u c r - r IS C - Svj- A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY , It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will, tell several hundred at once at nominal coat. . 8p 1 ! r in the week put that you do not need stationery of some sort or other i We furnish neat, clean printing ' at the very lowest ratea, ' Fast; pres8.esmo4eM types, u . modern work, prompt delivery. Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter . . liwv 9 no ,tT'v.' 9isO 't.J'V.t! r'" -fin ! 0 VOLUME 50. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20. 1929 NUMBER 51 10 F BUSHELS PER ACRE County Agent Reviews Sub f ject of Crop Improve- ment By Fertilizing. To provide readers of the Athena Press with a statement of the activi ties of the county agent's office the following report is submitted. , ThiaJ review is of necessity brief, with the full annual report of activities avail able at the county agent's offices at Pendleton and Hermiston. ' it is generally understood that the office of the county agent and his as sistant, the former at Pendleton and the latter at Hermiston, represent the extension service of the state agri cultural college which cooperates with the United States ; Department of Agriculture. Practically all phases of the county's agriculture are includ ed in the activities of this program, aimed as increasing the income and otherwise improving agricultural con ditions. f " Y ; ' The subject of crop improvement in volves the larger classification of farming in Umatilla County. ' There are two major diyisions of the wheat production problem in the county. One . has to do with ; - the - at tempts to locate a winter-hardy, high yielding wheat to take the place of varieties now being grown, while the other problem deals with soil man agement, the importance of the latter becoming more pronounced as time goes on. In addition to the work be ing done at the Pendleton Field Sta tion the county agent has established field trials in the lower rainfall dis tricts including five different varieties of winter wheats. These are on suf ficient scale to be harvested with a combine. , ' : ' " ' For a number of years the extension service has been conducting fertilizer trials and in most all of these where wheat was involved results have shown that soil fertility may be im proved. Fertilizer trials in 1929 con tinue to demonstrate the need for changes in soil management practices. These trials showed an increase of 70 per cent in the case of continuous cropped wheat, while in summer fal low wheat there was an increase from fertilizers amounting to more than seven bushels per acre, both of these in the Athena-Weston district. Trials have been established with a view to determining the practicability of turning under all straw and stubble as a step in stopping the rapidly in creasing erosion or soil washing prob lem and as a factor in otherwise im proving the soil. Another important subject now re ceiving the attention of the county agent's office has to do with the im provement of grain storage facilities within the county, both at the farms and railroad sidings. This office is arranging to supply suggestions as to the most desirable types of storage; to provide plans and costs of such equipment and in other ways assist growers to better meet the storage problem. The United States Depart ment of Agriculture has submitted figures to show that the 1929 grain .terminal congestion cost wheat farm ers 10c a bushel for the wheat sold be tween July 15 and the 1st of October. Oregon State College Will Take Crop Census Oregon State College While Uncle Sam is preparing to take a complete census next year that comes only once in 10 years, Oregon State col lege is gathering some !'census" fig ures in advance of some agricultural phases not touched by . the 5 govern ment's questions. In an effort to find exact facts as to growers' experiences with different grain varieties and to get information on acreages of the various grains, county agents are this month mailing out simple questionnaires- to grain farmers in every county. These ask only for varieties grown, month sown, number of acres, and total yield of wheat, oats and barley. It is hoped from this informr.ttoa to check growers results with thoae ob tained at the experiment station and help the growers to concentrate on the highest-yielding varieties for every district, 7 .... One -Week Vacation The Athena high and grade schools will have one week of holiday vaca tion, from this afternoon when school is out until Monday, December 30th. Instead of taking the regular two weeks vacation now, school will be shortened one week at the end of the school year in May. Indoor Baseball " " Indoor baseball is attracting at tention from the male population of Adams, where the "school gymnasium is utilized for practicing and playing the game, which has become popular theft. Oregon Woman In Japan Attend Pacific Relations Conference Held In Kyoto A foreign looking letter postmark ed Kyoto, Japan, and ': addressed to Miss Beulah Smith was received here recently. Mrs. Lucy Perkins, former ly Alpha Delta I'l house .motner at University of Oregon is enjoying a third trip to the Orient. She is ac companying Mrs. Murray Warner, donor of the Murray Warner art col lection at the university. Excerpts of her letter follow: ,, , "I am having a wonderful time. It's like coming home to be in Japan again. Mrs. Warner is a delegate to the Pacific Relations Conference which ODcns next Monday. There is also: the World's Convention of En gineers meeting in Tokyo, so Japan is cram full of visitors. - " "The foreign hotels are filled tc overflowing, for foreigners do not care to go to the Japanese inns. F.vprvthini? is so different from our customs and one's legs get so tired sitting on a cushion, even tnougn it h most beautiful one ' and one's feet get" very cold in our thin silk stockings and we could not step on their beautiful fine matting or polish ed floors with our shoes with heels. "There are any number of celebrat ed folks here. for . the conference. Rockefeller's youngest son is coming through Russia and will arrive any day; and his sisters, Mrs. Aldrich and Mrs. McFadden are here. There are the most, interesting delegates from England, Australia, India, etc. Did you ever know anyone so fortunate as I am? ; ."We have Judge Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams of Portland at this hotel and they are much interest ed, in the museum and the university. "We attended a tea yesterday at Doshisha University in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Martin of the University of Washington. Dr. Martin is sent by the Rockefeller Foundation to lecture in all Pacific countries, on any sub ject that will help nations to under stand each other. They are delight ful people.- - - ; "Tomorrow we are entertaining a young Harvard student who is here to study Japanese art for the Fogg Museum of Harvard. After the con ference is ovef we are going to Pe king for -the winter and hope to find some lovely things for the museum. Our new building is started and no doubt this will be my last visit to this country." ' Wauna Camp Fire Girls Will Present Play Soon The Wauna Camp Fire Girls will present a play at high school audi torium some time in January, the date to be announced later. The title of the play is "Returning of Rosalia," and the plot has to do with a girl who was kidnapped by gypsies and later discovered and returned to her home by a group of Camp Fire Girls. Mrs. Blatchford, guardian of the Wauna Camp Fire' group, is direct ing the play. Rehearsals have been under way for sometime. The cast is as follows:' ' Mint Beatrice Hiteman Rosalia Mildred Hansell Nita ,........... Arleen Myrick Aunt Maria ................Mary Tompkins Vivian ..............-........Nylene Taylor Viola .Helen Barrett Miss Robinson ...-Velma Ross Marguerite ., Marjorie Montague Pauline -...Mary Berlin Rachel .Marjorie Douglas Susan Laura Ross Betty ; .Valeria Cannon Peisis Esther Berlin Helen ....Rhoda Nelson Jeanette Myrtle Campbell Bess j ...Esma Hiteman Eleanor . ..... -..-Roberta Cannon Six Inches of Snow Six inches of. snow greeted the vision of Athena folk when they arose from their beds yesterday morning. The snow . followed rain ; during Wednesday evening, and thoroughly covers the growing grain, which is now protected to withstand, freezing temperature. In the mountain dis trict east of Athena snow was falling in the higher altitudes when this is sue went, to press. ;-; 5 Cutoff Survey Ordered It is probable that the Wallula cut off will be completed next year. Word comes from Portland that a survey has. been ordered by. the state, high way commission. The Wallula cutoff has long been a part of the federal aid map, and it is believed federal pressure Is being urged for completion of the work, notwithstanding the fact that it ia known the state highway de partment favors road construction at this time which Is of more importance to state traffic. Athena Study Club ' Mrs. J. F. Kershaw entertained the members of the Athena Study club at her home on Fifth street, last Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Dudley Rogers, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson and Miss Beulah Smith read papers on Oxford, the study topic for the afternoon. Mrs, Boyd will entertain the club Saturday afternoon, December 25. Virginia Indians Follow Custom 309 Years Old n two: u mm 3ai 1.;.. llr 1 1 aMS-ttiV ft I I , - v.. . -.Vv3: : Oilef George M. Cook of the PaumunUcy Indian tiiht? ncccnipiinfeil by a deloVotlon from five tribes of Virginia, with the first game killed during the hunting season vrlileh the red mon presented to Governor Hyrd.. Col. Peter Saunders, secretary to the Virginia governor (at HrM) accepted the game fur iJyrd. It has beeu the custom of the Indians to present the first animal shot to the Virginia covenior since 1020. ! "The Shepherd's Vision" A Pageant At Christian Church On Sunday Night The pageant, "The Shepherd's Vision," (White Gifts for the King) will be presented in the auditorium of the Christian church, Sunday eve ning, under direction of Mrs. C. M. Eager, who for sometime has had the cast under rehearsal. The pageant is considered to be an important undertaking and the pub lic is evincing more than ordinary in terest in . its presentation, which presages a capacity audience. , The cast of characters and ensemblies fol- low:---- -r--'"'' ; Cast of Characters Shepherd Boy .....1 Aaron Douglas Shepherds Carl Calvert Lowell Jenk ins, Garth Pinkerton, Lester Towne, Howard Reeder. Angels Betty Eager, Arlecn Myrick, Mildred Hansell, Mary Tompkins, Myrtle Campbell. The Madonna Mrs. Ed. Montague Sage ...... Mr. Ed. Montague Guardian Angel Esther Berlin Rich Man - The Laborer Walter Edger The Youth...... Lee Crawford A Princess .....Marjorie Douglas A Little Child ......:.....Belva Mclntyre A Maiden Mary Berlin Gift Bearers Jewel Pinkerton (Lead er), Gloria Garfield, Wilma Mcln tyre, Joyce Pinkerton, Maurine Edger, Fern Carsten, Marjorie Martin, Esther Linfoot, Maxine Martin, Doris Jenkins, Alberta Ball, Rachel Smith. Small Angels Virginia Eager,. Mel ba Montague, Torchbearer ...............Blllie Johns Wise Men Milton Miller, Chase Gar field, A. J. Garner. Quartette George Gerking, C M. Eager, Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton, Mrs. I, L. Michener. , Reader -Mr. Bias Pilgrims Wendall Shigley, Mrs. Edna Mclntyre, Leo Sanchez, Mrs. Lyle Gray, Carl Ball. Director, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Accom panist, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton. Pome Wanted For Boy riniintv .Tiidca Schanneu informs The Press that he very much desires a permanent home ior Laurence Stamper. The boy has lately been with a familv residinsr at Tillamook, and this family is returning the lad back to the jurisdiction of the court. Judge Schannep likes the boy very much and does not want to send him to an orphanage only as a last resort. Any responsible person wishing fo adopt this boy and who would be in terested in his welfare may notify the county court or the Athena Press, Splendid . Lodge Gathering The members of Wild Horse Lodge, I. O. O. F. and Mignonette RebekaH Lodge, their families and friends, en joyed a splendid meeting Monday eve ning. Members or lodges iron? sur rounding towns were present to swell the number at the gathering. After a fine banquet dinner an impromptu program, comprising short addresses, readings, stunts and music was great ly enjoyed by the assembled guests. Lodge of Antlers I The Pendleton Lodge of Elks instituted the formation of one of the first Lodges of Antlers on the Pacific coast Tuesday eveping when some thirty young men ranging in age from 16 to 21, were initiated as charter members into the Lodge of Antlers of Pendleton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. Elks." -( Games With Pendleton and Adams Have Close Scores Athena has gone 50-50 "on her first two scholastic games of the season, in close scores. The Pendleton Buck aroos tobk Friday night's contest 19 to 16. Tuesday night, in one of the closest checking games seen on the local court for-some time, the home quintet won from Adams 11 to 10. . - In the Pendleton game, Athena came back in the second half Btrong enough to overcome a lead and tie the score at 15. Inability to hoop free throws by Athena players allowed Pendleton to come out in f ront again with the above result,..,, -u. At the end of the first half in the Adams contest, the score stood 7 for Adams, 5 for Athena. The home team rallied in the third quarter, with, the score tied at 8 all. In the last quarter, opportunity for shots were plentiful for both teams but players were wild in looping the ball through the hoop. . "Piks" Miller's girls' team put up an impressive game , against the Adams girls and won handily, 27 to 19. This was the first game of the season for the Athena girls and they showed to advantage in both offensive and defensive playing. Coach Miller Is looking for a game to be played on the local court next Friday night, and may be successful in taking on Eddie Buck's fast Pres cott quintet. Touchet high school will play Athena on the home court Tuesday evening, December 31. This afternoon Athena plays Wa-Hi at Walla Walla, the tilt being in the verpacula? of sports, a ease of little 'uns going yp against big 'una, Case Dismissed At the hearing before Judge Fee in the circuit court, set for yesterday morning at 10 o'clock the case brought by Homer I, Watti, George Green and C. T. Smith against members of the board of directors of Union High School District No. 7, was dismissed on motion of Mr. Watts, attorney for the complainants, Following dismis sal of the case, word was at once telephoned to Athena by Chase Gar field, clerk of the school board and everyone here was greatly pleased that the matter had been settled amicably, the general opinion being that hereafter the school would re ceive united support. Voting Contest The standings of the candidates in the voting contest at McFadden'0 Pharmacy showed the following totals at noon, yesterday: Dorothy Burke, 5960; Helen Barrett, 1715; Marjorie Douglas, 5925; Betty Eager, 3438; Mildred Hansell, 1640; Blanche John son, 7153; Arleen Myrick, 15308) Mary Tompkins, 15248; Rhoda Nelson, 2817; Marjorie Montague, 1985; Care, lyn Kidder, 1945; Virgle Moore,1275 Marjorie Wilson, 978, . In Portland Postoflice Ralph McEwen has a position in the Portland postoffice'as an extra assistant to the regular force until after the end of the holiday season. Mr. McEwen held a position with the office last year. On January J he will enter the Portland branch automobile license department of the state, where he will remain during the rush period following the first of the year, Car? Calvert IU Car Calvert, Athena high school boy, has been seriously ill for the past week. He took down with t relapse of the flu, and for a while he waj threatened with pneumonia. Umatilla County Grain Growers Will Organize , Marketing Corporations As a result of the meeting of farm ers which was addressed by F. J. Wil mer, president of the North Pacific Grain Growers Inc., at Pendleton, last Saturday, a . grain growers associa tion is to be organized for the Pen dleton district at once. . It is understood that the Pendleton organization will function in the "en- dleton district only, Other districts including Athena, Weston, Helix and Pilot Rock, will have local organiza tions through which home grain grow- en -may market their crops. PA the Pendleton meeting, Roy Ritner, director for this district of Oregon, named a committee of twelve farmers to investigate the feasibility of forming organizations in the coun ty. Mr. Ritner named the following men on the committee: James Hill, Pendleton, chairman; L. L. Rogers, Pendleton; Carl Engdahl, Helix; Thomas Hampton, Pilot Rock; Frank Curl, Pendleton; Gundeu Terjeson, Pendleton; Marion Hansell, Athena; E. P, Marshall, Pendleton; Fred Fal coner, Pendleton; Sim Culley, Wes ton; David H. Nelson, Pendleton and Will Steen, Milton. Preparations 1 for perfecting the Pendleton organization were taken immediately by a sub-committee com prised of Mr. Hill, E. P. Marshall, Frank Curl, L. L, Rogers,, Gundor Terjeson, Carl Engdahl, Thomas Hampton, David H. Nelson and Roy Ritner. ; w Mr. Wilmer stated during the meet ing that it has been found the best policy to form these , corporations wherever there is a natural trade or banking center. Locally, no action has been taken by farmers looking toward an organization here. Picture Program A heart-stirring, authentic picture of the World War, filmed on the bat tie fields of France, featuring French actors and soldiers, is what the "Soul of France" is which comes to the Standard tomorrow for one night only. The picture Is the French epic of the war, portrayed from the French viewpoint of the thrilling part French soldiers took in the major engage ments on French soil. Through U all runs a thread of mother-love and human courage seldom depicted on the silver sereen. For holiday show ing, the Standard will present Clara Bow In "The Saturday Night Kid" on Christmas even and Christmas night. On New Year's eve and New Years night, Richard Dix is coming in "The Love Doctor." McEwan Will Stick Captain John J. McEwan, who re signed as eoach at University of Ore gon at the expiration of his present contract, January 1, 1931, says: "My plans remain fixed to complete my coaching at University of Oregon. Am trying to arrange Intersectional games for us for years 1931 or 1932." The J. T. Club Mrs. Vera Smith of Weston, enter tained the J, T. Club last Friday afternoon, when sixteen club members met at her home. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, C, L. McFadden in Athena, January 10. Is Fraternity Man - The Oregon Emerald, U. of Q. paper, announces that George Gross, Athena freshman has affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. George will be home for the Christ mag vacation period. ' Union Pacific Ordered To Build the Road From Crane to Crescent Lake 1 The Oregonian's Washington News Bureau says that a section of the transportation act of 1920 which ap parently confers upon the interstate commerce commission power, to order construction of new lines was invok ed by the federal rail body for the first time in requiring the Union Pa cific .system to build a 181-mile link across central Oregon. The largest area within the United States Btill without rail facilities. - - -i inhere was some hesitancy -within tne ranKS oi tne -commission about auch use of its authority, for four of ;he 11 members dissented from the report prepared ... by Commissioner Frank McManamy, who earlier this year held hearing on the complaint of the public service commission of Ore gon and recommended' to his col leagues that they require construction of the road. The cross-state line, required by the commission mandate would leave the present Ontario-Burns branch of the ' Oregon, Washington Railway & Navigation at Lawen, near Crane in eastern Oregon and extend westward to a point on the Cascade line of the Southern Pacific at or near Crescent lake. Construction is ordered by the commission to commerce by July 1, 1930. "" " The new road would be completed and in operation by July 1, 1933, under the terms of the order. The cost of the line is estimated by the public service commission of Oregon at $9,000,000, or about $49,000 a mile, while the railroads say it would cost at least $11,717,677, or approximate ly $03,340 a mile. It was held by the commission that neither figure would impair the ability of the Union Pa cific system to perform its duty to the public, as its net earnings ap proximate $40,000,000 annually. ' The efforts of the public service commission to bring about the build ing of a railroad across the central part of the state have been bitterly fought by the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and the Hill lines in combina tion, on the ground that the sparsely settled . section the line would pene trate is incapable of producing traffic sufficient to make railroad service profitable. Christmas Program To Be Given at Baptist Church An event cf interest will be the Christmas program that is being pre pared for entertainment of the church people and general public at the First Baptist church, Sunday evening, be ginning at 7:30. f ; ,Th program will consist of .two parts. Part one will include songs, recitations and drills by the primary department of the Baptist Sunday school, and part two embraces the rendition of the cantata, "The Word Fulfilled," with the following cast of characters: r Choir Mrs. Blatchford, Mrs. , Clar ence Zerba, Mrs. Lee Hiteman, Mrs. ; Ross Payne, Mr. Kohler Betts, Mr, Clarence Zerba, Mr. Lewis Stewart and Mr, Jack Dow. Pilgrims Arlene Foster, Roberta . Cannon, Wendell Shigley, Genevieve Barrett, Mildred Alkire, Laura Ross, Annabel Payne. Angels Helen Barrett, Jean Zerba Mary Jane Miller, and Barbara Lee, Truth ..Valerie Cannon Shepherds Velma Ross, Bob Lee, Marvel Zerba, and George Pittman. Wisemen Monta Montgomery, Esma Hiteman and Loie Hiteman. Mary....". ...Bonnie Alkire Joseph Dorvan Phillips Accident Fatal To Minister ; Milton friends have received word of the recent tragio ending of the life of Rev, C. W. Park, former pastor of the Milton Baptist church,, who left there about two years ago reports the Eagle. According to the reporca re ceived Mr. Park was struck by a motorcycle on the street in Portland, November 7 and taken to a hospital where he seemed to be recovering from his injuries until unexpected compli cations developed and the end came almost without warning. It is stat ed that post mortem examination re vealed that death was due to the formation of blood clots. Since leav ing Milton Mr, Park has been located In the west end of the state., . K. of V. Officers The following officers were elected at a recent meeting of Pythian Lodge, No, 29, Knights of Pythias, to serve for the ensuing year: William Camp bell, Jr, C. C; William Coppock, V. C; W. J. Kirk, Prelate,; Lew Mc Nair, M. of W.; York Dell, K. of R. & S.; Bryce Baker, M. pf F.; F. B. Rad tke, M. of E. Frank Williams, I. G.; Jess Gordon, Trustee. Teachers on Vacation Athena teachers will spend the holt days at their various homes. Miss Brodie will gq to Oakland, California; Miss Bryant to Marshfield; Superin tendent Coad to Cove; Miss Smith to Island City and Miss Thorion to Stan-field, UCEtlS STICKERS E FORTHENEWCARS Temporary Permits May Be Secured at the County ' Sheriff's Office. , ( Salem. People buying new cars around this time of the year and dealers who have been waiting for the 1930 license season will be happy over the announcement made here to day by Secretary of State Hal E. Hoss, who has said that 1930 license stickers may be used on cars register ed for the first time on and after De cember 20. In other words, people' having new cars or old ones not regis-' tered here in 1929 may apply for their ' idu registration and operate under it at that time. This action will tend to greatly expedite the giving of automobiles as Christmas g'f ts and will move a great many can from the ; dealers' floors, according to reports , that have come into the secretary of state 8 office from all parts of the state. Another Important announcement made by Secretary Hoss is that sher-' iff s will issue temporary permits ef fective commencing December 20th, so that people who do not desire to mail their applications to Salem may ; secure temporary permits at their county seats. These will be good until the regular license Eticker ia ' sent to the applicant from Salem to ', be affixed to the windshield m place ' of the temporary permit. . A fee of 25 cents is charged by the sheriff for each temporary permit issued by him. In Multnomah and Marion counties, : the Portland office at 69 Fifth street , and the Salem counter in the State Building will continue to serve those who do not desire to apply for licenses by mail. People registering new can, or cars not registered in Oregon in W29, will ; be issued a windshield sticker and a set of 1929 metal plates, while those , who are re-registering will retain their 1929 metal plates and will re- , ceive only a windshield sticker as , evidence of having paid the proper fee. Purchasers of motor vehicle licenses for the first six months of 1930, which should be in the hands of car owners by January 1, must retain for the six months ending June 30 of next year their present motor vehicle . license plates. Plates covering the , full year July 1, 1930, to June 30, . 1931, will be issued by the state de-. partment prior to July 1 of next year. This procedure is necessary, the ' secretary of state explained, because of a law enacted at the 1929 legisla ture providing that hereafter the an nual automobile license fees shall be paid on July 1 instead of on January 1, as has been the practice in . the past.,' ' .' .. , : . ... . , A Unique Reminder of Holiday Fire Prevention , Salem. Recalling the regrettable disaster in which three young girl students of the Monmouth normal school met a horrible death in a stu- dents boarding and rooming house last year, when a warm-hearted house mother carelessly placed a ''welcome home" candle in the window in too close proximity to the Christmas tree, and in the hope of avoiding the de struction of property through holi day carelessness, State Fire Marshal Clare A. Lee has designed and is sending out to the fire chiefs and . press of the state a "Holiday Hap piness Declaration" as a unique re minder of the dangers that lurk in holiday season decorations and festivi ties. The declaration is prepared in ' the form of a resolution, in appro priate holiday colors, pledging the signatories thereto to exercise eare and good judgment in their Christmas preparations and observances. Tho resolution is supplemented by a list of things to avoid in holiday prepara tions as a guide to a "Happy New Year because of a Safe as well as a Merry Christmas." ' : Town Basketball Team A town basketball team has been organized in Weston and worked out Monday night in the school gym nasium for the first time. Arrange ments are in progress for a practice tilt next week with a team from Wes ton mountain, and if this Is pulled off the public will be Invited to witness it without charge. Charles Hill is coaching the Weston team and the squad includes the following veterans: Snider, Greer, Kirkpatrick, Banister, Weber, Masters and Staggs. Wes ton Leader, December Rains The Walla Walla Union announces that precipitation at Walla Walla for the first half of this month, totaling 2.69 Inches is greater that the total for any month of the year, one of the driest years in the history of th weather bureau. : t .