The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 29, 1929, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate. ,
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy six months $ 1 .00
One copy, three months .75
Athena, Oregon November 29, 1929
A trade journal finds that me
chanical progress made in automobile
design m recent years is unquestion
ably preventing many accidents, and
minimizing the damage when ac
cidents do occur. It says:
"'Successive improvements such as
four-wheel brakes, all-steel bodies,
non-shatterable glass, simplified
transmissions, etc., are being general
ly included on cars. ' Among more
recent innovations conies the ball
bearing spring shackle. It is claim
ed that this development tends to
eliminate the unpleansant as well as
dangerous side sway that often causes
the uncontrollable skid. The average
road speed today was found, a decade
or so ago, only on the race track.
Skidding in race driving is generally
intentional and is known as "drift'
ing." While this has no place in high
way driving there are times when bet
ter control of an emergency skid
would be an advantage. Apparently
auto manufacturers are constantly
working toward perfecting every
structural detail that may assist in
lessening the driving hazard."
Representative Howard, democrat,
Nebraska, is responsible for the fol
lowing definitions: "Tame jackass:
A middle western citizen who believe
that the New England element in our
country has in some mysterious man
ner been given the divine right to
levy tribute upon the people of all
the agricultural states and particular
ly in the middle west.
"A wild jackass: Mentally speaking
of course, is a male western citizen
who is now entertaining some doubt
as to whether an almighty God ever
granted that permission to our New
England friends and is now ticking
up his mental heels very vigorously
in opposition to that damnable
The Manufacturer admits that keep
ing tax rates at a proper and justi
fiable level is an exceedingly ticklish
matter. If the rate is too high, pros
pective industries and home owners
are driven away. On the other hand,
if public improvements are not up to
par, the community is considered
backward and old-fashioned and the
average family or industry does not
care to locate in such a place. It is
only by cooperation of all citizens
and business-like - administration of
public affairs, that tax rates may be
kept within legitimate bounds with
out hindering progress.
o .
When, in some future century,,
says an exchange, the history of our
time is written, the good roads move
ment must be given much of the
credit for the amazing progress civil
ization has made in the past 25 years.
Provincial America is no more. In
a day's drive, 200 or more miles of
territory can be covered. It was onco
a common occurrence for a person to
be born, live and die without leaving
a state, or even a county. Now every
section of the nation is within easy
rench of our exploring populace.
Borger, the wild town of Texas, has
been tamed by Texas Rangers. The
Minneapolis Tribune, in commenting
on the Borger situation, resurrects a
legend of the rangers. "It has to do
with one Espinosa, shooting pride of
bandit bands," the Tribune says.
"Espinosa flipped a quarter of a dol
lar in the air with his right hand and
with the same drew his revolver and
blew it to bits before it touched the
ground. He met a Texas ranger who
shot him three times while ho reach
ed for his gun."
Seeing a picture of Senator Moses
in the Literary Digest, causes us to
frankly confess that we are not in the
least surprised that it would be an
easy matter for him to classify as
"sons of wild jackasses" contempor
ary members of the Senate, or any
one else who did not agree exactly
with his views. His visage denotes a
personage embalmed in a barrel of
egotism spiced with a supreme ar
rogance that reflects a markedly in
tolerant attitude toward the rights of
ber 2, less than half way through. If
the Senate is slower than the house
in its process of tariff reconstruction,
it may be for the reason there are no
"sons of wild jackasses" among rep
resentatives. -..-. o
Governor Hartley is hinting at a
third term, and his political enemies
are in a huddle. How did the "huddle"
originate? Easy. Eleven Scotchmen
lighting their pipes from one match.
Next to witnessing a corking good
game of barnyard golf, we'd prefer to
sorter meander through New Hamp
shire; just to figger out if there h
more than one Moses back there.
Forest fires should be entirely out
of fashion at this season of the year,
but they are not. A dozen fires are
menacing the ' forests of Northern
California at this time.
The "young- guard" lost its first
battle the Senate goes home to eat
turkey. ,
Truth of the matter, is,. Watson, all
of the Mussolinis do not live in Italy.
The terrible "third degree" employ
ed by police departments to wring
confessions from criminals is being
pushed into the discard by use of the
lie detector machine. Admittedly,
we don't know what it is all about,
but if the machines will do the work
claimed for them, we would like to
run one of them up against a certain
bunch of Athena fishermen.
The tariff bill which passed the
house as long as last May has been
laid awny by tho Scuato until Decern-
(, 1929, Western Newspaper Union.)
It matters not what we profess,
What we may wish or think or
' The only test is righteousness
We must obey,
In times ot trial, when truth Is
, rare,
i And when the clouds obscure the
The true disciple needs to dare
lie must obey.
Now that the outing season is In
full swing, we look for appetizing
' twmw. jHwwi'r' food that we
U. , " may use on pie
F nln find rnmnina
Nut and Raisin
Bread. Sift four
cupfuls of flour
with four tea
epoonfuls of bak
ing powder, add one-half cupful
of Bugar, one teaspoonful of salt,
one-half cupful of raisins and
(three-fourths of a cupful of nutmeats.
Chop the nuts and raisins coarsely,
Add two beaten eggs to the dry mix
ture with two cupfuls of milk. Beat
well, add four tnblespoonfuls of melt
ed shortening and pour into two sln
jgle loaf bread tins. Bake forty-five
, Peanut Butter Bread. Cream one
.half cupful of peanut butter with one
half cupful of sugar. Add one well
beaten egg. Sift three and one-half
cupfuls of flour with three teaspoon
fuls of buklng powder and add alter
nately with one cupful of milk. Beat
I the mixture well, add one-half , tea
spoonful of salt and bake In a well
'greased tin in a hot oven.
Nut Bread. Take one cupful of
milk, one-half cipful of sugar, one
well beaten egg, two and one-half
upfuls of flour, three teaspoonfuls
of baking powder, one-half teaspoon
'ful of salt and three-fourths of a cup-'
1 ful of nutmeats. Mix all together
and let stand twenty, minutes. Bake
in a moderate oven forty to fifty min
utes. Luncheon Bread. Beat one egg, add
two cupfuls of sweet milk, two table
spoonfuls of molasses, one-half cupful
of brown sugar, two cupfuls of gra
ham flour, one-fourth cupful of white
flour, one cupful of corn meal, four
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one
teaspoonful of salt and two-thirds
cupful of nutmeats, chopped. Mix and
put into bread tins; let stand twenty
minutes before putting into the oven.
Bake one hour In a, moderate oven.
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Bladder Irritation
If functional Bladder Irritation
disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn
ing or Itching Sensation, Back
ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches,
making you feel tired, depressed,
and discouraged, why not try the
Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give
up. Get Cystex today Put it to
the test. See for yourself how quick
ly it works and what it does. Money
back if it doesn't bring quick im
provement, and satisfy you complete
ly. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Mc
Faddens Pharmacy.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangler Building, Phone 703
rendlcton, 0regu& 957 J
(By E. E. Coad, Supt )
The Oregon Budget Law as it ap
plies to school districts leaves several
things to be desired. According to
the law, the school district is sup
posed to budget its expense for the
fiscal school year which is from July
1 to June 30. But not one cent of
money will be received by the school
district until after the school for the
year is over. May taxes are usually
paid the latter part of June; and No
vember taxes the last of December.
You can readily see that a school
district is compelled to operate on a
warrant basis for the entire period un
less it can build up a reserve to carry
it over until the money on the budget
comes in. In fact the last half of
the budget for the current year will
not be paid in to the school district
until after, one-half of next year's ex
pense has been incurred.
In a. community that is rapidly
growing, any estimate that may be
made as to the expense that will
probably be incurred is a mere guess.
But no matter what it may be the
money will not be received from the
tax payments until after the school
year is finished.
Thus any school district, unless it
has a surplus fund on hand, is com
pelled to issue warrants to enable it
to function.
Wins Honor
1 , x&
V 1
7 . n
University of Oregon, Eugene.
Jeannette Calkins, alumlni secretary of
the University of Oregon, was elected
a member ot the board of directors
of the American Alumni Council at
the sixteenth annual convention,
which met at Toronto and Muskoka
Lqkes during the summer. Several
hundred colleges and universities
hold membership In the American
Alumni Council, and Miss Calkins'
election is considered a very high
honor for both the university and the
Physician and Surgeon
Offices, Hill Building
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
jull pound :l
Ture and :i
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Girea
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
21 Years Ago
Friday, November 27, 1908
Richard Wright, who has been em
ployed in a saw mill near Corvallis,
is home on a visit to relatives. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Peebler
at Pendleton, Thanksgiving day.
Louis Cargill of Pendleton is be
hind the prescription case at the
Pioneer drug store during the absence
of Mr. Hawks.
The low places in Athena's macada
mized streets are being filled in with
crushed rock. Marshal Gholson has
the work in charge.
Athena students attending Whitman
college and the Eastern Oregon State
Normal School are spending Thanks
giving vacation at their homes.
Pastor Harris of the Christian
church, delivered a splendid Thanks
giving sermon at the Union meeting
in the M. E. church, last evening.
Lowell Rogers has purchased 40
acres of land on the reservation from
Catherine Picard. Consideration, $75
per acre. Mr. Rogers has disposed of
his. Alberta land at a good profit.
Joseph Gill, real estate agent and
editor of the Washtucna Enterprise,
was in the city yesterday, a guest of
his old time friend, B. B. Richards.
Mr. Gill was formerly engaged in the
grain buying business in this county.
Dolph Lodge No. 80, A. FY & A. M.
will attend the Weston Masonic lodge
in a body tomorrow, Saturday, night,
at which time the third degree rank
will be conferred on County Clerk
Frank Saling, whose home town is
At the last meeting of the city coun
cil, the resignation., of councilman
George Gross was read and ordered
placed on file. Mayor Plamondon ap
pointed F. S. Wilson to fill the unex
pired term. Mr. Gross' resignation
comes for the reason that he is no
longer a resident of Athena, having
moved to his farm west of town.
The result of the Oregon University
O. A. C. football game played in
Portland last Saturday, was awaited
with intense interest on the part of
former students of those institutions,
who reside in Athena. The game
went to the University eleven by the
decisive score of 8 to 0, and when the
result was announced, the O. A. C.
boys here began paying up lost bets.
Ralph McEwen, manager of the Uni
versity team, was the recipient of
warm congratulations from his Ath
ena friends.
Will Pinkerton is negotiating for
the purchase of a 645 acre wheat
ranch located northeast of Milton.
Should the deal go through, which it
has every indication of doing, Mr.
Pinkerton will pay $75 per acre for
the land. The place is owned by D.
Boshare, and was formerly a portion
of the Drumheller estate.
(Equity No. 4807)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Frank L. Silvers, Plaintiff, vs. Edith
1. .silvers, Defendent.
To Edith T. Silvers, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the r above entitled
court and cause within four week.-!
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date is set
forth below, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to said court for
the relief prayed for in said complaint,
to-wit: For a dissolution of the mar
riage contract now existing between
plainthT and defendant.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for four consecu
tive weeks in the Athena Press by
order of Honorable James Alger Fee,
Judge of the above named court and
which said order was made and dated
the 19th day of November, 1929, and
the date of the first publication of thi3
summons is the 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1929.
I. M. Schannep, Attorney for plain
tiff, Postoffice address: Pendleton
Oregon. N22D2')
For Sale One Cupid cooking range
two heaters and a sewing machine.
C. M. Jones. '
T.rtRtRlack fur cuff from ladies'
coat. Finder please phone 681, Ath
For Rent 3 room modern cottage,
furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Lila
For Sale A thoroughbred Guern
sey bull calf, for $25 if taken now.
Louie Ringel, Athena, phone 32F21.
Wanted A woman or girl to do
general house work. Apply to Mrs.
Glenn Dudley, Athena, phone, 32F13.
Attorneys at Law ?
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon.
Practice in all State and Federal
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
For Sale Two Superior Drills, ft
Harrow and other farm equipment
for sale. Henry Koepke, phone 32F12
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nicholai Howland, deceased, also
known as Nicolai Howland, deceas
ed. Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
lhat K. L. Howland, administrator
of the estate of Nicholai Howland, de
ceased, also known as Nicolai How
land, deceased, has filed his final ac
count and report in the administration
of the estate; that the County Judge
by order duly made and entered has
appointed Monday the 2nd day of
December, 1929, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the ' time
and the County Court House at Pen
dleton, Oregon, as the place where all
objections and exceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this 31st day of October,
R. L. HOWLAND, Administrator.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Administrator. N1N29
CM. JONES, Prop.
Every motor vehicle should be pro
tected by Public Liability and Pro
perty Damage insurance. Cost very
little . and is worth many times the
cost. Every owner should carry
Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia
bility insurance, only $7.50 and may
save your home. This is an age of
ambulance chasers and damage suits.
You owe it to yourself and to society-.
Neglect may wreck your fortune; it
is wasting at the bung hole and sav
ing at the spigot. Liability protects
you, life insurance protects your fam
ily. We write it and service our
policies throughout the policy year.
Insurance plus service.
For Sale Two Oliver three bottom
plows, good shape, used two seasons.
Two tail board weeders, good shape,
ready for use. Call 76. Bryce Bauer.
For Sale 150 acres well watered
pasture land, located one mile from
end of Wild Horse market road. 25
acres good tillable soil. Terms. Sim
Culley, Weston, phone 14F2.
Bell S Gray
' Phone 593
Two Auto
Always At Your Service
City and Country
fs Garage
General Repairing
Richfield Gasoline and Richfield Oil, Prestone
and Alcohol for Radiators, Willard Batteries, Good
rich Tubes and Tires, Veedol Oil, Radiator Covers
for Fords, Flashlight Batteries. Curtains Repaired.
Storage by Day or Month
. L. A. Cornell
Athena, Oregon - -. - - . Phone 471
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Twin City Cleaners
The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the
owest Prices
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the peop le of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 1
Athena, Oregon, November 29, 1929
No. 12
And now that a com
mittee has been appoint
ed to' restore confidence
there is only one thing
to be decided where
will they restore it ?
A. M. Johnson, Editor
Thanksgiving is a
great day, unless our
appetites get the better
of us.
We can't tell you how
to make money but our
formula for saving it is
good. Insulate yur
house with Celotex and
save on fuel. .
With Congress about
to adjourn the country
can settle back to norm
al" for a while.
' T-A-L : ; '
It wasn't raining when
Noah built the Ark, but
he was sure sitting on
top of the world when it
was oyer. The same way
with coal it is' hard to
get after a little cold
We make deliveries on
Building Materials.
Built-in fixtures by
Tum-A-Lum are a won
derful Xmas present.
Phone cabinets, ironing
boards, kitchen seats
and cupboards.
', T-A-L
We handle the best of
wood and coal.
Is life worth living,
or would it be better to
try and change a tire on
the pavement some Sun
day afternoon?
Special Prices on Special
for School Children '
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and me.
Perm Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and .Twin. City Sanitary Cleaners. .
Phone 683.
Walla Walla General Hospital
k modern rton sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Rav and bacteriological labortories, washed air
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
SSdSTphSWr 'mterest and patronaEe