THE PRESS, C ATHENAOREGON, OCTOBER 11, 1929 - :I: I7 i I miontag ues Successor to Steve's Grocery Store Always at Your Service Special Attention Given Phone Orders Saturday and Monday Specials Sugar, 10 lbs. .....66c Peanut Butter, Bulk ............ ...:....................2c Jello, 4 pkgs. ......... ; ........29c Corn Meal, 9 lb. Bag .........38c Dunhams Fancy Mountain Honey, 10 lb.....$1.25 Albers 9 8-10 lb Bag Pancake Flour 69c vavio aiauiuvu iuiin vniaoij u ui uuanu 49c 2-lb Caddy Seaside Soda Wafers : 39c Kerr Mason Quart Jars 85c Dozen ED MONTAGUE PHONE 171 'A! Continental Oil Company Always at Your Service Athena Service Station Gas, Oils, Greasing Automobile Assessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761 l! Your tire money draws real "interest" here By Zerba FIRST, we charge the very lowest price for the right type Goodyear for YOUR particular driving needs. SECOND, we put on the tire carefully clean and straighten the rim, insert tube properly, give a firstclass job. Other tires shifted to best advantage. THIRD, we watch your tires through the year inspect and inflate them check wheel align ..ment keep lugs tight to help you get ALL the troublefree service Goodyears can deliver. That's real "interest," isn't it, on a mighty sound investment Goodyeartires! . Here, too more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind . ATHENA; GARAGE v Athena, Oregon .1 ;; 21 Years Ago High School Notes Friday, October 9, 1908 The first sweepstakes diploma ever issued by the Third Eastern Oregon District Fair, was awarded to A. B. McEwen of this city on Percheron horses. Mr. McEwen received 1st prize on his" superb stallion, Star of Kansas and a family of five colts. The hor?.e has received first prize wherever ex hibited, and one colt has taken fiveJ consecutive prizes. A generous box of luscious peaches which for size and flavor will compare favorably with any raised in the county were left at this office Satur day by S. S. Parris. Mr. Parns lives at the head of Gerking flat, northwest of this city, near Grand View station. These peaches are raised without ir rigation, and Mr. Parris has had good crops for the past three years. By order of the City council the city rock crusher is again grinding away at the rock quarry below town and work was begun on street re pairing Tuesday. One hundred feet on Main street across the railroad tracks will be graded, and other re pairs have been ordered by the city council. Amiel Shubert exhibits spuds by the foot. He informs the Press that three potatoes, laid lengthwise, measured two foot, and they are a fair sample of the product this season of his farm just north of town. At this rate Ath ena ought not to have to go to Wes ton mountain for her winter supply of spuds. Baled timothy hay from Weston mountain is coming in large quanti ties this week and being stored in Taylor's Independent waiehouse. Mr. Taylor has bought 250 tons at $15 per ton and has already received about one half the amount. Henry Barrett and Jinks Taylor re turned from Walla Walla Monday where they had been before the army board selling cavalry horses. Henry disposed of his splendid sorrel driving team Zip and Agg, while Jinks sold all but one of the horses taken over. The boys report the inspection of horses the most rigid' they have ever encountered. Miss Lizzie Sheard spent Sunday at home, from Whitman college. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson October 6, 1908, a 10 pound son Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Saling came up from Pendleton and attended the fun eral of Grandma Mansfield. Mrs. Delia Maloney is moving to Weston this week, where her son and daughter will attend the normal. CLASSIFIED For Rent 3 room modern cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Lila Kirk. - iiSi Backache If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Back ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today Put it to the test. See for yourself how quick ly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick im provement, and satisfy you complete ly. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Mc- Faddens Pharmacy. Announcement J. D. Huggins will have charge of the Shell gas and oil sales' at the Hoffman Garage and solicits a part of your patronage. JUNIOR NEWS STAFF Editor Stafford Hansell Assistant Editor. Myrtle Campbell Alumni Jack Moore Student Body Arthur Crowley Boys' Athletics Roland Wilson Classes .. Emery Rogers Entertainment.l.....Elizabeth Walter Personals ....... .".-.Georgie Green Faculty....... Walter Huffman 1st to 4th Grades........Curtiss Duffield 5th to 8th Grades... Mary Tompkins Subject Classes Herbert Reeder Advisor Miss Beulah Smith Editorial ; , For the first time in years Athena Hi's football team beat the jinx and turned the tables on Touchet.- - For years past Athena has never - been able to turn the tide of victory in her favor. The inferior complex of the losing team aids to develop a jinx. Before starting the past games the attitude has been that they couldn't be beaten and Athena has fought with this , in mind. -However, this year, Athena was determined to win and the results show that this new atti tude was better than the other. There is no such thing as a jinx, but it is possible for a team to be influenced greatly by a supposed existing jinx. The players who consider they are jinxed go into competition with a feeling that they are the "under dogs" and the opponents are insurmount able. . In every walk of life from the farm to the office, if you make up your mind you cant win, you will lose; but if you make up your mind to win, it will go a long way to wards winning success. Pershing never lost heart when he started his march on Berlin. William Pitt, famous English leader, was very con fident that he could defeat the French. Many other examples go to prove that it is best to be determined to win. Over confidence is probably as great a fault as under confidence and it often leads to failure but the truth of the proverb, "If you have a will to win, you will find a way" is psycho logically true. V Athletics The Athena High school boys fought their way to the first victory of the season last Friday, against Touchet, defeating them thirteen to nine. The first touchdown was scored by Ath ena in the first quarter, with only four downs needed to carry the pig skin across the line from a kickoff. Myrick made a beautiful end run of about twenty yards to' put it across. In the second quarter Touchet made a splendid place kick scoring three points. The half "ended six to. three in Athena's favor. Touchet made a touchdown in the third quarter but Athena was a smashing whirlwind from then on and couldn't be stopped. Athena scored another touchdown in the last quart er and made their try for a point. The game was well played by both teams. The line-up was as follows: right end, Emery Rogers; right tackle, Stafford Hansell right guard, Bob Campbell; center, Fred Singer; left guard, Cecil Pambrun, left tackle, Walter Huffman; left end, John Kirk; quarter, Art Crowley; right half, Ralph Moore; left half, Jack Moore; fullback, Eldon Myrick. Solista Pickett and Herbert Reed er were the only substitutes used. Bell & Gray Phone 593 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country Hauling ICE Acetylene Welding and Blacksmithing CM. JONES, Prop. Alumni Edwin and Ralph, Jr., McEwen,, freshmen at Whitman and newly pledged to the Sigma Chi fraternity, travelled to Pilot Rock where they played an intramural football game m which the Sigma Cms met the Pilot Rock High school team. Alberta Charlton and Lenore Mc- Nair, freshmen at University of Ore gon, have been pledged to the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Entertainment The Girls Glee Club have resumed their activities for the ensuing year. There are about ten girls in the club, who meet twice a week under the di rection of Mrs. Areta Gurney. The student body were guests of the Freshmen Class at a weiner roast given at Thorn Hollow. The Fresh men proved to be very successful hosts. Marshmallows were toasted and buns were enjoyed with the hot weiners. Afterwards games were nlaved around the blazintr fire. The students returned home at an early hour. Personals The following students spent Sat urday in Walla Walla: Mary and Esther Berlin. Bernice Wilson. Doro thy Burke, Betty Eager, Marjorie Douglas, Lester Towne and uarth Pinkerton, Myrtle Campbell was a Pendleton visitor Monday, Francis Cannon and Mary Tomn kins visited the Griswold High school Monday. Virtrie Moore and Thelma Schrimpf spent Saturday shopping in Pendleton. Goldie Miller witnessed the (came between Hood . River and Pendleton, at Pendleton, Saturday. - A larva number of boys from the Athena high school attended Ihe Dalles-Mac Hi game at Milton, Saturday. Faeuitr "Pike" Miller and a few of his friends went huntinsr above Binffham during the week vacation and got one deer. ; "Pike took a group of the foot Just Received S par king Mm Li h e Bedroom Slipp ers For Men and Women, direct from the east. They come in Red; Blue, Green arid Buckskin colors. Price 98c to $2.50 Another shipment of new Fall House Dresses at $1.95 5 per cent Discount for Cash Athena Department Store Phone 152 ball boys over to Milton Saturday so they could see the football game be tween Mac Hi and The Dalles high school. . -. . Mrs. Areta Gurney motored to Wal la Walla to hear Harry Lauder's con cert. ' Miss Beulah Smith left Sunday morning for her home in Island City, Oregon, and returned Wednesday. She also spent several days in Walla Wal la. . Miss Dorothv Brodie snent the week-end in Athena and made sever al trips to Pendleton and to Walla Walla. SuDt. E. E. Coad snent most of the week around Athena, hunting" the first day of the season and bringing in the limit of birds. ' 5th and 6th Grades Tillman Stone has been out of Bchool on account .of appendicitis which fol lowed closely on his recent illness with pneumonia. School District Number 2 (Community News) The pupils of Dist No. 2 are observ ing Fire Prevention Week, from the sixth to the twelfth. The North western Fire Association sent a large fire poster to the school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter were in Walla Walla Wednesday on business. Mr. Walt Finnley of California visited Miss Marguerite Hereford Monday evening. Nylene Taylor, Barbara and Robert Lee rode on their ponies to visit school Thursday. - . Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Zerba were in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton was In Pendleton TuesJay evening. , DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon PETERSON & LEWIS Attorneys at Law Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. WATTS ft PRESTBTE 1 ' Attorseya-At-Law Matat Street. Athena, Oregon . State and Federal Court Practice Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work Prices Reasonabls Athena, Oregoa Magazine Subscriptions at Publisher's Prices We can. take care of your magazine wantsleave your orders and we will do the rest McFADDEN'S PHARMACY Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK.0F ATHENA, OREGON, Announces that it has com-pieted the organ ization of a Trust Department and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate. Ask us for Information I7AAAAAAAO.AA..AA..AAAA..A..A..A..A..A..A..A..1.....4 Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. THE KIL.GORE CAFE Special Prices on Special Lunches , for School Children r Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon and 8 C. T. Booth Successor to "Pink" Third Street - Athena Twin City Cleaners The firm that does jour work as 70a want it done, at the Lowest Prices Consistent ' with expert ' workmanship. We call for and deliver on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon