A BIG JOB. BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost mmm ' . ,. -', - ' . - - f II II W "V T W t Entered at the Post Office at Ath - - v m wvvviiu-vmoa ava cs. a av&chicjT ' ATIIENA. ITNf ATI f.f.A mfTVTV nnUfZClfC EDint v. MrrTTiUY nrrwtrfn o . ' T .AmvAA ravaiiA4lf WX4&Vr4M IVAtf -'j NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND In the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. VOLUME 50. NUMBER 42 ALL FARM BOARD MEMBERS PASSED Senate Confirms Eight On Board; Only Three Contested. . Washington. Confirmation of the eight men selected by President Hoover to administer the term relief act, was voted overwhelmingly by the senate. - Contests were waged against only three of the men Alexander Legge oi Uucago, the chairman and business representative; and Samuel R. Mc- A.eivie, oi weDrasKa, wheat repre sentative; Carl Williams of Okla homa, for cotton. Roll calls were taken only on three, the others receiving approval with out record votes. Legge was approved 67 to 13, McKelvie 50 to 27 and Wil liams 57 to 20. i " ' The leaders of the democrats and republican independents, who twice put the export debenture principle of farm relief into the farm bill over President Hoover's objections, before the house finally rejected it, joined to express a willingness to give the president his own board to administer his own act. Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the democratic leader, voted for all the nominees. Senator Borah of the re: publican independents supported Leg ge but voted against both McKelvie and Williams. Senator Norris of Nebraska, of this group, voted against Legge and Williams but refrained from voting on McKelvie. , "The responsibility must rest where it belongs," Senator Robinson stated in announcing that he was willing to give Mr.. Hoover the farm board he chose to administer the act he de manded. , IViiool Election Monday To Vote On Special Tax The school election Monday after noon to vote On the special tax levy for Union High school district No. 7 will be held at the school building in the usual voting place. . Interest in the election is at a high pitch in view of the fact that at two former elections the special tax was defeated. It is understood that ef forts to effect a compromise between the opposing forces have failed, the latest being made this week by of fer of the present board to resign; suggesting among others to succeed them, Mrs. Lizzie Haney and Virgil Zerba. It is reported this offer was met by the proposal that Laurence Pinkerton, Marion Hansell and W. P. Littlejohn resign from the board, and that Homer I. Watts, Mrs. Lizzie Haney and Virgil Zerba be appointed in their places, and that the three board mem bers above mentioned, were not to again serve on the board for a per iod covering the next five years. - Injured In Battle With Crazed Bull McMinniville. Clinging to the nose ring, of the maddened animal until two of his fingers were torn off and his chest crushed, Isaac Boyer fought a barehanded, half hour battle with a bull here. Physicians said he prob ably would not live. Boyer, in moments of conscious ness, said the bull attacked him while he was leading it to water. He was knocked down and the animal leaped on him. He wa able to grasp the nose ring he said, and clung to it until he lost his fingers. Then he seized it with his other hand and hung on until his elderly father and two passersby came to his assistance . Misspelled Word Contest The Tum-A-Lum Lumber company of this city has inaugurated a mis spelled word contest for the readers of the Press this week. The mis spelled word will be found in the columns of the "Tum-A-Lum Tickler," the company's advertisement, ap pearing on page two of today's Press. The company offers a prize of $3.00 to the person finding the misspelled word. Send in the word with your name to the Tum-A-Lum office. All of the names sent in will be mixed and the lucky one drawn out, wins the prize. -...,.-.-. w -i.. Idaho Vandals Are ileal Menace For Northwest Conference Championship , University of Oregon. Idaho, with a 19 to 0 triumph over Montana has become Oregon's immediate menace in the Northwest, and- even more thorough preparation than had been previously planned will begin in the Webfoot camp Monday following the 34 to 0 slaughter of the light Wil lamette team Saturday. Since Wash ington's miserable showing against U S. C, the Oregon-Vandal batik at Portland this week-end has moved in to tfcTnsJtion of prime importance in the north,. i-. df With the exception of Idaho, which will not run into southern competition until November 23 when it plays the Trojans at Los Angeles, all the teams north of the California line have been edged out of the Pacific Coast con ference title race. The interest in the north now is to determine what Northwest football team is supreme in its own section. . - Last year the unofficial title wa3 divided between Oregon and Washing ton State, but the Cougars, in a last minute upset, were toppled from their claims by losing to Washington, 6 to 0, in the final game' of the year. Thus on the basis of an undefeated con quest of the north in 1928, the title of the "strongest team in the North west" was tacked on to the Webfoot prs. This year, however, the claim to Northwest supremacy is contend for by four schools. Washington, al though still a factor, was pushed in to secondary importance . through its tie with Montana, and the Grizzlies in turn were automatically dropped af ter the loss to the Vandals. The four teams who now stand foremost in the north are Oregon, Oregon State, Idaho and Washington State, . Dayton Outplayed Mac-Hi According To Daywn View Football is a hot topic in Milton Free water this year, where Mac-Hi has what is considered to be a win' ning team. Last Saturday, the game in which Dayton won from Mac-Hi by the score of 13 to 0, was a des perately fought contest , , .-, .,, It has since been whispered around that Dayton received the breaks in the game but a Dayton fan has this to say in the Walla Walla Union: "Dayton went into this game out weighed at least ten pounds to the man, - and outfought Mac-Hi from whistle to whistle. Dayton recovered almost every fumble simply because its boys were rushing the ball and al ways had two or three fighting wild cats within reach of it. We were hit ting those big boys so hard it hurt and they simply were never given a chance to start a march to the goal line. Contrary to your recital of the game neither score came as a result of a recovered fumble. One score was beautifully executed forward pass and it was an earned score in any body's game. The second score was an interception returned to a touch down." -. - . Athena Is Playing At Hermiston Today "Pike" Miller and his Athena high school football players, left this morning for Hermiston, where they will play Hermiston in the second game of the season, this afternoon. Hermiston defeated the local team on the home grounds in a hardfought contest, 6 to 0, on September 20. Hermiston in the game here proved to be better than last year, but the Athena team forced her to use all she had in her repertoire of plays. Having this knowledge, the Athena team should be in a position to hold the west end team to another close score, or maybe take this afternoon's contest. Athena has improved since meeting Hermiston here. New plays have been developed and the line and back field has been strengthened by several shifts recently made by the coach. To day's game should be a good one. Big Oregon Turk Crop Corvallis Oregon will supply 10 per cent more turkeys for the nation's Thanksgiving and Christmas tables than heretofore, according to the first report issued by the marketing depart ment of the Oregon State College ex tension service. How prices will be is still uncertain, but advance quotations are 40 cents a pound for number one dressed toms. r - ' " Dates for holding the annual potato show at Weston have been set for Friday and Saturday, November, 1 and 2. .- , , ' Robbery Believed Solved East Oregonian: With the arrest of William Grenier, 20, at Nampa, Idaho, the robbery of the Johnson Chap man home on the Umatilla Indian reservation is believed by the sheriff's office to be cleared up. Grenier was arrested by the Nampa police on in formation contained in a bulletin is sued out of the sheriffs office Monday morning. i"-'v-'i Hand Severely Burned A gasoline stove in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey became enveloped in flames, Monday, when excessive pressure in the tank caus ed the gasoline to overflow. Mr. Dickey had his right hand severely burned in carrying the stove from the house. "; Journey to Arctic Made in Canoe V 5 J 1 Ok r v 1 ; 1 ' if - xy? 1 w . w -J. Amos Burg of Portland, camera explorer and adventurer, and Dr. George Rebec, dean of the graduate school at the University of Oregon, spent the summer on a 8,000-mile canoe voyage of exploration tfiat carried them along the Athabaska, Slave and Mackenzie rivers to (he Arctic ocean. Here a 90-mile portage was made over the summit of the Rocky mountains to the headwaters of the Bell river, where the two men embarked in skin canoes for a 500-mile float down the western slope of the Rockies, the Bell and the porcupine to Fort Yukon. Drawing shows map of journey. Insert is Burg upon departure. , . Proud Owner Shows Champion "You'll Do's Grey Creampot of W. M.", Junior Champion Jersey Cow and Its owner Mrs. Edna L. Knight. . Mrs. Edna L. Knight. Willow- meadow Jersey Farm, Willows, California, one of the few women breeders of livestock and success ful, too will exhibit her prize-win-ning Jerseys at the 19th Annual . Pacific International Livestock Ex position, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 26 Nov. 2, inclusive. This year, for the first time, the American Jersey Cattle Club has selected Pacific International to be one of the four sectional shows in the United States. This makes available awarda for AU-Amerlcan honor-i in the Jersey division of the West's greatest livestock classic. The Club has also added $1,000.00 to the Exposition's prize money, bringing the total premiums offered for Jerseys alone up to $3,500.00. Total prize money for all classes aggregates $100,000.00. New features announced for this year's Exposition are the 2000 coop display of the Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock Show; Junior Agri cultural activities in the new J. C. Penney Hall; and the Oregon Fish and Game Commission's Exhibit of Wild Life (Including a Fish Hatch ery in full operation). Altogether, the 1929 program will offer greats er variety than ever before 12 complete shows Pure Bred Live stock Show; Fat Stock Show; Dairy, Manufacturer's and Land Products Shows; Sheep Show; American National Fox Show; Na tional Wool Show; Industrial Ex position; Boys' and Girls' Club Work Exhibits; Northwest Hay and Grain Show; and world-renowned Horse Show, includlug among other spectacular events the Six-Horse Team Driving con tests during each of the seven evening programs. Special reduced fares to the Ex position will be in effect on all leading transportation lines in this territory. Sues For Divorce Josie Frazier Walter has filed suit the circuit court against Arthur Walker for a divorce, giving cruel and inhuman treatment as grounds for the action. In the complaint, Mrs. Walker -asks that she be allowed $100 attorneys fees, $50 suit money, $25 monthly as permanent alimony and that she be decreed one-third owner in county farming property and town lots in the city of Freewater. October Mercury Soars Midsummer heat in mid October has been experienced here this week. Mon day the temperature ran up to 82, and Tuesday recording instruments show ed 84. ........ ... Out Hunting Deer Henry Dell and his son-in-law, Mr. De Merritt, left Monday for the John Day country on a deer hunt. They went to the same locality where last season they succeeded in killing a coup'e of bucks. Sunday morning W. C. Campbell, his son William and George Brace left for the Arbogast stock ranch in Grant county, on a deer bunting expedition. . Picture Program The Standard Theatre offers Sax Rohmer's great character stage pre sentation, "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu," in its silent screen version tomorrow night and Sunday. Three of Paramount's leading screen favorites, Warner Oland, Jean Arthur and Neil Hamilton are given the leading parts in the portrayal of what is considered the most thrilling mystery ever film ed. Comedy and news reel are as usual, a part of the program for both evenings. School Principals Are To Meet At Salem; . , Big Plans Are Studied Salem. High school principals of Oregon will meet in the hall of rep resentatives here for a two-day con ference today and tomorrow. The meeting will be under the joint aus pices of the department of high school principals of the Oregon State Teach ers' Association and the state depart ment of education. This forenoon Governor Patterson, state school superintendent C. A How ard and president Harry B. Johnson of the Oregon High School Principals' Association will speak. The jfemapd er of the day will be gTveit to com mittee reports and in the evening the conference f'j-ncr will be served at the Maricr. Ilvlo!. j" Tomorrow forenoon Mrs. Virginia C. Bacon, state librarian,: will talk on state library service, and E. B. Lemon of Oregon State College entrance re quirements. The committee reports will occupy the rest of the session. The meeting will be recognized as an official convention of the principals, Report Made By the County Health Nurse Helen J. Samson, new county health nurse, gives the following report for publication in the county papers: A large portion of the month has been spent in getting acquainted with the people and the conditions in the county. All the dentists and pearly all the doctors have been called upon. as well as many of the local people of the different towns who are in terested in the health program. As the greatest number of defects among the school children aro listed under the heading of teeth, we are hoping for wonderful results from the coming dental survey by Dr. Brunk of Salem. On account of the survey, it has been necessary to locate as many of the rural schools as possible and endeavor to have definite direc tions for reaching them, this has taken much time and without the aid of Mr. Yeager, county school super mtendent, would have been impos sible. Many of the larger schools have been visited and conferences held with the principals for the pur pose of organizing the work. The pupils in nine of the rural schools have been given the 'regular routine examination. A class for mothers was held in Pilot Rock. This was the first of a series of eight lessons. Investigations were made for the county court, the Oregon Child Wel fare commission, and the Doern- becher hospital. Echo Groceryman Is Killed In an Accident H. R. Willis, for the past 16 years a resident of Echo and proprietor of the Willis Grocery store, was killed in an automobile accident Monday mgnt at 'J o'clock, when his car, a sedan, turned over after hitting loose gravel on the highway a half mile east of Hermiston. Mr. Willis was returning to. Echo after buying butter at Hermiston, when he attempted to pass another car, struck the gravel and the accident resulted. A passing motorist took Mr. Willis to the Hermiston' hospital where he died in half an hour. He was badly bruised and suffered a fracture of the skull near the temple. Mr. Willis, who is In his early forties, is survived by a widow as well as brothers and sisters living in New York. ' ' Bridge Club Entertained The second meeting in the fall series of the Athena Bridge club was en Joyed by members Friday afternoon when they were guests of Mrs. Henry Dell. For decorations the hostess used masses of Michaelmas daisies and other autumn flowers. Four tables were in play, additional guests including Mrs. Justin Harwood, Mrs. Alma Koontz of Portland and Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles of Walla Walla. High club score was made by Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. Harwood receiving a dainty guest prize the consolation falling to Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn. Curtailed Season Cuts Profits Harold Clifford, state game warden, tells the state game commission that postponement of the deer hunting season for 12 days this fall not only cut into the time limit for the hunter to bag his deer but also sliced the in come of the state from licenses near ly $30,000... Two Unclaimed Pictures There are two unclaimed photo graphs at the Miller furniture store, where they -were left by persons unr known to George Wall,' now in charge of the store. Both are largo photos and are framed. One is a photo graph of the 6th U. S. Cavalry Reg., taken at Newport News, June 29 1919. The other large photograph is one taken of Warren Raymond's old stationary threshing outfit. PendletonMae-Hi Pendleton and Mac-Hi will nave their annual football contest on the Mac-Hi gridiron, tomorrow afternoon. Pendleton is promoting an automo bile caravan to the game. Trace of Rain A slight trace of rain fell Wednes day night, and the change in temera ture resulted 14 lower registrations. Burglar Injured In Blast, Leaves An Ear and a Finger Behind Roseburg. The mutterings of an injured man while recovering from an anaesthetic, paved the way to jail for narry and Kaymond Carr of Portland, on suspicion of being the men who attempted to blow a safe at Grants Pass. Harry Carr had been taken to a hospital here by Raymond Carr, who said they were brothers, physicians revealed. The former was suffering from the loss of two fingers and an ear and other injuries. Physicians said they decided surgical attention was necessary.; Later Harry was removed to a Ward, Physicians said other patients heard him, mutter of "safe robberies." Sher iff G. T. Jackson was notified and he placed the brothers under arrest. , Physicians declared the Injured man might not live. Police at Grant's Pass said one of the robber who attempted to blow the safe, had been injured. Bits of human flesh spattered the walls of the Golden Rule department store and a trail of blood led to the offices of Dr. C. B. Marks and Mrs. C. J. Moser in an adjacent building, where a hu man finger was found. Opiates and surgical instruments were reported to have been stolen from the physicions" offices. The blast did not open the safe but wrecked it so badly that experts were unable to open it despite several hours of work. ' Questioned here by Sheriff Jacksort and Sheriff Lister of Grants' Pass, Raymond Carr denied any knowledge of the robbery. He said his brother had been injured in a hunting accident near here. The officers declared, how ever, that they found safe burglars tools and a bottle of nitro-glycerine m an automobile said to have been driven by Carr. Adams Ladies Entertain At Autumn Luncheon Gay blossoms in brilliant autumn hues were used in profusion about the rooms of the spacious home of Paul, Lieuallen, last Thursday, when guests were bidden to luncheon by Mrs. Paul Lieuallen, Mrs. James Lieuallen and Mrs. Ravella Lieuallen. Covers were marked with cards sug gestive of the Hallowe'en season at small tables centered with miniature crystal baskets of flowers. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon, twelve tables being in play. Honors fell to Mrs. Penn Harris who won first prize, Mrs. Ralph McEwen sec ond, and Mrs. Glenn Dudley received the consolation. The following guests were present Mesdames H. I. Watts, B. B. Rich ards, W. P. Littlejohn, Ralph Mc Ewen, Dean Dudley, Sheldon Taylor, Glenn Dudley, A. H. Mclntyre, Chase Garfield, C. M. Eager, Lloyd Mich ner, Francis Lieuallen, Penn Harris, James Cress well, Bryce Baker, Henry Dell, Armond DeMerritt, W. S. Fer- guson, F. S. LeGrow, M. W. Hansell, L. Lieuallen, Fred Pinkerton, Chas. DuPuis, Don Johnson, Raul Morrison, W. Pinkerton, M. M. Johns, C. L, McFadden, Art. Douglas, A. W. Logs- don, H. A. Barrett, Miss Blanch John son, Mrs. Geo. 'Woodward and Mrs. Ralph Cannon of Walla Walla, Mrs. Tom Mosgrove of Milton, Mrs. C. Tubbs, Mrs. Roy Duff, Mrs. Kimball of Pendleton. mill KNIGHTS II OFFICERS H. E. Dixon Of La Grande Becomes Chancellor Sisters Elect. Portland.--The Oregon grand lodire Knights; of Pythias, meet:ng in the Pythian temple at Yamhil and West Park streets for its 47th annual con vention, elected officers for the new year, discussed the welfare and social work of the lodge, and Tuesday night had a hilarious time at the initiative ceremonies of the sunshine branch of the order, the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan. Officers elected were: Grand chan cellor, H. E. Dixon, La Grande; grand vice-chancellor, Ira W. Carl, Portland; grand keeper of the seals, Walter Gleeson, Baker; grand master of the exchequer, J. W. Maloney, Pendleton; grand master at arms, Frank Taylor, Eugene; grand outer guard, Thorleif Hansen, Portland; grand inner guard, N. S. Soden, Vcrnonia; supreme rep resentative, Fred J. Johnson, Port land; supreme representative-elect, Darwin E. Yoran, Eugene; grand prelate, I. W. Turner, Forest Grove. The officers will be installed at ceremonies , the closing of the meeting. While the knights were about their business, the Pythian Sisters, in ad joining rooms were electing the fol lowing: Grand chief, Mrs." Helen Stranahan, Hood River; grand sen ior, Mrs. Nettle Hardesty, Seaside: grand junior, Mrs. Eva Marks, Rose burg; grand manager, Mrs. Mamie Bennet, Bend; mistress of records and correspondence, Mrs. Rose Farring ton, Portland; mistress of finance, Mrs. Mabel Erickson, Valsetz; grand guard, Mrs. Ethel Murphy, Albany; supreme representative, Mrs. Emma McKinney, Hillsboro. Mrs. Cobi de Lespinosse was re-elected. Following the election of officers the knights "and sisters gathered in the lodge auditorium for memorial services,, with the past chiefs' club of Phalena temple, Portland, in charge. In the report of the altruistic com mittee of the Pythian sisters, it was stated that the altruistic work for the year amounted to $19,379.10. Past grand chiefs of the sisterhood held banquet in the roseroom of the Hotel Benson. lay Market Affects Sales of Livestock The most active fall bay market in many years with average prices for alfalfa in Oregon $2.60 above the level of a year ago, is reported in the weekly market review just released by the agricultural economics de partment of the state college exten sion service. Scarcity of feed because of poor pastures has stimulated the demand for hay at the same time that holdings the country over are some seven million tons below last year's total. This situation in the feed market has caused heavier shipments of un finished cattle and hogs to market, temporarily depressing the price. The general outlook remains favor able after the present forced ship ments are over, although some ob servers believe that the market for stocker and feeder -cattle will remain somewhat below" that of last year. Admits Non-Support Charge Mose McBean, who was arrested re cently on a charge of non-support of two minor children, pleaded guilty to the charges when arraigned before the circuit court. His sentence was sus pended and he was released under bond on the condition that he pay $20 monthly for the support of the chil dren. Apple Harvest On Apple harvest in the Touchet Valley is in full swing. Jonathans, Grimes Golden and the Delicious are about picked and work has been started on Rome Beauties. It is estimated that the apple crop is only T5 per cent average thia year. School Boys Stage a Round-Up at Helix Hugh and Donald McEwen aspiring young cowboys of the district north west of Athena are reciving quite a lot of newspaper notoriety this Fall. The two boys took part in the pony races at the Walla Walla County fair last month, riding their Shetlanda to and from the scene of action. Last week during the vacation granted school children on account of the Teachers' Institute, the boys staged a miniature Round-Up in He lix at the Gun Club Park. Details were carefully arranged, the parade being a feature of the day. Hugh, who was president led the concourse on a beautiful bay horse. A large number of buckaroos in brilliant costumes, a stage coach followed by Red Cross attendants with emergency cot wended its way to the grounds, when races and the bucking contest amused the large, crowd of spectators. Admission of five and ten cents was charged, the receipts of the day totaling five dol lars which was used in prizes for the successful contestants. Hubert Snapp, Gordon Gammell and Harold Pierce were the judges. No casualties were suffered but Warren Hicks met with an accident when he fell from the large mule on which he was performing. Three Deer Brought In Leonard Geissel, Dale Stephens and Bryce Baker hunted deer out from the Arbogast stock ranch in Grant coun ty Sunday. A nice buck fell before the unerring aim of Leonard. The boys returned home Monday forenoon Friday, John Stanton and Jens Jensen drove out west of Ukiah and returned Monday with two bucks, each hunter killing one out of a band of five, driven past them by shots of other hunters. An interesting and attractive pro gram is being arranged for a praise service to occur at the Christian church Sunday evening. Solos, duets and; quartettes will be features, a short devotional exercise and con gregational singing are also planned for the occasion. An urgent invita tion is extended to all to attend. Goes To John Day Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey are leaving for John Day, Grant county, where Mr. Dickey will operate a pool hall and rooming house. He has ex changed his Athena residence proper ty for the John Day property.