THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 13, 1929 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher ' Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One codv. three months 75 Athena, Oregon, September 13, 1929 THE BREAD BASKET Plans to reduce the cost of living are easy to discuss but as Mark Twain said regarding talk about weather, "We do nothing about it," and further quoting an exchange "the Associated Grocery Manufactur ers of America, comprising 230 lead ing manufacturers of grocery pro' ducts, intend to do more than talk. They have embarked upon a world wide investigation looking toward the reduction of distribution costs in their industry for the direct purpose of benefiting the consumer., President Hoover and Secretary of Commerce Lam on t have voiced the unqualified opinion that reduced distribution costs were essential to continued expansion of American business." H. R. Drack ett, President of the Associated Gro cery Manfacturers, points out that other nations are striving to attain a standard of living equal to that in America. A low price creates a larg er volume of sales. If unnecessary distribution costs cause high prices . in foreign as well as local markets, a reduction in these costs would result in lower prices to consumers and mean more consumers of American products. The grocers are embark ing upon a worthwhile movement which is in line with the modern ten dency of mass production with a maximum turn-over at a minimum profit. 0 r- . THE SAFETY MOVEMENT With an expected attendance of 7,000, the annual Safety Congress will be held in Chicago the latter part of the month. It is fitting that the Congress be held in the windy city this year, in close-up contact with Scarface Al's gunmen, the bomb throwing experts and the general hodge podge criminal element of gangland. However, the Congress will perhaps review and discuss the safety movement in other angles than those directly affecting Chicago. In working toward an ideal of safety the three major problems careless ness, incompetence,, ignorance must be recognized as the dominant cause of accidents that are causing direful loss of human life. More especially in the present mode of vehicular transportation, is there need for the development of sound and practical control in the interests of safety for the traveling public. When it is re alized that there are few unavoidable accidents and that practically every sudden death means that someone has failed in his duty, has proven him self unfit, or has lacked necessary precautionary measures, it is time that drastic measures were adopted to enforce some system of safety. o KILLING THE GOOSE Unless legislators use a little more common sense there will be a reaction against the gasoline tax, in the opin ion of experts. In a space of about 10 years we have seen this new form cf "special" taxation come into ex istence and grow to the point where it is of serious economic and social signifiance. A short tinu ago two and three-cent taxes were considered high; now four to six-cent taxes are becoming common. In two states, counties are levying a gas tax and in three states cities are imposing such a tax. A fair gas tax is a good thing when applied entirely to road building and maintenance. An ex orbitant tax, or one which is applied in whole or in part, for other pur poses, is the rankest kind of unequal taxation. The gas tax situation is causing millions of citizens to think about the general tax problem and the dangers which are inherent in class or special taxation. Unless the pres ent trend of lawmakers to pile up pecial taxes on a helpless public and industries, is changed, it is safe to : ay that a wave of public disapproval must eventually manifest itself to property yrotect individual and . rights. The Manufacturer. o John W. Kelly, writer for the Morn ing Oregonian, scents the of a highway political machine which will be oiled up by advocates of thfl Roosevelt highway in a warm fight in the gubernatorial primaries In Ore gon next May. Evidently Kelly's conception of what is transpiring down in the Roosevelt highway belt s right, for ho sees that un effort will bo made to attract votes by offering in exchange certain road commit r ents. Kelly assorts the agents of the Roosevelt movement want a l ledge from the gubernatorial candi date that he will authorize the issu ance of from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 f road bonds, the money to be np plied on that road. All of 'which i'.Hs not look good to Kelly. And he i ' right Before any more bonds are issued, he is of the opinion the high way cmumission should finish roads already set up on the map of state highway constructioi. Further, the name of Roosevelt highway does not suit him. Neither does it suit us. The name Roosevelt would mean just as much to a highway in Africa, as one following the Pacific coast line; so why not a name that would be more suitable to the, territory it serves. : o There is no doubt that Dr. Willing, Pacific coast golf ace, was deprived of winning the national amateur cham pionship at Pebble Beach by reason of the hostile treatment he received from the gallery. Carrying the Pa cific coast banner, by every code of fairness and home loyalty, a square deal was due the Portland player at the hands of Pacific coast people in his match with the mid-west cham pion. But he did not get it, for the reason that the "under dog" vein of sympathy which prevailed against Helen Wills on the Eastern tennis courts ran riot at Pebble Beach and transferred the championship from Portland to Minneapolis. Sympathy is all right enough in its place, but it has no niche in true sportsmanship. The life blood of sports is merit, and when you inoculate merit with sym pathy you stifle the vital element in sports. o This pioneering with passenger air liners continues to exact appalling toll of human life. One woman and seven men paid the price of air travel pioneering with their lives, when the ship crashed against a mountainside in New Mexico, the other day. After several days the wreck, warped by the flames which followed its carving a path through timber that dismember ed its wings and landing gear, was discovered by the pilot of a search ing plane. Passengers and crew were found huddled in the . cabin, their bodies burned beyond recognition, indentification being possible only through articles of jewelry worn or dental work. SCHOOL TOPICS Britian holds the speed record of the world, which would indicate that our cousins across the pond are pep ping up. In the international air plane races for the Schneider cup, the British flying officer, H. R. D. Wag horn, piloted a Rolls-Royce super marine plane, 368.8 miles an hour, the fastest time ever made anywhere by man. o In parts of Umatilla county large numbers of grasshoppers and yellow jackets made their appearance this season. However, their lease on life is of short duration now. They'll all skeedadle with the first appearance of Jack Frost. Leaves from Athena shade trees should be spread out on gardens and flower plots; not burned or consigned to the city dumping ground. Through the winter's process of mulching, garden soil will be fertilized. (By E. E. Coad, Supt.) As an introduction to an occasional article dealing with public education in general, or with the Athena schools in particular, it may be well for me to state some of the basic ideas I hold concerning public school education and the working ideals under which they can be realized. The bulk of the work in the grades should consist of two things: The reduction of certain basic factual ma terial to habitual knowledge; develop the ability to use this knowledge with facility, skill and accuracy. If this preparation is thorough, an infinite amount of drill, repetition and indi vidual instruction is necessary all along the line. There is little time for fads or frills anywhere in such a program. This work can be human ized and should be. There must be time allowed for recreation and play. But I do not believe in mixing the two. To learn from books one must be able to read understandingly. The poor student? is a poor reader. Good study habits, so far as they relate to study from books, are dependent upon good reading habits. The ability to gather thought from a printed page means far more than the mere oral pronun ciation of words. The mere me chanics of reading and actual read ing are two vitally different things. Good reading habits are vital to all work done with books. A good school results from the co operation of all the factors concern ed the pupils, the parents end the teachers. It takes a certain amount of money to operate an efficient school. A good teacher at the top salary is a far better investment than a poor teacher furnished free. Qual ity is a first requisite of sound busi ness. I believe in getting full value for every dollar spent. But the school community must assume its full share of responsibility. And I take it that a community like Athena is willing to assume its' full share of responsibility as long as the other factors function efficiently. Professional Appraisal A junkie wus driving Ills wiiverlnj: old curl down h iiiimnv London street Behind lilin, trulllc IiimI to keep to his pace, n Irate old mini In a long, j;lit terliiK town car hurt the chnulToui sounding the horn loud, long am) In slstently The Junkie turned his heint looked down along the polished per fee lion ol the car, howeil low mid siilil : "liljjlit-n. guv'tior I'll cull for it to morVow." Boston Transcript. Good Memory Recently little Billy, uge four, was tuken to Hie Methodist hospital to visit some friends. "You know Billy, you were here be fore, you were boru here," remarked Billy's mother. "Yes," replied Billy, "1 remember." Indianapolis News. 7 ; jr. w I! iinni.iii I in i i j TT70NDERFUL Displays of Ore- ; gon products; Six days of horse racing: Auto show; Thrilling features daily in front of $150,000 Grandstand. Reduced Fares on All Railroads. ' THE ATHENA MARKET lira We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Saigon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut m Season, A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. 21 Years Ago Friday, September 11, 1908 Will Dobson is completing an addi tion to his cottage, located at the cor ner of Main street and Hunt avenue. The families of W. R. Taylor and E. A. Dudleys have returned from a two weeks' outing at Wenaha Springs. " , "Spuds is spuds" in this vicinity, and as a result of a very short crop the mountain tuber promises to be. in demand at stiff prices. M. L. Watts will farm, 600, acres of reservation land under lease, all of which is in summer fallow and ready to seed when the fall ,rains come. Wm. Tompkins and Robert Coppock, who have land holdings in Alberta, left yesterday for that Canadian pro vince, to look after their interests Mian Mattie Cormock accompanied her father to Farmington, Wash., near which place she will visit ner brother Alfred. "Tre frost is on the Pumpkin" and the soda water fountain is "dryer'n a gourd." The proprietors of Athena's two soda and ice cream emporiums report a prosperous year in that line of business. "Snowball," the fine Spitz dog owned by M. L. Watts, was badly in jured Tuesday while playfully occu pied in nipping the heels of a frac tious cayuse. Snowball was kicked on the head, since which time he has been a docile patient and without fear or protest receives all ministrations tendered him. Ralph McEwen will leave tomorrow for Kucene. where he will enter the University for another year's work. Mr. McEwen is manager oi tne uni versity foot ball team, and has a husky bunch of athletes under his care. A regular button factory has been put in operation down at Jarman's store, this week. The late fashions re quire many buttons on ladies' and children's dresses. The very latest mode is to trim the dresses with but tons covered with the same dress goods pattern of which the dress is mnrtp Mr. J arm an has a machine which will make your cloth buttons in any quantity desired. The Welch conwanv played "Jesse James" to a large audience at the opera house Saturday nignt. ine mm nan V which disbanded after the play, Saturday night after a success ful season s business, was neaaea Dy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch, well known to Athena and Weston theatre goers. Bennie Gross, a graduate irom tne ArhAna Hich school, will tto to Cor- vallis, where he will matriculate with Oregon Agricultural College. He win be accompanied to the valley by his mother, Mrs. J. F. Gross, wno win visit relatives. Misses Lula Tham and Cecile Boyd went over to Weston Wednesday and made preparations to enter the East ern Oregon State Normal, which opens the work for the first semester next Monday. Miss Delia Danner and Miss Minnie Keene will also be stu dents from Athena, attending the Normal. Bell & Gray Phone 593 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country Hauling ICE and ICE C. T. Booth Successor to "Pink" Third Street - - - Athena The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, CWn Bed Good Meala Tourists Mads Welcome Special Attention Girea to Bom Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon mcagfiaggasas The New " Screen Grid Electro-Dynamic Radio ALWAYS FIRST with proved improvements, Atwater Kent now introduces Screen-Grid Radio. It means the clearest flow of pure tone quality that you ever heard from a radio set. It means new power, to reach far-away stations -new sensitivity new needlepoint selectivity to separate the stations and pick out the one you, want. New velvety depths and new heights of tonal perfection! Hear One at our Store ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust) INSURANCE PLUS Every motor vehicle should be pro tected by Public Liability and Pro perty Damage insurance. Cost very little and is worth many times the cost. Every owner should carry Landlords, Owners -and Tenants Lia bility insurance,, only $7.50 and may save your home. This is an age of ambulance chasers and damage suits. You owe it to yourself and to society. Neglect may wreck your fortune; it is wasting at the bung hole and sav ing at the spigot. Liability protects you, life insurance protects your fam ily. We write it and service our policies throughout the policy year. Insurance plus service. B. B. RICHARDS. Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work PricesJJeasonable Athena, Oregon Why suffer with tired, aching feet? Regardless of their condition, I can help you E. M. MOREMEN Foot Correctionist 22 W. Main St. Walla Walla The Gun Man I make a specialty of SPRAY-Painting Barns Rouses . Elevators Mills or anything that you might have to paint, CALL me for an estimate I D J. r. if i 404 Bellevue Phone S017 Collect Walla Walla, Wash. CO AST RED CED AR FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer' to Consumer Buy Collectively Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington Reduction In Electric LightRates The following reduction in Electric light rates will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH ,The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Commercial Rates First 100 KWH used per month ..10c per KWH Next 200.............. . .-7c per KWH Next 300....... 6c per KWH Next 400...:, ..l-..-5c per KWH Next 1000 -4c per KWH Excess over 2000.... ........3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of bill. Otherwise, Uje rae wjll be increased by 10 per cent on each item. Preston-Shaffer Milling Company Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, OREGON, Announces that it lias com-pieted the organ izatipn of a Trust Pepartment and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, pr in any other fiduciary capac ity. Just think what 87 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate. Ask us for Information M Ml i fill I I fll Twin City Cleaners The firm that does your work as yon want it done, at the Lowest Prices Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on ' Monday, Thursday and Saturday. We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris Phone 583 T: E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon