THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 27, 1929 It a different Telephone today The telephone instru ment in your home may have been put there prior to 1920. It may be the same instrument to day in looks, in feel, in weight, as it was on the day it was installed. But in usefulness to you, it has grown to almost twice the original. This is because in con duits underground, in cables swung on poles, in lines of wiring that penetrate to new places, in homes and business houses here, there and everywhere, we have been implanting values and adding equipment that have directly bene fited your instrument. Almost twice as many telephones are now con nective with yours as in 1920. Meanwhile, the quality of service we render has been advanc ing. Transmission is clearer. Thru technical ; improvements, the mak ing of connections has ; been speeded up. More long distance facilities have been provided. The telephone in your home is like a window, look ing out on the world, that has gradually turned to plate glass. , The outlay for tele phone construction in the Pacific System dur ing the next 5 years will exceed an average of $63,000,000 a year. We are arranging now for voice - communications that you will wish to hold years hence, with people whom you do not yet know. WASHINGTON WILL BAN WINE TONICS Fluid Deemed Violation of State Prohibition Law Druggists Aid. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 9 ..' Continental Oil Company Always at Your Service Athena Service Station Gas, Oils, Greasing mi,' ; ' 1 I " . Automobile Assessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761 Seattle. Recent developments hi dicate that the sale of "wine tonics," which is believed to be in violation of the state bone-dry law and a deter rent in the enforcement of pro hibition, will soon be stopped in Washington. Within the last two weeks one of the largest wholesale drug houses and a firm operating a chain of re tail drug stores in Seattle let it be come known that they would quit handling wine tonics, , and federal prohibition officials expect reputable druggists throughout the state to join the ban on wine tonics. The fight on wine tonics is being carried oh 'similarly to' the fight of two years ago. Phohibition Director Lyle and his forces have been working cautious ly because the sale of wine tonics is not barred by the Volstead act, the tonics, in fact, being manufactured under federal permits granted by dis tricts administrators. So far, going on the theory that such beverages are forms of intoxicants and violate the laws of Washington and Oregon, Mr. Lyle has refused permits for the manufacture of such drinks in his district Washington, Oregon and Alaska. But such permits were granted in California, the result being that practically all of the wine tonics sold in Washington come from California. But the federal prohibition office now takes the stand that it can op pose the sale of wine tonics on the grounds that it violates the state law and undermines enforcement of na tional prohibition. Therefore, Mr. Lyle is calling on all druggists who have licenses to handle alcohol to re port their - sales of wine tonics or other medicated liquids of high alco holic content, the inference being that druggists featuring wine tonics will lose their licenses for handling alco hol. This attitude of the federal prohibition office is indicated by the fact that proceedings to revoke a federal permit already have been started against a Seattle druggist under arrest for selling wine tonics for beverage purposes. ' i High School Notes ; JUNIOR NEWS STAFF Editor.......:. : Stafford Hansell Assistant Editor Myrtle Campbell Alumni... Jack Moore Student Body. Arthur Crowley Boys' Athletics Roland Wilson Classes Emery Rogers Entertainment ....Elizabeth Walter Personals...... Georgie Green Faculty Walter Huffman 1st to 4th Grades Ciirtiss Duffield 5th to 8th Grades Mary Tompkins Subject Classes Herbert Reeder Advisor............:. .Miss Beulah Smith Editorial The smoke filled air and cool eve nings, remind us that fall is here Fall, with its colored leaves and short days, brings the football season. The football season leads to that phrase "Be Boosters." Rarely, in the history of a successful team has there been a discordant tune played by its backers. Unity is the key of suc cess. University of Washington, with its student meeting for the dismis sal of the coach after a slow start, sets an example of wrong backing of the team. The coach is undoubtedly qualified for his job, and he is in a position to know his problem. The spectators and knockers know nothing of the players or system except hear say. Which one is the best suited to run things? Often a fairly success ful season is spoiled by an unback ed, misrepresented rumor. A ? team must have the backing of the right Bort, not of. the "all wrong" type. Few of the spectators are qualified or can be compared with the coach or even the players in knowledge of the technique of the game; but if they unite in a "do their best" at titude their help is valuable. The success of a team depends on a com petent coach plus material plus loyal boosters. , 21 Years Ago 5th and 6th. Grades Tillman Stone, of the sixth grade, has been absent from school on ac count of pneumonia. Inez McCullough was absent from school two days. N Barbara Lee was absent from school on account of illness. The grade boys are playing soc cer instead of football and are en joying it very much. CLASSIFIED Wanted Girl or woman for ceneral house work. Apply at Quality Grocery rnone 661. Announcement J. D. Hueririns will have charge of the gas and oil sales at the Hoffman Garage and solicits a part of your patronage. Personals Goldie Miller spent Saturday in Walla Walla. : Mary Tompkins was in Walla Wal la Wednesday. 1 3rd and 4th Grade 1 A pleasant time was enjoyed Wed' nesday afternoon at the home of Dale Jenkins, by the 3rd and 4th grades when Dale was given a'party in honor of his ninth birthday. i i ; I 1 1 yn ( MoW- get it fixed to last! DON'T start out again with any boots in your tires or temporary cold patches i on the tubes. Leave your tube or casing; here a short while we'll do the job right and guarantee it to last. Wont cost you much. How about carrying an extra tube after this? We're offering Special Values, this month, in Goodyear Double Water Tested i Tubes. Glad to show you the different grades. ATHENA GARAGE Athena, Oregon Millions more people ride on GOODj TIKES AND TUBES - Why Don't You? For Sale 470-acre farm 8 miles southeast of Dayton: 320 acres farm land, 160 in summer fallow; all tract or land. Spring water for stock and well at house; large barn. Price $40,. 000, terms at 6 per cent. Address Chronicle-Dispatch, Dayton, Wash. Bladder irregular If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Back ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today Put it to the test. See for yourself how quick ly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick im provement, and satisfy you complete ly. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Mc Faddens Pharmacy. CRESCENT BAKING POWDER, -fittl pound whole and Blacksmithing All work out on Time Acetylene Welding CM. JONES, Prop. RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. II. HILL Athena Subject Classes Grasshoppers and a black beetle were caught last week for the pur pose of class disectmg in Mrs. Blatctv ford's biology class. Marjorie Doug las, Betty Eager, Esther Berlin, Goldie Miller and Arleen Myrick collected these insects for the class project. Athletics The game with Hermiston was quite exciting with the only touchdown of the game being made in the last quarter, when Hermiston fought to the 20 yard line and by a freak play carried the ball across for a . touch down. Although Hermiston had a more experienced team, they did not succeed in swamping the home team as they have done previously. ' The line-up for Athena was as fol lows: Fred Singer, Center; Cecil Pambrun and Solista Pickett, guards; Stafford Hansell and John Kirk, tack les; Emery Rogers and Herbert Reed er, ends; Art Crowley, quarterback; Jack Moore and Lowell Jenkins, half backs; Eldon Myrick, fullback. The substitutes were Lei and Jenk ins, Ralph Moore, Wayne Banister, Robert Campbell, Wendell Shigley, and Lester Town. Faculty "Pike" Miller, coach of Athena High school, went to Pendleton to the Round-Up Saturday. Mr. E. E. Coad, principal of Athena High school, went to La Grande over the week-end to see his three sons before they left for the University of Oregon. Mrs. Areta Gurney attended the Round-Up Saturday. Miss Dorothy Brodie attended the Round-Up Saturday. Miss Beulah Smith, member of the Athena High school faculty, attended the Round-Up over the week-end with her mother, Mrs. L. A. Smith and her sister, Mrs. Milo Blokland of La Grande. , Entertainment Thefirst assembly of the school year was called to order Friday, in the school auditorium by Mrs. Areta Gurney, the freshmen class advisor. The session was opened by an inter esting talk by Principal E. E. Coad, on the Constitution. Esther Berlin favored the student body with a piano solo, John Kirk, student body presi dent, read the American Creed. "Pike" Miller, the football coach, gave the students an idea of what he was expecting from his boys in the first football game of the season. Staf ford Hansell also talked on footbalL The assembly was then turned over to the yell leader, Robert Lee, and some peppy yells brought the as tembly to a close. Friday, September 25, 1908 Last week Henry Dell made a trip into the country tributary to the north fork of the John Day in company with Tom Keller, timber cruiser. Mr. Dell filed on a timber claim. Much of the timber land in that section has been taken up, but there yet remains choice claims, which are isolated from the big tracts. " All is ready, spick and span, for the Umatilla-Morrow county fair, which opens at Pendleton Monday morning. All exhibit space has been taken and the live stock and agricultural depart ments are especially well represented. The people of the county generally, are taking deep interest in the success of the fair. Leo Gholson, of Walla Walla, was a guest of his uncle in this city Sun day. Clarence Burden and mother are down from Sprague, Wash., on a short, visit. Roy Tompkins left Tuesday to re sume his studies at the Oregon Agri cultural college. Fay LeGrow and Sam Pambrun are hunting big game in the mountains south of town, this week. R. J. Boddy has fitted up his office on Main street. He added a new desk and linoleum graces the floor. Misses Irene Dudley and Edna Tay lor will leave tomorrow or Sunday for Pendleton, where they will attend St. Joseph's Academy. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hiteman, of San Francisco, September 17, 1908, a daughter. Lee writes home that the little one has been given the name of Lucinda Ray Hiteman. ' W. W. Jacobs has completed an up to date implement shed for A. J. Wag ner 16 by 42 feet in size. The build ing is a commodious one and will house Mr. Wagner's farm machinery for the winter. Sanford Stone is preparing for the exhibition of ten head of horses and colts from the A. B. McEwen farm, at the Pendleton district fair. He has winners and expects to bring home several prize trophies. J. E. Froome, Chas. Booher and Zeph Lockwook returned from an out ing on Meacham creek Wednesday evening. Grouse and fish were liberal ly contributed tothe camp larder, but no large game was encountered.' Miss Etta Leach, who is interested in an art store in Walla Walla, was the guests of her cousin, Mrs. Fred Kershaw, for a short time Monday. Miss Leach Had been on a visit to her parents on Weston mountain, where her sister Mrs. Wm. Krassig, of Port land, is also visiting. John Brinkley, brother 1 of Mrs. Fred Koontz, was in the city Wednes day from Portland. Mr. Brinkley was at one time in the employ of A. J. Bagley in this city. He is now travel ing salesman for a Portland paint house, i . Roll Miller and Bennie Gross left Sunday for Corvallis, where they will enter the O. A. C. Roll has been a student at the college for some time, but Bennie, who graduated from Ath ena high school '08, will matriculate there for the first time. Seventeenth UMATILLA PROJECT ; : . v, : FAIR HERMISf Of i Divisions for Dairy PoultrySwine Sheep ' Rabbits Honey Home ; economics Agricul-;-" ' tural and Commerical displays. : : "'.!' ' SPORTS AIR-STUNTS FOOTBALL- . . ; DANCING October 4 and 5 Premium List on Request It Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep' your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and me. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 583. I Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. ' THE (CILGORE CAFE Special Prices on Special Lunches for School Children Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon School District Number 2 Mr. nnd Mrs. Rov Cannon cele brated their sixteenth wedding an nivprsnrv Tnpsdav evenine1. when a dinner was served by Miss Marguerite Hereford and Miss Valane cannon. Those nrescnt were Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and daughter Lorra, Mr. ana Mrs. Rnv Cannon and daughters Valarie, Roberta and Rose Marie and Marguerite Hereford. The pupils are now practicing vol lev and basketball. They are develop ing into good players. L. R. Pinkerton was m umapme Wednesday. Rov Cannon and daughter Ro berta were in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton was in waua Walla this week. Mrs. Charles Smith of Idaho came down last week to visit relatives. .Tnninr Smith. Marion Stewart and Shirley Blalock visited school Fri day. ' Mr. ar.H Mrs. Alva Blalock and chil dren, Ray and Shirley, of Skopane, visited in this neighborhood this week. DR. R. M. RICE Physician and Surgeon Offices, Hill Building Athena, Oregon DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon ' DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 PETERSON & LEWIS Attorneys at Law Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Turn-A-Lum Tickler Volume 1 September, 27, 1929, Athena, Oregon No. 3 Published in the interests of the people of Athena and vicinity by the lum-a-Lum Lumber Co. Phone 91. A. M. Johnson, Editor Now is the time to fill the Athena fuel bins with Tum-a-Lum coal. Howdy folks, here we are again and it is almost time for the second foot ball game and the weather that goes with it. ' Editorial We think the Senate should engage Einstein to draw up a tariff that will please every one. At least we could n't understand it. . Our idea of an optimist is a blind man looking for a black cat in a dark room. Also the person who waits till snow flies before putting in a supply of wood and coal. , Tum-a-Lum Built-in fixtures in the kitchen save many a step and help to make the home more attractive. The living and dining room can also have these. " Advertisement We have for sale the following: Lumber-rough, smooth or medium. , Shingles and roofing. Cement, sand. lime, brick, or what do you want? Wood for kindling and otherwise. Coal lump, hut, egg, and assorted. Also a lot of ideas for helninsr vou to remodel or fix up the house. These are iree. No. Charge. The Mayor of Chicago is to open the Fall season by throwing the first bomb. WATTS ft PRESTBTB Attonuya-At-Law Main Street. Athena. Oregon Stat and Federal Court Practice The Last Week Get Your Furniture Now ' Below Cost Everybody that owes N. A. Miller must pay their bill before the fifth of October, or I will leave the bills in a lawyers hands for collection. : New and Latest in Window Shades N. A. MILLER, Furniture