f HE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, ' i. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher , Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months fl-00 One copy, three months .75 Athena, Oregon August 9, 1929 STOP IT NOW Discussing the automobile accident problem, the Jacksonville, Florida, Times-Union recently said, in advocat- shale take on greater value. So it is with the great copper deposits. Mountains of copper ore have been minded with steam shovels. Millions of tons of ore have been concentrated into metal. There can be no replace ment. Some new deposits have been discovered but mounting copper prices seem positive. There appears to be still greater prosperity around the corner for mining and oil companies. o Matthew Wool, vice-president of the American Federation of Labor fears that the United States is drift ing toward state socialism. Says Mr. Woll: "We are at a crossroads where I x. il ing liability legislation on the order P musi Qeciae wner- ,n our VB8t of the New York plan: "It is very nw world of industry, we are to sub- evident that many persons are per mitted to operate motor vehicles on streets and highways when there is no justification whatever for such permission to be granted or to be en joyed. Irresponsible persons are the mit to an insidiously envolving suzer ainty of the state, or whether we are to find means of preserving the democracy of our fathers, the free dom of our earlier days, the institu tions which have marked the United rriABf nnmornna .minora nt nranifontn. states apart among nations R8 a fatal and otherwise. country m wnicn tne individual did "The very irresponsiblity, as in the fmount to something and could move of t,vW for Hamuli that 10 P'ease lne ,nner mgmga 01 a boy- result from their recklessness, ought ereiSn citizen" Whatever that means, to be sufficient to bar certain motor car drivers from using the public streets and highways. They are ir responsible, financially, frequently not owning the car or vehicle they oper ate in public. They laugh when dam ages, to be paid by them, are men tioned. "They should be made to understand On August 25th, the petroleum in dustry will be seventy-five years old It will be that long since the heavy, black fluid was discovered by William B. Smith in Titusville, Pennsylvania, and stored in barrels with a pitcher pump. Now the crude petroleum is conveyed through hundreds of miles that they must pay for such accidents of pipeline from wells to refineries as they cause. If they cannot be and the industry employs 1,500,000. made to understand this by education, o then the teaching should be by way A lounge farmer raises up with the of drastic law, energetically and ef- advice to curtail wheat acreage by fectively applied. planting sugar beets. He says beets "This entire matter . of accidents are an ideal crop for diversified farm- due to the use of motor-driven ve- ing as they build up the soil, furnish hides needs more serious attention stock food and provide the farmer than as yet has been given to it. with a sure cash crop. Brilliant idea! Otherwise the slaughter of innocent But the idiot forgets to say who is people will go on and increase in going to bring a sugar factory into numbers. The general demand should a wheat-growing country, be: Stop it now." ' o -o We are at a loss to say whether TIPSTER-SHEET "RACKET" forYner keen competition between a number of motor car manufacturers An article in the "Debunker" des- to see who could build the better cribes the operation of the dishonest automobile, or the present day fad of stock-tipping "rackets" which de- changing models semi-annually on a fraud innocent investors of millions cheaper basis, is better for the corn annually, panies, but we do know it keeps the The customary approach of the buyer's purse empty. Pride in own- stock selling shyster is to offer an ersn,P 8ees t0 tnat "advisory" services at a very "low 0 price" as in "introduction." Well- 11 ,s "B"'"' " " worded articles, giving analysis and years that the United States spent advice, prove to be. sound. The in vestor makes money. Then an obscure issue Is brought out. The investor is called, no mat ter how distant, on the telephone, by the "editor" who is, in reality, one of a number of salesmen. "Hot" in formation is given the victim and again he profits. Now the tipster is ready for his kill. The investor is told of the op portunity of a lifetime. The "editor" has obtained a block of promising stock at a low price and will divide it among his friends. Again the "sucker" buys. He goes in deeper as optimistic reports arc sent out. By the time he is thoroughly fleeced the stock is found to be worthless. Us ually the tipster has disappeared. Arrests are continually being made but by the time the authorities take a hand, the money has gone. To avoid such pitfalls the inexperienced investor should get advice from high class brokers or investment bankers. ten billion dollars for road building and maintenance, and has more than half of the world's 6,500,000 miles of highways not including the Wild Horse market road. The cigarette can be chased out of the forest but lightning is beyond the control of mankind and forever is a menace. TO PROTECT FISH LIFE (Portland Oregonian) Fish welfare is being given unusual consideration under the Hoover ad ministration, even to provision for easy piscatorial passage of power dams in western streams which still afford refuge for great numbers of the finny tribe. One of the requirements attached by the federal power commission to the two-year preliminary permits granted for hydro-electric projects planned by the Washington Electric company on the upper Columbia and the Inland Power & Light company of Portland on the Lewis river is that and license for construction which may subsequently be issued shall cover conditions necessary for fish mi gration. In the case of the upper Columbia development the commis sion has approved plans for construc tion of a model "fish escalator" at its hydraulic laboratories maintained in connection with Worchester Polytech nic institute at Worchester, Mass. The Worchester model includes a complete layout in miniature of the fish ladders and other contrivances devised to enable salmon and other fish to go over any power dam. The only thing missing in the representa tion is fish to test it out. The power commission chose the proposed de velopment on the upper Columbia as that around which the model should be built because of the insistence of the fish commissions of both Wash ington and Oregon that free move ment over any power dam there should be guaranteed before the fed eral government licensed the under taking. Other stipulations intended to pro tect future navigation of both the Lewis and Columbia rivers, as well as the present recreational uses of the former, are included in the pre liminary permits. The preliminary permits are for two years, and are granted in order that plans may be worked out for the actual construc tion. The permit to the Washington Electric company on the upper Co lumbia explicitly provides that such locks as army engineers may require for river navigation shall be included in the plans. The Washington Electric company project contemplates a proposed in itial installation capacity of 72,000 horsepower, and an ultimate installa tion of 192,000 horsepower. The plant will be located at Rock island, below Wenatchee, and includes dams to both banks of the river. Power would be distributed to communities The Inland Power & Light com pany of Portland plans . a project with an installation capacity of 172,- 000 horsepower, with two dams one in a canyon 12 miles below Ariel and above Woodland and the other at the Yale site, 13 miles above Canyon creek. 1 : " 1 21 Years Ago . ' . Continental Oil Company Always at Your Service Athena Service Station Gas, Oils, Greasing Automobile Asscssories- -Tircs BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761 WHO AIDS THE CRIMINAL "All honest as well as dishonest men know that the machinery of law enforcement is defective and out of date," says tho Saturday Eveing Post in an editorial on crime. "Here is a problem not in politics or aca demic theory or dialectics, but in practical organization, which is sup posed to be just the field in which the typical American citizen is best. "It is the job and the conditions which surround the job that need at tention. If as a people we arc in capable of improving the judicial and jury systems, of doing away with frivolous appeals, lessening the grant of continuances, expediting trials, simplifying indictments, and making the other necessary improvements in the actual technic of the job, then we have lost the art of self government. "Tho people may have become more lawless or they may not; that is a moot point. In any case, respect for law will not be established by rhetoric. Why not concentrate first on what everybody knows is inadequate and outworn, tho institutional machinery for doing- the job?" Friday, August 14, 1908 ' Bron, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, August 10, 1908, a son. Mrs. L. J. Foss is visiting at the home of Mrs. Claude Hancombe, near Pendleton. - Geo. Miller, the baker, added - his name to the Press family of readers this week. Lafe. McBride of Weston, is em ployed at the McBride livery stable in this city. Misses Velma Wilkinson and Kath erine Sharp visited in Pendleton dur ing the week. Halcomb, the Seattle horse buyer, was in Athena this week, seeking high class draft horses. Mrs. Wm. Winship, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hutt, with their children are camping in the mountains. Dell Bros., leading dealers in fruits and vegetables, purchased a wagon load of watermelons Wednesday. Umapine, the noted Indian and a large land holder on the Umatilla re serve, was a Press caller yesterday. A letter from Miss Dolly Bloch to a friend in this city, announces that she is greatly improved in health. Ed Rush left for Spokane Wednes day, near which place he will start up a steam threshing outfit for the Rus sell company. Damp weather, the first for several moons, put astop to threshing yester day, andfarmers turned their atten tion to wheat hauling. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, Miss Carrie Sharp and Mr. Walter Preston, spent Sunday on the Umatilla river. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart and two little daughters and Miss Merna DePeatt saw the big Barnum & Bailey circus in Walla Walla Wednesday. Miss Carrie Sharp' visited yesterday in Pendleton. Miss Sharp has accept ed a position in the Hawthorn school in Pendleton and will assume her duties there when school opens on September 7th. Miss Carrie Stone has returned from an extended visit to Seattle and other cities on the Sound. Miss Stone will teach school in Whitman county, Wash., this year. John Stone, the butcher, has leased the Kirk property on Jefferson street, and after the building has undergone a thorough renovation, with his wife will occupy the same. A grand harvest ball is announced for Friday evening, August 21, at Adams. Lee Price and Hugh Robie of Adams, and Glen Saling of Athena will officiate as floor managers. Mr. and Mrs. Lester O'Harra, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kershaw went to Walla Walla Wednesday evening to see the circus. The mam Who Wants an Imitation P WOULD you call on your local mer chant and ask him for "imitation" sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you ask him to sell you a pair of shoes made of something "just as good" as leather? Or a suit of clothes "made for" a man, whether or not it fits you? Get the Genuine International Repairs When you need re pairs for your I H C Farm Equipment, buy the genuine re . pairs. See that this trade-mark appears on each piece. Genuine I H C repairs are made from the original patterns all others are copied from copies. Genuine I H C repairs are made of the same material, have the same finish, fit as accurately, and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the original implement or machine. We are the Authorized IHC Dealers There is one certain and infallible way to secure genuine IHC repairs buy them from us. And remember that International service, rendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right when International machines are equipped with genuine International repairs. ROGERS & GOODMAN A Mercantile Trust Athena, Oregon l Tttl MINERALS MORE VALUABLE The population of the world is growing and civilization is making continued advances into the wilder ness, observes tho Denver Mining Record. Demand for metals increases. Every ton of ore mined lessens the reserves. The amount of ore remain ing in the ground is therefore more valuable. As the petroleum reserves, that have been producing so prolincal ly, near exhaustion, the mountains of irive nome the Spikes That Mean STABILITY A firm rocklike structure, built on a concrete foundation, of Lumber, the Lasting Material. That is an investment that will LAST thru the years. LET US HELP YOU BUILD IT What ever form of structure you have in mind, let us help you. Over many years we have had the practical experience that will help YOU. TUM A-LUM LUMBER CO. Free plan service (, 1929, Western Newspaper Union.) No man ruleth safely but - he that Is willingly ruled. No man eeourely doth command, but h that hath learned readily to obey. No man rejoiceth securely unless he hath within him the testimony o, a good conscience. Thomas a Kempl. SOME BEST CAKES . A good cake Is a Joy for as long as It lasts. The proper beating of the mixture before folding in the egg whites makes a fine grained and tender cake. Pineapple Cake. Cream one-half cupful of shortening, add one and one-half cupfuls of sugar (stir In gradually), add two well beaten egg yolks. Sift together three and one-half teaspoon fuls of baking powder, one-fourth tea spoonful of salt mid two and one third cupfuls of (lour j alternate the flour in mixing with the creamed but ter and two-thirds of n cupful of milk. Bent well, add a tenspoonful of vanilla and the stiffly beaten es whites. Bake in two layers. For filling put three cupfuls of (onfectloiier's sugar In a bowl with one-fourth cupful of cream and beat until smooth. Add one table spoonful of lemon Juice and one table spoonful of finely minced pineapple. Spread the cake with melted butter, sprinkle with a tublesiHionful or two of chopped pineapple and cover with the tilling. Use it for Icing the top. This will make a delicious dessert using wl.ippw" cream over the cake. It may he baked In a sheet and cut In to squares If preferred. Butterscotch Caks Cr:im one-half cupful of l.uller wltli w cupful of sugar, mid iwo well li.-aten es.'K yolks, add two-thirds of a cupful of milk alternately with two pupfuis of flour sifted with three teiispoonfuls pf bak ing powder, mie fiinrtli (espooufu of salt. Iteat well, add n flavoring of vanilla and fold In the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Hake id two layer tins. Ice the cake with the following: Two cupfula of light sirup, one-half cupful of butter, one-half cupful of milk. IV until It forma a soft ball in cold water. Cool without stirring. When almost cold spread n the cake. Ihvorale the top with nut meats. A delirious tilllnu w hich bus a name which peaks for Itself Is Gentlemen's Favorite. Orate a tart apple a ripe duchess Is one of the best. Add sugar to taste and one egg white unbeaten. IVat until creamy and spread on layers and top of cake DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon Now Is the TIME "Pink's" is the PLACE to put Fresh Oil in the crankcase "Pink's" Place, Third Street Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work Prices Reasonable Athena, Oregon COAST RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer' to Consumer Buy Collectively" Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington Why suffer with tired, aching feet? Regardless of their condition, I can help you E. M. M0REMEN , Foot Correctionist 22 W. Main St. Walla Walla Twin City Cleaners The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the owest Prices Consistent with .expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris Phone 583 T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon -SiDUl III i r I n a. r-in ilm L 111 The Gun Man I make a specialty of SPRAY-Painting Barns Houses Elevators Mills or anything that you might have to paint. CALL me for an estimate J. P. McCarroil 404 Bellevue Thone S017 Collect Walla Walla, Wash. Reduction In Electric Light Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates, will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929; Residential Rates First 30 KWH hours used, per month-.lOc per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH The above rates apply when bills are paid in full wfthin 10 days irom date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. . - ' r Commercial Rates First 100 KWH used per month 10c per KWH Next 200 ....7cperKWH Next 300 6c per KWH Next 400 5c per KWH Next 1000 .4c per KWH ExCTehSAh0ver ?mri 3c per KWH fimH!tSrfi,Tlte,rlSply when bills are paid in full wfthin 10 days Preston-Shaffer Milling Company Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, OREGON, Announces that it has cora-pieted the' organ ization of a .' ' Trust Pepartrpent and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac- Just think what 37 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate. ' " Ask us for Information v rgt t