The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 22, 1929, Image 3

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m ii ri wn M ini ! iiiimnmii iw i wnimw n w
You get more per dollar at a
Red m White Store
The Red & White chain grocery group was organized for the
express purpose of giving you more for your money than you
have ever enjoyed before. .This will be quickly proven to you
once you start trading here regularly. . . )
Remember! Snow, Rain or Shine We Deliver
Red C& White Super-Specials
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Cramberries, 2-lbs.
Bulk Dates, 2-lbs.
Bulk Mincemeat, 2-lbs.
Servus Pumpkin, 2 cans
Marshmallows, lb.
' 29c
Canady Dry Ginger Ale, 3 bottles
Servus Grape Fruit, No. 2 tin, 4 Cans
High School Notes
Red & White Oysters, 2 tins
Servus Coffee, 1-lb Bag
- , 47c
White Diamond Flour, 49-lb.
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
, ' Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
We're proud of the friends
these tires make for us
By Zerba
It's-a real satis
faction to sell
tires that make
a real friend of every
Customer. Goodyear
Tire mileages average
so high that we are building up the best and
steadiest growing business around here.
The service we give -watching our customer's
. tires for them also saves you trouble and
We're fixed to give you the most satisfaction
at any price you want to pay. Goodyear is able
to put out better quality for less money through
building nearly twice as many tires as the next
largest company. .You get the benefit here.
Stop in and see!.
Around Here, too More People Ride On
Tires Than On Any Other Kind
Athena, Oregon
Editor i. Stafford Hansell
Assistant Editor Myrtle Campbell
Alumni. . Jack Moore
Student Body Arthur Crowley
Boys' Athletics.... .'..Roland Wilson
Classes., .. Emery Rogers
Entertainment... Elizabeth Walter
Personals . ....Georgie Green
Faculty Walter Huffman
1st to 4th Grades........Curtiss Duffield
5th to 8th Grades Mary Tompkins
Subject Classes Herbert Reeder
Advisor Miss Beulah Smith
(Stafford Hansell)
A good reputation is hard to get
but not so hard to lose. Nothing will
gain an honorable reputation but a
long period of honorable deeds. One
misstep and it is all gone for naught.
One bad action over-balances that
long period affair and honest action.
Yet this is only fair; because when an
individual does not live up to the
trust placed in him on one occasion, it
is possible that he may fail this
trust at another time. That one blot
is always pointed out and never for
gotten. A boy might be a star on
an athletic team and play outstand
ingly in nearly every game, but if
he fails in one game, his coach could
not place trust in him again. His
reputation for steadiness has been
broken and for several years the fans
would point him out for his misplay
in that one game. . His reputation,
built up by long effort, has been lost
in one game.
A man who owns a Business, which
is outstanding for its fair dealings
has an enviable reputation, but if he
goes back on his policy and is con
nected with some unscrupulous deal
ing, his good reputation of other
years is forgotten. A good reputa
tion broken is rarely attained again,
for few people have the determination
to build up a reputation after they
have lost one.
Money lost can be gained again,
but a reputation is priceless. A per
son should carefully guard his reputa
tion. He should regard the reputa
tion of another as something not to
be played with and should never say
anything that will directly or indirect
ly lead to ruining another's reputa
tion, unless he is positive and has
evidence of his guilt.
, - ; .; Weekly Assembly
The high school students hope to
have a short assembly period once
each week except during examination
weeks. Probably once each month a
longer assembly period will be ar
ranged for and a more comprehensive
program will be arranged. It is hop
ed that each class will take over the
responsibility for a special assembly
program during the school year.
Parents will be invited to attend
these assemblies.
School Orchestra
"Is there enough interest in music
to make it possible to develop a high
school orchestra?" This was the ques
tion discussed at the last assembly
period. The students are all interest
ed in vocal music. But a balanced
high school program requires an
orchestra or band. It was suggested
that the Conn band instrument people
cooperate with schools that wish to
organize orchestras or bands and fur
nish expert instruction to get them
going. There is no question but that
Athena High school needs an orches
tra. And the hope was expressed
that something might be done to de
velop one in the near future.
ton, was a visitor here over the week
end. Ralph and Edwin McEwen visited
their parents here over the week-end.
Miss Beulah Smith and Miss Doro
thy Brodie, accompanied . by Miss
Dorothy Straughan from Adams,
motored to Walla Walla, Saturday
where they spent the day shopping.
The Heating Plant
The school heatim? olant is working
very well these cool mornings. The
building is pleasantly warmea by tne
time school takes ud. The automatic
stokers are controlled by a thermo
stat that shuts them down wnen ine
temnerature reaches 70 in the rooms.
and kicks them into action again when
the temperature reaches bo. aacii
room in enuinned with an individual
thermostat so the teacher can control
the temperature of the room by mix
ins' more or less cold air with the air
stream that is forced into the room.
Pure air is thus furnished every
room by forced fan draft.
Subject Classes
The scrap books which the United
States history class has been working
on, under the supervision of Mrs.
Areta Gurney are finished and the
decision, as to the best book, went to
the book on "The Flag." The com
posers of this book are Elizabeth
Walters, Emery Rogers and Herbert
The scrap books made by the
Sophomore Class on "How to Study,"
under the supervision of Miss Beulah
Smith have been completed. A copy
has been given to the Principal, Mr.
E. E. Coad for criticism. If this book
is accepted the Sophomore class hopes
to have copies printed and presented
to all Freshmen who enter high school
next fall.
Student Body
Planting a lawn on the school
ground to replace the cinders and to
beautify the school has been discussed
before the student body. Whether the
student body will do it or some class
will be decided on in the future.
Curtis Duffield, former student of
Athena high school, is now attend
ing Jefferson high at Portland.
Wayne Pinkerton, a last year gradu
ate .tbii,teii$al W4 ia)U
La Velle Gagnon, of the .Athena
grade school, has withdrawn from
school. She will leave for Walla
Walla, where she will resume her
The members of the Athena grade
school board, presented to the first,
second, third and fourth grades a new
portable Victrola. ' The students en
joy it very much, but as yet hav
not a sufficient number of records.
Another song service was enjoyed
by the students last Friday morning
in the school auditorium. The songs
were led by Miss Beulah Smith ac
companied by Mrs. " Areta Gurney at
the piano '
The classes will sit in groups while
m the auditorium nereatter. ine
freshman group shall sit in the front
rows, then the sophomores, next the
juniors, and last the seniors. This is
done to enable group singing.
Personals 1
Elizabeth Walter and Mary Tomp
kins spent Saturday in Walla Walla,
George Pittman was a Hermiston
visitor Sunday. ,
Goldie Miller and Myrtle Davis
spent Saturday shopping in Pendle
ton. Raymond Freeze was in Milton
John Kirk and Robert Lee were
guests of Mrs. Lillian Fredericks of
Weston Sunday.
: Athletics
Basketball practice is beginning in
earnest this week. There are about
fifteen boys turning out regularly
and they are settling down to the ol3
grind quite determinedly. The boy
are working hard and so is Coach
"Pike" Miller. He is devising ways
and means of leading his basketball
squad through a successful season. ,
There is some very promising ma
terial among the freshmen boys and
"Pike" says that he expects to have
two teams pretty evenly matched. ,
Let's all root for a successful bas
ket season. Come on A. H. S. let's
8' . '..: t:: .
See Clara bow in "Dangerous
Curves" at the Standard Theatre, to
morrow and Sunday nights,
Th i s ho me needs an
Youngsters will romp. Real telephone con
venience is best served by an extension to ,
the main telephone. To this second telephone
you can retire in quiet whenever the conver- '
sation calls for privacy. ' -', . - ; ;
An extension telephone costs but a few
cents a day. You can order it from our Busi
ness Office, or by notifying any telephone
employee. -
The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company
21 Years Ago
November 20, 1908
Dr. Fred Lieuallen of Pilot Rock
and Miss Myrtle Hawks were united
in marriage at Walla Walla Saturday.
The contracting parties are highly
esteemed in this county and are well
known in this city, where they have
numerous friends who unite with the
Press in extending congratulations.
The doctor is a son of J. T. Lieuallen
of Adams and his bride is a daughter
of R. 0. Hawks of Pendleton, and
spent a portion of her girlhood in
Athena. - , .
D. C. Mclntyre and S. L. Spencer
are on jury duty at Pendleton this
Mrs. Otis Whiteman and children
leave today for a visit with relatives
in Wallowa county.
Clint Thomas last week moved his
family from this city to Walla Walla,
where he will go into business.
Misses Lula Tharp, Reta Rothrock
and Cecile Boyd were over from the
Weston Normal Wednesday between
Miss Eva Rider, the efficient mana
ger of the local telephone system in
Athena, had business in Pendleton
Misses Carrie Sharp and Alcy Foss,
teachers in the Pendleton public
schools, spent Sunday at their homes
in this city.
Miss Lizzie Sheard spent the first
of the week at her home near town,
from Whitman college, where she is
attending school.
Miss Ida Montgomery and Byron
Jenson, both formerly of Athena, were
married recently in Portland, where
they at present reside. .
Principal Miner, of the Athena Pub
lic school, assistant principal Smith
and Miss Velma Wilkinson will attend
the teacher's institute at Baker City,
next week.
Dr. Sharp reports a new boy at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lieu
allen. The young rancher made his
appearance at the Lieuallen home,
Tuesday, November 18, 1908.
Austin Foss will next week take his
annual two weeks vacation, going a
Seattle and Tacoma, returning by way
of Portland and visiting his brother
and sister at Metro, Sherman county.
The rain which fell Tuesday night
s4 a, portion, p Wednesday lojjpd. h$
farmers with their crops practically
all sown. The rain was needed in
fact the water wagon can make as
many trips as it wants to.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt will go
to Waitsburg next week, where they
will attend the wedding of Miss Clara
Vollmer, a niece of Mr. Schmitt, and
will also spend Thanksgiving.
Otis Whiteman returned the first of
the week from an extended tour
through the northern part of Wash
ington.. He has not. fully decided
where he will locate, but will prob
ably return to that part of the coun
try in the near future.
Mrs. Joe Banister was down from
near Pullman this week, visiting
friends. Mrs. Banister informs the
Press that the house recently burned
in that neighborhood, reported to have
belonged to her son-in-law, was the
property of another Herman Curtis,
and not the II. H. Curtis well known
here. This is gratifying to his friends
who sympathized with Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis in their supposed loss.
Christmas is already being planned
for by the churches and Sunday
schools, and will be observed with old
time enthusiasm at all three of the
churches. Programs are being ar
ranged and rehearsals are under way.
The Christian church choir is ar
ranging a cantata which will be given
in the church some time during the
Main St H. II. HILL Athena
Real Estate
Wheat. Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L, L. Montague, Arlinf ton
i ... '
In cabinet
V Ask for
Listen in on
. i "" T -r
JuLEAR the cham-
,, pionshlp gamesonthecham
pionship radio! Atwater
Kent Screen-Grid can't be
thrown, smashes interfer
ence. Gets its goal the sta-
(A Mercantile Trust) f1 Hcar it hefe
JYbw for footballoii Easy Terms i
" 7 n'h
.3 1 r
I fl fi
n n n o;
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty 'bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients. . ; ,m ,...m t ---ys;;
X-Kay and bacteriological labortories, washed air
ventilation; - " - - , , , . .
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480.
We carry the best
That "Money Buys
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates ,
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid In full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month............l0c per KWH
Next 200... 7c per KWH
Next 300 . ...6c per KWH
Next i 40O............ ........... .. :....5c per KWH
Next 1000 .4c per KWH
Excess over 2000......................................3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid In full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company