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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1929)
the press, athena, Oregon, November 29, 1929 Shoe Repairing As it Should Be Done Workmanship Guaranteed Prices Right SEE MY LINE OP WORKING MEN'S SHOES A. J. Garner Announcement J, D. Huggins will have charge of the Shell gas and : oil sales at the Hoffman Garage and solicits a part of your patronage. You get more per dollar at a Red C& White Store The Red & White chain grocery group was organized for the express purpose of giving you more for your money than you have ever enjoyed before. .This will be quickly proven to you once you start trading here regularly. Remember! Snow, Rain or Shine We Deliver Red C& White Super-Specials Saturday and Monday 1 tin B & M Beans and 1 tin B & M Brown Bread 38c Gebhard's Chili Con Carne 3 for 47c Happy Home Minced Clams 3 for 79c Wesson Oil, Quarts 49c Liptons Tea AJb. 47c Serv-Us Orange Marriialade, 16 oz. 2 for 49c Red & White Jell Dessert Asst. 12 pkgs 95c Serv-Us Tomato Soup 3 for 25c Boston Butts 3 to 7 lbs. Size per lb. 29c Carnation Oats, China 38c ED MONTAGUE PHONE 171 Press Paragraphs "Hungarian Rhapsody" Standard Theatre, tomorrow night. Mrs. C. M. Eager was a Walla Wal la visitor, Monday. Stores and business houses in Ath ena will remain closed all day to day, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cornell and lit tle son spent the week-end with friends at Lowden, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Gray and chil dren visited at the home of Mrs. Gray's parents at Harvard, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkertoh spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Pinkerton's parents at Genessee, Idaho. Chase Garfield hauled a couple of loads of good wood from the Moun tains last week, . making the trip by auto truck. The Weston Leader reports the marriage of Miss Ruth Alderman of Weston, and Harold Thomas of Port land, at Pendleton, Friday, November 15. The Athena Study club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lew. McNair instead of Mrs. Kershaw as was announced in last week's Press. The play which is to be given for the benefit of the Wauna Campfire group, is being directed by Mrs. Blatchford, and rehearsals are being held at this time. Herman Hoffman is removing storage articles in his warehouse, ad joining the Hoffman Garage, pre paratory to reeciving a carload of Case farm machinery. Mrs. Minnie Willaby has been ser iously ill jit her home this week. She has been visited by her sons Virgil and Clyde and their families, from the Freewater district. Mrs. Harden is slightly improved after having a relapse last week. She is enjoying a visit with all her family, her daughters and families being with her for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. George Banister are here from Bend. They will return to their home there, Sunday. A large number of men have been laid off lately in the mills at Bend. Athena schools will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving. Superintendent Coad will spend the holiday period with his family at LaGrande. Mrs. Proebstel of Portland, who visited at the home of Mrs. M. M. Johns, left Sunday with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, for their home at Wallula. Bryce Baker received a letter from Dorsey Kretzer this week, written from Cleveland, Ohio. Dorsey is with an advertising firm, and has several men working under his supervision. When football wagers were paid in Athena Saturday evening those who had lost on California, came in for a lot of joshing by the winners on the Stanford team. Radio room was crowded here by listeners-in on the games during the afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Sheard has returned from a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mamie McDowell, in La Grande. Mrs. McDowell, who has been in ill health for some time is rapidly improving and is now on the road to perfect health restoration. why smokers graduate to CAMELS- Hi VI The phra$e Tv Graduated to Camels" originated with Camel smoker. It expresses the experience oi millions who through Camels have learned to know real imokinf pleasure As taste in smoking develops, it naturally leads toward better quality. New smokers may not be critical but when they once experience the true mildness and surpassing fragrance of the Camel blend, they realize that here is a real superiority. It is for smokers of such discernment that Camels are made . . . for them the choicest tobaccos are selected . . . and this qual ity is maintained for the millions who know genuine smoking pleasure. when they learn the difference they flock to Came; 1929, B. J. Rynold Tokiwa Cwmptoy, uutua-Salvm, N. G Millard Kelly spent Monday and Tuesday at Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock spent last week-end visiting in Uma tilla. The M. I. Miller family spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Endi cott, Washington. , Mrs. E. J. Burchill has been a guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Eager and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dudley are down from Dayton, spending Thanks giving with ttier home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon were over, from Walla Walla Sunday and spent the day at the- Geissel home. The Rebekah lodge and the Odd fellow lodge will join and give a pot luck dinner the night of December 16. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller and two sons, spent Sunday at the Pendleton home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Justin Harwood is putting a fresh coat of paint on the front of the Ath ena Garage; colors, red, white and blue. Mrs. Mable Poague, who spent last week at the home of Mrs. Bert Logs don has returned to her home in Med ford. ; Bill Wheatley may leave soon for his home in Utah, to remain until after the holidays, visiting with relatives. The best parsnips and carrots you ever saw at Donald McFadyen's. Parsnips 3 cents and carrots 2 cents per pound. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor and children are spending the Thanks giving holiday in Vale at the home of Mrs. D. A. Clore. . '; Mrs. Bert Ramsay has returned from her visit to her sister at Condon. Mrs. Ramsay is reported to be gaining in health, recently. The dog poisoner has again made his appearance in Athena. "Rags," Artie Kilgore's dog, was the first victim of the poisoner. Bert Logsdon is getting his elevator equipment in running order to handle a carload of Nebraska corn, which he will feed to his beef cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Harder and little daughter, Mary Jane, and Roy DeFreece, were Sunday visitors at the Frank DeFreece home in Athena. Raymond Banister drove over from his home near Weston, Wednesday, and took back with him a fine, new Universal range, purchased at the Rogers & Goodman store. J. D. Huggins, who operates the service station at the Hoffman Garage has added a stock of Shell products. Mr. Huggins reports that his busi ness is gradually increasing. It was reported last week that Til Beckner Jiad lost a, part of his potato crop by freezing. Mr. Beckner had some potatoes to freeze all right, but j they were "Culls, sacked for hog feed, j Miss Pearl Ramsay entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maloney of Pendle ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Adams; Dr. Geyer and Dr. Cowan of Walla Walla and Miss Lois Mclntyre at dinner, Sunday evening. Louie Bergevin was in town Tues day morning". He wa3 accompanied here from his stock ranch by Mrs. Bergevin, who -took a ntotor stage to Pendleton, enroute to Seattle where she will visit one of her daughters. Miss Hilda Dickenson who has been taking medical treatment at Walla Walla for several weeks, contemplates returning to Arlington, Sunday, to re sume her position as chief operator of the telephone exchange in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Dowd were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rogers, Sunday. Mr. and Mr3. Dowd have moved from their farm near Washtucna, Washington, to Pasco, where they -recently purchased a home. W. E. Campbell and son Will have been at Bingham Springs for over a week where they are working on the Campbell Bummer home there. The cottage is constructed of logs, has a fireplace and ether advantages of comfort. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley will take their departure soon for California, where they will spend the winder months. They will be accompanied as far as Sacramento by Mrs. De Peatt, who will spend the winter there at the home of her daughter, Mrs. DePhillip. Pythian Lodge No.- 29, K. of P., will nominate an elect officers for the ensuing year at. a meeting to be held Thursday avening, December 5. All members of the lodge are earnest ly requested to be present and partici pate in thi nominations and election. Stultz & Carney, mule Duyers irom Grand Island, Nebraska, shipped out the third carload of mules from Ath ena, over the Union Pacific, Sunday night A fourth carload, which is ex pected to clean up the mules in the Athena district for some time to como, will be shipped out later. Mignonette Rebekah lodge held in itiation Tuesday night, when five candidates were taken in. The can didates were Mrs. Edna Mclntyre, Mrs. Twilla Campbell, Mrs. Alma Cornell, Miss Itol Schubert and Miss Lois Smith. About sixth-hve memoers were present for the 6:30 banquet, thirty-one of this number coming from Freewater and had charge of the initiatory work. The special musical program at the Christian church Sunday night, ob tervintr Thanksgiving, was well at tended, Reverend Dow and his con- irreMtlon of the uapusi cnurcn augmenting tha congregation. The Choir gave goo4 program, wun reading by Mrs. Eager, and Mrs, Si as gave a splendid address. This morn ing at 8 o'clock, an early Thanks giving service was held at the Bap tist church, MS o Maxwell House Coffee 3-lb. Can ' 1.49 . Airy Fairy Cake Flour Eegular 50c Package .. 25c Foutana Alphabets Just the thing for Soups, package 5c Fresh Vegetables Daily thena Department Store Phone 152 Local hunters have killed a few ducks on Greasewood so far this fall. However, it will require stormy weather to drive in the wild fowl from the north in worthwhile num bers. Adarene, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fisk of Dry Creek, who was badly injured when an automo bile struck her, is reported to be im proving satisfactorily at the General Hospital in Walla Walla. Fortunate ly no internal injuries developed, the major injury being a broken leg at the thigh. The Athena Press is issued a duy early this week so that the force may enjoy Thanksgiving along with other folks who have contracted the habit of observing a holiday once in a vhile. The editor and his better half will go to Portland to eat tur key with a flock of relatives who have promised them a good time. over the week-end. A number of Athena fans and mem bers of the Athena high school foot ball team will go to Walla Walla, to day, Thursday, to witness the game between Willamette University, and "Nig" Borleske's Whitman Mission aries. It will nrove to be an inter esting game, as neither team has been defeated in a conference game this season. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson came over from Weiser, Idaho, last week on business matters. Mrs. Thompson spent part of the time with relatives at Heppner. Mr. Thompson sold his Morrow county wheat crop to the Farmers Grain Elevator company of this city. The grain is in storage in Morrow county, and brought $1.05 per bushel, net. V'. THE STANDARD THEATRE SATURDAY and SUNDAY LIL -DAGOVER Europe's Most Beautiful Woman and WILLY FRITSCH Erich Pommer's Masterpiece JNGA MAN fflAPSOBY THROBBING, pulsing love! Two women and one man! Caught in the swirl of a wild romance! Thrilling scenes! Glorious moments of love! Tender emotions and a great sacrifice that awakens true love in a man who believed the world stale! A Paramount Picture News Reel, Sports Reel and Comedy . Admission, 10-25-35 cents Coming: "The Dance of Life"'