A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY . It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost , r 111 Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. - - VOLUME 50. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2. 1929 PEAK OF HARVEST HERE THIS WEEK Full Quota of Machines In Operation With Bulk of Crop Threshed. NUMBER 31 With the full quota of machinery in operation this week the. 1929 Ath ena wheat crop has passed the peak of harvesting. .JThe weather has htn ideal for the work, and due, to the fact .that machinery instead of horsei does the harvesting now and trans ports the grain to storage, every thing has been going in. "high," with the result that the crop is being sav ed with small chance of any loss from unforeseen weather conditions. The completest and most efficient threshing outfits in the world are now to be seen operating on Athena wheat ranches. ' Combines equipped with bulk grain attachments, pulled .by caterpillar tractors,, transfer the grain to trucks which whirl back and forth between machine and elevator: you just simply can't beat them. Threshing outfits in this vicinity gave the Farmers - Grain . Elevator company plant a real workout' Wed nesday, when at times the lower end of Main street was blocked by wheat trucks waiting in turn to dump at the scales. A total of 411 truck loads of wheat passed on to the scales, dumped on the conveyors and passed into the storage bins approximate ly 27,000 bushels. Just one day's work, but it stands as the banner day for receiving wheat at the elevator, which this year made provision for receiving grain, by constructing ft new addition to the plank .. .. .... Harvest Notes Or the John Banister place east of Athena, ' a yield of 87 bushels per acre is reported, ;. jJ Carl Sheard finished harvesting his Federation crop Saturday noon. Carl's crop averaged 57 bushels per acre. . Ernest Haynie's. Federation acreage nortjh of Athena averaged 61 bushels, it is. reported. This is the- highest yield yet reported the Press. Two grain fires, in the Walla Walla , valley, one Sunday and one Monday v destroyed about 6Q pr 7Q acres of standing grain, approximately 1600 sacks of harvested wheat and a large expanse of staihhle field. The ex treme hi Feather lifts rendered the wheat very dry,. is reposed, and the danger front fire a great at pres ent ' '' ; " An eighty acre fied on Mrs. Lila Kjrji's farm' averaged 2 bushels per ' acre. ; George Sheard's prop of wheat averaged 6114 hushels per acre. Te Dudtey foome ' place, east of own, cropped 55 bushels per acre. Frank Copppcks fleld. averaged a Jittle better than 47 bushels per acre. . A. Q. Crawford had an average yield of 49 hiishejs. Wheat on the jqhn Walker farm, south of town, is credited with a yield of 53 bushels per acre. W. O. Read threshed an average of 48 bushels. , Laurence Pinkerton's field averaged 42 bushels per acre. Heat Wave Increases . As Fire Hazards Mount ' The first real heat wave of the sum mer began Monday, increased Tues day and waved so strong Wednesday f;t 'Athena thermometers registered as' hjgh S 1?6: Press office he hottest spot in Oregon 3 reliable instrument recorded Ifji plus. The mark of 106 is thought to be the maximum for the summer here. Starting with a reading of 83 at 7 o'clock,' Wednesday morning, after an excessively warm night for this alti tude, at 1 p. m., the 96 point had been reached. At 3 p. m., the top notch of the day was recorded. Increased danger from forest fires has resulted from the excessive heat which has further dried up the in flamable undergrowth already reduc ed to a very dry degree by continued drouth in the mountains. Forest fcnfijjortyies are prevailing on vaca typ'pjists and campers o exercise ex treme caution u'n !l such time as rain cp,mgs b relieve he situation. Ifl the lumber districts "it i expect ed thaf ft Vhr?Fdg will he declared and action taken to guard the tim ber interests. Shoe Caught; Woman KilW Trapped on the tracks by her shoe, which had caught under rail, Mrs. Zola Hook, 26, of Moscow, Idaho, was killed by a freight train at a crossing in Pullman,, Washington, reports to the coroner said. No one saw the ac cident; ' buf - investigators found her shoe at the crossing, and a piece of e height engine" carried, the pody A. A. Foes was in town Tuesday from his Walla Walla valley farm. Is St. Louis Robin Down - Endurance Flight Ends With AlHRecords Beat Cramped in a plana for 420 hours, flying a distance equal to the circum ference of the earth, exceeding more than seven full days the previous record, the St. Louis Robin was brought down Tuesday evening by its victorious pilots, Dale Jackson and Forest O'Brien. , The plane landed in the giare 'of floodlights around the field. Flight officials and members of the ground crew assisted' the fliers - from the plane and with the assistance of guards . made a ; lane t f hrough the A few moments later O'Brincsand Jackson were examined by- physicians and entered an automobile which took them to a - downtown hotel, where they were to take rest after speak ing over the radio in a nation-wide hookup. - --' i i Both- men were pronounced in ex' cellent physical condition. : O'Brine had gained two pounds since he and Jackson went up July 13, scaling 140 pounds tonight as against 138 pounds when the flight began. Jackson's weight was the same as it was when he went -aloft, 154 pounds. The heart action of both men was pronounced i normal .sand;-physicians said their hearing was normal. They conversed with reporters and friends in the hangar. ' ' ' ' Jackson told newspaper men he thought they could have flown the St, Louis Robin 300 hours longer, O'Brine declared they could ;. take the same plane as it now stands and break their own record. ; i.i Both men agreed that their biggest thrill of the entire flight was late to day when they flew low over the field and saw a crowd of 8000 to 10,000 watchers standing in the rain wanting to see them land. Both said the first 100 hours of flying was the hardest and after that it was not bad at all. Making Whoopie Back in Grandma's Day Was Lots of Fun too, Say These Happy Pioneers An Interesting Meeting . The W. C. T. U. held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Kirby,. Adams, Tuesday. Eighteen members were present and the guests were - Mrs. Jj. V. ueualien, Mrs. Shotts, Mrs, W. McPheraon., Mrs. A. H. Curtis and Mrs, Crane, After the regular business session a very in teresting talk on the effective work of the W, C. T, U, in Pennsylvania, was given by Mrs. A- H, Curtfe of Wayne County, Penn., who is visiting her sister Mrs. Barney Foster. An en. tertaimng program prepared by Mrs. iiarence lubns or rendleton, was given by a few of the members, after which dainty refreshments were ser ved, by Mrs. Chas. Betts and Mrs. C. L. McFadden. The next meeting will be held at the home 0f Mrs. C. L. McFadden, on the Jas Tuesday in August at which time a talk will be given by a representative of the Boys and Girls International Anti- Cigarette League of Chjcago. Here From South Dakota Mr. and Mrs. Justin Harwood have returned to Athena to permanently reside here. They came Monday from Huron, South Dakota, where they went when leaving Athena over a year ago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Har wood are glad to be in Oregon again. South Dakota is not so good this year. Drought seriously affected the crops in that state. Mr. Harwood will en gage in painting and decorating in Ainena. . Grain and Truck Burn A fire which for a time threatened destruction of the the buildings on the Alex McKenzie farm near Adams, Tuesday, destroyed acreage of stand ing wheat and ' a farm truck- The fire is supposed to have started from the exhaust of the truck which was being driven through stubble. The fire spread with such rapidity that the driver could not save the truck. Men from Adams helped in battling the flames and saved the farm building?. Water Becoming Scarce Water is becoming scarce in farm wells in this vicinity, and the ser vices of Johnny Hoey are consequent ly in demand. Johnny recently com pleted, digging a well on the Francis Lieuallen ranch, south of Adams. A plentiful supply of water was en countered at a depth of 6,0 feef. the 29, Clerkship J. F. Kershaw has resigned clerkship of School District No. and of Union high school District No. 7. The school boards met and elect ed Chase Garfield to fill both va cancies, and Mr. Garfield hay quali fied and is now clerk for the two dis trict boards. Portland Takes Game Ontario, which defeated the Milton- Freewater Legion ball teari at Baker. was in turn defeated by th Portland juveniles at Fpndlefcra Bonnd-Up park, Sunday, jStfli Ne Open Seatton The Walla Walla county game com mission has decreed there will be no open season on upland birds in Wal la Walla county this year. f fC- "Hir V ;,K? i N CAlk1fr ! SCOUTS ENJOYING THEIR JAMBOREE England Is . Host To Four Hundred Fifty Acres v'i!',:r'l::r of Boys. v-uVn HW..5i:L of last what th. pioneer. n,na. i ... , ... . . . .--" ... ucmuiiai.iai.iun ui jubi wnai me pioneers aid lor VSEZ? JJJJl. ?" '"terfere with their particular brand of- w.AM t M! ni " vwvi.vw uunKv miss mry uicmarc ana miss ijerths Waldorf, q.Avaisa viairc vuriis, - old days. 1 he photo was taken at thecal Young ranch, and the covered wagon is a real one, just like they used in the rood Still Higher Prices Forecast For Wheat The State Market Agent bulletin draws attention to what may be ex pected in the wheat market as set forth by Charles D. Micheals, . the Chicago Tribune's market writer, who says: r-v ,"' ; . "Not only are crops in the American and Canadian northwest facing the most serious drought in years with production regarded as cut down 50 per cent and possibly more, but there is drought in Argentina, South China, Australia and the central and New England states of this country, and is also spreading in Europe.. 'It presents a most serious world situation as regards supplies Of wheat and changes the position to the most bullish known. This means higher prices ultimately, with a close adjust ment of world'r supplies to require ments. It is expected to force foreign ers, who are said to have delayed, buying when Prices were down, to nay 50 cents, and possibly 70 cents higher or more, before the end of the season. One new fact of which is consid ered as bullish is the attitude of the new federal relief board in forming a ?o,uoo,ooo co-operative corporation to handle wheat. It means the main tenance of a higher standard of price levels lor wheat, which should be re flected in all agricultural commod ities."' . v ., , ...? Promotion of Team Work Aim of Board Declares Its Chairman Rev. Dow Honored Last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kibbey entertained at their home fifteen youngsters j and seven aauifs.in Honor fit thejr, son Paul and Rev. Dow's birthdays. Paul was the recipiept of many little use ful gifts. Wafers and Ice cream were served the children, while the adults n joyed the huge birthday cake that the hostess prepared for Mr. Dow. it having the 42 candles neatly arrang ed on it. As a complete surprise, Mrs. Kibbey also presented Mr. Dow with the birthday offering: ($22.78) that she had so successfully raised a few days prior. Mr. Pow fixprs'sed his sincere gratitude to 'aril $e partici pants in f he pifering. " A mjs$ enjoy able afternoon was reported by all present. '' " 5 ' - 5 with a Of his fn Hospital Flint Johns is afflicted swelling on the right side throatand has been in ft Walla Walla hoepital this week receiving treat ment. Several months ago a hard lump formed and little attention was given it at the time, and last week a severe swelling took place, with the result that Mr. Johns was forced to leave the harvest field for the hospital. Dr. Sharp Home' Dr. S. F. Sharn "returned home Sun day from the hdsuj";al Vv'hW he was confined for neyeral fofs. The doc- wr fomewpai mp?ovefl, but u yet unable to resume regular practice. Three Snake Bitten James Wimp who was bitten bv a rattlesnake on a Redmond ranch sev eral days ago, is recovering. Wimp as the third man to be snake bit this season on the lame ranch. Outlining the policy of the federal farm board, Chairman Legge has de clared before the American Institute of Co-operative movement: ' "The federal farifi board, as now or ganized, is not going to buy or sell any commodity, agricultural or other wise," Mr. Legge said. "It is our duty to assist you in doing a better job of it yourselves. ? True, while we are as sisting you, we will want to have some voice in the trasaction,i par ticularly when, you call, for govern ment funds to aid in the operation. "It is probable that you may find this board of real assistance, even though you may not need financial aid. The board will provide a con tract between organized farmers and the . government and any organized group may come to the board for counsel, advice and assistance. , "There are many people who think the board's activities should be di rected to the arbitrary raising of the price level for agricultural products. The board cannot raise prices arbi trarily. Prices, as , has been said many times, are determined by' basic economic conditions. What the board hopes to do is to assist farmers to become better ahle to compete with other groups in the markets of the nation and the World. It expects by aiding in the development of co-operative associations to make possible economies in marketing and stabilize marketing conditions, and to assist farmers to obtain their just share of the national income. , 1 "The farmers and the bublic must be patient," concluded the chairman. "The problems of agriculture are of long standing and cannot be solved overnight." ; Veterans of 2nd Oregon Plan for Annual Reunion Men of the Second Oregon regi ment, who on August 13, 31 years ago participated in the capture of Manila from the Spanish, will hold their an nual reunion in commemoration of that event Sunday, August.lll, at Laurelhtirst park, Portland. The meeting will open at 1 o'clock with mess call, followed an hour later by invocation, offered by Colonel W. S. Gilbert, and the address of welcome from Colonel Percy Willis, president of the Second Regiment Veterans' association. Names of com rades who have died since the last reunion will be read,- und taps will be blown in their memory. - Governor Patterson will deliver the principal address. The meeting will close with the reading of resolutions and the election i of , officers. : Com rades from many Oregon cities arc expected to attend. , , , , The Manila Times, reunion paper of the organization, tells how the Second Oregon regiment "was among the first to enter Manila when it Was captured. The regiment also had the honor of pulling down the Spanish flag and hoisting the Stars and Stripes on the citadel. - For a number of years Laurelhurst park has been the scene of the regi ment's reunion on the Sunday nearest the anniversary of Manila's capture. New Gasoline Process Gasoline extraction of 100 ner cent by weight and a. lightly greater amount by volume from crude oil so heavy t.hftt it yields no gasoline, when put through the edd-jfasbioned refin ing stills, has been accomplished by the Standard. Oil company . of New Jersey, using- the new hydrogenation process. This compares with ap proximately a 60 per cent recovery possible in the more modern cracking plants- now generally in use. Chamber Votes $2500 Directors of the Portland Chamber of Commerce have voted an appro priation of $2500 to further the work of the Umatilla Rapids association. As agreed at a meeting Monday, the money will be turned, over to the Co lumbia Valley, association and then re-allocated to the Umatilla project as a unit in the general river develop men program. Bolt Strikes Bend Man Charles Rude. 44. was killed .and five fellow workers narrowly escaped death at Bend, when a bolt of light ning struck the yards of the Brooks Scanlon Lumber company. The bolt that killed the mill worker was one of at least a dozen that hit in or near Bend, shattering trees at the base of Pilot butte, and starting several for est fire's. .X Wheat Scores Gain Chicago reported the heaviest ex port demand for cash wheat so far this season, with Bales of domestic winters estimated at 2,000,000 bushels or more, with claims of 500,000 to 1,000,000 barrels of flour having also been taken, combined with the pur chase of 1,000,000 barrels of flour in the. southwest by the Ward Baking company, brought about a complete reversal of sentiment in the wheat market yesterday. Prices advanced over 4c a bushel in about half an hour, following a small dip at the opening. Wheat prices as quoted in Athena yesterday: White, $1.21 for sacked, $1.18 for bulk; red, f 1.17 for sacked, $1.14 for bulk. . "Wolf Song" Tomorrow Night Gary Cooper and Lupe Velez will be seen tomorrow and Sunday nights at the Standard Theatre In Para mount's big picture of the open spaces, "Wolf Song." Louis Wolheim co-stars with Cooper and Velez in this fine photoplay with its Spanish Mexican plot laid in the great out doors. Mrs. Pinkerton will be at the piano and three reels of news, sports and comedy are on the program. Farmers Selling Wheat f . Walla Walla wheat eales continued to mount Wednesday with the total sales for the last four days reaching In the neighborhood' of 625,000 bush els. Shipments are being made stead ily, most of the wheat going to Port land, reports the Union. Consider able wheat is being shipped . in the bulk this year, several of the dealers having adopted this system entirely. A l'rt For Boardman The United States commercial air service-has leased a tract land for a landing field at Boai'dman. Heavy List Is Given To the Livestock Show Inclusion . of the Pacific Interna tional Livestock exposition on the largest and most attractive circuit ever arranged for the west is ex pected to make this t year's show,, October 26 to November 2, a record breaker for attendance. A. C. Ruby, president, announces completion of all stake subscriptions and horse show classifications will be ready for dis tribution within the next week. Th circuit begins in Palo Alto August 3, and than follow in order, the Stockton show, Sacramento state fair, two shows in southern Califor nia, Salem state fair, Seattle Inter national, October 12 to 19, and, the Pacific International. Following the eAposition a special train will be made up to go to the Kansas national horse show at Wichita, from there to the American royal at Kansas City, and winding up at the international in Chicago the first week in December. - More than $35,000 will show in this year's premium liHt, placing the Pa cific , International once more among the outstanding shows of its kind in the country. . Nearly 100 classes have been listed. Matinees will be given Thursday, Friday and Saturday of ex position week, prominently identi fied with Mr. Ruby in charge of this year's show are H. V. Alward, Paul S. Dick, Julius Meier and O. M. Plum mer, secretary. - i; A special horse show train will leave the east over the Milwaukee system in time to make the Seattle show, and the usual Pacific Interna tional special will start about two weeks later, leaving St Louis October 18 ' ,; Athena Boy Scouts will be interest ed to know that 1300 American Scouts are enjoying the international " Boy Scout! Jamboree : in 'Arrowe Park, England, i' --" n ;i According1 to an Associated Pi-pss report, four hundred and fifty acres of Doys, tneir entnusiasm undampered by rainv Rkiea. are waif i Tier tfio nuinmi, of the Boy Scouts world jamboree. Flftv thousand scouts from ' 42 ' na. tions, including 1300 American boys, are camned at- Arrowe nark. - -Insf. 7 f w - across the Mersey river from Liver pool.' ' ' " - ' '-. ' Most of the ; Americans , received their baptism of English wet weather when they : arrived ; late r Sunday. Dampness, however, neither crippled their camn-makino- skill nor took th edge off their appetite. In fact Quartermaster Harvey Gordon of the American contingent descrihed th an. petite of the young scouts as simply ravenous. , ,..;.:';., ;:":"; . The 49.000 other scouts alo an. peared to bo excellent eaters, judged by the cosmopolitan crowd always hanging around the windows of the baker's shoo in the auaint enmn mar ket place, where the boys can buy anything in any language. The camp even has an international bank wViora the scouts can cash checks of all na tions and change American dimes or Russian rubles into KnclUri am all change. , r - The (Treat pamn wilt ha formally bv the duke nf rnnnnnn-ht whose speech will be followed hw n address by Sir Robert Baden-Fowell, fz-year-old founder of the scout movement : . The prince of Wales will visit the camp. ' He will stay overnight and will. b the central figure of a grand rally ef scouts of all nations. : The jamboree ends August 13. Prune Marketing Studied ' William A. Schoenfeld, northwest representative of the United States department of agriculture, located at Portland, and W. H. Kipp manager of the marketing department of the Portland chamber, will be in the Walla Walla valley next Tuesday and Wednesday to meet shippers and growers and discuss improved distri bution for this year's prune crop. Growers and shippers of the Yakima valley and of southern Idaho are be ing invited to attend. Market Road Completed The South Cold Springs market road, four miles in length, connecting with the Pendleton-Cold Springs high way, will be completed this week. The road is graded and graveled ac cording to market road specifications. The crew will move to the Mission neighborhood where it will gravel four milea of the South Miuuion mar ket road.. . - ' . ' i , Weston Resident Involved . Albert Piersol. resident of Weston. was arrested Saturdav nieht hv mem bers of the Umatilla county sheriff's office and turned over to Walla Walla county .'authorities as a suspect in a wool stealing case. Albert Germaine and G. L. Bisbee were arrested at Zillah, Wash., Wednesday of last week and are in jail at Walla Walla on similar charges. Piersol admits knowing Germaine, but denies con nection with wool thefts. Piersol and Germaine entered a plea of guilty in Superior court at Walla Walla Tues- day, and were sentenced to serve six months to fifteen years in the peni tentiary. Bisbee denied connection with the theft and will stand trial. Dr. Raymond M. Rice Will Locate In Athena Dr. Raymond M. Rlffl. lata of Kan Dieeo. California, is cominc to Ath ena to locate permanently to practice surgery and medicine. Dr. and Mrs. Rice were in Athena Tuesday and selected the Gross residence on Fifth street to live in. Dr. Rice will locate in the offices on Main street formerly occupied by Dr. Cowan. He is a graduate of th University of Oregon, class of 1923, (B. S.) and of the University of Ore gon medical school, class of 1927, (M. D.) ' ' The doctor served his internshlD aL Emanuel hospital. Portland, and was later resident physician in surgery in the ban Diego County General Hospital. Worms Attack Flowers At a number of homes in Athena worms have attacked the foliage and roots of flowers and shrubs to the ex tent that serious damage has result ed. A long measuring worm has made, lace work of leaves and a white grub or cut worm has been working at the roots. Some choice shrubs and plants have been . destroyed by these pests, which heretofore have not made their appearance heve in large numbers. William G. Smith William G. Smith, 70, retired farm er, died at his home near Whitman station, Tuesday. He had farmed in that section for 40 years. He leaves his widow and five children. Farm Buildings Burn Two barns and a bunk house burn ed Monday on the Walt Cresswcll ranch, northwest of Pendleton. The fire is the third td viuit the Cre'sswc!! plac bi-tblail three yeVa. Hurt In Accident Mrs. Anna Wineland, sister of Mrs. Andy Rothrock was injured in an automobile accident when returning to her home at, Walla Walla from Athena, Saturday last. The Wineland car was struck in the rear by another driven by a man who is said to have been clearly at fault. Mrs. Wineland was not seriously injured. ' ' . Twenty-Three Fires Reported Twenty-three forest fires were burn ing along tho eastern crest of the Cascades Wednesday, but all wen under control. The timber fires ws.. started by the series of electric 'sti--. ;.. that caused over central Cir'r'r'rin T.I..-.. day any TiTe'sHay nfghfa.