The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 22, 1929, Image 4

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C. T. Booth
Successor to "Pink"
Third Street - - - - Athena
Shoe Repairing
As it Should
Be Done
Workmanship Guaranteed
Prices Right
A. J. Garner
Press Paragraphs
Found A ladies' kid glove. It's at
the Press office.
Mr. and Mrs. A.' J. Garner drove
over to Milton Monday;
Walter Adams was in town Tues
day from Walla Walla.
Mrs. E. C. Rogers has been confined
to her home this week with illness.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin visited friends
in Pendleton, Tuesday of last week.
A. M. Gillis came over from Walla
Walla and spent Saturday in Athena.
Mrs. I. L. Michener was ill the
first of the week, but is better at
present. "
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peter
son at their home in Athena, Novem
ber 10, 1929, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton en
tertained Pastor and Mrs. C. A. Sias
at dinner, Sunday.
Dr. Geyer came over from Walla
Walla Sunday and spent the day at
the E. C. Prestbye home.
Any girl in need of a friend, write
Adjutant Miss E. H. Allemann, The
Salvation Army White Shield Home,
565 Mayfair Avenue, Portland, Ore.
Albers Minit Oats, large, 2 for... 59c
Fountain Oysters, 20c or two for 37c
White Star Tuna, 25c or two for 45c
Silver Shield Tomatoes, 2 cans for 39c
The Quality Grocery
' Phnn 5fi1
Alice Eager, Prop.
Cornell's Garage
Richfield Gasoline, the Gasoline of Power. Get
Prices on Casings and Tubes Before you send your
Money away.
We also handle Veedol oils, Sporting goods, Radio
Tubes and Batteries, Auto Parts, Weed Chains. Cars
Greased, Tube Repairing, Batteries recharged.
L. A. Cornell
Athena, Oregon - - - - Phone 471
Lando Hodgens was in town Wed
nesday from Umapine, with a truck
load of apples and pears.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier were
over from Milton Wednesday, visiting
at the J. W. Pinkerton home.
Miss Maxine Moore was operated
on at St. Anthony's Hospital, Mon
day, for removal of her tonsils.
Mrs. Cora Miller, Mrs. Celia Bur
den and Mrs. Will Hall were in Wal
la Walla Tuesday, visiting friends.
MiBs Dorothy Brodie and Miss
Beulah Smith will spend the Thanks
giving vacation at the Smith home at
Island City.
Mrs. Glenn Steen came over from
Milton one day last week and visited
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Stella Keen.
Mrs. G. R. Gerking is recovering
Lfrom a serious illness, last week Mrs.
Gerking, for a time, was threatened
with pneumonia.
The Neighbors of Woodcraft, at
Weston, will hold a cooked food sale
and bazaar In that city Saturday
afternoon at Mr. Avery's office.
W. P. Littlejohn accompanied Paul
Lieuallen of Adams, to La Grande
Saturday, where he witnessed the
Mac-Hi-La Grande football game.
Mrs. Mima Kirkland suffered a fall
Monday, at the home of her sister,
Mrs. D. H. Sanders, from which she
received a painfully sprained knee.
A Missionary worker from China
will deliver an address at the Baptist
church tonight. An invitation is ex
tended the public to come out and
hear him.
Dr. and Mrs. McBee came up from
Pendleton Sunday anJ visited Dr. and
Mrs. Rice. The two doctors drove
to the Umatilla river where they spent
several hours angling for trout.
Jim Hodgen came up from Pendleton
and spent Sunday in Athena. Jim has
been at the Standard , Oil company
plant at Pendleton for the past two
weeks, assisting the force there.
Mrs. M. L. Watts entertained Mrs.
M. M. Johns and her sister, Mrs.
Jacob Proebstel of Portland, who is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Johns,
at luncheon in Pendleton, last Fri
day. A meeting of Athena-Weston Le
gion Post is called for next Monday
evening at the Penn Harris barber
shop. All members are requested to
be present. Election of officers will
take place at this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson came
up from Pendleton and spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wil
son. They were accompanied home
Sunday evening by Miss Marjorie
Wilson and Miss Bernice Wilson.
Mrs. Bert Ramsay returned to her
home here from St. Mary's hospital,
Walla Walla, where she had been for
medical treatment, Wednesday of last
week. Mrs. Ramsay is now at Condon,
visiting at the home of her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley are
home after spending a pleasant time
at Eugene, where they went for the
annual homecoming event, From
Eugene, they motored to Astoria,
where they were guests of friends.
Assistant Division Manager Menke
and District Superintendent Layng of
the Continental Oil company were in
Athena last week and spent some
time here with Bryce Baker, the com
pany's local manager. Mr. Menke is
from the head office in Butte, Mon
tana, and Mr. Layng, from the Lewis
ton office.
no compromise
with goodness!...
the Camel blend is
a real smoke!
r v.
darnels are mad for the knowing
ones who seek the pleasures of a
food smoke, and these smokers
my be assured that the true Camel
quality will always bo maintained.
Camels were originated and made to promote the pleasure of
Bmoking. The most perfect blend that the greatest experts know
how to make is the secret of this really wonderful cigarette! The
most modern and skilful processes are employed in bringing this
great cigarette to perfection! The pick of all Domestic tobaccos for
satisfying taste, the rarest Turkish for added fragrance! Camels
are vastly preferred by knowing smokers because they appreciate
the soothing goodness of choice tobaccos perfectly blended.
when they learn the difference
they flock to
1929, H, J, lUyioM ToUm
Judge Schannep of Pendleton was
an Athena visitor Wednesday.
Ralph and Edwin McEwen spent
last week-end visiting their parents I
in Athena. i
Mrs. Lilla Kirk and Mrs. W. W. !
McPherson were at Milton and Uma
pine Tuesday.
Mrs. Castleman and daughter
Barbara will spend Thanksgiving at
the Fred Kershaw home here.
Mrs. Frank Ames who was operated
on for appendicitis last week in Pen
dleton has returned to her home from
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke. Jr.,
spent last week-end in Walla Walla.
The Koepkes are driving a beautiful
new Buick coupe.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts who spent
last week-end at Spokane left Ath
ena Wednesday morning for Portland.
They made both trips by motor.
The Baptist Missionary society re
cently met at the home of Mrs.
George Banister. About thirty were
present. Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph McEwen motored to
Pendleton. Thursday night where
they attended the Kilkare club dinner
dance. . ,
Instead of on Thursday, a Thanks
giving service will be conducted at
the Christian church next Sunday
night, in which the public is invited
to participate.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield were
guests at a bridge dinner, Wednes
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Lester in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield won high score
at bridge.
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. E. E. Goff,
Mrs. Henry Koepke and Mrs. Ralph
McEwen motored to Walla Walla
Thursday where they were luncheon
guests of Mrs. Lorton at the
Walla Walla Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd had as din
ner guests Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Dudley, Mrs. M. M. Johns
and Mrs. Jacob Proebstel. Monday
evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff of
Newberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
McEwen were guests.
Carl Christian, Adams barber, came
up from that town Saturday and as
sisted in the Penn Harris shop for the
day. Carl fitted in quite naturally on
the third chair, where he practiced
the tonsorial art before going to
Adams, several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke con
template spending Thanksgiving Day
in Portland, at the home of
Mrs. Radtke's mother. They will
be joined in Portland by Miss Kath
leen Radtke and Fred, Jr., who will
come up from Eugene for Thanks
The J. T. club was very pleasantly
entertained at the horn? of Mrs. Zeph
Lockwood north of Athena, Friday
afternoon of last week. The hostess
and Mrs. Jesse Gordon served re
freshments. The club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton,
November 29.
The members of the Christian En
deavor and their young friends enjoy
ed a jolly party Friday night in the
reception rooms of the Christian
church, about 35 being present.
Games, supervised by Mrs. Sias, Mrs.
Eager, Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs.
Maxwell House Coffee
:-Vv 3-lb. Can
Airy Fairy Cake Flour
Regular 50c Package
25 c
Fouiana Alphabets
Just the thing for Soups, package 5c
Fresh Vegetables Daily
ena Department Store
Phone 152
Berlin, were heartily enjoyed, sup
plemented by a substantial lunch of
sandwiches, cookies and hot cocoa.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ster
ling Parris last Friday evening, the
members of the 0. D. 0. club enter
tained their husbands and families.
A number of guests participated in
the pleasures of the evening. "Cootie"
was the feature offered for entertain
ment, first prize going to Mrs. Jesse
Smith and Mrs. Will Bush receiving
the consolation. Hot tamales," cake
and coffee were served for refreshments.
The Athena-Weston classes of Mrs.
Lilian Fredericks enjoyed a recital
at her home in Weston, Sunday after
noon, in the presence of the parents
and friends of the class pupils. At
the close of the recital, Mrs. Frede
ricks gave a short sketch of the life
of Chopin and entertained at the
piano with one of his favorite compo
sitions, "The Butterfly." Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Lee, Mrs.Lila Kirk, Bar
bara Lee, Mildred Hansell, . Arlene
Myrick, Robert Stott, John Kirk and
Robert Lee attended from Athena.
", The Athena Christian Missionary
Society is receiving packages of
clothing to be sent to the Midnight
Mission fostered in Los Angeles by
Thomas Liddicoat. At the meeting of
the society last week, held at th
home of Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, a num.
ber of packages were brought by
members. Other packages will be
received by the society, before for
warding the consignment. The sub
ject for the study hour at Mrs. Pink
erton's home, wa3 "Armenian Moun
taineers," led by Mrs. Lew McNair.
Mrs. L. M. Keen assisted the hostess
in serving refreshments. '
School District Number 2
Valarie Cannon and Jewell Pink
erton were absent from school this
week on account of illness. .
Marion Stewart visited school Mon
The pupils enjoyed a half-day holi
day Monday, road election was held
in the school house of Dist. No. 2.
Another improvement to the Hall
of Knowledge in Frog Flat, this time
a new sand table.
Community News
Miss Hereford spent the week-end
in Adams visiting Alberta and Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Booher were
guests at the Jesse Smith home Sun
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Potter enter
tained several old time Walla Walla
friends Sunday.
A special Thanksgiving service will
occur on next Sunday evening at 7:30.
A mixed quartette, a double quartette,
a trio, and a male quartette are
among the musical features in prepar
ation. Mr. Sias will deliver a short
Thanksgiving sermon. The morning
services will be regular. A general
invitation is extended to all our services.
(Equity No. 4807)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Frank L. Silvers, Plaintiff, vs. Edith
T. Silvers, Defendent.
To Edith T. Silvers, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause within four week?
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date is set
forth below, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to said court for
the relief prayed for in said complaint,
to-wit: For a dissolution of the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for four consecu
tive weeks in the Athena Press by
order of Honorable James Alger Fee,
Judge of the above named court and
which said order was made and dated
the 19th day of November, 1929, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons is the 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1929. ...
I. M. Schannep, Attorney for plain
tiff PA5rffw address: Pendleton
SL ' . - N22D20
A Great Actress
A Splendid Picture for This Week
f J
ichard Arlen
News Reel, Sports Reel and Comedy
Admission, 10-25-35 cents
Willy Fritsch in "Hungarian Rhapsody"