The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 08, 1929, Image 3

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lied White I
Athena's Economy Center
$ Specials for Saturday C& Monday
Creamery Butter, per . lb.
Bacon, Medium Weight, Mild Cure, per lb.
Jello, 3 pkgs
Kerrs, 3-lb. pkg. Oats .'
; 29c
Cheese, Puritan, loaf
M & R Vanilla, 4 oz.
Bulk Coffee, 3 lbs.
Red & White Oysters, 5 oz.
Happy Home 15 oz. Seeded Rasins
Bulk Mincemeat, 2-lbs.
High School Notes
Editor. Stafford, Hansell
Assistant Editor........Myrtle Campbell
Alumni .Jack Moore
Student Body. Arthur Crowley
Boys' Athletics Roland Wilson
Classes... Emerv Roarers
Personals ....
Faculty ...
1st to 4th Grades.
5th to 8th Grades..
Subject Classes....:.
Elizabeth Walter
Georgie Green
.. Walter Huffman
.....Curtiss Duffield
Mary Tompkins
.:..JIerbert Reeder
Miss Beulah Smith
(Stafford Hansell)
Nearly everybody has a business
or a hobby that they are adept at and
know better than the average person
A football referee or any athletic of
ficial has generally made a study of
sport rules and is versed in their
knowledge. Sometimes he is 'wrong
but as a rule he knows the game bet
ter than the players who played in
the days of "nose guards' and the
"flying wedge" or those who- have
never played the game. Somebody is
always "crying" about some imagin
ary bad desision. The amateur sport
should be free from this nagging
form of criticism. Nothing is more
disgusting to the average spectator
than loud complaints of "kill the ref
eree" and the like. The spectators
are not in a position to see the game
as accurately as the official nor to
interpret the action clearly if they
could. There is nothing so very im
portant in high school athletics but
the fun that is had and if this fun is
spoiled the entire game loses its value
to the spectator and the player.
' Liberty Bell Syrupr gallon
A , t
1.0D. . ?" ' ... '
; i :t Pint. Bottle Shell furniture polish :
. .. i , . 4Uc :,y; ..
;04bs. W. Campbells Tree ripened Dried prunes
- -V PHONE 171
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
' , Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
" Athletics "".
The game with Kennewick Friday
was good. The opponent was the
best team that Athena has run into
this season. The game was hard
fought by both sides but Kennewick
received a surprise when tne game
ended 7-0 in favor of the local boys,
Kennewick expected to have the game
by a wide . margin, but instead the
teams were well matched and there
was no scoring till the last quarter
when with about two minutes to play
Athena scored a touchdown.
Myrick showed up well on the of
fensive, carrying the ball for several
long gains. Arthur Crowley, the
dashing quarter, who was showing up
well on both offensive and defensive,
was hurt and was taken out of the
game. This slowed the tear) up some.
what, but they had the real old school
This was the last game of the
season and the team was backed to
the 'limit, not only by the studeni
body, but by the town as a whole.
The boys had to win, and they did!
We're proud of the friends
'' these tires make for us
By Zerba
It's a real satis
faction to sell
tires that make
a real friend of every
Customer. Goodyear
Tire mileajrps avpmtro
so high that we are building up the best and
steadiest growing business around here.
The service we give watching our customer's
tires for themalso saves you trouble and
bother.- - . .
We're fixed to give you the most satisfaction
at any price you want to pay. Goodyear is able
to put out better quality for less money through
building nearly twice as many tires as the next
largest company. You get the benefit here.
Stop in and see! . ,
Around Here, too More People Ride On
Tires Than On Any Other Kind
Athena, Oregon
Virgie Moore and Thelma Schrimpf
spent Saturday in Pendleton.
Esther Berlin, Mary Thompkins and
Marjorie Douglas were in Preewater
Velma Ross was a Walla Walia vis
itor Saturday.
Fred Singer visited relatives in
Waitsburg over the week end.
Howard Reeder, Ralph Moore and
Walter Edger were in Pendleton Sufr
Doris Street spent Saturday chop
ping in Freewater.
Roland Richards was in Walla Wal
la Sunday.
The need of cooperation of the
class to meet a small indebtedness ac
quired by the freshman party was dis
cussed Monday by, the Sophomore
class when they met with their advisor.
' Alumni
Ralph and Edwin McEwen, accom
panied by Kenneth Sexton and Bal
four Gibson of Whitman College, vis
ited their parents here last week-end.
Miss Beulah Smith was absent from
school Monday on account of the
death of her grandfather, Mr. B. P.
Burnett of La Grande.
Miss Dorothy Brodie attended a
bridge party Saturday night given
by Mrs. Donald Baxter Dent, of Yaki
ma, at .her. mother's home in Walla
Walla. It was given in honor of a
group of Alpha Delta Pis from the
University of Oregon.
3rd and 4th Grades
Friday afternoon the first and sec
ond grades were guests at a surprise
party given by the pupils of the
third and fourth grades. The room
was cleverly, decorated with Hal
lowe'en symbols. Doughnuts, sand
wiches, cider and candy were served
as refreshments. The children en
joyed the afternoon by playing games
and participating in Hallowe'en
Bobby Stott and Geraldine Garrett
were absent from school last week.
Raymond McFadden has the honor
of being the only person from the
lower grades with his name on the
honor roll, tot the last six weeks.
5th and 6th Grades
A Hallowe'en nartv w riven in
the 6th and 6th grade room last Fri
day. The room was attractively deco
rated in Diack and orange with other
sue?estive features such as the Mark
witch and her cat. Games were play
ed and delicious refreshments were
served to the children by their teach
er, Mrs. Rominger.
X ,-. vU-; Av Ai,.. &
y H00S4.SI4N f
for fidelity, purity and
roho Yn Iho Inwnch
greatest dovQlopomont h-c "
aaio. I cr
skanyepmpetont near it and &q cdnvincGd.
authority: y .
(A Mercantile Trust)
School District Number 2
School News
A large crowd attended the nrn-
gram given at Dist. No. 2, last Fri
day evening. The affair was negro
minstrel. Witches, black cats, and
owls were there, too. . After the uro
gram refreshments i consisting of
cider and doughnuts were served.
Commhnitv Newa
Rachel Smith entertained a m-onn
of her friends at a Hallowe'en party
at her home Saturday evening. Re
freshments were served -by the host
ess. ' Those nresent were. Darin
Jenkins, Maxine Moore; Valerie and
Koberta Cannon. Melba Montague.
Jewell Pinkerton and the hostess,
Rachel Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cannon and fam
ily were dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pinkerton nf Mil.
ton visited at the Laurence Pinker
ton home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Johnston visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith Sunday.
Mrs. Louis Stewart was in Walla
Walla Wednesday. '
Miss Marguerite Hereford nrwnt
Saturday night at the E. 0. Lee home
Mrs. M. L. Gray was in Pendleton
Friday and Saturday on business.
Adams 24; Echo 0
Adams high school football team
won from Echo 24 to 0, in a game
played at Echo, on October 25. .
Main St EH. HILL Athena
University of Oregon, Eugene.
The University of Oxford, England,
and the University of Hawaii havs
been placed on the 1929-30 schedule
for the University ot Oregon debate
team, it was announced by Eugene
Laird, Portland, who has been named
general forensic manager of the asso
elated students. The debates will bt
held in Eugene, according to present
plans. ,
Ralph C. Hoeber, assistant profes
sor in the English department, will
be the forensic coach for the coming
year succeeding J. K. Horner.' Flor
ence McNerney, Portland, senior wo
man on the executive council, has
been placed In charge of women's de
bates. Robert Miller and Hobart Wil
son will manage men's debates and
oratory, while Lavina Hicks will hars
charge of debate publicity.
University of Oregon, Eugene.
Five of the 77 men who success
fully passed the state bar examina
tions at Salem recently graduated
from' the University of Oregon Law
school last June, It was reported up
on Investigation into the personnel of
the successful list All were members
of Phi Delta Phi, International honor
ary law fraternity.
The five Oregon graduates who
passed the feat are: William Adams,
Mllwaukle; John Bell, Jr., Engenej
Lester Oehler, Salem; Chris. Boesen,
Eugene, and Orval Yokom, Eugene.
Adams Is now practising in a Portland
law office; Bell Is with the Lane
County Title and Abstract company,
and Boesen is practising In Marsh
field. ...... . ,
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....lOc per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month 10c per KWH
Next 200.;... . ........7c per KWH
Next. 300...... 6c per KWH
Next 400 5c per KWH
Next 1000 .4c per KWH
Excess over 2000.... 3c per KWH
. - The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.'
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company