A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Entered at trie Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 50. ATII EN A, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23. 1929 NUMBER 84- NORTHWEST GRAIN MEN TO ORGANIZE Committee Named to Put Plan Into Effect Ritner and Shumway There. KOAC Now Broadcast ing Market News Service For Benefit of Farmers Richard Hamilton, Portland Oregon ian staff correspondent attended a meeting of the wheatgrowers of the Inland Empire at Pullman, washing ton, and found the f aimers ready to vote for the formation of the North Pacific Growers' Cooperative organ ization as an agency to work with the federal farm board for obtaining benefits for the wheat industry under the provisions of the federal agri cultural marketing act. More than 75 representatives of the various farm organizations of Washington, Oregon and Idaho attended the con-' ference, which reflected confidence that the marketing act and farm board would provide an opportunity for a more profitable marketing of the 100,000,000-bushel wheat crop grown annually in the three states. Before deciding in favor of the re gional co-operative organization, the conference formally indorsed the marketing act and voted confidence in the men chosen by President "Hoov er to make up the federal farm board. F. L. Wilmer of Rosalia, Wash., state senator, banker and wheat pro ducer, was elected chairman of the committee named to form the North Pacific Grain Growers' Co-operative organization. H. E. Goldworth, Ro salia, state representative and wheat grower, was named secretary. Other members of the committee are: ' Washington 0. H. Cornwell, Walla Walla; T. S. Hedges, Waterville; W. J. Sutton, Cheney; W. R. Hegler, St. John; Troy Lindley, Dayton. Oregon Roy Ritner, Pendleton; C. A. Harth, The Dalles; John Witt comb, Arlington; A. R. Shumway, Milton. Idaho George Lamphere, Moscow; Owen Munce, Lewiston; G. P. Mix, Moscow. A representative for south ern Idaho is to be named. Details of the co-operative organ ization were left for the want of in formation, the committee being in structed to ascertain the proper method of procedure from the federal farm board. Likewise the question of forming a pool, which would take in more than 50.000.000 bushels of wheat was left unsettled, pending definite In struction from the farm board. Reliance on the national board was Insisted uDon bv Mr. Wilmer. who counselled that "unless we co-oper-ata with the federal farm board we are lost. Other sneakers, including National Representative French of Idaho, urged co-operation under the existing iaciiittes. The conference grew somewhat shaky at the outset when Charles L. MeKenzte. Colfax, belittled co-opera tion and nought to revive the deben ture scheme or a federal fund of $1, 000,000 to purchase the exportable KiirnliiH of wheat to raise Drices. But the McKenzie proposal was put aside on the protest of Mr. Wilmer, who declared "we are no longer deal ing with theories, but with a den nite program, and unless we decide to co-operate with the federal farm nnrn we mierht as well ro home." Oregon delegates staged a conflict when Mr. Shumwav favored joining with the national grain corporation, but Mr. Ritner went to bat for a nnrt.hwest regional organization. Fi nally, after a warm discussion, the Shumwav Dlan was dropped, but he rgvived it somewhat later when he obtained an expression in iavor ei a northwest representative on the ad visory council of the national corpo ration. - On the whole, members of the con ference were eager to place the wheat indimtrv in position to gain advan tages offered by the marketing act, but some doubts were raised, cnieiiy because of the failure of several co operative movements to induce the rank and file of the wheat growers to ioin the co-ooerative organization But Mhor sneakers held " thai the formation of tiie federal farm 'board already was snaping seuumeu t favor of co-operation,, with the ip,di virtual farmers being impressed by the fact tha the fejjer al gqve.nnient was backing co-operative idea. '!TfP farm marketing, act, under which the farm board was created, is more vital to the wheat growers of the Inland Empire than to the pro ducers of any other section," declar ed Mr. Goldsworthy in his preliminary observations. "We are a region apart, primarily because a bigger percent age of our crop goes into export than that of any other district. Ttjia plan has great possibilities 'for the better ment of the wheat producers of Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho." Similar sentiments were indicated by Oliver T. Cornwell of Wala Walr la, ex-state senator and cultivator of a large wheat acreage. Support of the ciHTpermtlv-e (frranlZatWH given Oregon State College. Through the installation this week over the college radio . station, KOAC, of prompt and regular market reports, farmers and others in even the more remote sections of Oregon are now enabled to learn the day's markets and prices the same evening and to take advantage of any sudden changes. The new service is provided by tap ping the government leased market news wire recently put into operation by the U. S. Bureau of agricultural economics. L. K. Breitnaupt, exten sion specialist in agricultural ecd nomics. assembles the reports and prepares them for immediate broad casting. Earle Greer of Kansas Uty, who has had more than 15 years' ex perience in handling reports lor var ious government market news ser vices, has been encaged by the col lege to take the reports from the wire, which is directly connected with the trunk line from San Francisco to Portland, Seattle and Spokane. Only livestock markets are being handled for the present, but it is planned to include wheat and other commodities as soon as the service is operating smoothly. Broadcasts are being made at 12:25 and 8:20 P Improvement Is Seen In the Fire situation m. Portland. Marked improvement was reported in most sectors on the Pacific northwest forest fire front during the past 24 hours, but con tinued failure has been the lot oi those searching the Chelan forest for Douglas C. Ingram, grazing assist ant to Assistant Forester Kavanaugh of Portland, and Ermannie St. Luise, Chelan youth, who were lost August 13. Reports to Major John D. Guthrie, of the local office, Wednes day stated 30 men have been added to the search detail,! bringing tne total to 40. Ingram and St. Luise started from one Camas creek camp to anotner, following the stump fire side, but their tracks disappeared m the direc tion of McFarland creek and no fur ther trace has been discovered. Hope has not been lost, however, forest officials believing the two men may have found refuge along one of the rockv cliffs that bound several creek canyons in the vicinity. ' La Clerc creek basin, east oi Kuby in Pend Oreille county, northeastern Washinfrtori. is the seat of the new outburst of hot flames. Associated Press dispatches declared ranchers and loggers have been forced to flee for their lives. The fire has swept more than 5000 acres, and the combat force was increased from 150 to Zoo men Wednesdav. Forest officials said the fire threatened to be the worst in the countv since 1910. Oreeron rangers reported improve ment all along the line. No new fires were reported, and a Pendleton dis patch stated several small fires start ed by lightning early in the week had been put under control, Maesachusets Melons Are Raised In Nets one Melons famed as the finest any where in the world are being raised in Massachusets. They weigh Irom eight and one-half to ten and half pounds apiece. The huge melons are raised in ereenhouses. The vines are trained up under the glass. So large are the fruit, that they mus be individually supported by nets,. The melons are fron? imported English stock and the seeds, are sowp so that the fruit is in season from June 10 to January 1. The greenhouses contain 22 different varieties of melon. School Onens September 3 The Athena schools will open on Tuesday, September 3, following Labor Dav. Monday. September 2 The high school faculty, and corps of grade teachers will arrive here next week to make preparations for the coming year s scnooi wont. bv Rov Ritner. ex-nresident of the Oregon senate and president of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league, put Mr, Ritner. displayed nq enthusiasm for the noolinz plan. ' 'The wheat growers must organize a coroperative body to get the full benefit of the farm marketing act," emphasized Mr. Ritner, whose re marks held attention because he was fresh from a conference with Senator McNarv. a leader in the farm relief fight Mr. Ritner explained that the federal farm board woiyd not approve loans to individuals but that the i500.u00.000 fund authorized by the congress would be jtiHzed. as deemed pecessary through co-operative er ganizaion. The Oregon spokesman, who was a candidate for a plc on the farm board, concluded that the program "hat possibilities. But will not yield its' benefits Vo fast a many Expect." NOBLE PILE ON SITE OF JOHN HANCOCK HOME I if jiiisii i u w Nor tba fat of tbt State Hotut at Barton, at th left, it a tablet iking tin tlta of tl homo of John Hancock, fiitt (ovornor ol Maw- achusctta and a signrr of tha Declaration of Independence, . NEW'SERB MINISTER r fWi ! mm : Striking photograph of Leonide Pltamlc, the newly appointed minister of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to the United States, who has recently arrived In the National Capital to as sume his post. Round-Up Dress-Up Parade At Pendleton Bean Yield Is Lower Than Earlier Expected Pendleton. Everybody knows about Easter parades, when the femmes look their, loveliest and speak the last word in style as to frock, hat, shoes, etc. But listen Pendleton has a fashion parade which is radically dif ferent and it's for men only! It takes place on tha last night in August and is the Round-Up Dress-Up parade, in which marches every he-man citizen in town. Ana every man of 'em is garbed in Wes tern togs; the summer straw or felt has been replaced by a ten-gallon cowboy hat, the shirt worn with prosaic business attire is distinctly not the mode and in its stead is don ned a . flamboyant creation really he dazzling in its splendor, And with these shirks are worn vests or pucK skin, beautifully beaded necker- iefs boots of hand carved leather altogether, the attire is that of the West where men are men and rodeos are Round-Ups, ; The parade presages the coming of the Round-Up season and until the close of the four day show, Septem ber 18, 19 20 and 21, the Western attire will be official. All business men adopt it and the wearing of an ordinary sky-piece or pallid shirt in Pendleton during September is as rare as a Chinaman sporting whisky ers. As for the Round-Up for which Pendletonians are getting into their glad rags, it's coming on apace and there's a whole heap of preparation going on. Fifty. Round-Up guests from Texas have arrived and are now roaming the hills waiting for opening day; the half hundred are Texas steers who will do their bit to make it interesting for the cowboys in the bulldogglng and iteer-roplng. The Round-Up buckers which have had a year of untrammelled freedom in which to concoct new deviltries, will be brought in from the hills Septem ber 1, and various aggregations of performers will bring in their fine racing stock a week or so before the show. The yield of the bean crop planted by the Eickhoff Products company in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties, utilizing over 10,000 acres of summer fallow land for the purpose, is said to be far below expectations. Deficiency of moisture or the cold June and May weather, is believed to have been responsible for the stunt ing of the plants, according to H. H. Eickhoff. The yield has fallen much lower than was predicted. However, little harvesting has taken place on the high land where the best yields are expected. When it was found that the device on the cutters for placing the beans in windrows caused excessive shat tering, old fashioned hay rakes were gathered up and by using these, the shattering has been kept to a mini mum. . , ; Cleaning and grading machines in stalled in Athena are taking care of both the Athena and Weston crops, and the beans are being shipped in carload lots to Indianapolis, Indiana. Two carloads have been shipped from Athena and the third car will prob ably be shipped out today. Kansas Pork Raiser Is Making Big Money A 14 per cent return on his capi tal investment is the record of Kansas' new pork production cham pion. William C. Mueller gained his title by producing 100 pounds of pork at a cost of $5.35. For every dollar in vested in hogs, on his farm last year, $4.57 was returned in the form of sales or increased inventory. Mueller's 620-acre farm yielded a 14 per cent return after $100 a month salary, the customary amount, was deducted for its owner. His invest ment was $49,209, and his profits in cluded no sales of grain or hay. Men Left In Charge Of Ranches Vamoose When ? the Chase Garfield and Flint Johns families went to Seaside on their vacation trip a couple of weeks ago, a man by the name of Kelly was left in, charge of the Gar field ranch and a man named Phipps and another hand were at the Johns place. Tuesday it was discovered that the stock at both places was in need of feed and water, and investigation revealed that no one evidently had been on either place for several days. Officials found that trucks had been taken and the three men had disap peared. The Garfield truck was recovered at Walla Walla by Deputy Sheriff Vayne Gurdane, and it is " alleged that the father of young Phipps, who lives in the Milton section had him return the Johns truck home, In the meantime a man has been, employed to look after the stock on. both, .the Garfield and Johns places. . It is understood that no arrests have been made, the officers awaiting the re turn of the ranch owners. Many Fires Are Now In the Blue Mountains Fourteen In One Day Walla Walla. Fourteen fires were found Sunday morning by the fire pa trol men in the Blue mountain dis trict which is under the supervision of Albert Baker of Walla Walla, ac cording to a statement made by him. These fires were caused by the thun derstorm that occurred Saturday night and early Sunday morning. The largest of these fires burned eighty acres before it was put out, in addi tion to the fourteen that were found and extinguished there were a num bere more that burned out before' the fire patrol could reach them. : This summer has been very dry arid the relative humidity has been very low. For some time the humidity has been between 12 and 17 per cent and it is only in the last few days that the humidity has reached 30 per cent. The only thing that has prevented big fires and serious loss has been the co operation of the stock men and the forest patrol men in keeping close lookout for fires and in combating them as soon as they are found, the ranger says. The rangers are scattered out over a large territory and keep a sharp lookout for fires at all times, while the stockmen have been particularly careful about their fires and have al ways been ready to help the forest patrol in its work whenever called on. For the last few nights there has been frost at Toll Gate and Tuesday night ice formed over small pools of water, Mr. Baker said.. OREGON Epidemic Killing Fish; Elk Lake Ordered Closed Sawdust For Fuel The B. ft Richards residence on Jefferson street will be heated with sawdust fuel hereafter. Mr. Rich ards will make the initiative installa tion In Athena of an automatic feed attachment to his furnace. He will secure his fuel from the Harris mill at Milton, on a contract price cover ing a pericrd tit three ye&rv. Russell Wilson Loses Arm In Auto Accident Walla Walla. After receiving a broken arm and other injuries in an automobile accident on the Dixie highway early Sunday morning. Rus sell Wilson had his left arm ampu tated at the shoulder Tuesday at the Walla Walla General Hospital. His condition is reported very critical and little change had been noticed since the time of the operation. His injury resulted when, a light coupe, in which he wag riding crasn ed into the back of a similar coupe driven by Henry Marland, 929 west Chestnut street. Embargo Placed On Rye, Barley and Oats St. Paul. All railroads in the northwest ordered an ambargo on shipments of rye, barley and oats from August 23 to August 31 in compliance with recommendations by the northwest shipper's advisory board. Lack of storage space at terminal elevators and warehouses in Minne apolis, St. Paul, Duluth and Superior was given as the reason, j 4 Handling at terminal markets has been delayed, it was pointed out, be cause of sluggish demand for rye, barley and oats. . The heavy move ment has. hampered, movement of wheat, corn and flax, for which there is a more active market. W. C. T. U. Meeting The next meeting of the W. C. T, U. will be held Tuesday afternoon, August 27th at the home of Mrs. C. L. McFadden. A full membership at tendance is particularly requested as matters of vital importance are to come before the meeting at that time. An interesting demonstration will al so be given showing the effects of cigarette smoking on boys and girls while going through their growing period. These meetings are always interesting and .this one promises to be particularly so. Queen Kathleen I Queen Kathleen of the Pendleton Round-Up will rule the cow capital of the west during the annual show September 18, 19, 20 and 21. In pri vate life Kathleen McClmtock is prominent in Pendleton's younger set and a student of Oregon State col lege. Miss McClintock is a very capable horsewoman and was one of the attendants to the queen at the 1928 Round-Up. Hill On Committee Maurice Hill has been named on the Walla Walla airport committee with Carey L. Stone and George B. Pay, to select. referee, judges, starrer and timeri to handle the stop ef the national air derby racers at Walla Walla today. The racers start ed from Portland this morning en route Cleveland. Swimming Pool Filled The Legion swimming pool at .City park was filled with water, Tuesday, when the city reservoir w emptied. The pool has water to accommodate e'wimsjeYti fter the week-end. Filed Credentials University officials and students alike are looking forward to the best and most progressive year in the his tory of the institution and all are preparing for a busy and enjoyable three terms. High school graduates from Athena who have already sent in their credentials and have been ac cepted for entrance to the university include the following: Edwin Mc Ewen; Ralph Buell McEwen, Jr. Lenore McNair; Alberta Chariton. Portland. Elk lake, one of the most popular fishing centers in the state, is closed to anglers, by com bined order of the state game com mission of the United States bureau of hatcheries and the state board of health. The lake shores are strewn with dead fish, ranging from two inches to two feet long, as the result of an attack by parasite worms, and the former sportsmen's paradise has been deemed unsafe to public health. A girl, member of a Camp Fire Girls' vacation party which went to the lake for its summer outing but whose name was not revealed, is re ported sick in a Bend hospital as a result of eating fish from Elk lake It was early in August that Bend sportsmen' became alarmed about the number of sick and dead fish in the lake, and the game commission was informed of the condition. Gulls were blamed by the Bend people for the condition. They told the com mission . that the gulls were swoop ing down to the lake and "pecking" the fish as they raised, to the surface. Matt Ryckman, state superintend ent of hatcheries, investigated Au gust 13, and, with P. E. Lynes, local man stationed at the lake by the commission, decided that worms, and not gulls, were responsible. Fisher' men have been kept put since the warnings, but henceforth they will be kept out by orders. A letter from Mr. Lynes to Mr. Ryckman stated thousands of fish have died since August 13. Infirmary Drive to . Get Funds Now On Portland. The "buy a brick" cam paign inaugurated by the Oregon Mother's Society to raise $50,000 to match a similar appropriation by the state legislature with which to con struct a new infirmary on the University of Oregon campus, is pro ceeding throughout the state, officials said Wednesday. Seventy co-eds of the . University are campaigning in Portland until Thursday night and in other cities. officials said, returns are coming in rapidly. Plans for the infirmary are conv plete and construction will begin im mediately after the campaign is fin ished. TO STUDY PACT Local Faculty Asked to Co operate In National Project. University of Oregon. An inten sive educational campaign to acquaint students of the United States with the far-r6aching importance of the Paris Pact will extend to high schools throughout Oregon, it is announced here by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University of Ore gon, who has been named a member of the committee in charge by Arthur Charles Watkins, director of the Na tional Student Forum. The principal and other faculty members of the Athena Union High school will be asked to cooperate in the national project, and will be sup plied with all information and liter ature necessary upon application to the director whose address is 532 Seventeenth Street, Washington, D. ,, Dr. Hall states. , ' While the national student project ia essentially for study and discus sion, optional competitive features which include as a prize a trip to Europe next summer will be open to high schools taking part, it is stated. The project, which has for its aim the gaining of a better understand ing of the important Paris Pact for the renunciation of war, has been en thusiastically endorsed by all leading educators, and prospects are that the tudy movement will be very success ful, it is pointed out by Dr. Hall. The awards competition will be bas ed on a theme contest of 300 words "Vfrwit Mor tho Ponf fn fVin Pn. Drunken Driver Jailed After he had created a disturb' ance at a Pendleton -camp- ground made a drunken drive for nine miles along the Oregon-Washington high way and finally '; stopped to belabor his wife, S. C. Emery was arrested by a state traffic officer and a deputy sheriff. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined $100 in the justice court. Washington Auto Plates Washington's 1930 automobile plates are coming out of the ma chines at the rate of 5000 pairs a day at the Walla Walla prison. By December 1 it is expected the order for nearly a half million pairs of plates will have been completed. The new plates will be just the reverse of this year's, having green letters on a white background. Met At Intersection -In avoiding a collision at the in tersection of Third and Jefferson streets Monday 'noon, Henry Knight crashed his car into the curb, with the result that one of the rear wheel crumpled. Henry escaped injury in the aCciddn't. , The Seed Pea Harvest Weston Leader: Seed peas at th McBride Bros, ranch on Eagle creek where the acreage used was handled by the Washington-Idaho Seed com pany, are reported to have yielded around -35 bushels per acre. Lon siderable waste is reported, and the McBride Bros, are importing hogs in order to utilize it as feed. W. Gable has finished threshing his seed peas and has hauled 111 sacks to the warehouse at Weston. He is said to have secured around 10 sacks to the acre. Other growers in the upland regions are engaged now in cutting itLeir CKjft. , ,, . SCHOOLS on nunciation of War be made Most Ef fective?" and besides the trip to Europe, many state local prizes will be offered. To the first 800 high schools apply ing, a copy of Professor ahotwell s booklet, "The Renunciation of War" will be sent free of charge, in ad dition to other material made avail able by various peace promotion agencies. High schools throughout Oregon are expected to take part in the na tional project, Dr. Hall states. "The Paris Pact stands as one of the most important documents ever drawn, and it is our hope that this national pro gram may place the facts before the public, so that an intelligent public opinion on the realities involved may be developed. Ve do not care what side or attitude is taken on the pact, so long as the merits of the treaty are discussed openly and honestly." Wallowa Harvest Is On With 432 Bushels Top Continued dry weather in the Wal lowa section of the country has al lowed farmers to make good pro gress with their harvest work. Threshing of winter wheat has been going on during the past ten days. Varying yields are reported. In the hill sections north and east of Enter prise some of the early-sown winter wheat is reported to have yielded from 30 to 35 bushels an acre, while some other fields have run about 20 bushels. Gunner Carlson reports the best yield for the season from a 39-acre field which yielded 43 bushels an acre. Hay crops this season have been exceptionally good. The potato crops are reported to be poor. Harvesting operations are well along In the southern part of Gil liam county with a fair yield. Hot weather and smut brought down the yield. In the Mayville country the crop was good, some fields going well over 20 bushels, and farther west, around Buckhorn, about 15. Buys Walla Walla Corner It is announced that Nelson Jones of Weston, has purchased the Martin B. Lynch corner at First and Popular streets in Walla Walla for $8500. A month ago Jones sold for about $20,000 his corner property at First and Alder, one block distant, to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Jones has not announced his plans for the new property. Death Releases Primmer Death cancelled the ten-year sent ence imposed a year ago upon F.llis Williams. Pullman car porter charg ed with assult with intent to attack Miss Evelyn Nobach, Washington State college student; near Lind, Wash., while the latter was a passen ger aboard a train. Williams suc cumbed to tuberculosis. Yakima Spuds A high yield for potato production is reported from the Yakima Induin reservation, when last week '.litre was shipped 13 cars of the product from 12 acres, an average of 11 toai Vd the" acre.