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and
little son came up from Pendleton
Sunday and spent the day at the Lee
Wilson home in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
Roland, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill were
Christmas guests at the Otis White
man home in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Dorothy Berlin is home for
the holidays from her school at
Roslyn, Washington. Miss Berlin
teaches in Roslyn high school.
Miss Helen Hansell is here from
Washington State College for . the
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hansell.
Miss Marjorie Montague entertain
ed a patty of the younger set at her
home Thursday evening. Games
planned by the young hostess was tho
diversion of the evening, , followed
with dainty refreshments.
ew Year's Greeting
We appreciate your Patronage
and extend our best wishes
for your happiness and
Success through 1930
The Voting Contest
Miss ArleenMyrick won the $25 Toilet Set in
the Voting Contest, which closed at 8 o'clock,
Christmas eve., receiving a total of 50,428 votes.
..Miss Mary Tompkins was second, with 45166 votes
and Miss Dorothy Burke third with 11475 votes
cTVIcFadden's Pharmacy", c4thena, Oregon
Richard Dix in
"The Love Doctor"
New Year's Eve and
New Year's Night, at Standard.
Clark Walter is home ' from Gon
zaga high school for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson were
guests of Mrs. Lfla Kirk during the
Christmas day. s ' v .
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. George Banister, next
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Glee Sias is up from her
school near Hermiston, spending the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Sias.
Mrs. H, S. Swift came over from
the Normal school at La Grande, and
after a few days visit here, left with
Mr. Swift to spend the holidays with
relatives at Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gross came down
from Washtucna, Washington, to
spend Christmas at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Dudley Rogers.
Mrs. Ralph McEwen and sons left
Saturday morning for Portland and
Newberg by motor, to spend the holi
days with relatives and friends. ;
Miss Frederica Kershaw arrived in
Athena Christmas morning from
Gooding, Idaho, on. a visit to her
parents, Mr.; And Mrs. J. F. Kershaw.
Miss Emma Ringel spent last week
in Portland, where she visited f her
sister Miss Elsa Ringel, who has a
position in Grant high school of that
city. ... .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of
Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Tate of Helix, were Christmas dinner
guests at the Lee Wilson home, in
Athena. :,
Mrs. Ralph Haynie and daughter
of Burns, Oregon, arrived in Athena
Sunday evening and will spend the
holidays with Mr .and Mrs. George
Banister. .
Mr. and Mrs. James Cresswell and
little Jimmie went to Forest Grove
and spent Christmas with relatives
there. They drovf down in their new
Plymonth sedan. It
Miss Dorothy Lee and Miss Mar
garet Lee are at the home of their
parents for the holidays, from their
respective schools at Palouse, Wash,
and Carlo, Montana.
Norman Mclntyre and John Pinker
ton from Oregon State College, and
George Gross from University of
Oregon are with the home folks un
til after the holidays.
A group of young people gathered
at the Arnold Wood home Sunday
evening where a rousing old fashion
ed chirivari was given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood.
Miss Almira Booth, instructor in
music in the Montana State Normal
School, at Dillon, is in the city visit
ing her father, C. T. Booth, of the
Park Service Station, during the holi
days. Mrs. Lee Hiteman was hostess to
the Etude club Tuesday afternoon of
last week, assisted by Mrs. James
Cresswell. The next meeting of the
club will be held at the home of "Mrs.
C. M. Eager. ;
Mrs. Nellie Taylor visited Athena
friends over the week-end. Mrs.
Taylor left here for Vale, Oregon,
where she will remain for the winter,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Delbert Gore. .
A letter to Athena friends from
Mrs. M. M. Johns states that she ar
rived safely at i Ontario, California,
where she will spend the winter with
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Johns.
; Mrs. Laura Froome left Christmas
morning for the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs, Cooley, at Astoria, where
she will spend the holidays. During
her absence, Mrs.' Myrick is landlady
of the Athena Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon of Ath
ena, Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens,
Mrs. A. A. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. D.
H. Mansfield and Dale Stephens were
Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Nat Kimball,, in Pendleton.
Mrs. Jane Harden who has been ill
for many weeks at her home in Ath
ena, turned for the worse Saturday
last, and is reported to be slowly de
clining, despite everything possible is
being done to better her condition.
Mrs. J. F. Kershaw was hostess to
the Athena Bridge club last Friday
afternoon. , Mrs. Lew McNair was a
guest and received a guest prize. Mrs.
C. M. Eager received high club score
and Mrs. M. W. Hansell, consolation.
Thursday , afternoon of last week
the 3 o' 4 club was entertained at
the home of Mrs, Laurence Pinkerton
when three tables were in play. High
score was made by Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden. Mrs. Forrest Zerba was a
club guest.
F. B. Radtke returned to Athena
from Wisconsin, where he was called
to his old home on account of hia
mother's serious illness. His mother,
who is 8 years of age, had passed
the crisis in her illness, and he left
her steadily improving.
The six-inch snowfall disappeared
Sunday under the wafting persuasion
of a gentle chinook wind, and in its
place salubrious spring temperature
greeted this section of the Inland Em
pire on Christmas day, much to the
displeasure of the small boy with sled
and skates.
The pulpit themes this Sunday will
be, "Thy Kingdom Come," and
"Watch, Mind Your Step." All other
services will be regular. The white
gifts program of the Bible school of
the pageant last Sunday night was
well received and appreciated: a mis
sionary offering of the school for the
day was about $25.00. The annual
day of the congregation will occur
on January 5th, when a basket-dinner
will be on. In the afternoon busi
ness session reports of the year will
be rendered; there will be election of
officers, and other business pertinent
to the occasion. All should plan to
make this; a swat day.
A Prosperous Happy
New Year
To All
Athena Department Store
Phone 152
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson's
fireside was indeed made cheerful
Christmas day by the presence of Dr.
and Mrs. Horace Belknap, son and
daughter, of Nampa, Idaho, and Ro
land Andre, who but recently returned
from South America. Mrs. Belknap
and Mr. Andre are daughter and son
of Mrs. Ferguson. ,
The O. D. 0. club met at the home
of Mrs. Archie Mclntyre, Friday with
a good attendence. The rooms were
beautifully decorated in Christmas
motif, including a lighted tree with
gifts for all. Dainty refreshments
were served by Mrs. Laurence Mcln
tyre, assisted by the hostess. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Flint Johns, January 3rd.
The Charles Williams , home was
one of merriment and good cheer
Christmas day .when a family gather
ing enjoyed a Christmas dinner. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Beckner and children
came down from Washtucna for the
occasion, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Williams and little daughter and Miss
Ruth Williams were there to make
the day a pleasant one for Charlie. '
; Mrs. Ethel Montague entertained
members of the 0. D. 0. club at her
home Saturday night with bridge.
Five tables were at play. Mr. and
Mrs. Hint John's winning the prize
for high score and Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Dickenson, the consolation. At
a late hour delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Zerba, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs.
Flint Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gordon,
Mr. , and Mrs. Wm. Bush, Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Dickenson, Mrs. Adam
Swantz, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Catron.. -:
Startling, Gripping Drama
Mmm Tr
Hal Shelly and Evelyn Brent
If you like the real, true-to-life melodrama such as might be taking place
right around you at the present time you'll more than enjoy "Woman Trap,"
the fastest moving picture shown at the Standard in a long time. , .
Here's a Worthwhile Picture X3
News and Three Reels of Comedy
: -t
Admission, 10-25-35 cents M
New Year's Night
Richard Dix
The Love Doctor '
You've always Liked him You'll Love him in this one.
Two nights with Richard Dix Collyer in a clean, sparkling
comedy-drama that has anything offered by Paramount in many months
backed off the show map.
Three Reek of Comedy
Admission, 10-25-35 cents