The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 22, 1929, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
. . Subacriotion Rates. . ,
One copy, one year '!?
One copy, six months "
One copy, three months
A "young guard has sprung up in
the United States Senate, members
composed of the younger republican
regulars. They appear to be cocked
and primed to put over a Hoover tar
iff if you know what we mean.
Athena, Oregon, November 22, 1929
Senator Heflin. Alabama democrat,
considers Mussolini to be the most
dangerous man in the world. And it
would be interesting to know what
Mussolini thinks of Senator Heflin.
Three young robbers caught wreck
' ing a safe in Seattle, proved to be
Portland boys, ranging in age from
17 to 19. Two were brothers and in
attempting to escape had their legs
r,rf orted with buckshot. The young
est of the trio was captured without
being wounded. Police in the metro-
politan cities are beginning to realize
that it is the kids in greater num
bers, and not bo much the work of
hardened .1 crooks, - who are doing
most of the petty larceny and "stick
up" jobs encountered so frequently
Gun in hand, a kid bandit shot il
out with an officer in Spokane tha
other day, and only a bullet from an
other officer's gun and a battered
head subdued him. The boy now faces
a murder charge, will be convicted
and hanged for being a killer. Records
disclose that he is a three-time r
Beater in the state of Minnesota, and
in his desperation to keep from being
sent back there, he willfully became
a murderer.
We read in the ; dispatches that
farmers of the Northwest have been
"protected" bulbs, nuts and cherries
are included in the new tariff schedule.
A "voune guard" has sprung up in
sentence a Chinaman charged with
conducting a lottery. Well, they do
things different in Seattle, anyhow
Senator McNary appears to have
everything set. so far as the pro
ceeds from federal lands which may
revert to the state' is concerned. He
has allocated the prospective fundo
to the construction of a flock of new
state buildings at Salem. If these
lands do revert to the state, what's the
matter with using the funds accruing
to natch uo the state school fund
which long ago was euchred out of
the cream of its school land resources
Millions of dollars annually flow in-
to the Washington state school fund
from school land resources, and we
would like some smart guy to rise up
and tell us how much Oregon schools
are receiving from school lands in
vestment or otherwise if any.
. Concerning the feed problem which
nheeDmen are facing for the winter
the Salem Capital Journal has this to
say: "Unless the unexpected comes
in the shape of an open winter there
threatens to be large losses in sheep
this year, report some sheep men. For
some time now heavy feeding has
been done with sheep because of the
dry pastures and inability of . the
sheen to keep going on their own. It
is expected there will be big demand
for feed for this purpose before win
ter is over."
After enduring hardship in attempt
lng to rescue passengers and valuable
furs from the trading ship NanuK
icebound in the Arctic off the coast
of Siberia, pilots of two Alaska planes
have been forced to give up the at
tempt after making one round trip
The nlanes were wrecked, one in a
forced landing and the other in an at-
tenrnt to take off under a heavy load
of gasoline. Maybe the mode of dog
team transportation in the far north
is destined to remain a while longer
Paschal Ortiz Rubio. national re
volution party candidate, is the new
president of Mexico. Paschal was
elected to office last Sunday with all
the ?ala day trimmings so dear to
the Mexican heart. Soldiers patrolled
the streets, all cities and towns being
like armed camps. The victory was
seasoned with twelve slaymgs in bat
ties for possession of polling places
... o
A University of Illinois student has
been found guilty of bootlegging liq'
uor in a fraternity house. He was
fined $500 at last accounts several
ViAd been susDended from the Univer
sity , Charges against two other
students were dismissed. Let's see,
this institution is the home of the
famous Illini football warriors, is it
With the statement to his physician,
"I have never lost a fight in my life
and I am not going to lose this one,"
James W. Good, secretary of war died
in a Washington hospital, Monday of
this week, after a brilliant career of
sorvice in the house of representa
tives, before his selection as a mem
ber of the Hoover cabinet.
With his engine frozen, a Seattle
aviator was forced to choose and
choose quickly. He did, and landed on
the roof of a department store build
ing. The plane was demolished but
aviator and two boy scout passengers
escaped with minor injuries.
Japan will be satisfied with a 10
10-7 ratio to replace the ratio of 5
6-3 a3 established for capital thips
at the Washington conference. Let
her have it; as a matter of fact it
would be 20-7 if it ever comes to
show-down, anyway.
Messrs. "Y" of New York have been
invited to take a hunk of shares in
the World Bank, an international
clearing house. They "have accepted
tne invitation.
(, 12, Western Newipaptr Union.)
Life, believe, If not a dream,
8o dark sages aay:
Oft a little morning- rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometimes there are clouds of
But these are transient all:
It showers will make the roses
Oh, why lament Its fall.
Charlotte Bronte.
The following dressing is excellent
with all fruit salads, but try it with
two cupful of
chopped new cab
bage, three table
spoonfuls of
minced watercress,
two-thirds of a
cupful of diced
chicken breast,
two tablespoon f tils
of cooked peas and
the grated yolks of two bard-cooked
For dinner on a hot day have a
cold meat plutter. Arrange thinly
sliced chicken left from the previous
day, thinly sliced ham and a few
slices of cheese. Garnish with eighths
of hard-cooked eggs, small yellow to
matoes, peeled, hollowed out and filled
with mayonnaise, placing each on a
heart leaf of lettuce.
The jellies, jams, marmnlades, con
serves ana preserves as wen as
pickles of various kinds will convert
the most modest meal Into a tempting
repast All housewives like to have
a supply for their tables. Begin with
currants, cherries and strawberries,
and go on through the season with
goose, black and raspberries, crab ap
ples, peaches, pears, grapes and
plums. Some fruits which we have
with us all the year such as limes,
lemons, oranges and grapefruit, add
their zest to the other fruits as well
as serving various marmalades.
Spiced Prunes. Wash a pound of
prunes and cover with three cupfuls
of cold water. Let stand over night
In the morning simmer gently In the
same water until tender. Remove the
pits, udd to the liquid the juice and
rind of a lemon, one-half cupful of
vinegar, a cupful of sugar, a teaspoon
ful of ground cinnamon and one-half
teaspoonful of cloves and allspice.
Simmer for five minutes, drop la the
prunes and cook five minutes. Re
move the fruit to sterilized jars and
boll down the sirup for five minutes.
Pour over tlie fruit and sent while
hot. This Is an excellent standby as
It can be made at any time.
7Uu huvtt
(By E. E. Coad, Supt )
An important function of govern
ment is the establishment of stan
dards of value. Thus, the gold dollar
is the standard of our money value,
while we have the English standards
of weight, measure, distance, etc.,
rather than the French metric sys
While such standards of value are
vitally necessary for the orderly con
duct of business, there are other
standards of value of far more im
portance to the individual over which
the government exercises but incident
al, if any, control.
Each of us is motivated by indi
vidual ideas of value. Some are
actuated in practically everything
they do by some dominant motive.
Others drift, eddied here and there by
every vagary of the current about
them, with not a single impulse of
dominant inner control to guide or
direct them.
It should be an important function
of public education at least to make
an effort to motivate individual ac
tion toward such channels of inner
urge as will result in a decent, happy,
contented and industrious citizenship
Many so-called educated people are
actuated solely by selfish motives ana
bv the conditional emotional reflexes
which-they have never learned to con
trol. On the other hand, there are
some mighty fine citizens among those
who have never had a chance to learn
to read or write but who have learned
a sane and rational control over their
emotional impulses. Many people
with collegiate honors attached to
their names go through life dominat
pA bv the conditional emotional re
flexes of an abnormal youth and its
resultant jumble of emotional ex
Some Beonle cry out against play,
games and all athletic exercises in
the face of the fact that millions of
dollars are being spent every year
for golf courses adult playgrounds.
When the home was a factory center
and youth had home duties and re
anonsibilities. when human contacts
wore limited to the immediate family
and a rigidly circumscribed neighbor
hood, the emotional life of the child
was adiusted to the environment in
which he lived by the duties which his
environment forced upon him from an
earlv age. But the standards of the
past cannot be used in the solution of
the utterly changed games, in atmetic
and other contests we have the chief
influence in school life for the proper
conditioning of the emotional -reactions
of the ch'ld which will affect his
social and business life with its
multiplied and varied contacts.
I have a great deal of confidence in
the reactions of youth to the problems
of life as he meets them. In fact,
vouth. generally, is meeting his prob
lems today far better than are the
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Bladder Irregular
If funpfinnnl Bladder Irritation
riiRfiirha vnur Ripen, or causes Burn
Iffhlnof SpnsRtion. Back
ache. Leg Pains, or muscular acnes,
making you leci urea, aepressea,
an1 rliafnum creH vohv Tint trV the
Tnst. T Don't erive
up. Uet cystex today rut it to
the test See lor yourseu now quicis
ly it works and what it does. Money
knnlr if If rfnoan't hrtnir flUlck im-
provement, and satisfy you complete
ly. Try I'ystex toaay. uniy cue juc-
Faddens Pharmacy.
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Fendleton, Oregon
Practice in all State and Federal
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Athena, Oregon .
adults of this generation meeting
theirs. Even in quarters where youth
is "flaming" there are plenty of adults
leading the way and still others of
the older generation providing the
crimson path with all the accessories
...ior a price.
If the adult generation would clean
up its own mess of licentious, law
breaking and flaming ' parasites - it
would find little time left in which to
criticize that section of youth that
emulates the bizarre adult examples
flaunted before its eyes. Such an ex
ample would be a salutary one and
productive of far more value than
the smug observations of the hyper
critical observer.
nA Ira tioroTw notified to then and
CU iw j
there appear, and show cause if any
they have why the final report should
not be approved, the administratrix
discharged ana ner Donasmen
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 19th
day of October, 1929.
025N22 Administratrix.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the 1 Matter of the Estate of
Nicholai Howland, deceased, also
known as Nicolai Howland, deceas
ed. "
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That K. L. Howland. administrator
of the estate of Nicholai Howland, de
ceased, also known as Nicolai How
land, deceased, has filed his final ac
count and report in the administration
of the estate; that the bounty Judge
by order duly made and entered has
appointed Monday the 2nd day of
December, laza, at tne hour oi ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time
and the County Court House at Pea
dleton. Oregon, as the place where all
objections and exceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this 31st day of October,
R. L. HOWLAND. Administrator
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Administrator. N1N29
V.verv motor vehicle should be pro
tected by Public Liability and Pro
perty Damage insurance, lion very
little and is worth many times the
cost. Every owner should carry
Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia
bility insurance, only $7.50 and may
save your home. This is an age oi
ambulance chasers ' and damage suits.
You owe it to yourself and to society.
Neglect may wreck your fortune; it
ia waatine at the buncr hole and sav
ing at the spigot. Liability protects
you, life insurance protects your iam-
ily. We write it ana service our
policies throughout the policy year.
insurance plus service.
In the County Court of the State of
Oreeon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Walter
K. Blackburn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern:
That Loraine Wilson, administratrix
de bonis non with the will annexed
of the estate of Walter K. Blackburn
deceased, has filed her final account
and report iri the administration of
the estate: that the uounty Judge,
bv order duly made and entered, has
appointed Monday the 25th day of
November, 1929, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time.
and the County Court House at Pen
dleton, Oregon, as the place, where
all objections and exceptions to said
final account and report will De neara
and a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this the 25th day of October,
Administratrix de boms non.
Peterson and Lewis, Attorneys for
Administratrix. 025N22
NSflfc it newer felk
J. D. Huggins will have
1" charge of the Shell gas and
oil sales at the Hoffman
Garage and solicits a part of
your patronage.
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Mala and Third
Athens, Oregon
For Sale 150 acres well watered
pasture land, located one mile from
end of Wild Horse mantel roaa. ta
acres eood tillable soil. Terms. Sim
Culley, Weston,, phone 14F2.
inal return iintit
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Zeph
W. Lockwood, deceased.
Notice is herebv eiven that the
undersigned has filed her final report
as administratrix in the above entitled
estate, in the office of the clerk of
the above entitled court, and that the
judge of said court has designated
Monday,' the Und day or December,
1929, at ten o'clock m the forenoon
as the time, in the county court room,
in the county court house, at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place when and where hearing shall
be had thereon. All persons interest-
T.fRlftck fur cuff from ladies'
coat. Finder please phone 681, Athena.
For Sale One Cupid cooking range
and two heaters. C. M. Jones.
Vm Rent 3 room modern cottage,
furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Lila
r. Col. A thni-niio-hhraA fiuern-
cur uewe v"i .
o K,.n aif tnr S25 if taken now,
Louie Ringel, Athena, phone 32F21.,
Wanted A woman or girl to do
general house work. Apply to Mrs.
Glenn Dudley, Athena, phone, 32F13.
For Sale Two Sunerior Drills, t.
Harrow and other farm equipment
for sale. Henry Koepke, phone 32F12
For Sale Two Oliver three bottom
plows, good shape, used two seasons.
Two tail board weeders, good snape,
ready for use. Call 76. Bryce uaicer.
Piano for Sale Beautiful Late
Model Piano for balance due on con
tract A small down payment and
easy terms on balance. Write, Le-
May Piano Co., 20 East Yakima Ave.,
Yakima, Washington.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stanrier Building. Phone 708
Pendleton. Oreeon. 957 J
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon
C. M. JONES, Prop.
Bell & Gray
Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
, . help you .-
Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
Physician and ' Surgeon
Offices, Hill Building
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
! And Now
'Hot Water
i Bottles in
i Have you notice liow
k popular pastel shades have ,
been this season? Now they '
: have come to the hot water (
, bottle. KANTLEEK offers
i you your choice of three at-
! tractive - shades jade, or-1
chid and wisteria. No in
crease in price. Sold only at
I Rexall Stores.
I Main Street ' Athena
Phone 332
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the peop le of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 1
Athena, Oregon, November 22, 1929
No. 11
'Sfunny. When a per
son bets on three kings
that is gambling; if you
bet you can make three
spades, that's entertain
ment; if you bet stocks
will,, go up, that's big
A. M. Johnson, Editor
Modern invention and
progress is all right but
did you ever take a bath
and use paper towels ?
One way to make your
present home modern is
to rebuild it.
A hotel in a 4 small
town announced that
after the new roof was
put on there would be no
more running water in
the rooms.
Our roofing docs just
that stops water, keeps
in heat and keeps hut
cold, wears and wears
and wears, and is reas
onably priced.
Pay day at the Tum-A-Lum.
: So live that when the
summons comes you will
have a friend in . the
City Hall.
Hee Aren't you wild
about bathing beauties?
Ha I don't know.
Never bathed one.
The huddle system in
football was started
after a coach saw five
Scotchmen lighting their
pipes. ,)
Because you have (Oc
casional spells; of des
pondency, don't despair.
The sun has a sinking
spell every night, butit
rises the next morning,
Special Prices on Special
' for School Children
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Twin City Cleaners
The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the
Lowest Prices
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon ,
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well yon should keep your hair properly . cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683.
Announces that it has com-pieted the organ-
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. ; , ' v"
Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate. ,
Ask us for Information