THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, OCTOBER 18, 1929X1: !'? Shoe Repairing As it Should Be Done Workmanship Guaranteed Prices Right A. J. Garner Bell 5 Gray Phone 593 - Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country Hauling ICE Press Paragraphs . "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu" Standard Theatre, tomorrow night, Bryce Baker has purchased a new Ford truck. Mrs. A. A. Kimball of Pendleton was an Athena visitor Thursday. : Frank Sloan, well , known sheep raiser of Stanfield, was an Athena visitor, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read were in Pendleton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Velton Read and Mrs, W. 0. Read were visitors in Walla Walla last Friday. - f Crescent! baking POWDER : "jfull pound ii l It never fails, KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 95 FECIALS 4 Rolls Toilet Paper ............... ,23c 2 Packages Shredded Wheat .23c 2 Cans Cut String Beans .......... . ,39c 2 Cans Dill Pickles .49c 3 Cans Sardines 25c r The Quality Grocery Phone 561 Alice Eager, Prop. Don't forget this is CANDY WEEK October 13 to 19 and Saturday is SWEETEST DAY the great day of job-bringing to others when you give somebody something that everybody wants CANDY the gift universal. We are head quarters for all that's best in candies. McFADDEN'S PHARMACY Open for Business Having purchased the R. A. Thompson Garage we have opened up the shop for auto and gas engine repairing. If your car or engine won't run let us fix it. Prices as cheap as in the city. All work guaranteed. Storage. Also handle Veedol oils, Sport ing goods, Radio Tubes and Batteries, Auto Parts, Weed Chains. Cars Greased, Tube Repairing, Bat teries recharged. L. A. Cornell Athena, Oregon - - - - Phone 471 Reduction In Electric Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month....lOc per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Commercial Rates First 100 KWH used per month Next 200 Next 800........... Next 400 ..5c per KWH Next 1000 : .. .4c per KWH Excess over 2000..... 3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 day from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Preston-Shaffer Milling Company ..10c per KWH 7c per KWH ..6c per KWH Mr. and Mrs. Marion O'Harra of Weston were in Athena the fore part of the week. Mrs. Fred Kershaw has been quite ill with an attack of influenza but is some what improved. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Coppock are down from Colfax visiting relatives in the Athena neighborhood. John Pinkerton is registered at Ore gon State College, where he is taking a special electrical course. Verne Dudley drove down from his ranch near Dayton, Wednesday, and spent the day in Athena. Miss Marjorie Booher came over from Walla Walla and visited rem tives and friends in Athena. Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mrs. Henry Koepke, Jr.,' and Mrs. Ralph McEwen were Walla Walla visitors Monday, Mrs. Glenn Dudley and Mrs. Henry Koepke were at the Country Club luncheon in Walla Walla Thursday. Ross Maloney was in the city Mon day evening. He is a traveling sales man with headquarters at Walla Wal la. . Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Horace Belnap at Nampa, Idaho, leaving here Sunday night. v v 'SlinV' Lang, Armond Bell and H. A; Street and son-in-law have left on a deer hunting trip in the vicinity of loiigate. Dorvan Phillips is driving a new Chevrolet sedan. The car is a beau tiful shade of dark red and is the latest model. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk and daughter, Areta, have returned home from a week's visit with relatives at Brownsville. A. L. Swaggart is here from Port land, and will remain at his ranch north of town until seeding operations are completed. The Methodist Ladies Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs. Ross Catron next Wednesday after noon, October 23. - Miss Helen Hansell came down from Washington State College and spent the week-end at the home of her parents, here. Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton spent Thurs day and Friday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Frazier, at Milton. George Strand, salesman of the "iron fireman" for Smythe-Barthel company of Pendleton, was a business visitor in Athena yesterday. Jim Estes, Guy Matlock and J. N. Scott came up from Pendleton and hunted pheasants on the Scott ranch, west of Athena, Wednesday. , Dr. and Mrs. D. V. Johnson of The Dalles, were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Blatchford. They motored back to The Dalles Sunday evening. Weston Leader: Mrs. Vern Smith was brought home Friday evening from Walla Walla, where she has been receiving treatment at St. Mary s hos pital. Georire Ferguson, Pendleton fctuae- baker salesman for the Foster-Richie company, was in Athena Monday driving one of the new model btude bakers. Mrs. Cathren Cooley has returned to her home in Astoria, after spend ing a week in Athena, visiting her mother, Mrs. Laura Froome, at the Athena Hotel. Mrs. Margaret Vessey, aunt of Wil liam Potts and sister of John Walker, was over from her home in Yakima, and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Anna Potts. Jim Gorman, old-time agricultural implement dealer in Athena, was in town yesterday. He is traveling sales man for the Oliver Plow company, and resides in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke who have been visiting their son Henry for Beveral weeks left for their home in Glendale, California, Tuesday morning, making the trip by motor. Miss Glea Sias, teacher in the Hermiston schools, was a week-end srucst of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sias, at the Christian church parsonage, returning to her school Sunday. Miss Dorothy Straughan of Pendle ton was a week-end guest of Miss Beulah Smith. Miss Straughan is a popular teacher in the Adams High school and is a college friend of Miss Smith. "Pike" Miller, Eldon Myrick, Emory Rogers, Arthur Crowley and Jack Moore will form a party which will go to Pullman tomorrow to witness the W. S. C-Washington University foot ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke, Jr., were among those motoring to Walla Walla to attend the Moroni Olson players presentation of "The Twelve Thousand" at the Keylor Grand, Wednesday night. . Charles Mays has been here for the past week from Portland, visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Jennie Barrett. Mr. Mays formerly resided in Wallowa county, where he has farming interests. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen are plan ning to move to their wheat ranch recently purchased near Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Lawrence Mclntyre of this city, has leased the Allen wheat ranch West of Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, ac companied by Mrs. Lew McNair, left Wednesday morning for Ontario, Mrs. McNair will visit relatives and friends at Ontario and Payette, while Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw will go on to Gooding, Idaho, to spend a few days with their daughter, Frederic. Captain and Mrs. C. rrestbye, of Kalispel, Montana, are in Athena vis iting at the home of their son, E. C. Prestbye. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, they will enjoy a motor trip to Seattle and other Sound points. They were met at Spokane by their son and daughter-in-law, the fore part of the week, coming to Athena by automobile. - Miss Dorothy Brodie ' spent the week-end in Walla Walla where she was the guest of Miss Sadie Coe. Miss Coe and Miss Brodie attended University of Oregon together.. The Weston Leader reports pro gress in the road work on the Mc-Dougal-Tollgate sector of the Weston-Elgin highway. According to re ports, the contractors expect to have the grading finished by November 10. Mrs. Delbert Barger and little daughter, Mrs. Phillip Yenney and Mrs. Leslie Shelton of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Nat Kimball, of Pendleton, were entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Logsdon, last Friday. Mrs. Alma Koontz who has been the house guest of Mrs. Henry Dell for a fortnight left here Sunday eve ning. She visited her neice Jeanette Elder at her home west of Pendleton leaving for Portland Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawkins of Tacoma are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hawkins parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman. The young couple were recently married in Seattle and are being greeted by a host of friends here. " Meeting on Thursday evening of last week with delegates from the Masonic lodges of Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Helix, Milton and Athena, dis trict deputy Grand Master W. P. Folsom organized a Master Warden Society. Captain and Mrs. Seeley of Seattle have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley at their summer home at Bingham for the past week yester day they motored to the Verne Dud ley home near Dayton for a brief visit. ; .. , Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ball and; family have moved down from their moun tain ranch east of Weston, and are occupying the farm house on the Wil laby place west of Athena. The chil dren have entered the Athena grade schools. : , Fay LeGrow and Everett Rothrock returned from the Selway district in Idaho where they went on an elk hunting trip. The season is the dry est for many years in that country, making successful hunting out of the question. T Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres of Wal- lula and their guest, Mrs. Jacob Proebstel of Portland, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns Sunday. Mrs. Proebstel is a sister of Mrs. M. M. Johns, and will visit here soon. Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Baker of Eu gene, parents of Bryce Baker, are ex pected here in a few days to visit at the home of their son. Rev. Baker was formerly pastor of the Baptist church in Athena and now has the pastorate of the Baptist church at Junction City. Mrs. Dan P. Smythe of Pendleton, who is Well known in Athena, was . ! : ' 1 J uiiiwsu in marriage yesieruay morning The maim CABINET. BUM I SIM I Just Received Sparklimg New Line Bedroom Slippers For Men and Women, direct from the east. They come in Red, Blue, Green and Buckskin colors, Price x ".Another shipment jot new Fall House Dresses at . $1.95 5 per cent Discount for Cash Athena Department Store Phone 152 to Dr. E. W. St Pierre, a well known Portland physician. The wedding ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kern, 98 Floral Ave., Portland. The couple will take a wedding tour of two weeks through California. Claude Dickenson ' has leased the T. P. DeFreece farm north of Ath ena. Claude will cooperate with his father, Sims Dickenson, in farm operations, and Mrs. Dickenson and he will occupy the farm house on the Sims Dickenson place on Gerking Flat, to facilitate this arrangement. Ralph and Edwin McEwen who are attending Whitman college are out for intramural football. They re ceived favorable comment in Walla Walla and college papers following the first game of the season played by the Sigma Chis and Zates last Thurs day. The Sigs play the Betas next Thursday afternoon. Members of the Athena Etude club who enjoyed special music in the as sembly hall of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital at Pendleton recently, included Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. Lloyd Michner, Mrs. Louis Stew art, Mrs. Bryce Baker, Mrs. A. W. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton. During the social hour of the Bap tist Missionary meeting at the coun try home of Mrs. Jesse Gordon Wed nesday afternoon the members honor ed Miss Belle Anderson with a bridal shower. A huge basket decorated in Hallowe'en colors and filled with at tractive gifts was presented to the honoree to whom the occasion was a complete surprise. Mrs. Emmett Lee and Mrs. Roy Cannon served a dainty collation at the tea hour. (. lm. Western Newspaper Union.) The world ! ailed with folly and sin, And love must cling where It can, I ay: But Beauty li easy enough to win: But one isn't loved every day, Bulwer Litton. CAKES FOR THE PICNIC No picnic Is complete without a va riety of cakes. Small ones are most convenient for serving and liked t o best Oatmeal Macaroons. Take one and three-1 fourths cupfuls of rolled oats, put through the meat grinder after browning well in tbe oven, add one teaspoon ful of salt, one-half cup ful of sugar and one ta- blespoonful of butter, blended with the sugar. Flavor with vanilla and add a beaten egg. Drop by spoonfuls on a baking sheet and bake until crisp In a hot oven. Raisin Drop Cakes. Take four ta blespoon fuls of shortening, one cupful of sugnr, one ben ten egg, two-thirds of a cupful of milk, one and three fourths cupfuls of flour, three tea spoonfuls of baking powder, salt and one beaten egg,' one cupful of seeded raisins, one tenspoonful of vanilla. Cream the shortening; add sugar; wlieri well blended add the beaten egg and milk nllernntely with the flour which luis been well sifted with the dry Ingredients. Bake In small cake tins. Sprinkle with sugar before plac ing In the oven. Chocolate Cookies. Cream one-half cupful of shortening, add one cupful of sugnr, one well beaten egg, one fourth tCiispoonful of salt, two ounces of melted chocolate, two and one-half cupfuls of Hour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and oue-fourth cupful of milk. Butter Wafers. Take one cupful of butler, two cupfuls of sugar, two well ben ten eggs, one-third of a cupful of milk, one-fourth tenspoonful of soda, flavor with vanilla, add flour enough to roll very thin. Cut Into rounds and bake In n hot oven. Sprinkle with sugar before buklng. Drop Cookies. Take one cupful of sliiuteiilng, two cupfuls of sugar, five cupfuls of (lour, one cupful of sour cream, three eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, salt and flavoring. Mix and drop with a teaspoon and flatten with a tumbler dipped to sug ar. Add nuts If deslreL mm THE STANDARD THEATRE SATURDAY and SUNDAY The Mysterious TTV YTS Vi ft Wfo 1 it r 99 nancimu The Most Sensational Thriller Ever Filmed! A Paramount Picture with . ' .' : ; Warner Oland, Jean Arthur, Neil Hamilton -: STRANGE deadly powders! Oriental "guest" tea! .A knife in the back! The terrifying Sign of the Dragon! These are the weapons in the vengeful career of this scientist turned terrorist ! Baffling the world's greatest de tectives! Marching relentessly toward the goal of extermination! Lovely Jean Arthur hypnotized to work the villain's will! Handsome Neil Hamil ton striving against this oriental powe r ! Only true love stops ; the terror ! Warner Oland, veteran actor of stage and screen, in the powerful title role! A cast which includes William Austin, O. P. Heggie, Claude King, and a host of other well-known players! It's big! Sensational! Thrillingly entertaining! News Reel, Sports Reel and Comedy , Admission, 10-25-35 cents Coming: "TKe River Woman5'