The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 11, 1929, Image 4

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"The Shopworn Angel" " "
Standard Theatre Sunday night.
Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier were
over from Milton Sunday. .,.,
Mrs. Louis Stewart has returned
from Baker where she was called on
account of her father, J. H. Herr, be
ing ill. The condition of Mr. Herr
was considerably improved before
Mrs. Stewart departed for home.
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stone of The
Dalles were in Athena for a short
while Saturday forenoon. They were
en route to Milton to be present at
the Mac-Hi-The Dalles football game
in the afternoon. Dr. Stone was
formerly owner of a drug store in
Athena and also engaged in the
practice of medicine here before go
ing to The Dalles.
James Hod gen, who has been in
the employ ofi the Standard Oil com
pany at the Athena distributing sta
tion, has been transferred to the Pen
dleton station, where Frank Ames,
the manager under whom Mr. Hod-
If you dorit buy a
latest and
QQttina tl
qroacqsc aovGiopomGnt
in raaio.
Ask anvcomoGtont
for fidelity, purity and
treble to the. lowest
bass. I
Hear it and be convinced.
(A Mercantile Trust)
Press Paragraphs
"The Shopworn Angel"
Standard Theutro, Saturday night.
Beryl Hodgcn, athletic coach at The
Dalles high school, was in Athena for
a few hours Saturday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Tipcr, at St. Anthony's hospital, Pen
dleton, October 6, 1929, a son.
Mrs. Dannald, who was a house
guest at the Chase Garfield home, re
turned to Walla Walla, Saturday.
Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrick came from
Weston and spent Friday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson in
Mr. and Mrs. Rude Edwards were
over from Milton Monday evening,
and visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Boyd.
The Athena Study club will meet
Friday of next week at the home of
Mrs. M. W. Hansell, at which time
roll call will be answered with gome
thing about Liverpool.
William McLeod, who spent several
days at College Place sanitarium
where he took medical treatment, has
returned to his home in Athena, feel
ing much better. -
R. A. Thompson, who recently dis
posed of his garage business in Ath
ena, spent a few days at Weiser,
Idaho, where he went to visit his
father, and transact business.
Mrs. W. II. Reeder is here rfom Ta
coma, visiting at the home of her
son, Otho Reeder. Mrs. Reeder ha3
many old time friends in Athena who
are pleased to meet her again.
Tnnnrrl C.eissfil and Dale Stephens
linntpd for deer Sundav out from
the Arbogast stock ranch in Grant
county. They left Athena by motor
Saturday night, returning Sunday
Mrs. Marion Hansell entertained the
Weston Saturday Afternoon Club at
her home, Saturday afternoon. Mem
bers of the club drove from Weston
to Athena in automobiles. The club
entertained a number of visitors and
the afternoon was pleasantly spent
by all present.
Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls for
Standard White Corn, 2 cans for..
Carnation Oats
Rice Krispies, 2 for ..
Pink Salmon, 2 cans for.....
Mrs. Charles Wilson and little son
have been here from Helix this week,
visiting at the home of M. I. Miller,
Mrs. Wilson's brother.
Mrs. Myra Reeder accompanied Mrs.
W. H. Reeder to Athena from Tacoma
and is visiting friends in Athena and
Helix neighborhoods.
W. S. Banks, Pilot Rock sheepman,
was in Athena Tuesday. When a
young man, Mr. Banks resided in
Athena, and is well known here .
For Sale Two Oliver three bottom
plows, good shape, used two seasons.
Two tail board weeders, good shape,
ready for use. Call 76. Bryce Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Miller have gone
to Shepherd Springs, where they will
spend several weeks, Mr. Miner sees-
ing benefit from bathing in ine
Mrs. Chester Davis was a euest this
week at the George Gerking home,
and attended the homecoming service
and dinner at the Christian church
Weston Leader: Tommy Lieuallen,
graduate of Weston High, is a mem
ber of the La Grande Normal football
team, which recently scored a win at
Celebrating their 10th wedding an
niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns
were dinner eruests Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. M. M. Johns.
The couple received several appro
priate gifts in tin, or its more modern
substitute, aluminum.
Orders taken for Fruit for Canning
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
For October 13
The Bible school scored a distinct
success last Sunday in Rally Day,
going over tho top with 103. There
are many others who should be en-
rftllMl! frst'si hrinar them in.
The pulpit themes next Sunday will
be, "For God So Loved the World"
and "The Supreme Christian : Law."
All who are not attendinc elsewhere
are invited to our services, and urged
to come.
Bible school W:'j0 a. w4 Y. P. S. C.
e. s.iQ p. tu, . .
For Sale Cupid cooking range, s,ee
r. M. Jones.
Mrs. Fred Pittman was a recent
visitor at the Joe Payant home in
Weston. " ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk and
daughter, Areta, went to Brownsville
this week on a business trip.
Mrs. Lina Stureis and Mrs. J. H
Sturgis and children were dinner
guests of Mrs. F. S. LeGrow. Friday.
For Sale Two Superior Drills, a
Unrrnw and other farm equipment
for sale. Henry Koepke, phone 32F12
A party motoring to waua vvaua
TiiosHav. were! Mrs. .M. M. Johns,
Mrs. Flint Johns, and Mrs. J. N. Scott
and Mrs. Charles Gerking ol rennie-
tnn and Mrs. Myra Reeder ot 'laeoma
Mr Honrv Dell returned home
ThiirsH.iv of last week from her Port
land visit, accompanied by Mrs. Aima
Koontz. Mrs. Dell and Mrs. Koontz
visited various points of interest on
the coast. .
Garv Cooner and Nancy Carroll,
turn of Pnmmounts best screen artists,
will appear at the Standard Theatre
tomorrow and Sunday mgnis in ine
unique ramantic drama, "ine bnop
worn Antrel.
A large number of the members of
the Etude club and others musically
inclined, attended the musicale, given
in the Assembly Hall, Pendleton,
Tuesdav nisrht All are enthusiastic
in nraiso of the event.
J. w. Beckett, who lived at Weston
some forty years ago, was in Athena
from his home at rortiana, weanes
rifiv. visitimr at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Bannister. Mr. Beckett
is owner cf a wheat ranch in Morrow
county, but has lived in Portland for
trm nnst 25 vears.
The Weston Leader reports that six
school children had a narrow escape
from serious injury when the car in
which thev were riding to school, left
the highway east of Weston while
rounding a curve and turned over
twice and landed right side up. The
occupants were thrjown, CM and cm-
gen first worked is stationed. Newt
Hodgen of Adams, takes the Ath
ena position vacated by his cousin,
James Hodgen. The change became
effective this week. ; ; :
Mrs. M. M. Johns entertained the
members of the Study club and some
of their friends at her home on Adams
street, Friday afternoon. Nineteen
members were present, while Mrs.
Alice Kirkpatrick of Weston and Mrs.
Ella Dannald, of Walla Walla were
guests for the afternoon. The study
of England and Wales was continued
with talks on various phases of
English life being given by Mrs.
Theresa Berlin, Mrs. J. W. Pinker-
ton and Mrs. Lew McNair. The next
meeting will be held on October 18
at the home of Mrs. M. W. Hansell.
The Etude club held the opening
meeting of the season on Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.' Otho
Reeder with fifteen ladies in attend
ance. The program consisted of a dis
cussion of the life and works of Schu
bert. Mrs. Otho Reeder greatly pleas
ed those present when she sang "The
Wanderer." A committee was ap
nnintoH to consult Mrs. Anna Comp-
ton Winn of Weston in regard to as
suming direction of the cnorus lor
the coming, year. The hostess was
assisted by Mrs. Louis Stewart dur
ing the social hour when aeucious re- -freshments
were served.
The J. T. club held the first meet
ing of the season on Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. H. M. Hales in
Helix. Sixteen members were in at
tendance. Mrs. Claude Dickenson was
a guest for the afternoon. Election of
officers was held, with the following
declared elected: President, Laura
Gross, vice-president. Myrtle Hales;
secretary, Lorraine Pinkerton; treas
urer, Gladys McFadden. A very pleas
ant 'afternoon was spent in con
versation and needle work at the close
of which refreshments were served
by Mrs. Fred Gross and the hostess.
The club adjourned to meet again on
October 18 at the home of Mrs. Max
Hopper in Athena.
en like these
are testing your car
.t used to be the custom for
a man who wanted to buy a car to take a
mechanic with him.
Today, General Motors itself employs
skilled automotive engineers to make it
easy for you to select your new car. These
men are working for you at its Proving
Ground the i i68-acrc outdoor laboratory
in Michigan where every kind of car is
Before any General Motors car goes in
to production, a fleet of advance models is
constructed and sent to the Proving
Ground. There these advance cars must
meet every test tests far harder than you
, would make. Sometimes they arc rebuild
redesigned, rctestcd many times until they
arc pronounced right, and ready to be put
into production. ,
The tests involve speed,' power, endur
ance, braking, riding comfort, handling
ease; fuel and oil economy; body strength
and safety every phase of car construc
tion and performance.
Buying a car is easy today because
these men at the Proving Ground are work
ing for you to assure you of value when
j you select a General Motors car.
Type of tht ensintt tl
. General Moton Ptorin
Ground who art working
for yoo. Dnwa from t
photograph. They
thowa examining pec).
lly derited inurnment
for meuuxiag clutch pfel
Vw.Af,rHvJehindAe "
"A car for every purse
- and purpose" J
CHEVROLET. 7 models. 525
69J. A six in the price rtnge of the four.
- Smooth, powerful cVcylinder rslYe-ln-heid
engine. Beautiful Fisher Bodies.
Also tcdsn delivery. Light delivery
chssiis. XH ton chsssis and 134 tort
chassis with cab, both with four speeds
PONTIAC 7 models. 74J 89J.
- Now offers "Big six" motoring luxury
at low cost. Larger t-head engine; larger
Bodies by Fisher. New attractive colors
tnd stylish lines.
OLDSMOBILB. 8 models. $87)
103 ). The Fine Car it Low Price. Now
: offers further refinement!, mechanically
tnd in the Fisher Bodies also eight
optional equipment combinations in
Special and De Luxe line.
MARQUETTE, 6 models. 965
$10). Buklt's new companion car, de
signed and built by Bulck. Six cylinders.
Fisher Bodies. Its price puts Bukk qual
ity and craftsmanship within reach of
more families. ;
. OAKLAND. 9 models. $U4)
$1)7). Oakland All American Six. Dis
tinctively original appearance. Splendid
, performance. Luxurious appointments.
Attractive colors. Bodies by Fisher.
VIKING. S models. $1)9). General
Motors' new "eight at medium price.
90-degree V-type engine. Striking
Bodies by Fisher. Uuusual appoint-
ments. Also optional equipment com
binations, i
BUICK. 14 models. $122) $199),
Three new wheelbases, 1111241)2
inches. The greatest Buick of them all.
Many new mechanical features. Fisher
Bodies with new lines.
LaSALLE. 14 models. $229)
$287). Companion car to Cadillac. Con
tinental lines. Distinctive appearance.
90-degrce V-type S-cylindet engine.
Striking color combinations la beauti
ful Bodies by Fisher.
CADILLAC. 2d models. $)29)
$7000. The Standard of the World. Fa
mous efficient 8-cylinder 90-degree V.
type engine. Luxurious Bodies by Fishet
tnd Fleetwood. Extensive tang of
color asid upholstery combinations.
(All Prices f.o.b. Factories) .
FRIGID AIRB Automatic Refrigera
tor. New silent models with cold-control
device. Tu tone cabinets. Fries tnd
model rtnge to suit every family. .
DELCO-UGHT Electric FUnts I
' Van Systems. Provide all electrical
conveniences and Ubot-aaving devices
ot the farm. '
TUNS IN General Motors Family
PiXTy, evtrf Moadiv. 9: 0 P. M. (Butrrs
Standard Tunc). VAF and )7 associ
ated radio stations. '