The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 13, 1929, Image 4

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(Successor to Steve's Grocery)
Extra Special
Virgin Wool Round-Up Shirts
Colors-Green or Red
Regular $6.75 Value
Grocery Specials
For Saturday and Monday
10 lbs. Fruit Sugar 62c
Montague's Special Coffee, per lb 35c
Kerr Mason Fruit Jars Ots. per doz 85c
Mother's Oats 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg 39c
Oranges 176 size, per doz 60c
Economy and Mason Jar Caps doz 29c
Small Kitchen Broom............ 35c
Liberty Bell Cane and Maple Syrup per Gallon
$ J Press Paragraphs
School Supplies
Everything you need for
Tablets Pencils Notebooks Etc.
Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils
$2.50 to $7.50
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
"Wolf of Wall Street"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mrs. Bryce Baker and Mrs. Gross
visited in Pendleton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith spent
Sunday with friends i Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins enjoy
ed a motor trip to Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Banister
have been visiting relatives in Port
land this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and
children visited relatives in Walla
Walla', Saturday.
Miss Marvel McRae of Walla Walla,
has been a guest of Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden this week.
Miss Pearl Ramsay's Beauty Shoppe
will remain closed Friday and Satur
day of next week.
Forest Zerba has been serving as
a member of the grand jury at Pen
dleton, this week.
Miss Virgie Moore has engaged her
services as extra operator in the lo
cal telephone exchange.
The Athena branch library will re
main closed on Saturday of next week
on account of the Round-Up.
Taylor & Son recently purchased a
valuable cow at Umapine, which they
have added to their dairy herd.
The Baptist young people enter
tained at a social party in the parlors
of the church Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkcrton
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clyde spent
Monday afternoon at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crawford have
moved into the cottage on Third
street, ewned by Mrs. W. K. Wall.
Ernest Koepke came down from
Seattle this week to look after his
farming interests in Umatilla county.
Miss Betty Eager was hostess to
a few of her young friends Tuesday
evening, at her home on Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Brower are ex
pected by Athena relatives to come
from Kalispell, Montana, for a visit
next week.
Wade Goodman, of . the firm of
Rogers & Goodman, was in Athena
for the first time in several weeks,
M. L. Watts accompanied his son-
in-law, Clason Adams to Palo Alto,
California, leaving by motor, Satur
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk, Mrs. Lloyd
Michener, Harold Kirk and Orel Mich
ener were visitors at Spokane over
last week-end.
Bert Logsdon returned to Wallowa
county this week for the purpose of
taking a fishing trip with a party of
Joseph friends.
Mr. -and Mrs. Charles Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate of Helix,
were recent visitors at the Lee Wilson
home in Athena. ,
Curtis Duffield was master of cere
monies in the JUumeld barber shop,
during the absence of his father, who
was in Portland.
Miss Frederica Kershaw left Mon
day for Gooding, Idaho, where she
will be instructor in music in the
Gooding College.
Lois Johnson came over from Walla
Walla and spent Sunday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M
Johnson, in Athena.
Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre and son Neil,
left Monday by motor for Sherman
county, to look aft?r Mrs. Mclntyre's
farming interests there.
Mrs. Anna Cartano of Pendleton,
and Mrs. A. E. Shick of Walla Walla,
visited their mother, Mrs. Jane Har
den, who has been seriously ill.
The Athena Study club meets this
afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. C.
Rogers. Election of officers will be
held, and the years study begun.
Miss Margaret Hereford has return
ed from her home at Steptoe, Wash
ington, and entered on her second
year of teaching in District No. 2.
N. A. Miller is leaving Athena. To
close out his present Btock of furni
ture, he will sell goods at practical
ly your own price as long as they
Miss Dorothy Berlin is well pleased
with her position in the high school
at Roslyn, Washington. Miss Ber-
Pendleton, Ore
0)D r
Low Round Trip Fares
Day of the Finals
Saturday, September 21, 199
From Walla Walla $1.25
From Milton $1.00 From Wet ton $1.00
rtra U I raty
Cf rar
ttoktta trwa
Lt Walla WaSa
Ar PradMra
1S a
t:S0 an
For Motor CmU tenia tmj fay Um
Returning lisUtrk
llllll IIM.WW if i
Aima . . . IQ-Jfr 1,1 jj rtjJLJf j
Aitwaa . . . ii:Q V 1 iftilSsTiM!' y
Wt . . . iikw A rTi
MlltM . 11:4 Ji4jLJi-
Ar Wait! Wall. .
lin went to Roslyn from Athena last
R. A. Duffield drove to Portland
Sunday, accompanied by his mother
in-law, Mrs. Rhoda, who had been at
Hot Lake and in Athena for several
Frank Beale, former Athena stock
man, was in the city this week from
the Grand Ronde valley, where he
and his son Claude are engaged in
ranching. ' -
Miss Mildred Bateman has issued
invitations to a bridge party at her
home in Milton to a number of her
Athena friends for tomorrow, Satur
day evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross entertain
ed at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Keen, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Haines of Enumclaw, Wash., and
Lester Towne.
Donald McFadyen and Ike Phillips
have been engaged the past week in
making improvements on the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read,
south of Athena.
Now is the time to secure unheard
of bargains : in furniture and house
hold furnishings. Miller is sacrific
mg his stock so that he can leave
Athena, October 1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Haines, and lit
tle daughter, after a month's visit at
the home of Mrs. Loiiis Keen. Mrs,
Haines' sister, have returned to their
home at Enumclaw. Washington.
The call of the Round-Up prelimin
ary tryouts is being answered daily
by numbers of Athenaites who go
down to the park to witness the buck.
ing of the broncs and the handling
of stock. i
Pythian Lodge, Knights of Pythias,
is convening regularly on the regular
weekly meeting nights Thursday.
Indications point to considerable ac
tivity m Pythian circles for the com
mg fall and winter months.
A pleasant home-coming dinner
was served Sunday at the Christian
church, when about fifty people sat
at a sumptuous repast, prepared by
the ladies of the congregation, in
what is called a potluck meal.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gerking,
who spent last week at Spokane, have
returned to their farm home west of
Athena. They were accompanied on
their return by their daughter, Mrs,
Kenworthy and her three little sons,
Mrs. S. F. Sharp visited her hus
band, Dr. Sharp, who is a patient in
a Walla Walla hospital, Tuesday, and
found that he was no better. Dr.
Sharp has been confined to the hos
pital with a serious illness for sev
eral weeks.
J. E. Jones and son Ray have been
engaged this week in bailing their
crop of timothy hay on the Jones
mountain ranch, Their crop was dis
posed of at $15 per ton to contractors
having construction of the McDougal-
Tollgate road in charge.
Ralph Haynie came over from
Burns last week-end, and accompan
ied by his wife and little daughter
went to Bend, Sunday. Mrs. Haynie
and daughter went on to Portland for
a short visit, and Mr. Haynie return
ed to Burns from Bend.
The Weston Leader reports that W.
L. Rayborn & Sons have been having
a fairly successful run this season
with their International combine out
fit. Up to last Saturday they had
cut and threshed upwards of 800 acres
and had 270 acres yet to harvest.
Mr3. Blatchford has been chosen
guardian of the Wauna Camp Fire
Girls, in place of Miss Hilda Dick
enson, who recently transierred her
residence to Arlington. A scribe will
be selected soon so that activities of
the group will be recounted in the
columns of the Press.
The members of the Christian
church Sunday school will feast at a
lamb barbecue , this evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gerk
ing west of town. This is an an
nual event at the Gerking home, and
is looked forward to with lively an
ticipation by the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurendsen, son and
daughter of Seattle, have been guests
this week at the Barney Foster coun
try home, south of Athena, this week.
Mr. Luarendson is president of the
Seattle Tent and Awning company,
and his firm numbers Athena mer
chants among their patrons.
George Bancroft, one of the leading
character actors on the screen today,
will be seen tomorrow and Sunday
nights at Standard Theatre in "The
Wolf of Wall Street," a fine, big
Paramount picture. Baclanova,
Nancy Carroll, and Paul Lukas are
cast with Bancroft in the leading
Mrs. Sherman and daughter, Miss
Maude Sherman, have taken up their
residence at Estacada, Oregon, for
the school year. Miss Sherman has
long been employed in the primary
department of the Estacada schools.
Mrs. Sherman and Miss Sherman
spent a portion of the past summer in
Mrs. 0. M. Castleman and daugh
ter Barbara, Mrs. Barbara Willaby
and Mrs. Golda Bacon are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ker
shaw, from Ontario, Oregon. Miss
Castleman is on her way to Univer
sity of Washington, where she will
enter college, and Mrs. Bacon will go
to her home at Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Mary Henderson, of Ireland,
who has been visiting at the home of
her sister Mrs. James Duncan, south
of Athena, left last week for Mon
treal, Canada. Miss Henderson, who
is a skilled nurse in her native land, j
came to America several months ago
to attend the national convention of
nurses. She visited relatives in Can- j
ada, before coming to Athena. I
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton was hostess
to the Christian Missionary society
Wednesday afternoon, with twelve
ladies present Mrs. Sias became a
new member, and led tot deV'otio'nais, :
Our first Consignment of Whoopee Coats has ar
rived, they come in beautiful red and green Colors
Just the thing for
Swagger Wear
(Both Sexes)
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Mrs. Louis Keen leading the program
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
Pinkerton. The next meeting, Octo
ber 2, will be at the home of Mrs.
Stella Keen.
Through an error , an item in last
week's Press stated the Eastern Star
affair in honor of Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens
was arranged by Mrs. B. B. Richards,
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn and Mrs. W. S.
Ferguson. Mrs. Chance Rogers
should have been mentioned instead
of Mrs. Ferguson as she took an ac
tive part in making the party a suc
Weston Leader: J. F. Kilgore, pio
neer farmer of the Weston district
and now a resident of Washington
county, came up last Friday to look
after his interests here. Mr. Kilgore
was accompanied by his daughter
Mrs. James Ritchey and by Harry
Shick and his son James. The visit
ors were last week-end guests of Mrs.
Ella O'Harra.
Mrs. J. F. Templeton of Seattle and
Mrs. Lillian Lyne of Los Angeles, who
have been visiting at the home of
their brother, Chase Garfield, left
Wednesday for Portland, where they
will visit Mrs. Retta Potts and daugh
ter, Myrtle, before proceeding to their
respective homes. Mrs. Potts is re
gaining her health since undergoing a
sugerical operation in Portland, some
weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague
and children are domiciled in the
residence formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Omer Stephens, on Jefferson ,
street. Mr. and Mrs. Montague have ,
been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Zerba, on the Woodward place
west of Athena, the families being ,
old time friends. Mr. and Mrs, '
Stephens and son Dale are now resi
dents of Pendleton, having moved
there this week.
Baclanova - Nancy. Carroll
Paul Lukas
Behind the frenzy of Wall Street looms "The Wolf!" The Stock Market
giant! The ruthless fighter! Roaring into battle and loving it! While, at
home, waits the enticing beauty on whom he lavishes his wealth. "The
Wolf's" wife. Is she alone?
News Real, Sports Real and Comedy Admission 10-25-35c;