The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 25, 1929, Image 1

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    1 flfca
It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some tort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon,' as Second-Class Mail Matter
-'.) American Bankers Association ;;i ;
THE great school of Experience i3 still holding classes in
America, but the scientific spirit of the age has so gener
ally invaded the workshops of industry and trade that they
have largely become technical research and
training laboratories in themselves and are"
no; longer run on the old-fashioned cut-and-try
methods jfipnrier generations when Ex
perience was considered the -only teacher.
It would be hard to find a working force in
any pre-eminently successful business or in
dustrial organization in the United States
today but what the dominating leadership
is schooled in the scientific . principles of its
specific field, whether manufacturing, mer
chandising or finance. The rapidly advanc
inir standards of business in this country.
Li"" I 'With their relentless demands for efficiency
Uvr ao tilt? uiiijr hujjc ivi suiuiai m me vuiucbi-
I , tive struggle for economic existence, . has
I sounded the death-knell for guesswork and
siipsnoa metnoas.
. As a result, educational preparation in
the techniques of commerce, industry and
finance are virtually essential to outstanding success in these
i fields, as it is already an absolute prerequisite in the various
recognized professions. This is not to depreciate the value of
- - - :
- F 1 v
J '
: if
1 uess, but education atter all is merely
mnan fni httlnlnr tho Individual to
apply the net good of the accumulated
experience of many Jo his own day's
. work a means tor helping special
nntlVA shtlltv to coma into its own
more rapidly and surely and tor en
, abling all classes of ability to gain the
maximum ot success to which they
are entitled.
These facts are plainly recognized
by practical, worn-a-aay nusmess in
every line. Every progressive busi-
naan nrffflnlMnn In Imorlpll 11 flfrl-
phaslzing the Importance ot education
as never before. Education has come
, to be looked upon as the answer to
many of the problems within the or
ganization as well as to problems at-
iecung inuuairy ns wuuio. . . ...
Business organizing institutes
Institutes tor developing specifically
qualified workers are being operated
or organized In many fields ot com-
; t 1 J I .1 . . . ! -1 . 1. t f ThAsii
iuerciui hum luuusinai auiiTii. "coo
inctltnlBR nro trvme various tVDes OI
educational work with a distinct trend
toward more and more emphasis upon
education for the rank and file of bust
ness employees of all grades.
We have been having business fail
ures In this country at the rate of
about 2,000 a month. This score speaks
for itself. It is glaring evidence of in
competence on the part of thousands"
of business men In handling the prob
lems Inherent in their fields 'of 'en-
.1 mi.. nnHnrl nnnnrfla dVi n W
UUttVOr. x lie uutaucu i cvui us ouw
that practically 75 of business fall-,
ure in this country Is due. to lack .pf
training and competence on the part
of those who failed. ' This Is conclu
sive evidence that no one can afford
to undertake executive business re
sponsibilities wunoui aaequaie eauca
tlon and training. It is for that reason
that every enlightened business organ
ization is today insisting as never be
fore that its employees take advan
" taee of some type of technical train
American banking is fortunate and
has Just cause for pride in that it has
a record of twenty-eight years of defi
nitely organized educational activity
, among its workers to Its credit tor ae
4 veloping trained bankers. - People In
. banks in large numbers are taking
advantage of the educational opportu
i nity given by the great non-commercial
' college ot the banking business, the
American Institute of Banking. They
see on every hand evidences ot the
' value of the training it gives. Of the
- 10.000 graduates of this Institute, 70
now occupy official positions In Amer-
; lean banks. The other 30 are still
' too young to have attained such
heights. Here is an example and an
encouragement to the people ot all
lines of business.
t The American Institute ot Banking
has a membership of 64,320. Of these
' 33,851 are class enrolments, compris-
- lng youngeT bank people, both men
and women, who are learning the sci
entific technique of their chosen busi
ness at the same time they are en
gaged in the practical work ot earning
their livings at It The difference be
tween the 33,851 enrolled in classes
and the 84,820 total membership com
prise! older bankers who have taken
the Institute courses in the past or
are at the present time sponsoring
' some type ot educational work in (he
i organisation.
' Banking Educates Ha People
It has been estimated that there are"
. probably 175,000 bank officers and em
ployees In the United States at the
present time. These figures would
mean that about one banker In every
-six is either enrolled in Institute
, classes In banking or Is actively sup
porting soma educational function of
the organization. No statement could
possibly give more emphasis to the
importance placed on education by the
nklng interests of America than
ea facts.
j American IastitsU pt Banking
is the educational section of the Amer
ican Bankers Association. : It was
formed twenty-eight years ago by bank
employees and officers and has been
carried on ever since as a voluntary
organization. Many students who have
graduated continue their membership
in order to give active support to some
type of educational work other than
the actual class program.
The greater part ot the educational
work is carried on in 200 cities and
towns in the United States. Here the
local chapter of the American Insti
tute of Banking has Its regularly or
ganized courses of study under super
vision of the national body with local
Instructors and directors to fulfil the
standard requirements regarding text
material, classwork and examinations.
Instructors are recruited from the
staffs of leading universities, . from
members of the legal profession and
from among accountants and bank
men who have made a record in some
field ot activity In banking that marks
them as experts.' 'AH instructors must
be approved by the national organiza
tion. They are compensated by the lo
cal units. The students pay tuition,
in which they are frequently aided by
their employing banks, and this, to
gether with contributions made by the
banks for general classroom overhead,
finances the educational program.
Education a Pathway to Advancement
Leading banks In various parts of
the country are insisting that their
employees lake work in the Insti
tute. This Is frequently a part of
their contract of employment at the
time they enter the bank. ' It is also
now quite generally understood in the
field of American banking that study
in the American Institute of Bank
ing is considered one of the baste
factors in the promotion ot the in
dividual to a place of importance in
a bank.
The Standard Certificate of the
American Institute of Banking is an
nually gaining a greater and wider
recognition among practical bankers
throughout the United States. These
certificates are coming to have the
same importance in the banking world
that certificates of education have In
the field of the general professions.
This is a practical example and one
thoroughly well demonstrated by sea
soned experience of the new spirit ot
American business. ' ' ; ' ' ;
Eaala Snout Paul A. Stole of Erie.
B. D. Taylor,. Athena
City Marshal, Suddenly
Dies of Heart Failure
Bert Taylor, for several years city
marshal and water superintendent of
Athena, expired suddenly at his home
on Fourth street, at 3:30 Wednesday
morning, when stricken with heart
failure. , ' -;
For some time Mr. Taylor had been
afflicted with asthma, and a few
minutes before his death, he arose
from his bed and smoked a cubeb
cigarette for relief. After returning
to bed he coughed several times. Fin
ally, Mrs. Taylor heard him give one
cough which had a peculiar sound.
She inquired of her husband what
was wrong, and receiving no reply
turned on the light and immediately
saw that Mr. Taylor had gone.
Mr, Taylor had been a resident of
Atrena for 14 years and was highly.
respected iri the community. He was
born in the state of Iowa, October
19, 1872, and when a boy came with
his parents to California, and later
to Wasco, Oregon. He was united in
marriage to Miss Nettie Smith of
Wasco. He is survived by his widow
and two sons, Dalberth, who conducts
the Taylor dairy; Arthur.of the Athe-
na tress; two Bisters, ivira. ijouie
Lambert of Santa Anna, California,
and Mrs. Minn le Rayborn,' of Hood
River. '. . , . . i "
Funeral services will be held at
the Christian church in Athena, this
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and inter
ment will take place at Pendleton.
."Why milk twelve poor cows when
ens good cow will do the work ot the
twelve V. asks t the bulletin ot the
American Bankers Association Agri
cultural Commission. It declares that
analysis of more than 100,000 indi
vidual yearly records from cows on
test in dairy herd improvement asso
ciations Indicate that on the average:
Cows that produced 100 lbs. butterfat
year returned f 14 each over feed
Cows that produced 200 lbs. butterfat
a year returned $54 each over feed
Cows that produced 300 bs. butterfat
a year returned $98 each over feed
cost; ' ;
Cows that produced 400 lbs. batterfat
a year returned $138 each over feel
cost; . . -
Cows that produced 600 lbs. butterfat
a year returned $178 each over feed
cost; ' ; ""'
In other words, one 500-pound pro
ducer will return $10 more over feed
cost than twelve 100 lb. producers.
This does not take Into account,
either, the added labor of milking and
caring for the' larger herd, or the
much greater expense of providing
stable room for a dozen Instead of a
single animal The figures are based
on farm prices from all parts of the
country - r-.
More Hunters Get Game .
Three more Athena hunting crews
have returned home at the close of
the shooting season, bringing in deer.
W. C Campbell, George Brace and
Will Campbell brought home a buck,
as did Art Douglas, O. E. Venable and
Tom Gilkey. Both parties hunted in
Grant county. Fred Radtke of Ath
ena and Ernest Ross of Weston re
turned Monday evening from the Blue
Mountains, southeast of Athena,
bringing home a fine big buek. Henry
Dell and Armond DeMerritt, and
another party comprised of Glenn and
Dean Dudley, Mr. Eickhoff and
Barney Foster hunted in Grant coun
ty last week without success.
Expects Average Yield
' Weston Leader: W. A. Eves thinks
he will begin potato digging in about
a week at his place on Weston moun
tain. Last week he tried out the
spuds and found them, in his opinion,
too green to handle. Mr. aves minus
that Weston mountain will raise a
Drettv fair cron. despite the poor
growing conditions this season. His
own fields look well, and he expects
an average yield from his B5 acres.
He feels auite encourazed over the
market outlook and considers that,
looking at it from all angles, the
mountain country is in a pretty
fortunate position this year.
.Chicken Dinner Tomorrow ..
The ladles of the Baptist church
will serve a chicken dinner tomorrow
evening from 5 until 9 o'clock in the
dining room of Masonic Hall. The
charge will be 50 cents for adults
and 25 cents for children. The ladies
of the Baptist church are famous for
the good dinners they serve the pub
lic, and the dinner tomorrow evening
will be on a par with their former
ones. ,
Hallowe'en Carnival
The. Ladies' Community Club of
Adams will hold a Hallowe'en car
nival Thursday evening, October 31.
The ladies promise lots of fun for
everybody when they meet gho&ts,
goblins, witches and gypsies and eat
hot dogs, pumpkin pies, peanuts and
Paper Is Late
Owing to the unavoidable absence
of the Linotype operator, the Athena
Press is issued several hours late and
is not up to its usual standard.
Opponents File Suit To Oust
Members of Board of
' Directors. '
The election held : Monday after
noon to ballot on the special tax levy
for Union High School District Ho.
7, brought out. the greatest number
of voters,, of any school election pre
viously held., in Athena, a total of
282 votes being cast.
The tax carried by an overwhelming
majority 222 for the tax, to 60
votes against the tax. At two pre
vious elections the special tax meas
ure had been defeated, both times the
elections being held on the eligibility
basis of taxpayers, only, having the
right to vote. But in Monday's elec
tion the lid was ripped off and any
one who was a legal voter with res
idence qualifications of 30 days in the
district prior to the day of election,
held the right to vote.
On the surface the election passed
off quietly, but underneath interest
in the result remained at high ten
sion.: , ., ; ..v t,.;
Saturday, before the election, C. T.
Smith, George B. Green and Homer
Watts filed a complaint in the circuit
court against members of the board
of directors, alleging malfeasance and
misconduct in office and asking for
an order to show cause and restrain
the board from holding the election;
that the court order an, audit of the
district's books and require the di
rectors to make restitution to various
funds all "moneys which they im
properly and illegally diverted from
such funds.". .' ... . .
Watts & Prestbye are attorneys for
plaintiffs and the school board has
retained Roy Raley, of the law firm of
Raley, Raley & Warner of Pendleton,
as counsel. ' ' " ;--
Sidelights of the election was an
Address by Homer Watts in the K. of
P.-I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Saturday evening,
distribution of statistics in circular
letters by both opponents of the tax
and the school boards - of the two
school districts,' and the open state
ment of two clerks ; on the ' election
board to the effect tbat Homer Watts,
when he left the polling place, took
with him some of the official ballots,
Members of the election board were
George B. Gerking, B. B. Richards,
Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Mrs. Bryce Baker
and Mrs. Lloyd Michener. . . ,
Mrs. Catron', Entertains
Another enjoyable event of the past
week took place Wednesday, when
Mrs. Ross Catron was hostess to the
the Methodist Ladies' Club ; at her
home northwest of Athena. About 30
ladies were present to enjoy the after
noon. The rooms were beautifully
decorated with flowers and Hallowe'n
motifs. After the business session,
a very interesting program was ren
dered. The following visitors were
present: Mrs. Blatchford, Mrs. Wm.
Bush, Mrs. Sterling Parris, Mrs. Clif
ford Walker, Mrs. Chester McCol
lough and Mrs., Frank Williams. ,
Expert Marksmen
Baker. Here are Baker's entries
for the deer hunters' story contest,
1929 edition: Hunter No. 1 dismount
ed from his white horse in the moun
tains near here, beat his way through
the brush, circled around a hill, saw
what he thought was a deer and fired
Ha killed his own horse. Hunter Mo
2 at another point fired at a yellow
animal. It fell. He. did not stop to
investigate but rushed to a nearby
ranch to get a wagon. The rancher
and wagon accompanied the hunter to
the scene of his kill. It was the
rancher's Jersey cow, . . .
Entertains Class
Mrs. Lilian Fredericks entertained
the Athena and Weston members of
her music study club at her home is
. Will Go To Texas
Mrs. E.' A. Gholson, niece of the
late Samuel L. Spencer, who has re
sided in Athena for several years,
will Jeave for her mother's home in
Texas, where she contemplates re
siding in the future. Mrs. Gholson
was a honor eruest recently at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Dow, when
a reception was held for her.
' New City Marshal ;
It Is expected that some one will
receive the appointment to the of
fice of city marshal at a special meet
ing of tho council tonight. The ap
pointment will be made to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of City
Marshal B?rt Taylor. ,
0. D. 0. Club
Mrs. Jesse Gordon entertained the
members of the O. D. 0. Club at her
home north of . Athena last Friday
afternoon. The members of the club
enjoyed the usual good time.
College Football Games
College conference football games
Saturday resulted as follows: Ore
gon 34, Idaho 7; Stanford 40, Oregon
State 7;. W. S. q. 20, Washington 13;
Fire Destroys Granary
.. , . and a Machinery Shed
At Carl Sheard's Place
By quick and concerted effort on the
part of many persons who arrived on
the scene in automobiles, the farm
home of Carl Sheard was saved from
destruction by fire Sunday evening,
when the granary, a machine shed
and chicken house were totally destroy
ed. ' ;. .
Motorists along the highway lead
ing east from Athna saw the flames
and hastened to the farm north of
town to lend assistance These forces
were soon augmented by tho arrival
of Athena people, and by hard work
the house and barn were saved with
out damage to either one. .:
The fire which is of mysterious
origin, strt H the granary and
was discovered alter it had gained
considerable headway by Mrs. Cavl
Sheard, Mr. Sheard being absent from
In addition to the building3 mention
ed above, 275 bushels of treated seed
wheat, farm machinery including the
header attachment to Mr. Sheard's
combme, and about 100 chickens, was
lost. Fortunately Mr. Sheard hnd the
property covered by Insurance,
Mr. Carl Sheard and hw mother
Mrs. Joseph Sheard are deeply thank
ful for the assistance which was so
generously given by those who fought
so hard to save the house and other
buildings from destruction.
County Will Vote On the
Building: of Court House
Pendleton. The people of Umatil
la county will have a chance to vote,
probably in December, upon the ques-
toin of building a new court house.
Official action was taken to this ef
fect by the county court, following
presentation of a strong petition ask
ing for action. -, , ., r ' '
Roughly speaking the plan in view
callar for creating a $300,000 building
fund by means of a tax levied over
a three year period. There will be no
tax increase however, as tjfelast of
the road bonds are paid ofir this year
thus making a cut in expenses slight
ly larger in amount thna the pro
posed annual levy for the court
house. After the three year period
has expired there will be opportunity
for a substantial cut in the county
levy. By using current revenues for
building purposesthe new court house
will be built without issuing any
bonds and there will be no interest to
Petitions asking the county court
to take action were circulated by vol
unteer workers during the past two
weeks and the response indicates a
strong public sentiment for i new
court house, with a view to safe
guarding the county records and pro
viding an up-to-date jail as a part
of the new building. The county court
members had previously given study
to the project of erecting a separate
jail building , on the court house
Formal approval of the new court
house move was voted by the Pomona
grange of Umatilla county at its
recent meeting at Stanfield on Octob
er 17. The subject was discussed at
the meeting and a resolution endors
ing the move was presented by the
committee on resolutions and adopt-'
ed. James Mossie of Ukiah is mas
ter of the Pomona grange which In
cludes all the granges in Umatilla
county .
Oregon Rooks In Crash
Members of the Oregon State Col
lege rook football team escaped ser
ious injury Saturday evening when a
Union Pacific auto stage in which
they were returning to Corvallis from
La Grande went over the grade when
a front tire blew out. The stage
coach rolled over on its side, resting
in shallow water in the Umatilla
river. The rooks escaped with cuts
and bruises and after being brought
to Pendleton, proceded to their des
tination on an early morning train.
Resolutions Adopted By
Educators On State
School Standardization
Salem. Carrying out the idea of
standardization, which was the key
note of the convention of the Oregon
high school . principals' association,
the educators, at their closing ses
sion Saturday, adopted a report which
would allow small high schools to
exist only if they can meet certain
standards of efficiency.: This report
was presented by F. L. Stetson of
the University of Oregon as chair
man of the committee on reorganiza
tion of small high schools. It was
approved over strong opposition.
As for the larger high schools it
was said that six standards would be
added to those already established by
the Northwest Association of secon
dary and higher schools.
A report presented by F. S. Knight
of Hood River in which a uniform
marking system was recommended
was adopted.
Among resolutions adopted was one
asking for investigation of over-lapping
subject matter in the several
units of the Oregon school system,
including the first two years in the
universities and colleges. Another
resolution provided for a committee to
study the articulation of the various
units in the schol system through
which students pass progressively
frotr. the elementary grades through
the institutions of higher learning.
Game Commission Reports
On China Pheasant Crop
Chinese pheasant hunting, according
to reports of the State Game Com
mission has not been as good in Ore
gon this season as it has been in the
past. This is said to be due, In no
small measure, to the fact that the
late, cold and rainy spring cut down
the first hatch of young pheasants.
The second and third hatches, which
came In dry warm weather proved up
to normal. .
On the other hand quail hunting
in those counties that have an open
season, has been extremely good.
Strange as it may seem, in open
counties there appear to be more
birds .than, there are in those-districts
that are closed. This is due, it is con
tended, to the breaking up of flocks
and the consequent cutting down of
inbreeding, which results in more non
fertile eggs.
Tuesday evening, C. A. Sias, G. R.
Gerking and Laurence Pinkerton at
tended a meeting of church workers
in the Christian church at Pendleton,
which was addressed by Rev. Elijah
Stiners-of Eugene, in the interests
of the $8,000,000 pension fund which
is being raised by the promotor of
the movement for the support of the
aged ministers.
Rooks Beat Normal
A husky Oregon State College rook
team defeated the Eastern Oregon
Normal School team at La Grande,
Saturday, by the score of 13 to 6. The
Rooks scored in the first and third
quarters, and Normal in the third.
The game was bitterly contested.
Normal, outweighed 15 pounds to the
man, put up a game fight ,
llermiston Won
In a close and hotly contested foot
ball game Friday at Hermiston, Athe
na lost to her opponents, 6 to 2. A
pass in the third period resulted in a
touchdown for Hermistorf, and in the
same period, Eldon My rick blocked a
punt and scored two points for Athena
This afternoon Athena is playing at
Pilot tdcV.
' . , ...
Birthday Surprise
Eldon Myrick, whose birthday oc
curred Tuesday, was pleasantly sur
prised when a group of young friends
bidden by his mother and, sister,
greeted him upon his return home in
the evening. Games were played until
a late hour, when the hostesses serv
ed a dainty supper, Those present
were, Betty Eager, Mar jorie Doug
las, Mry Tompkins, Myrtle Camp
bell, Mildred Hansen, Rhoda Nelson,
Goldie Miller; Mrs. M. I. Miller, Ar-
leen Myrick, Lee Foster, Curtis Duf-
field, "Mike" Wilson, Arthur Crowley,
Dan Tiierber, John Kirk, Orel Michen
er, M.I. Miller and Eldon Myrick.
Giant Dornier Plane
The giant Dornier plane DO-X
showed itself the greatest passenger
carrying conveyance in the history of
aviation by carrying 169 persons in
flight for exactly one hour over Lake
Constance. Almost directly across
the lake is hangered its chief rival in
air transportation, the Graf Zeppelin
which carried an average of about 60
persons in setting - the 'round-the
world flight record.
,.. ,
' Attended Pendleton Meeting
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton honored Mrs.
Roy Johnston at her home near Athe
na Friday last, when she entertained
a number of ladies. During the after
noon Mrs. Pinkerton was assisted by
Miss Lois Smith, sister of the honoree
Mrs. Johnston was the recipient of a
shower of gifts, and the afternoon
was pleasantly passed in playing a
number of games. At the close re
freshments were served.
Will Have Dayton Territory
The Eickhoff Farm Products com
pany will extend its bean culture op
erations into the Dayton, Washington
territory next season, and Glenn Dud
ley, well known young farmer of
Athena, will be the company's field
superintendent there. Mr. Dudley
will begin contracting for Dayton
acreage at once.
Apple Harvest Ending
Practically all apples around Walla
Walla will be picked by the end of
this week and the Milton-Freewatcr
district is expected to be cleaned up
within the next ten days. The pros
pect is that all long-keeping varieties
throughout the Northwest will com
mand good prices and will be largely
held in winter storage until sold.
They Like California
The Weston Leader says the Chris
Thoenys are quite content with their
lot in San Jose, California, according
to a letter received from Chris by
Carl Brandt. They have no notion
as yet as to when they will return to
the Weston country, if, ever. Chris
put Jo his time working at his trade
of etafs!g trJ
The Farm Board Announces
$100,000,000 Available
For Cotton.
Washington. The federal farm
board announced it would lend to cot
ton cooperatives sums sufficient to
bring the total amount borrowed from
all sources by such associations to 16
centsS per pound graded and classed
cotton, and disclosed simultaneously
that it is preparing to take similar
action on wheat under a plan to be
revealed later. ' - 1 -
The statement, which ' came as a
surprise and was received with grati
fication by cotton strte senators on
capitol hill, was prefaced with the de
claration that the board "believes the
present prevailing prices for cotton
are toe low."
Nearly $100,000,000 is available
from the board's revolving fund for
the cotton financing and the board
said it would ask congress for more
if it becomes necessary.
The plan under which the board ex
pects to lend money to wheat cooper
atives probably will not be announced
until after formation of the national
grain corperation, which is expected
to be completed late this wetk; at a
meeting in Chicago. Several mem
bers of the board wilt attend the
meeting. The general manager of the
corporation will have to meet the ap
proval of the board, Chairman Legge
has said, in view of .the fact the
board intends to lend the organization
a large sum of money.
Chinese Elms For Shade
' Chinese Elms, which in some parts
of the Inland Empire are taking the
place of locust trees for shade, may
be seen at their best on the farm of
Mrs. Morton, south of Athena, oper
ated under lease by Till Becktfer,
A fine specimen of this importedtree,
set out in 1918, has reached a height
of fifty feet in those few years, and
presents a limb spread of perhaps 30
feet in width, so fast does the species
develop. Mr. Beckner is transplant
ing sprouts from this tree, so that
anyone disposed to renew their shado
trees may purchase them at a nominal
Fair Buildings Burned
Fire Sunday afternoon dettroyed
the two stock exhibition sheds at the
Walla Walla co.inty fair groundd, tho
Iosb being about ij.3000. These sheds
were built two years ago to replace
two which had been burned. The fair
grounds are outside the city limits,
but the city fire uepartment used hy
drants near the fair grounds, and fry
laying several hundred feet of hose,
was able to reach the llaxe, but
could not extinguish it until the shed
had burned to th-3 ground, as they
were filled with hay and straw.
"The River Woman"
Lionel Barrymore and Jacqueline
Logan In "The River Woman," will
be the feature attraction in the pro
gram offered at the Standard The
atre tomorrow and Sunday nights.
Charles Delaney, Harry Todd, Mary
Doran and Sheldon Lewis have prom
inent parts in the supporting cast
in this story of Mississippi river
levees and the most dangerous under
world in America. It is a rousing,
dashing picture of life along the
shores of "old man river."
Ronald Lieuallen of Athena, and
Miss Oma York of Weston, were
united In marriage at Walla Walla,
October 17, the Rev. Carl Mc Con
nell officiating. The groom is the
youngest son of Mrs. George Lieuallen
and his bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John York of Weston. The
young couple will reside at the J. A.
King farm on Wild Horse creek.
Weston Thimble Club
The home of Mrs. J. E. Jones on
west High street was the scene of
busy activities on Wednesday of last
week when 28 ladies of the Weston
Thimble Club and Athena friends
gathered there to make quilts. A
sumptuous chicken dinner was ser
ved by the hostess and assistant.
Peer At Home
We read of a Grants' Pass woman
shooting a buck in her dooryard while
friend husband was tramping in the
mountains for five days in an unsuc
cessful hunt for game. Over near
Weston, Roscoe King crawled through
his pasture fence and shot a two point
A Special Meeting
The Etude Cjub will hold special
meeting at the home of Mrs. A. M.
Johnson next Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock, and all members are re
quested to be present. The meeting
has been changed from Thursday to
Tu&d-? afternoon.