The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 15, 1929, Image 2

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Wat MMlStm
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1-00
One conv. three months. .
Athena, Oregon, November 15, 1929
Man is a walking receiving' antenna,
most responsive to a radio wave ol
five meters, and in some respects is
equivalent to a piece of wire slightly
longer than eight feet, the College of
Electronic Medicine of San Francisco
announces in a report to the American
Electronic Research Association ol
Chicago. This report follows lengthy
experiments to determine the ther
apeutic value of radjo waves. F. M.
Henry of the college's research de
partment, who is conducting the ex
periments, also called attention to the
fact that electrical storms have an
invigorating effect on persons in the
vicinity of such electro-magnetic dis
turbances. "Thaf short radio waves
are beneficial in the treatment of cer
tain diseases is now generally con
ceded," Mr. Henry said in his report.
"When the body is connected or close
to a radio apparatus generating a
wave length of five meters, oscilla
tory currents flow through the body
and nervous system. The greatest
flow of current will occur in the
central portion of the body in the
region of the solar plexis. The great
est potential or voltage will be de
veloped at the upper end of the
nervous system the brain which is
generally conceded to be normally the
highest potential part of the nervous
system." Discussing the invigorat
ing effect of electrical storms, Mr.
Henry stated: "It is quite possible
that this is due to the fact that
lightning discharges cause electronic
oscillations to occur in the body at
the rate of 60,000,000 times per sec
ond, the equivalent of five meters,
through a phenomena that is electri
cally known as the impulse excita
tion of oscillatory circuits." Experi
ments have shown that short radio
waves are more beneficial than long
waves in the treatment of disease,
Mr. Henry declared, pointing out mat
short waves actually penetrate the
living cells of the body while the
longer waves act only on the extra
cellular fluids.
The eleventh anniversary of the
signing of the armistice that brought
to an end the World War, led by
President Hoover, was observed in
every American city and hamlet Mon
day. At 11 o'clock for two minutes
the nation's capitol stilled its activ
ities as a tribute to the dead of the
war. Twelve thousand legion posts
.throughout the land listened to the
President's radio Armistice Day mes
sage. Impressive programs memorial
izing the soldier dead were every
where linked with a spirit of rejoic
ing in celebration of the day that
brings nations closer together as time
rolls on.
The Oregon State Came Commis
sion says game wardens were more
observant or law violators more bold
is a mooted question but none the
less the records of the state game
commission disclose that during the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1929
there were 69 more arrests than dur
ing the prior year. As result of the
increased number of arrests the game
protection fund was increased ap
proximately $4,000 over last year;
this through fines levied by justices
of the peace in various counties.
Style is being recognized in the
matter of suicide. In Japan, for in
stance, it is proper to "fall upon the
sword." The pistol route seems to
be the favorite method in America,
but a new means of self destruction
here fa noted in the possibilities which
are offered by the air plane. The
plane was entirely overlooked in this
respect, until the other day, when a
Crestwood, New York, girl tapped a.
pilot on the shoulder and directed him
to go higher. He did. At 2000 feet,
the girl jumped.
...... 0 ' '
Bend and Prineville blossom out
with the first report of Oregon win
ter weather. In the upper Deschutes
basin the mercury registered 15 de
grees above zero Sunday night, and
snow was reported in the Prineville
district. A continuation of dry
weather leaves range conditions bad,
and in the farming districts through
out the northwest it is feared a
freeze will kill recently sown grain.
With all these fleets of passenger
stages and freight trucks we arc
struck by the statement that "every
inhabitant of the United States now
requires 35 per cent more frieght
service from the railroads than was
required in 1911." Either prosperity
and Industrial progress are clipping
along so fast that we can not keep
up with them, or the authority above
has raised his sights.
Thirty-six children admitted to a
Vienna baby farm hav disappeared.
With the arrest of the woman manag
er, comes the. announcement from po
lice that they are powerless in their
investigation because no registration
certificates are available. It would
seem that the only checking system
Vienna is familiar with is done
through the banks.
The tractor has pushed the horse
and mule from the farm, and now the
prospector has "chucked" his faith
ful burro and hunts for gold in an
air plane.
The Eskimo is not such a bad hom
bre after all. Those Canadian pros
pectors would undoubtedly have per
ished up in the Arctic circle but for
the Eskimo caches of herring and
whitefish dog feed.
(, 129, Western Newapaper Union.)
Wd are happy now because God
wills It;
No matter how barren the past
may have been,
'Tls enough to know that the
leaves are green.
James Russell Lowell.
The dessert seems to be the one
dish on the menu which puzzles the
cook more than
any other. Vari
ety, appropriate
ness to the sea
son and ease of
preparation are
all factors,, to
gether with Its
cost, which Is far
from the least consideration In most
Tie hns been called the "Great Amer
lenn Dessert" and rightly for It is the
most popular everywhere.
Dream Pie Take one pint of fresh
berries or fruit, cut fine; if canned,
drain. Whip the whites of four eggs
very stiff, add four heaping table
spoonfuls of granulated sugar and
beat again. Add four more tablespoon
fuls and beat until stiff, then fold In
the fruit. Pour this mixture into a
baked pastry shell and place In the
oven until brown.
Chicken Pudding. Cut up two
chickens, add one onion sliced, two
stalks of celery, two sprigs of parsley,
one quart of water, one tenspoonful
of salt, one-third tenspoonful of pep
per. Simmer until the chicken Is ten
der. Separate the meat from the bones
and place In a well buttered baking
dish. Cover with the following: Mix
two cupfuls of flour with one cupful
each of water and milk, two eggs, one
half teaspoonful of salt, two teaspoon
fuls of baking powder and a table
spoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder and a tablespoonful
of. melted butter after the batter has
been well beaten. Bake until well
Serve with a sauce made by using
the chicken broth, cream and flour
for thickening.
When muskmclons are overripe and
have lost some of their flavor, cut
the peeled fruit Into cubes and heap
In tall glasses, pour over a lemon or
u ginger sirup with a few bits of
Cnnton ginger, chill and serve.
Bran Beverage. Pour one quart of
boiling water over three tablespoon
fuls of brun. When cool strain, add
the juice of three lemons and sugar
to sweeten. Chill and serve.
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Women Suffering
Bladder Irritation
If functional Bladder Irritation
disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn
ing or Itching Sensation, Back
ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches,
making you feel tired, depressed,
and discouraged, why not try the
Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give
up. Uet Cystex today rut it to
the test. See for yourself how quick
ly it works and what it does. Money
back if it doesn't bring quick im
provement, and satisfy you complete
ly. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Mc
Faddens Pharmacy.
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon.
Practice in all State and Federal
Mala Stmt. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Athens, .Oregon.
( (By E. E. Coad, Supt )
It would seem that a great many
people have an idea that the jsrime
purpose and end of publiceducation
is to prepare the pupil for college. It
is apparent that those who formu
late the curriculum for our high
schools still are laboring under that
When but a small per cent of those
who go to high school ever go on to
college, and a still smaller number of
those who go to college are fitted for
such training and make use of it, it
would seem that it is high time for
educational authorities to grasp a
new concept of the reason for public
education and to formulate a new
type of curriculum suited to the
needs of future citizenship. It is a
shame to put all through the same
mill in order to pick and select the
few who are fitted for collegiate
honors. .
But the man who first wrote, "All
men are created free and equal."
took in a lot of territory. There are
still a lot of people who yet believe
that all are created mental equals.
The idea that an education can mere
ly train the quota of intelligence you
were granted by your ancestry has
not yet reached very far. Each in
dividual is born with an aptitude or
capacity for so much and no move.
There is no education possible that
can give an individual more intelli
gence. The intelligence with which
he is gifted can be trained. But no
two individuals are alike in intelli
gence. A lot of gifted home-makers, in
potential ability and temperament, are
being spoiled, at least temporarily,
for their vocation by the effort to
prepare them for collegiate honors
for which they have neither the in
terest nor the inclination. A lot of
potential business men and those fit
ted by nature and inclination for
active trade occupations are being
spoiled for their natural life's work
by the effort to prepare them for col
legiate honors which they care no
thing about and are not fitted to earn
in the first place.
If boys and girls can be trained to
go on and learn without the aid of
a teacher, if they can be trained to
become good citizens in a reasonable
interpretation of the term, if they can
be happy and contented in their work,
if they can add to the peace and joy
of those about them, they have got
ten the best that the public school
has in store for them..
School District Number 2
Now we are told that crime is a
disease, and must be treated as such.
Granting that it is, the best remedy
we know of is a more stringent crim
inal code, nationally standardized with
teeth in it and no technical frills 01
loojjholes. Add to this less jail room
and more hemp.
: full pound
1 3ft
5 It never fails.
K.M.I me . l, J
J. D.. Huggins will have
charge of the Shell gas and
oil sales at the Hoffman
Garage and solicits a part of
your patronage.
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Max Johnson of Milton visited
school this week. -
John Robert Stewart was absent
from school this week.
- Community News
Those who were in Walla Walla
Saturday were, Mr. and Mrs. V. R.
Zerba, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith and
daughter Rachel and Mr. and. Mrs. C.
H. Potter. :
Marguerite Hereford Valerie and Ro
berta Cannon, spent the week-end in
Steptoe, Washington, visiting at the
home of Miss Hereford's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Hereford, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith and
daughter Rachel, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Pinkerton and daughter Jewell, vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnston Mon
day evening. '
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon spent
the week-end at the Cass Cannon
home. v
The Jesse Smiths are having some
corpenter work done on their home.
Lois and Rachel Smith spent the
week-end at the home of Mrs. Roy
Mrs. Edna Kilgore and Mrs. Ells
worth McCollough were visitors in
Pendleton Wednesday.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nicholai Howland, deceased, also
known as Nicolai Howland, deceas
ed. Notice i3 hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That R. L. Howland, administrator
of the estate of Nicholai Howland, de
ceased, also known as Nicolai How
land, deceased, has filed his final ac
count and report in the administration
of the estate; that the County Judge
by order duly made and entered has
appointed Monday the 2nd day of
December, 1929, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time
and the County Court House at Pen
dleton, Oregon, as the place where all
objections and exceptions to said final
account and report will be heard and
a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this 31st day of October,
R. L. HOWLAND, Administrator.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Administrator. N1N29
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Zeph
W. Lockwood, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed her final report
as administratrix in the above entitled
estate, in the office of the clerk of
the above entitled court, and that the
judge of said court has designated
Monday, the 2nd day of December,
1929, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
as the time, in the county court room,
in the county court house, at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
Elace when and where hearing shall
e had thereon. All persons interest
ed are hereby notified to then and
there appear, and show cause if any
they have why the final report should
not be approved, the administratrix
discharged and her bondsmen ex
honorated. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 19th
day of October, 1929.
Notice is hereby given, that a road
district meeting of the leeal voters
of Road District No. 53, Umatilla
Countv. State of Oreeon is called lor
November 18th, 1929, at the hour of
1 o'clock p. m. thereof, which meet
ing will be held at the school house
in School District No. 2 of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon in Road
District No. 63 for the purpose of
voting an additional tax of five (5)
mills on the dollar on all taxable
property in the said Road District
No. 53.
Said tax to be expended under the
supervision of the County Court of
Umatilla County, State of Oregon on
the roads in the said Road District
No. 53.
This notice is published by order of
the County Court of Umatilla County,
State of Oregon, which said order
was made and entered of record on
the 24th day of October, 1929.
County Judge.
County Commissioner.
Attest: R. T. BROWN,
County Clerk of Umatjlla County,
Oregon. mmo
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla younty.
In the Matter of the Estate of Walter
K. Blackburn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it mav concern:
That Loraine Wilson, administratrix
de bonis non with the will annexed
of the estate of Walter K. Blackburn,
deceased, has filed her final account
and report in the administration of
the estate; that the County Judge,
bv order dulv made and entered, has
appointed Monday the 25th day of
November, 1929, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time,
and the County Court House at Pen
dleton, Oregon, as the place, where
all objections and exceptions to said
final account and report will be heard
and a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this the 25th day of October,
Administratrix de bonis non.
Peterson and Lewis, Attorneys for
Administratrix. UzoJNzi.
Every motor vehicle should be pro.
tected by Public Liability and Pro
perty Damage insurance. Cost very
little and is worth many times the
cost. Every owner should carry
Landlords, Owners and Tenants Lia
bility insurance, only $7.50 and may
save your home. This is an age of
ambulance chasers and damage suits.
You owe it to yourself and to society.
Neglect may wreck your fortune; it
is wasting at the bung hole and sav
ing at the spigot. Liability protects
you, life insurance protects your fam
ily. We write it and service our
policies throughout the policy year.
Insurance plus service.
CM. JONES, Prop.
Turn-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the peop le of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 1
Athena, Oregon, November 8, 1929
No. 9
In this life it isn't how
much money you get
that counts, but how
much you get for the
A. M. Johnson, Editor
Getting mighty close
to Turkey Time. That is
about the. time of year
we find people that real
ly prefer chicken to tur
key. T-A-L
The Editor announces
he will tell no more
Scotch jokes as some of
his closest friends are
Tum-A-Lum Fuelishness
King Coal
Roslyn Coal .
Pine Box wood
Red fir cordwood
All hot stuff.
' T-A-L
A couple of boards
A can of paint
Makes many a house
Look new
What ain't
Scientifically speaking,
a kiss is only an ex
change of microbes, so
a city in California has
abolished kissing, but
we will bet there are a
lot of osculation boot-
Oak floors can easily
be laid over the old floor
One room at a time will
not even make a muss in
the house.
"New homes from old
houses." A delightful
treat for you by calling
at our yard. ,
The student today gets
the horsehide, the pig
skin, the coonskin, and
by the time he has the
sheepskin, father hasn't
very much hide left
It's Pay Day at the
Tum-A-Lum Please.
Special Prices on Special
for School Children
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
For Sale 150 acres well watered
nnstnre land, located one mile from
end of Wild Horse market road. 25
acres good tillable soil. Terms. Sim
Culley, Weston, phone 14F2.
Lost Black fur cuff from ladies'
coat. Finder please phone 681, Athena.
For Sale One Cupid cooking range
and two heaters. C. M. Jones.
For Rent 3 room modern cottage,
furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Lila
For Sale A thoroughbred Guern
sey bull calf, for $25 if taken now.
Louie Ringel, Athena, phone 3221.
Wanted A woman or girl to do
general house work. Apply to Mrs.
Glenn Dudley, Athena, phone, i2HU.
For Sale Two Sunerior Drills, t.
Harrow and other farm equipment
for sale. Henry Koepfce, phone dZ i&
For Sale Two Oliver three bottom
plows, good shape, used two seasons.
Two tail board weeders, good shape,
ready for use. Call 76. Bryce Baker.
Piano for Sale Beautiful Late
Model Piano for balance due on con
tract. A small down payment and
easy terms on balance. Write, Le
May Piano Co., 20 East Yakima Ave.,
Yakima, Washington.
Dr. W. Boyd Why te
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Bell & Gray
Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
help you
Foot Correctionist .
, 22 W. Main St: Walla Walla
. Physician and Surgeon
Offices, Hill Building
Athena, Oregon
. Dentist
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
'And Now
'Hot Water .
i Bottles in
Have you noticed how I
, nopular pastel shades have ,
been this season? Now they
J have come to the hot water)
. bottle. KANTLEEK offers ,
'you your choice of three at-
tractive shades jade, or
i chid and wisteria. No in-
' crease in price. Sold only at
IRexall Stores.
iMcFADDEN'S pharmacy!
I Main Street Athena
Phone 332
Twin City Gleaners
The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on 1
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should .keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Farker and me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency f dr Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683.
Announces that it has com-pieted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information